frenzy: howdy
Troglodyte: Hopefully this game is better than last night’s
Pavs: Hi all, My opponent has changed their captain 5 times and finally put it on Laird. Stay low please
bhg26: What game was last night
original: bhg blacked out and has only now woken up
Pavs: I think it was cancelled last night bhg
Troglodyte: Not sure. Couldn’t tell you. Let’s not speak about it
Dredd: Lets see if I regret not putting C on Laird and picking Stewart over Dawson..
frenzy: was a bye last night
pcaman2003: 3 mins in and Laird on bench already.
Troglodyte: *cough* witches hats
bhg26: Ah that would make sense pavs
Pavs: I dont understand pcaman
Hazza09: Laird straight to the bench ffs
BigChief: Nash is following Laird everywhere.
sc_god: calm down
pcaman2003: Pavs. They tend to take him off early for whatever reason
bhg26: Whats withs lairds sc?
Pavs: Keep with momentum and dont start him
pcaman2003: Will Worps win the clanger count today? Place your bets.
navy_blues: geez dawson on bench already
FlaggersXD: do you blokes understand rotations?
original: navy laird was genuinely on the bench after 3 mins lol, 57pct game time
a1trader: Just need 170 out of you Dawson
sc_god: who cares his game time will even out
Pavs: Get real Flaggers he was on for 3 mins
navy_blues: these players should to be able to play more than 10-15 mins of the start of he game
suns4ever: its just a rotation he’ll play 80% stop complaining
sc_god: maybe he needed to take a shit
FlaggersXD: Exactly he will play 80%
colin wood: There’s probably a reason why he came to the bench settle lol its not the end of the world.
Yelse: rotations or not there is not need to do one after 3 mins they should save them for the end of the 3rd and 4th qrts
FlaggersXD: It is more about the opportune moment ie a goal
bhg26: Michalanney is always so close to the ball
sc_god: lot of afl experts in here, know better than the clubs!
pcaman2003: Brought Dawson in and VC’d him. Sorry in advance.
colin wood: I don’t think AFL sides care for people’s SC scores. Just relax it will even out.
Hazza09: Dawson not getting the CD love today
pcaman2003: Maybe Laird will win the clanger count. Doing his best.
Yelse: VC laird you should be on 50 ffs to match opponents bont and darcy
Legix: good man Sic
sc_god: sicily giving him a run for his money pca
bhg26: Sweating on Michalanney to score more than wilmot at the moment
suns4ever: crows really playing to hawthorns level rn
pcaman2003: sc-god. He is, but at least he’s scoring points
Hazza09: Every time I put the VC on laird he shafts me, seriously over it
pcaman2003: Hazza. I have a couple of times, this time Dawson. Feel my round slipping away.
suns4ever: dawson only going at 57 he’ll be fine
Hazza09: The 2 times I didn?t VC Laird he went 149 and 137 pcaman
sc_god: i wouldve taken laird or dawson for C if I didnt take English’s VC score
suns4ever: cant believe laird has on 80% tog though!!
sc_god: lol yea that early rest affected his tog greatly lmao
Pavs: It was never about his tog. it was about why and momentum
Dredd: Sounds like me with Neale @Hazza.. one time I don’t VC him, gets 170+
The39Steps: What was the extent of Matt Roberts’ injury yesterday?
sc_god: players cpme pff early in quarters happens every game, you’ve clearly never played the sport
bhg26: Laird try to kick the ball challenge (impossible)
Pavs: You are a toss new guy. Stay with the facts dont make things up
bhg26: Why cant we all just get along?
Dredd: Most rotation groups usually rotate every 3 minutes.. every club is different but that is how it usually works
sc_god: *you’re
suns4ever: 6 tackles for laird already tho
Manowar: u want a boring chat? like Sydney last night
sc_god: relax mate, don’t need to throw your toys out the cot because you’re wrong
Pavs: rest my case. Idiot
bhg26: I dont remember a game last night
Hazza09: Is Dawson?s eff low today? If this was Bont he?d be on 70
cherry9: The sooner Crows can get off the chain, the sooner they won?t bother tagging C Laird, hopefully
pcaman2003: Dawson, Laird and Worps starting to move along now. Some relief!
suns4ever: laird already 18 this quarter, he’s fine
bhg26: Bloody hell as soon as michalanney does something he dishes that out
sc_god: exactly suns, you can’t reason with stupidity
pcaman2003: Nice Worps!
suns4ever: only 13 minutes on the field laird? why do you need a rest mate
Legix: why is Impey taking kick ins
sc_god: laird not getting enough of the pill
frenzy: extract the digit Moore
Cascadian: Dawson should be on more ffs
bhg26: Does laird know he can use his feet?
pcaman2003: Lift Laird!
Hazza09: I think he?s had 10 handballs Sc_god
BigChief: OMG Laird kicked it.
suns4ever: hes only going at 60% cas
pcaman2003: Laird finally takes a kick. Yay!
bhg26: he read my comment chief
Hazza09: Getting ripped off Cascadian
BigChief: Wow 2 in a row Lairdy 🙂
suns4ever: jeez all this laird smack and his on 50 before half time whilst being tagged
Pavs: This Mitchell kid looks alright
Crave: He’s not getting tagged no idea why the commentators are saying that
sheezel420: I agree suns he’s doing well
suns4ever: nash had the job early, they may have dropped it
zadolinnyj: Common crows
bhg26: Fergus Greenes been on fire the last 3 weeks
Dredd: Good stuff Fergie.. keep going and get to another 70+
BigChief: Lynch done. Scrimshaw in.
MrWalrus: All footy viewing devices in my house currently occupied
MrWalrus: Are Crows bad or Hawks having a good one?
BigChief: 2 weeks for Walker for ump contact?
bhg26: Intentional contact, 87 weeks
PigeonPies: crows playing bad
bhg26: Took laird one and a half quarters to realise he has feet and cant stop kicking the ball
Troglodyte: Hawks just keeping in it. Expect Hawks to run out of gas soon
PigeonPies: 18 months imprisonment for tex
MrWalrus: Thanks PP
pcaman2003: Walrus. Hawks putting a lot of pressure on with good tackles
Cascadian: Luke Breust having a mare
Pavs: Pressure football Walrus.
suns4ever: crows playing pretty well, pressure is just elite from hawks
pcaman2003: Cascadian. Yikes! Needs a talking to for a lift. Go Hawks!
Hazza09: What did Sicily score in that Qtr?
Pavs: Not much Hazza. Think he was in the late 30’s after 1st quarter
Legix: around 15 i think Hazza
sc_god: sicily was 37sc 1/4 time, too many clangers hurting
Pavs: Whats the go with Charlie Constable. Is he just not good enough for the suns side or did I miss something?
MrWalrus: Cheers gents, I’m going with the consensus of Hawks actually playing a good pressure game
MrWalrus: Good question Pavs, watching him those first 2 weeks i thought he had potential as a defender
pcaman2003: Walrus. Our 2nd half’s have been a worry. Dramatic drop offs this season.. Hopefully improves today.
MrWalrus: Made a few poor decisions & skill errors but he was hardly Robinson Crusoe there
MrWalrus: And he actually did some good defending and always showed effort, they have worse than him
Pavs: Ground advantage should help pcaman
sc_god: constable 2 vfl games he’s had 30 and 36 possessions, still cant get named emg even
MrWalrus: True pca, often an issue with young teams, maybe they’ll keep it up today.
Pavs: Agree Walrus. Wasn’t sure why.
pcaman2003: We’ll see Pavs. I hope so.
pcaman2003: C’mon Dawson. Don’t go backwards on me.
Dredd: 24 atm at 3QT as well @sc_god.. don’t think Dew likes him
suns4ever: that was dumb sic
Pavs: Need a lift from Sicily and Dawson. Stay down Laird please
Hazza09: Absolute joke Sicily
bhg26: Where are you going pavs?
Pavs: Sorry bhg, my opponent has Laird as Captain
BigChief: Pavs missed the joke bhg
pcaman2003: Pavs. I’d help with Voodoo doll, but can’t as I have Laird.
Pavs: Got it now Chief. Missed bhg’s stand up again. soz bhg
bhg26: Its a struggle chief
frenzy: drink bonox
MrWalrus: bhg, for a young blokiyou have some good Dad joke material.
bhg26: Thanks walrus
pcaman2003: Looks like my C will be Touk/ Grundy or Naics. Decisions, decisions!
BigChief: You don’t have Oliver pcaman?
Hazza09: Who you looking at pcaman?
pcaman2003: Hazza. Maybe Touk against North on home ground. But Naics also been going great.
Ash777: I went Naics for the C
Pavs: Reckon Touk. Tough call though
PigeonPies: surely someone here has conor nash for some reason
pcaman2003: Chief. No Ollie yet.
Hazza09: This has to be the week Dawson was a unique in half my leagues
bhg26: Dawson getting that Docherty scaling
BigChief: Baring a miracle from Dawson Oliver will be my C
Legix: Sicily whats going on buddy
Ash777: give bruest the cooked chicken
pcaman2003: Good choice chief. I think I’ll go with Touk and pray hard.
MrWalrus: Seen lots going Naicos with the Clarry illness rumours
frenzy: no Max Gawn capts
pcaman2003: Get going again Worps. You’ve stopped! Lift fast Dawson.
MrWalrus: Laird has certainly picked up
Hazza09: Sicily has been a disaster pick
BigChief: Nash has impressed me today.
pcaman2003: Laird having a massive qtr. Keeping me in this with Worps.
m0nty: Butts on the bench 🙁
Yelse: whats happened to mitchel ffs just stopped
bhg26: Swear Michallaney has had all his tackles this quarter
BigChief: Awesome tackle Nash
zadolinnyj: Good to have Monty back on butts train
pcaman2003: Tackle of the year right there. Brilliant Nash!
Urbs: Nash the goat
Pavs: Gulden, Dawson & Sicily. I keep finding new ways to keep my SC interesting
frenzy: the Butts stops here
Hazza09: Nice 12 points combined from Dawson & Sicily, just nice
Fromage: No ifs or butts
pcaman2003: Pavs. Try McKenna, Wilmot and Gulden
frenzy: Butt out
BigChief: Gulden, Wilmot and Roberts worse
pcaman2003: Very happy with the Hawks effort this week..A hard win would be ideal.
bhg26: 42% of roberts owners fielded him, including me
Fromage: I like big butts I cannot lie
Pavs: Got those as well Chief/pcaman
bhg26: Had Gulden and Mckenna as well
pcaman2003: Fortunately I had Roberts on the bench, fielding Phillips.
Davo27: At least Fergus and RAT are making me money
BigChief: Add M. Johnson to the list. I won’t get 1800 this week.
Pavs: Ordinary year for rookies apart from Sheez and maybe Ashcroft.
Social: Better than having your Long Doedee Hardwick on the bench
bhg26: vc Bontempelli carrying my passengers at the moment
Davo27: I have Gulden, McKenna, Wilmot and now Dawson onfield
bhg26: Hopefully Dawson pulls his finger out and gets a ton
Hazza09: All of those and Sicily Davo
pcaman2003: Get cracking Worps. No Touches for a long time. Find that ball.
Pavs: Now Mitchell is moving in the right direction Pigeonn
TorturedSC: Dawson very fumbly today
Yelse: hoping laird gets to 140 to take the C not rely in oliver
pcaman2003: Tortured. That’s because I got him in this week.
TorturedSC: You and a lot of others ruining my good pick
TorturedSC: Bound to happen eventually I guess, but I’m still salty
pcaman2003: Worpel often fails 2nd half. Has only 16SC pts this half.
pcaman2003: What a game! Hard tackling by both sides.
Pavs: Be a few bruises after this game. Its a cracker.
Fromage: Over 150 tackles for the game
dezlav: Contact Dawson. Off the bench and lift.
bhg26: Off the fucking pine michalanney
frenzy: go Horforn
Wends: Late arrival – dodged almost every bullet this weekend to land on Jones… anyone watching can give the lowdown?
pcaman2003: How will Norf go today Frenzy?
Legix: cmon Dawson 3 more
Yelse: laird mitchel keep going
Pavs: Loving the hawks kick to kick.
frenzy: not expecting much tbh
Yelse: ffs laird don’t go off now might not get back on
pcaman2003: Get to a ton Worps. A goal would be handy.
bhg26: Fucking hell michalanney youve been on the bench for nearly 20 minutes!
bhg26: Hallelujah!
Social: Get Katie Holmes out there to make Dawson harden up
Hazza09: Great now Laird injured
zadolinnyj: Wow
Pavs: Hawthorn Captain on the bench. Game in the balance
pcaman2003: Here we go again.
Yelse: seriously laird wtf
pcaman2003: Hazza. What happened to him?
Yelse: gonna lose most disposals
zadolinnyj: Wow again
The Hawker: just another week of throwing the game 🙂
Yelse: this is the issue with teams their players getting stuck on bench sicily should have been there
bhg26: Michalanney has got 16 points from 6 touches and 4 marks
pcaman2003: And there goes another golden opportunity. Gives us the spoon now please.
bhg26: 15 sorry
Yelse: do i take lairds score or risk oliver?
oc16: great game
Harambe: Absolute farce that Sicily was on the bench while Hawks were defending a 10 point lead with a few minutes left
Pavs: Laird Yelse I reckon
Hazza09: Same here Yelse, not sure
suns4ever: always take the 130 VC
suns4ever: Even if oliver gets 150 its only 20 net points difference.
MrWalrus: Not taking 130 would be madness
