BigChief: crickets in this room LOL
BigChief: No one wants to talk to you tonight m0nty.
Manowar: C on Rozee
DukeNewc: Saints vs Melbourne more appealing
bhg26: Wouldnt mind a little bit more from you butters
Ash777: go captain rozee
pcaman2003: Butters 1 touch and a clanger,0% DE on 6pts? I missed something.
Legix: You can stop joking now Butters
original: unacceptable houston
bhg26: Bloody hell butters
naicosfan: Oh my butters with a donut! Thankfully put the C on Rozee
Manowar: might bring in Levi next week!
Stu7: It just ain?t butters
navy_blues: butters has melted
pcaman2003: Is CD taking the power? Butters 2 touches, 2 clangers and still +5pts?
bhg26: I only care about butters at the moment
bhg26: I dont believe this is real butters
TheFlagger: casboult goat
2Ph0nes: butters not spreading from contests
naicosfan: Up the Suns!
a1trader: Butter melts in the Sun
clay007: Problem is, butters has no ruckmen to palm it to him. Witts is too strong.
Stu7: Butters more like margarine
a1trader: I think you’re on to something Navy_blues
bhg26: Butters in grounding territory
Stu7: Lol a1
BigChief: Has Touk been playing mid?
Gotigres: Humphrey to Mills was a good move.
TheOnyas: onya wittsy
soup: glad I put the C on Casboult
circle52: McKenzie subbed
DANGERous: do we have any idea if Touk will have managed TOG?
wadaramus: Good one hander there.
bhg26: Every time im in for a big week bloody frauds like butters and green try and ruin my score
Raspel31: Least you haven’t got Humphrey covering Dunks bhg.
bhg26: Butters and hump having similar games rasp
Stu7: I?m hearing you bhg
bhg26: Butters you fucking fraud
Closer: I brought in butters this week sorry fellas
Gotigres: Keep going like this please Rowell and Rozee… and Butters and Houston.
Gotigres: Thanks Closer.
PigeonPies: my god butters scares me, so good to watch tho
pcaman2003: Butters creamed himself.
beerent11: Did you discover a new word this week bhg?
Cottees: man PODS have been actual garbage this week ey
BigChief: I think Raspel did a rain dance.
bhg26: The way butters is performing beer i will display my extensive knowledge of the english lexicon
clay007: Witts 65 with 6 possies. What are his ruck numbers? He gets a great return from CD.
bhg26: I dont even know where he is anymore
Pavs: Need a bigger TV bhg 🙂
pcaman2003: clay007. Must be getting plenty of taps to advantage I’d think.
clay007: Ive been watching pca-most taps have been neutral
bhg26: Bout to turn it off pavs, this is an absolutely horrendous performance that deserves a grounding
pcaman2003: clay007. Money under the table perhaps? 🙂
beerent11: Go winesy need to make up for last weeks shocker
clay007: Yep, pca. My opponent has the f witt
Gotigres: Alir is a good toucher of the ball
naicosfan: Go aliir Witts and rozee!
beerent11: Haha, you take this way too seriously bhg old mate.
Yelse: comnnnn suns this would be good for dew and them if they get up
pcaman2003: clay007. I’m laughing as my opponent has Butters. Maybe not enough bribe money available.
bhg26: I was projected 2622 beer before this game, butters has broken my heart
bhg26: This should have put me in the top 1k potentially
naicosfan: Win it for the Pies Witts!
beerent11: Ah well. Just a game. Not even a real one.
bhg26: Its a betrayal of trust beer. I trusted butters and hes let me down in spectacular fashion in both sc and fantasy
navy_blues: lol bhg
bhg26: So its not just a game beer. Its two games
beerent11: Kids these days. I dunno.
Pavs: You have to admire the passion though beer.
navy_blues: not a betrayal of trust u chose butters so who is to blame?
bhg26: Thats what i aim to bring to fanfooty pavs
bhg26: Butters navy. Im never wrong
navy_blues: lol as u get older hopefully your views mellow
loginpaul: some of you lads take this too seriously
bhg26: They will not navy
navy_blues: im wrong all the time bhg just ask m
bhg26: Like who loginpaul?
BigChief: What exactly are you going to win bhg? SC doesn’t pay out for being top 1000. If you were top 100 maybe vent.
loginpaul: I am loginpaul
navy_blues: my wife
loginpaul: you children cannot enjoy footy
loginpaul: navy goes for the baggers so he never enjoys footy anyway
OffaStep: Said the guy naming his handle after a youtuber…
bhg26: Im aiming for the top 1011 KFC surprise pack BigChief. I got KFC socks, a hat and a keychain last time lol
loginpaul: after a what
OffaStep: Wierd typo… “after a youtuber”
BigChief: So basically crap bhg. SMH
Pavs: Banned word Offastep
OffaStep: And then I misspelled “weird”… Sigh.
Gotigres: Get off the grog Offa
loginpaul: yeah bud you’re still making no sense
bhg26: You are a lot of fun bigchief
OffaStep: Got it. It’s a word I’m not allowed to type, obviously. But not a swear word. A social media brand name.
loginpaul: I didn’t name myself after anything. I am loginpaul
OffaStep: Cheers, Pav.
loginpaul: Hello OffaStep. You should get a hobby 🙂
loginpaul: Do you fellas have any friends? I am loginpaul
clay007: Can anyone explain Witts score. What impact is he having?
loginpaul: Witts doesn’t miss, thanks mate. I am loginpaul
Gotigres: Another night of high level intellectual conversation
Foxman69: Not hard to understand Witts is getting HOTA
OffaStep: Starting to read like a malfunctioning trollbot, login.
loginpaul: this bloke carns the tiges and reckons he’s an intellect. I am loginpaul
naicosfan: Loginpaul is an interesting fella, to say the least
clay007: What impact are they those HTA? His team are losing.
BigChief: Starting to @Offa? LOL
beerent11: Port dropping the hammer now
Foxman69: So any losing teams players shouldn’t get points Clay? Ridiculous comment
DrSeuss: Butters stepping up this quarter while Rozee slows down. Fantastic
clay007: What has he done fox that has honestly given him 83 pts? I watch a fair bit of footy, he has been irrelevant tonight
OffaStep: Certainly atvantaging his owners, clay. Not that I’m one…
beerent11: Dixon dominates when he goes on the ball.
Foxman69: He has had 29 Hitouts with the majority to advantage it’s not rocket science I know you are used to Grundy and Cameron
clay007: Offastep, wish my ruckman could receive such love
2Ph0nes: you’re revelvant to centrelink
bhg26: Nailed the delivery 2ph0nes
BigChief: Well pick better rucks clay.
naicosfan: Seems like rozee and butters are rotating together to see which one gets the ball
loginpaul: Ninton Quarkle my king
OffaStep: Same, clay. I feel like that most weeks about someone or other.
BigChief: Hey soup I don’t think Captain Casboult doing very well now. LOL
DrSeuss: Is Rozee injured? Started on the bench, got 1 handball and now back on the bench?
clay007: Cmon Fox…too advantage. I have english and Marshall and they impact with marks and possessins. Fox…get a grip son
clay007: Big chief, seriously, give proper fb.
Foxman69: Clay you are the one who needs to get a grip Nic Nat averaged 115 2 years ago for a reason not touches
BigChief: clay kick and mark 3 pts each, HOTA 5 pts.
Gotigres: Wake up Rozee and Rowell.
clay007: He has not really hit to advantage BC, watch the game, neutral mostly
Foxman69: Spot on Chief old mate doesn’t understand the scoring
BigChief: Foxman he just doesn’t understand mate.
DrSeuss: Rozee at full forward?
Foxman69: Clay just say not having Witts sucks because they’re to advantage Hayes is SANFL not AFL level
clay007: Morons…I rest my case. Witts, huge influence tonight.
clay007: I agree with you Hayes comment Fox
bhg26: I think my brain is leaking out my ear after that argument
Foxman69: Clay the only moron here is you Witts is dominating the ruck
BigChief: So it’sWitts’ fault his team mates fuck up? Okay then.
clay007: No Fox, watch the game
bhg26: Nope its still going
Foxman69: Witts has more than twice as many hitouts to the whole Port team what am I missing?
clay007: Funny Big Chief! He has no impact.
Raspel31: Think I just got some in my wine- thanks bhg. Handbags away ladies.
beerent11: Yawn.
clay007: I don’t hate these guys, I just don’t agree with their points. Witts is a good player, I like him
Pavs: About time you intervened Raspel. Where the hell have you been 🙂
Foxman69: You are arguing with facts he has had heaps of HOTA whether you think hes impacted or not isnt relevant
clay007: You guys like drama. I just don’t understand the SC scoring, it is so subjective.
Pavs: It is subjective clay very true
Foxman69: How is it subjective? HOTA are HOTA and you get points for them
Pavs: We have moved on Foxman
bhg26: Fair goal that
clay007: Gold coast lose again. Dew?
beerent11: What a goal. Star!
2Ph0nes: for once educate yourself, the scoring system is easy to find. if you dont like it play afl fantasy instead
Foxman69: Has the numpty worked out that HOTA get points?
OffaStep: Both right. HOTA score well but don’t always = impact. RoMo more important tonight but score close 10 mins ago. Rough.
beerent11: Mike drop by 2 phones
OffaStep: I’m just glad to see Touk run around again. Even if I don’t get him back in my squad.
clay007: Settle 2phones. The scores are always weird, depnds on the day with sc, You always hear cd prefer certain players.
clay007: Are you happy fox?
beerent11: Fair side this
bhg26: Easily my favourite non-swan player offa
Foxman69: Clearly pies fans aren’t used to a ruckman who hits out to advantage t
beerent11: Reckon 2 phones is the only one in here talking any sense. Including myself.
Pavs: Can take it up to Collingwood this year beer.
beerent11: Hope so pavs. Looking forward to it.
Foxman69: How is Witts the highest scoring DT player he’s had no impact!
OffaStep: Scary good when they’re on.
clay007: Fox…I could say more here, but GC are not in the top 4. Enough said. This was not a GC thing, a sc thing. Chill dude
Pavs: Trolling now Foxman. Might be easier to take your fair points more seriously if you dropped the 69 as well mate.
Foxman69: Clay the point is you simply don’t understand SC scoring not hard
bhg26: Cant we all just get along?
Foxman69: Pavs he is the highest DT scorer and 2nd highest SC scorer Clay is a moron
clay007: It is hard Fox, don’t be a flog. A hb does not always present the same score. Be real. I have no issue with you,
Pavs: We don’t need name calling mate. Please move on now
Raspel31: Can someone explain to me why Ben King is only on 2 points and not 3?
Foxman69: Clay his “impact” hasn’t been huge sure but he has all the stats for his score if you like it or not
clay007: Thanks Pav, my issue is with my oppo, who has Witts.
clay007: Settle fox, I like witts, my issue is, I think his score tonight is inflated. I have seen many of his great games.
OffaStep: Back to the game, guys.
Foxman69: Your issue is with the scoring system which you are clearly not familiar with
circle52: @Raspel Think his clanger may have something to do with it.
clay007: Agree Offa
Pavs: Presenting as a huge tool now Foxman
Raspel31: True circle- but otherwise an outstanding game.
bhg26: Which one pavs?
Pies20: Agree pavs move on fox
Foxman69: Yes I am the tool Pav not you defending the bloke who doesn’t understand the scoring system
Raspel31: Enough already!
Pavs: He has dropped it why can’t you.
OffaStep: This shall henceforth be known as “the foxwitts controversy of 2023”
hmmmm: damn foxman whats got you so heated
navy_blues: ok guys u disagree with each other plz move on
beerent11: Look what you?ve done. You?ve made raspel raise his voice. Enough.
clay007: Funny beer! Rasp angry…I think not. lol
bhg26: Did you not see the exclamation point clay?
Foxman69: Sorry Guys! How dare Witts get points for the same thing everyone else gets points for! CHEAT!
Raspel31: Sorry lads- I was a little extreme in my emphasis.
clay007: Rasp is the most chilled here bhg. I love the vibe
Pavs: Breathe Rasp deep breaths
beerent11: Gee jhf reminds me of baby Dangerfield sometimes.
Raspel31: Or maybe not?
DrSeuss: Rozee forward again so Butters can overtake him
Troglodyte: Shit, I’m out of popcorn… now what
OffaStep: Most agreed with your points, fox. Let’s move on, shall we?
BigChief: Time for a beer or wine with Dimmo Raspel?
Gotigres: Butters score not so bad now bhg
BigChief: Dimma* even
dodgybros: Must have been the snails at lunchtime
Pavs: Check down the side of the chair Trog.
Social: how did the french chick go rasp?
Troglodyte: lol even Wet Toast defence not as bad as that chain
bhg26: He must have seen how utterly devastated i was tigres
Raspel31: Don’t see why ever not BigChief. Come on Rozee and Rowell.
clay007: If Cats win they are in the 8. Scary. Dons play adelaide, one drops out
Raspel31: Ah- very nice thanks Social -tres bon.
Roksta: Touk worth a pod trade?
beerent11: Both kings subbed out in different games. Weird.
Gotigres: Hopefully he goes 90+ for you bhg
DukeNewc: Clay, As a typical hawthorn fan, I don’t want geelong making the 8, a streak broken
Gotigres: Probably in a couple of weeks Roksta. He has a huge BE
bhg26: Wait one more week roksta when he is at his lowest price
OffaStep: Will drop in price and increase in fitness/TOG, Roksta. Wait a bit, I say.
circle52: Unless you need uim next week Roksta hold as he will drop in price,
navy_blues: 2 more touk 1 more butts
BigChief: Cmon Rozee do something.
DukeNewc: Lift Rozee, I need that ton badly
beerent11: Cheers winesy
clay007: I know duke. They are dangerous, but they have had a good run.
Roksta: I meant in a couple of weeks cheers lads
Pies20: 2400 par this week sc?
clay007: Rozee started so well, I am surprised he is struggling towards 100
Roksta: 2630 projected here
beerent11: Bhg is getting 2622 pies20
Raspel31: Would have thought spot on Pies- down on last week.
Pavs: It is getting tough now Pies had over 2440 last week and only gained 1000 places
circle52: Watch Sunday go down hill as usual 2555 projection for me
clay007: I got 2391 last week pavs and lost 500 places
DukeNewc: 2360 projected, will probably drop because of terrible scores
Cottees: just under 2500 projected but this game probs drops it to 2400-2450
Stu7: Bench Rozeeeeeee and Butters please
mitchlewis: fantasy or sc?
Pies20: 2500 proj circle yeah totally agree never happens.
circle52: Can not predict I scored 2452 last week and dtopped 500
Raspel31: 2570 last week Pavs and up in the top 10,000 finally-
mitchlewis: how has rozee not hit 100? 27 5marks 2goals
DukeNewc: Thats very stiff circle
Cottees: Clangers mitchlewis
Pavs: After the Butters and Rozee drop 2500 as well tough now. Awesome Rasp i’m at 16,000 tough year
Yelse: what a terrible weekend for the king brothers
bhg26: I got 2530 and moved up 36 spots
OffaStep: 2471 last week and dropped almost 6k!
Raspel31: But lucky to get 2400 this week- and so the worm turns.
Guhlio: got 2560 last week and dropped 3
navy_blues: need port to win by 30 bit close atm
clay007: Ask fox Mitch, he thinks scoring is easy
OffaStep: Ladder must be ‘denser’ the higher you get, I guess.
clay007: You have it Navy
penguins00: projected 2567 from 21 players
Raspel31: Think the many of us who benched Dunks this week paid.
navy_blues: just
frenzy: gee Witts is unders 🙂
navy_blues: and touk went to bench after he got 20
DukeNewc: Very much rasp, would’ve added another 100 or so, may have even helped neales score
Pavs: Held Oliver for way too long
bhg26: I got ashcroft from benching dunks rasp 🙂
bhg26: Thanks butters for giving a shit in the second half
OffaStep: Lol Frenzy.
