carl: Held Sander’s and Perryman, definitely their last chance.
upweydons: Who wins tonight , GE
Yelse: held ferryman too due to all the outs including flyn
piesfan420: evening all. should be a good game tonight
piesfan420: I cant believe long the sub after his game against port
Yelse: poor putting long as sub he was unreal for us
piesfan420: umps starting already
Gotigres: Oh no, Flynn is out. Thank goodness for the flex
navy_blues: lol blaming umps already bit early for that
Amare: typical pies morons don’t know the rules.
Stringygun: Calm down Amare
Noxious: Evening gents
Pavs: Evening all. Welcome to the weekend.
Noxious: Looks like Ned Long is getting a full game after all
Gotigres: Reef gone
pcaman2003: Evening! Not umpire blaming already, surely.
bhg26: Disciplined start from crisp
Apachecats: Traded Long out 5 mins ago ,now he’ll get a full game.,jeez.
bhg26: Can we get 100 free kicks in a game?
Apachecats: We’re on track bhg.
piesfan420: i hope not bhg would make it a pretty shit game
Nvrletudwn: Greetings all
LionBoy: Evening all. Davidson looking lively tonight.
pcaman2003: Nice start Davidson.
bhg26: Okay Freijahs role perplexes me. Started in defence, attended some stoppages in the midfield and then is in the pocket
clay007: Perryman, starting player, yet the sub comes on to the ground before him
Harambe: LMAO the sub is on the ground before Perryman is
J_Herer: Perryman on his last chance, not helping himself by sittings on the pine!
Nvrletudwn: Davids on
piesfan420: terrible start from us
original: perryman use is concerning, sub getting on before him is truly bizarre
bhg26: Know he missed it but richards is an absolute gun in the midfield
Harambe: 12 minutes on the pine then plays back pocket original
Gelly: put peri peri man back on the bench, hes tired
Hepatitis: Perryman can?t be playing on ball
original: harambe this is not what we were sold lol. gone this week
J.Worrall: Right on, bhg
Harambe: Perryman’s been a troll of a pick, not even sniffing the midfield
bhg26: Theyre paying perryman all this money to just not play him anywhere
Noxious: So glad i traded Perryman out, was hoping it wouldnt bite me but seems to be fine so far
Nvrletudwn: He exists!
piesfan420: JDG only one that looks good so far
arbel: Held Sanders he better get going
pcaman2003: Doggies looking a class above. Pies better pull out the finger.
Gotigres: What did Baker do to be on 2sc?
Harambe: Wish there was a boost in AF so I could trade all of Sanders, Perryman and Day next week
bhg26: Great chat off the bench gotigres
navy_blues: perryman comes on coll lift
Bazza2023: geezus dogs are lightning good tonight, missing about 7 players.
Bazza2023: evening peptides
J_Herer: 10 tackles please Perry!
clay007: Gotigres…he made some sausage rolls for the coaches=2pts
piesfan420: harambe still early for sanders and perry dont you think?
Harambe: Their roles are atrocious piesfan
Spifflicat: Everything Perryman does looks classy, but they won?t play him in the guts.
Gotigres: Thanks bhg and clay. Good to know.
Harambe: Reef subbed off for Long hurts Perryman’s role I think. Perry can play HBF, Long can’t
clay007: He is a baker gotriges
navy_blues: naicos 6 poss only 9m gained wouldnt think that is possible
navy_blues: academy award naicos there
Fromage: Nadi is 199 please
EvilMonk: true, I couldn’t see the arm around the neck either – Stevie Wonder @navy_blues.
Phasir: Jeez, gotta start penalizing the ducking and arm raises like they do with the flopping in marking contests
Fromage: Naicos
Gotigres: Thanks for pointing that out clay. I definitely did not make that connection.
piesfan420: looking much better these last 5mins
original: 7m kicks count when its inside 50
bhg26: Dont even know where perryman is now
Dog Squed: Sanders a scam
bhg26: He leaves GWS in to get a bigger role only to get a worse one lol
Harambe: Surely he’s getting payed more bhg? No other explanation
clay007: Big chat about S Darcy and Naicos, who is the best. Best 2 players at moment
cammo92: Think with McInnes going off, Perryman has had to move back
bhg26: Hes defo on the big bucks harambe
Bazza2023: Blue man group playing ok
clay007: Yes bhg, but look at the crowds he is playing in front of. Gws…cmon!
navy_blues: true cammo
arbel: sanders equal lowest time on ground when all those mids missing for dogs … he goes next week
Bazza2023: Naicos with the obvious arm raise duck, is that still playing???
EvilMonk: Schultz killing it, excellent pressure.
bhg26: Same amount of teeth in both crowds clay
Spifflicat: $800k pa to bench warm or play back pocket. I thought only Jade Gresham managed that sort of deal
EvilMonk: I’d imagine he’s been put back because of the McInnes injury @Spifflicat
EvilMonk: he’s a better choice than Long obviously.
sdka: why on earth did i keep sanders
Harambe: Yes Clay, but most of those fans are Melburnians, and Pies fans at that. Yuck
piesfan420: houston very quiet
J.Worrall: Sanders lowest TOG. Musta pissed the coach off
Harambe: Rather play in front of 3 people and a dog in western Sydney
Pavs: Sanders not hunting the football playing outside mid. No good.
Harambe: More like forward & bench Pavs
Apachecats: Pies are going to spoil the birthday party.
bhg26: Seeing sidebottom and Long get cbas over perryman hurts my soul
clay007: Harambe and bhg…good work
TimT14: Houston killing my draft team
piesfan420: bhg, there looking solid so cant blame them
clay007: Why was Long the sub. He played a good game against Port. he may end up being a good pickup
EvilMonk: Wow Long has been great for two weeks now. Dude needs to take the vest off permanently please Fly!
OffaStep: W T Freijah
EvilMonk: @clay great minds think alike.
Noxious: Davidson fell asleep after a good start
Nugz: Sanders gets himself in good spots but doesn’t get rewarded I’ve noticed. I think he works hard enough. (i have him too)
Stu7: Houston we have a problem
Apachecats: unfortunately its his 3rd game Evil-big price rise coming.
clay007: That statement is always true
McSquire: Naughton must have something to do after the game – making sure he doesn?t get hurt
clay007: I mean that for evil, offa
arbel: sanders started that bounce at full forward … Bevo still screwing players
TheLegend6: Sanders is a must trade at this point
arbel: then to the bench again 😛
Yelse: haven’t seen houston at all
clay007: Exactly arbel, what is he doing to Freijah?
bhg26: Now Pendlebury cbas before perryman bruh
Hepatitis: Perryman seemingly playing in a back pocket
clay007: Houston has a problem
bhg26: Its not even like hes playing wing hes just not in the game at all
Hepatitis: Moore getting towelled up. So good to see
navy_blues: anyone know darcys price?
bhg26: Darcys a freak
piesfan420: darcy did the same thing against us last year, just loves a big one against us
Pavs: Darcy looks the goods again this year.
Noxious: Darcy 427k
Bazza2023: NO one will stop this kid when he is on…….
navy_blues: ty nox i did look it up in the end
Apachecats: Perryman won’t make 40 at this rate.
Yelse: problem we have is the defence not many option for freijah or perryman to replace with
Spifflicat: Pez still on less $$$ per possession than Houston
bhg26: I thought worst case for perryman was another 60, boy was i wrong
Noxious: Oh here he is finally
OffaStep: My option was to replace Perryman with Freijah, Yelse. Working out well so far…
McSquire: Perryman will be lucky to hold his place
Bazza2023: IS Perryman scared of crowds?
Apachecats: Darcy will ton up before half time.
Yelse: we need defence rookies to bob up
bhg26: That and hes scared of the ball bazza
Zutroyz: Happy with Sanders to Sniff
Yelse: don’t even know why we brought in cox
Beast_Mode: loving the fact so many donkeys picked Sanders and Perryman lmao
Harambe: Why Squire? He’s playing his role
bhg26: Ah yes the weekly beast mode ragebait
Apachecats: Yelse have a good look at Bices last game if you don’t have him already.
Zutroyz: All hail Beast Mode, king of the trolls
Spifflicat: Collingullie in NSW has produced 2 AFL footballers that I?m aware of, both playing tonight
puckeey: Darcy is having a field day
Bazza2023: i gotta agree to a degree beast, Sanders???? WTF…….didnt show overly much last year as coach thinks not much of him,
bhg26: Now McCreery cbas again, think everyones going to get mid time but perryman
Bazza2023: so why would this year be different,?
OffaStep: Pies need Moore Long Cox to harden up and insert themselves.
piesfan420: dog act from williams
Noxious: Good stuff there Offa
Harambe: Much easier structurally for forwards to rotate into the midfield than defenders bhg
Apachecats: Glad I did a reverse trade on Davidson ,makes up for the Long mistake.
bhg26: Did McNeil swap out a footy for a brick that set shot?
TheLegend6: Now perryman off for a breather lmao
Harambe: Love your work Offa
bhg26: Yeah a heroic stint legend
piesfan420: passage of the game, genius pendles
EvilMonk: not a bad handball for an old man <3
bhg26: Had Richards nearly all preseason until that calf niggle a couple weeks before the season started, spewin
clay007: If they don’t do that, Houston will have a problem
Apachecats: Cox is good for a laugh.
LionBoy: Don?t get excited Pach. I see a Bevo coming up.
Fromage: Come on Naicos – 199 pls
Harambe: Mason Cox is from Texas, he and Houston should get along well
Pavs: Love Libba doing Libba things.
McSquire: Maynard is such a tough and intimidating player
LionBoy: Yeah Squire. Wonder where he?ll be next year.
loginpaul: glazer
bhg26: English brick wall
Noxious: Didnt know English had that in him
loginpaul: squire is riding maynard like he’s getting paid for it
Harambe: Maynard and May are cut from the same cloth. Bif boofhooded bogan flogs who defend damn well
piesfan420: that post is still shaking
McSquire: Sorry guys I meant to say wanker
Dog Squed: Maynard finished Brayshaws career, who will be next?
Harambe: Holy cow Perryman just attended a stoppage on the wing
Gelly: omg i saw peri man
piesfan420: perry just got scared of a shadow
TheLegend6: Sanders not getting used, gets in good spots
McSquire: Maybe his Mum Dog
navy_blues: lol
piesfan420: how have we stuffed that
Noxious: wow
bhg26: Was that point part of the set play?
Yelse: what was that
LuvIt74: NDaicos will be $300k at this level…lol
Manowar: hee-haw, hee-haw Donkey!
LionBoy: Ahhh McStay. Get used to it Pies. We did.
bhg26: Perryman over under 40 points?
McSquire: At this rate under bhg
Harambe: Didn’t even live up to his name LionBoy. Dan McLeft
Nvrletudwn: You know who I’d like to get the ball? That Perryman fellow.
Fromage: 2 weeks trade Oliver for Naicos
Nvrletudwn: Over 40 bhg
Harambe: He actually started attending mid stoppages at the end of that quarter bhg. He might lift a touch
Harambe: Monster half from Sanders, zero kicks
Bazza2023: Dan McStay needs to be traded couldnt hit a barn door
J_Herer: fixed rookies this week, now to fix perryman, meek and sanders, jeez
LuvIt74: Richards looks great value
soup: Hopefully freijah trapped some people
Harambe: Maybe McStay is actually right-footed but he’s never tried it
LionBoy: No dignity Maynard.
Bazza2023: Maynard typical skunk nature
LuvIt74: @Herer Meek straight to Rankine, Perryman to Cerra if you dont have him, Sanders to so many rookies
LionBoy: Some players annoy you but you?d love him in your team. Maynard not one of them.
Apachecats: Yeah me soup ,he’s on thin ice.
Bazza2023: wouldnt fit with Hollywood, maybe East LA
Fordy13: evening gents.
J_Herer: yeah Luv, will probably go Sanders to a rookie, then perryman to one of my top 6 defenders (meek next week)
LuvIt74: @Henrr Do you have Hall or Read?
J_Herer: Not yet, was having a look at Hall this week
clay007: Who are the pies defensive options to replace McInnes
piesfan420: clay, for tonight or for future games if its a big injury
clay007: Future games Piesfan. We have the blues next week. I am not sure Charlie Dean gets it done
Harambe: They could bring in Nathan Murphy
piesfan420: dont forget we have the bye aswell clay before blues
bhg26: “Gripping on at the right place” AYO
clay007: True. I just feel Moore is not as aggressive after Petracca hit. We need more defensive grunt
piesfan420: if WHE is back could look to play him HB and move bruzzy to reefs role
Hepatitis: How is that not a free kick to buku. They get a good run the pies
TheLegend6: they missed freijah soccer kick first 5 seconds of the qtr
clay007: You should be in the coaching panel.
original: in the back
Harambe: Wow they are smashing the free kick count Hep
original: any word on Reef injury?
McSquire: Just saying knee Original
piesfan420: original commentators said right knee
Harambe: Sam Darcy is Darcy Moore’s daddy
Noxious: Need a royal commission into the size of the posts
Hepatitis: Change perryman icon, he?s not play8ng in the middle
eaglesrick: free kick count looking very lopsided
Hepatitis: Mcreery such a scummy player
navy_blues: how is that not a dangerous tackle?
Noxious: what a grub
loginpaul: the pies breed grubs like that
original: hate that mcreery, fan of his speed and toughness but hate that
Bazza2023: Is Houston stil “spitting” from half back?
TheLegend6: This is awful sanders
Noxious: Houston going to ruin my multi
JockMcPie: good, dont gamble
Noxious: You’re not my dad
Yelse: is houston injured TOG low
m0nty: I am your dad, don’t gamble sone
Noxious: Thanks dad, I understand
bhg26: In gambling you can either lose 100% of your money of make 5000% back. Its just basic math
OffaStep: Lol m0nty
TheLegend6: You’re always one bet closer to your biggest win
piesfan420: reef, suspected acl
Keano: Port won the Houston trade
OffaStep: I prefer losing 100% of my money and 3000% of my social functionality. It’s just basic meth.
original: no one running with naicos
LionBoy: Davidson runs around like a 12yr old. But doing ok.
piesfan420: loophole davidison? or risk hewett and kako
J_Herer: Perryman has forgotten how to tackle
Yelse: i think daicos needs to go back on the wing the trial back not as damaging
TheLegend6: You take 65-70 from a rookie anyday
Nugz: @LionBoy – He works hard!
LionBoy: Anything in the 60?s will do me
clay007: Geez…the free kick count is alarming
cherry9: If Davidson manages 60 by 3 qt, we seriously in business
clay007: He rarely waste one…the he wastes one
Hepatitis: Yep Ik clay, you blokes always get a good run
Pokerface: that 2 more points will make all the differnce
piesfan420: jeez we have had a few lucky ones fall our way
LionBoy: What the hell happened to English. a shadow of what he was two years ago. Lacks a bit of heart.
Apachecats: Side Steelebottom!!!
TheLegend6: Can’t figure out if perry or sanders is worse
clay007: Hilarious hepa, no we don’t. The wheel turns sometimes and tonight it has turned sharply. Go Pies
Dog Squed: Sanders is worse.
Noxious: Houston wtf
clay007: Lionboy…darcy is what happened to english. Sharing the ruck duties
piesfan420: I havent seen perry all quarter
Pokerface: Purryman got a tackle?!
Gelly: free kick collingwood
Apachecats: Darcy was on 94 half way through the 2nd quarter.
original: darcy only 4 hitouts. dont think thats it
LionBoy: Nah Clay. He?s not attacking marks. Not getting his arms up. Not the same. Shoulder issues??
Pokerface: i presume you watched the 23 grand final clay.
zadolinnyj: Good game
clay007: You might be right Lion. I probably haven’t watched him enough.
clay007: The wheel turned nicely that day Poker, I loved it.
Spifflicat: Taylor Duryea reminds me of Ramsay Bolton of GoT fame
navy_blues: 12/26 wow thats only 3/4 time lol
Pokerface: lol. i’m sure you did 🙂
piesfan420: darcy cameron, surely ton up for me
Pokerface: i can see it now you’ve said that Spiff
JockMcPie: bloody umps, pies should have at least 10 more frees am i right guys!!
clay007: Collingwood’s new recruits not doing well collectively. Membrey, Perryman and Houston…lift for the jumper boys
clay007: Great work Jock…it is the ones they miss
LionBoy: Yeah Jock. You can?t possibly lose this one. It?s in the bag.
JockMcPie: locked and loaded, this will blow out now. 6+ goals
JockMcPie: cant lose with the umps on your side
Getup: And we winning clay good signs Houston peŕryman membtry
Raspel31: Magnificent quarter by Naughton- only in the draft I hastily add.
Harambe: Earworm for you all: Hey Ya! by OutKast, but instead they sing Freijah
loginpaul: That’s terrible, mate
Getup: All good clay and we still winning happy day’s
Roarix: gotta love the front on contact there..
Norf17: That is outstanding work Harambe
sdka: nah all i hear is homer simpson saying “saaaaaanderrrrrs”
McSquire: 26-12 the frees
EvilMonk: what a joke these frees, we need more. lmao
piesfan420: mcsquire, dogs been very undisciplined
Apachecats: Some soft ones to Collingwood.
Getup: Hahah evil
McSquire: You have evil 28 now lol
Yelse: Such a big scoreboard on the screen can only get FOO in there
EvilMonk: 35+ or it’s an absolute joke, AFL never looks after us
piesfan420: mcstay cant kick
soup: Perryman about as useful as a Muslim at a pig market
Fordy13: Davidson has been much better this week.
McSquire: Pies broken it up now – could blow out from here
Harambe: Collingwood have been the Foo Fighters tonight Yelse
Raspel31: Trump has slapped an embargo afainst Doggies scoring?
Pokerface: i think you want 70+ to keep davidson. Its a best 18 week, so itll drop out below that
J_Herer: Perryman would be dropped next week wouldn’t he?
piesfan420: DC massive qtr so far for me
Noxious: You overestimate my team poker
Fordy13: Yeah he’s emergency atm
Pokerface: nicely played Harambe
Spifflicat: My 19th score last week wasn?t even 50
Birdman18: Darcy is going to be so good
LionBoy: Probably right Poker. He may well get there.
TheLegend6: Perry has the worst role I’ve ever seen any player have
Bazza2023: English far from his best
Pokerface: oh he’ll get there. but rookie hold scores in bye weeks need to be raised.
EvilMonk: oh shit, more frees please umps.
piesfan420: had this game on our hands 5mins ago
bhg26: Brilliant by Davidson
Harambe: Tim “Broken” English
piesfan420: lobb should get suspended for that scum
TheLegend6: ouch
EvilMonk: how isn’t that 50?
Noxious: Ouch
soup: Well done lobby
Nvrletudwn: All of a sudden Carlton fans are hoping Lobb gets weeks…
Hepatitis: Nice lobby
Harambe: He’s more like Pidgin English than Tim English these days
Apachecats: Happy holiday Rory.
EvilMonk: I know we’ve had the fair rub of frees, but that was a clear punch to the head after a mark lol
original: wtf never seen elliott miss a shot
Roarix: cause it wasnt a mark evil.. just high contact
navy_blues: thats a maynard special lol
clay007: Soup…seriously, are you proud of that?
Nvrletudwn: Yay 40 for Perryman
bigpens: Football action
Roarix: cox, at best, touched the ball.. no mark at all
LionBoy: Brave man Pach trying to predict a judiciary outcome at the moment.
Pokerface: bruised Cox never looks good
McSquire: Cox is whinging again
Hepatitis: Football action clay, have a bath champion
Harambe: Love how Davidson puffs his cheeks out while chasing
Norf17: Couldn’t have happened to a worse bloke than Cox
pcaman2003: Davidson putting real effort tonight. Good going young fella.
clay007: I dis not question the act hepa, I question someone loving someone getting hurt
Harambe: Rory Lobb just bashed a blind man on national television
TheLegend6: Unreal by Williams
Raspel31: I feel we’re all agreed here we want a Doggie’s win.
LionBoy: Clear touch
soup: What a play from truck
Roarix: what an effort.. well played williams
TheLegend6: Perry had 2 free kicks that pies played on from ffs
LionBoy: I tipped Pies but cheering for Doggies. That?ll hex ?em.
Pokerface: let Perryman take his free you jerk
navy_blues: nice
clay007: I agree poker
TheLegend6: Where the freijah knockers now?
original: sidey did a docherty
bhg26: Freijahs balls are massive
piesfan420: for flowers sake sidey
clay007: Friejah, good comeback, might ton up
Nvrletudwn: Cape for Freijah?
soup: Yeah should’ve known freijah would get a 40 point goal
Hepatitis: Weak dog Schulz lol
original: freijah just went BOOM up to 107 wow
Noxious: He has already
Ninty: Cracker of a game now
navy_blues: draw
Yelse: our fwdscant hold the ball ffs
Apachecats: Freijah got 30sc for that goal.
McSquire: Shultz and Sidebottom one handed
original: not fair. freijah gets 35sc for one kick and perryman only got 3? sc is rigged
Hepatitis: Clearest push in the back of all time
navy_blues: that wasnt a mark
clay007: I don’t think that is a mark
pcaman2003: Justice served
bhg26: Ball dont lie!
TheLegend6: Sanders off for the end if brutal, been good second half
clay007: 9 goals 16, not good enough
original: hahah umpire youre joking
Hepatitis: Disgraceful umpiring. Typical pies
piesfan420: i dont think thats deliberate
bhg26: Oh my goodness gracias me
Roarix: deliberate? wtf umps
Noxious: Games too close, better chuck some more frees in
bhg26: Ball dont lie
Nvrletudwn: Free kicks aren’t letting Perrymanwin without a fight
McSquire: Omg
bhg26: Thats a free kick
The Ogre: This is just freakin ridiculous!
bhg26: Perryman to kick the winner and ton up we will be there
TheLegend6: get sanders on you fraud bevo
clay007: Sidebottom, amazing.
Hepatitis: Pies undeserving winners
piesfan420: Sideyyyyy
Harambe: Balls of Steele
Nugz: Free kick count is baffling.
Bazza2023: had to be sidebum
Dog Squed: Nice free kicks count.
Roarix: dale cost the dogs a few goals.. wtf was that marking of Sidebottom
original: yeh real slack from dale
LionBoy: Draw??
KatAttaack: Good second game from Davidson
Dog Squed: Come on Footscray fck collingwood
original: some mark schultz
Ninty: Wow
Harambe: *Hank Hill voice* Dang it, Dale!
Hepatitis: Daicos runs it over how
Pokerface: Sidebottom x factor
Ninty: Haha that?s a free all day
Hepatitis: Below the knees on bramble
original: whistles away in the last minute boys, dont want to impact the game!!
Roarix: nice taking the legs.. colliumps
LionBoy: Great game boys
bhg26: No below the knees, this is outrageous
Harambe: Good old umpires foreeeeverrr, they know how to rig the game
Gelly: well we know who the umps were barracking for tonight
navy_blues: lose by a goal and be -19 in free kicks says it all
Hepatitis: Disgraceful win
TheLegend6: Hate the pies, umps awful, perryman awful, sanders awful, what a friday
original: lucky no dodgy frees paid late, woulda been a shame for umpires to impact the result
Hepatitis: Scum pies
EvilMonk: i can’t believe how hard done by we were with the umps. Unbelievable.
Nugz: Genuinely some of the worst umpiring I”ve seen.
soup: Great game
Roarix: shockingly bad umpiring.. disgusting, disgraceful, embarrasing
piesfan420: navy blues hows that 0-2 taste
navy_blues: lol original
Dog Squed: Nice work umps another grand fck up
Hepatitis: Ur an average old group pies fan
EvilMonk: everyone enjoying a great game of footy except for the salty blue fans lmao
The Ogre: How does Dale outscore Libba?
Nvrletudwn: Ah good. A nice angry bulldogs for us next week.
Yelse: schultz best game for us since arriving
navy_blues: wwell maybe if we got as many frees as you piesfan we wouldnt be 0-2
clay007: Hepa…get angry myman, when you wake up the pies will still have the win. Go Pies
Fordy13: First ton surely Yelse, what a mark at the end there.
Roarix: Pies wont do much anyway.. they already showed their colours against a good side.. Hawks, Lions, Cats will touch them up
eaglesrick: needs an actual proper investigation…no way should one team get 19 more free kicks.
djtranny: How’s that obvious as below the knees..! LOL
Manowar: Flogpies umpire lovers!
clay007: Roarix…have you taken your meds?
circle52: as a nuetral umpirong was disgusting especially in the last 5 minutes.
flagcats: libba defo a consideration after tn
EvilMonk: imagine how much crap we’d get if we complained like this about umpires.
Dog Squed: Bevo pay out at interview
Harambe: Spot on Roar, Darcy Moore is a witches hat
JockMcPie: never in doubt
flagcats: ig we know where the umps will be spending the night at
piesfan420: even though we had the free kick count, we also had 6 more scoring shots to them
JockMcPie: umps will enjoy their bonus pay from this one, if only neutral fan tears were a currency – we’d be rich
Getup: Great win manowar not sure how the dogs got those 12 free kicks 🤔 your club doing well glad to see
Gelly: i had brett rosebury as captain
clay007: What club is hepa and gelly aligned to?
xjumpman23: probably cos all the frees ended up resulting in 10+ more scoring shots piesfan420
djtranny: Everyone going on about umpires… as a neutral observer, I thought it was fine untile that missed below the knees!
Roarix: 15 free kicks in attacking mid helps with getting a few more shots piesfan..
Roarix: dogs had 4
clay007: Sleep well roarix. You probably need it.
Roarix: haha cant accept getting a gift clay?
Roarix: gotta be real mate