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Chat log from R2 of 2025: Port Adelaide vs Richmond

Chat log for Port Adelaide vs Richmond, R2 of 2025

piesfan420: go captain rozee
MrWalrus: Like last week if we keep it to 10 goals or less I’m happy, carn tiges.
Noxious: I’m nervous haha
clay007: What can you tell us about Fawcett Walrus?
Birdman18: Anyone brave enough to put the C on JHF?
HappyDEZ: L plate for Moraes & P plate for Berry
Pokerface: Berry should be P plate not L
Pokerface: not brave enough for c but have vc on him Birdman
Noxious: I wasnt sure who would get tagged between JHF and Rozee so i avoided both and went Neale
Shymander: need a ton from Short, otherwise I’ve got too many players to move on
Pokerface: L for Kaleb as well
Shymander: also interested in seeing if Ross goes hard again
MrWalrus: Big lanky development forward, saw him at centrals a few years ago, didn’t expect to see him yet.
Noxious: oop nevermind apparently ive got Rozee VC in draft haha
Nvrletudwn: If Fawcett doesn’t play well, he will go off tap
Ninty: Kaleb Smith played 4 games last year. No L
clay007: Thanks Walrus, good to get an early game.
Pokerface: ah thanks Ninty
MrWalrus: Ross will go hard, the question is will he be any good.
Shymander: touche
Noxious: Rioli CBAs wtf
Ninty: Think I’ll be sucked in with 124,000 others if Ross goes 115+ today
piesfan420: cmon rozee C, lalor and trainor
original: Thought Taranto was a steal in draft
Ooost: VC Rozee, wouldn’t mind not having to worry about C Xerri or Gawn tbh
clay007: Port has the most hyphenated players in the Afl I reckon
Birdman18: SSP almost has his score from last week already
pcaman2003: You tosser Short. How dumb!
Noxious: Welcome new Dan Houston
original: JHF fooled everyone
MrWalrus: That’s it boys, let them get 41 up then give em what for!
Noxious: Original its 5 mins into first quarter haha
original: Haha MrWalrus
Nvrletudwn: I’m sure this has been asked before, but how do you get your team next to your name in this chat?
FoopyTime: first game of the day. cant wait to see some good foopy today
clay007: Good walrus. lol
J_Herer: do they have a mercy rule in AFL? This could get messy
piesfan420: whats the red P symbol?
FlaggersXD: Not sure ask Essendon
clay007: I think you can only do it when you first sign up nvrl. May need to ask Monty
J_Herer: 2nd game piesfan
Birdman18: JHF finally in the guts
clay007: P Plates pies, new players
navy_blues: 2nd game
Capn_Flash: Red P means second gamer, like the Car plates
pcaman2003: I’m hoping Short will perform better than this.
Nvrletudwn: Thanks Clay. Could you help me out m0nty?
Nvrletudwn: please
clay007: I was close to trading short for SDK, should have. I want to try and keep trades early and see cash cows grow.
Nvrletudwn: Nearly did the same with Perryman but I want to see SDK for another week
Noxious: Have Vlastuin in draft, not an amazing start
Ooost: Jayden Short 😀
original: Short and Taranto draft team going GREAT lol
Shymander: I don’t trust SDK at all
Birdman18: Almost picked Short. So glad I didn’t
MrWalrus: 40 trades this year clay, a couple of clever ones early won’t hurt.
Noxious: Got Evans in draft too which is nice though
Ooost: I don’t trust SDK at all, but I did it anyway
pcaman2003: Sucked in by Short 3 times now. I’ll never learn!
Zutroyz: same Ooost
CuzzysCrew: pathetic from the hornbag
MrWalrus: Short to go huge now.
FlaggersXD: Giving the kickouts to Miller is Laughable
pcaman2003: Have Short, Trainor JHFand Lalor in this. Lol!
Ooost: Yes, JHF seems to be a concern
Nvrletudwn: I seem to have the wrong part of the hyphen brigade on my team
MrWalrus: Scoreboard aside I’m actually loving our aggression and effort on defence.
original: Haha how?d powell pepper go so far backwards. Cmon man
CuzzysCrew: need to start a petition to turn best 18 into best 10
Birdman18: Same Ooost. SDK has never scored 2 tons in a row
clay007: The horny one getting attention from the Headband Warrior. Did the same on Cripps last week. Tough day for H-F looms
wadaramus: Hopper & Taranto, recruited for midfield strength, pathetic!
Ooost: Indeed CuzzysCrew
wadaramus: RIchmond have no ability to compete and make a game of it.
piesfan420: rozee looking like a good C so far
Noxious: Hopefully Rozee takes off and then Kamdyn goes to him instead
arbel: JHF doing nothing, short not doing anything .. all my fringe picks doing nothing
MrWalrus: Richmond are well aware of that wada, we’re going to be looking great in a few years though.
Birdman18: JHF having a mare
Noxious: Wada its like theyre rebuilding
pcaman2003: arbel. I feel your pain mate. My players are total crap in this.
Harambe: Gold Coast were saying the same thing in 2011 Walrus
wadaramus: But they ground out a win vs Carlton last week? One week can and next not?
Noxious: At least JHF is highly owned so no stress
clay007: Why is short not taking the kick ins? He is best kicker in the side.
Apachecats: Rage trade coming Horne Francis you pumped up twit.
Harambe: Wow Hornet has lost the plot
piesfan420: wada, this is how they started las week aswell
KatAttaack: Horny man $537000 might get the boot from my SC team
bigboyboy: good stuff shorty
MrWalrus: So was Richmond Harambe, remind me how that went again 😉
Harambe: JHF will get himself suspended at this rate
Noxious: what a fucking idiot
Ooost: Might rage JHF > Rankine
wadaramus: That’s the way Tigers, start a stink on, JHF you flog.
Zutroyz: Was thinking JHF to Rankine, but that hammy may be a problem
FlaggersXD: Or Brisbane is 2017 Harambe
wadaramus: The Tigers just need theor better players to play better, simples!
wadaramus: Taranto, Vlaustin, Short, Hopper, lift you plows!
MrWalrus: JHF absolute flog
Ooost: Indeed Zutroyz
MrWalrus: Also Richards tried to snipe Miller and big Ben absolutely rag dolled him.
wadaramus: Ross also Haighs chocolate to black and gold boiled lollies, lift mate!
PinkEyeJye: Didn’t see the incident, will JHF get suspended for it?
MrWalrus: Let’s go boys, put some port maggots on the floor.
Capn_Flash: Feel bas for everyone who brought in Ross last week
Stu7: Ooost isn?t Rankine injured?
Ooost: PinkEyeJye considering the suspensions so far. Yes
MrWalrus: He should PinkEye, just punched a bloke in the face the flog
PinkEyeJye: Think it was precautionary on Rankine Stu, Could be wrong tho
Ooost: Stu7 I don’t think so? I don’t think the sub was an injury
arbel: though short would be taking kick ins but does not look like it
Pokerface: can i use my 5 boosts all this week?
J_Herer: Man this season is testing me!!! JHF, Trainor owned and hurting/suspending each other ffs lol
wadaramus: Crows just cooling the jet, he’ll be fine.
clay007: Be selfish please hornet!
piesfan420: JHF why did u have to pass that off
Noxious: Kick the fuckin goal Hornet we need the points
Ooost: If Rankine is injured… Rage JHF > Jackson
Capn_Flash: Finally JHF did something
arbel: dammit JHF be a little selfish 10m out
wadaramus: Richomod skills are deplorable.
Ninty: JHF how selfish of you to be unselfish!!!
MrWalrus: What did Trainor do apart from very little?
wadaramus: Just like my typing skills.
pcaman2003: SPP back to normal again. Couple of early quick possessions, then nothing
Noxious: Fuck I love seeing a Burgoyne do well
piesfan420: this is getting ugly
J_Herer: Rozee will be vested at this rate, gotta rest the Rolls Royce when Butters is out
Capn_Flash: Me too Noxious!
Ninty: 2nd game blues for the Tige newbs
MrWalrus: Nah, got em right where we want em.
Noxious: Fuck yeah SPP, comparable to rankines
Capn_Flash: Please dont say that about my captain Herer!
Ninty: Probably good time to start reeling them in @MrWalrus
J_Herer: Capn, its the right thing to do when your up by so much against trash, Rozee on the pine, youth on the ball
wadaramus: Is there an actual game plan/mindset change a coach can implement at this point?
MrWalrus: Almost Ninty, almost…
MrWalrus: No Wada and I think all they want is effort and the basics.
wadaramus: Yze doesn’t look too perturbed.
MrWalrus: We’ve got less than 10 blokes with 50 games experience so this is just conditioning really.
J_Herer: shouldn’t say trash, meant young pups learning their craft for the Tige’s
piesfan420: flowers sake horney one
Noxious: Richmond know its going to be a tough year, they just need to get experience into the kids
Ninty: I feel Port have a bit more to prove after last weeks performance. Unlucky for the Tiges to face
wadaramus: Why don’t they try and play a more possession type game, throwing handballs aver their heads isn’t working.
Apachecats: 806SC – 410SC says it all ,total dominance.
Noxious: In fairness people were saying Tiges wouldnt win all year, and they have, so whatever happens now is what it is
Harambe: Port on track for 2200 DT
Ninty: Ross not quite backing up last week
piesfan420: keep going rozee
MrWalrus: No point being boring and slow Wada, possession footy doesn’t work anymore, got to push and pressure
wadaramus: I must say, it’s a pity there isn’t another game on I can switch to, this is crap viewing.
Ninty: Do Rozee and Nank get double for being captain Apache?
Noxious: Not bad for a first goal
wadaramus: Stupid Round Zero byes, stupid AFL scheduling.
original: Short Taranto and bergmann draft (wtf slowed massively)
Harambe: Go for a jog and a swim at the beach Wada, I will
soup: Short you are a FRAUD!
soup: Oh yeah and you too JHF you pelican
J_Herer: Rozee should be rested, imagine coping a season ending inkury in a game like this (not owned, but not malace, so good)
MrWalrus: See, love to see that rather than keepsy offsies then turnover at halfback
wadaramus: Nor does kicking to contest and losing it MrW.
piesfan420: herer, please dont do that i have him C
pcaman2003: My inspired picks of Short, Lalor ,Trainor,JHFand SPP are really paying off.
wadaramus: All I was saying was try something different anyway MrW.
Apachecats: Haven’t got either of them Ninty.But yes they would if you captained them.
Ninty: Thursday night footy and Fox getting Sat games has spread the games out so there?s less to no overlap
Harambe: Saturday twilight was usually a standalone game anyway
Ninty: But they?re club captains Apache 🙂
Apachecats: I’ve got 3 of them pacman.JHF is getting trsded first thing monday.
clay007: I think the sub rule should work like this. If you have a subbed player, you get the points also for the sub coming on.
Harambe: Biggest 1st half disposal differential in Champion Data history!
clay007: Lukosius+ Moraes in this instance
Apachecats: Then by all means double them Ninty.
Pokerface: expand it clay. If your player normally takes kick ins, you get the points also for the player taking kick ins
piesfan420: soo evrryones gonna need 8 trades next week. Perryman, Day, Cumming, Peatling, Short, JHF, SPP
Ninty: Just Day, Meek, JHF for me #poop
clay007: Hilarious poker
wadaramus: Fuck I hate the HTB rule.
Noxious: i didnt realise people actually had peatling and cumming
wadaramus: Trying to get it, trying to win it, getting pinned, ballit up FFS.
slydon: same here ninty
pcaman2003: Apache. I give up already. Second half better improve, or lots of rage trades coming.
clay007: That would increase shorts score for us poker
Pokerface: Meek is a hold Ninty. Look at his draw
wadaramus: Having it for too lon, then getting caught, not disposing of it properly, HTB easy.
MrWalrus: Only got one of them 420 and I may yet stick with short, reckon he’ll come good.
piesfan420: nox they have a quite high ownership
Zutroyz: missing BeastMode calling us all donkeys for our early team choices
Noxious: There you go, I didn’t know that
J_Herer: Perryman is the biggest problem
Ninty: Why does SPP feel like a 125 player who scores 50?s
Harambe: That’s the tough love that makes us better coaches Zutroy
clay007: You’re a donkey Zut for saying that. Lol, channeling the old fella
Apachecats: Peatling was the big whisper pre season.
Gotigres: Just used a boost and my team is still crap
Bulky: I’d be doing 22 rage trades this week if it was still unlimited trades.
slydon: nah ninty he feels like a 55 pt player who randomly scores 125a
CuzzysCrew: dont be mean clay you donkey
Zutroyz: thanks clay
soup: Watch what you say about beast mode, he’s won the hilux four years running
clay007: I hope you realise it was a joke cuzzy
MrWalrus: Agree wada, HTB should be easy but the AFL have made it a complete farce.
Harambe: JHF was so embarrassed by his first quarter now he is passing off every set shot
arbel: Twice now JHF to unselfish … go back and take a shot
CuzzysCrew: jhf only a goal away from being on track at least
Ninty: Fair call call poker, I will hold and have someone to blame now
Zutroyz: matchbox or hot wheels soup?
Apachecats: How did Ross get 134 against Carlton.
Pokerface: lol ninty. doesnt matter how bad you go, as long as you aren’t to blame
Social: What?s wrong with Taranto?
loginpaul: I love this Crom team – loginpaul
wadaramus: I have to say, all of Port’s goals have been piss easy.
clay007: How did Campbell go last week? 55 pts to h/t, could ton up
wadaramus: He’s shit Socail.
Harambe: Taranto, Italy has a giant steelworks emitting ferrous dust causing high cancer rates
MrWalrus: Thank GOD for best 18.
Harambe: Typical of many southern Italian towns, it suffers from lower wealth and overall quality of life than northern cities
Harambe: Those are the main issues with Taranto, Social
FlaggersXD: imagine down double the disposals and still losing tackles
Hazza09: So many baited pre season traps, Short & Perryman just to name two
Harambe: Was planning to fade both Hazza, unfortunately caved on Perryman
slydon: same way hell end up with 120 against port apache
LionBoy: My score is gonna be huge. It?s best 12 isn?t it?
Hazza09: first and last time ill ever own Short Harambe
Social: Thats what I thought. Appreciate it harambe and wada.
Ninty: You have 12 good players LionBoy? Show off
piesfan420: whats gonna be a good score this week?
MrWalrus: Haha Harambe, most educational.
MrWalrus: I reckon short will be fine, he got tagged to 80 odd last week and will definitely have some monster scores in this team
Noxious: Drew 11 tackles already, record is 20
LionBoy: 600 Piesfan
Harambe: His team needs to possess the ball Walrus. North defenders used to rack up while losing but RIchmond aren’t chipping it
LionBoy: Debatable Ninty. Including JHF in the 12
rooboypete: how is taranto on 26!!! in the 3rd qtr
rooboypete: if Port lost to the Pies by 91 and are leading Tigers by 66 …
clay007: You guys are funny!
original: How good are def rookies this yr
rooboypete: … then Collingwood v Richmond will be v.v.ugly…
Apachecats: Lucky to be on that rooboy with his stats.
clay007: Are the scores frozen?
soup: Collingwood v Carlton would be even worse then rooboy
piesfan420: moraes looking good if he can get another game
Capn_Flash: JHF just needs to string together a quarter, thats all
LionBoy: They are for my players Clay
clay007: Lol Lion, I was thinking the same thing. My players are locked
Gotigres: Taranto doing better than half the team.
circle52: Trust you are jesting original I have trainor, Reid, Prior and Paton
LionBoy: Nah I can confirm they?re not locked Clay. Definitely going backwards.
Noxious: Yeah idk about from a sc perspective but i really like the looks of Moraes
rooboypete: True Gotigres … but still appalling
Harambe: You’d bloody hope so on his money tigres
J_Herer: JHF slapped on the wrist at half time, not allowed to play yet
clay007: Moraes needs to be truly tested noxious. This is like a praccy match
Shymander: this game might be a record for biggest percentage recovery
rooboypete: Half of Port’s team are doing better than ALL of Richmond…
Noxious: Yeah I know Clay, still looks smooth though
Gotigres: Yes, very sad rooboy. The tigers are almost as bad as my sc team
Apachecats: 64.9% have Horny ,that will drop a tad.
clay007: The Hornet is our his nest and ready to start stinging. Short unfortunately…
piesfan420: horny to rozee, lovely
clay007: I thought Josh Sinn would have come on quicker that he has noxious! Your thoughts?
Gotigres: Yes capt Rozee, keep going
piesfan420: whats everyone gonna do about the rookies lalor and trainor
rooboypete: JHF almost never plays a full game. North were lucky to move him on…
clay007: Keep an eye on their break even pies. If low, keep, if it looks challenging, trade
rooboypete: At least Lalor has beaten his BE…
Gotigres: Ok Tigers, comeback time now lads
Birdman18: Can’t do anything with trainor. He’s 1 of only 3 defensive rookies
soup: COS could be an option if he goes well tonight against saints birdman.
Noxious: Yeah im not moving trainor, dont have anyone else to replace him with
LionBoy: Don?t mean to be cruel but wondering how Blues fans are feeling about this game.
CuzzysCrew: Trainor to bice after his bye
MrWalrus: Lalor is a long term prospect Trainor is all there is.
Birdman18: Yeah potentially Soup. But there’s not many options
HappyDEZ: Bo Allan also one to watch.
Noxious: O captain my captain
piesfan420: Great captain rozee
Gotigres: Apart from Lukosius, all of Port’s players could be better than Tigers best.
clay007: i took libba’s score as captain. Was not sure if I should Cap Xerri or sheez. Xerri vs Gawn
pcaman2003: Two rounds in and JHF a huge letdown. Should be killing it against Tigers.
Noxious: Theres no way you dont take Libbas score
Noxious: He was being tagged last week pca
clay007: Who did everyone else vs?
clay007: vc?
Birdman18: I think I’ll just keep JHF though. He’ll come good
pcaman2003: He’s not today is he Noxious?
Swoop35: I have rozee vc clay
piesfan420: richmond comeback?
Noxious: I went TDK into Neale
arbel: I went TDK … was smashing it early but slowed at the end
soup: TDK into Neale for me clay
piesfan420: I went sicily into rozee
Noxious: Obviously not pca, but cant say he was a let down last week
clay007: Neale is an interesting one soup. he is up against wc, so should perform well. Last week though…wow
MrWalrus: English into Gawn, loop options were limited until late out Smith.
pcaman2003: I’ve gone Neale into Xerri, so don’t follow my example.
Gotigres: TDK into Rozee for me
original: LIFT bergmann
clay007: Well done Hornet, less selfish.
Gotigres: Has Rozee changed his number?
Birdman18: TDK into Sheez for me. Nervous about it
clay007: TDK only 107, so tough to keep that. Rozee should get 120+
Noxious: Since mentioning Drew had 11 tackles and was going for the record he’s yet to lay another lol
Apachecats: Tossing up between Sheez and Xerri for mine Birdman.
original: Love drew. No nonsense worker midfielder
pcaman2003: Gotigres. I thought he was No. 20, but probably wrong
CuzzysCrew: vc Dawson
Noxious: Same Original, he just digs in and does his job, doesn’t try to be cute with it
piesfan420: happy with 75-80 for jhf from here
Noxious: Rozee was 20 and changed to 1, all port captains are number 1
Nvrletudwn: Port tradition that the captain is given number 1
Hazza09: You are a fraud Short
pcaman2003: Thanks for clearing that up Noxious and Nvrletudw.n
Noxious: All good mate
Nvrletudwn: No worries pca. Beat me to it Nox
pcaman2003: Hazza. I think my whole team is full of frauds. They just don’t like me.:(
kisip: Hey just started watching, whats this match review with JHF. Anything to worry about?
MrWalrus: I really like Seth Campbell goes hard and fast.
Apachecats: They reckon a fine kisip.Won’t worry me ,he’s going in the bin.
Bazza2023: we all know this……..
kisip: Thanks apache, a bit concerning with his lowscore but geez look at that FA?
Gotigres: Thanks Noxious and Nvrletudwn
piesfan420: in terms of sc, tigers highest rated player would be 11th for power
Nvrletudwn: Welcome Gotigres
pcaman2003: SPP on bench and JHF on field, Grrr!
CuzzysCrew: Garcia (stk) and clohesy (gee) sub
Noxious: Thanks Cuzzy
pcaman2003: JHF another bloody FA. Learn to tackle!
Nvrletudwn: Outrageous
Nvrletudwn: Egregious
Nvrletudwn: preposterous
Gotigres: You can still get 130 Rozee
clay007: Short up to 59, cmon son
MrWalrus: Reasonable recovery from short considering where he was earlier.
KatAttaack: Go Pepper might survive being SC cut lol
Noxious: Hive him the fucking ball georgiades come on
OffaStep: Well, this is disappointing! JHF, Nank, Traior, Lalor and Short. How is SPP my BOG?
Noxious: I knew I shouldn’t have dropped SPP haha
MrWalrus: Bit rough naming second gamers offa
EvilMonk: Oh nice, traded out SPP, kept JHF and Short. Can tell I’m good at SC.
kisip: Still a bit concerning with JFH score, but he would be on. Around 80+ now without those 5 FA
exatekk: dont drop a 180k player after 1 game lol
soup: Wow I had tsatas and SPP traded out until this morning. Kissed
EvilMonk: Had to make some moves to get rookies in on the bubble. Trade out Xerri instead @exatekk or? lol
Noxious: He’s meant to make money, and 18s dont make money
Noxious: Im not fussed, got a better score in anyway
J_Herer: At least McIntosh has performed well on my bench for me
OffaStep: Disappointing when measured against my unreasonable my expectations, Walrus. Have Prior and Campo benched…
Noxious: Hmm Take Rozee score or gamble on Neale/Xerri
pcaman2003: Wowee! A disaster for my SC that game. Sucks more than Linda Lovelace.
exatekk: jeez you take 130+
clay007: Take Rozee noxious. Money in the bank is best option
Gotigres: Well done capt Rozee
Noxious: He wasn’t quite at 130 when I sent that haha
exatekk: fair enough lol
kisip: Id take the 130 from rozee, i had xerri in mind but against gawn it might be tough to score as well
Noxious: Never done draft before, if I have Smith on field injured and then bring on another injury for C
Noxious: Will I get 2 bench scores?
Noxious: Wait dw ive just answered my own question lol, dont mind me
MrWalrus: Pca with the vintage p0rn references, got some Ron Jeremy material?
loginpaul: Walrus mate what the fuck are you on about
Social: Kenny?s back baby

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