goat_19: projected down to 2004, taking macrae C over mitchell vc wasnt very smart..
Ooost: 2018 similar situation. Martin and Maynard for me
Ooost: Oh and Grundy of course.
Ooost: Hell Cripps too :/
Yelse: do i get rid of neale for Adams? better chance to win 1 v 4 in 300 buck league
Apachecats: If your trade situationis OK ,go for it yelse.
Yelse: 6 trades remain
Kidult: 216 BE to Neale but coming off a bye he might get it haha
pcaman2003: Yelse. That’s the move I made this week. I can always trade him back in with the trades I have left.
pcaman2003: Current proj for this round is 2162,but we all know that can change rapidly.
Pies20: big game for the pies must win!!!
Yelse: Done pulled the trigger hope Adams doesn’t let me down
pcaman2003: Have Grundy, Cripps and Adams on field. Good luck everyone.
Yelse: should i captain grundy or keep mitchel
Kidult: 23 points down with my Captain Cripps vs there C Grundy
Wahab_18: NewFlash my opp changed his C to grundy last minute so hope nothing more than 110!! And Maynard please go massiveeeeeee
TheLegend6: Curnow might tag Adams, wouldn’t surprise me
Raspel31: Perhaps my last hurrah after a truly shocking round- good luck all!
pcaman2003: Kidult. I think you’re in a good position. I nthink Crippa will go big today.
Raspel31: Adele- the same 3 plus Maynard.
circle52: Grundy, Cripps and Dicherty in this.
Water: Doch, Cripps, Crispy, Adams and Grundy for me
pcaman2003: Good luck Charlotte.
The Hawker: Grundy C, get going Grundy!!
jfitty: Oooh another new icon
RooBoyStu: Good article in today’s Sunday Herald Sun on each clubs biggest improvers, pages 78 and 79.
Apachecats: Thankyou to Avarax for running the NTP last night.Well done to Circle for your 2nd NTP ,beating your truly by one pointT
Apachecats: Circle now joins 5 others on 2 NTP wins all going for a 3rd win to become the first NTP life member.
Yelse: most possessions on adams but penddles gone nuts
furphy: If grundys name was Gawn he would be on 100 by now smh!
Nuffman: 334 vs Crisp, Noble, Greenwood and Rankine… who wins?
Water: You will get up nuffman, just
The Hawker: get on the park Grundy
Ooost: You win Nuff
TeamRMPG: Come Noble, ton up
Nuffman: Thanks guys. Just the vote of confidence I was looking for!
pcaman2003: Yelse. Adams off to a nice easy start and will keep getting better hopefully.
Apachecats: If they average 85 your’re home Nuff ,reckon you will make it j
ajconodie: Quaynor is a massive in.
Yelse: need maynard doherty cripps grundy adams all to liftttt
pcaman2003: Adams given a clanger,but has hit a target with every possession. WTF!
thommoae: Quaynor certainly hadn’t been setting the world on fire pre-shin, ajc.
Nuffman: Here’s hoping Apache… Jelly going down yesterday as VC really hurt me
amigaman: @pcaman he’s not the only one
Beast_Mode: lol omg, you dont need the ball to get a clanger. jesus christ
Nuffman: and Luke Ryan,a tm, is in my bottom 3 scorers… both uniques… really hurt
kascadev8: grundy and crippa in this, need cripps to go over his projected, and grundy to go under (opponent has C on grundy)
Raspel31: Nuffman- you home and hosed- envy.
The Hawker: Pca, handballed to a carlton player in mid and that lead to inside 50
pcaman2003: BaestMode. I’m aware of that and have watched him closely. He’s done nothing wrong,okay?
ajconodie: @thommoae – The second mov ement out of defence has been terrible. He makes a big difference.
Apachecats: yeah Nuff that hurts .I had Jelly and Ebert in the one draft team ,grrrr.
TheLegend6: @Pca think you’re wrong here
Raspel31: Beginning to wish my spelling was bad and had Crisp instead of Cripps.
Nuffman: Ouch Apache! hurts especially when you pencil it in as a win.. and trade around having 2nd week of lol
Silz90: Bruce, I cant stand you anymore. Plz retire
Apachecats: My brownlow bet on Steele going OK ,another 3 voter .Just need Neale to clock someone.
thommoae: Fair enough – keep an eye on that.
cmperrfect: Great start Doc and Cripps
amigaman: @Silz second that motion
Ash777: wtf cripps.
Grimes Jr: carn bagggers
heppelitis: Does Cripps know what a second effort is?…starting to be like Martin. If things dont go his way doesnt try
thommoae: Woodcock and Georgi both out meant Vandermeer in this round. Smarts.
TheLegend6: Looks like Brown paying close attention to Cripps
BigGryan: need cripps and docs to go big
TheLegend6: Should’ve been a mark there
kascadev8: grundy, although i have you. please stop scoring
Bluebagg11: Silz90 how dare you?!??
Crowls: good news bad news with doc. he will probably be good value next year and who is going to want him?
Cr1cketeer: Like Mihocek’s new icon. Spelt wrong in the icons guide tho
Apachecats: Reverse psychology there Kaska?
Snarfy: I’m seriously considering trading Cripps. Its like he’s wasting a mid-fielders premium position.
Wahab_18: Grundy keep scoring at this Rate Maynard go huge mateee!!
Silz90: @bluebagg It’s a big call, but the bloke never stops asking pointless questions.
Raspel31: You sell your grannie’s pearls to buy Ryan- he’s 70 at half-time and ends with 67. Sigh.
bhg26: Jack Martin, Sam Docherty and Patrick Cripps, flower me
Silz90: Thoughts on polson blues supporters? looked not bad with ball in hand. most likely will get delisted this year?
DrSeuss: Just logged in – What is Jack Martin doing? Other than nothing? Adams & Doc as well??
Water: Walsh gonna be a real premo next year?
pcaman2003: Ever since Ryan Crowley, I’ve had a strong dislike for taggers.
ajconodie: I’m pretty confident Walsh will be appearing in my 2021 SC edition.
pcaman2003: Seuss. Think Adams and Curnow keeping each other company
bhg26: Hate old “Chit Chat” Crowley pcaman
TgrTime: he changed the role of a tagger
m0nty: Thomas could have five goals
pcaman2003: bhg26. Almost the most hated player of his day.
Pies20: That was to easy for my liking
pcaman2003: TgrTime. Yes! He defined the role pretty much.
cmperrfect: How’s your App going m0nty? When will it be ready?
DrSeuss: Curnow on Adams? Better to tag Pendleton’s with his ball use you would think.
BurtCocain: hazzaaaaa
heppelitis: bruce is hurting my ears
ajconodie: pcaman2003 – Not whilst Milne was running around at the same time.
MrWalrus: Love watching Eddie, it’s like even he doesn’t know what he’ll do next
Apachecats: Its a bit like having your Auntie calling the game hep.
pcaman2003: Ajcondie. Yep! Another crowd favourite.:)
Pies20: Go you pies!!
TgrTime: great call apache
GobChuck: Captain Grundy and Cripps …move along the pair of yas
ajconodie: pcaman2003 – I think Malthouse hated him more than the crowd lol
heppelitis: true that…gets over the top excited easily
Pies20: good match up him on q @walrus
pcaman2003: I’m hoping Adams will end up ahead of Crisp this game.
Nuffman: Noble and Crisp are getting too much
Silz90: on ya zac.
BigChief: Fisher has a “Sticks” mullet coming in.
SC-STAR–: maynard lets get moving please
kascadev8: cripps wake up, opponent has docherty as a unique
MrWalrus: Eddie!
Yelse: geez adams ffs sake lift.. can’t believe he getting tagged
DrSeuss: Maynard still warn out from his monster game last week?
CuzzysCrew: ffs sake
The Hawker: Dont think Adams is getting tagged?
ajconodie: Might as well just leave Kermie on WHE.
cwall66: Is Cripps even playing in this game?
Pies20: It’s not a hard tag if he is
BigChief: Really good game to watch.
Raspel31: Cripps, Adams, Maynard- I’m Gawn.
BurtCocain: what’s the checkered flag on weitering mean?
pcaman2003: Be nice if Adams has a huge few minutes
swandane: adams not getting tagged, just lazy around the ground today
Apachecats: Its that time of day again.Nearest the Pin is on Adams .Apache goes 87.
TgrTime: means he is playing on Mihocek (checkers) @burt
Nurfed: 99 Apache
Raspel31: Aspel belives so goes 117 Apache.
PAFC4eva: 109 thanks acat
TgrTime: Adams 95
Silz90: yay apache! 113 for me
pcaman2003: I’ll go 112 on Adams please
Water: Ill go 112 for adams please
bhg26: 97 Apache
Bart Man: 96 on Adams thanks apache
Silz90: cripps 2 kicks 6 handballs
FinlaySON: 103 for Adams please
BigChief: 95 for Adams @ Apache
spdysaint: 95 for Adams please
thommoae: Number 96 for me.
Woodie22: 117 adams
BurtCocain: righto cheers @tgrtime
lisapizza7: 101 please
ajconodie: 103 for TayTay please Pach!
heppelitis: 118 for me thanks
spdysaint: sorry someone already had that ill go 101
Ash777: martin, cripps, grundy, maynard, t brown.
Cr1cketeer: 101 Apache pls
DrSeuss: 106 for Adams
circle52: 101 for Adams
cmperrfect: 108 sorry
BurtCocain: yeah 92 thanks apache
Yelse: 111 for me
goat_19: adams 123 thanks
pjw1234: 111 thanks
TheLegend6: 104 for Adams
DrSeuss: What is Maynard doing? Not one touch this quarter
kascadev8: 100 please
Ash777: adams 113
circle52: Seeing 101 taken 104
Avarax: 112 please apache
The Hawker: Dont think my comment got through… 115 for me please 🙂
Pies20: 115 @Apache for the 3rd time
Haydo: 102 for Adams
pcaman2003: Adams back on the pine. FGS!
thommoae: 98 please
Avarax: The winner last night was circle52 and you got 2nd Apache lol
Cr1cketeer: try again @circle haha
ElstyBoy: 88 for adams
MrWalrus: 113 for me to please
SC-STAR–: 87 for adams apache
Apachecats: Thanks very much for running it Avarax.
Ooost: Taylor Adams? 93 please.
ElstyBoy: grundys been robbed about 4 tackles, my opp has his C tho so Im not complaining
Apachecats: circle 104 ok ,Thommoae 98 ok.
Water: What a mid half for my team. 5 Players range 38-48. No one doing bad but no one doing great
Apachecats: Hey Avarax I should take a blind guess every time.
Pies20: is it just me or a coincidence that alot of us have the same guess and it’s posted one after the other?
davywap: David Teague if you could just go ahead and put Martin on the bench for the rest of the game that’d be great
Apachecats: spdysaint 101 ok.
StarvyJ: 81 pls Apache
Apachecats: yeah Pies ,pure coincidence but it doesn’t matter.
Pies20: yesterday 3 of us 135 each said it in a row
Gotigres: 105 for Adams
Yelse: any chance adams would get most possession, for my multi
Apachecats: NTP closes end of 1/2 time.
lisapizza7: what I was first
StarvyJ: Don’t think so Yelse. Reckon Pendles has him covered today
Apachecats: lisa 101 ok for you too.
Pies20: Good game to watch hopefully better result us in the second half
Pies20: who makes up the 8 and who drops out?
lisapizza7: thanks
StarvyJ: Both teams attacking through the middle Pies
Wahab_18: Grundy score not bad keep it low under 110 boss! Maynard need a massive 2nd half mateee!
Raspel31: Interesting question Sharleen?
benty691: 131 thanks apache
Silz90: Really dumb question, but do you support dons or dees apache? ive always got the logos mixed up lol
Pies20: that it is
navy_blues: 89 plz
Apachecats: Dons Silz90
pcaman2003: Okay Adams,this is your time to shine. Make your owners proud lad.
CozzieCan: 121 plz Apache
pcaman2003: Oh! And Buckley,stop taking Adams off the ground every 5 minutes.
Pies20: Dump question ouch @silz expect that reaction from a blues supporter
hinsch: Mason Cox position safe as houses with that one behind so far
ajconodie: The umps are letting way too much go.
Pies20: dumb
Water: At least hes had a kick hinsch not like camron
Apachecats: Comp closed 42 entries 81-131.
NewFreoFan: wtf was that kick from Elliot
Ooost: It would seem both Cox and Cameron want some time off
CozzieCan: Cmon Doch a ton would be aweomse
Raspel31: I think we all gave up on a Docherty ton a very, very long time agoi.
Grimes Jr: Grundy just starting to impose himself
Silz90: Comon grundy time to lift
pcaman2003: How did Doch get up there so quick? Wow!
amigaman: He’s well on his way Raspel
CozzieCan: @Rapsel today’s the day m8 , I can feel it in me gizzard
Ash777: wow pies are so awful.
pcaman2003: Be nice if Adams had more TOG. Bucks takes him off a lot. Injury,or manged?
ElstyBoy: gee Walsh is a serious player, that 2018 draft was insane
NewFreoFan: Pies just don’t have any structure going inside 50, Cox is woeful
Apachecats: Reckon Cameron will make my bottom four.quite easily.
Raspel31: So, Macrae as cap and bringing in Ryan and Adams looking dubious tactially.
Nuffman: Want Pies to win… but their players to not do well…
DrSeuss: Martin back to doing nothing I see
Apachecats: He’ll actually make my bottom one.
thommoae: AJC – seems you’re pretty right about Quaynor’s involvement
Silz90: I hate htb rule. Each umpire adjudicates it differently.
Apachecats: Couldn’t do worse if you tried Raspel.
pcaman2003: Should’ve gone with my first instinct and got Steele instead of Adams. Oh well!
ajconodie: thommoae – A few others could learn how to break a line!!
Pies20: Finally cox
Raspel31: Thanks Apache.
Silz90: Plowman is such a weak link in the backline. stephenson whats wrong with u this year?
Cr1cketeer: the checkside from straight in front baffles me to no end
BigChief: What was that shit from Martin?
kascadev8: aight cripps dont bother playing, thanks for the loss 🙂
NewFreoFan: Get to 20 disposals Pendles and Adams damn it. Pendles stopped that qtr
CozzieCan: Noble a cheek ton coming up , go you son of a gun
Wahab_18: How did Grundy just go from 65 to 81??? Here comes the weekly robbery for me
Nuffman: Crisp put in a 30 pt qtr… argh
Avarax: 3qtr scaling wahab,. c’mon dude
pcaman2003: Massive last qtr please Adams. 30+ would be fine.
MrWalrus: Not sure Wahab but it is very useful for me
BigChief: Blues terrible that 1/4. Lucky Coll missed some sitters.
88360: Lol love seeing everyone stress over finals
Billy777: adams up 7 points for htb against him grundy up 16 for a tap to adams,
Billy777: how can u scale up 16 points when you were off the ground for the last three minutes
MrWalrus: Because magic Billy, your team banner looks like a Halloween pumpkin
Pies20: Big last quarter let’s get it together pies!!
Cabri44: 912 points for this quarter. Should be some big jumps
BigChief: Cmon Blues. Need you for tipping.
CozzieCan: Cmon Doch !!! Go you good thing
Silz90: Game over if he kicks this. Pies all over us right now.
CozzieCan: Dochs first ton in bloody yonks yippeee
Yelse: seriously pies accuracy every game as bad as brisbane
Yelse: adams well done for the ton min… happy happy joy joy
heppelitis: cow patty still shit
Grimes Jr: grundy C, crisp, doc for me. could just be still in my final now
Pies20: Go pies!
Water: my three pies on top of the table gotta love it
Beast_Mode: doch blue moon
ajconodie: FFS Adams these short s…t kicks put the recipient under pressure every single bloody time. Aim for the chest FFS
BOMBRBLITZ: Grundy huge there
Gandhi: Weitering should get the kermit for that shite handball. Cost them a goal.
wadaramus: Cripps is going to cost me big time.
MrWalrus: Grundy and Adams waxing now is making me hard
Pies20: Ouch
navy_blues: carlton scared to kick the ball
StarvyJ: These contests are savage
Silz90: Gandhi he was under pressure from 2 players. terrible handball but cmon
StarvyJ: Mayne out cold you reckon?
ajconodie: If I got hit by a Cripps shoulder I think I’d still be down.
cmperrfect: Capt quarter required from Cripps, lift son lift!
pcaman2003: Wish someone would slow down Doch and Crisp
DanF: Why did they credit Cripps with a tackle for that?
MrWalrus: Cripps is a big solid unit, Mayne isn’t small himself
Gotigres: Cripps down. Possible knee
ajconodie: Cripps knee
Beast_Mode: cripps tombstone
circle52: Now Cripps down
CozzieCan: No not Cripps too jesus
pcaman2003: Adams once again on the pine. I give up.
StarvyJ: Cripps holding his knee coming off
NewFreoFan: Come on Pendles, get amongst it
TheLegend6: Couldn’t pick a worst week to trade in cripps and lob the C on him
Water: cripps fine
Pies20: daicos!!!!
StarvyJ: The Macedonian Marvel again! He is turning into something special
CozzieCan: Who the flower do we trade Cripps too
Gotigres: Do something Martin
Nuffman: welp.. Crisp and Noble have done more than enough to basically ensure I lose… argh
ajconodie: Quaynor’s delivery is top-notch. I have a black man-crush.
Ash777: cripps back on.
Pies20: Not a bad effort from a woeful team @ash
Nurfed: ripper kick checkers!!
Avarax: nobody, cripps is fine
BigChief: Carlton useless in 2nd half. No heart what so ever.
Grimes Jr: u talking about carlton @pies20?
Silz90: agree aj. kids a star!
Jukes: What happens if your captain isn’t in the best 18 scores??
StarvyJ: @Pies what a difference it makes having Stevo, IQ and Mihocek in the team
MrWalrus: Cripps to ton up
pcaman2003: Get the ball Adams FFS. Crisp and Doch killing you.
Pies20: massive @starvy q been good daicos what a game
StarvyJ: Darcy Moore going to be as dominant as Harris Andrews in a year or two
a1trader: And once again good prevails over evil. Go woods
ajconodie: @Jukes – He has to be. You take his double score.
Pies20: bad luck Carlton pff
BigChief: If the C is not in best 18 you get your VC.
Kingy12: Flower!! Cripps n WHE to kick a goal for multi… doing my head in
Silz90: Pies20 ur a flog! i wanted to bite my tongue all game, but ur so toxic
Grimes Jr: Don’t worry silz, all collingwood supporters are
Beast_Mode: pies just making up the numbers, will get smacked
Pies20: Better luck next year @silz
NewFreoFan: 1 more Pendles come on son
ajconodie: @Silz90 – You’re always going to get one.
Gotigres: I’ve been sucked in by Martin at the wrong time of the season
Stikman35: Agree Silz90. You’ve done. Well
pcaman2003: I need Goldy and Greeny to go well next game now.
BigChief: @Pies you think Coll will win the flag? Keep dreaming mate.
ajconodie: @Beast_Mode – You could say that about 5 of the sides in the 8
Grimes Jr: agreed beast. no depth whatsoever at that football club
Ash777: woeful pies playing carlton.
Stikman35: Pies numbers will improve. Take us lightly at your peril.
Breezey: I’d rather be making up the top 8 numbers.
StarvyJ: Collingwood plays better with Cox in the side
Water: mckay with the 7 muppets thats embarrassing
Beast_Mode: adams off adam pca lol
Beast_Mode: *adams off again pca lol
Silz90: thanks stik, aj you guys outplayed us in the 2nd half.
pcaman2003: I really don’t know why CD bother with projections. Never near accurate,so no point
Yelse: adams managed by the looks of it
Apachecats: NTP result first 1/4 next game.Blanket finish.
pcaman2003: BeastMode. Naturally! I got him in this week.:(
GetVainy: pies have won 4 out of their last 5 with their whole list out injured, stupid if you write them off
Breezey: Totally agree Pcaman. Everyone puts up there massive projections, I doubt they ever get near them.
MONEY TALK: how is adams so low for those stats
DrSeuss: Thanks for nothing Martin – that’s your short stay in my team ended.
Phasir: Adams with the 3rd most SC, off the 2nd least TOG.
Phasir: 4th most SC after the last seconds *
SneakySC: I’d say it’d have something to do with them trying to improve their AI pcaman
SC-STAR–: season over unless budarick scores 99
Silz90: i think i had 113 for ntp apache
Phasir: Wow scaling doesn’t care about Adams.. down to 5th highest SC
StarvyJ: Adams needed a bit of a rest after carrying the team the last month or two
Woodie22: Think I’m a huge chance ntp
Cr1cketeer: Jeez Grimes spends a lot of time hating on us. Cheif I’ll quote you if we do win it.
GobChuck: Captain Grundy, crisp Adams doc. Shame Cripps didn’t keep up
The Hawker: Dam I have 115 for adams..
pcaman2003: I’m losing my final to a guy who shouldn’t even be close to me. Goldy and Greeny better save my day.
pcaman2003: It seems 17 CP’S don’t count for much.
StarvyJ: not unless you are Clarrie, then its worth 180 points pcaman
