Hughsy: Chaos late outs
Gotigres: Greetings. Got Oliver in this week.
J.Worrall: Go Dees, go Maxy!
Fromage: Come on McKay
Baldfrog: Voss wanting to lose this? Making Hewett sub is rediculous
Fromage: McKay and Oliver this week
BigChief: What late outs Hughsy?
frenzy: evening chaps
Pavs: Evening all. Bit of carnage this week.
dearviolet: Max to 200 easy
bhg26: Clarry masterclass incoming
FoopyTime: evening lads
BigChief: Would be nice dearviolet, but 130 closer to what Maxy will get.
Pavs: Clarry taken over from Libba this week bhg. Hope you are right
StuL: We’re trusting that Clarry is back i guess. too late now. he’s in.
ReggieOz: Go Dees Go Max Go Clarry
dearviolet: I’ll take either Chief. Just hope Petracca pulls the pin and scores over 100 at least
Baldfrog: Getting Clarry for 480k is like getting a 1/2 price chook to good to refuse
Fordy13: Evening lads.
Zutroyz: Evening all
BigChief: And straight to the bench for 10 mins 🙁
wadaramus: Top of the evening to you all 🙂
Hughsy: any VC walsh or gawn people, ive gone gawn
Zutroyz: Had to find a way to replace Libba, Yeo, ZWilliams, Rozee and Sweet with 3 trades
Zutroyz: Gawn Hughsy
wadaramus: Gawn Hughsy.
Norf17: Gawn for me Hughsy
Norf17: Trac being tagged, might be a handy straight swap to Clarry next week
dearviolet: Free kick Cartlon
Hughsy: Jeez thats soft
Zutroyz: Crows fans Crouch or Soligo? I’ve gone Soligo
Brian00173: Took a punt on passing up Gawn VC.
StuL: Should have got martin instead of clarry probably
Baldfrog: Why ask then Zut?
BigChief: J. Martin is a huge in for Blues.
StuL: gawn is perma vc
Zutroyz: I only went Soligo because Crouch is on extended bench. That feels like a late managed
Fordy13: I went Roberts + Williams -> N. Martin and Jones.
ralfsmiff4: Are free kicks against scored more harshly when it directly results in a goal (e.g. Gawn earlier) vs anywhere on ground?
zadolinnyj: Lads and wends
Zutroyz: If crouch will play I’d probably swap
StuL: Tracca get moving.
Fordy13: Soligo is looking really good Zut, he’s on my watchlist
BigChief: Not for next 4 weeks StuL.
Norf17: Ralf early actions seem to carry a big premium
bhg26: Walsh is everywhere
fruity: Olivers had 2 kicks , handball and contested mark and has only 7 SC points confused
CamT: I got Soligo @$418,000. An absolute gun.
StuL: off the bench clarry. down to 63% tog
LionBoy: Same for Max Stu
Wends: Evening zado and all… v on Gawn bc other options scanty
Brian00173: Short turnaround to manage for the Dees…
Bulky: Early days but it looks like the awful Melbourne has turned up tonight.
Brian00173: ned to Rowell? Did he get locked in the dunnys at 1/2 time?
LionBoy: Maxie got a niggle? Where is the big fella?
cmperrfect: Get off the flowering bench Max
Brian00173: Oops….old message snuck through….
ralfsmiff4: ball on other side of the ground for ages! max can’t get on
BigChief: He can’t get on LB. Ball on far side.
pcaman2003: Gawn still on the bench.Get out there Gawny.
dearviolet: Horrific by Melbourne so far.
StuL: 48% tog for max.
macff: The players dont control their rotations lmao
Ash777: I forgot the brother joined the club
frenzy: thats why Max should rest forward
wadaramus: Just stay on the ground Max, rest in the forward pocket.
wadaramus: Zacly frenzy!
dearviolet: Carlton free kick
wadaramus: Dees looking at a donut quarter!
BigChief: You can rest at qtr, half and 3 qtr times Max.
cmperrfect: Why do I still have Trac. Sigh.
JezEdwards: Did Trac get stuck on the tram? Where is he?
LionBoy: Keep going Howie. Might be a fair loop.
Norf17: Kennedy has killed him Jez
macff: he doesnt choose that, rotations are built around a coaching system
Wends: Did goody learn nothing from bev?
Pavs: Thanks for the lessons macff.
dearviolet: Well, game over from here
J.Worrall: Is that a tramtrack?
Bulky: 4 or 5 shockers in a row from Trac.
bhg26: Clarry fantasy masterclass in that 5 second patch
Wends: Gawn v walsh in two of my leagues a harsh reality check
ballbag: @m0nty thats gotta be a penguin icon next to all players surely
wadaramus: Tasty pink sprinkled donuts for all Melbourne players!
BigChief: WOW. Didn’t expect that from either Melb or Carl.
macff: I mean you can be like that pavs but reading the chat here its pretty evident people think players are being lazy lmao
J_Herer: Tracca can look forward to a fresh George Hewett tag later in the game
StuL: clarry trac gawn. all not good. its only carlton for crying out flavin
wadaramus: mmmmm donuts…
sheezel420: How is Walsh only 49?
Stephen001: I have never seen Melbourne not score in the first quarter ever.
Pavs: Just let people vent mate. Don’t need to be picked up on everything.
cmperrfect: Cerras turn to warm the pine this week.
BigChief: Sheez 3 cp and 61% de is why. Look at all stats.
StuL: just because im wearing a pink shirt doesnt mean im a pink donut eater
Silz90: Come on maxxy I have the vc on you
wadaramus: Did someone insinuate that StuL?
Silz90: How is everyone Thursday night going
BigChief: mmm pink donuts, drool.
macff: yeah, one thing is everything – aside from the irony, carry on
Fordy13: I almost VCed Maxy 10 mins before game, just can’t pass up some other options.
wadaramus: Insert Homer J Simpson here BC.
Pavs: It was 2 things mate but we will move on.
BigChief: 100% wada. Love Homer.
Wends: Lol silz, we’ve done it again!
Silz90: Not again wends why do we keep doing this
BigChief: Lever on Durdin small miss-match.
Wends: Who can tell? On the bright side Gawn only 50 pts to catch walsh
Pavs: Melbourne panic kicking. Good pressure Carlton
LionBoy: Gawn will still go 130-140
StuL: Im not liking Oliver taking 12 touches to get to 24.
ballbag: since when does a ruck go 130-140 against carlton?
macff: Here is hoping Lionboy! Made him my VC without checking the forecast!
bhg26: Just needs 60 touches stul, no worries
wadaramus: Oliver SC is garbage.
LionBoy: It?s in the bag ball.
Fordy13: they haven’t in the last month against Pittonet ballbag
Wends: Atleast windsor has caught up to Howes
macff: Melbourne down 10 in CP but feels more
dearviolet: Get on it Petracca, convert this
Wends: Coldblooded ballbag!
BigChief: That would be round 1 from Nank Ballbagg
J_Herer: Teams often crumble after playing the Cats
ballbag: icecold Wends
fruity: Cmon Walsh ton up before half time…You can do it…
dearviolet: Petracca on fire.
BigChief: Dees back in this.
J_Herer: Blues fans nervous (hats off to Tracca for playing through this)
Pavs: Nice Tracc fire up
navy_blues: they were always in this BC not nervous Herer this is usual stop by bues
BigChief: Looks like Maxy going to bench again.
navy_blues: blues
BigChief: Very true navy and that’s not a free for ins int.
ballbag: how is tracca on 50 with 3 effective touches
StuL: come on clarry. another dud trade. followed the mob.
dearviolet: Free kick Carlton
StuL: how is oliver only on 33 with 14.
Hazza09: Can’t see Gawn going big tonight
BigChief: yeah we get it dearviolet, give it a rest mate.
BRAZZERS: clarry is a seagull thats why
Norf17: 3 clangers at 57
dearviolet: Still got 5 more to make up the differential
BigChief: Maybe Melb need to stop giving away obvious frees and put their head over the ball
soup: All the clarry melts with the pitchforks out for CD already, long season ahead blokes
Fordy13: glad we didn’t play this Blues side last week.
soup: Upset we didn’t play this dees side last week
LionBoy: Yeah Soup. Not so impressed with our win over Melb a few weeks ago now.
StuL: it doesnt look like good clarry is back
Wends: Keep going maxy big fella
BigChief: Short spell on pine for Max. Like it 🙂
StuL: Gawn will be fine.
Pavs: Now Tracc thinks his is full forward, back on the ball please
Kidult: he was knackered coming back though and TDK just took it out the ruck
ballbag: no soup for you oliver
Jukes: No way they counted that last kick after the siren for Walsh??
Fordy13: Tracc will look good at F4 after DPP updates hahaha
Number 8: Suspect Walsh’s kick counted because the umpire hadn’t yet whistled time
Silz90: Did they show the proposal on TV. It’s all happening tonight lmao
BigChief: It’s half time when the umps hear the siren, not when it goes off Jukes.
StuL: everyone got sucked into billings. clarry might be the same. stupid trade assist.
BigChief: No Silz. They were showing Sarah Jones etc.
Slaggy.A.B: Oliver looked so good but has no sc
StuL: SC has been brutal on him.
StuL: How did we lose to Melb but beat Carlton?
Fordy13: Carlton
BRAZZERS: I think i’ts been fair, butchered, clangers, no hard footy. it is what it is
Fordy13: Carlton’s defence has been brilliant tonight, McGovern big in.
BigChief: 3 clang, 1 FA, 57% de & only 2 cp is why Clarry sc score is low. Pretty obvious if you look @ all stats & not just disp
UncleSniff: Pretty happy one of my SC rules is paying off; don’t pick fat druggos. It’s simple, but effective.
BRAZZERS: baggers butchered the pill against the cats but dominated clearances and cntested footy. Cats were clinical tho
KangaBanga: Keep going VC Walsh
ralfsmiff4: omg that review hahahahah
BigChief: That’s prob touched but you can’t overturn on that evidence.
ralfsmiff4: how is this a professional sport, the resolution on the cameras (and if arc has better access, show it on tv!)
StuL: i almost hit reverse trade at 7.29. i wish i did.
Silz90: Who hit Jacob?
ralfsmiff4: Agreed BigChief impossible to overturn if that is the same footage that the arc is accessing
clay007: It is pretty professional ralf. I don’t think it will effect the result too much mate.
sheezel420: get off the pine walshy
UncleSniff: Oliver has played 1 good game and is his price for a reason, very happy to gloat about avoiding him like the plague.
StuL: do something oliver. here we go a kick.
StuL: totally got sucked in by the number of ppl getting him in uncle
original: big sook may
LionBoy: Fire up Maxie
beerent11: Am I banned?
ralfsmiff4: I will say it’s encouraging to see them doing more of these reviews happening in between goals and the centre bounce
beerent11: Nope guess not.
frenzy: Lol beer
UncleSniff: StuL, also avoid YT “professionals” like the plague. You’ll do much better… Believe me
Pavs: Only a matter of time beer 🙂
ralfsmiff4: Compared to earlier this season when there were so many score reviews
UncleSniff: You’re still welcome apparently Beer, well done son!
BigChief: Newman in trouble.
soup: See you later grub
beerent11: Agree pavs.
ralfsmiff4: The ‘just calma down’ guy is my quality though UncleSniff. Knows his stuff
UncleSniff: Newman in zero trouble BC, hit shoulder not head
UncleSniff: Trust me, I’m a doctor remember?
StuL: clarry on the bench again.
BigChief: Dream on Dr Uncle.
UncleSniff: ralf, I retract my statement just for him as an exception. SCodfather is decent…
m0nty: new basic role icon
CamT: Newman will get a couple of weeks for that.
UncleSniff: Dr. Sniff thank you BC, please get it right and address me appro[riately
BigChief: Yeah okay Dr Uncle.
original: newman be fine
StuL: tracca and gawn need to lift too
UncleSniff: Got it spot on with Rozee thought didn’t I? 😉
BigChief: And you can address me as BigChief.
ralfsmiff4: I get what ur saying though, Sniff, so many of them have no unique opinions/thoughts, most just regurgitate other info
slydon: Do something clarry
beerent11: Gawn Bont most popular vc/c?
CamT: I went Gawn -> Bont
BigChief: or Bont Daicos vc/c beer.
Hazza09: Do someting Gawn ffs
UncleSniff: I’d go one further ralf, I think they actively try and mislead their followers to make their decisions better.
StuL: overall will be plummeting again with these dud melbourne players
UncleSniff: I’ve got Bont > Naicos, kicking myself to not VC Walsh but it was a risk
soup: Cerra in rooms
BigChief: Cerra to be subbed?
soup: Looking like it chief
soup: Sucked in kozzie you sniping dog
UncleSniff: Unlike Port, don’t think we’ll take a risk with a prime mover BigChief… Should be subbed
RooBoyStu: Gawn doesn’t like getting his beard wet in the rain
clay007: You think Walsh’s score of 90 with 7 mins to play in 3rd qtr a good vc option Sniff
StuL: Get out of my team Clarry.
ralfsmiff4: Lmao I’d doff my cap to them if the YT creators were that strategic with their content
UncleSniff: He’s slowed up clay certainly, but boy can he score fast
BigChief: Wasting more trades hey StuL?
original: billings lol
clay007: Good player sniff. What is the story with cerra? Sniff too much
UncleSniff: ralf, just the amount of “I completely changed my mind from what I said, but told nobody” is insane.
beerent11: Jake weitering is so bloody good.
StuL: sure am chief.
Hughsy: Oliver gets 2 classy handballs – 2 points
UncleSniff: Reckon he doesn’t sniff enough clay, worked out altright for Swanny, Dusty and Cuz. Agreed?
soup: Yeah he loses points for being a junkie hughsy
RooBoyStu: Weitering will be at Arden St in 2025
StuL: i think this season is shot. too many dud trades
clay007: Lol sniff! You on fire.
Devero_D: It feels like they gave Oliver the clanger for the FK against Bowes
UncleSniff: You’d have to pay him $2m to endure that tortune Stu….
McSquire: Don?t have Oliver, but would love to know where all his clangers are. I?m obviously watching a different game
BRAZZERS: the only thing Dusty sniffs is 3 norm smiths and being the greatest to play the sport
soup: Open the other eye brazzers
UncleSniff: Keep telling yourself that Braz 😀
Slaggy.A.B: I got Oliver last week jumped on him early should I hop out soon
RooBoyStu: Will Carlton choke? lol
beerent11: 80-90 for clarry is good. Will build into the second half of the season.
sheezel420: brazzers full nuff
clay007: Brazzers…rumour has it he gives his bonds boxers a sniff before bed.
navy_blues: how many wins u have this year roo? lmao say no more
UncleSniff: He’s M9 at absolute best Beer….
StuL: i hope youre right beer
Hughsy: UncleSniff have you been sniffing something illegal?
RooBoyStu: navy_blues we weren’t expected to be top 4 contenders
J.Worrall: This is why we still have Petracca
dearviolet: Shish, what a game
GinniFan: Yes Trac!!
Slaggy.A.B: Ooooo yeah thanks Petracca
Hazza09: can Gawn put on a 70 point qtr?
RooBoyStu: Petracca BOG by the length of the Flemington Straight
navy_blues: yeah that will never happen again
UncleSniff: Not tonight Hughsy, but I’m not adverse. Sue me…
UncleSniff: Melbourne players dropping the ball all night…. Crazy
Norf17: Anything to say about that call violet?
StuL: vc gawn is not going to work today
clay007: Roo…think about the rubbish you put out. You open yourself up man. Be nicer!
navy_blues: your just a troll rooboy
soup: Howes done SFA for two and a half quarters
LionBoy: Pittonet or Xerri prize for most improved ruck this year?
Hughsy: gawn going down when carlton midfields grab the ball in a 1on1
Raspel31: Hmm- just home. No set and forget for Maxy but go Walsh you good thing.
Brian00173: Hopefully thats the last time Ollie Hollands is dropped and just plays out the year
Calamitous: what happened to Cerra? hopeless
Pavs: Are you on tonight Lana?
clay007: According to Kingy, Elijah was gonna be huge for the blues. Ollie is better I think.
UncleSniff: Xerri LionBoy, but we like Pitto. Warrior.
Norf17: Xerri Lionboy, first year as #1
Pokerface: Meek says hi
original: steven may is a great player, but he sure does yell at his mates a lot. never his fault
BigChief: just ignore the troll navy.
original: clay kingy has no idea. having a go at weiters this week, was our best player last week
LionBoy: Yeah probably agree Norf but still not sure where 2024 Pittonet came from
UncleSniff: Thanks for Pitto Hawks. It’s so easy to grab good rucks for nothing. I can;t believe Strachan from Adel hasn’t been got
navy_blues: funny thing is he is never on when norf play lol
clay007: Well he is eating his words tonight original, weitering been huge. A great Morn Peninsula product.
2Ph0nes: surprised how pop clarry was this week, been ordinary all year. last week isnt sustainable, will give 80-90’s usually
original: 2phones. yep agree. 2/8 decent games
LionBoy: First goal to Demons will light this up.
clay007: Navy…rooboy is a troll, always looking for a bite.
beerent11: Mondays experts, always know what?s best, always tell ya what ya shoulda done
LionBoy: Or not
UncleSniff: Not happening LionBoy 😀
navy_blues: yes agree clay
Norf17: Can you lads tell me how I can get my team logo next to my name?
clay007: You are a jinx lionboy. lol
UncleSniff: Oliver was an easy pass to be fair… People just got sucked in Beer
soup: Think you can only do it when you create your account norf
UncleSniff: I think you’ve just got to troll enough, then you get it Norf17… worked for me
Pavs: Have to do it when you sign up Norf17
2Ph0nes: wanted to see clarry back it up, wa sprepared to eat another 30k and it wouldve been hard to resist him tho
clay007: Funny part is navy, his team are the laughing stock of the AFL. Rooboy, probably time to quieten down.
BigChief: contact m0nty Norf17. He runs this asylum.
LionBoy: Clay I predicted Gawn 130-140. Enough said
UncleSniff: One man band Petracca
Norf17: Thanks boys
clay007: You should cop a week suspension Lionboy, or be put in hia protocols. lol
2Ph0nes: give tracca the atlas
LuvIt74: I don’t get why Oliver was highly traded this week yes he’s dropped $200k & low BE but he’s been scoring very poorly
soup: Hahaha the asylum
UncleSniff: Selwood and Phillips really battling hard for who can be more boring and monotone here. Tight contest.
original: unclesniff shocking aint it
UncleSniff: Good call 2phone…
LionBoy: Low risk Luv. Low BE. Great history. Positive signs. Can hold him two weeks with little downside.
NickyD: Oliver will be better, team got smashed today. Many Dees low today.
UncleSniff: Not true LionBoy, he’s clogging up a hot midfield spot now
BigChief: free kick Melbourne hey dearviolet.
beerent11: The voice of reason nickyd
clay007: The pies surely get credit for the blues form tonight. We showed them how to play.
soup: Gawn you muggle
ralfsmiff4: Used my final boost to trade in Gawn last week. Sorry everyone. I did this
UncleSniff: Unfortunately it’s not over here Clay. Never easy for us baggers…
clay007: Not true sniff, we showed you how to win when it is tight. Insert Daicos. Tonight, insert Cripps
Wends: Damn ralfsmiff, did you have to?
UncleSniff: We are down in the FK count and Melbourne have DTB all night BigChief… not sure what youre seeing
LionBoy: Uncle that?s assuming he?s not back. Judge next week.
soup: Umpire appreciation round off to a flyer
sheezel420: appreciate deez nuts
soup: Don’t threaten me with a good time sheezel
clay007: Cripps just can’t get in front of Walsh in sc. Cmon Crippa, lift you legend
BigChief: Exactly UncleSniff. Dees ump fav in 2nd half and dearviolet was saying FK Carlton earlier.
soup: BT try not to barrack against Carlton challenge
UncleSniff: There’s no doubt in my mind they “even games up” BC. It disgusts me on the weekly.
LionBoy: Next goal to Demons and this game will light up. 🙂
dearviolet: Free kick Melbourne
clay007: If you look at the stats, pretty tight game. Can Dees win? I think it is possible
sheezel420: Walshy’s score has been waiting to pop all game… any minute now
Calamitous: come on demons
macff: They reckon they dont look at stats at HT but nights like tonight show…
dearviolet: Don’t worry buddy, I’m not biased in my slags
original: terrible call
Fordy13: jeez that’s rough
BigChief: soup you will be waiting 10 000 years for that to maybe happen.
FoopyTime: the fuk is that a dangerous tackle
Hughsy: Carlton being babied by the umps entire game
JezEdwards: How was that against Roo?!
Fordy13: Rooyen actually controlled that pretty well, Kemp just slipped/gave up
dearviolet: Umpires rubbish this game.
BigChief: Will we see Ninty tomorrow night if Cats are losing?
Pavs: Agree Fordy
soup: Give that wanker fringe player an oscar
UncleSniff: Melbourne fans can’t complain, at least 8 DTB frees have been missed
BigChief: Report Kemp for staging?
Oddsy5: logged in to say that was a terrible decision
FoopyTime: dont feel the umps have been all that bad this match tbh that was just a shit call
TimT14: AFL is slowly becoming the WWE with these storyline premierships
Fordy13: I’d say it’s just been average lots of missed calls on both sides.
Norf17: Guessing there is a no swearing rule here?
clay007: Crippa and walsh 115 each. Beat him crippa
slydon: introduce a 5k fine for flopping please
ralfsmiff4: lmao oddsy, made me chuckle
navy_blues: soup u guys have 1 of the biggest oscar winners yet and he is getting gifted games atm guess who?
Fordy13: Carlton had the rub before half time, definitely evened it up after half time, but Melbourne have lifted too.
dearviolet: Missed calls or bogus calls, pretty average
BigChief: Carl have stopped the attacking play which got them the big lead.
FlaggersXD: Carlton the most protected species on the planet
soup: Wouldn’t have a clue but he wouldn’t need an oscar with that premiership medallion around his neck
UncleSniff: Soup has never watched a Joel Selwood match it appears…
Pavs: Might have a few around his neck Soup. navy making it personal
BigChief: Well done Viney. Great effort.
Fordy13: what a goal
soup: Have means current tense mate, we don’t currently ‘have’ selwood, Carlton fans missing English classes doesnt surpriseme
FoopyTime: what a goal
ralfsmiff4: That was unreal
navy_blues: personal? pavs so no one responds to comments on here?
DraperDrip: Viney always gives 100%
BigChief: Game on.
GinniFan: That’s an awesome goal
Fordy13: that might be the lift that Melbourne need
clay007: Na Chief, 3 goals in 4 mins, unlikely. I will eat my words though if you are right.
UncleSniff: Never easy for Carlton supporters. My heart thought it was having a chill Thursday
navy_blues: talking tomahawk souo
Pavs: Had a bit of a look navy couldn’t see where soup said anything about Carlton. Might have missed it though.
BigChief: 7 points now clay. 3 mins.
DraperDrip: Lets go trac
macff: they are just venting Pavs lmao
clay007: Don’t worry sniff, we showed you last week. The blues will win
LionBoy: Cough cough choke choke
Fordy13: Game on
Ash777: surely blues cant mess this up can they?
soup: Nah pavs I rip Carlton all the time, won’t lie. Have toned it down a bit lately though
bhg26: Wowee
dearviolet: Come on dee’s.
UncleSniff: Atlas Petracca. Curse him.
soup: Carlton fans calling our key forward out for staging for the umpires, how ironic
Pavs: macff living rent free in your head 🙂
ralfsmiff4: ANB having quite a season. Constantly improving even with 160 odd games under his belt
BigChief: Picket to kick the winner
macff: not that deep my guy just funny
original: fritsch should be fined for that dive
UncleSniff: Another drop/throw. Insane
Fordy13: close chief
Fordy13: that point will save Carlton
wadaramus: Outrageous comeback from the Dees.
LionBoy: Maxie!!
Ash777: carlton are cooking!
Oddsy5: jeezuz this will be a good minute to watch!
navy_blues: blues do this all the time play only 2 qtrs
Wends: Maxy beautiful man!
soup: My bald goat, raise the bat please maxy
navy_blues: about time
BigChief: Blues hang on. Not sure how though.
clay007: Told ya sniff. Pies have taught the blues well
dearviolet: Carlton escape once again.
Fordy13: how’s the pulse blues fans
original: escape lol
BigChief: Blues fans hearts won’t handle this all season
Silz90: I hate going for the blues lol
TheLegend6: how’d they almost lose that
UncleSniff: Bloody hell Clay, we finally got a DTB
Pavs: Deserved win Carlton
FoopyTime: was a good game cant be mad about that
soup: Deserved W, great Thursday viewing
Wends: Bad luck dees, amazing comeback
BigChief: Gawn 20 points for that goal?
navy_blues: we play top footy then stop dont bury sides
UncleSniff: My heart….
RuffLeader: Brodie Kemp with the match winning dive in the pocket
LionBoy: The game lit up.
ralfsmiff4: Umps being booed to kick off umpire appreciation round lmao
dearviolet: Carlton are a nice team, even if Free Kick Carlton is a meme, it happens to everyone
original: some shocking non calls and calls. but they had the balls to pay that last plum HTB. if cripps was HTB so was that
clay007: Great win blues.
Silz90: Ur taking the pi55 violet lol
UncleSniff: Petracca deserved 200 and an atlas. Crazy.
soup: Trac or Walsh with the three votes?
Wends: Windsor muchos gracias for saving my bacon
ralfsmiff4: Cardiac carlton haha fitting name
original: still not sure how petracca got away with that throw of newman
BigChief: original because it is Petracca.
dearviolet: Silz, games over, adrenaline is running out, I have no reason to be taking a leek. I like Carlton, my grandmothers team
Pavs: Or Newman holding Petracca original 🙂
blashtroko: m0nty how was petracca too good for kennedy? Got well beaten until moved perma fwd
blashtroko: (and off kennedy)
Wends: Wonder how Tracc heat maps traccing?
original: Pavs was just two blokes jostling for position..
Pavs: Agree original if they don’t pay the first one don’t pay the second one
Whiskeyjak: blash – Trac went forward and dobbed five. Broke the tag and beat Kennedy. Easy.