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Chat log from R19 of 2023: Melbourne vs Adelaide

Chat log for Melbourne vs Adelaide, R19 of 2023

hontas66: Dawson (C) . Please.
ReggieOz: Go Dees!
Troglodyte: Finally a game with a little more excitement
original: dawson waiting for those neg points for intercept kick
original: dawson +2sc for an intercept kick. ok CD. hows that not counted as a clanger? it was but now not?
sc_god: how good is it orginal lol, love it
DANGERous: cmon Keays
original: dont try me sc_god lol
original: glad to see matt crouch in and doing ok
fundraiser: cmon Keays pleays ton up
Wends: Need trac to get about 150 – lord knows I don’t ask for much
Raspel31: Only 200 will save me from here Tracca- off you go lad.
Wends: Power of positive thinking Rasp
original: sc_god, whats dawson done to get to 19?
wadaramus: Crows should really be 4 straight, story of our season, can’t kick straight.
DANGERous: i need keays to match gawn
sc_god: 3 beautiful effective possies and metres gained
original: but since he was on 12?
original: a 5pt handball. wow CD love child
sc_god: yes another 5 points for a handball that was ineffective!
TorturedSC: contested effective HB will get you that. Now I just NIcks to play Keays as the midfielder he is.
original: contested handballs are 5pts now? I don’t believe it
beerent11: You around exatekk?
All Reds: suffer in your jocks
exatekk: yep beer
beerent11: Our draft matchup is pretty close mate.
exatekk: yeah i literally just checked it! a 30 from Titch and a 12 from Humphrey might bring me undone lol
sc_god: is Nank related to the richmond Nank?
bhg26: That would do it exatekk
beerent11: Few players to go yet. Humph was a killer though.
Raspel31: Might not have scored much but thought Humph outstanding.
Stu7: I don?t believe so sc_god
Stu7: This is the Keays of old playing today
Hazza09: Is this the week Trac pulls a 70? Can?t see him kicking 4 every week
Stu7: I hope so Hazza
DrSeuss: Where is Keays playing today? Crows getting killed
DrSeuss: Be great if Dawson showed up as well
original: ROB absolutely robbed of a HO to crouch before who fumbled
beerent11: Left right out Seuss
Raspel31: Oliver not having much impact. Carn Tracca.
original: Im ok with dawson staying low. draft oppo
Stu7: Quarter half bench
TorturedSC: Ineffective forward tag on Salem @DrSeuss
DrSeuss: Cheers lads – seems very ineffective for everyone involved – but then so is Dawson
Wends: Decision t/o wilmot over Keays this week quite poor, as it turns out.
soup: dawson you gave me a heart attack lad
original: dawson gotta come off after that right..cmon concussion test him
Stu7: Sorry Dr couldn?t resist that – been a depress8ng few weeks of FF & SC
Hazza09: Ffs trac
Stu7: Did you C Trac Hazza?
DrSeuss: Haha all good Stu – my team has been depressing all year lol
original: dawson sc is a joke. im on dawson watch. he is getting points for nothing
Hazza09: Flower off Keays
TheOnyas: onya sloaney
original: can’t wait to see dawson get 10sc for a spoil
beerent11: In the fan footy draft original?
sc_god: lol its sad you’re examining a players scoring you dont have lol
original: na not FF draft just mates.
original: waiting for FF to bring back purple name game
original: i have him in classic. but oppo has him in mates draft lol
Hazza09: I VC English Stu
beerent11: His opponent has him in draft spellcheck_god. Back in your box bud.
Stu7: Nice work Hazza same here
original: go matt crouch. stiff not to get more games
sc_god: who gives a shit bud lol
Raspel31: Well, was rather an obvious choice Stu and Hazza- ditto.
Wends: Hopefully Keays avoids 2nd half resting bench face
bhg26: sc god just brings such a positive presence to ff
Raspel31: Hopefully sc_god grows up.
bhg26: Wait is bitch censored now?
bhg26: Nope, beautiful
PAFC4eva: Cmon monty sc god going to put people off coming to this site ban him please
Raspel31: No M0nty- wait till his balls drop and he’s responsible for his actions.
PAFC4eva: bit hard rasp balless
Raspel31: Like to think of myself as a fair man PAFC. Stay way rain in the cricket and carn Tracca!
Wends: Big half Tracc… double cape-r.
beerent11: Wouldn?t mind if the prisoners win this test raspel. Would be awesome to have a decider in the fifth.
Raspel31: Indeed beer- been a cracker of a series.
Hazza09: Kat Loughlan is unbelievable
fundraiser: taking the 128 vc from bont seems to have paid off
original: Dawson still getting bs points lads?? Lol
Wends: Good option fundraiser… rush of blood for me, going Gulden C
Raspel31: Off to see some music lads and ladies- good luck all with your teams and Wends you idiot.
original: Hazza I?m a fan, you?
Wends: Rasp with the harsh critique lol
Raspel31: Said with love Wends.
Hazza09: Yes original
bhg26: Bringing in Keays in fantasy a couple weeks ago was a genius move on my part
wadaramus: See music?!
ralfsmiff4: Keays has been such an awful trade-in for me. Heavy regrets
wadaramus: Nothing like kicking straight to maintain scoreboard pressure, right Crows?
Raspel31: Lol wada- running late.
original: Hazza definitely enjoy Saturday nights when on, didn?t know Sunday day too
Wends: Brought him in for Rd 12 – only ever meant to be a 2-3 week play… And I know Raspel 🙂 x
wadaramus: Enjoy the gig mate 🙂
Wends: Trac this was not in the memo
original: Cmon ROB do something pal
Beast_Mode: good boy dawson, much better 1/4
beerent11: Butts out!
wadaramus: Butts booted!
Hazza09: Trac getting screwed over by CD again
original: 6 pt qtr ROB ggf
original: Flower off dawson
Tangent: Crom are coming
Wends: Keays you beautiful man
bhg26: Wowee
Beast_Mode: boy oh boy! this is a bigger choke than the hawks loss yesterday!
Hazza09: Power off Keays
TimT14: A draw would be nice
bhg26: There has to be something that stops players from taking the 30 seconds and not having a shot
original: Need to do more ROB
beerent11: At any other club Brayshaw would be an a grade mid.
navy_blues: crows coming unhinged
Hazza09: Shocking qtr Trac
Wends: Horrible Hazza… and bad miss just there.
Wends: Great recovery Keays tho.
slydon: rankine hammy is big

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