Spifflicat: Evening everyone
Bart Man: Evening lads
Water: up the giants
kascadev8: fyfe dont go forward ffs
bhg26: How’s big Matty Flynn going to back up last weeks performance
PJ39301965: Let’s go Flynn, hit your projected.
beerent11: Just Flynn and Bruhn on the pine for me here
Baldfrog: What is Flynns projected?
Raspel31: Meek a keeper- and slightly chaper than Gawm.
Spifflicat: Fyfe at FF Kasc
kascadev8: spiff nooo haha, goodbye 2100 projected 🙁
Ash777: brayshaw, flynn & taranto left
Raspel31: Brought in Brayshaw for Rowell- so far, so good.
beerent11: 86 in the group now
Baldfrog: You’ve created a monster Beer
Ash777: Brayshaw looks confident now playing as a mid.
Apachecats: We must have a lot of silent partners on FF beerent.
Raspel31: And all our best chums beer.
Ash777: who is this switkowski person
Raspel31: Switowski was in Alien 2 as I remember- long career.
Baldfrog: Glad i didn’t join then Raspel
beerent11: More the merrier
Baldfrog: Wasn’t he in Monsters2?
TheFlagger: go on taranto my son
Ash777: lol I hope he gets a good nickname
Silz90: I’ve joined the group fellas – should be fun
Raspel31: Only bleep is I have anknown chap called Fyfe in my draft- also captain. Did he miss the team bus?
TheFlagger: could hit 2300 this week will be happy with that
beerent11: Good stuff flagger
CozzieCan: If Fyfe goes forward he’s irrelevant for SC
beerent11: No one on field for me here Flynn and Bruhn getting splinters
Spifflicat: All done for me 2383. Only Flynn and Bruhn on pine
CozzieCan: The ball simply doesn’t go down there enough ..
Ooost: Well done Spifficat
PJ39301965: Flynn needs to get back on the ground
beerent11: 2263 for me all done.
Silz90: 2216 – I also have L Young on field
Baldfrog: Think I’ll over take you beer your 2nd and I’m 3rd in our league
Silz90: Rowe killed my round. Anyone else have him on field
Hazza09: Bruhn has to be traded, not good enough for an expensive rookie
navy_blues: my son got 2433 he whipped me this week
beerent11: Anyone bench Gawn or grundy for Flynn?
Raspel31: Proof is in the pudding next week ladies.
beerent11: Yep I did silz also sharp 20
Baldfrog: Might have to borrow your son next year Navy
Pies20: On 1844 with fyfe and taranto
Raspel31: Meek cap next week?
Catatafish: Tanner is incapable of getting the ball, in fact he tries hard to avoid it.
kascadev8: fyfe get in the guts and help your team, mundy needs the old man rest, not you
navy_blues: he is a carlton supporter too baldy
Hazza09: Anyone have Bruhn? What to do with him?
Baldfrog: 1844 not worth the banter lol
original: Only 2151 this week
Baldfrog: Only want him to pick my team Navy not to convert me
Pies20: Haha @bald ya snob
bhg26: 2340, could have been more but Rowe, Phillips, Daniel and Dow had other plans
Catatafish: Trade Bruhn if you can, he’ll surely be dropped.
PJ39301965: 2260 with Flynn left
beerent11: I do haz not my worst rookie unfortunately
Pies20: I did @silz
Raspel31: No Fyfe in the real fantasy football but Fyfe in my draft illusional fantasy football. Do something.
GOATdusty: lol hayden young, wheres the flog that said last week he was a good addition lmao
kascadev8: matt flynn on the pine will be very good for cash.. anyone else go from rowell to taranto? i did and im happy with it
beerent11: Played a pretty good second half last week haz
Silz90: Small fwds are the worst. Bruhn to jordan and caldwell to taranto/tex
Pies20: Same goat with sharp let down this week
Baldfrog: Went rowell to titch Kasca
Raspel31: Rookie rucks not so bad- especially when they play eachother.
Hazza09: Beerent who are your bad rookies?
Baldfrog: Silz tex wont keep this up all season
kascadev8: @Bald happy with his score today? i moved danger to titch this week cos idk what jeremy cameron is doing
Pies20: I got 400k sitting there time to spend
Baldfrog: Yeah titch played richmond will get better Kasca. Well I hope anyways
kascadev8: fyfe and young get a move on boys, keep it up taranto
Catatafish: Yeah, but Tex should make a boat load over the following weeks
Hazza09: I traded Rowell to B Smith, not 100% happy
Pies20: That will be unfortunate for crows supporters @bald
Silz90: Huge gamble bald I know. If text scores 80 in next 2 weeks, he will go up 89k and then 35k.
Baldfrog: Yeah definitely Cata
navy_blues: im considering tex funny i know but he has gc then north next might be a cash windfall after his 2 good games so far
Raspel31: What’s your address Pies 20- and do you want me to bring spare teeth?
beerent11: @hazza McNeill, sharp, kosi. Waiting on Treacy for early downgrade.
Baldfrog: He’s ok Hackham West kids can’t help being brash
Pies20: Still got them @rasp really teethe comments from a ess pentioner supporter
Napper: Traded Rowell to Cerra 🙂
beerent11: Got all the good rooks tho
Napper: One of my best weeks 2258 with Cerra to play
Spifflicat: Looking Cerra ripe that trade Napier!
Ooost: Rowell to Sloane for me
Spifflicat: Autocorrect you sunk
Raspel31: Me but 1 beer- Campbell. A juicy buy?
beerent11: D Mundy evergreen
Pies20: No idea @bald
Ash777: Anyone know how long caldwell will be out for?
Baldfrog: Nice Beer have Jones,sharp, Kosie, Rowe and Scott to get rid of
beerent11: Gotta have him raspel
Raspel31: Already pencilled in beer.
beerent11: Wouldn’t be getting rid of Rowe yet. Had a -61 be before this round
CozzieCan: @Ash Hamstring .. 4-5 weeks I reckon
Baldfrog: I’m not just my underscoring rooks from this week
beerent11: When their ave matches their breakeven they go. For me anyway.
Baldfrog: Least Meek doing better today
Spifflicat: Caldwell 2-3 hammy
Ash777: great I’ll already have used 3 trades. 🙁
beerent11: Or they get dropped obviously
Raspel31: I am but a humble man Bald but Meek has already hit his BE- go Meek!
Spifflicat: Another goal and there’s 22 witches hats
Baldfrog: Most of us will have Ash rowell and caldwell forced here
Silz90: Young is doing my head in. take some more kick plz
VodkaHawk: What’s up with Serong?
kascadev8: serong cut his face open, went into the rooms
Raspel31: Well, he didn’t do it himself kasca
beerent11: Cerra’s time is coming. Will be a top mid in the next couple of seasons I reckon
VodkaHawk: Ughhhh, need 20+ from him for around $5k win
Kingy12: I was thinking that towards end of last season beer
Raspel31: Agree beer- was him or brayshaw- but, looking good.
beerent11: Fyfe top fwd next year?
kascadev8: Rasp if we was in the wwe he could have done it himself
Kingy12: Is destroyation even a word Monty lol
VodkaHawk: Oooh, he’s back on
kascadev8: taranto wake up please
beerent11: It is now kingy
Raspel31: Destroyation- Oxford English Dictionary. To give youreslf pleasure.
Kingy12: Hahaha. I love it. See if I can use it at work tomoz
beerent11: Hey m0nty should’ve check first, we started a sc Fanfooty group. All ok?
Beast_Mode: dont know how you’re gonna use that word at mcdonalds
TheFlagger: i think taranto is hibernating
kascadev8: beast, maybe making cheeseburgers gives him pleasure?
Kingy12: Haha. Beast, my egg flipper must be used carefully to prevent destroyation of the eggs…
PJ39301965: It’s the special sauce
Beast_Mode: lol
Raspel31: Does anyone have Mundy? Come on be honest as I have to head out to dinner soon.
Kingy12: More than u think kas lol
kascadev8: cheeseburgers are very good to be fair, id enjoy it
beerent11: God has the c on mundy raspel
Raspel31: Chicken nuggets are also cool if you don’t mind eating ground up chicken feet.
Silz90: Should i order maccas or dirty bird tonight for dins? You working tonight kingy lol
GOD: Correct GOD has the C is on Mundy tonight
beerent11: Lugubrious – looking or sounding sad and dismal.
beerent11: All praise
Raspel31: All it takes is the power of Prayer and God will appear beer.
kascadev8: can you order a taranto 100+ score? same with fyfe
wadaramus: Taranto 100 with the lot please.
Spifflicat: It’s time Monty, 22 plz
Pies20: I tipped gws great end to the weekend
Spifflicat: I’m not sure we could beat anyone Pies.
Pies20: @spif hope they do tonight
kascadev8: taranto stop being a spud 🙁
Silz90: I dont own taranto but why not. might be a 10 or 15 min wait but its coming
kascadev8: can i upgrade the taranto meal please?
Silz90: Leon Cameron needs to go. The giants have gone backwards
Spifflicat: Correct Silz
Silz90: He let caldwell and hately leave. Drops Green. Cogs has dropped off since he was captain.
Beast_Mode: sheedy available
Spifflicat: Hately can’t get a game at Adelaide, no great loss
beerent11: So where does this put st kilda in the pecking order?
Baldfrog: Hately is injured
Napper: Can Cerra get on the field everyone is injured as well
Silz90: Thats true spifflicat. Totally forgot. Is fyfe out for 2 weeks now?
Pies20: Above gws @beer
kascadev8: taranto / young get in there boys
Baldfrog: Bigger loss than u think
cmperrfect: Cripps to Brayshaw me thinks this week
Kingy12: Go the dirty bird lol. Ph went flat. Oops
kascadev8: whats wrong with fyfe?
bc__: Kelly ev3n on the field that qrt?
Hazza09: Time for Bhrun to go
Raspel31: Rowell to Brayshaw- love you long time.
furphy: fyfe got hit with a massive hip and shoulder. ddint move for awhile, getting tested now
Spifflicat: Time for witches hats
kascadev8: taranto moved about 10 points in a half of footy, terrific
beerent11: Handled the deboer tag too rasp
Beast_Mode: not watching, is fyfe out for the game?
Beast_Mode: oh dont worry i see now
hinsch: Will Treacy get a spot in Freo’s teamnext week
kascadev8: guess fyfe is on the bench for 2 weeks, hail errol gulden
Raspel31: Ah – just home after a stroll- which means a pint at my local- he did indeed beer.
BigChief: Treacy suspended until rd 5
kascadev8: guess its up to young and taranto, spewing cos they both arent doing much
Raspel31: Ah Fyfe- only in draft grace a dieu but the old body?
Napper: Far out Cerra get on the ground 65 game time come on
kascadev8: @BigChief afl are allowing him to play next week
Silz90: Yeh I heard the same thing kas. Potential downgrade in a few weeks
kascadev8: @Silz its a lucky break for me, got stuck with him on the bench during R1 lockouts, get to save a trade now
Silz90: That’s a win. Plus he was a loophole for you? Im going to get rid of fullarton when mcstay comes back
kascadev8: yep, just worked out well
Grimes Jr: jeez kelly, about to lose me the game muppet
hinsch: SC price changes next week some mad sideways trading coming up
Raspel31: There goes Fyfe- sad. No way I’d have him in this league- but, in the deaft you take what you can. Such is life.
Napper: Anyone trading Neale?
kascadev8: was trying to work out how i can field highmore next week, guess its been made easy now
N-train4: or as some would say such is fyfe
Ash777: Did giants go on a camp with the opposition song on play
Raspel31: How much you offering Napper. Yep- too easily tagged .
beerent11: Gee when gws give up they commit to it.
beerent11: Who too rasp?
kascadev8: taranto junk it up big man
Raspel31: Areyou an owl beerent ?
beerent11: Titch makes you 110k
kascadev8: neale to brayshaw or clarry maybe for me if i dont hold
beerent11: Whooo me?
Grimes Jr: one touch kelly
Raspel31: No idea at this mo beer- but Campbell forward which will cost nothing- and then $600.000 for a good night out.
beerent11: How much do you think he drops in price?
CozzieCan: Clarry looks really good this year @Kas
berch: Why does it say De Boer has tagged Brayshaw? I haven’t seen then close together all game!
bc__: Kelly to Steele. Over rated jelly
kascadev8: @Coz yeh mate, filthy that i didnt start him
beerent11: Clarry and Steele safe as houses
Hazza09: Am I the only one who has Bruhn? He’s been horrible today
kascadev8: toby greene with 5 FF and 0 FA?? is that entered wrong?
beerent11: Got him on the pine haz.
Raspel31: I know Hazza-wouldn’t even speak to me yesterday. Don’t have
Napper: Lachie neale is playing collingwood next week who have no taggers but anyways best options for Neale?
kascadev8: @Napper geelong dont normally tag either, surprised o’connor went on him
beerent11: Neale to Brayshaw= +177k?
Raspel31: Neale gone gor me- too easily tagged.
Napper: Ended with 2378
kascadev8: taranto 28 points after qtr time. huge.
beerent11: Neale to Mundy =215k+
beerent11: Nice napper got me covered easily
kascadev8: think i just made 2k, not sure tho, probably just under. garbage from me
N-train4: i can say this now but happy i didn’t start with neale
beerent11: Don’t know what I’m doing with Neale yet depends on rookie issues.
beerent11: Need to use two trades this week corrective
Napper: Reckon I might keep Neale he might pull through
