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Chat log from R6 of 2022: Port Adelaide vs West Coast

Chat log for Port Adelaide vs West Coast, R6 of 2022

BigChief: Stu7 Very nice work with vc’s
Pokerface: good to see strnadica out there, always been good captaincy material
frenzy: Lol poker
Stu7: Thanks BigChief – paid off for once
Hazza09: Great start Butters
BigChief: How can an emerg ump pay a free?
zadolinnyj: Interchange infringement
Migz: interchange mess up by eagles if you didnt see them just talk about it BC
m0nty: Dan Houston stop turning the ball over challenge
BigChief: Ahhh okay TY Zado
BigChief: 1st to 50 wins this?
DrSeuss: Oh good my only player in this is Butters
original: Yeh butters this is cool. Ffs
zadolinnyj: Been a long time since we have had one of those
Migz: i made a ballsey move this week and brought witherden. massive POD
BigChief: Been playing okay last couple @Migz.
Ninty: Slow down Butters
Migz: yeah they are clearly transitioning away from hurn leading the back line and he is the direct replacement.
TheFlagger: good to see rozree get some mid time and thrive
bhg26: Witherden is a very good POD, has like .2% ownership doesnt he
Migz: yeah before this week he had 313 owners haha
original: Had witherden in draft and turfed him when he was suspended. Ffs
DrSeuss: Has Rozee stolen all of Butters’ mojo? Get a touch ffs, a tackle, anything
Ninty: Hayes not such a great scorer if he ain?t getting to HTA like last week
pcaman2003: Brought Boak in last game,scoredd 88 and looking more pathetic this week. C’mon Boak,get serious
BigChief: How does Finlayson get a game? He is shocking.
bhg26: You just had to ruin boaks good form didnt you pcaman
Migz: waterman is fucking trash man
pcaman2003: bhg26. And I didn’t use my voodoo doll I swear.
bhg26: The 8000 boak owners would like to have a word with you pcaman
Hazza09: Awesome Butters
original: That?s it butters back to the bench mate. Wtff get involved
pcaman2003: bhg26. The way I’m picking players lately I should use the doll on myself 🙂
DrSeuss: WTF – why is Butters back on the pine? You just came off the bench
navy_blues: need butters to stay low plz
BigChief: Might be time to get rid of Butters.
bhg26: Didnt know Brodie played for port
pcaman2003: Seuss. Give hinm a break. He worked so hard for those 4 points.
arbel: @pcaman … had to after he was negative va
DrSeuss: True pca – should give him a break. No reason he should play more than half a quarter.Probably a genius Hinkley strategy
bhg26: Butters about to be grounded
original: Butters lowest game time. Fabulous
MrWalrus: Chief are you crazy high on a bad trip? Went 130 just last week, perhaps a little patience might be afforded here
bhg26: He is known for his coaching brilliance seuss
pcaman2003: abrbel. Bit like Preuss last night at -9 before he killed it.
thommoae: Btw apologies, pcaman – you’re last week’s labelling of GWS as ‘a rabble’ may be closer to the truth than I care to see.
bhg26: Probably asked you this before but why are you a giants supporter thommoae?
AlsoGmax: Is Butters allowed to take some Tums during the game?
pcaman2003: thommoae. Once they get rid of the coach they’ll be better off. He makes weird moves.
DrSeuss: Has Rozee been given Butters role this game? Where is Butters playing for those watching?
beerent11: You?re one of the 313 witherden owners aren?t you bhg?
BRAZZERS: gotta love FF for the babies that cry and complain constantly lol
pcaman2003: Seuss. He’s playing bench position
bhg26: No but i seriously considered bringing him in this week
bhg26: Coming from a richmond supporter brazzers. God forbid you play away at marvel
pcaman2003: BRAZZERS. I always keep the Kleenex handy in case.
thommoae: Example of ‘weird’, pca?
BigChief: Walrus last week was a blue moon for Butters. 57 and 58 the 2 weeks previous.
pcaman2003: Thommoae. Like Kelly going to bench with 5 mins to go in a game to be one.One example!
bhg26: And got 114 and 136 the two weeks prior bigchief
Hazza09: Butters going back to his best work
pcaman2003: This is better from you Boak,so don’t stop fella.
m0nty: Port are terrible but West Coast are terriblerer.
navy_blues: nice goal
Raspel31: WC may struggle to make the finals this year methinks.
thommoae: Tbf pca, Giants had been huffing and puffing all quarter with noone threatening to take control for GWS.
Hazza09: Butters the new Brodie
bhg26: Nah too early to call that raspel
DrSeuss: Get some more rest Zak
BigChief: Hazza if only he scored like Brodie.
AlbySmedtz: @raspel WC may struggle to make wooden spoon this year methinks
pcaman2003: Thommoae. Disappointing for a team with such talent. Still think it goes back to the coach.
pcaman2003: Have to go now. See you next game. Enjoy the banter.
Raspel31: I remember when Butters was a reasonable player- like last week.
bhg26: those were the days rasp
beerent11: He?s a sore boy
Ninty: Butters was crook during the week, knock to the head first quarter and knocked out again just now?
beerent11: Butters kamikaze playing style will always see him up and down from carrying niggles.
Raspel31: Can’t wait for the Norff v WC game- should be a cracker.
BigChief: Yeo prob done for day.
Ninty: Already been and gone rasp
beerent11: Been done rasp
HawkTalker: How is Wines scoring so poorly? 16 possies, 9 kicks, 4 marks…
BigChief: They played in round 2 Raspel
MrWalrus: Butters 30pt quarter, trade him out, booooo!
BigChief: On track for 66. Keep him Yay.
beerent11: Must be easy for port if rozee is top scorer
MrWalrus: Also chief he actually does score like Brodie, both ave 99, sometimes it’s ok to admit you were wrong
beerent11: Hayes for Hayes most obvious trade in sc history
original: 3 goal seconds half please butters
mattmac24: You really only looking at averages Walrus? Doesn’t say much given Butters has scored 2 50’s
Raspel31: Interesting call beerent- hmm?
mattmac24: Can’t do that trade Beer as I have Grundy, Witts and Preuss in my ruck line 🙁
kascadev8: butters wtf
original: Rozee has put together a couple of really great games
beerent11: That?s definitely not the worst mattamac
Malaka: Port Adelaide – We will never give up (as long as there is no pressure).
MrWalrus: 2 50s, 2 130s, 1 115 + a half to go here, I’m backing talent + ceiling
beerent11: That?s a pretty respectable half time score for butters considering
frenzy: does any1 know how long Dixon is out
MrWalrus: Half you blokes see 10 minutes of bad & that becomes reality to you, does my head in
BigChief: Walrus yes he has talent and a high ceiling, but he has such a low floor also.
MrWalrus: Butters 38 in a half, useless spud, role ruined, no good at SC
2Ph0nes: butters isnt a prem, delusional
MrWalrus: I’ll take a guy that goes 150, 60, 150, 60… Over 100even every week, you guys are seriously cooked sometimes
Ninty: He was on like 3 at QT. Got going
MrWalrus: He’s like 21yo! Will keep improving for years yet
MrWalrus: Brodie TOG, not an issue, Butters & Whitfield are good fantasy & real life players, umps are rubbish, all true.
2Ph0nes: lmao
mattmac24: You hate how much people are complaining about players only to complain about everything else…
MrWalrus: Butters 7th highest scoring fwd so far this year! Why on earth is he getting slammed
MrWalrus: I complain about 2 things, illogical fools & umpires… So really just the 1 thing I guess
BigChief: Why do you care what others are doing Walrus? Does it effect your team at all?
MrWalrus: No chief, it helps me but as a father I feel I should protect all those who can’t look after themselves
MrWalrus: 7th highest scoring fwd but im the idiot for not wanting to slam him, give me strength
BigChief: So other parents don’t have a clue?
BigChief: MrWalrus father of the century everyone.
MrWalrus: Oh man, what’s scary chief is you’re allowed to vote & I would die for your right to do so
navy_blues: i think butters has a high ceiling and will improve as port improve
MrWalrus: Because even simpletons like you have rights
frenzy: Butters melts when theres a bitta heat in the kitchen
beerent11: Bit of classic ff banter here tonight
thommoae: Steady fellas – let’s get back to the real issue – i.e. what happened to Night Raid today.
DrSeuss: Rozee taking all of Butters? possessions this week?
zadolinnyj: butters been bad since south park days
beerent11: Whitfield
MrWalrus: Rozee is trying to trick me into getting him, will average 150 one year
bhg26: Dont say his name beer!
beerent11: No he won?t
MrWalrus: Lol beer, I see what you’re doing there
bhg26: I cant help it… Shitfield! Damnit
MrWalrus: True, but he will for 5 weeks, suck everyone in then go at 60
navy_blues: whitfield is a dud and ppl who hold on to him are in denial that he is good lol
original: Sprint to the bench, there you go butters
Fatbar5tad: Butters three shit games in four weeks. Port suck.
beerent11: Fatbar comes in swinging
Torz: Butters got one kick and ran straight back to the bench fmd
Raspel31: Why didn’t I think of capping Rozee? As I don’t have him. Does anyone?
beerent11: Gray injured-butters permaforward
TheLegend6: Butters playing sick lads
kascadev8: rasp can i cap you?
DrSeuss: Where did you hear that Legend?
jfitty: Butters had gastro during the week
Raspel31: At your service kasca.
Social: Michelangelo Rucci
hinsch: Going to be some big SC scores this wek my league a lot at 1000 plus with 8 players C to go
DrSeuss: At least there is an excuse. Houston having one of his trap games
MrWalrus: Hinsch, that’s low, around 2k is not good even with Hayes on field
Raspel31: Not so sure hinsch- lot of guns underperformed so far.
Torz: He?s giving me gastro jfitty
Fatbar5tad: Butters giving me the shits as well
hinsch: I would be pretty hapy with my first 8 players with around 120 -130 each
beerent11: Finally a low macrae score
DrSeuss: Me having Butters and opponent having Houston gives me the shits
beerent11: You may be lactose intolerant seuss
mattmac24: You worded that weirdly Hinsch, thought you had 1000 with 8 players left to play
AlsoGmax: Imodium and a 71 point quarter coming up.
Raspel31: I’ve heard some Butters news but don’t want to spread it.
2Ph0nes: must be contagious, butters has given his owners the shits all game long
DrSeuss: Could be the issue beer. Certainly an aversion to dairy in this game
DropCox: These Butters puns are terrible. My stomach is churning.
Raspel31: The question on everyone’s lips is- have WC left it too late to win this one?
pjw1234: given the bread he is on you would expect better from butters
original: Dr Seuss exactly same situation. Butters v Houston ffs
beerent11: Hayes may get close to 100
Raspel31: Liking your idea of a straight Hayes swap Beer- but what happens when he meets a real ruck?
original: Cmon rasp what?s this butters goss
DrSeuss: Yep – absolute bs original. Butters can hardly run to the bench – looking terrible and parked at Full forward
fruity: Looks like l’m trading out rucks this week…l have Hayes, Engliish and Dixon…
beerent11: Won?t matter rasp. All about that cash money. Will have a very minus breakeven.
Raspel31: Butters jokes are not margerenally funny
zadolinnyj: boak doing ok
banta: Rozee > Butters
MrWalrus: Hayes to Hayes then McCartin to any Def I want I think for me
Social: Butters is ruining my score… how dairy
Raspel31: Yep- I too been stuck with McCartin far past use by date Mr Hippopotamus.
DrSeuss: Very good social
TheFlagger: kane cornes was right
hinsch: Eagle can win this
Social: Butters is on a roll!
zadolinnyj: never say those words @TheFlagger
Migz: every time rozee gets the ball i cant believe its not butters
mattpanag: wouldnt have thought butters would have trouble on the spread
MrWalrus: He’s just churning away
Migz: enough time for witherden to get 150. Great dubet in my team you little chip eating seagull
Migz: er debut
Social: next showdown I want to see Butters on Butts
frenzy: wet toast seagulls
Dogs5416: Has there ever been a bigger differential in supercoach scores between teams? Port almost +700
m0nty: nice +14 Houston!
frenzy: is that a pigs nose on Houston
m0nty: new icon btw
DrSeuss: Of course this is the week my opponent has Houston – won?t go 90+ again for another month
Raspel31: Hayes to Hayes tempting Beer.
Raspel31: Think that last goal sealed things.
beerent11: Combs Hayes almost there.
beerent11: *cmon
Hazza09: Shocking butters
beerent11: Think it may be a popular option rasp

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