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Chat log from R8 of 2022: Western Sydney vs Geelong

Chat log for Western Sydney vs Geelong, R8 of 2022

thesilentl: @mattmac I’ve got.some great bait for this game, look forward to you having a sook
don key: good game lads
mattmac24: Okay silent, have fun I guess lol.
pcaman2003: Hoping Stewart and Kelly have a good one.
Baldfrog: Has Lyons left his 5eeth out today?
thesilentl: Took 10 seconds to catch you, too easy
mattmac24: Wouldn’t call that a bite but okay.. I’m just gonna enjoy the game.
thesilentl: A second bite, mate this isn’t even fun
don key: whos going to have the highest points ?
Baldfrog: Matt he only wants you to bite because he cant
pcaman2003: Don’t worry about giving directions Kelly, just get the ball
DrSeuss: Whitfield, Cogs – game has started fellas
thesilentl: Got @baldfrog as well, ill be eating well tonight
don key: think silents razor ray in disguise
Baldfrog: Enjoy ur pureed food silent
don key: hopefully stewart tons up today
TheFlagger: preuss time to dominate
don key: miers reminds me of ginnivan somehow maybe brothers !1
DrSeuss: Does the genius of Leon Cameron have Whitfield playing forward again this week?
thesilentl: And @donkey, too easy
don key: good question Dr seuss
mattmac24: Oh I know Bald, it’s actually a bit sad for him
don key: good tight tussle atm
thesilentl: Settle @mattmac24 its all fun and games unless it actually upsets you 😉
mattmac24: Yeah it’s all g silent, just playing along!
bhg26: Youre pathetic attempts to “get people” is actually reducing me to tears silent so please stop
thesilentl: @bhg26 another fish swims on by
bhg26: xoxo
mattmac24: But yeah, you can only try to bait people so much before it comes not funny and a bit pathetic
bhg26: Anyway ffs showerfield you knob
don key: controlling ump should call if no free then play on ?
DrSeuss: Yep Whitfield lining up forward – moves up slightly at stoppages. Leon Cameron coaching ftw
don key: clarkson next coach i think
penguins00: did you not think that was a free donkey?
thesilentl: There’s 5 of you who feel the need to say something @mattmac24, its clearly upsetting you and that’s funny
don key: yes free but not seen as other throws not seen too
pcaman2003: Kelly and Stewart get going lads.
don key: waiting for a tomahawk ruck goal
duckky: Who is this Cooper Hamilton?
don key: big day for camo i feel
wadaramus: He’s on his P’s and ripe for the picking!
mattmac24: Not upsetting me Silent, good for a laugh as you try to hard to bait people but we’ll leave it at that.
pcaman2003: Kelly and Stewart slow start. Kelly gr8 last week,looking apathetic this week.
bhg26: Lets just not respond, he might go away
wadaramus: He only comments when he get’s a “bite”, it gets him off.
wadaramus: Perhaps if he could step outside himself, and see what a flog he is to others, he might give it a rest.
don key: anyone got the vc on any players ?
wadaramus: Already locked in Macca don key 🙂
bhg26: Are we taking macrae or going neale c
zadolinnyj: I took McRae. Bird in the hand worth two in the bush
bhg26: If i go macrae vc, neale going 200 so to whoever has neale as captain youre welcome
don key: got cameron as vc over neale !!
Pokerface: neale v wafl fourths is worth 4 in the bush
mattmac24: Took Macrae as VC. Don’t think Neale will go higher than 150 but could be wrong!
Ash777: Neale rarely backs himself after going beast the previous week. He’s going to cruise tonight
Pokerface: without their top 5 choices of ruck
don key: feel sorry for eagles
pcaman2003: Taking Macca @ 288 is a good score. Not risking for greed 🙂
yeah_nah: not watching the game. how does danger look? Seems a good start back from injury
Pokerface: dixon must have been one of those at the nightclub to not get a gig in that lineup
don key: haynes was a good pod a couple years ago what happened?
pcaman2003: FFS Stewart, what are you doing?
DrSeuss: Time to get rid of Whitfield – playing him at half forward is death for fantasy scoring. Just looks lost
don key: @pcaman think i just saw him in the local yumcha shop !!
bhg26: Doing better than stewart seuss lol
pcaman2003: don key. lol! Certainly not on the ground playing a blinder:(
DrSeuss: True bhg – but I have more faith in Stewart improving and getting the footy
don key: cudo’s to the FF tam btw love the scores and banter
PAFC4eva: gday chaps help please brayshaws 134 or risk it with neale capt?
don key: still at the pun PAF from your win?
mattmac24: 130 is generally the VC score I will always take, chance that Neale gets injured 5 minutes in
PAFC4eva: enjoyed every moment don:)
don key: @pca my neighbour was paul piloppio great guy and better puppy
PAFC4eva: bhg good to see buddy repaying some of those dinky frees
hinsch: I have Presuss Witts and ROB and rucks which one to trade out after the byes.
pcaman2003: don key. Terrible spelling,but know who you mean. Good knee high player.
Pokerface: matt i would venture the chances of neale getting injured are lower than the chances of him going 180+
pjw1234: hawkins has hobble up
pcaman2003: Oh Tommy! You’re killing me pal.
don key: pca didnt think if i said poppy you would no m8
mattmac24: Most likely Poker but Neale getting 180 still only nets an extra 45 points while possible to lose much more
bhg26: i saw dixon only had 1 goal in the sanfl. He also only had 1 free. Coincidence?
Pokerface: yeah its also very matchup dependent, how much a difference 45 points makes etc
don key: ground looks smaller ?
DrSeuss: Good to see Cumming scoring in Whitfields old role – turning it over every 2nd possession
don key: nice throw hawk
don key: cannot believe some low scores !
pcaman2003: Last few years a score over 120+ was a keeper for C. People now greedy. 🙂
banta: What a waste of Whitfields talent. Cameron is a terrible coach. So much talent on the list. How can they be going so bad
beerent11: Haha few people would have bought Stewart in at top dollar not happy jan. 600k for a def. madness.
bhg26: Was cameron ever a good coach?
wadaramus: When they flogged the Crows last week, they looked a million bucks, trust me!!
pcaman2003: beer. He won’t be 600k for long after today’s debacle.
PAFC4eva: probarly deserved more bhg never gets the luv from umps unlike …….
mattmac24: I forgot that I brought Stewart in, was him or Sicily but think Stewart will be fine
DrSeuss: Just don’t understand how you use Whitfield (runs all day and breaks lines) as a forward. Idiotic.
Pokerface: so you watched the game PAFC? or you just saying that…
bhg26: Whitfield is double stewarts score, what has the world come to
bhg26: 5 frees against tells another story pafc
Pokerface: if anyone has ridley, sounds like he is one of the essendon virus outs
Baldfrog: What’s with Kayo having an ad break then having ads.
Pokerface: others being mentioned are kelly, guelfi
Baldfrog: Bugger poker least have hinge on bench
mattmac24: Half time with Kayo sucks, need some kind of show to put on rather than ads and the ad break screen/music
DrSeuss: Leon Cameron complains about teams ball use – plays best users at half forward. Genius
Social: Kayo about to raise their prices, announced at AGM this week
Baldfrog: Yeah Matt it’s weird
Baldfrog: I got the current $5 per month for 3 months
PAFC4eva: just saying poker
don key: any front runners for brownlow so far this season?
Baldfrog: Neale donkey
Pokerface: yeah. we know you were PAFC. we know you were.
Pokerface: cripps is quite short for this time of year don key
Social: a la crippa
don key: @ pca in good area used to see poppy patton and treloar at local coffee shop as well as others
don key: honestly good to see crippa get brownlow stellar season so far keep injury free i hope
don key: silent getting his nappy changed?
Baldfrog: Don’t be an ar$e donkey
beerent11: Bought crippa in this week. The way my year is going,I apologise in advance.
mattmac24: 1. Cripps 2. Brayshaw(Freo) 3. Neale for Brownlow at the moment in my opinion
don key: crippa is carlton a real bull love him as a player has overtaken danger i feel
don key: stephens going ok for upgrade?
Social: silent’s trying to extract that hook from his cheek
Pokerface: mills has a few votes, like him currently at 12.00
wadaramus: Come on Cogs, get involved champ.
pjw1234: whitfield on the ball
mattmac24: Probably not Don Key. Not sure he’ll get many games but could definitely be replacing Holmes
don key: @matt i would be surprised honestly if not a cats demons gf this year
mattmac24: I would be surprised if cats even make the GF! Don’t think we are that great of a team
wadaramus: Righto you lot, 10 hour slow cooked ribs and a bottle of NOON Eclipse awaits, have fun.
pjw1234: whitfield now on the bench
DrSeuss: Nice Wada – what are you cooking on?
don key: yummo howd you do that ?
DrSeuss: Oh look – Whitfield with a role change and starts impacting the game – who would think it
wadaramus: Weber Summit 4 Burner, with some hickory smoke on the side 🙂
mattmac24: Enjoy Wada
wadaramus: I put it in the BBQ at 9am this morning at low temp!
DrSeuss: Nice one – Enjoy both 😉
PAFC4eva: on my way wada
don key: your the gun mate wd
pjw1234: mouth watering, daughter cooking vegetarian yum lol
wadaramus: Play nicely and enjoy the footy people.
NewFreoFan: How does Miers keep getting games, surely they have better options
zadolinnyj: Had to read that twice pj. Commas very important
Social: we’ll get the Cats home for ya wada
navy_blues: lol zado me too
wadaramus: Just get Cogs to a ton and I will be happy.
mattmac24: Not sure NewFreoFan. Not an AFL quality player
pjw1234: probably should have been a full stop, or better yet 2 posts
DrSeuss: No idea how Cumming’s SC is high – has kicked to Cats numerous times and makes some dumb decisions in contests
DrSeuss: Also – put Preuss in the ruck ffs – Cameron is such a dumb coach.
Napper: Stewart getting effective disposals for 1 point
Torz: GWS have a lot of good players being used poorly.
Social: battle of which coach is the least shower
NewFreoFan: 9 years is a decent tenure, I think the Giants could do with fresh leadership
Hazza09: Has Pruess gone home?
PAFC4eva: is hinkley coaching today
NewFreoFan: Truck is clearly the worst coach getting around
Raspel31: Oh well, Stewart gave me a win last week- can’t complain. Idiot!
bc__: A coach that’ll play Whitfield back to his strengths please
don key: think port had the game of the round
PAFC4eva: good win don doesnt make up for prelim 🙁
pcaman2003: My oppo has De Koning and me Stewart. Where’s the rope?
DrSeuss: Needs a big final qtr – Leon starts with Whitfield and Ward on the bench. Flynn in the ruck hmm
pharace: Good call DrSuess, headscratcher!
pcaman2003: Kelly and Stewart both doing my head in. Too many clangers.
Social: a z guthrie goal… wowee
colin wood: Stewart getting ripped by CD here..
Torz: Whitfield playing infinitely better in the right position. Go figure Leon.
pcaman2003: Stop going backwards Kelly you sloth. I’m in insult mode now
pharace: Jordan Ridley, Alec Waterman, Matt Guelfi, Sam Durham and Jake Kelly are all out.
pcaman2003: pharace. We’re a happy team at Hawthorn. We might have a chance now.
DrSeuss: DeKoning going to outscore Cogs – yay
pharace: Probs winning anyay pcaman
DrSeuss: GWS should dominate the ruck battle. Leon – ?let?s play Flynn in the ruck more? – Genius
pcaman2003: pharace. Touch wood! You never know .
pcaman2003: Geez Kelly! Done nothing so get off the pine.
pharace: Hawks don’t give up pacman, same can’t be said for the other mob!
beerent11: Righto Tom g. Big last few minutes
pcaman2003: Last week Kelly 153,Stewart 187,so what happened?
DrSeuss: Might have to get Duncan in if he stays in this role
Pokerface: mmm so who went point chasin’ those kelly stewart points. mmm
Raspel31: Story of my week pcaman- disaster left, right and centre.
Pokerface: why did i field butters over SDK. how have i not learnt by now
pharace: Canberra – not the arse end of the earth, but you can see it from there
Napper: Whitfield score has to be scaled post game surely
pharace: lol alps = arse
pcaman2003: Raspel. I think my overall standing will cop it this week
Wahab_18: trend continues, every player stinking up the 2nd half after massive starts
BRAZZERS: kebab hows NOD? haha muppet
boges11: Error 404 on the next games m0nty
Social: did not expect that result
bones351: Some weird scoring games for premos this week
Social: no skipper, no ruckman, 2 first gamers
Social: that honestly feels like a famous victory
Pokerface: Pruess should have gone big this game
Pokerface: couple of easy ruck games coming but its a concern
DrSeuss: GWS need to get rid of Flynn Poker – Preuss dominates when in ruck
Pokerface: yes. but if they keep flynn in for this game, its hard to see when they don’t.
Pokerface: may not be his fault (like many of the GWS players!) but not sure preuss will be the semi-prem long term he first seemed

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