TimT14: Oh no mccartin another concussion
Baldfrog: It was the sofest head knock Ive seen guys in trouble
Harambe: That was such low impact too… Poor bloke is very susceptible to it
Sheezus: Terrible, Great guy, doesn’t deserve this
Bazza2023: so innocuous, but clearly in la la land, so sad
PigeonPies: not sure how they can clear him to play when something that light has him lost
navy_blues: he surely cant keep playing he will be stuffed later in life
Bazza2023: youd think CTE, hopefully not but, must be a chance
Bazza2023: his eyes still look glazed
Baldfrog: Look at that cricketer that keeps getting cleared to play it’s ridiculous
Ash777: port fans wishing for a 10+ goal belting here I bet
DrSeuss: Great to see Gulden being wasted at Half Forward again
Ash777: I mean getting beat by 10 goals so the sacking of hinkley can come sooner
Baldfrog: Haha yep Ash hoping for a port win
Hazzalowry: Why would you have Byrne Jones as sub?
navy_blues: oh my
oc16: definitely CTE
navy_blues: blooper for ump
PigeonPies: i dont think that should be deliberate, even though it obviously was
beerent11: Witts out, rozee tag, gulden out of the middle, doc, laird. Interesting weekend. Lucky it?s just for fun
Baldfrog: How are we the Only professional sport in the world with Ump interpretation
wadaramus: This is fairly average footy for the neutral supporter.
pcaman2003: The seagull is off to a flying start.
Baldfrog: Rules should be solid so all decisions are the same
beerent11: I give you basketball baldy.
beerent11: Soccer
beerent11: American football
Baldfrog: Dunno Basketball Beer is that different?
Baldfrog: Soccer has VAR
Baldfrog: I dont watch men run around in womens tights tho so dont know American football
Oddsy5: basketball is all over the joint. dont call carries or travels ever
beerent11: Try watching a game of nba and tell me it?s not umpire interpretation. Just ask luka
PigeonPies: interpretation is part of sport in my opinion
Baldfrog: Ill have to I have never watched a game
DrSeuss: Basketball umpiring is so inconsistent and star players get away with everything
PigeonPies: nba is probably the worst one, 90% of ball handlers are breaking the rules
PigeonPies: basketball is honestly not great to watch unless its the playoffs, which starts in a week
beerent11: Agree pigeon. It?s a talking point. Especially on fan footy
Wahab_18: jhf power off
Ash777: Atleast warner is scoring well.
DrSeuss: Loooks like Gulden has been moved off the ball – might need to offload if that doesn’t change
sheezel420: the rules of AFL don’t allow for black and white decisions, can’t have robot umps
beerent11: They could skip the last 30 games
Baldfrog: Hopefully we get an update on McCartin at qtr time
beerent11: Must be tough for Tom mcartin to focus on the game
PigeonPies: im no doc, but surely he needs to think about the rest of his life
Baldfrog: Well Sheezel still be better than the umps they parade out every week
beerent11: All part of what makes it what we love sheez
Baldfrog: Yeah looked horrible Beer
Yelse: gulden lift do a tarranto
sheezel420: I can’t disagree Bald. Bad calls are inevitable, but at least be consistent..
Hazza09: What?s with gulden?
PigeonPies: bad calls has us talking about games from years ago, i still say swans were robbed in 2016, same with 2018 as a pies fan
BRAZZERS: chips llyod is turning the clock back this season
beerent11: All of the 350k to 450k players we started with are just showing us why. Also , plenty of game left.
navy_blues: gulden might be on choppin block soon
DrSeuss: Gulden playing mostly half forward – not getting any time on the ball
PigeonPies: but that doesnt mean i dont think the eagles deserved 2018 over 1 call I personally think is a free
BigChief: Is Gulden playing HF tonight?
beerent11: Seagulls got his taste for the salt and vinegar back
Baldfrog: Yeah Sheezel consistency is all we want
Ash777: good seagull was missed
pcaman2003: Gulden getting touches but DE letting him down.
pcaman2003: I want to put pap smear in a rear naked choke. Just for fun!
Baldfrog: Wrong site Pcaman ur looking for Grinder
pcaman2003: Baldy. Haha! He just makes me wanna do it.
Baldfrog: Port being screwed over a bit here
Davo27: Don’t threaten him with a good time
Bazza2023: port could come back
Bazza2023: wow that looked like a goal
clay007: Why would Horse need to tag Rozee?
Baldfrog: No Way
m0nty: that was so LBW
Malaka: Looks like the whole umpitring panel backed the swans.
Bazza2023: that one went over the post
Davo27: Again? Just pay the goal ffs
Bazza2023: or maybe not
Bazza2023: thats a goal
wadaramus: That is so fucking painful.
m0nty: over the stumps, Labuschagne gets off again
Baldfrog: Good old nine lives Labuschagne
DrSeuss: Gulden moved onto the ball at least
BigChief: Tom McCartin now getting HIA
Wahab_18: JHF you’re annoying
wadaramus: More quality AFL umpiring right there,
BRAZZERS: its in the genes
beerent11: Don?t think there?s really a tag on rozee. Looks pretty free.
RooBoyStu: BT’s boy Lloyd going well
RooBoyStu: JHF stands for Just Half Flowered
BRAZZERS: is jake the snake a trap?
beerent11: Not if he gets back to this nackers
Baldfrog: Faicos has made the seagull feel young again
bhg26: as usual we don?t capitalise on our opportunities and they?re back in it
pcaman2003: BRAZZERS. Hard to know,but 2 tons and a 93 and a ton this game probably.
Wahab_18: oh no ffs jhf
clay007: Wow!
pcaman2003: Can someone throw a bear trap at JHF please?
Bazza2023: said port would come back when they had 0.4.4, sydney just not doing enough and two backs with HIA
biggerz: good to see JHF burning all those that traded him
pcaman2003: Nice jump from 53 to 72. Wow!
beerent11: Would just be nice to see j Lloyd back in my team. Nostalgia. May as well bring in danger and buddy too.
beerent11: Would?ve been nice if duursma did this for me last week bhg. Might have had a chance.
bcatist: ….free kick sydney, umps trying hard
bcatist: ….free kick sydney. umps trying hard
DrSeuss: Worst thing for Port fans is – the more games you win, the longer Hinkley sticks around
Baldfrog: Finally a bit of eye candy on fox
Bazza2023: yes Bald, fair gun rack….pity i dont own a gun
Baldfrog: Haha Bazz you don’t think i’m gunna add to that
pcaman2003: Think it’s time for old man Boak to call it a day. 3 weeks of struggling at AFL level.
Troglodyte: That’s why they got JHF in pcaman. Like for like replacement
Baldfrog: Sadly as a crow sup JHF will only get bigger and watch out comp
pcaman2003: Troglodyte. Boak is holding the team back while he’s in it.
Baldfrog: Pcaman if u watch their reserves not much underneath
Troglodyte: You owe it to your veterans to let them play. Should be as sub though with new rule
pcaman2003: Baldy. Depth really that bad?
beerent11: Geez you blokes are fickle, two weeks ago jhf was trash now he?s the second coming.
Troglodyte: Gray and Ebert were the same
bhg26: What the fuck are we doing
Baldfrog: Ive never said that beer
beerent11: Boak sear the the right to make the call
Baldfrog: Yeah pcaman and no top end draft picks this year either
beerent11: *earnt.
navy_blues: bhg florent sneaks under the radar a bit
pcaman2003: Beer. He probably has, but some players hang on too long.
bhg26: Bloody oath he does navy
bhg26: Just fucking kick straight!
pcaman2003: Gulden coming good since moved.
RooBoyStu: Must be the first time ever 2 brothers out of game with injury.
RooBoyStu: Heeney so irrelevant now
Troglodyte: Will Gould to debut next week then
bhg26: Oh my god
beerent11: Warner is busting it open. Gun.
Baldfrog: Pcaman if u think boak should retire what about Buddy
pcaman2003: ROOBOY. And for the same thing too.
bhg26: Lingys lungs must be massive, doesn?t stop talking
beerent11: Especially hih rooboy
RooBoyStu: pcaman2003 oui
DrSeuss: Rozee not doing so well with the tag it seems
beerent11: I think the krakeour bros both got leather poisoning in the same game once
Gotigres: I watched a Sydney reserves game on the tv last year because my nephew was umpiring. There is a reason why Gould has not
RooBoyStu: Although some Dee fans would say the Febey bros were concussed alot lol pre game
Gotigres: debuted yet
pcaman2003: Baldy. He’s made his millions. He can go too.
RooBoyStu: Lol beer hold me beer and easter egg lol
bhg26: About fucking time
wadaramus: Worst game of footy this year.
pcaman2003: I’m excited by Owens game tonight. He’s a gun
BigChief: Wrong chat Pcaman
Baldfrog: Old firm Derby is about to start least should get a fight
pcaman2003: Chief. Whoops! Told you I was excited. Even in the wrong chat. Lol!
clay007: Rozee worst quarter ever
clay007: Franklin vs Alir is like Cullinan vs Warne
RooBoyStu: Seriously Allir Allir must be considered in SC as there are so many spud defenders but he’s consistent
bhg26: Wow Logan McDonald can mark. We should kick to him more
beerent11: He?s pretty good rooboy. Have had him in draft a few times. High floor.
bhg26: Just kick a drop punt ffs
RooBoyStu: My late mum loved him, even though she was a North supporter, he’s hugely underrated
bhg26: Chad.
BigChief: bhg Heeney been watching McKay too much LOL
clay007: Warner must rank now amongst the very elite midfielders
bhg26: At least McKay kicks those occasionally
beerent11: Take a moment for yourself and chad bhg.
beerent11: He?s very good at the scg.
Baldfrog: Lol Clay you put Warner in the same class as pendles Bont etc. What are smoking m8
DrSeuss: Swans fans – why were the last 2 weeks so low for Warner? Slight change of role or just two off games?
bhg26: Just off Seuss, back to best
clay007: He is a seriously good player Baldfrog! He hurts you out of the clearances and hits the scoreboard.
Baldfrog: You*
DrSeuss: Cheers bhg – was playing great footy at the end of last year
bhg26: Obviously haven?t been watching swans games baldy, just watch him and you see he?s among the best
clay007: Ask bhg-would you pick warner, bont or pendles to be your starting mid
bhg26: Chad was second in our b and f last year
RooBoyStu: Hmmmm how did Buddy miss that? Investigation into how many bets on him any time goalscorer, passed off early in match to
bhg26: And he hasn?t played 50 games yet
bhg26: Easy choice clay
BigChief: Still not “very elite” bhg. Very good yes.
Baldfrog: Can’t wait till he leads you to a GF win BHG
Baldfrog: Chief these guys read foxsports website every player is star on there
bhg26: His best wins games, untackleable, fast, massive kick, just does everything
clay007: His best is as good as the top echelon of mids. Just needs more consistency.
BigChief: Baldy they call player who have not played 1 game yet stars.
LuvIt74: Buddy needs to go
Baldfrog: I know just today they called us scary lol
BRAZZERS: Robbo had him 10th in his top 50! case closed lol
bhg26: Buddy?s got the yips
Baldfrog: Where was Dawson Brazzers 40th?
clay007: Match Status-Full Time
bhg26: Always does that clay
BRAZZERS: sorry nackers but he didnt make the cut
Baldfrog: I rest my case
clay007: What would Robbo know?
pcaman2003: Isn’t JHF due for another bench break?
BRAZZERS: lol danger 9, mcluggage top 20, weitering, heeney top 50 lol
bhg26: Dawson? The swans reject?
bhg26: Like Nank, Aliir, Mitchell plus others
RooBoyStu: Heeney bin or ying yang
bhg26: Heeney was all Australian last year brazzers
navy_blues: syd just gotta win by 20+ for 4 multis in a row
Baldfrog: Dawson the guy you begged to stay yeah him
BRAZZERS: was he, sorry mate
Baldfrog: Should be ok Navy
BRAZZERS: you got reject from hawthorn lol
clay007: It will be tight Navy-Port starting to lift
bhg26: The one who missed his mum, yeah him
RooBoyStu: JHF Just Half Flowered lol
BigChief: Errol having a shocker as missing targets all night.
Baldfrog: Na he said he wanted to play for a real team not a reject vicco one
clay007: I think Port have the same Multi navy, can’t buy a goal
RooBoyStu: Where is the Waldorf that said where are the people that traded JHF, he’s done nothing since lol
bhg26: Just hope he enjoys septembers off lmao
Baldfrog: He said it is better than being belted BHG
Wahab_18: Rozee fire up
bhg26: You didn?t fare well in yours either
thommoae: Could just both agree that he’s a Gun and any team would be better off with him?
clay007: Rozee has done nothing since half time
Baldfrog: Port couldn’t win this? We even beat them by 31 and your at home lol
bhg26: actually don?t know what that free was for
bhg26: Falling over?
BRAZZERS: both you kids need to sit in the corner
BigChief: When did the AFL turn into softball?
Baldfrog: What about htb lol
bhg26: Our two talls are concussed
navy_blues: syd might lose this
Wahab_18: lets go rozeeeee
clay007: Rozee-you beauty. Welcome back son!
bhg26: Looking like that navy
BRAZZERS: is this career over for paddy after another concussion
Baldfrog: Knackers which one their is four
Baldfrog: If only you had Dawson BHG
Social: clean em up marshall
bhg26: Hope he bounces back like last year after hawks brazzers
clay007: Navy-looks like four in a row is over for the multi
wadaramus: Diabolical umpiring.
bhg26: I?m done arguing, Dawson is a good footy player and I?m salty about losing him and this game
Baldfrog: Hope not Brazzers but you have to worry
BRAZZERS: did rozee get 30 points for that goal lol
beerent11: Errol may ton up
Social: wouldn’t be wise to play on with what older players are experiencing now
navy_blues: yes clay still a good day
bhg26: Stop fucking kicking to Buddy for fucking fucks sake
StuL: Ken yet lives. What say you Tredders?
Social: it’s contractual bhg
Grimes Jr: Jeez they don?t deserve this, the swans
bhg26: The blokes never been able to lift his arms over his shoulders and he?s our go to instead of Logan or amartey or Heeney
bhg26: or Hayward or papley
thommoae: Ticker, bhg?
BigChief: bhg they can’t kick it to anyone else or Buddy will cry if they do.
beerent11: Shame that that decides a game of footy
pcaman2003: Nice Errol. Rocky start but fast finish. Well played!
bhg26: I?m fucking sick of the watching us
clay007: What a finish to this game.
bhg26: Harder to watch when your two best defenders are off
StuL: Close but no donut
beerent11: Hang on
BigChief: We could use more fans @ Fitzroy bhg 🙂
Legix: oh my
navy_blues: do or die
Baldfrog: Lol Chief
dezlav: Thats gotta be home
BigChief: No Score. Port win.
frenzy: sign up Kenny, Lol
BRAZZERS: boy oh boy!
bhg26: Didn?t even make the fucking distance
Legix: good mann errol
dezlav: Oops
Baldfrog: Wish they would show the last kick properly
Wahab_18: JHF potentially may have killed my week
bhg26: Fucking sick of this shit
Social: fun night out in sydney when you win up there
BRAZZERS: you seem emotional
BigChief: I think it was 2m short.
BRAZZERS: lol never seen a bloke with 16 dt points get the xfactor before
