J.Worrall: Well, this should be fun!
navy_blues: cmon hogan 10 goals plz
bhg26: Carn Cadman
Silz90: lets go cadman, reid, green and yeo
Troglodyte: Carn Barney too
BigChief: Lets go C Green, Hogan and Harley
Silz90: great job on the hogan pick. i have him in draft
StuL: Tom Green could do Butters here.
zadolinnyj: Nice by reid
Silz90: green is a freak
bhg26: Cadman!
sheezel420: Need Hogan to spud to punish all the point chasers
FoopyTime: lets go Orange team
Brian00173: Is metres gained for Green a typo?
BigChief: No Brian 4 long kicks into f50
Silz90: cash cow you mean sheezel
sheezel420: Still incredibly reckless
Brian00173: Thats a BIG number for 10 minutes in
Silz90: i dont have him but maybe people will trade at his bye
BigChief: -46 BE and 71k profit is a cash cow sheezel
sheezel420: If you wanna blow 2 trades making ~100k be my guest
BigChief: 1 trade as I started him. So not blowing anything.
sheezel420: Well then I wasn’t talking about you, was I?
Pavs: Sheezel choosing violence. Not sure why
Silz90: west coast a sneaky chance today?
Fromage: Never thought I?d see Naicos as an omitted score
Troglodyte: Move on schnitzel – give ’em an I told you so after you know the trade has backfired
clay007: Is that English trog…lol
Troglodyte: No grammer advice from Pies supporters clay – you know the rules 🙂
Silz90: nice one yeo
clay007: Fair call Trog.
Raspel31: Pooh- benched Cadman- that’ll learn me but at least he’s there.
clay007: grammar is spelt grammar though
BigChief: Weagles fans booing an ex Docker LOL
StuL: cadman making good coin. another one i missed
sheezel420: Not owning Cadman is rough, gonna make some serious coin
Silz90: i only picked cadman because he played kangas and wet toast
BigChief: I took Hogan for same reason Silz.
StuL: i figured a kpp wasnt the best sc option
Getup: My team sucks got major issues will limp to 1900 this week
BigChief: 1900 from best 18 Getup is good.
Gravyy: wonder what a top 10% sort of score will be this week? hard to guage
StuL: Green. What a pig keep it up
naicosfan: cadman, reid, green C, wehr on bench. not so bad rn
Getup: 2k plus gravy surely is it bc? Got plenty to work on
sheezel420: 2000 is elite this week from what I’ve seen
beerent11: I love j Mac as a player just can?t pick him
naicosfan: need cadman and reid to go 65+
beerent11: Got him in draft tho
soup: Butters VC + Green projecting me for 2100.. what a week
OffaStep: Naicos, Young, Coffield and Windsor OF (Sanders bench), stinker from Sexton; don’t think my team sucks but my score will
beerent11: Really sheezel? I?m on 2438 with green to go.
OffaStep: Oh, and an underwhelming Rozee
Devero_D: 2438 with only your best 18?
beerent11: Not really
Gravyy: thats huge soup, i think ill get around 2060 ish
BigChief: I have 1894 wil Green C, Hogan and Harley.
Hughsy: im pushing 3000 this week beer, solid
clay007: Ooh, do we have a new Beast? beerent puffing out the chest
Dondeal: Reid is a straight up bull
sheezel420: Beer forgetting it’s best 18
Getup: Got all of them offa and same sanders bench
Raspel31: Green disappointing- time to move on. 2049 at the mo.
beerent11: Proj 1927. Like the band.
OffaStep: Painful, Getup.
beerent11: I was being facetious
m0nty: That’s when I think of you, beerent.
Getup: Yep aofa
Getup: Yep offa
beerent11: It?s all that you can do m0nty
Pavs: It’s all I can do. beer 🙂
Pavs: Missed out “that” soz
fruity: dont forgey everyone that the projected score is for 22 players not 18…
northball: its not fruity
fruity: sorry was thinking sc
clay007: just kidding beer! You and monty should take this show on the road! lol
Bwad: I’m 2048 with Reid and Yeo to play. Are the predictions factoring in best 18 or not?
DidgeBird: Ginbey really not living up to his potential early on 🙁
DukeNewc: On 1,950 with Reid, and Green as my C
fruity: Bwad if its supercoach its not…
northball: fruity supercoach does take best 18 into projections lmao
Brian00173: I’m projecting 1952 SC and look like getting my a*se handed to me in 7 leagues. Gunna be ome good scores this week.
fruity: Northball my prediction say 2051 but when l work if out with 18 its 1850
Pavs: A little bit lost there fruity.
Bwad: Yeo critical posters extremely quiet.
northball: not sure whats going on there but im certain its best 18 lol
Snookie: i think supercoach takes out your worst 4 player slowly
DukeNewc: Probably due to huge scores from many players Brian. Butters and Jackson to name a few
naicosfan: got 4 within 50s and 60s so far, so need cadman and reid to go 70+
OffaStep: Worst 4 come out as it becomes statistically impossible for them to be in best 18.
fruity: Norhball . count your players in a gameday league and you will see that there are 22 so you need to remove 4 …
beerent11: It must be your first year bwad. We?ve all seen
beerent11: Must be your first year bwad. We?ve seen this movie before.
Bwad: Amazing how sometimes playersd are ok to gen cash, but others aren’t depending on who someone has selected haha
northball: yeah the projection counts the best 18 of those 22, everyones projected 1800-200 instead of 2100+ because its best 18
Snookie: C Green looking very good even with low efficiency
DidgeBird: kelly kelly kelly….
Bwad: Green is a butcher. Just got to rely on him getting bulk pill.
beerent11: Yep. Amazing.
StuL: OK. Green everywhere like Butters was
DukeNewc: I dunno how green has 0 clangers with 50% kick eff
clay007: I agree Duke. Butchering the footy, but getting points.
Hughsy: ahaha hogan
Pavs: Yeo getting plenty off ball but i’ll never trust his hamstrings again
OffaStep: Or hip, or ankle, or calf… take your pick, Pav.
DukeNewc: Let’s see if hogan can finally kick straight
bhg26: Yeo is a fantasy pick for me. Dont have to worry about the hammy as much
BigChief: Thats a better kick Hogan.
Pavs: True OffaStep
Bwad: Bloody hell Hogan looks fit… Penny has dropped I reckon
Devero_D: Hogan will get a bag in the 2nd half. WCE won’t be able to keep up.
Raspel31: Still picking the Giants to win this.
BigChief: I see Harley has the Brodie role again 🙁
DukeNewc: Dunno how toasters supporters haven’t had enough of getting pumped by 80 every week
beerent11: Hahaha! Classic raspel31
Silz90: Cadman let’s go
beerent11: Short memory duke?
StuL: Looking like C Green capt was the go
Brian00173: Eagles rucks really getting pantsed…..
DukeNewc: That may be a bit hypocritical of me beer, but I was excited about the Hawks season until our whole defense was skittled
Pavs: Need big Cox back Brian
northball: if this is what briggs is doing to wce rucks I’d hate to see what english is going to do next week
naicosfan: great half c green and cadman, reid keep pushing
Silz90: Bring back dean cox
beerent11: Both clubs have had their ups and downs over the last 30 years
beerent11: Alex Ischenko
BigChief: Galloping Gasometer
amigaman: Time to cut my losses and move Ash on
Pavs: Love Sunday night trade night
Silz90: Young is on the chopping block pass (if you have him)
StuL: Young has to be dealt with
Silz90: Block*
beerent11: Reid to Massimo for me
amigaman: I’d swap Young’s score for Ash so far
Brian00173: Young is an issue. But Gibcus, Reid and now Coffield have punched other holes in the backline as well.
OffaStep: Didn’t watch the Freo game… Young spend too much time in the back half covering injuries?
Silz90: I think turn overs are the main issue
JockMcPie: Nah young just couldnt get near it, not really down back much
Pavs: Agree with Silz. Decision making very poor
StuL: Young to Mass. Gibcus to Pink. And probably got to get Hore or similar, if there is one, to Reid.
navy_blues: 3 broken ribs and cracked vertabrae for may
BigChief: Wow May has 3 broken ribs and crack to vertibae
Brian00173: Some will be tempted to go Young to Yeo. I don’t have the cohones.
beerent11: And didn?t realise coffield is buggered too.
Silz90: That sounds painful but does that open the door to hore. I started with hore but I need to trade gibcus to mass
navy_blues: so may will be out for a while
StuL: Running out of def rookies with Coffield down too
beerent11: Insert hore pun here?.
OffaStep: Dees open door for Hore… The cultural problems continue.
Pavs: I can’t get excited by Hore decent backman but spoils the ball a lot doesn’t get many posessions from what i’ve seen.
BigChief: You would think Hore gets full time gig for now.
navy_blues: and lever didnt look 100%
OffaStep: Rd 13: Hore on Cox (Party-time at the G).
Silz90: Lol offastep
Raspel31: Picking a win for The Tassie Devils in 2928.
navy_blues: they will beat ess b4 that rasp lol
OffaStep: Coached by Riewoldt’s head in a jar.
Pavs: Upset with the basketball scores Rasp?
navy_blues: got my membership other day
OffaStep: Gutsy.
beerent11: Rasp has been especially ethereal this evening
OffaStep: Long, that is, not you, Navy.
DukeNewc: The lack of contest Is letting him focus more on his chats Beer
BigChief: Okay this a joke now goal umpires. Stop calling for reviews.
Bwad: world record amount of goal reviews…. WTF
Pavs: Goal review not sure Thomas hit the post
cherry9: the opposition team should get 2 reviews per game. If wrong it costs em a goal. Otherwise umpires call pls
Bwad: Reid really trying to play a seagull role here.
DukeNewc: If you click on Harley Reid’s profile, it says he was born in 1970, how the time flies…
DukeNewc: Oldest pick #1 ever?
BigChief: Also says born 1st Jan Duke
Mikeagles: looking pretty good for 53
beerent11: Took a while to develop
BigChief: The new Benjamin Button?
DukeNewc: He’s certainly aged well beer
Pavs: m0nty wears the headband when he goes out and tells the girls he plays for west Coast
Silz90: Keep going Reid and yeo
Catatafish: Same with Mannagh, Duke. I mean I know he’s mature age, but that’s taking the piss.
BigChief: Bad qtr from Tom Green
Raspel31: I just boughy a new washing machine- go Green you Gun.
DukeNewc: Not sure he’d get his desired reaction pavs
clay007: How good do GWS look against last year’s 17th and 18th ranked sides?
Silz90: Whitfield is top 6 this year. Too many options in backline
StuL: Green slowed right down. He will still get a score worthy of c
Silz90: They beat your mob though? Giants will be top 2 this year
Pavs: About time Rasp
clay007: Soft draw thoguh silz. You would hope north or eagles get a nice draw like this. Pies on the snoz at present
DukeNewc: Callum Brown is having a belter
Hughsy: Good on ya Raspel – Im happy for you
Silz90: That’s true but they have a good side. Stars on every line
DidgeBird: yeah come to think of it, of the teams giants have played – those teams are 0-7
clay007: They are a good side silz, I just hate the draw, favours some sides.
navy_blues: draw doesnt fav pies? look all the games they get a G? 1 year they didnt travel to rd 11
navy_blues: so collingwood have had their turn at soft draws
Bwad: North anf WCE are never going to get a soft draw Clay, you can play yourself twice haha
Bwad: can’t**
Silz90: Yeo went up 5 points since he went on the bench lol
Pavs: dpp hard this year. Spoilt last year maybe
clay007: I’m not talking about pies Navy, I know the draw favours us sometimes. I just think the bottom 8 need to play bottow 8
navy_blues: oh ok sry clay i agree then lol
StuL: Doesnt look like a massive Green score is happening.
clay007: We have started with 3 top 8 sides from last year, perfect. That is how it should be/
Hughsy: You are tough to please Stu
Getup: Would of loved to play north and Eagles first to games 😁
Getup: Two
DukeNewc: I get his anger Hughsey, if Green fails to go above 130, we have been jibbed.
DaicosQB: The chances of getting the pies out of the G with how much money AFL makes from them playing in front of 70+…
BigChief: Guessing you are not counting round 0 as the 1st game Getup.
Raspel31: Type slowly so Stul can understand- 118 at beginning of 4th is not really that bad.
StuL: i didnt say it was bad
Getup: Haha bc
Silz90: Why did I field Reid over sanders fml
Brian00173: Its actually pretty impressive with a DE of 56
clay007: A few dtb decisions being let go
BigChief: Just noticed Josh Kelly’s score. CD been tough on him.
clay007: Not tough on Green, gets Bont like points
Raspel31: Rude of me Stul- apologies- go Green.
frenzy: can’t wait to trade tonite
PigeonPies: terrible call on reid
BigChief: Take a seat Harley. You have been on too long.
naicosfan: get a 70 harley
Brian00173: I wonder what Yeo would score if those hammies could do better than 69% TOG….
Getup: What are you thinking frenzy??
Mikeagles: got to get rid of young
Stu7: Hi
Mikeagles: prob get rid of martin too
clay007: he is not thinking if he is trading tonight.lol
Hughsy: So glad i started cadman… gonna make so serious coin
PigeonPies: young and sam berry and gibcus for me
Raspel31: Evertone must get rid of Young- aargh!
frenzy: gotta fix DEFS and also need a fwd rookie
Hughsy: Sam berry is a tough one… dont like him being the target of subbing, but he was on track for another 80…
BigChief: Why rush trades? Wait until Wed or Thurs.
Getup: Same frenzy my backs are flowered now coffield gone down and i have young
frenzy: yep and I still holding Reid
StuL: Reid is no Dusty like i heard him being compared. Being in a losing team probably doesnt help
Pavs: Harvey Thomas is a win
Brian00173: Whitfield has now tonned up the first 3 weeks…gunna suck me in again dammit
Bwad: Bloke is 18. Dusty wasn’t Dusty in his first year. Bloody hell…
Raspel31: Confucious say that man who crop his flowers too earky is an idjut.
beerent11: Think he means the other Reid
Hughsy: Raspel can we get a translation on that one?
frenzy: nice hey Pavs
BigChief: I think frenzy is talking about Zach Reid.
Pavs: Take any win I can get frenzy
frenzy: Too many Reids, Lol, yep Zach
Stu7: Great stuff Yeo
OffaStep: I think “cropping the flowers” is Chinese slang for vasectomy. Not sure if that’s relevant, though…
DukeNewc: Raspel, what animal ran over your keyboard?
Getup: 1889 with green n reid how everyone else go this week??
clay007: green dropping ball, play on, nothing to see
Bwad: Great game from Yeo, good to see him stick it up a lot of people 😛
Hughsy: pushing 2100
DukeNewc: 2162 atm getup, you’re always the one to ask
Hughsy: screwed the C on gawn and had roberts on the bench…
beerent11: Thank fuck for that
StuL: Green has tied with Bont.
BigChief: Anyone else’s SC crashed?
beerent11: 1942 with green Reid and cadman
DukeNewc: Didn’t field cadman, its killed me
Getup: Yeah to make you guys feel better because I’m shower duke 🤣
Brian00173: Never any doubt about Yeo’s ability Bwad. But its week three.
DidgeBird: i have some work to do haha.. 1800 flat
Getup: I wish bc
naicosfan: 2011 here, great round.
Hughsy: same naicos
