AdzMate: G’day all
navy_blues: hi all has anyone else heard b smith is out tonight???
Noxious: Gday
snake_p: yes navy apparently a calf issue
Dog Squed: Yes Baz has a calf issue.
AdzMate: Ive heard B Smith calf soreness
navy_blues: yes thats what i heard
Noxious: Nose soreness
connrs: tsatas still not picking up the ball
original: Amazing skills so far
original: For those not watching it?s awful so far. Fumble city
Capn_Flash: I’ve gotten Rankine in instead of Baz because of the news, lets hope that pays off!
SwaggyP: dons look putrid
MrWalrus: Smith out? Well that’s about as bad as last night’s umpiring.
Nvrletudwn: Afternoon
Bazza2023: Afternoon peptides
Birdman18: Yeah we’re shower
Birdman18: McKay has to kill that
Bazza2023: Peptides backline looks really shaky.
Primetime: beef curtin looks the goods
Noxious: Quiet start from Rankine
Birdman18: Keays will score 150 today on Prior
MrWalrus: What’s in the water down the crow’s way? They are looking massive and ripped.
original: Shiel no good
Harambe: Dank must be in Adelaide Walrus
Harambe: Dunstall roasting Shiel mercilessly on commentary, gotta love it
Ooost: Shiel 😀
Harambe: WTF Draper what are you doing. Why?
original: How is that a free against peatling
Harambe: That’s the most egregious set shot snap I’ve ever seen
Stringygun: If it works it works
Noxious: Draper forget how to drop punt?
Bazza2023: cant wait till it fails miserably, did you see it went through as a reverse torp
slydon: he never learned in the first place noxious
original: Was Peatling not the nominated ruck? Fix it
navy_blues: wow to easy in transition
MrWalrus: If the crows can just add some polish this is going to get real ugly really quick I reckon. They look dangerous
valiantPT: tsatas 51% tog, really?
MrWalrus: Also Rankine is seriously good at footy.
Birdman18: He only plays inside mid, Valiant. Doesn’t rest anywhere else on the ground, just goes to the bench
bhg26: What?s up with Tsatas time on ground?
Noxious: About the same as last week valiant
bhg26: Also Will Brodie while we?re at it
Stringygun: tsatas always has low tog
MrWalrus: It’s almost like some guys just have no tank or something?..
navy_blues: reid is useless
Claudius: Reid giving Fog a lot of room.
Birdman18: He hasn’t played footy for 5 years
MrWalrus: Getting ugly already.
Gelly: adelaide are targeting reid with there inside 50s
Harambe: This is men against boys
original: 44% game time tsatas haha wot
bigboyboy: has tsatas got no tank or is brad scott just a dumbass
MrWalrus: No tank
Birdman18: Shiel should never play again. Fumbles everything
Bulky: Can Peatling actually play football?
Ooost: Bulky apparently not
Harambe: Hard to believe Shiel was once All Australian
Nvrletudwn: Tackle the opposition Tsatas
sheezel420: of course i fielded kako over davidson
PinkEyeJye: Gday lads how are we?
Claudius: Witches cones everywhere
Nvrletudwn: I’m sure Hall will make me pay for picking Kako over him
PinkEyeJye: Feel for reid here, clearly seems to be out of his depth
Noxious: I went davidson over kako thankfully, but i also have reid and tsatas, so not great
Claudius: Gresham selfish
Noxious: Gresham so dumb, Keane dumber
Bluebagg11: Knew I should’ve Capped Dawson
MrWalrus: To be fair Reid will probably post an ok score, looks like he’s going to get plenty of opportunity
Cam123: Bombers very ordinary
Raspel31: You think Cam123?
Claudius: Reid will improve, takes time.
Harambe: Tsatas the butcher
Harambe: Dons fans would be livid they used pick 5 on Tsatas
bhg26: Good 10 minute stint Tsatas back to the bench for you
pcaman2003: Raspel. There goes the sly facetious remark. If only I thought of it 🙂
Ooost: Peatling owners seething right now 😀
Noxious: Thankyou very much Rankine
Cam123: Bombers bottom 5 with Saints, Roos, Tigers & Eagles
Harambe: Reckon the Roos will be a step up from the other 4 Cam
pcaman2003: Harambe. A bit tough on Tsatas. I think he’s doing okay with only limited game time.
Cam123: Yep, quite possibly, they have some talented kids
Harambe: He slaughters the footy and doesn’t tackle pca
Claudius: He’s not alone.
pcaman2003: Harambe.Give him time to improve as it’s early days still. The kids won’t be perfect.
Noxious: A mark and 2 disposals for reid, thank god haha
MrWalrus: Agree about the Roos Harambe, they could be this year’s hawthorn
slydon: im hoping we get maybe 5 wins this year
pcaman2003: Wasn’t expecting the Crows to be doing this so easily.. Bombers comeback 2nd half??
slydon: but at that point we may as well tank for no1
Birdman18: Tsatas’s score is good for his tog
Harambe: With Dodoro gone, you might actually make us of pick 1 Sly
pcaman2003: Birdman. Happy to have him in my team. Hoping he’ll get more TOG though.
Harambe: Because another Andy McGrath definitely isn’t worth tanking for
Claudius: I suppose Kako into the midfield would be too much to ask?
SwaggyP: glad i didnt go to the game today. BUt i have to go next week. grim.
Claudius: Put your best ballwinner at HF WTF?
Noxious: Nice kick
pcaman2003: Caldwell is impressive and his price not too bad. Mmm!
MrWalrus: Who are you talking about Claudius?
MrWalrus: Agree re Caldwell pca
Claudius: Merrett started HFF, back in the guts next bounce.
slydon: hospital ball shiel
slydon: must hate his team mates / contact
Bulky: Crows are playing really well considering they’re 2 players shor with Peatling and Cumming on the field.
Harambe: Prior is just getting obliterated by Keays
Noxious: Peatling, Cumming and Perryman all not going great so far
MrWalrus: Prior on Keays yeah?
MrWalrus: That Crouch kick not 15 makes up for the 20m Keays one called not 15 before
LionBoy: Afternoon all. Anyone feeling this is gonna blowout?
slydon: one way traffic atm
LionBoy: Three figures?
SwaggyP: 100 point blowout might be flattering for the dons..
Bulky: Essendon will give Scott a further 5 year contact extension after this game.
Birdman18: This is why they extended Scott’s contract. They knew how bad they’d be
KatAttaack: Might need to re write the bombers song. See the bombers crash and burn
MrWalrus: Not quite but I don’t think it’s going to get any better than this either.
Birdman18: Take the pressure off
LionBoy: Keays the biggest loss from Lions in last 5-7 years.
Apachecats: Rankine hammy getting looked at ,3AW
Harambe: That’s a shame Apache, he was Rankine highly today
wadaramus: Keays a loss? Brisbane delisted him?
Apachecats: Rankine back on a bit proppy.
Harambe: Hammy looks fine LOL
KatAttaack: Bombers need their ” vitamins”
Noxious: Goal of the year
exatekk: GOTY right there
LionBoy: Exactly. Could?ve held him just a little longer. Had his chances with us but just couldn?t get it together.
Apachecats: Rankine just kicked GOD ,must be OK.
bigboyboy: hammy looks ok
wadaramus: Rankine outrageous.
ausgooner: he should have his hammy looked at more often
MrWalrus: I like proppy Rankine.
PinkEyeJye: Wow that was ridiculous from Rankine
cherry9: Oh that?s ridiculous Izak!
Noxious: Wow nice work Kako
LionBoy: Wow great goals.
piesfan420: afternoon all
Noxious: Izak/Isaacs from both ends
MrWalrus: 3 highlights goals in a row.
wadaramus: Tsatas making impulse traders nervous?
KatAttaack: Geelong Got the Good Scott
piesfan420: Mrwalrus. Then fogarty does that
Thedude24: 60% tog and just went back to the bench and probably starts q4 on bench
Apachecats: Rankine going to be subbed -3AW
pcaman2003: Kicking myself I didn’t VC Dawson now..Hindsight is so good.
MrWalrus: Soligo subbed 3AW Muppets
Apachecats: Correction sorry -Soligo.
Noxious: I swear Kako was on 19 before that goal
PinkEyeJye: Glad 3AW are getting these calls right
Nvrletudwn: Had Soligo for 20… phew
Noxious: Wow Merrett
Harambe: But it says Soligo is subbed Apache?
Apachecats: Blame the girl boundary rider on 3AW
Claudius: Merrett VC looking the goods
LionBoy: Bomber fans should worship Zerrett for hanging in with this mob.
Harambe: TV now saying Rankine subbed
Apachecats: She’s still saying Rankine subbed ,
Noxious: It is Rankine
MrWalrus: Some cracking goals this quarter.
LionBoy: Rankine subbed
Claudius: Rankine sub
pcaman2003: Noxious.Don’t think his 5 clangers helped him much.
Harambe: This is all very confusing I must admit
Thedude24: Noxious just before the goal he had a double clanger kicking it straight to the boundary line and getting pinged
PinkEyeJye: Damn that sucks, Rankine was on for a good score
Stu7: 20 since half time Dawson not good enough
Apachecats: Soligo is OK.
sdka: rankine i had as vc omg
MrWalrus: Blame the girl, precautionary on Rankine is smart if a little annoying.
Stu7: Woops just refreshed 27 nice work ha ha
Apachecats: Rankine was heading for 140 ,drats
kisip: Man thats a shame, rankine was looking at a big score
Harambe: Shame sdka, at least he wasn’t C
Capn_Flash: Why would they sub him off though?
clay007: Can you blame Scott or are the bombers just too young?
Stu7: Dodged a bullet nearly traded Rankine in
Noxious: Hamstring?
MrWalrus: I’m happy Rankine was subbed, take the 90 and dodge him doing a hammy
Harambe: If his hammy was tight, no point risking in this drubbing. History of hamstring issues
LionBoy: Precaution Capn. Does have dodgy hammy
Capn_Flash: I did Stu, and i thought i was a genius!
wadaramus: Resting the Rolls Royce for next week, Sid Draper needs a run.
Harambe: Reid 100% TOG, absolutely heroid warrior
MrWalrus: Bombers are missing 7-8 of their best 18, can’t really blame the coach for that.
Harambe: Rankine subbed off and still outscored Sanders in DT LOL
slydon: we suck
piesfan420: crows gonna score 170
LionBoy: Adelaide now in my 4. Sorry Pies 5-8
Stu7: Bad luck Capn_Flash
Thedude24: noooooooo why sub off Rankine?!?!?!?
pcaman2003: Marks and kicks differential very telling.
Shymander: Rankine on my Never Again list after last year. This was half the reason and the vindication feels GOOD
Phasir: Essenscum missing only 4 best 22 players. Unless you’re counting big names like Vigo Visentini
pcaman2003: Happy with Tsatas 18 touches and 9 CP’s.
wadaramus: Soligo got whacked, hopefully he can still ton up.
Nvrletudwn: Essendon/Carlton Merrett/Cripps feel bad for them both
clay007: I feel for Merrett, heart and soul of the club, needs more like him if they are to improve
pcaman2003: Nort Draper! Gone to the rooms.
LionBoy: Yep Nvr two players whose loyalty will end any premiership chance.
Stu7: Please don?t bench Dawson because they are so far in front please
clay007: That might just happen stu and it would be a good move for Adelaide.
MrWalrus: Ridley, Langford, Laverde, Setterfield, Parish,Wright & Guelfi just off the top of my head.,
kisip: Caldwell has done well for me, still a shame about rankine but 90 is not bad
Stu7: I know Clay
MrWalrus: 7 right there easy best 18, I dislike Essendon but facts are facts.
Stu7: I?m hoping they?re going for percentage which would be a good option
clay007: Fingers crossed for you though stu
Stu7: Thanks Clay
Stu7: Are Caldwell and Merret the only ones playing today?
Harambe: Three players in this game were delisted by Brisbane. Keays, Hinge, Prior
Stu7: Red flag Dawson on the bench
Noxious: Tsatas ton here i can smell it
arbel: tsatas only 57 percent time on ground … give him more of a run
MrWalrus: And all arguably good calls all things considered Harambe
clay007: I thought Keays wanted out Harambe. Is that not the case, brissy didn’t want him?
LionBoy: Yep Hara. But none
wadaramus: Benched Tsatas to give him another chance, typical!
MrWalrus: Tsatas can’t run though, that’s his problem, no tank.
original: Rankine scaled up like 6 since sub
clay007: You right harambe, rookie listed by crows in 2019
Harambe: The AFL is a secondary league for players who can’t make it at Brisbane
LionBoy: Yep Hara but none of them would get much game time in Brissie.
LionBoy: Gonna have some salary cap issues soon I fear.
Birdman18: Rankine should get to 100. The game is done
MrWalrus: Rankine might ton here, not complaining about the vesting either if it keeps him in long term
Bulky: Hope GWS threw in a set of steak knives with the Peatling, Cumming trade.
Harambe: I played against Keays in state champs growing up. He was a midfielder who couldn’t get that role at Bris
Harambe: His forward craft has come a long way at Adelaide though, full credit to him
LionBoy: Absolutely. 2025 Keays is remarkably better than the 2019 version.
Shymander: c’mon Dawson, just a bit more?
Harambe: Dawson sniffing a late snag I reckon
Shymander: not having Tsatas might kill me
Stu7: Can someone tell me if a bench planer scores in your highest 18 does he get included or is only the ones on field that
Noxious: Love that Rankine is still going up
Swoop35: Tsatas could ton here, keep going lad
LionBoy: Good question Stu
Ninty: only if you have a non player 0 on the field Stu7
Stu7: If bench planer scores in your highest 18 does he get included in your 18 or is it only the ones on field
Bulky: Believe it’s only on field players.
MrWalrus: Yes stu so long as you have someone they replace on field.
Stu7: Thanks Ninty so I?ll be using a Suns player on field
piesfan420: glad i got rid of sid draper after being the sub last week
LionBoy: So?.do emergencies score if there is a zero?
Harambe: 3 goals on debut is a solid effort by Edwards in a drubbing
Stu7: Which is it Bulky correct or Ninty?
SwaggyP: kako and edwards giving us some light in this dark tunnel
clay007: I don’t think so Lion. If playing is on field and listed, you get that score, but you will end up with the flex score
MrWalrus: Yes LionBoy so long as the zero didn’t get on the field, also the flex still replaces lowest after E players determined
clay007: player
Ninty: yes, that’s the point in emergencies, but also able to use them as a loophole by hoping an emergency goes large
Harambe: Ninty is correct, emergency covers for a zero on-field and can count towards best 18
J_Herer: Brutal start to this year for fantasy points
clay007: You have to imagine the bombers, they have not stopped trying
Stu7: Is there an expert on the game that can give an accounts
Ninty: clay007, if an emergency is best 18 and there’s a zero on field it replaces, it counts
LionBoy: Just looked rules. Scores only come from on field 23.
Stu7: Is there an expert on the game that can give an accurate answer as there?s 2 answers
wadaramus: Get tackled, throw the ball, no penalty, that makes sense.
clay007: Even if the player actually played on field ninty?
MrWalrus: Yes Ninty unless the zero was from a guy who actually got on the field
CuzzysCrew: same as any other round, if you have a non playing player on field then you get your e score
Harambe: You mean if they got injured on a score of zero Clay?
Ninty: best 22* best 18 is in the proper bye rounds
MrWalrus: No clay but the flex would replace them in that case.
LionBoy: Apologies. Just read The emergencies do count if they?re activated by a non player and they are in top 18
clay007: Thanks Walrus
Thedude24: Stu7 emergency score in the top 18 does count assuming they’re covering someone that isn’t playing
Noxious: Its best 18 now Ninty
navy_blues: this is best 18
MrWalrus: All of this is in the rules on the app and site BTW
Zutroyz: BYE ROUND ALERT: This round has teams on a bye. Your team will score points from your best 18 players (top 18 scores),
clay007: I heard on the radio that Bailey Smith is out with sore ankle. Cannot see any news that confirms that. Anyone know?
Noxious: Calf Clay
navy_blues: and any emergencies needed
kisip: How did rankine jump up to 100?? Ill take it but that was weird
MrWalrus: Rankine tons!
Ninty: where does it say that Zut? I dont think it’s best 18 when theres only 2 teams with the bye
Stu7: Yes Zutroyz but can you answer my question if you can please?
Ooost: Smith is out, yes.
Harambe: Lot of speculation that Smith’s “calf” was actually some nose beers
Ninty: Smith has been reported to be a late out since last night
Noxious: Look on the team screen ninty
Zutroyz: selected in your Starting 23 only, including any required emergencies
Harambe: Stu, how many time do you need to hear the answer?
navy_blues: look on your team page its highlighted lol
MrWalrus: Yep Clay, out, just google him, theres a fox sport story at least.
Zutroyz: Sorry Stu7 character limit
clay007: Afl teams still suggests he is playing, could catch some out
Ninty: Rankine has tonned because he played when the game mattered (was close), players get scaled up or down because of that
Zutroyz: Emergency only counts if one of your selected players doesn’t play
Thedude24: Kisip it’s scaling. He is being rewarded with more points because of his impact when the game was on the line
Zutroyz: I’ve put Stone on to emergency Davidson
Ninty: i have looked Nox, nothing on the app
Stu7: Zutroyz huh?
Harambe: What an effort by Merrett
Zutroyz: Minty that info is straight out of SC app
clay007: I did the same zut, I may use tsatas for smith
Noxious: Your app must be cooked then because its literally the first thing you see
Ninty: clay, that’s because final teams are announced one hour prior to the game.
LionBoy: Great work Bombers. Winning the qtr.
piesfan420: merret doesnt deserve to play for bombers, needs a better club
Stu7: Harambe if you read the comments they?re different answers
pcaman2003: Harambe. No doubt Merrett is an absolute champion.
wadaramus: Imaging if we actually put some defensive effort into Merrett.
Ninty: my app just shows me about unlocking superocah gold even though I already have it :facepalm:
Zutroyz: Stu7 – my 1st comment cut short bc character limit, added 2ndi
Birdman18: We’ve hit the point limit now so players are going to start losing scores
Bulky: Smith is a suspected out. Not confirmed as yet.
clay007: You guys are such a good resource, why use google, just ask you lads
Stu7: What?s the answer Harambe?
LionBoy: Take that back. But good last qtr effort Bombers
Stu7: Thanks Zutroyz appreciate it mate
MrWalrus: Ninty it’s literally above your team in the field the team view
pcaman2003: Thanks Bulky! Hope he’s okay and still in.
Zutroyz: Had my mid emergency on campo Clay, otherwise would be the same
mattmac24: Smith is a confirmed out
Ninty: refreshed, it’s finally up lol. anyway all good – emergencies count as it says in the app.
Ninty: @MrWalrus it wasn’t showing up, it does now. cheers
Stu7: Thanks Ninty
wadaramus: Well played Adelaide, 10 goal iwn away, can’t complain.
wadaramus: Ben Keays star, good one m0nty, not bad for a discard.