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Chat log from R18 of 2023: Carlton vs Port Adelaide

Chat log for Carlton vs Port Adelaide, R18 of 2023

TheFlagger: will we turn up
PAFC4eva: should be a good game flagger
TimT14: What’s the icon on Jonas?
navy_blues: grrr 0,4
wadaramus: You only get so many scoring shots Carlton, got to make some count.
runners47: Great – kicking yips back again. Can’t afford them against Port.
PAFC4eva: Wada why is it so hard to get a criminal conviction against port supporters
wadaramus: I probably should know but I don’t, make me laugh PAFC!
PAFC4eva: no dental records lol
navy_blues: no prison bars?
Baldfrog: No fingerprints?
wadaramus: lmao
PAFC4eva: Also works for collingwood supporters
frenzy: same DNA
Baldfrog: Collywobble sups have a lisp to
wadaramus: Must be a black and white thing, the toothless look matches the striped guernsey.
wadaramus: Obviously referring to “Magpie” guernseys!
Social: what in the wide world of sports happened to Rowan Marshall?
PAFC4eva: are your teeth white ?
wadaramus: Off white.
Baldfrog: Geelong rang him Social and he was scared as he is under 30
Stu7: Lift Walsh
PAFC4eva: my dentutres are white ha ha
Pavs: Referring to the raining premiers there Baldy. lol
PAFC4eva: Okay cmon pear
navy_blues: reigning even lol
Pavs: reigning*
Baldfrog: the paper bag team Pavs
ajconodie: Zakary Dennis Butters <3
pcaman2003: Sinclair in last game only player without a CP. Who will it be this game?
ajconodie: @pcaman – I’m gonna say Harry McKay.
Hazza09: Ffs Walsh
pcaman2003: ajcondie. Friggin good guess!
ajconodie: Lol
wadaramus: TOm JOnas, he’ll be subbed for Burton soon.
wadaramus: Double capital O completely unintentional.
Social: c’mon Baldy, you’re above that
ajconodie: Im quite enjoying Cincotta’s work in this one.
Pavs: He’s alright social we have to make allowances for those that support inferior teams 🙂
navy_blues: silvagni on fire
navy_blues: go motlop
Troglodyte: Jonas back to the twos next week
wadaramus: Just the 1SC for 3 goals for Motlop, a bit harsh from CD?
Cottees: wada – clearly no impact by Motlop. Lucky to be in the positives
navy_blues: lol at motlop score
Baldfrog: Lol social you keep pinching top talent and never seem to have a salary cap who is it your linked to now?
Hazza09: Hewitt looking like a good trade in a few weeks
beerent11: Did the teams swap jumpers at qtr time?
pcaman2003: Wada. But CD is infallible and doesn’t make mistakes. 🙂
Social: Looks like Silvagni hacked Motlop’s account
runners47: Motlop channelling the mosquito fleet spirit
PAFC4eva: Getting smashed wtf
wadaramus: Superman cape for Motlpo and still only 1SC!
pcaman2003: Who needs Owies?
navy_blues: silvagni playing well social
Pavs: No HOTA’s though to Motlop must be
MONEY TALK: based on dt
beerent11: Ultimate disrespect from champion data
wadaramus: How on earth was that a free kick to Lord?
pcaman2003: beer. Nohing new reall. I hink CD should be made obsolete.
Pavs: That would make SC interesting pcaman
original: Motlop poor efficiency. Lucky to be 1sc
beerent11: Someone asleep at the wheel
pcaman2003: Apologies for my keyboard often missing the t’s and y’s. Playing up!
Hazza09: Who?s tagging Walsh ffs
pcaman2003: Pavs. Just wish there was a better alternative.
navy_blues: lol razor
lana2146: Motlop lol what a joke CD is
beerent11: Think you?re more suited to dt pcaman. Straight stats. No weighting.
beerent11: It?s obviously a mistake that?ll be fixed
pcaman2003: I feel validated over my criticisms of CD now and there supposed accuracy.
sc_god: their*
gazza39: Probably the fact Motlop was such a late in
beerent11: Spell checking_god
Pavs: Patience people it will be fixed
pcaman2003: Not familiar with DT beer. Not sure about anything for next year either.
wadaramus: Nice one beer 🙂
frenzy: Lol beer
original: Get Houston on
navy_blues: small frwds doing well
navy_blues: can we keep pressure up thats the ?
pcaman2003: Traded Ziebell out for Sinclair today. Tossed up between Sinclair and Doc. Lol!
Number 8: m0nty, is it possible that we could choose between a count up or a countdown clock?
Number 8: The count up clock always hangs on my browser (Brave) at the end of each quarter
Hughsy: My season has gone to shite after this round, it?s looking like George hewett will be my saviour
Number 8: Just on the count up clock, on FF it lacks the context of injury stoppages
Number 8: The countdown clock would be more relevant for fantasy players, don’t you think?
Number 8: That quarter was a case in point
m0nty: not possible Number 8
2Ph0nes: doch clearly better choice, more consistant
Number 8: Ok, do you not get that feed as part of the stats package?
jfitty: m0nty, you have Trent Dumont under the retired players list, but he’s still on Port’s roster..
Crippa9: How is motlop on 0 SC pts with 4 goals??
clay007: Great point crippa! Wow
m0nty: someone hasn’t pressed the right button after Motlop was a late in
clay007: That makes sense Monty…that person had 1 job.
Zooo: Love the site m0nty, you’re a legend!
navy_blues: razor bs he is allowed to compete for the ball!!!
original: How is that a block?!?!
clay007: Why would Port tag Walsh? They are 47 pts down. Oh, it is because I traded him in for Green.
navy_blues: motlop score fixed at last
Hazza09: Ofcourse it is Clay
clay007: I have had a bad round Hazza, Neale, Sinclair, Walsh. Sigh!!
navy_blues: razor giving port frees every qtr
clay007: Port, getting the rub of the green at present Navy. The crowd support you.
navy_blues: mcgov doing well
2Ph0nes: nice dive crippa, weak as piss
Zooo: Not a dive, the push locked up his legs and he tripped
original: Get Houston back on
Hughsy: What are you doing Walsh
navy_blues: lol phones we wont mention riewoldt
J_Herer: great week to trade in Walsh 🙁
Hazza09: Traded in Walsh for green, just sums up my year
clay007: I brought in Anderson and Walsh, both got tagged, well played.
Bwad: Nothing like Carlton finally playing well against a good side, for the umps to blow the whistle everytime they breath
exatekk: Hazza, i was looking at 2700 projected, enter Marshall, Sinclair and Walsh
exatekk: and Neale
Troglodyte: Lift Docherty
clay007: What is annoying exatekk, is when it is happening to you, but your opponent has all players scoring well.
thommoae: Aren’t the frees even at this point?
exatekk: yeah like complete duds clay lol
Bwad: An even free kick count doesn’t = a well umpired game, this isn’t under 12s
TimT14: Keep going Houston I’ve got ground to make up in draft
thommoae: I guess it depends on where you are on the ladder. 🙂
Hazza09: 14 disposals for Walsh, absolute joke
Hughsy: Fogarty is there to high-5 people
2Ph0nes: lol deliberate af
wadaramus: Jonas still on, no contested possession!
Bwad: See if Crippa can finish off, brought him in for Green, Sicily in for S.Mitchell
Bwad: Was tossing that or Docherty/LDU
PAFC4eva: Big last quarter pear lets go
Bwad: Let’s hope for a good contest PAFC, GO BLUES
Gotigres: Fade out of the game please Butters
PAFC4eva: Thats it game over if it wasnt already
thommoae: Fogarty can High 5 himself now!
lana2146: Wow this round is really gonna shake up the top SC ranks lol
lana2146: Soo many shocking scores this round lol
clay007: A couple of big ones too Iana-English and Gawn.
navy_blues: wd boys bout time
beerent11: We have a problem is having some kind of season
clay007: What is that beer?
J_Herer: So the Power did 3 tags today and still lose by 40 odd
Pavs: Butters injured?
clay007: Don’t think so Pavs, Butters and Rozee quiet this qtr.
DrSeuss: Walsh just watching Houston take a mark in front of him – lazy AF
PAFC4eva: Geez if carlton can do this whats the pies gonna do to us 🙁
clay007: I apologise Pavs, there might be, been on bench for 5 mins. hmm
DukeNewc: You will get that ball back in 2 to 4 business days out of the stands from that curnow goal
Spenny2012: This and the saints game has killed my week. Some very low scores
Social: Geez Koch will be cranky
frenzy: Cow Paddy can’t even get CD luv
clay007: The blues fans have been booing a bit today, any reason?
Doggie Doo: Can Carlton supporters who burnt their membership get it back?
frenzy: Dimma to Port, sack Kenny
beerent11: Serviceable from cincotta. Decent Lloyd cover.
navy_blues: no excuses now blues need this effort every game now
sheezel420: Good boy Houston <3
ajconodie: same here @beerent
Bwad: That’d be because the umpires did everything in their power to get Port back in the game I reckon Clay…
beerent11: 80 from Maric tomorrow and she?ll be no worries.
thommoae: Now the Blues are up by 3 in the frees count. I know “it’s not how many, it’s …”
beerent11: Nice wordplay bwad
Bwad: Thanks Beer :p
Bwad: Thommo, it’s about what frees were and weren’t paid and where they were on the field, not the count. Umps had a shocker.
runners47: Happy days – happier if they turn up like this every week

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