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Chat log from R13 of 2022: Fremantle vs Hawthorn

Chat log for Fremantle vs Hawthorn, R13 of 2022

zadolinnyj: lads
frenzy: howdy
Baldfrog: Be interesting if Fyfe takes points away from others in the Freo midfield
Baldfrog: Hey Zado
Social: zado
tor01doc: Darcy?s last stand?
DANGERous: cmon Darcy do something
navy_blues: this could be all over at qtr time
Pav300: Hey mOnty what round will the full stats start working again? this year?
Hazza09: Get moving Darcy!!
DrSeuss: Brodie finally with a possession
Fatbar5tad: Off your arse Ryan
Hazza09: Is Brayshaw butchering it?
BRAZZERS: no haz, 88% but only one contested possies and 0 clearances
Hazza09: Darcy just walking around the field lol
Tangent: Afternoon all, how’s Brodie going with Fyfe back?
Ninty: Brodie no good, too much TOG
DrSeuss: So the Hawks will tag Lachie Neale but let Brayshaw run rampant?
DANGERous: can darcy do something? ffs
Tangent: How are hawks winning
Spifflicat: Can Darcy do something???? He?s on 30, people need to get a grip
Ninty: They?ve got the higher score
Tangent: I need 10 more Sicily crowd waves to be satisfied with his score
wadaramus: Time for someone to put the clamps on Brayshaw!
beerent11: Nope wada let him run free. Free as a bird.
beerent11: I thought they
beerent11: I thought they might just play Fyfe fwd to ease him back in and keep a settled midfield
navy_blues: bailey smith owners will be worried
navy_blues: prob have a nice holiday from footy
feralmong: nah its just wizz fizz
SALAH: Bailey Sniff
feralmong: did fyfe forget how to kick a ball?
beerent11: Smith pretty much admitted guilt in his statement
feralmong: nah its almond flour, he was trying out keto.
MrWalrus: Starting to regret vanilla VC Neale over Brayshaw, can’t really complain though I guess
Tangent: Real loser is the person recording
MrWalrus: But also Smith tangent
pcaman2003: Lots of lovely throws from both sides.
beerent11: Hard to go against Neale at the Gabba walrus. I went through the same thought process too
Tangent: I can guarantee you alot of these blokes have done the same, just havn’t been caught
beerent11: He averages 129 there this year
DANGERous: wtf darcy
beerent11: Sure as shit tangent. These young men don?t get the chance to live and fuck up like the rest of us.
Hazza09: Nice 6 point Qtr darcy! Been absolute rubbish since I traded him in last week
navy_blues: but those guys get a job/career that sets them up for life in 10-12 years too
MrWalrus: Cheers beer, those stats are rather reassuring
SALAH: I guarantee it’s not a one-off either. Bet he was doing it on the regular
mattmac24: Is Brodie still playing pure midfield or has Fyfe pushed him out?
Tangent: Australian sports stars don’t get paid that much to retire at the age of 35
Torz: Brodie still playing mid, Fyfe just rotating through
pjw1234: honestly does anyone really care what smith does in the off season
navy_blues: lol i could retire on what they earn after a footy career no probs
Ash777: anyone sus that edmund is the 1 that posted the pic
zadolinnyj: Players who play less then 8 years in afl struggle as not enough money to retire and no skills
Torz: Acres is an AA wingman this year
Ash777: that’s why some become commentators zado 😛
Urbs: Freo whipping on the capes here
Tangent: That’s a top goal
Yelse: brodie is never a keeper, a player that can’t play more TOG is always a risk
BRAZZERS: his average 107 you muppet
Hazza09: Is Brodie done?
Tangent: Sicily what a dog
beerent11: Nope hazza. Just a quiet game. Still in the midfield group.
Yelse: @brazer do you prefer brodie in finals with low TOG or a brodie smith with a high TOG. More TOG more chances
The Hawker: How was that a dog act? Welcome to real footy
Dogs5416: Imagine thinking brodie isn’t a keeper because of limited game time
Dogs5416: Yet still second highest scoring forward haha
zadolinnyj: There are maybe 20 commentary spots at most and never the middle level Ash777. Ur A grade or broke
Tangent: Sicily needs to be kept on a leash, guys got anger management problems
Mcswains: Onya Rino
MrWalrus: Nah, just getting drafted is a headstart in life most will never have the benefit of, AFL players do alright
pcaman2003: And this is where we fall apart ,when it counts.
Yelse: if you don’t get a lot of TOG its a liability as sometimes u won’t always get the chances or the ball falling at your ft
zadolinnyj: Best to study while playing and invest
HolyNorf: Brodies stating to get moving, quick! Get him on the bench
BigChief: unsocialable Hawks are back.
Yelse: for me brodie will be my last upgrade or my loophole player if he plays early games
pcaman2003: Chief. Getting there but still giving them to much space,especially forward half.
BRAZZERS: brodie smith? lmao. you taking the piss right? still will brodie easily
BRAZZERS: thats your choice mate, you aint in the top 100 rankings like me tho. you ain’t on my level. shithouse decisons lol
DANGERous: darcy u gotta get to 100+ please
BigChief: BRAZZERS if you are top 100 m0nty is the Prime Minister.
beerent11: Hahaha. Brazzers goes hard.
beerent11: Easily one of the most entertaining on here
pcaman2003: Chief. That’s not possible as I am the PM. True!
The Ogre: Self praise is worse than Master Bates
BigChief: pcaman you lost the election to m0nty. Sorry mate, but enjoy you 500k+ pension
zadolinnyj: Monty works to hard to be the prime minister
Baldfrog: Brazzers top 100 haha that’s Wahab level of BS
pcaman2003: Chief. The election was stolen.
frenzy: m0nty is going to solve the energy crisi, pedal power
beerent11: Beer o?clock here in wa. Cheers all.
PAFC4eva: we got another spud baldy
BigChief: My wife says I could solve the gas problem with all my hot air.
Baldfrog: Chief we could solve the world crisis together
zadolinnyj: Brodie loves the bench
BigChief: Sounds like a plan Baldy.
DrSeuss: Mitchell, Brodie, Butters – what a week
beerent11: Everyone has Brodie= doesn?t matter
beerent11: And butters got 87. Nothing wrong with that
Baldfrog: Dr twice butters has been 1/2 killed by his own team mates bit harsh
DrSeuss: Sorry – Butters was in DT – he did really well in SC considering. Highest CP for Port whilst playing forward
beerent11: Been a good game.
beerent11: Yes Andy!
Baldfrog: Noice Andy
BigChief: It has been a great game beer. Great soccer skills Andy
beerent11: Brayshaw will get some nice upscaling. Massive last qtr.
DANGERous: darcy 35 hitouts for 87, lol hit it properly big man
Social: 5 goals from frees is reminiscent of their premiership years
Hazza09: What?s with the bandaid on Darcy? Ffs
pcaman2003: Not sure why Shiels not used to tag Brayshaw.
BigChief: Hazza when doesn’t Darcy get a bandaid?
Baldfrog: Brodie 82 from 68% game time
beerent11: Not sure about the cherry picker for Brayshaw. He won the game for them.
beerent11: Cape more fitting
frenzy: freo is not 500 SC better than hawks
Pantsman: It’s cherries on top mate. Not a sledge.
Pantsman: Brayshaw was awesome. So was Young. Pretty close both to BOG.
pcaman2003: Brayshaw had lots of easy touches. Only 4 CP’s out of 37 possies.
beerent11: Just a lot more disposals frenzy.
Social: Will Neale get tagged tonight?
pcaman2003: For me, I thought Young was by far the BOG.
BRAZZERS: lol sc points is never a guide to who played better
pharace: @frenzy 0 could be 800 better than Kangas if you look at the total stats over two weeks

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