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Chat log from R15 of 2022: Western Bulldogs vs Hawthorn

Chat log for Western Bulldogs vs Hawthorn, R15 of 2022

hinsch: Evening all lots in this just Bont to stay low please.
Silz90: Lets go C on macca
_Wang_: Go captain macca didn’t take neale vc
Gotigres: The rucks are so rucked this year that Sweet and Reeves will probably both go 120+
Gotigres: Got Bont in this week so expect 65 from him
bhg26: Why do we have boundary commentators? What do they add to the commentary?
pcaman2003: Gotigres. Opponent has Bont so expect 140+.
Gotigres: Used 2 trades and still have a donut. Can’t believe Hayes is not playing for PA
bhg26: Much prefer that outcome pcaman
frenzy: guys name draws a Blanck
Gotigres: Also can’t believe Hollands is not playing for GC given the injuries they got last round.
Gotigres: I will be happy to be proved wrong pcaman
original: Sicily and AT vs dunkley for me. Ffs
pcaman2003: Nice start Hawks. But can you keep it going?
Gotigres: My team is so bad that I thought about getting Sweet and Reeves in.
DrSeuss: Sicily on Naughton isn?t a great match up for SicDog scoring. Be great if Treloar could get a touch
DANGERous: Dale non existent. sorry
amigaman: Get on the ground Macrae
bhg26: Number one draft pick everyone
Yelse: macca spend way too much time on the bench
pcaman2003: Get cracking Sicily. You’re my POD in this
original: AT wtf is this
Gotigres: English is my capt
bhg26: I had Teakle Gotigres
Pavs: Blame Treloar who kept running away from the bench so Macca couldn’t come on
oc16: who did you vc gotigres?
hinsch: Traded D Moore at the bye just to make numbers might bite me in the butt
pcaman2003: Just realised Treloar is another POD this game. Oh crapola!
DrSeuss: Pca – my uniques so far – Treloar and Sicily. One of my opponents has Ed Richards wtf
pcaman2003: Seuss.Lol! My opp. has Dunkley C, and Bont
DrSeuss: Lewis going for 200. Now that would be a unique
pcaman2003: Nice intensity Hawks. Got dome good up and comers emerging
Fatbar5tad: Come on Ads.
frenzy: two capes m0nty
wadaramus: Evening All, SIcily quiet, has it not been down there very often?
DrSeuss: Good ump – reward the ducking
beerent11: Just tuned in. Stoked have Lewis and Moore in a top of the table draft match. Go boys.
Yelse: dogs lose this season over iMO
frenzy: short lived capes, Lol
circle52: No Yelse they play Lions next week
pcaman2003: Good choice beer.
Stu7: Off the bench Dumbkley
DrSeuss: Where was the prior their ump?
duckky: That was an even up free against Sicily then
pcaman2003: Where was the free to Titch then?. Nearly had his head taken off.
beerent11: Both off the waiver wire pcaman
DrSeuss: Libba nice headlock on Titch there.
Fatbar5tad: Any chance Treloar?
zadolinnyj: gents
Stu7: Wtf is Dunkley doing ?
pcaman2003: C’mon Treloar and pass Bont.
Hazza09: Bought in Bont lol
Yelse: MacDonald when i had u where was this
pcaman2003: Liking the look of Blanck in his first game. Has good composure.
pcaman2003: We’re starting to make silly errors now. Frustrating after a good start.
DrSeuss: Sad to see how much Titch gets ignored by his team mates nowadays.
pcaman2003: Stu7. Hopefully not much as oppo has C on him.
zadolinnyj: blank does look good pc. composed
hinsch: D Moore has not score more than 70 points for weeks WTF is going on
Fatbar5tad: Brought in Bont. Thanks mate. 👍
LuvIt74: The Bont its Good
dipperD: If moore was consistent he would be a genuine A grader
beerent11: Macca?s disposal has got back to normal since the bye
pcaman2003: Hawks HB is really terrible. Way too many wayward ones
beerent11: Can?t wait for the blockbuster in Perth to start
Yelse: macca to beat oliver score would be great
Catatafish: Yeah, I brought in Bont too and seems like the first time ever his SC score is lower than DY
beerent11: Every man and his dog got vc on macrae?
hinsch: beer biggest game of the round especially if Bombers get beaten
DANGERous: vc clarry last night beer
LuvIt74: i had vc on oiver and took his 140
Fatbar5tad: Coliver
Gelly: id say most have capt on him because alot went oliver or neale
damoj88: Nah Brent, everyone had VC on either Oliver or Neale
pcaman2003: my oppo has the C on Dunks.
wadaramus: Whoa! Jack Mac going bonkers!
Catatafish: I had Oliver C by accident beer, would’ve taken that regardless
ausgooner: Cashies oppo had vc on oliver but left C on macrae by accident. Will probably benefit anyway fml
beerent11: I stand corrected. Just me then. Vc
Fatbar5tad: jacrae aside, my Dogs are Mutts tonight.
Yelse: need treloar to lift as POD
Fatbar5tad: Treloar in the rooms getfarc
DANGERous: treloar in the rooms, rip yelse
frenzy: Sic hasnt had a brain fade for a while
DrSeuss: Why would you call that a penalty – just pay the mark. There was nothing in it other than a dive
beerent11: West is pretty handy
DANGERous: umpy doesnt have him in the SC seuss, heh
pcaman2003: Treloar is okay,but just needs to start playing.
Yelse: fml treloar
hinsch: Butler is going OK at the moment got the E on him
DANGERous: quality from u butler, smh
TheFlagger: mcdonald covering parish and paul curtis/butler covering english lol its rough
Grimes Jr: Sic and dunks, lift
Gotigres: Time to experiment with Macrae as a decoy forward pocket
pcaman2003: Bont 20 pts in 3 minutes. Slow down man.
zadolinnyj: sorry missed why english was out?
bhg26: Delayed concussion zado
DrSeuss: Oh good, Titch back to being invisible
zadolinnyj: thanks bhg
wadaramus: Hopefully not too much of a delay.
Yelse: cmonn macca 110 by 3qrt
TheFlagger: bont going nuts
Gotigres: That’s the way Dunks
pcaman2003: Hawks to go down by 60+ pts at this rate. Hawks are like stunned mullets.
Grimes Jr: Is this macdonalds best game as a hawk?
DrSeuss: Oh look Sam, Titch back in the guts and look what happens
Ash777: I’d say it is grimes
duckky: Butler’s BE is 20… worried
dipstick: why is ducken funkleys SC so much lower that macraes?
pcaman2003: Grimes. So far it is I think. Already past his average
beerent11: Think I heard somewhere that Moore hasn?t kick a second half go as l this year. Anyone else heard that?
CaptainWho: Butters trade to who? Duncan Heeney or punchable?
Fatbar5tad: Fucking shit call gives my oppos man a goal. Fuck you.
Stu7: Come on C Dunkley
beerent11: Goldy captain who. Rick cover for English and in good form.
dipstick: @beer never heard “go as I” in my life
DrSeuss: Ok Macca time to overtake Bont please
Yelse: macca lift ffs what are you doin
Ash777: Dunks has been play play forward more recently.
mattmac24: Macca to finish with no higher than 120 please!
beerent11: Autocorrect for ?goal? dipstick
LuvIt74: butters to parker – I went butters to godly
original: Flower off dunkley. Cmon AT and Sicily
duckky: Macca is taking another of his faous quarters off
duckky: famous
beerent11: Ruck cover, not Rick cover.
LuvIt74: @duckky you took the words out of my mouth
Ash777: still getting a lot of ball so still premo
Fatbar5tad: Need Ads to score now
pcaman2003: Score faster Sicily and Treloar. F
LuvIt74: Doggies makin a mess of hawks now
pcaman2003: Score faster Sicily and Treloar. Flower off Bont
beerent11: Macrae vc will be good. He keeps going when the rest stop usually.
DANGERous: slow down sicily, go the bonk
frenzy: ton up Jackson
Silz90: Last year in draft I selected neale with my first pick, this year I selected titch. What a joke
Fatbar5tad: Its on!
Valorlonga: Dont get suspended Sicily ffs
Gotigres: Who was saying Sicily hasn’t lost the plot for a while?
duckky: So Sicily might have a holiday? Pulling hair.
Fatbar5tad: lost his shit because he copped a tough tackle.
frenzy: dunno gotigres Lol
damoj88: Sicily took off the headband, didn’t pull hair. haha spare me.
TheLegend6: Pulled headband, should be fine, probably a fine
Pokerface: sicily decides the best time to fire up at 7 goals down only a quarter to go. clap clap clap
Silz90: Sic is fine.
Fatbar5tad: reckon youre splitting hairs ducky
Gotigres: Did Sicily just gain points for pulling the headband off an opposition player?
beerent11: Headbands are fair game
DrSeuss: Get a touch Macca?
Pokerface: dunno fatbar, its a curly one
beerent11: What have we come too
Fatbar5tad: A hair raising match!
Fatbar5tad: he really flipped his wig…
Pokerface: looks like naughton brushing it off now
pcaman2003: What a flowering embarrassment since the 1st qtr. Hope Mitch tears strips off them.
dipstick: how many here are riding a doughie in the rucks this week?
Silz90: You guys will be okay in a couple of years.
frenzy: me dip
Cottees: Hawks go from showing their best to their worst in 5minutes… classic Hawks never change
Pokerface: i beg your pardon dipstick?
cherry9: Points got an effective head band pull, surely
Silz90: Let’s go bont and macca
Yelse: why would macca start on bench
Hazza09: Of the bench Macrae ffs
Silz90: Cause its bevo yelse
beerent11: It?s a new thing called midfield rotations yelse. When he comes on he?ll play out the qtr.
LuvIt74: Got Bont, Dunks, Macrae, Sicly & MacDonald playin in this game. Hawks died after first quarter…
DANGERous: forgot sam butler was playing tbh
LuvIt74: Why risk Macca when your 8 goas up even though i have him
beerent11: Thanks for that luvit
LuvIt74: Wecome beerent… :o)
Yelse: all i need us weightman one goal to win 367 buck multi wtf is he doing
Cottees: yelse, the poor guy is playing with 1 arm. lol
DrSeuss: WTF Titch – why are you still on the bench?
Ninty: Weightman shouldn?t have played
LuvIt74: he disocated his ebow last week dunno how he kept playin
Yelse: omg he dropped it
duckky: Weightman stopping staging = no goals
Ash777: Yelse you did a wahab
Hazza09: So Macrae VC looks done
Ash777: lol duckky he stopped staging a few games a go.
wadaramus: Still time Hazza.
cmperrfect: Macrae put the cue in the rack at halftime?
DrSeuss: Trash can on Titch is a bit rough
Pokerface: give the star to newcombe
Pokerface: the rising star
Grimes Jr: Cmon sic junk it up
dipstick: useless treloar. never again
Silz90: Libba is under rated. Such a gun
Yelse: weightman on bench fml
colin wood: How?s libba only just on a 100? should be 130ish
gazza39: How did i wait this long to get you this year Bont…
Pokerface: you do see his 6 muppets there colin
Yelse: macca bench again seriously
Fatbar5tad: yes gaz happyvwith my Bont acquisition as well.
duckky: Macrae out back into the rack
gazza39: finally got him this week, quiet 1st quarter then went bang!!
beerent11: 120 is fine. Take it.
LuvIt74: to good naughton
Fatbar5tad: Treloars teammates hate him. Never pass it to the bloke.
DrSeuss: Macca and Titch on the bench – not like either of you did much this qtr
Yelse: why didn’t west hb to weightman
Fatbar5tad: Sic is so grumpy lol. Love it
Ninty: Lol suck it up Yelse
Hazza09: You take 122 or go with Brayshaw or Doch?
dipstick: @hazza a bird in the hand take it
Pokerface: you go with Laird who will feast against North

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