Now that the SuperCoach competition has opened, let’s take a look at some typical fan-made squads.
I probably haven’t done enough of this in years past. I have a particular way of rating Dream Teams and SuperCoach squads, which starts with a perfect 10/10 and lops points off for bad players, bad structures and overall mediocrity. I give out very few 10s, especially early doors.
(There is an AFL Dream Team version of this post.)
Let’s rip right into it with three teams from the Rate My SuperCoach forum on this very site. plugger36’s squad is first under the microscope with $1,300 in cash left over:
Luke Hodge, Sam Fisher, Andrew Carrazzo, Corey Enright, Tadhg Kennelly, Marcus Drum, Jackson Trengove
Matt Maguire, Jake CarlisleDane Swan, Bernie Vince, Brad Sewell, Shaun Burgoyne, Brent Prismall, Dustin Martin
Ryan Bastinac, Koby StevensDarren Jolly, Shane Mumford
Matthew Lobbe, Wayde SkipperRyan O’Keefe, Nick Riewoldt, Lance Franklin, Brad Johnson, Brent Harvey, Brent Staker, Phil Davis
Scott Gumbleton, James Podsiadly
Typical line and length first up, with one rookie in each position. Wait, what is Mummify doing in the rucks (-1)? Bad, bad plugger36. Never pick a #2 ruck in his own side to start as your fantasy ruck. Mumford’s numbers from last year were bloated by getting easy kicks during big Geelong wins, he’s going to have to work a lot harder for possessions at the Swans. I personally don’t like Sewell this year due to him returning to a strictly defensive role with Sam Mitchell‘s return to midfield, so I don’t think he has upside (-0.5). The forward line is too old, with Johnson, Harvey and Staker all probably on the downward slide, so I’ll dock (-1) for tending on the geriatric side. 7.5/10
Next victim…. I mean candidate is Jugganaut, who didn’t record his cash reserves.
Brendon Goddard, Brian Lake, Michael Johnson, Andrew Mackie, Harry Taylor, Nick Malceski, Daniel Talia
Phil Davis, Jake CarlisleGary Ablett jnr, Joel Selwood, Ryan O’Keefe, Bryce Gibbs, Rhys Palmer, Tom Scully
Anthony Morabito, Ryan BastinacDavid Hille, Robert Warnock
Jackson Trengove, Nathan VardyAdam Goodes, Nick Riewoldt, Matthew Pavlich, Jarrad Waite, Barry Hall, Kyle Reimers, Gary Rohan
Trent Dennis-Lane, James Podsiadly
Okay, maybe a few too many key position backmen but in SC that’s not so bad. Another trio of rookie starters spread over three positions, I sense a trend forming here. Eurgh… what is that smell coming from the ruck division? That is godawful. Warnock (-1) is not startable at this stage given the uncertainty over the ruck depth chart at the Cardboard Cave. Reports from the Essendon intra-club match speak of Hille (-1) swearing like a trooper (presumably from pain) with a visibly reddened knee while playing at full forward. He’s not a fantasy factor early this season as he rides the rollercoaster down, though he may be a good “buy low” target later. Similarly, Waite (-1) is unlikely to burst out of the gates even if he does play early, and he’s best left as a midseason pickup. Reimers… hmm, maybe I’ll let that one through to the keeper. Rohan (-1), though, will not play early and may not play this year at all according to coach Roos. Finally, there is no good reason for ROK to be in the centres (-0.5). 5.5/10
Last of all from the forums, we have Aidans Blues who also didn’t record his salary cap remainders.
Chris Newman, Corey Enright, Lindsay Gilbee, Luke Hodge, Tadhg Kennelly, Rick Ladson, Brad Sheppard
Lukas Markovic, Phil DavisBryce Gibbs, Scott Pendlebury, Bernie Vince, Brock McLean, Dustin Martin, Jack Trengove
Luke Shuey, Ryan BastinacMatthew Kreuzer, Aaron Sandilands
Matthew Lobbe, James CraigColin Sylvia, Nick Riewoldt, Matthew Pavlich, Kurt Tippett, Jarrad Waite, Patrick Dangerfield, Jack Ziebell
Scott Gumbleton, Luke Tapscott
Not a hell of a lot wrong with this side. Its captain options are numerous but perhaps not at the highest possible level, though maybe he’ll get lucky with his choices. This squad is a little too solid, in that a number of its keepers aren’t quite at absolute premium status and aren’t likely to get there. I still don’t like Waite (-1) and Tippett (-0.5) to start with. It’s asking a lot of Ladson and Sheppard to hold up in the first eight games or so. Otherwise, this is a side set up to win a league and not to challenge for any broom-broom cars. 8.5/10
Now let’s move to the Fanplanner and pick three teams at random from the last 50 completed teams. The first one has $57,500 left.
Simon Goodwin, Greg Broughton, Sam Fisher, Luke Hodge, Beau Waters, Matt Maguire, Jackson Trengove
Jeromey Webberley, Stewart CrameriGary Ablett jnr, Brendon Goddard, Ryan O’Keefe, Jobe Watson, Daniel Kerr, Jack Trengove
Dustin Martin, Michael BarlowDean Cox, Aaron Sandilands
Matthew Lobbe, Ayce CordyNick Riewoldt, Matthew Pavlich, Brent Harvey, Lance Franklin, Sean Rusling, Trent Dennis-Lane, James Podsiadly
Jack Watts, Scott Gumbleton
I’m glad this team came out of my random picks because it illustrates a point where I think the mainstream of fantasy footy thought is a bit wrong-headed. Apart from playing Goddard and ROK out of position for no good reason (-0.5 and -0.5), the centres are too top-heavy which means way too many unreliable cheap and rookie options left to start in the backs and forwards. I’d rather have the likes of Martin starting than TDL or Trengove. Sure, you can look at that Ultimate Dream Team from this year’s Prospectus and how it started with four 90+ premiums and two mid-pricers, but that’s with the benefit of hindsight. Here in the real world of the present, I don’t think you need more than two 100-or-over-priced premium centres for captaincy purposes, and the rest should be mid-pricers. Under the above structure, you’re relying on the highly unstable Waters and Maguire along with a couple of kids to fill three starting spots, and similarly in the forwards with the oft-injured Rusling and too many talls for comfort. I know the mid-priced centres are a bit light on this year, but surely there is better value in moving ROK and BJ to their natural position, which is not the centre. I have to dock for starting Waters (-1), Maguire (-1), Rusling (-1) and Podsiadly (-1). 5/10
Brendon Goddard, Corey Enright, Shannon Hurn, Nick Maxwell, Luke Hodge, Nick Suban, Levi Greenwood
Phil Davis, Jeromey WebberleyJoel Selwood, Brett Deledio, David Armitage, Callan Ward, Jack Trengove, Dustin Martin
Jake Melksham, Ryan BastinacMatthew Kreuzer, Shane Mumford
Robert Warnock, Matthew LobbeNick Riewoldt, Shaun Higgins, Mark LeCras, Kurt Tippett, Patrick Dangerfield, Jack Ziebell, Chris Yarran
David Astbury, Luke Tapscott
No, I still don’t like The Mummy (-1) in there and a slightly more expensive premium as prime captain would be handy (-0.5). This side has some interesting uniques though, so I like it on the whole. LeCras and Yarran… hmm. Not sure about them. Worth a shot though. I am sure some people will see Maxwell in there and expect me to arc up about it, but he’s fairly solid as a back keeper in SC. 8.5/10
Last but not least, this one has $24,000 in the bank.
Brendon Goddard, Corey Enright, Tadhg Kennelly, Colin Garland, Rick Ladson, Josh Hunt, Brad Sheppard
Mitch Farmer, Jackson TrengoveGary Ablett jnr, Bryce Gibbs, Chance Bateman, Bradd Dalziell, Rhys Palmer, Jack Trengove
Dustin Martin, Ryan BastinacDarren Jolly, Matthew Kreuzer
Robert Warnock, Matthew LobbeAdam Goodes, Nick Riewoldt, Shaun Higgins, Brent Harvey, Cyril Rioli, Barry Hall, Austin Wonaeamirri
Phil Davis, Trent Dennis-Lane
I don’t expect Wona (-1) to play early. Other than that there’s a lot to recommend this sort of side. The NAB Cup AFL Record, via their anonymous expert Mr Fantasy, is a big supporter of Garland (-0.5) for some reason. I can’t see it myself. Sure, he scored well in his one game last year before getting injured and he’s got a generous 40% discount, but his 2008 was terrible for fantasy purposes with full TOG. I suppose if Jack Grimes is going to move into midfield then someone needs to take up the slack, but is it going to be a tall? Big call based on one game. Along with Bateman (-0.5) there are still some non-premium players whose upside I would question. 8/10

February 10, 2010 at 10:12 pm
thanks for the input monty
have changed a few things I now have.
B: B: Enright, Hodge, Adcock, Symes, Kennelly, Suban, Josh Hunt (P Davis, J Blight)
C: Ablett, Mitchell, Cooney, Dalziell, Martin, Morabito (Cunnington, Bastinac)
R: Jolly, Ottens (Warnock, Lobbe)
F: Riewoldt, Pavlich, Giansiracusa, Gray, Osborne, Dangerfield, Ziebell, (Tapscott, Podsiadlly)
fits nicely into the cap with just $100 left over.
February 11, 2010 at 12:24 am
Hey Monty, rate my team!:
Goddard, Hodge, MacDonald, McLeod, Waite, Kennelly, Waters
emg: Maguire, Davis
Ablett, Thompson, Cooney, Palmer, Martin, Morabito
emg: Schuey, Bastinac
Tippett, Ottens
emg: West, Lobbe
O’Keefe, Pavlich, Higgins, B.Johnson, Giansiracusa, Knights, Burton
emg: Tapscott, Dennis-Lane
February 11, 2010 at 12:36 am
sorry houli instead of mcleod above with 71,900 left over in the bank.
February 11, 2010 at 5:29 pm
What do you reckon,
Will look a Drummond downgrade/Sheppard upgrade and emergency rookies following NAB Cup.
B – Duffield, Fisher, Drummond, Greenwood, Henderson, Ladson, Sheppard (Maguire, Webberley)
C – Ablett, Selwood, Hodge, Higgins, Trengrove, Martin, (Morabiato, Bastiac)
F -Reiwolt, Goodes, Pavlich, Tippett, Gray, Dangerfield, Medhurst (Dennis-Lane, Davis)
R – Kreuzer, Hille (Skipper, Lobbe)
Multi Position Players
R/F (Lobbe – Tippett)
F/D (Davis – Henderson)
D/C (Ladson/Greenwood – Hodge)
C/F (Higgins – Dangerfield/Goodes/Pavlich)
February 11, 2010 at 6:37 pm
i think u may have a few queries with mine…taken a few risks but i figure if they play coupla decent games (espically rusling and raines) itll be easy upgrades
BKS: B. Lake, L. Hodge, J. Kelly, B. Guerra, T. Kennelly, A. Everitt, A. Raines
emergencies: M. Mguire, Jackson Trengrove
MID: D. Swan, A. Cooney, L. Ball, S, Burgoyne, T. Cotchin, J. Ziebell
emergencies: Jack Trengrove, M. Wight
RKS: D. Jolly, K. Tippet
emergencies: w. sullivan, s. mcnamara
FWD: N. Riewoldt, A. Didak, L. Franklin, J. Waite, B. Hall, R. Murphy, S. Rusling
emergencies: S. Gumbleton, N. Westhoff
be greatful u get time to revew (im aware of all the injury concerns)
February 11, 2010 at 8:03 pm
Goddard, Enright, fisher, hodge, kennelly, hunt, ladson emerg sheppard maguire.
ablett, cooney, dalziell, trengrove, martin, morabito emerg barlow bastinac
riewoldt, pavlich ,franklin, knights, b.hall, dangerfield, ziebell emerg davis tapscott
Taking risk with rookie mids ill keep my eye out in the nab cup how they are travelling i just believe that rookie mids are better than rookie def and forwards.
February 11, 2010 at 8:07 pm
whoops rucks are sandilands, jolly
February 11, 2010 at 9:04 pm
Hey monty, rate my team please
B: Goddard Newman, Hurn
McMahon, Frawley, Hunt, Schoenmakers
E: Sheppard, Macguire
M: Ablett, Selwood, Cooney
Ziebell, Scully, Morabito
E: Martin, Malksham
R: Ottens, Luenberger
E: Charman, Warnock
F: Riewoldt, S Johnon, Franklin,
LeCras, Kennedy, Warren, Wonaeamirri
E: Watts, Ggmbleton
February 11, 2010 at 10:23 pm
goddard , enright , l.hodge , hurley , m.austin ,raines , j.nash . subs m.davies & crameri
ablett , goodes j.selwood ,pavlich ,c.masten , t.scully . subs j.trengrove & l.shuey
seaby , charman . subs lobbe & j.trengrove
chapman , franklin , waite , n.riewoldt ,didak , b.warren , j.butcher . subs p.davis & d. stewart
$500 left over
February 11, 2010 at 11:03 pm
Hey monty, rate my team please… think i have done ok thus far:
B: Harbrow, Symes, J Grimes, Gilbee, Kennelly, Ladson, Sheppard
E: Webbersley, J Trengrove
M: Ablett, Vince, Higgins, McGlynn, Dalziell, D Martin
E: Moribato, Bastinac
R: Petrie, Tippett
E:Lobbe, Warnock
F: N Riewoldt, J Riewoldt, Pavlich, Franklin, R Murphy, Ziebell, Woonaeemeri
E: Dennis-Lane, Davis
E: Watts, Ggmbleton
February 11, 2010 at 11:04 pm
oh and I had $190k in the bank for safe keepings
February 11, 2010 at 11:05 pm
crap… no watts and gumbleton
February 12, 2010 at 2:17 am
MrRiosWan: I would move Goddard back in place of Garland, move ROK forward in place of Gumby, upgrade Medders, start a second rookie centre, and buy whatever you can for your fourth mid with whatever is left over. 5/10
Macdog: Schoenmakers, Mumford and Watts… too young and not fantasy players yet. I realise you haven’t got any momney to upgrade them so you’ll have to downgrade a premium or two, probably Goodes in midfield. 6/10
patto 23: Downgrade Waite and upgrade Sheppard and Davis. 7/10
pyrox: It is looking great until you come to the two forward rookies in the 22. That will not do. In that team you don’t need Dalziell, use his cash to buy an 8th centre rookie and upgrade your sixth and seventh forwards. 7/10
Phaticus: You have enough cash to upgrade Schoenmakers to someone startable, plus pick one of Lids or Vince to upgrade slightly to a better captain option. Nearly there. 8/10
DrBill: Missed it by that much! Starting Gumby is your only flaw. You’re a little heavy in the backs so I’d trade Symes there to fund the Gumby upgrade. 9/10
pete_d: Why wait? Don’t start a back rookie at all, no need to this year. Get Medders out of there too. I’d swap Hodge into the backs for Drummond. Plus upgrade Hille. 6/10
eshaybrah: If you’re aware of all the concerns, why come to me with a deeply flawed side? Go back and start again. 0/10
Keetah: Okay, you’re starting three rookie mids which is risky, but I think you’ve nailed everything else so you get the gold star. 10/10
mickyp: Frawley, Schoenmakers, Ottens, Leuenberger, Steve Johnson, Wona… all mistakes in my opinion. 3/10
BOOMBA 17: To be frank, most of that team sucks, dude. Chuck it in, read my structure post and start over. 0/10
Chalkstar: You do realise Petrie is suspended for the first two games, don’t you? Sell Dalziell for a rookie and upgrade Sheppard and Wona. 6/10
February 12, 2010 at 9:28 am
Hi Monty,
Great if you can give some feedback
Goddard | Grimes | Kennelly | Malcceski | Hunt | Greenwood.
EM | Farmer | Talia
Ablett | Hayes | Masten | Cotchin | Martin | Palmer.
EM | Trengrove | Morabito
Sandilands | Kreuzer |
EM Warnock | Trengrove
N Reiwoldt | Davis | Fev | Higgins | Franklin | Dangerfield | Rohan
EM Davis | Gumbleton
February 12, 2010 at 9:30 am
Hi Monty, LOVE your work mate. Prolly one too many Adelaide players in my forward line. But ur thought would be very much appreciated, Thanks.
BACKS: Drummond, Broughton, Grima, Hurley, L.Mcpharlin, B.Sheppard, M.McGuire (EME:J.Weston, A.Hooper)
MIDS: Montagna (C), Selwood (VC), B.Moloney, S.Burgoyne, M.McVeigh, S.Sidebottom (EME: D.Martin, R.Bastinac)
RUCKS: P.Rhyder, N.Naitanui (EMER: W.Skipper, J.Trengrove)
FWDS: Reiwoldt, R.O’keefe, K.Tippett, T.Hawkins, P.Dangerfield, B.Warren, T.Walker, (C. Hitchcock, S.Gumbleton)
February 12, 2010 at 9:34 am
Sorry, have $292,000 left in the kitty.
February 12, 2010 at 9:56 am
I’ve got $39K left over
February 12, 2010 at 10:02 am
Sorry, also should include a few first initials!
Hi Monty,
Great if you can give some feedback
Goddard | J. Grimes | Kennelly | Malceski | J Hunt | Greenwood.
EM |M Farmer | Talia
Ablett | Hayes | Masten | Cotchin | D Martin | R Palmer.
EM | Trengrove | Morabito
Sandilands | Kreuzer |
EM Warnock | Trengrove
N Reiwoldt | L Davis | Fev | Higgins | Franklin | Dangerfield | Rohan
EM P Davis | Gumbleton
$39k left over
February 12, 2010 at 11:58 am
Please Review My Team
1. Drummond,J
2. Broughton,G
3. Shaw,H
4. Hodge,L
5. Kennelly,T
6. Ladson,R
7. Maguire,M
8. Ablett,G
9. Pendlebury,S
10. Cross,D
11. Deledio,B
12. Trengove,J
13. Martin,D
14. Jolly,D
15. Naitanui,N
16. Riewoldt,N
17. O’Keefe,R
18. Franklin,L
19. Giansiracusa,D
20. Ziebell,J
21. Dangerfield,P
22. Watts,J
February 12, 2010 at 12:39 pm
Hi Monty
Respect your feedback and thank you in advance
S.Fisher, L Hodge, C Cornes, L Gilbee, T Kennelly, R Ladson, L Greenwood
EM M Farmer, M Maguire
D Swan, A Cooney, S Bourgoyne, C Masten, J Trengove, D Martin
EM A Morabito, R Bastinac
D Jolly, M Kreuzer
EM J Charman, M Lobbe
A Goodes, B Harvey, L Franklin, R Gray, R Murphy, P Dangerfield, J Watts
EM G Rohan, S Gumbleton
With 278400 in the bank
February 12, 2010 at 2:31 pm
Hi Monty
Respect your feedback and thank you in advance
B Gooddard , S Goodwin, C Enright, J Hunt, S Prestigiacomo, X Clarke, M maguire
EM P Davis , J Trengrove
G Ablet, J Selwood, J watson, L Ball, L Greenwood, T Scully
EM L Melkshan, R Bastinac
D Cox, K Tippet
EM R wamock, W Skipper
S Johnson, D Bradshaw, L Franklin, B Hall, J Ziebell, S Rusling, J Watts
EM T Dennis-Lane, J Podsiadly
With 533,200 in the bank
February 12, 2010 at 3:32 pm
Hi Monty
Thanks for this
S Fisher, L Hodge, C Cornes, L Gilbee, T Kennelly, R Ladson, L Greenwood
EM M Farmer, M Maguire
D Swan, A Cooney, S Burgoyne, C Masten, J Trengove, D Martin
EM A Morabito, R Bastinac
D Jolly, M Kruezer
Em J Charman, M Lobbe
A Goodes, B Harvey, L Franklin, R Gray, R murphy, P Dangerfield, J Watts
G Rohan, S Gumbleton
278400 in the bank
February 12, 2010 at 4:27 pm
Hi Monty,
Great if you can give some feedback
BACKS-S.Fisher, J.Adcock, L.Hodge, B.Symes, T.Kennelly, R.Ladsen, J.Trengove (P.Davies, M.Davies)
MIDS-D.Swan, J.Selwood, B.Dalziell, D.Mackay, T.Cotchin, D.Martin (R.Bastinac, T.Duryea)
RUCKS-D.Cox, B.Ottens (W.Skipper, M.Lobbe)
FWDS-A.Didak, J.Brown, S.Higgins, P.Dangerfield, C.Knights, L.Franklin, B.Hall (T.Dennis-Lane, L.Tapscott)
In There
February 12, 2010 at 5:47 pm
Hi Monty,
Second go at this, Can you please rate my team when you get a chance.
Goddard, Enright, H O’brien, J Hunt, Ladson, Greenwood, Maguire. SUBS Trengrove, P Davis.
Ablett, Vince, Palmer, Deledio, Sloan, Martin. SUBS Melksham, Bastinac.
RUCKS- Cox, Tippett SUBS Lobbe, Skipper
FORWARDS- Goodes, Pavlich, R O’Keefe, Lockyer, Franklin, Dangerfield, Walker. SUBS Tapscott, Podsidly.
$56,700 left over.
February 12, 2010 at 7:10 pm
Please rate my team.
1. Hodge, L
2. Houli, B
3. Kennelly, T
4. Petrenko, J
5. Ladson, R
6. Greenwood, L
7. Polak, G
23. Schoenmakers, R
24. Maguire, M
8. Ablett, G
9. Judd, C
10. Cooney, A
11. Rich, D
12. Burgoyne, S
13. Hill, S
25. Trengove, J
26. Martin, D
14. Sandilands, A
15. Tippett, K
27. Charman, J
28. Skipper, W
16. Fevola, B
17. Sylvia, C
18. Franklin, L
19. Hall, B
20. Dangerfield, P
21. Ziebell, J
22. Williams, M
29. Peterson, C
30. Jones, L
$2,600 left
February 12, 2010 at 7:32 pm
Hey monty, you totally destroyed my team earlier so i started again. What do you think now?
B: Goddard, Enright, Hodge, Gilbee, Kennelly, Greenwood, Sheppard??
E: T. Hunt, J. Trengove
M: Ablett, Pendlebury, Selwood, Prismall, Trengrove, Martin
E: Shuey, Bastinac
R: Tippett, Hille
E:Lobbe, Fitzpatrick
F: Riewoldt, Pavlich, Fevola, Franklin, Cloke, Dangerfield, Rohan
E: TDL, Tapscott
February 12, 2010 at 7:43 pm
Monty can you please comment on my team please
Subs will swap between each other when rd 1 comes
February 12, 2010 at 8:00 pm
Here is my team, please rate it:
Backs: Hodge, Mackie, Symes, Gram, Gilbee, Adcock. Reserves: Davis, Carlisle.
Midfield: MacKay, Cotchin, Ziebell, Palmer, Wells. Reserves: Scully, D Martin.
Forwardline: Franklin, Roughhead, Higgins, Slyvia, Knights, J Kennedy, Dangerfield. Reserves: Gumbleton, Watts.
Rucks: Tippett, Kruzer. Reserves: Lobbe, Trengrove.
February 12, 2010 at 8:15 pm
sorry m0nty, $12,400 in bank
February 12, 2010 at 11:16 pm
Bock, N
Duffield, P
Scarlett, M
Cheney, K
Malceski, N
Petrenko, J
Greenwood, L
Reserve Backs
Talia, D
Maguire, M
Ablett, G
Mitchell, S
Hodge, L
Kerr, D
Wells, D
Scully, T
Midfield Reserves
Trengove, J
Cunnington, B
Ottens, B
Naitanui, N
Ruck Reserves
Charman, J
Warnock, R
Harvey, B
Fevola, B
Higgins, S
Hall, B
Dangerfield, P
Hansen, L
Medhurst, P
Forward Reserves
Rohan, G
Gumbleton, S
February 13, 2010 at 12:33 pm
Back –
Enright, Hurn, Hodge, Kennelly, J Hunt, B Sheppard, J Lisle, (Davis, Robertson)
Mids –
Ablett, Swan, Selwood, Vince, Scully, Trengrove (Blease, Jetta)
Rucsk –
Clark, McIntosh, (Charman, Skipper)
Forwards –
Goodes, Riewoldt, Didak, Harvey, J Kennedy, Wonaemirri, J Watts. (podsiadly, L Jones)
concerned about Wonaemirri and Shepperd/ Lisle starting in back… 27,000 in bank…
thanks in advance
February 13, 2010 at 12:45 pm
Hey Monty – this site is awesome !
If you have the time and are not completely sick to death of other peoples fantasies …can you please cast your expert eye over this – my first draft team. cheers bb
B. Goddard
C. Enright
J. Atkinson
L Henderson
A Rance
J Petrenko
L. Greenwood
B Sheppard
P Davis
G Ablett
L Montagna
S Hill
C Maston
J Steven
J Trengove (Melb)
D Martin
A Morabito
M Clarke
N Naitanui
J White
A Cordy
N Riewoldt
A Didak
J Roughhead (Haw)
J Kennedy
R Nahas
P Dangerfield
C Mayne
C Watts
A Kennedy
February 13, 2010 at 12:56 pm
oh yeah sorry …about 7k left in bank
February 13, 2010 at 5:59 pm
hey m0nty, can’t wait to use fanfooty again for season 2010. If you could rate my side honestly that would be great:
Backs: C Newman, H Scotland, L Hodge, X Ellis, T Kennelly, R Ladson, J Smith (P Davis, J Trengove0
Mids: G Ablett, J Selwood, C Bruce, A Cooney, B Vince, T Scully (S Blease, R Bastinac)
Rucks: D Cox, B Ottens (J Fitzpatrick, M Gawn)
Forwards: N Riewoldt, B Harvey, R Murphy, J Ziebell, R Hooper, B Burton, M Still (J Podsiadly, L Tapscott)
$108,700 left
February 13, 2010 at 7:07 pm
Hi Monty
What are your thoughts on my team:
DEF: Goddard, Duffield, Hodge, J Macdonald, J Hunt, Ladson, Greenwood. Emg: P Davis, Webberley.
MID: Ablett, Boyd, C Morton, Masten, Trengove, D Martin. Emg: Morabito, Bastinac.
RUK: Sandilands, Kreuzer. Emg: Warnock, lobbe.
FWD: Riewoldt, Pav, Buddy, Tippett, Dangerfield, Ziebell, Polkinghorne. Emg: Tapscott, Dennis-Lane.
Cheers Lad
February 14, 2010 at 3:02 am
Hi Monty i was hoping if you could rate my team!
L.Hodge, J. Adcock, C.Cornes, L.hansen, T.Kennelly, Lenderson L, J.Hunt EMG M.Maguire and J Trengrove
Cooney, Ball L, McLean B, Kerr, D, Burgoyne S, Palmer, R
EMG Martin,D Bastinac, R
Rucks: K Tippett and B Renouf
EMG J charman and R warnock
Goodes, Pav, Franklin, Porplyzia, Hall, B, Burton, B and j Ziebell
EMG S gumbleton and Dennis lane
Spare Cash = $252,000
February 14, 2010 at 3:03 am
February 14, 2010 at 12:51 pm
Hi Monty i was hoping if you could rate my team!
Goddard, Enright, Fisher, Hodge, Kennelly, Ladson, J Hunt
Emg: Trengove, P Davis
Ablett, Bartel, Pendlebury, Masten, Trengove, Martin
Emg: Morabito, Bastinac
Rucks: Kreuzer, Ottens
Emg: Warnock, Lobbe
EMG J charman and R warnock
Riewoldt, Pavlich, Franklin, Higgins, Dangerfield, Jurrah, Ziebell
EMG Tapscott, Dennis lane
Spare Cash = $252,000
February 14, 2010 at 12:54 pm
sorry spare cash is $800 and ignore ruck emergencies of charman and warnock
February 14, 2010 at 7:14 pm
B: Goddard Drummond Hodge Kennelly Hunt Greenwood Waters emg: Carlisle P Davis
M: Ablett Selwood Gibbs Cotchin Scully Trengove emg: Martin Bastinac
R: Sandilands Tippett emg: Lobbe Roughead
F: Riewoldt Pavlich J Brown Franklin LeCras Medhurst Rockliff emg: Dennis-Lane Podsiadly
18500 left
bit top heavy up forward? if so which one out?
February 14, 2010 at 7:29 pm
1.Goddard, B
2. Fisher, S
3. Hodge, L
4. Gilbee, L
5. Kennelly, T
6. Malceski, N
7. Ladson, R
23. Davis, P
24. Maguire, M
8. Hayes, L
9. Cooney, A
10. Vince, B
11. Masten, C
12. Trengove, J
13. Martin, D
25. Shuey, L
26. Bastinac, R
14. Jolly, D
15. Tippett, K
27. Skipper, W
28. Lobbe, M
16. Riewoldt, N
17. Pavlich, M
18. Franklin, L
19. Gray, R
20. Hall, B
21. Dangerfield, P
22. Medhurst, P
29. Dennis-Lane, T
30.Tapscott, L
what you make of this?
February 15, 2010 at 11:40 am
Would love some feedback Monty!
Where’s McGinnity? $6100 left
1. Goddard, B
2. Newman, C
3. Hodge, L
4. Cornes, C
5. Kennelly, T
6. Petrenko, J
7. Sheppard, B
23. Maguire, M
24. Trengove, J
8. Swan, D
N/A $654,500
9. Gibbs, B
10. Cooney, A
11. Kerr, D
12. Ward, C
13. Trengove, J
25. Martin, D
26. Morabito, A
14. Clark, M
15. Naitanui, N
27. Warnock, R
28. Lobbe, M
16. Goodes, A
17. Riewoldt, N
18. Franklin, L
19. Murphy, R
20. Medhurst, P
21. Ballantyne, H
22. Watts, J
29. Dennis-Lane, T
30. Podsiadly, J
February 15, 2010 at 12:08 pm
hey monty, i’d love to know what you think of this side, $31,700 left.
L Hodge, A McPhee, J Macdonald, S Stevens, T Kennelly, M Drum, R Ladson
Emg: J Trengove, J Carlisle
L Hayes, J Selwood, S Mitchell, A Cooney, J Trengove, D Martin
Emg: A Morabito, T Scully
A Sandilands, M Kreuzer
Emg: M Lobbe, M Gawn
J Brown, S Higgins, L Franklin, M LeCras, T Hawkins, P Medhurst, B Burton
Emg: S Gumbleton, P Davis
February 15, 2010 at 12:43 pm
ok gone back to drawing board with your advice so lets try again i no i have problem with 7th spot on forward line but am hoping at least 1 of these 3 rookies will play each week
DEF goddard duffield hodge pratt kennelly drum ladson EM davis trengrove
MIDS swan selwood mitchell mcveigh trengrove martin EM jetta bastanic
RUCK sandilands seaby EM warnock lobbe
FORWARD riewald okeefe pavlich bate dangerfield ziebell hitchcock EM moore dennis-lane
February 15, 2010 at 12:58 pm
monty please give me your wisdom!!
BACKS-Goddard, Goodwin, Hodge, Ellis, Kennelly, Hunt, Greenwood. EMG J Trengrove, P Davis
MIDS- Gazza, J Selwood, Gibbs, Palmer, J Trengove, Martin. EMG R Bastinac, S Blease
RUCKS Natanui, K Tippet. EMG Warnock, Skipper
FORWARDS- Goodes, ROK, J Brown, B Harvey, Buddy, Burton, Rockliff EMG Dennis-lane, Podsiadly
Am i far off the mark??
February 15, 2010 at 1:57 pm
What do you think m0nty?
B: Goddard, Enright, H Shaw, Hodge, Ellis, Drum, Sheppard emerg. Davis, Carlisle
M: Hayes, Selwood, Vince, Mastern, Trengrove, Martin emerg. Lucas, Sheuy
R: Tippet, Kruezer emerg. Gawn, Craig
F: Riewoldt, Higgins, Franklin, Lecras, Hall, Ziebell, Burton emerg. Gumbleton, Rockliff
February 15, 2010 at 3:23 pm
What do you think of mine monty?
B – Enright, Hodge, Carrazzo, Houli, Kennelly, S.Selwood, Hunt (Ladson, Sheppard)
M – Ablett (C), Masten, Palmer, Trengrove, Martin, Morabito (Shuey, Bastinac)
R – Sandilands, McIntosh (Warnock, Lobbe)
F – Goodes (VC), Riewoldt, Pavlich, Franklin, Tippett, Dangerfield, Ziebell (Davis, Tapscott)
February 15, 2010 at 9:53 pm
hows mine look monty?
DEF : Enright, Hargrave, Hodge, Gilbee, Kennelly, Hunt, Shepard
EMG: Maguire , Carlisle
MID: Ablett, Swan, Gibbs, Palmer, Scully, Trengrove
EMG: Dustin-Martin, Morabito
RUK: Tippet, Kreuzer
EMG: Warnock, Lobbe
FWD: Riewoldt, Pavlich, Franklin, Varcoe, Dangerfield, Ziebell, Wonaemirri
EMG: Watts, Gumbleton
February 15, 2010 at 11:10 pm
What do you reckon here Monty?
DEF: Goddard, Enright, Hodge, Kennelly, Rance, Waters, Moore. EMG: Maguire, Davis
MID: Ablett, Dal Santo, Selwood, Mitchell, Scully, J Trengove. EMG: D Martin, Morabito
RUC: Sandilands, Tippett. EMG: Warnock, J Trengove
FWD: Reiwoldt, O’Keefe, Franklin, Hall, Dangerfield, Watts, Rockliff. EMG: Dennis-Lane, Podsiadly.
Lemme know,
February 16, 2010 at 11:25 am
Rate my team!
DEF Shaw Hodge Gilbee X Ellis Kennelly Hunt Greenwood. Emerg A Moore T Hunt
MID Pendlebury Sewell S Black L Ball Trengrove Martin. Emerg Morabito K Lucas
RUCK Jolly Kreuz. Emerg Warnock, S McN
FOR Riewoldt Didak S Johnson Franklin Rioli Buchanan Dennis-Lane Emerg Tapscott J Pods
$75K left over
Notes: Ok I concede I stole Levi Greenwood off of everyone else, wasn’t on my radar at all.
My main query is instead starting Waters over Greenwood & then updrading TDL for Bob Murphy rather than the popular Dangerfield, even though it’s not without its risks.
& then looking at flogging Ball for Armitage??
Also, is there too much coin on my midfield bench? Those boys should be good cash cows!!!