Lodgy: Would love a dominant performance from Tinglish tonight. Hope the Lions go well though
thommoae: Dogs have the talent to win games … but so far they’re disguising it well.
Ash777: Not putting in enough effort.
TimT14: Need Dunkley to do something.. wasted pick 1 in the draft on him
zadolinnyj: Peeps
BRAZZERS: fire up doggies, stupidly maybe I picked you in my tips
frenzy: howdy
Bazza2023: umps iffy early missed a couple, evening all
Gotigres: Traded Gawn out for English and made English vc. Surprised English isn’t injured yet.
BRAZZERS: will ugle-hagan kick straight tonight, good start tho
DrSeuss: Geez Big O towelling up English so far
pcaman2003: Evening all. Go the VC on Bont this week. Already better than Gawns doughnut last week.
pluggerpig: Dogs will win this. Can’t see them going 0-3, due to start firing.
DrSeuss: Free Kick Bulldogs tonight it seems
BRAZZERS: hopefully
Raspel31: Brought in Macrae this week before he dropped in price.
circle52: DrSeuss when I seen Stevic was one of the umpires I cringed,
DrSeuss: Yes Circle – He is terrible – always a scary sight Vs Lions
DrSeuss: Bont certainly looks on though
pcaman2003: I’m liking the look of VC Bont so far. Kick alps Bont.
Ash777: stevic hasn’t favoured dogs in ages
Raspel31: Good work pcaman- so far.
circle52: He does and hope he continues VC on him. Lions to win though
circle52: Just a terrible umpire Ash imo
BigChief: Gday all. Bont going huge tonight by the look of it.
Bazza2023: dogs playing well, also ex dogs
wadaramus: The Bont kicks it into the player in front of him and gets a positive result!
DrSeuss: FFS Daniher you flog – learn to kick straight
navy_blues: bris has the 2 worst key forwards both are so bad
MrWalrus: Evening, VC English myself, so much for Stewart’s injury being 4 weeks eh?
bhg26: Arthur Jones moves very well
Bazza2023: liking my VC in Dunks
pcaman2003: Raspel. So far it’s good,so let’s see if it lasts
BRAZZERS: doggies getting reamed by the umps geez
Baldfrog: Chief Broad got 4 still laughing at me now?
pluggerpig: man hipwood is a massive potato
Troglodyte: Hipwood moves like a gazelle lol
Baldfrog: Sadly has been for years plugger
kait2006: Bont is so good I can’t even explain
pluggerpig: he reminds me of lewis roberts thompson – just cringe every time he gets near it
kait2006: Bro really said Daniher is bad
bhg26: I will not cop any LRT slander
Pavs: Evening all. Got 7 in this game. should be entertaining
DrSeuss: FFS English – do something – Big O is owning you
Baldfrog: Can’t be any worse than Richard Tambling hey Brazzers
pluggerpig: do you remember LRTs perpetual lack of awareness bhg
beerent11: My boy Ed killing it
Raspel31: Cruel words have been said about Macrae- perhaps time I added to them?
thommoae: LRT is a premiership player – and wasn’t too shabby in that GF, as I recall.
circle52: Think quite a few will have 7 Pavs. I have 7 with Baker e as well.
pcaman2003: Bald. Tambling was the biggest disappointment as a draft pick in AFL history.A total flop!
bhg26: He was very good in both thommoae
BRAZZERS: thats a cheap shot baldy, i still have nightmares
Baldfrog: Funny part was we paid a 1st rounder to get him off Richmond Pcaman
beerent11: Didn?t like my trade proposals bhg?
BRAZZERS: relax nackers, English still on pace for 116 lol
thommoae: The defence rests, then.
bhg26: nah beer, for some reason Lyons and Grimes for Ridley and Bont didnt sound too appealing
pcaman2003: Baldy. Ouch! That hurt!
beerent11: You?re a tough nut to negotiate with
BRAZZERS: baker finally showing something
Jaypa: good evening lads
Baldfrog: Yahoo and I benched him this week of course
pcaman2003: Happy with my rookies excep would like to see better from Ashcroft.
Baldfrog: Yeah*
Raspel31: Wish I fielded Baker rather than Macca Brazzers.
bhg26: He became nick daicos for me rasp
pcaman2003: Have Baker on bench. Not worried as will make money.
navy_blues: a gift
BRAZZERS: I put the E on Baker, gave myself the chance to loop him
pluggerpig: mmm i might be loopholing baker.. hopefully he keeps it going
Pavs: Libba to Baker love it
TimT14: Let’s go Dunkley! Lift
DrSeuss: And this is why the Lions need to kick straight
ballbag: oscar number 13… thats a bakers dozen right there
navy_blues: omg everything going dogs way
Baldfrog: That free was soft
Bazza2023: free kicks are softer than melted butter
TimT14: That’s not a free
navy_blues: another gift this 1 from umps
pluggerpig: most people wouldve VC’d bont right?
Baldfrog: Soon these guys will be carrying handbags
DrSeuss: Massive surprise – Lions getting shafted by umps in Melbourne
navy_blues: naughton dropped the ball twice then
MrWalrus: Those that have him you’d think plugger
DrSeuss: Apparently there is no holding the ball for Naughton. BS Umps
Jaypa: VC Daicos for me, Richmond dont have much left to stop him
Baldfrog: Yeah I did plugger
Raspel31: Massive surprise- Brisbane fans talking about dodgy umping?
Bazza2023: Seuss , the frees are bad, i bet u feel Sad, unless you win, then you’ll be glad.
Baldfrog: Soft again
DrSeuss: Bazza thats true, Bad Umps are not new, Dogs do their best, Umps do the rest
MrWalrus: I know it’s not just the amount of frees but complaining when you’re up in the count does seem a bit rich
teachrtony: Nice work Bazza. A+
MrWalrus: Especially to a tigers supporter
Bazza2023: you couldve rhymed your reply Seuss, now i feel like a goose.
wadaramus: Time for some poetry, nice Bazza!
MrWalrus: He was one line off of a Limerick Bazza
Bazza2023: im not liking the game wadaramus, ate a box of chocs now feel like a hippoptamus
Baldfrog: Feel like I’m at a wooly woofter workshop
seanfc99: agreed lions getting short end of umpiring stick thus far
Reexys: dogs are playing really well
Reexys: dogs are playing reaaally well compared to last week
Baldfrog: Reexys in stereo sound
DrSeuss: Dogs tackling well and Lions making too many mistakes in bad spots
Bazza2023: see that piece of turf. OMG
pluggerpig: far out naughton. kicking it like a damn tennis ball
Pavs: Well done Raspel your distain for Macrae has worked.
wadaramus: Why is the Bont allowed to roam free to do what he likes when he’s so damaging?
MrWalrus: Macrae has had a pretty handy 10 minutes or so
navy_blues: keep going baker
zadolinnyj: Crazy
seanfc99: only at marval baz
pcaman2003: What’s wrong with McLuggage this year? Having another shocker tonight.
Raspel31: Hippwood is perhaps one of the finest players in the AFL to never actually do anything.
Baldfrog: I tipped Mclugg to breakout this year pcaman couldn’t handle the pressure
DrSeuss: Lions kicking going to kill them again
Bazza2023: Luggage needs to get a move on or start packing
pluggerpig: dogs couldve put this game away already
RooBoyStu: Lift Neale vc
navy_blues: ashcroft moved up well this qtr
bhg26: Of course as soon as i trade macca out bev moves him back into the mid
MrWalrus: Very nicely navy
Raspel31: Macca out by round 3 bhg- trade madness?
MrWalrus: Did you trade him at quarter time bhg?
RooBoyStu: Any fool that trades out Premos needs the spud icon on here
Gelly: why was that a free agaisnt bont, it was a mark?
pluggerpig: i had way too many problems to have sideways trades at this stage
Baldfrog: Bevos teeth brighter than the lights
pcaman2003: navy. He was slow to start but making it up now very nicely
wadaramus: Perfect conditions under the roof, perfect for high scoring free flowing footy.
MrWalrus: VC English doing some work now too
bhg26: Lmao, i needed Nick daicos, macrae had a terrible role playing 33% in the forward line. Plus it got me ziebell for bruhn
navy_blues: 2.7 not great start
pcaman2003: Geez Bont! From 74 to 64. Stop the clangers!
BRAZZERS: terrible kicking from both clubs smh
zadolinnyj: Shocking kicking inside the dome
DrSeuss: Massive Qtr from English and Macrae – Lions outplayed but would be in front if they kicked straight
navy_blues: cool i did vc english couldnt remember lol
Pavs: Great comeback from Ashcroft
Gotigres: wow vc English. I’m pleasantly surprised
Ash777: should of shelved your season bhg
RooBoyStu: Zorko lol
MrWalrus: English looks like he’s going to be the best SC player to have for the next 10 years
bhg26: Ill be alright
beerent11: Think it?ll be the right call in the long run bhg. I?m going without naicos
RooBoyStu: Have a good night all, got a roughie for you Saturday Butch Cassidy in the sires in Sydney. Catch you next week.
bhg26: Spewin i cant get setterfield this week. Only way to get him is trading hopper and get him back in next week
bhg26: But thats too many trades
MrWalrus: Careful beer, not worshipping Daicos will see you spudded…
Raspel31: bhg- use your 5 trades- you know you want to/
navy_blues: every1 is jumping on setters lol have played hawks and gc bet everyone teading him out in a month
beerent11: Started ed Richards in that spot and have jez McGovern
bhg26: Yeah but he has a breakeven of -49 navy. Think of the cash gen
MrWalrus: Trading him out and banking $200k+ navy
Pavs: Jump on Navy big money to be made
MrWalrus: Nice left field move beer
bhg26: I do like to live dangerously raspel
bhg26: Crozier backing up last weeks performance very well
Raspel31: Can anyone lend me $1.95 for a must do trade?
mooses: how good was macrae that qtr, wow, playing them in position seems to work
wadaramus: A dollar 95?
Pavs: Got $2 here Raspel do you have change?
navy_blues: went LDU than setters more value in my book
bhg26: Fair enough navy
MrWalrus: After second half of last year I started LDU, best mid in the comp ATM IMO
BRAZZERS: still dont rate setters or chandler, ziebs is a nervous pick with hall back soon
Raspel31: Is Ziebs still alive?
oc16: Hall isn’t in their best 22 anymore
navy_blues: ok see tomorrow guys off to bed early start in morning
Spifflicat: Chandler is 123k averaging 82, what?s not to like?
beerent11: Hopefully we get a 90 plus from baker to cover hopper
BRAZZERS: the 93 was a fluke with those 7 tackles, he’s one bad game from getting dropped
BRAZZERS: no sayng he’s a back pick by any means
bhg26: But who takes his spot brazzers
Flagm@ntle: Hey all, who just went down to the rooms?
Baldfrog: Think it was bruce Flag
Raspel31: That’s a bit personal Flag.
wadaramus: Josh the Bruce.
DrSeuss: Haha holding the ball there – Ok Umps – consistency is great
Flagm@ntle: wdym
wadaramus: Rubbish DrSeuss.
Ash777: no attempt to get it out
Pavs: Bont scoring going the right way now
BRAZZERS: great umpiring tonight, top notch
DrSeuss: No prior opportunity and both players with hands on the ball
Spifflicat: Umpiring is no difference to any other night. Get a grip
pcaman2003: Pavs. Not fast enough though. Was 74 pts during the 2nd qtr. Clangers killing his score.
DrSeuss: Finally a forward that can kick straight
wadaramus: As long as you believe it mate, it’s true.
beerent11: Don?t mind raspel flag. He?s a little eccentric
beerent11: But we love him all the same
Raspel31: I’m the only sane one here beer- set Macrae free.
Baldfrog: Thought he might have been a Collingwood sup beer
TheOnyas: Onya Nealey
wadaramus: The Bont tax being applied liberally.
Pavs: Thats better pcaman.
pcaman2003: Couple of nice point making plays Bont. More of same please
wadaramus: 6 muppets, no damage.
wadaramus: Neale takes mark, kicks in 50, Gunston marks and goals, 5SC only?
MrWalrus: Whoever has been in charge of English’s strength and conditioning deserves a bonus
pcaman2003: Walrus. Gone up another level it would appear.
beerent11: Blue moon on the rise for ugle-hagan
runners47: Do something on the field that resembles getting near enough to the ball to touch it, Crozier…
pcaman2003: Didn’t see what the 7th clanger for Bont was for. Can’t see he did anything wrong.
wadaramus: Another goal from dubious free kick, 4 from 7.
Madogg: Baker gonna make us rich
MrWalrus: Yep pca, he’s more than holding his ground these days where a couple of years ago a stiff breeze had him covered
wadaramus: Jumper pull…
Ash777: jumper pull wada
Spifflicat: Apologies to all Wilmot owners. I put him on field instead of Constable, and broke him obviously
wadaramus: Baker E coming on field methinks.
MrWalrus: Handball out of contest direct to brissy bloke I reckon pca
DrSeuss: Had a good first quarter Spiff – about 2 possessions since
circle52: A few will be joining you Wada
TimT14: Lions will win here..
a1trader: Neither of these sides look great tonight
pcaman2003: Walrus. Thanks! Must have missed it.
bhg26: Lads, do i bring setters in and field chandler or bring ziebell in and field hollands
Raspel31: Lucky you Wada-E elsewhere but still good.
Baldfrog: I’m moving hollands for baker bhg
freofan123: setters and field chandler
DrSeuss: Haha pretty sure that was a dropped mark but OK
Raspel31: You stop trading bhg.
bhg26: This is only trade 3 rasp
Pavs: Ziebell probably more chance of staying in your side. Saying that I put both in along with Chandler.
wadaramus: Carn the Bears.
Ash777: last time to bring chandler in
wadaramus: Carn Lachie, ton up before 3QT.
Spifflicat: JZ came in for me along with LDU
pcaman2003: Get going McKenna and Wilmot. Make me some coin.
MrWalrus: Nah Seuss, if not a mark (I’d have paid it) then a free for holding
wadaramus: Umps totally spooked with spin tackle.
BRAZZERS: stfu Daisy
Ash777: bailey off for a week
DrSeuss: Ok SpudWalrus – Also wasn’t a dangerous tackle – Scott spun himself
supastarr: Go Bakes
bhg26: Bringing chandler in regardless, just whether or not i field him over hollands
beerent11: Our draft matchup projecteds look pretty tight bhg. Should be a good one.
Raspel31: Think so Ash.
bhg26: And i agree pavs, ziebell more of a chance to be a keeper. Thanks lads
bhg26: A battle for the ages beer
beerent11: Ed is so good
MrWalrus: Lol Seuss, normally you say umpiring is fine when tiges are going at 1 to every 3 oppo, what’s different here?
bhg26: Very good POD beer
Ash777: Chandler is going to shoot up in price after this rnd so if you can get him in do so.
BRAZZERS: he sooks every brisbane game for the last 5 years
pcaman2003: Bugger me Bont. Another unnecessary clanger.
MrWalrus: With DPP additions this year in SC Ziebell becomes a Def keeper I reckon
bhg26: Only way i wasnt bringing him in ash is if i could get setterfield naicos and ziebell in this round, but i was 25k short
Jaypa: Baker filling that Hopper hole boys, thankful
wadaramus: Bont 8 muppets does not dent his score!
oc16: Glad I traded out BSmith
Ash777: the other must have is sheezel
DrSeuss: Oh no the Richmond fans are ganging up on me.
beerent11: Doing well jaypa
Jaypa: i dropped Darcy, brought in Cameron, had $ left over, Chesser into Ziebell and Callaghan into Setterfield
MrWalrus: Naicos wont make anywhere near as much as setterfield though bhg
bhg26: Ziebell and Sheezel duo going to be like the Ziebell and Hall duo 2 years ago
DrSeuss: Cameron should go well with Cox out too Jaypa – nice trades
Raspel31: Now Arthur Jones is a fine old fashioned name. What happened that qtr Macrae?
bhg26: But hes averaging 140 walrus so hes kinda forcing my hand
beerent11: Doesn?t need to walrus. Bhg is selecting naicos as a keeper I?d assume.
MrWalrus: You’ve got more frees than the oppo & the ones you complain about are there, you’re ganging up on yourself Seuss
PigeonPies: anyone got the emergency on baker?
bhg26: Yessir PigeonPies
Pavs: Naicos a keeper as well though. Setter is a step trade take the money and run
beerent11: Denmark?s Arthur Jones. Local boy done good
wadaramus: Yes Pigeon Pies, B.Drury already on fiield 🙂
Jaypa: absolutely Pigeon
TimT14: Need 50 more here Dunkley..
frenzy: yep looping Hopper, Baker E
MrWalrus: I just feel like teams may actually start playing someone on Daicos soon
PigeonPies: nice, first time chatter here but been reading for a few years haha, i have the e on hollands
Ash777: I do and hopper to loop someone out
Raspel31: Wish pigeon but sadly not- still- all good as have him.
wadaramus: Need another 25 McKenna.
pcaman2003: Pigeon. Got him on bench and no E Have E on McKenzie.
Jaypa: I doubt Richmond will tho, theyre struggling to get 22 together this week
bhg26: They did last week walrus
wadaramus: What have you been waiting three years for PP?!
PigeonPies: just never bothered making an account wada lol
Troglodyte: Too many Bont clones in that pack
pcaman2003: Baker will pass Bont soon.
Jaypa: what do you boys think, Hollands or Phillips on field?
PigeonPies: hollands jaypa
bhg26: Too hard Jaypa, next question
Pavs: A hard opponenet to run with though Walrus. He will still score well
wadaramus: I don’t have either Jaypa, not sure mate.
pcaman2003: I give up! Another friggin muppett. So much for VC Bont. Fail!
MrWalrus: No they didn’t bhg, jones ran directly away from him every stoppage, worse than useless
Jaypa: has McKenna gone home early?
Raspel31: Hollands for mine- but mine aren’t worth much.
Jaypa: cheers boys, I think Hollands too, but Phillips looked damn good Round 1, not sure why he didnt feature Rd2
Gotigres: Good stuff Wilmot
bhg26: But he also isnt going to get tagged by ryan clarke every week
MrWalrus: Probably Phillips I reckon
pcaman2003: jaypa.Yes! Score gone backwards and Wilmot flew past him very quickly.
Wo0lfeee: Still pacman, take 115-120 if you get it imo
Wo0lfeee: time*
Legix: Bailey Smith causing me absolute grief
PigeonPies: the bont has lost almost 40 points from clangers no?
beerent11: Go libba you gun
clay007: The Bont is bleeding points now.
Pavs: Wonder what the record is for Muppets?
pcaman2003: Woolfeee. Hard to accept when 74 pts 22mins 2nd qtr and is now a mere 89. So poor!
MrWalrus: Oh he’ll average over a ton bhg, just you can earn an extra $200k while hopefully covering him with setterfield
PigeonPies: i think the bont has the record with 14 clangers
Raspel31: And has Macrae touched the pill in an hour? Oh, there we go.
wadaramus: With 10 muppets, anyone else would be on 50SC.
MrWalrus: Thanks Timmy, Uwland or McAndrew captain this week?
Wo0lfeee: Pretty rare to go full tilt for 4qtrs. But get your frustration (have him too). Went Naicos VC tho
bhg26: What on earth is the goal umpire being paid for if they cant call that?
DrSeuss: How do you require a review for that?
Bazza2023: dogs shouldve killed this game by far, brisbane will win by a kick
Legix: Bailey Smith must’ve heard my call
beerent11: Good boy Ed. Tonned up in 7 of his last 9
BRAZZERS: treloar ying yang, was on 9 possies at half time
pcaman2003: Hopefully Laird will be a good C for me.
DrSeuss: Brisbane need more run from the back – need to use Coleman and Wilmot with some run
Pavs: Thanks Pigeon and welcome
Raspel31: Laird a late out pcaman. Joking.
beerent11: Bont could get that too nackers
Jaypa: yeah can we get on the phone to Laird again?
pcaman2003: 12 muppetts now. Lol you clown
clay007: Wilmot has got in front of McKenna-great come back
pcaman2003: beerent. Hard to believe he should be at least 140 plus already.
TimT14: Get Dunkley off the bench you muppet
BRAZZERS: if bont didnt have muppets he’d be on 400sc
ballbag: @rasp laird out? oh youre joking. hat is the most hilarious comment ever. so clever. you got me
wadaramus: How is Neale not on 135SC with his stats?
Raspel31: I have a feeling a team will kick a goal before this game is over.
Wahab_18: Keefe keeps spoiling Jones
wadaramus: 29 with 14 contested and 9 clearances?
Wahab_18: Keath*
Jaypa: agree wada, not an owner but ROBBED
wadaramus: And a goal.
DrSeuss: Dogs defenders the difference tonight – No rebound from Brisbane defence
wadaramus: Yes I have the VC on him.
Jaypa: 4 frees and a goal too, dream statline
clay007: The Bont was playing a real captain’s game, poor second half. He has 5 mins to save this game
zadolinnyj: Muppet Garcia
bhg26: Good call raspel
pcaman2003: Go lions. Hope Bont realizes how much he has helped them tonight.
JockMcPie: 12 clangers for bont… not ideal
J.Worrall: 5 mins to decide the game. Big points on the line.
pluggerpig: garcia has been atrocious
Legix: Garcia living his worst nightmare
beerent11: Bonts tried his guts out just had a bad hour
pluggerpig: 8 kermits from 10 touches
Pavs: Garcia got a bet on Brisbane I think
Wo0lfeee: 5FA hurts
Wahab_18: why can’t u sit on the bench longer bont
bhg26: A Bont contested handball is surely 70 more points right?
Spifflicat: Bulldogs ruining my tipping 3 weeks in a row
clay007: I agree Beerent, his efforts huge, too many silly free kicks. His handball then helped.
pcaman2003: Bont put on 21 pts from 22 min mark 2nd qtr. Wowee! Okay! Rant over and no more Bont talk from me.
Madogg: Do I take VC English’s score?
dezlav: Got the V on English tonight. Think I’ll take the loophole.
Jaypa: obviously madogg
Raspel31: Oh yep Madogg.
BRAZZERS: taking Bakers score tonight
dezlav: @Madogg. I am.
Spifflicat: Wilmot my D6, be still my beating heart!
DrSeuss: Lions got nothing from their forwards tonight – other than Gunston – ongoing issue
Wo0lfeee: You should get suspended for a question like that maddog
Pavs: Great hands Libba
Madogg: Cheers Jaypa
Jaypa: call play on for Naughton from there, he couldnt kick that goal if he was 30 out
pluggerpig: this is great, 3 out of 47 people tipped dogs in my tipping comp. i am one of them
Raspel31: Lol Woolf.
Wahab_18: give libba 15 for that kick please
Madogg: Was being cheeky Wo0lfeee 😉
pluggerpig: love to see it, 5 for JUH
DrSeuss: Faygan needs to drop Hipwood or Daniher for this effort – not good enough. Well played Dogs
BRAZZERS: great win lads!
Jaypa: JUH deserved 5 tonight, been average this year but didnt deserve what he copped last week
BRAZZERS: treloar ying yang was on 31 dt at half time
MrWalrus: Captain Uwland, time to step up to loop Wilmot & English VC, well played son.
dezlav: @DrSeuss. On tonight alone, I’d say Daniher
DrSeuss: Agree Dez – Lions need a big brute of a forward – all our talls are more ‘finesse’
