Bulky: Not happy Heeney pulled out of my already depleted side until I saw Jack Hutchinson was my E.
Wends: Heeney a last minute out
bhg26: Tactical masterclass bulky
bhg26: RIP thilthorpes beard
Pavs: Last trade went to Brent Daniels if i knew earlier definetly would have gone to J Cameron.
runners47: Great – Heeney’s late out wrecks my GF forward line
Bulky: I’m playing 4D chess bhg26.
Wends: Same pavs… wld’ve gone Cameron for sure. Instead went to Daniels – but then last minute changed to Daniher arghh!
Pavs: Yep made my GF very difficult now Wends. Need to find a Captain to give me 150+
original: na you wouldnt have gone Jez cameron, way too inconsistent. you’re just syaing that given he killed it lol
Pavs: Against West Coast mate easy pick that one
RgngShnBnr: Cameron vs WC in Geelong was always going to go big
Pavs: No Barass no Gov
Wends: Any ideas pavs for C?
Pavs: Romar, Bont, Butters lots of ideas just not good ones
bhg26: I did the Jezza punt in fantasy. But who cares about fantasy
dezlav: Bring back the beard Thilthorpe
dezlav: @Wends. I put the C on Gulden
Wends: ooh nice choice dezlav. @pavs, guess im going romar
dezlav: @Wends & BHG. Best of luck in the finals also
Pavs: The way Grundy and zerrett are scoring I might need 190+ from my C
bhg26: We need it dez, cheers
cammo92: are these SC scores trustworthy? Seem over the place
dezlav: @Cammo. Theyatch to the SC app.
Wends: Same to you… in two grannies. Brought in Rowell for LDU. All going so well til Heeney news
cammo92: cool, must be good then. scoring seems weird but i have been watching the oher game
The Ogre: Seriously Lloyd not even a kick-in
bhg26: So kicking in danger does exist, where has it been for the other 23 rounds
Pavs: Red card offence bhg Grundy needs to spend the rest of the game on the bench.
bhg26: Cannot disagree more pavs, should get 100 points for making sure the rule still exists
Pavs: Reckon McLean needs a run in the ruck for a while bhg. Just to make the Swans a more rounded team
Noxious: Pretty sure kicking in danger got paid in the showdown too surprisingly
Noxious: And i said the same thing
bhg26: If we start to kick away as much as my sc team would hate it we should manage Grundy
bhg26: McLean was our ruck last year too pavs
Pavs: Thought he would have been managed actually. Maybe prayed not thought
bhg26: I thought he would have been too pavs
bhg26: Same with Chad
dezlav: Well it wasn’t a bad 1st QTR.
Pavs: Chad had a week off. Parker looking good again coming into the finals
TheOnyas: onya crouchy
The39Steps: Bruise free footy, this. Swans (understandably) getting ready for finals. Crows, another Collective Minds camp.
bhg26: Errol on track to poll no votes again
cammo92: grundy spent a lot of time on the bench late in that quarter. wont be surprised if he is subbed
The39Steps: Grundy being subbed won’t have any impact either way. Only impact will be on fantasy teams. So might cost u 5pts.
bhg26: Haha Nicks
bhg26: Tumbleweeds
soup: tomorrow better make up for the day of footy we’ve sat through
bhg26: This is the least interesting day of footy in recent memory soup
beerent11: No heeney?
bhg26: Late out beer, managed
beerent11: Ah well
soup: praying for a port drubbing tomorrow to avoid another Adelaide Oval QF
DidgeBird: soup if gws and port lose, you will probably get a home elim!
beerent11: Checked in, checking out. Good luck to those still interested. Cheers.
soup: I think they port need to lose by 30 or so for us to finish second, we’ll be the fakest 2nd placed team ever
DidgeBird: haha maybe.. any team can win it with the way ’24 has been tho
pluggerpig: hawks were in the top 4 for about an hour today. strange season indeed.
Social: Heeney is a late out you guys
Kidult: Hopefully Dowling can go 65-70
Wends: Wth Gulden??
Loggy17: Wends I guess cos Gulden is a winger he fades in and out
DidgeBird: he’s been playing forward q4
Loggy17: that too didgeridoo
Loggy17: godawful day of footy except for Dusty or the big wins if you are hawks or cats fans, bring on tomorrow….
Social: the wooden spoon was something to savour