frenzy: in for a long day
bhg26: Come on vc trac
hinsch: Need a 150+ from Oliver to get back in the game
Baldfrog: cmon C Olly
Hazza09: Cmon Trac
Baldfrog: Feel your pain Frenzy I could be in for a long night
The Hawker: Geez huge crowd….
Hazza09: Don?t shaft me today Trac
ReggieOz: Go Dees!
navy_blues: oh we have our woman ump
zadolinnyj: Rubbish call
bhg26: Dont know what tarryn thomas was supposed to do there
ajconodie: #freekicknarrm
Raspel31: Hmm, perhaps I too should have capped Clarry newt with no hair.
Baldfrog: Confucius say learn from Bald Bloke Rasp
DrSeuss: Oh good – all of my opponents with Oliver – while Touk is my unique
Hazza09: Had to choose between Trac and Clarry VC, Clarry last week and Trac this week, I give up
Raspel31: But Touk shows promise DrSeuss.
navy_blues: seuss are u ever happy?
DrSeuss: Only between games Navy lol
Baldfrog: Haha Navy
sMiles: Early days yet, but Clarry a downhill skier to extreme.
wadaramus: VC fail on MIlls, had the C on Neale, put it on Oliver, then put it back on Neale :I
Baldfrog: Horny lookin good
Baldfrog: Nothing wrong with neale just think hawks will tag him
zadolinnyj: He did say oh good first navy. Sounds happy to me
Raspel31: wada- same but ended up stuck with Macca’s score. Could be worse?
wadaramus: Macca scaled down from 110 to 104!
wadaramus: Witts up to 131.
navy_blues: xerri 3 hitouts for 19 points hmmmm
Raspel31: Did he wada? Thanks for the joyful news.
bhg26: Touk up to 59!
Raspel31: Great news bhg!
wadaramus: Everyone else went up but he went backwards, what a gyp!
Raspel31: There was a time before the name Bailey or Bayley existed- I miss those days.
bhg26: Does LDU have a basketball background?
bhg26: As a gawn sc owner im pretty happy, as a gawn fantasy owner flower me
zadolinnyj: No bhg but if I think I?m correct in saying PENDLES does
bhg26: no way zado, first im hearing of this
Stu7: Bought Oliver in the week bhg he?s doing good for SC & DT at the moment
Stu7: Brayshaw very quiet
zadolinnyj: I could be wrong bhg
zadolinnyj: Hopefully a commentator can clear it up tommorw
bhg26: Imagine if trac could kick straight
Hazza09: Ffs Trac seriously
bhg26: Never thought id see max gawn playing nintendo switch sports
cherry9: Petracca. Clanger instead of goal.
pjw1234: xerri same points as gawn without a touch lol
LuvIt74: Dont understand why SC still show Preuss & Taranto are still playing, yet there both out
hinsch: Oliver 100 by half time would be great
pcaman2003: My next upgrade is Boak (the plodder) to Clarry. Surely that has to be a good thing.
ReggieOz: yes it would 🙂
Baldfrog: Wouldn’t have a problem with that Hinsch
LuvIt74: screwed up big time by bringing in Miller this week, Daicos will end up scoring more..
mattmac24: What is happening here..
Hazza09: Can?t get a simple VC / C right this year, absolute joke
LuvIt74: @hinsch would be nice
ReggieOz: Me either Hazza – Been a nightmare
zadolinnyj: What was free for then
LuvIt74: Had the VC on Macrea but his score was average at best so chose to put it on Oliver
Baldfrog: Youre an expert Lovit
zadolinnyj: Gawn looks like he?s in his pyjamas in the long sleeve
Hazza09: Unbelievable Trac, Clanger after Clanger
Raspel31: Damn- now realise it was a bad move to trade Clarry for Touk.
beerent11: You?re fibbing again rasp
Raspel31: True- I can’t lie beer- but I did bring Touk in.
beerent11: Dees jumpers look like United States Olympic uniforms.
beerent11: Miller just had a bad one. Is a gun player. Chill.
Baldfrog: no free to horny?
Baldfrog: think i had a pair of those pj’s when i was a kid Beer
zadolinnyj: How was that not high? McDonald got a free for being breathed on
zadolinnyj: Looks like one of those 80s bad Xmas photos jumpers
Malaka: FML, I just brought Angus Brayshaw in.
Baldfrog: Busta Malaka
Fatbar5tad: Narrm must mean “umpire goal”
zadolinnyj: This is the most bias umpiring I?ve seen all year and I?ve been here with MrWalrus when Richmond play
Malaka: On the bright side, I’ve got VC on Oliver.
beerent11: Nobody hunts the footy like clarry hunts the footy
ajconodie: That Isaiah Kickett bloke for Narrm is pretty good.
hinsch: How can Curtis have 83% TOG and not touch the ball is he stand beside the goal umpire.
zadolinnyj: Has Clive Palmer won the election yet
Baldfrog: Ask Tig Train Zad
zadolinnyj: That was high
zadolinnyj: Yep baldy
Migz: i legit would join a rebellion for WA to leave the federation if fattymcfuckhead won the election haha
Catatafish: Curtis might want to stay around for the Auskick to remember what the ball feels like
Catatafish: And he gets a touch
beerent11: Picked up Scott off the waiver wire this week. Nice start.
beerent11: Is everyone else?s projected scores shrivelling like a pecker in the pool? 2450 down 2270 here.
Baldfrog: I never worry about that stuff Beer your team will score whatever it wants to
zadolinnyj: Are you suggesting you would join the rebellion migz as he looks like jabba
bennyballs: Remember when Tarryn Thomas was a sexy preseason pick? Had a shocking year.
pharace: If Oliver and Petracca were out today, would Melbourne even be in the Hunt (no pun intended)!
zadolinnyj: Certainly do Benny
navy_blues: love to see ess win tonight be so funny
Baldfrog: you really want to listen to Walrus Navy lol
navy_blues: yeah be worth it lol
zadolinnyj: Lol. Please forget ur whistles for tonight?s game umpires for fanfooty sake
Malaka: Clive is holidaying at the beach … concerned local are trying to refloat him.
pharace: Paul Curtis really needs to take some kicking and tackling lessons from Jayden Hunt
Baldfrog: Just call Craig Kelly has heaps of hot air
zadolinnyj: I hope to hear him fly around a room like a deflated balloon tonight Baldy
Baldfrog: Scomo’s favourite song is no where man from the beatles
zadolinnyj: If the election is called false trump style, surely nobody interested in visiting Canberra to storm the building. Y
zadolinnyj: Now please stop clarry
Silz90: bombers paying $4 tonight, hope they get up
Baldfrog: Na Zado Aussies are to lazy
zadolinnyj: Can north win this
zadolinnyj: Surprised Monty did not run as independent with policy of royal commission against cd
zadolinnyj: Remember Ziebells price at start of season
Social: @zado – how many sugars you put in your coffee today?
zadolinnyj: Was bored social. Will calm down. Was tia Maria in coffee
Hazza09: Ffs Trac
Breezey: Is Oliver on 150-200 watch while the game is still tightish
Social: hehe
wadaramus: Rueing not leaving the C on Oliver 🙁
wadaramus: Anyway, time for a Boozy Fruit 🙂
Raspel31: On the plus side I have Clarry. On the negative side I benched him- or as good as.
Yelse: all i need now is ben brown2 goals for 950 multi :9
Ash777: what is this demons side?
zadolinnyj: Good luck yelse.. a chance
navy_blues: boweys 1st loss brewing?
Ash777: what is this norf side!?
Baldfrog: What odds Brown 2 goals against Norf Yelse $1.10?
cherry9: Thinking of upgrading Gawn to Preuss.
bennyballs: Get a few marks gawn!
pharace: @ Silz90 – $4 for Bombers fans to get in – sounds about right to have to watch them play
Wahab_18: Love you Gawn saving my crappy week. just don’t do a witts in the last quarter please
cherry9: Joke. Looking to do the opposite soon. I have been wondering the odds of Preuss price overtaking Gawn
Yelse: @baldfrog he was 1.27 i think
wadaramus: Gawn playing injured?
zadolinnyj: Witts finished on 131 wahab
Breezey: You won?t be doing that this week Cherry. Pruess is out. Haha
Baldfrog: Didn’t think it would be great value Yelse good luck tho m8
Yelse: ffs brown
hinsch: SC still has Pruess playing
mattmac24: Nothing watching the game.. are North playing well or Melbourne not well?
bhg26: Trac bad
Hazza09: Another botched VC in Trac, who to C now? Neale or Brayshaw?
Baldfrog: Natt norf playing much better than Frezy would have thought
cherry9: Whoa, did not know that. Guess it is a Hayes 72 then
zadolinnyj: North good @Matt
Yelse: oliverbeen on bench for a while
Manowar: Dees gone to the snow early this year!
Raspel31: Tough Hazza- I went Mills to Macrae- stuffed up. Neale for mine but might be tagged.
Social: Rest up Clarry
navy_blues: 150+ plz ollie
Wahab_18: power of ya bearded flower
Social: pac reckons hawks don’t tag
Wahab_18: good boy
Raspel31: Have I mentioned I wish I’d capped Clarry?
Fatbar5tad: Captain Clarey you wonderful man!
pcaman2003: I’ve decided now to go Mills to Neale. Don’t think he will cop much of a tag.
Baldfrog: Look Rasp Clarry has passed Macca haha
Raspel31: Hmm- Xerri on equal points to Maxxy with 1 possie?
cherry9: SC is brutal but it is nice when your captain goes bonkers. Go Mr Oliver!
wadaramus: Look at Maxy’s DE!
Silz90: sorry raspel i thought u said clapped for a second
beerent11: Clarry for fifty
Raspel31: Just out of interest has anyone tried the new prebiotic detox water? The ad that won’t go away.
Baldfrog: Rasp where’s the insult?
pcaman2003: Don’t North have a tagger? Clarry is tearing them a new one.
m0nty: Greenwood is on Clarry but can’t stop him
pcaman2003: Clarry looks to be on his own.
Hazza09: Who tags for Hawthorn?
pcaman2003: Warpol usuallybut he’s dropped.
Stu7: Ollie is going off his head
Baldfrog: Flagger said Nash stopped someone last week
pcaman2003: Howe is the only other possibility I can think of. He’s tagged before,but not often
Hazza09: Surely they don?t tag Neale
hinsch: Looks like Pruess is now my new C go Clarry
BigChief: Shiels, Howe and Nash have tagged before.
pcaman2003: Chief. I think Shiels is a bit slower these days so not sure against Neale.
BigChief: Neale is not exactly a speedster either pcaman
Stu7: Go Ollie
Silz90: Maybe worpel runs with neale?
Baldfrog: Exactly chief but sets play up
pcaman2003: True! Shiels hasn’t done much tagging these days. Nash could be a goer, maybe
BigChief: Neale playing 2nds this week Silz?
pharace: Not sure Neale is playing at BoxHill this week Silz90
Silz90: my bad lol didnt look at the team sheets this week
cherry9: I love you Clayton. This is superb
pcaman2003: Slow down Ollie and let someone else touch the ball.
Baldfrog: Feck that clarry you can touch anyones ball
BRAZZERS: neale is untaggable this season
Raspel31: I find it very very height of rudeness for people to crow about capping Clarry when I didn’t. So there.
beerent11: Looks like the US female Olympic gymnasts have this sewn up now.
BigChief: Damn Max. Get rid of the long sleeves. It looks terrible.
pcaman2003: Except mine Baldy,but you go for it:)
Ash777: CD dont like long sleeves
Stu7: Come on Ollie
Baldfrog: Don’t be so precious pca he won’t grab hard
cherry9: I am allowed to crow. I fielded Rosas 18 a couple weeks ago and Rioli 7, through stupid coaching on my part.
BigChief: beer did you cap Witts or Macrae?
sfenda1: change caption from neale to oliver 10 mins before the game
pcaman2003: Baldy. So you’ve tried it!
Gelly: thank god brown did not kick any goals
Raspel31: Clarry gone very quiet for 2 minutes?
beerent11: McRae bigchief. You?
Baldfrog: Pca me and Clarry go wayyy back
Yelse: seriously brown what a shocker 150 th not even given me a chance
BigChief: vc on Petracca and C on Brayshaw (Freo)
cherry9: As a crows man, Laird was coming in for Steele, until I looked at byes. Then he became Petracca
Baldfrog: Andy is due Chief
BigChief: Baldy v Coll in Perth he should go big.
beerent11: Good luck
pcaman2003: Boak to Ollie for me purely for his high work rate. He’s just a beast (demon).
beerent11: Trac has played ok just butchered it a bit.
Ash777: Gawn looks so banged up lately
BigChief: That HO is Max at his best. Awesome to watch.
Baldfrog: Pity norf couldn’t run the game out they played well
Hazza09: Trac is the ultimate burn man.
NoneyaB: onya olly!
beerent11: He?s got 107 hazza.
Silz90: get off the bench clarry
BigChief: Congratz to Naarm on winning their debut AFL game.
Stu7: Silz90 I know right
st_steve: Oliver captain almost eases the pain of Preuss out.
Silz90: good boy trac hopefully gets scaled up
BigChief: If a player doesn’t get 150+ Hazza complains.
Hazza09: Last week went C Clarry, this week VC Trac beer
Catatafish: Come on Max quick ton
beerent11: Ahh well at least you?ve still got the c to get right
Raspel31: Clarry has done simply nothing since he came back on.
Stu7: Great stuff Olly 45 possessions
beerent11: You taking tracs score haz?
Hazza09: Prob not Beer
robbieg: put the c on trac over clarry oof
Ash777: gawn’s head of steam lol
Stu7: Is Preuss definitely out ?
BigChief: Yes Stu he is out with illness. So is Ash and Taranto out inj
