frenzy: we got this, haha
Pavs: Haha my opponent just traded in McRae, Thomas & Baker desperate for a win they have 23 out of 30 not playing next week.
navy_blues: dogs should win by 40+
bushranger: Eddie Ford,just alittle 50 please
Hazza09: My opponent did the same Pavs, ridiculous
Raspel31: Have always had McRae- till 5 weeks ago. Stay down Macca and step up Englishman.
pcaman2003: Bushranger. Or better still, a 70 would be rather good.
bushranger: Indeed pcaman, 70 would be delightful
Troglodyte: um Hawkins is a dreadful commentator. um
pcaman2003: Raspel. Id be much happier if both stayed low this week.
Raspel31: I’ll settle for 69.
beerent11: No hall
Dondeal: Hawkins sounds as dopey as he looks
Raspel31: pcaman- my main opp capped Macca and has no English- suits me.
ralfsmiff4: I agree Dondeal, that was the first thing I thought when I heard him commentating this match
lana2146: Whos Hawkins
ralfsmiff4: He has good insights a lot of the time, but if he sounds like he’s about to fall asleep, he’ll struggle
Dondeal: Stay on his feet? wtf Hawkins?
Troglodyte: ummm
lana2146: Ohhh the toma hawk is commentating
pcaman2003: Stay on the bench English. You’ve done enough this qtr.
ralfsmiff4: Clever by Tucker. Would be great if CD could count things like these for SC, but yes it’d be challenging to do
pcaman2003: Okay Phillips! Time to start your engine
Raspel31: Don’t be rude pcaman. And there are wirse than Hawkins.
lana2146: Not Many other sports have current players commenting on opps games lol
Legix: You can get a touch now Smith
Dondeal: Brown gives the Hawkins the mic and crickets… lol
Raspel31: Ziebell to Sheezel does sound a bit Pythonesque.
Cottees: North don’t need Hall. Sheezel and Ziebell are insane
Pavs: Half expected Ziebell to be a late out for Hall but didn’t happen.
Loggy17: a lot of average games this round. byes aren’t great, especially 4 weeks
Hazza09: Regret the day I traded Ziebell
pcaman2003: Really need Libba and Bont to fire up today. And Ford and Phillips to improve..
beerent11: Need to put a score on the board early Roos
Olij: After the byes should I trade Marshall and then put Briggs into R2
Hazza09: This will be the game Bont does SFA
Olij: Libba being tagged!
hmmmm: why the hell would you trade marshall
pcaman2003: Beer. Never thought I’d ever have 4 North players in my team.
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Doc Duryea just turned into Doctor Teeth!
Raspel31: You were saying Hazza? Think Ford in need of a full service.
sc_god: fox footy won’t be giving hawkins a contract anytime soon
Doggie Doo: Dogs are on the nose
DrSeuss: WTF was that free kick for on English? BS Call that one
Loggy17: doggie doo is usually on the nose (not you of course)
sc_god: it was there, good decision
beerent11: Umps looking after us
Hazza09: Who?s tagging Libba? Flower off Ratten
beerent11: Haha Briggs is causing some terrible fomo out there
Doggie Doo: Daniel having a bad game
Raspel31: Dogs got this Doggie- poops aside- early days.
Pavs: Phillips Hazza
Hawkthornz: step it up Doggies..
pcaman2003: Ziebell gets a lot of bench time for a defender.. Is he okay?
Baldfrog: Carn Norf nothin better than a Bevo sulk
beerent11: Jones has four arms?
Olij: Can ford do something
Doggie Doo: To think I fielded Ford over Kemp
Baldfrog: Think alot of us have Ford
Raspel31: I can’t af ford him. Course we do- all cancelled out.
Doggie Doo: Good one Rasp
Loggy17: the roos just don’t know how to win. it’s a pity
navy_blues: omg treloar
bhg26: Wowee Ford. Are we sure hes out there?
beerent11: Every team goes through tough times loggy. Getting some good kids. Bright future ahead.
navy_blues: trading up to a holden next week
pcaman2003: Ford and Phillips both disappointing so far.
Pies20: How many still have sheez?
Cottees: Pies – I do hahaha
Yelse: i liba playing fwd
Doggie Doo: Wardlaw not much better
Baldfrog: Resale value not great atm Navy
Hawkthornz: still have sheez and ashcroft
DrSeuss: Why is English getting less TOG than Goldy? About 20 years younger
navy_blues: holdens are keepers baldy lol
Pies20: Same cotters hawks
Raspel31: Lucky to get a Trabant navy_blues.
thommoae: I traded Sheez out for Jezza. Hmmm. Both have Zs but no scoring similarity this round.
Baldfrog: Same Hawks
Stu7: Pies I?ve still got Sheez
beerent11: Bailey Scott is emerging as a very handy player
bhg26: Was going to trade sheez next week to bring in oliver and dcam but this may change things
Doggie Doo: Bont needs to lift
gojath: goldy schooling english by looks of their sc scores
Cottees: bhg – problem is Hall if he comes back. Sheezel easy keep if no Hall
Baldfrog: Ashcroft will be clarry next week if he returns
DrSeuss: English had a great first 8 minutes – then has done sweet FA since. Schooled by Lycett last week – Goldy this week
Raspel31: JHF will be Laird- Ashcroft a keeper?
pcaman2003: My Kayo playing up badly. Anyone else having problems with it?
clay007: What is the main difference between FA and sweet FA?
Hazza09: Lift Libba ffs
clay007: What is it doing pca?
Baldfrog: Fine here pca
sc_god: kayo working fine
pcaman2003: C’mon Libba and Phillips.
DrSeuss: Sweet FA makes it sound like I am not bitter about it
Baldfrog: The sweet Clay
beerent11: A lot would?ve traded out ziegull two weeks ago too
Raspel31: Kayo dropped out all day for me.
Cottees: English get a hold of yourself ya idiot
Hughsy: i thought it was just my kayo… being shite
bhg26: Might have to hope hall is permanently dropped. Maybe ratten finally saw hall is a nothing player
beerent11: Stephensons first career tackle
Loggy17: stephenson you dud
bhg26: He has one more than hall then beer
Cottees: bhg – I reckon if North wins today, Ratten might actually realise that. Here’s hoping
navy_blues: english on the slide
Raspel31: Ford to Dunkly a good move?
DrSeuss: English is playing lazy AF the last 2 weeks – lets hope the bye is good for him – absolutely towelled up by Goldy
Cottees: imagine not having Dunkley hahahahaha
beerent11: No rucks score well vs goldy.
Migz: agreeed. wtf. dunkley was my first pick of the season
The Hawker: Crap move Raspel
Loggy17: shocking decision re zurhaar
Hazza09: Cmon Libba don?t shaft me again
Hughsy: raspel – if you dont have dunkley by now, you arent going to have him for the season… price too high
beerent11: Caught a couple of dopey fish there raspel
thommoae: I think you’ve sold some candy there, Raspel …
Pavs: Rasp having a giggle.
Hughsy: i was gonna say
beerent11: Nearly filled a bucket
Baldfrog: LOL beer still surprised how many Rasp sucks in
Hughsy: raspel seems good i would be suprised if he didnt have him lol
Migz: i thought english stood on some ones head then haha
sc_god: thomas had a good 1/4
Baldfrog: Used to think RASP suffered from Tottenham syndrome not so sure now
Raspel31: Well of course I’ve got Dunks- morons x
Pavs: Nick Larkey icon please. Cant find it.
thommoae: Pulled a Tottenhamstring ages ago, Bald.
pcaman2003: My opponent has English C, so I’m happy so far.
Pavs: Chief Found it
slydon: i think i might gobontampelli to ford raspel, not getting enough out of the botns
slydon: im annoyed i picked fyfe to bring in over tt
Social: uppadabludikangaroogas
Pavs: Fyfe will play next week Slydon and make money. Go to TT after that.
beerent11: Ford was much better in q2
beerent11: Bonts be is 139. Hopefully another price drop. 630k soon
slydon: pavs ive already thrown it in for this season i have 2 trades left
slydon: just made way to many poor decisions early in the season with a few injuries
Pies20: 2trades sly jeez gone hard
Pavs: Hold Slydon Hold no more trades.
beerent11: 34 trades in 14 rounds. Impressive.
Pies20: Or have i been baited 🤪
pcaman2003: I’ve seen CD miss 2 Libba tackles this game. Tackling needs redefining IMO.
beerent11: 2.5 trades a round nearly.
Pies20: Saying that how many trade’s left for everyone??
Cottees: slydon – one thing I have learnt, even if players have a bad game or 2, sometimes you have to be patient
Cottees: Similarly to you, I have had injuries and bad picks, but have 9 trades left
Pies20: 13 for me
Hazza09: I hope Aaron Hall never plays AFL again
beerent11: We used to get 28 for a whole season. 24 in the way back if I recall correctly.
Pies20: Ward been quiet lift mate
Cottees: Hazza – you and me both. Let me keep Sheezel as premo
Raspel31: I haven’t used a trade yet- saving for finals.
Pavs: More rounds now though beer
Cottees: beer – also injuries and suspensions more unfair lately hahahaha
Pavs: Your ranked in the top 50 as well aren’t you Rasp?
Hazza09: Cmon Libba break the frikin tag
Raspel31: Sel denial is everything Pavs- now top 45.
beerent11: And SuperCoach know that more trades means more players means more subscribers means more dollars.
Cottees: Raspel, not even 1st. Need to pump those numbers up
pcaman2003: Hazza. Libba doing okay and soldiers on scoring points as he goes.
Pavs: There is only 1 Fifty Shades Cottees you know that.
Pies20: 1800 average this week?
pcaman2003: Has Ziebell touched the ball this qtr?
Cottees: You too right Pavs
bhg26: Ford doing his disappearing act again
Hazza09: Pcaman as soon as I called it 25 points lol
Gotigres: Looks like an easy decision to trade Ford out this week.
Raspel31: Is that a rhetorical question pcaman?
Pies20: Not the only thing you haven’t used this year rasp🤣
pcaman2003: Raspel. For you I could make it rhetorical. Just haven’t seen him near the ball
beerent11: Cmon boys!
Raspel31: Lol pcaman and Pies- but will keep Ford- too cheap to trade and good cover for run home.
Social: Do it roos , do it do it
clay007: Sheezel has gone backwards this qtr
Loggy17: stephenson is soooo soft
Hazza09: If you needed a R2 after the byes who would it be? Gawn, Briggs, English or Witts?
beerent11: I?d look at their draws for the rest of the year and base it on that hazza.
Loggy17: Briggs Hazza for the price
Raspel31: Surely Briggs Hazza and money in the bank- aint trading Marshall or English moi-meme.
pcaman2003: Hazza. Value for money, Briggs looks good.
Doggie Doo: Bont yes
pcaman2003: Ziebell a 0 point qtr. Get out there and score.
sc_god: caleb daniel ying yang please, doubled his score this 1/4
Manowar: k’mon Ford pills
Raspel31: It’s not working Manowar- sigh.
sc_god: Fords cant be trusted
Doggie Doo: Ford is a Falcon
pcaman2003: Nice work Libba and Bont.. Just keep going
pcaman2003: Can someone tell me why Ziebell spending so much time off the ground
Pavs: If anyone knows pills its Raspel.
bhg26: Ford
bhg26: Ford may not even make Johnson?s score
Pavs: Looked tired the last couple of weeks pcaman thats why I thought he might be a late out for Hall. Only guessing though.
Raspel31: I would love to talk about a beautiful Ecuadorian gal I met but M0nty might disapprove so- trades for round 15?
Loggy17: Ford has blown a gasket
loginpaul: raspel youve never spoken to a woman
sc_god: Ford out of gas
pcaman2003: Pavs. He jus doesn’t seem to be he same player lately.
Joegreg123: Ford is terrible
Pies20: Just having a face book friend doesn’t mean you have met them rasp
loginpaul: vandermeer looking like a lock post bye
beerent11: Got a week off next week pavs
Pavs: Agree mate a bit dissapointed I traded him but he has lost 100k in the last 3 weeks
pcaman2003: beerent. Hope the rest does him some good.
Ash777: login VDM is serious injury prone
Pavs: Might have been 1 of my few good decisions
Doggie Doo: Mr Weightman take a bow
Raspel31: C’mon English. Nothing about The Ahes I promise m0nty-okay – a bit.
lana2146: English going big
clay007: What happened to Ziebell? Did Ford give him some tips at half time on how to be useless?
Pavs: Bont going Beast mode
wadaramus: Trade Ziebell but keep Sheezel methinks.
pcaman2003: Firs touch this half for Ziebell. thank goodness for that
ballbag: has goldy been putting his head under a griller? why so red?
clay007: Goldy has been smelting
bhg26: Please Ford kick a goal or something
LuvIt74: I kept Sheezel but traded Ziebell 2 weeks ago as he was going to heamorage cash
OffaStep: Ford 20yo, playing his 5th game, averaging 79… Quiet night but he’s still got a big future.
Raspel31: Okay- a bye- but why on earth trade Sheezel- sheesh?
bhg26: One kick that goes between the big sticks that?s all I ask
LuvIt74: remember when Goldy was the man on SC and we always had him as our Captain
beerent11: Alas, no price drop for Bont I fear.
Hazza09: Thanks for the 130k Ford
pcaman2003: Luvit. Why, when Ziebell still averaging 102?
LuvIt74: Goldy 35 years old bloody hell
Pavs: Averaging 81 over the last 4 though pcaman
bhg26: Even just a kick at this point ford
Raspel31: Anderson almost 41 and still bowling Luv- let age not define us.
soup: ford making my trade plans a bit easier this week
Pavs: Traded him for Ridley and spare cash to Neale
pcaman2003: Pavs. Fought back with a handy 107 last week. Could never count him out as a valuable pick
LuvIt74: What a champion
Doggie Doo: Yes Rasp Anderson great
Pavs: Agree mate
LuvIt74: Glad i made the BONT my Captain
Pavs: It was the Hall interference that made me do it
pcaman2003: Nice work Bont and Libba. Saved my week.
Raspel31: Great call Luvit- and Bont and English seen me home.
Doggie Doo: Good come back Caleb
pcaman2003: Pavs. Lol! Hall would do that to anybody.
pcaman2003: The Bont! Killing it!
original: ziebell i am disappoint
Cottees: Bont making up for Ford and Wardlaw lol
slydon: opp has captained bont while ive had dunks and think that extra is gonna hand me yet another L
beerent11: In the words of yazz and the plastic population- the only way is up! For norf.
Hazza09: Keep going Libba
LuvIt74: My opponent has Bont, Macrae & Ziebell and he is on 1978 and im on 1961 with just Bont as C
Doggie Doo: 3 votes Bont
slydon: get another year or two in these norf young guns and they are looking v scary
LuvIt74: I didn’t trade this week i only have 17 fielded players
Vultures: And English does Dunks, my captain my captain.. Thx Timmy
bhg26: Okay ford just register a stat so we know you?re alive
Raspel31: I have a fear of heights beer- so what about side ways?
Doggie Doo: Ford got a dud alternator
beerent11: Just gotta keep em and shed some dead wood slydon.
original: ford to kick 5 late goals and score 200
beerent11: Guess that explains your rank rasp.
Raspel31: Lol beer.
bhg26: Should we call the cops for a wellness check on Ford? haven?t seen him in a while
clay007: Bont was predicted to get 97 tonight…well they got that wrong.
beerent11: That?s what rookies do bhg
Drak: Dont they get most predictions wrong?
Raspel31: On the back of Bont and English I was close clay- never trust the predictors. Massacre.
pcaman2003: Clay007.Don’t know why his proj. was so low against North. I expected a big score.
clay007: I agree pca, although I did not trust him for tonight, so went Dunks score. Might need a scotch as I reflect.
lana2146: 2097 my score
LuvIt74: i never take notice of predictions, i had VC on Dunkley & any other week id take that but i had no chance to win
Doggie Doo: Go Doggies
lana2146: Green arrows loading
Pavs: Good score lana
Raspel31: Dunks the right call clay- now we can luxuriate.
LuvIt74: 1997 i scored with 17 players opponent on 2012
lana2146: Thanks pavs
Doggie Doo: Usman will make 200
Loggy17: I got 1774 with 15; thanks Bont
pcaman2003: Clay007. I took Dunks score too.137 hard to knock back.
Olij: Hippo shout me out plz – get him to 1000 subs now
LuvIt74: 2003 vs 2016 fark so close
Doggie Doo: Dogs win now Ashes
pcaman2003: So close Luvit. Bit stiff mate.
ralfsmiff4: Still need to get Bont.
ralfsmiff4: This is getting ridiculous. He’s one of my fav players too. Going to have to find the coin to get him
