naicosfan: hopefully brayshaw can escape JJ
J.Worrall: Evening all
Noxious: Serong tagged, go big Brayshaw
Cam123: Serong my C as is being tagged, oh dear
MrWalrus: C’mon stupid round, hurry up and end.
kisip: Only Roberts and NOD for this game for me
KatAttaack: hello
Ash777: Go flex Jackson.
Noxious: What are your projected scores? sitting at 1905 atm
bhg26: Unfortunately for you lot you arent gonna see me much this chat, im effectively a walking corpse
Shymander: I’ll crack 1700 if Reid goes alright :/
Noxious: I’ve got Bolton, Brayshaw, NOD, Roberts and Bice between classic and draft
Shymander: wait my numbers are off
Shymander: but either way every 50/50 went wrong for me this round
puckeey: 1804 with roberts, NOD and bice
clay007: The main thing bhg, be calm under pressure.
Zutroyz: 1984 Noxious, I’ve got O’Driscoll and Clarke in this one
naicosfan: 2k projected here with brayshaw, nod, roberts, corey warner
Noxious: Very nice Zut
flagcats: 1806 live score with roberts, odriscol, corey warner, brayshaw
MrWalrus: SC app says 1870 but by my prediction with drop outs, subs and flex more like 1950 all going well
LionsOnTop: Gawn and Trac ruined my week. Proj down to 1924
MrWalrus: Eas going huge until captain Gawn
naicosfan: unlucky walrus
navy_blues: proj 1896 but 1900 atm have 3 in this so i have no idea what i will get
clay007: Only 1771 for me with Brayshaw and his bandage and Roberts and his red hair
Birdman18: Yeah I’m target for 1960. What could have been if I didn’t C Sheez
MrWalrus: I’m okay with it, as I see it the SC goods owe me one now and 1900 from best 18 at this stage is pretty solid
DANGERous: Go Serong
clay007: Why did the swans bring in Little Adams (Ladhams)?
MrWalrus: Gonna be some shockers this week too I suspect.
Noxious: I was like oh hell yeah Corey Warner doing pretty good – I was looking at Corey Wagner
bhg26: Fuck we look poor
naicosfan: lol nox
Ash777: I got 1662 with Jackson, Roberts, NOD, Wicks left
Ash777: I had to take Day, JHF scores
Swoop35: Whats gonna be a good score this week?
Birdman18: Hard to say Swoop. Feew common players went big
naicosfan: id say around 1900
zadolinnyj: Dockers look good
DonTheSash: Whats considered a pass for this round
Swoop35: Im 1865 currently with brayshaw, bice, NOD, roberts playing
Birdman18: Naicos is probably on the mark
puckeey: ash how do you have 1662 im 1800 with a tom stewart and JHF
soup: Guys don’t say who you have, beast mode is gonna come in and say no one cares what players you own
m0nty: remember it is best 18 this week
Birdman18: Don’t go off the your projected score. Doesn’t seem to be accurate this year with flex etc.
navy_blues: as if i care what beast says lol
Shymander: in that case I need to be held back a year
Ash777: Also have Peatling & Perryman so my team is shockingi
navy_blues: i have 1 player that is in this game that prob none of u have lol
puckeey: wow that’s unfortunate
exatekk: no one cares what he says either
naicosfan: harsh crowd
soup: Is it dogga navy?
naicosfan: i reckon its wagner
navy_blues: wagner
Gotigres: Sheldrick navy?
navy_blues: took a risk when making side
Bazza2023: Grundog down
navy_blues: still think NOD best rookie
Ninty: Can?t believe I don?t have NOD
Ninty: Could have more points and save a bit of cash with Serong today
Noxious: I had serong last year but went Brayshaw this year cause I was sick of him getting tagged
bhg26: wtf hayward
Ash777: Serong is playing a different role than the start of last year so his scoring wont be as high.
bhg26: 3.8 bruh
Ninty: Warner is back ayoooo
J_Herer: bandaids popping up everywhere
puckeey: NOD looks and plays like cripps
PigeonPies: NOD looks and plays like gary ablett jr
Capn_Flash: Do we think paton will get back into the side of do we have a dead rookie on out hands?
Loggy17: He got 31 touches in the magoos Flash but Bice looks better
Apachecats: Currently 1947 with Roberts ,NOD and Bices second half to come.
Capn_Flash: Not in a million yers did i think i could be looking at 2k this week, but it’s true, and it’s AMAZING!
TheLegend6: Remember as soon as one of the players in this game goes past your lowest scored player, you lose that players score
navy_blues: was over 2k but corrected now to 1974 atm
Apachecats: Correction currently 2207 ,with Bice Roberts and NOD on the park.
Shymander: keep going Reid
navy_blues: i think apache has friends at CD lol
Birdman18: 2207? If you score that you’ve won the round overall easy
Apachecats: Probably my best round ever navy
navy_blues: haha papley
Apachecats: Team is TerrysApacheCats @Birdman
navy_blues: you go apache
Apachecats: Still happy though.
Apachecats: Its 2007 not 2207.typo sorry
bhg26: Wow Haydos
navy_blues: this sux im still sliding 1926 now
DukeNewc: 1865 with NOD, Clark, and Roberts, sadly some rookies prevent me from going big
eadmate: 2007 not that impressive to spam about
naicosfan: if NOD goes 61+ jhf will drop out for me
Bazza2023: eadmate neither is your knob name
Apachecats: Thanks Bazza ,good comment ,couldn’t have put it better.
wadaramus: Eat A Doodle Mate?
eadmate: apache very cringe
Noxious: Need Co Warner and Bolton to lift a bit
bhg26: Impressed by mcleans efforts
navy_blues: papley so selfish
Dog Squed: What would be seen as a good score this round?
Noxious: Anything over 1900 I think
Nvrletudwn: Just got back from dinner. How bad is the Serong tag? Lachie Neale bad?
Ninty: 2007 is a great score for so early in the season with half a team of rookies and best 18. eadmate can ead, mate.
Dog Squed: Neale got 133
bhg26: Burn ninty
Noxious: He means Neale last week
Ninty: Neale tag last week dog
Bazza2023: dog, was talking about neales last week tag
Nvrletudwn: I mean Jordon tagging Neale last week
Bazza2023: echo echo echo
Ninty: The tag looks as bad for Heeney
bhg26: Should be 3-4 goals up but cant kick at goal for shit
Birdman18: Yeah not many are getting over 2000
Ninty: How come Reid hasn?t kicked his 4 goals in 5 mins yet
bhg26: 1900 i think is solid, 1950 and over is good i think
TheLegend6: Quite a few in my cash leagues scoring 1700-1850, think 1850 is par
EvilMonk: should have been htb against O’Driscoll but happy not to lose points lol
KatAttaack: brayshaw needs to work harder its serong getting tagged
original: Serong this hurts
bhg26: Im happy as a swans fan for Brayshaw to be quiet but as a sc owner kinda annoying
Birdman18: Poor quarter from Brayshaw. Was good in the first half
Dog Squed: How is going to win this? Lets hear.
Noxious: Swans win if they can kick straight
Dog Squed: who is going to win this?
Apachecats: Home ground might get dockers home Dog Squed ,plus the heat.
KatAttaack: Depends on who pays the umpires more LOL
Ninty: A lot of people?s scores will be inflated as more than 18 are counted, bc of flex? my opponents score just fell
Nvrletudwn: Jordon tearing through my premo mids… mids
EvilMonk: I’ve never heard score inflated and my team in the same sentence.
Shymander: very much part of the game now. picking the premo mids that won’t get tagged.
Ninty: not sure what that means evil
Apachecats: Exactly Shyman ,seeing it every week ,I wouldn’t captain anyone on JJordan.
bhg26: Oh my goodness gracious me, ball dont lie
Ninty: oh, you were having a dig at your own side. Got it, lol.
dezlav: My SC is up the creek this week and I’ve dropped some tips, so come on Swannies
Shymander: < proud Murphy Reid owner
navy_blues: mccartin looks better down back
Harambe: Wow Grundy subbed, he was really lifting this half
Ash777: Grundy subbed
bhg26: In a surprise to no one navy, thankfully the experiment should be over
Apachecats: Murphy Read is a buy Shyman ,good pick you.
Noxious: Co Warner really lifted this quarter, shame about Brayshaw, Bolton and Roberts
Manowar: Clark do more
PinkEyeJye: Go pink eye Jye!!!
bhg26: Laying some really shit tackles, pin the ball in ffs
Birdman18: NOD gonna be the best pick this year
naicosfan: keep going corey warner, get that cash gen going
TheLegend6: Brilliant NOD
Nvrletudwn: Brayshaw and Clark are fine. Serong very disappointing.
bhg26: Ladhams fucking sucks, Grundy has to not be fully fit
DukeNewc: Hanily going with clark?
bhg26: Luckiest passage of play ive seen in my life fucking hell
bhg26: Gotta love the shank straight into the teammates chest
Manowar: why Reid bench? do u want to lose Longmuir?
bhg26: Fuck yeah Bice!
NewFreoFan: Ladhams has been garbage his whole career, surprised he’s still on a list. Just tall
Nvrletudwn: The hardest I saw Serong run today was just to get to the bench
NewFreoFan: Voss needs some kicking lessons pronto
bhg26: Wow this chat is delayed
Manowar: Heeney needs a horse
Apachecats: JHF’s 61 just got scrubbed.
Ninty: Serong has bettered Neales score from last week
Manowar: you want another Voss?
DukeNewc: Yeah Clark currently getting attention from hanily
Nvrletudwn: Looking forward to a good game tonight who’s everyone got?
eadmate: no one cares apache mate
Nvrletudwn: …that was for you bhg
bhg26: Sharp just ran straight to the boundary with no contact
LionsOnTop: Did serong just get 20 points for a spoil
Ninty: Wow Serong could ton, so delayed in chat
valiantPT: serong 90+ not bad
DukeNewc: Cmon Clark, win me my H2H
Apachecats: Bice you wee ripper.
puckeey: that is some scaling for bice
Birdman18: Bice up to 91!
navy_blues: get NOD on geez
Apachecats: Classic Nvrlet! LOL
Roarix: Bice to Paton.. my one trade has been a good one wish I could make 6 this week though
Bazza2023: geezus you are a negative SOB ead
Ninty: Lol nvr
Ash777: just realised scores are frozen
naicosfan: Bice been very impressive
Roarix: Blakey double fist under no pressure.. never change
Zutroyz: BeastMode = eadmate burner
Manowar: thanks Clark, get Reid off the bench
Noxious: Bice in after his bye for sure
Roarix: Bolton reminding Warner how many flags they?ve each won.. lol
OffaStep: Ridiculous. Bice and Serong’s nonsense scaling just lost me a H2H.
Birdman18: NOD robbed himself of his first ton with that throw
naicosfan: hows clark got 20 points for that
PinkEyeJye: Nooooooooo Pink eye Jye would’ve been kicking for the win
Zutroyz: 2055 much needed after last week
Bazza2023: ead a negative fisher. can we pop the spud on him.
bhg26: Schwannies win and 75th overall in fantasy, life is good
naicosfan: 2052 and still lost my h2h lol
J_Herer: is the scoreboard broken?
bhg26: 66th now actually lfg
navy_blues: a opp got 2039
wadaramus: Yes, Bice looks like he’s ready to play.
bhg26: Bice is actually so class what a pick up 4 or 5 massive plays in the last quarter alone
DukeNewc: One bench stuff up costs me 2k this week
Harambe: Only worry for Bice is Cunningham and Fox coming back from injury
Birdman18: 1982 in the end with a butchered C choice
J_Herer: unlucky dockers
Nvrletudwn: Orwellian 1984 for me