BigChief: Gday all. Lloyd my only player in this.
Ooost: Afternoon all, Lloyd + Wicks
navy_blues: lloyd and woodcock for me
Ooost: Woodcock has the day off
navy_blues: ty
amigaman: Lloyd only
NavyMan: would be handy if Wicks could ton up today 😛
amigaman: Just brought Lloyd in so look out
hokkien34: I brought in Wines for Cogs.. hopefully it pays off
Yelse: loyd just joined my team, bench wicks please over 80
scboy123: Lloyd and Wickx for me. Praying boak and parker combine for 10 😛
heppelitis: Llyod capt for me…hope you blokes have not cursed him.
scboy123: looked like holding the ball against robbie gray on first look there… iffy
Yelse: had tray for goalscorer ffs
GobChuck: Lloyd Bell Wicks Boak for me, we’ll see how this goes
StuL: No heroics today seagull. I didnt get you.
GobChuck: dagnabbit bell what was that
Crowls: please give poisoned chip to pigeon, bloke is killing me
Crowls: need parker to find the pill about 25 times
Yelse: wheres wines
hokkien34: He was in the bench until about 2 mins ago Yelse
Yelse: wicks get off the pine
original: Nice quiet game for Parker. Pray with me brothers
Nuffman: Brought in Boak for Neale this week.. wanting a decent game from him
GobChuck: one of my opponents has Dawson as captain this week wtf
Ooost: Time to spinkle some chips on the field, go get em Lloyd!
m0nty: new icon
Ooost: McDonalds fires pack for Lloyd, Macdonald etc
88360: What is is?
88360: The new icon?
pcaman2003: Arvo chaps. Have Lloyd. Oppo has Wicks,Thurlow and Lloyd on field. Mmmm!
AuroraBore: Is it the ram? haven’t seen that one before
2Ph0nes: get those chips lloyd!
GobChuck: Is it the finding nemo pigeon?
satch7: Looks liek blakey the long neck snakey icon
Avarax: pca, wicks and thurlow are irrelevant. break even day for you
pcaman2003: Avarax. If he keeps getting low scores,very relevant for me. Have 19 premos on field,
The Hawker: Parker please get up and do something 🙂
Avarax: didnt you say your opponent has him? if so, then yo want low scores right?
Crave: @Aurora nah the ram has always been McKenzie
GobChuck: can’tbelieve one of my opponents has dawson captain. what is THIS
pcaman2003: Avarax. He has all three,but had a 42 from Mozzie as well,meaning his scores will need to improve dramatically now.
bhg26: Your opponents a genius GobChuck
GobChuck: c’mon jpk get down to a good price for me next week
satch7: Yes Dawson! Might finally come good
Avarax: pca, yeah thats what i meant. thurlow and wicks wont score a worthy score. therefore irrelevant
NavyMan: wicks no use for top 18 but if he fluked a high score to increase his price for trade we’d be happy…
kascadev8: wicks get moving
Crowls: ffs is parker playing? I want my money back I have to stop second guessing myself.
Sugartits: Anyone else got the vc on the seagull
pcaman2003: Avarax. Mind you,I had Duncan and Ridley and neither did well, so fingers crossed now.
scboy123: made a late call to take Close’s 57 instead of rolling the dice on wicks. looks like a good call now
scboy123: Crowls shh let parker get a 50
Crowls: fruit is parker playing? I want my money back I have to stop second guessing myself.
GobChuck: same but for bell @scboy, although best 18 probably eats closes score up anyway
Avarax: scboy, i was gonna do the same. but wth 22 players, it shouldnt matter either way
Crowls: hate swans players right up their with eagles players in sc
scboy123: yeah i figured the same avarax but in previous best of 18s ive had premos get like 60 so u never know lol
Water: lets go wicksss
GobChuck: go wicksy!
scboy123: There we go wicks, thats why we brought u in. the tackling
hokkien34: Dixon 1 disposal, 1 goal, = 38
pcaman2003: Wicks shot up to 30 super quick then. Stay low boy.
GobChuck: two goal assists from him help too hokkien, plus both his hitouts to advantage
Avarax: i just need boak to outscore parker by atleast 10
The Hawker: put Parker back into the pack Horse!!
BoredSaint: Is this the new icon M0nty?!
BoredSaint: = Cooked (chicken). This player is just cooked, take him out of the oven, he’s done.
Avarax: if wicks were to score 80+ i wouldnt object either’
scboy123: someone take boak out please
BigChief: @hokkien SC is more than disp and goals.
scboy123: hokkien he has 3 score involvements and 2 contested possessions
hokkien34: I know Chief, just hadn’t seen anyone that high before with so little disposals, agree he’s been effective though
phivee: cant wait to trade parker
GobChuck: does anybody know the highest sc score ever with 0 kicks?
satch7: i think its the icon on Jonas for blakey @boredsaint
Ooost: At a guess Mumford would hold that score.
BigChief: What was that free paid for? Aliir did nothing wrong.
Apachecats: Last nights NTP on Macrae (95) was a draw between The hawker and SC-STAR both on 94
heppelitis: Snelling got 90 sc on Thursday without a kick.
Apachecats: 1st win to The Hawker and 2nd win for SC-STAR,well done.
BigChief: @Apache Macrae got 96. Not sure if that changes winner or not.
Crowls: parker the putz
Apachecats: Close up third was GobChuck on 93 ,getting close Gobchuck.
GobChuck: yeah that’s why i was asking heppel, was curious as a snelling owner
GobChuck: Mumford 128sc round 21 2016 vs WCE. 11 Tackles and 37 hitouts
Apachecats: Thanks bigchief ,it gives us 2 more equal1sts ,benty91 and cmperrfect both on 98.Well done.
heppelitis: I guess a ruck at some point would be higher though.
scboy123: alright i officially give up on supercoach scoring being even a moderately accurate representation of players performanc
scboy123: before boaks goal he outscored lloyd from 4 kicks 6 handballs 0 score involvements. comparedto 10-4 and 3 score involvem
Apachecats: 2nd win for benty ,one more for life membership
don key: sorry guys bought parker this week my fault !!
davywap: Keep going Wicks
GobChuck: wicks only 62% time on ground wowee
wadaramus: Get Parker, he’s averaging over 100, had his bye..never again!
tdarian: wow parker is scoring pretty well hey
Apachecats: Nearest the pin is on Lloydy .Apache goes 142
Ooost: Lloyd 😀
NavyMan: love ya work Parker.. keep it up Wiccan
bhg26: 147 Apache
benty691: 131 thanks apache
Ooost: 137 for Lloyd please.
GobChuck: 137 Lloydy for me please Apache
BigChief: 131 @Apache please
pcaman2003: Stay down Wicks and Thurlow.
Water: Ill go 130 for lloyd please apache
heppelitis: common wicks very low tog
Avarax: 138 please apache
Bluebagg11: 135 please
FinlaySON: Lloyd 135 thanks
Pies20: got loyd c in dteam keep going!!135 Apache
heppelitis: 199 for Capt Lloyd for me thanks
Bart Man: 134 for Lloyd thanks apache
The39Steps: 168 for me please @apache.
circle52: 141 For the seagull
pcaman2003: What’s wrong with Parker?
tdarian: 140 lloyd for me
satch7: 155 please apache
hokkien34: 136 for me please Apache
BumSniff: Boaks done enough can he have a rest for the next 2 quarters please
kascadev8: robbie gray on fire
heppelitis: come on
lisapizza7: 133 please
Raspel31: 136 please Apache
scboy123: howwas that not in the back for lloyd. either in the back or holding the ball not play on
kascadev8: so many people picking 135 hahah. can i have 142, if thats taken can i go 150?
Thomas1234: 142 apache
pcaman2003: LLoyd 144 for me please
Raspel31: Bummer- keep getting gazzumped- 145?
MrWalrus: Lloyd to seagull 152 thanks
ElstyBoy: lloyd 151
thiccgucci: ahh everyones going high. ill take 117
scboy123: how did parker go up like 13 points for 1 disposal.
ConnorMcP: 129 for me
Pies20: Haha @kasca yeah scene that 3in a row i was of those geez
Apachecats: Rasp 145 and kasca 150 ok
Franksy: 147 for gull
MrWalrus: Hehe, bonner
Mustardish: 134 lloyd
88360: 157 didn’t see mine come up so I have dine another
Apachecats: NTP closes end of 1/2 time.
FLAG: seagull 180
kascadev8: @Pies i missed the first 3 minutes of it so idk what people have picked, had to go absurd
pharace: 3 Tackles @scboy
tommy10: Get stuffed seagull
Sugartits: Seagull deserves a scale
Crowls: scboy how di
Trizzy: 139 for lloyd pls
Avarax: kasca….you can have doubles. which has been said 100 times before
Crowls: I would rather have bell than Parker at least I would get what I expect
zadolinnyj: Gray making me happy
Apachecats: 33 entries NTP closed
MrWalrus: C’mon Rozee, keep ruining everything, can’t even be bothered trading him now, will be f7
kascadev8: @Avarax it was funny that 3-4 people said the exact same number 1 after the other, was pointing that out
Drak: How can Rozee have spiralled so hard
Crowls: Parker premium mid my a**e, 1kicks 5 hb. Legend
Apachecats: Got the C on Lloyd after Macrae spudded on me.
StuL: I can afford anyone coming up. Who do.i get?
Avarax: but you also say, 142, or 150 if thats taken. yet it doesnt matter if its taken already
kascadev8: opponent has lloyd, i havent been able to get him in, there goes me winning
StuL: I cpuld have got Lloyd. Opp has him. Game gone prol
2Ph0nes: lloyd should be the first prem defewnder picked every season, ppl never learn
Poliyagon: Brought in Loyd this week. got the VC on him. What should be enough for me to keep his points if I have C on Jelly
BumSniff: Has anyone held onto McInerny
Apachecats: Rule of thumb is 130 Poly.
GobChuck: James Bell – Earth to James Bell
StuL: First year i haven’t got lloyd
Woodie22: Kasca, last night you said you had a comfortable win coming up.
pharace: @Crowls, Parker having a mare. Best he can do is tackle. Everything else is going to crap for him
Crowls: Gob- bell is the bloke getting lessons on spudding it up from parker
pcaman2003: How is Wicks long kick marked by oippo not a clanger?
Catatafish: McInerny drops 6 points for starting on bench. Seems reasonable..
Raspel31: My thoughts exactly GobChuck- fauity line I think.
Crowls: I want serong back
thommoae: Not quite sure how Hinkley brings Rozee back and drops Woodcock. Unless ‘managed’ seems a sideways move.
m0nty: Wicks getting all his points in HTB frees lol
BumSniff: Was it a 1 on 1? Didn’t see the kick
GobChuck: wicks 3 htb lol good boy good boy ps oh hey bell is playing after all
Crowls: Oops apologies to bell, he is teaching Parker. At least bell can mark
pcaman2003: @m0nty. And also not getting paid obvious langers
Raspel31: And Bell off and running.
Ash777: I actually have 0 players in this game lol.
BigChief: @pcaman long kicks to contest are not clangers and never have been.
Crowls: @ash wish I had 0players
original: <80 for Parker would be ace
pcaman2003: Big Chief. Even when marked by opposition?
StuL: Let’s go Wicks. Unlikely ton. :p
MrWalrus: Please Rozee something…….. Anything!!?
BigChief: Yes mate even when marked by opposition. Anything over 40m is not a clanger to a contest.
original: StuL I remember u n I raging at lloyd previous years and then both getting him lol
GobChuck: yes pca, only clanger if they hit an oppo on their own
Apachecats: Ebert racking up the concussions.
original: Parker less than 80 would be great
BumSniff: Mr Walrus how long have you been stuck with Rozee?
srj2409: LOL just as well no one has Rozee still
pcaman2003: BigChief. Thanks,that’s cleared that up, I’ll keep an eye on that. Cheers!
Crowls: Lol not even jpk is game to give the ball to Parker!
GobChuck: pile of poo call to bell there lol
NugzNiggle: Onya Bell. Pleb.
GobChuck: Tom Dackley there
BumSniff: odds on mcinerny keeping his spot?
Woodie22: Do port fans know the rules??
SadBlueBoi: Opp has taken Titch C score, Should i take JKelly or Oliver? Not too confident in my other players
Apachecats: How often does Lloyd do the old 1-2 ,even the old 1-2-1-2.
Catatafish: Put on McInerny Horse you fuckwit.
Crowls: Parker 1 kick and 26 metre gained. Bloke should be play Vic country footy
Poliyagon: Could this be the round of half time comebacks?
88360: A lot but that means more points
MrWalrus: R3 or 4, then too much other issues, next minute worth less than fat cows, stuck…
Nuffman: Who told Boak to stop? I dislike you
Crowls: @Apache why I hate the bloke. reckon he goes home and updates his stats before he kisses his missus
Raspel31: So, Lloyd averaging 35 a quarter- carn 145.
MrWalrus: Likely to be his high score since I got him in, average of about 30 after being 130
kascadev8: wicks, more tackles, more HTBF good boy
Apachecats: Yeah Crowls reckon he knows the CD system pretty well.Not complaining though.
bhg26: Reckon Lloyd has himself as captain in his SuperCoach team
Nuffman: 800pts to come
pcaman2003: Had Lloydy C last week,but this week Ollie.Maybe I should’ve left it.
original: Parker to end up 80+ would annoy me. Junk
BigChief: Nice goal Dixon, poor from Melican.
Raspel31: Should have taken Titch’s 122 but got landed with Macrae Adele.
LuvIt74: @pcaman not a great deal between them at this stage
Poliyagon: wow i cant take Loyds score because all my emergency’s are locked…
Avarax: parker doesnt deserve more than 60
srj2409: Poliyagon amateur hour
Avarax: why is lloyd not on field poli…that seems like a completely avoidable mistake
Poliyagon: Loyd is on field.
BigChief: @Avarax I think he means as VC
Poliyagon: but all my emergencys are locked. So if i bring on a bye player I have to take a field player off thats playing
Poliyagon: yeah VC. I think i’ll have to take Josh kelly
ConnorMcP: jeez bell did something
GobChuck: well are your emergenies playing Poly? could be worth it if lloyd goes proper huge
circle52: You can put a c on bye players on field if you have any.
srj2409: All emergencies locked by now is amateurish. Should have moved them when not required.
Apachecats: Don’t forget its best 18 Poly.
Poliyagon: All 4 of my emergencys have already played
Poliyagon: yeah it is my first year
Nuffman: do you have any bye players on field at all? Poli?
circle52: Also think you can put c on abye player if on bench as well Playing someone who has Neale as c on bench
Apachecats: It must be nice to feel superior to us minions.
srj2409: Come on Wicks get involved
88360: Wow lloyd
GobChuck: well lets just wait to see if lloyd goes big still
Raspel31: Does that make you 7 Pllyagon?
88360: Apache u should get a special colour name
Breezey: I regard my Fantasy status as Amateur.
Ooost: Excellent Lloyd, extra large chips for you, gravy on top in junk time
Apachecats: Why 88360? ,happy with my bomber logo
kascadev8: lloyd stop, ive only got 90 points from my opponent and he has more people left to play
Avarax: wicks has outscored close, so thats nice
Poliyagon: You cant C someone on the bench. If Loyd goes really BIG, I’ll probs just put a bye player on for Dan butler since
Poliyagon: Since butler could go shocking.
2Ph0nes: keep going lloydo!!
GobChuck: who are your actual forward emergencies Poly?
m0nty: nominations for star please
circle52: Think you can as the person I am playing has Neale on bench with c and already has Titchs score doubled
Franksy: gray
Poliyagon: Cavarra is my forward E and skinner is on bench too.
Avarax: big charlie for star!
Nuffman: Dixon
Sugartits: Wines
Water: gray for star
Apachecats: Charlie for Charlie m0nty
Raspel31: atahst’s risky Pollyagon- you’d need a monster score. Lloyd for my money m0nty.
Yummy5454: Dixon star
BigChief: Gray for star
Mustardish: @monty gray
Avarax: cavarra didnt play, so if you put a non player on, like skinner, then E butler. its fine
88360: @apache for organising every Ntp and bringing fun to the chat
Yummy5454: Rockliff should be doing more
Nuffman: @Circle: Neale would be on the field with a C, but because he has the BYE, he’s listed under “non-scoring” players
Wahab_18: Boak 2 touches please
Poliyagon: yeah but I’ve already used 4 emergencys
Avarax: @circle. no you cant, bya players appear on bench in “game day” butare onfield in team selection
Poliyagon: I’ve had a mare of it
original: Flower off parker
Apachecats: thanks 88360 ,appreciate that.
Ooost: Junk time Lloyd lets go
Avarax: i think you get 5 emergencies?
circle52: Apologies then Avarax only going by match up as never seen it before and he has 22 players on field.
Wahab_18: Boak gonna flower my mega multi 😢
Catatafish: Jelly or Steele bring in?
Poliyagon: nah only 4
Raspel31: Second you 88360- good work Apache.
circle52: Ok I see now though as one of his on field players has e. So double apologies.
88360: Captain, jelly, Fyfe or Steele
Apachecats: Steele is hot.
BigChief: I like Jelly over Steele
Raspel31: That’s only his tight shorts Apache- but yep.
Apachecats: Could be a downscale here,
circle52: and endorsing other comments Apache appreciate the NTP game well done and prefer my lions logo tbh over the purple
Bluebagg11: Been hating Lloyd all year, but not
Yummy5454: Lloyd the ultimate seagull
Trizzy: hahaha i picked 139 for lloyd
pcaman2003: Chalotte. Behave!
Catatafish: It’s tough. Jelly no bye, but loves a late out with soft tissue tightness.
Crowls: only time parker looked good was shaking hands after the siren
88360: You should be able to keep the team logo as well as a name colour change
Avarax: i think i like jelly over steele
Poliyagon: Should I C Steele or Jelly? Feel like trac and clayton will steal points in that game
bhg26: It’s so dumb how you can call for a shot and then pass with no penalty, should be a free kick against
Bluebagg11: …after trading him today!! Seagull
circle52: Still 100 points to allocate apace but some may downscale.
Crowls: with u bluebagg hate lloyd
Franksy: Oliver, trac or grundy as skip?
BigGryan: parker and thurlow are flogs
robbieg: bigger seagull, jake lloyd or luke mcdonald?
circle52: Would go Oliver out of those 3 Franksy
hokkien34: How is the scaling allocated?
navy_blues: 142 lloyd
Apachecats: NTP results 1st Avarax ,hole in one 138 ,your 1st NTP ,well done .
Avarax: hole-in-1, you beauty!
circle52: hokkien CD allocate points to bring total scores for match to 3300. Very subjective though.
Apachecats: =2nd ,Trizzy 139 ,Ooost and GobChuck on 137.Well done. Got to crack it soon Gobchuck you’re all over it.
Apachecats: nice late entry there navy-blues ,close.
Catatafish: Flipped a coin, went Jelly. Bet it blows up. Sorry in advance to Jelly holders!
navy_blues: apache thats the up scaled score for lloyd
BigChief: There is still approx 100 points to be added.
Raspel31: I blame m0nty- my first punt was 138 but didn’t register.
navy_blues: ok 141 on here 142 on tv lol
Apachecats: no correspondence etc etc rasp
Avarax: oh change in score
navy_blues: cogs will go big next game cos i gave him the boot
BigChief: Scores had not been scaled @Avarax.
