CozzieCan: Unsure on vc Macrae .. who will Hutchings tag ?
Water: Yeah i think he might got to Macrae, i might go Gaff VC?
Ooost: Tag usually goes to Bont, but who knows.. VC JMac for me anyway
BURN3R: Hutchings will tag Hunter?.
MD25: Take Boak’s 149 or big Max? Gawn has scored 150+ 6/11 games!
navy_blues: think i got NTP think ni went 139 on danger
Ooost: Boak
bagger2217: @MD25 take 149 every day of the week
CozzieCan: Silly not to take 149 .. greed will get you
goat_19: 122 or macrae C?
Water: 122 goat
Woodie22: Had VC on Steele so C on McCrae. Probs regret but opponent had same Captain as me and I’m behind so gambled.
Fatbar5tad: Take the 149
goat_19: flower noooooo i put macrae on bench to take the vc but forgot to put the E on him
Avarax: why do people still ask that question?
goat_19: there goes my season
Fatbar5tad: Oh Goat!
Avarax: should i take ‘x’ that scored a ridiculously good score, or risk on ‘x’? come on :/
GroupOne: Take the 149 and run like the wind. VC on Macrae, Gaff.
CozzieCan: @goat flower .. condolences m8
cmperrfect: I went 139 too Navy, who got it 1st Apache?
goat_19: im so mad
hinsch: Got the Bont in this week so expecting around a 75 SC points the way this week is going
2Ph0nes: you muppet
navy_blues: i will share cmp lol
88360: Macrae needs to go low
Pies20: Doesn’t matter @cmp your both get it
CozzieCan: Alright Bont time to move tour flowering ass m8 , I’ve had it !!!
StuL: Come on dogs. This is eagles 2s
Apachecats: NTP results coming in.
CATSPREM: hopefully i dont regret VC macrae over crouch
cmperrfect: 2XL please Apache
Apachecats: Dangerfield officially 139.cmperrdect claims his 2nd NTP and navy-blues claims his 1st NTP ,both had holes in one.Well d
Apachecats: =3rd were Raspel and scboy123 on 128.
cmperrfect: Get my spot ready in your pool room please Apache
Apachecats: Get your speech ready cmp.
2Ph0nes: dont worry you’ll be right catsjizz
Ash777: ohh no nic nat 🙁
Avarax: Pruess is named for Dees tomorrow. anyone with gawn worried he’ll steal points
Stu7: Come on Gaff & Sheppard!!!!
CozzieCan: Keep going bont !!
cmperrfect: Great start by Tyrion Lannister, keep going little man.
sMiles: wasteful doggies
Haydo: Do you mean 138 Apache?
teachrtony: Hope not Avarax, he went alright last time they both played.
CozzieCan: Flower of Daniel
Stu7: Whats Gaff & Sheppard doing,,, pulling each others todge!!!
CozzieCan: sMiles you should be use to it with your boys & all the behinds they kick haha
Stikman35: Kellyinjured ?
beerent11: Just had menegola get one of my opponents back into our match now telly is doing the same thing.
Apachecats: Danger got 139 Haydo.
scboy123: absolutely trust nic nat a late out. just my luck aye
CozzieCan: @scboy same boat costly for all owners .. was dependant on him playing
Apachecats: see what you mean Haydo ,2nd place getters both got 138.
thommoae: Is that the FF debut for the word ‘todge’?
sMiles: @Cozzican all part of the plan for a massacre at the gabbatoire
Stu7: thommae?
navy_blues: go caleb go
CozzieCan: Good work bont more of them please !
DrSeuss: Not watching. WTF is Gaff doing?
CozzieCan: Hutchings hamstring ! Unlucky for him great for dogs & Bont and Macrae
Stu7: Go doggies bury these West Coast Seagulls
Apachecats: Tonights NTP is on Macrae .Apache reckons it will be 121
CozzieCan: 130 please Apache
Cabri44: 150 please Apache
Gotigres: 132 for Macrae
thommoae: 141 please.
Avarax: you know what i want apache. the magic number please 🙂
sMiles: 137 Macrae plz
Crippa9: mcCrae 136
kascadev8: 135 for macrae if available please. nicnat out may cost me the win ffs
teachrtony: 143 for Macrae please Apache.
bagger2217: 116 for Macrae please Apache
BumSniff: Macrae 142
SCkingisme: 128 macrae
The39Steps: 139 for me please @apache.
Stu7: 7 shots at goals doggies should be miles in front
Raspel31: 142 Macrae please.
Stu7: Macrae 125
Kidult: these behinds gonna kill us
zadolinnyj: 148 please apache
SeasickJac: Gaff that round thing is the ball buddy
Water: Ill go 152 for macrae please apache
CATSPREM: 151 please @apache
Kidult: can only keep Darling and Kennedy down for so long
cmperrfect: 146 plz Apache
Apachecats: 133 yours Avarax.
navy_blues: 133 plz apache
thiccgucci: macca 130 for me plz
DrSeuss: What is Gaff doing? Most possies for Wet Toast and he is freaking killing me
beerent11: No engine room for the eagles. No nicnat, no shuey, no yeo.
Avarax: thanks mate!
cmperrfect: Glad I got rid off Gaff this week. Putrid score from 10 pos
navy_blues: grr 137 available apache?
GobChuck: 170 macrae please
Sugartits: 123 Apache sexy cunt
Social: Macrae 156 fanx
StuL: Come on dogs. Looking good vc Macca
Stu7: No engine room for the eagles. No nicnat, no shuey, no yeo , No Gaff
exatekk: 143 thanks Apache!
Hazza09: Macrae 143
Apachecats: navy blues 137 ok.
Apachecats: NTP closes end of 1/2 time.
swandane: 168 for macrae
Thomas1234: 151 please
PAFC4eva: 157 thanks acat
circle52: 149 Macrae
whafc: 179 thanks Macca
SeasickJac: Need Gaff, Redden and McGov to get over 80
DrSeuss: 136 for Macrae
bagger2217: carn telly!
Moona: 141 for macrae
CozzieCan: Need a ton from Bont & Macrae to put me close for semis otherwise season over
Avarax: They’ll get there cozziecan
BumSniff: Baz a lock next year if he keeps DPP
Nuffman: wouldn’t mind Daniel stopping… Gaff is doing his job well
navy_blues: ty
Haydo: 144 for Mcrae
scboy123: can caleb daniel honestly fuck off hes murdered me 2 weeks in a row
Napper: Went Hurn to Daniel when saw he was being managed
srj2409: Baz won’t be dpp hasn’t spent 35% of time forward this year
CATSPREM: @bumsniff whats dpp
Avarax: brought him in this week scboy. looking good so far
88360: 119 for macrae if not too late already
scboy123: hes a good short kick but honestly hes overrated af
The Hawker: 121 Mac if not too late
Apachecats: NTP closed sorry
scboy123: only 3 contested disposals and 0 tackles as a defender. he just does nothingness kicks
CozzieCan: Keep going Bont !!
The Hawker: All goods 🙂
beerent11: Toby McLean doing A tagging jobon gaff
Apachecats: NTP results before tomorrow nights game -signing off ,cheers.
scboy123: as long as macrae beats bloody caleb ill be able to sleep tonight
Catatafish: Geez the Dogs will shit the bed with this goal kicking efficiency.
scboy123: ok nah how is 10 disposals at 70% 27. sc scoring is a genuine joke. lottery and a half
DrSeuss: Gaff you useless flog – opponent has Macrae and BSmith and I have you
Social: carn dogs
srj2409: Imagine owning Gaff lol
Napper: Welp Daniel stopped
srj2409: Get stuffed Bont
SadBlueBoi: I was going to get Gaff this round but but was $4k short so got T Miller insread
CozzieCan: Flower off Daniel
Catatafish: Loving getting Bazlenka cheap early season
beerent11: He’s being tagged suess
srj2409: Free against Gaff hahahha
Hazza09: Geez Bont!
beerent11: Can afford 2 or 3 gaff like scores on best 18
Avarax: WCE playing like kids, still winning….
sMiles: Macae – wake up sonshine
sMiles: Macae – wake up sunshine
DrSeuss: Haha Gaff overtaken by X O’Neill FFS.
beerent11: Duggan heading for third straight ton
Billy777: gaff 12th highest scoring midfielder this year
sMiles: Macrae too 😉
Avarax: i like how you fixed the typo sMiles, and still got his name wrong LOL
Raspel31: Made a huge gaff by not bringing in Gaff- phew.
Billy777: better he goes very low this game no point him getting a 70 or 80
Fatbar5tad: no one scoring this quarter?
Avarax: still 1k points to give out
DrSeuss: Just glad I didn’t put the C on him – was thinking about it
beerent11: Spot on billy
Haydo: Scaling after every quarter so now there’s only 800 to go round avarax
Raspel31: Sigh, how quickly a year asses. Off to pick my EPL Draft team on line. Until tomorrow ladies.
Raspel31: Asses- I’m sure I typed passes.
beerent11: Seems like just because all my rookies are off field doesn’t mean no rookie scores. See Simpkin gaff
GobChuck: I have picked up Clugg over Dunkley this week…….may have been a mistake smh
Billy777: its handy when top 18 scores that your low scores are very low
Kidult: Damn shouldve put the E on Gaff
CozzieCan: Raspel asses works for this year , acceptable
goat_19: crae tonning up on my bench
Raspel31: Does it not cozzie- have 5 minutes before I log on . Any tips?.
CozzieCan: @Goat about as good as Nicnat not playing 20 minutes before the game .. unreal
goat_19: yep i’ve got nic nat with no cover aswell, horrid round for me
DrSeuss: Beerent – rough round so far – Gaff, Zorko, Shiel, Simpkin so far
DrSeuss: Haha sorry Zorko last round. Still hurting lol
Raspel31: O’Brien obvious late swap goat- not desirable but it is finals?
goat_19: no trades left haha
Grimes Jr: Why do umpires love the eagles so much?
Raspel31: Ah, that will indeed do it goat.
Catatafish: Come on Bazkenka, come home strong
GobChuck: Right. Thankyou for the punishment Dunkley, keep ya average down for next year will ya smh
CozzieCan: Cmon Bont get a ton !! Flower me
DrSeuss: First time I think I have ever wanted WEagles to win.
beerent11: Gaff might’ve run McLean off
BurtCocain: come on crae get up son
2Ph0nes: they don’t, wce are 16th in free kicks. You’re just salty they winning
Billy777: gaff doing the opposite to what i asked
DrSeuss: West Coast making some dumb decisions in the last few minutes
Stu7: Come on Gaff
Avarax: i havent seen the umpiring to be bad this game at all. its been quite good really
Kidult: ffs the middle sticks!
BOMBRBLITZ: haha Bont going backwards
StuL: Naughton missed the game.
Stu7: Looks like Macrae won’t hit too big, will have to go Neale as C
DrSeuss: Liam Ryan – that was amazing
Avarax: yeah, that goal seals it for bulldogs. instead WCE probably win
Hazza09: Cheers Bont! Can’t believe it
DrSeuss: Love it when Naughton talks trash after a great mark – then blows the kick.
kascadev8: go macrae
TigerTime: I’m all for Bont getting points but that kick went about 6m
beerent11: Insufficient my arse
BigChief: That’s not a goal surely.
DrSeuss: Fair kick Bont. Marked off a 8m pass though
BigChief: The ARC forgot about the padding on the post.
MercAm: Feel like umpires call was the right call, you can’t say there is enough evidence to overturn that
DrSeuss: Damn that other angle was a bit dodgy
srj2409: we were robbed. thats not a goal. may as well not have arc. what a joek
Fatbar5tad: Daniel and Macrae asleep in the second half
DrSeuss: Was thinking that too Big Chief
Fatbar5tad: What a bullshit free! Absolutely vital.
MercAm: Wtf was that free kick for?
Crave: Joke of a free, has been some shockers this match for WC
Fatbar5tad: English really stood up there in the end
beerent11: Hope I don’t lose by 3 points b shepp
Crave: X factor could go to Bont for game winner or McLean for Gaff tag
beerent11: Srj I think you were lucky to get that darling free so probably even
DrSeuss: Any other time that kick from Macrae is deliberate out of bounds
Grimes Jr: Enjoy ur top 4 srj!
beerent11: No scaling points all gone
BurtCocain: i hate to be that guy, but dogs shouldn’t have won. that was touched.
Social: Woof
Haydo: Dogs played much better deserve the win
Crave: lol what you on about DrSeuss the ball bounced at a right angle
DrSeuss: I have seen that paid deliberate so many times regardless of it being the bounce of the ball – no Eagles beat it.
DrSeuss: But Dogs deserved the win – wouldn’t have been close if they kicked straight
scboy123: lol calebs 25 nothingness disposals > macraes 29 nothingness disposals. SC kindly go fuck yourself
