Cottees: Afternoon fellas. Just got Cripps and Doc
FinlaySON: Afternoon gents
Yelse: pickets 48 or risk T rivers ?
Ooost: Yeo, Doc, Cripps here.
CozzieCan: @yelse top 18 only won’t matter unless he’s on the bench with no E
Yelse: @cozzie pickett has the E on the bench but can put rivers in Gawn already a zero
scboy123: went the risky trade out of docherty lets see watch him get a 200 this week
kascadev8: Shuey as a pod, and crippa for me, dropped doch to help bring in shuey, hoping to get him back soon over Day
pcaman2003: Afternoon. Only Doc in this one and 4 in the next game. Good luck!
Yelse: anyone know the weather there?
CozzieCan: Reckon doc gets a ton today
Apachecats: roll the dice on Rivers yelse.
Yelse: anyone in the top 1k here currently
bhg26: I am Yelse
Apachecats: I’m in top 100k yelse.
hinsch: yelse wet and raining at the moment so skills are going to be below average today
Desi: Top 1K, only in my dreams mate.
kascadev8: @Yelse weather looks reasonably good to start off with
kascadev8: gonna rain later though
breakonthr: Been in the top 10 since round 4 but that will probably change after this round
Baldfrog: Not me yelse and Carn weagles
nbartos: looks wet as a shag
The Hawker: Cripps, give us a Marcare-like performance today
nbartos: sorry – does it look wet as a shag?
navy_blues: hi all
Apachecats: It’s broken ,you broke it yelse.
BOMBRBLITZ: would be much higher thanks to the Ess Melb “Bye”
Migz: uhh hello
kascadev8: how do we think shuey is gonna work out as a pod for me, besides the injury game it looks like he was scoring well
nbartos: whats wrong with PCripps? not on the ball??
pcaman2003: I’m top !% but not under 1k yet.
knighter33: 412th currently Yelse
woodduck: hey Breakonthru. I’ve been following. Good move Smith to petracca. You only had the one bad week
nbartos: hes there now and 2 possies
Cabri44: Been raining all day. Stopped for now.
Yelse: i finished 67 2 years ago but last couple trying to break the 2k mark
Yelse: Docherty really struggling again
Migz: i thought shuey was gonna break out having kelly here. so he could play more like zorko with neale. but hasnt happened
Kidult: Sorry broken Cripps and Shuey
kascadev8: shuey get on the field lazy boy
DrSeuss: Doc and Kelly – want to get involved??
kascadev8: 11 minutes in and shuey hasnt touched it. wake up please bud
pcaman2003: Traded Doc at the last minute for Cripps and moved Rivers to backline. Playing with fire I know.
NavyMan: c’mon blues..
breakonthr: it was actually smith to dust woodduck…i tuffed up captain loop last week and cot me 140 points
kascadev8: starting to rain now, thats good for shuey
nbartos: umps hopeless but bothways so ok
woodduck: aaah…got it.It is hard to tell one week later lol.
NewFreoFan: Fire up Cripps, get your hands on it
woodduck: 140 points is significant. Keep at it though I don’t know how you handle the day to day stress
Napper: Come on Yeo and Hurn lift
Oscar1968: why the orange socks?
BumSniff: Anything wrong with Docherty?
breakonthr: was umming and arring between boak and shuey this week..i went boak
Apachecats: I’ve done well putting the VC on TKelly.
NavyMan: orange socks an initiative against domestic violence
kascadev8: anyone at the game and wanna yell at shuey for me? at this rate im gonna be stuck with Mckenzie’s 10
FinlaySON: Shuey has started showerhouse
woodduck: Good POD. I hope he holds his form. I think Shuey would be a disaster !
tdarian: turned pickett into cripps this week. traded in the daewoo for a ferrari
nbartos: yeh good stuff Navy
navy_blues: what crap
Blahsta: in perpahs my worst trade of all time i went zorko to shuey this week
NavyMan: that’s why we get annoyed with umps.. got ball and tackled at same time…
navy_blues: no prior
kascadev8: woah a player agreeing with an umpire decision.. no way, give that player +10 good boy points
TheLegend6: He didn’t make an attempt to get rid of the ball which is now part of the rule
Grimes Jr: my bennell to shut trade looking great
Migz: do you think nic nat has the highest SC score per disposal in SC history?
bhg26: You’re going to have no luck with the umpires in Perth blues fans
amigaman: @Blahasta Why?
Silz90: How bad was that htb against sps
Baldfrog: Agree navyman each ump has their own interpretation of the rule
Migz: why are you side ways trading blasta
tdarian: u gotta do the dolphin like seagull lloyd when u get caught with the ball
NavyMan: don’t expect it re umps that was just a barry crocker..
masterhc2: that was an atrocious decision
woodduck: All you really need is Macrae lol. Got a spare million 😉
nbartos: here we go again
lisapizza7: what about the 2 down the other end. no consistency
NavyMan: u might be right Migz lol
NewFreoFan: Umpiring all over the shop currently, too much tinkering with interpretations
Raspel31: Itdoes indeed beg thequestion Blahsta
kascadev8: i think shuey thinks he gets the week off because macrae and neale went big for me
woodduck: Even so your team is looking really good. From here you just need some luck
breakonthr: macrae is killing me mate lol
Napper: How much points for a 50 for should Hurn be higher?
Grimes Jr: hahaha shuey with two cheap ones to finish. thank the lord
NavyMan: yeah all we want is consistency but that’s too much to ask for lol
amigaman: Walsh dirty bomb straight to WC Eagle. No clanger CD is a joke
Migz: hurn doesnt the 50 points pretty sure. He dropped sheed?
Kidult: Still think he should get to 110
kascadev8: @Grimes Jr i was getting worried xD as long as he’s putting pressure on the ball getter ill cope until 3qtr time
Blahsta: should have backed my research in, rate zorko but traded him in for 100 80 and 70 and then jumped off!
Grimes Jr: shuey’s score is an absolute joke but i’ll take it
breakonthr: viney and gawn out is not helping me though
Napper: So who got the 50, Sheed?
nbartos: Darling 41 sc! what?
Gelly: steve hocking is the worst thing to happen to the afl, he needs to be given the flick
Poliyagon: literally just came on to say that holding the ball call was a shocker
LMartos: if you kick over 40 metres and it’s a contested mark by the opp. it’s an effective kick
kascadev8: Napper sheed got the 50, dumped off the ball by Cripps
amigaman: CD & SC have lost me
Billyt14: is doc getting tagged?
Silz90: Any more fans in here, why did hosie get dropped.
Kidult: So Criips lost 7 points already? Or not subtract Rd yet?
Bezzina: Brought in Crippa don’t let me down
Silz90: Norf**
Kidult: Damn not a fan of chat on mobile
NavyMan: NORF just drop players willy nilly just ask Polec
nbartos: darling didnt try then – but no free
Beast_Mode: lol some ppl are so dumb, still literally dont know how the CD system works
NewFreoFan: Do something Cripps
Desi: True Gelly, Hocking keeps messing with the rules confusing players, umpires and everyone else,just on a power trip.
Ash777: how many bought in cripps this week?
Migz: CD shoulda also be much more clear on how they score SC. You have to go hunting for a scoring system and even then
Migz: they dont give out all the data
BigChief: BT is a moron. Cuningham is not even playing.
Bezzina: I did ash
Silz90: True navyman. I’m glad Cottrell and de koning got a game.
woodduck: ha ha Breakonthru…both guys above you have Gawn and Viney. The top ten have Gawn. You will survive !
Beast_Mode: would be pretty silly to bring crippa in
kascadev8: although he isnt really getting the ball, im enjoying the points coming from Shuey’s pressure
navy_blues: cottrell is quick
JCal66: how would CD give out the data? isnt it sold to clubs and the media?
StuL: If i bring a player in they are guaranteed to stink. But worse. I started Cripps
Catatafish: Cripps shaping up to be an inspired bargain pick..
woodduck: Picking which rookie is the hard part….Bennell?
JCal66: also I brought in Cripps and Shuey this week, fingers crossed!
Yelse: viney is going for T mitchel hawks for me, time to trade up for the chance of higher scores
Baldfrog: Lovin Nick Nat so far
StuL: Whats happened Doch and Cripps? Can’t stay this bad
Migz: just the numbers they use to score.
Bezzina: You’d think Bennell comes back in next week
Silz90: Bit of mongral in him i like it
Napper: Do they add kick outs I swear Hurn kicked out the last one
Stu7: Vine on Gaffa tape
JCal66: It would be nice if fans could see more stats, AFL StatsPro offers a bit tho
DrSeuss: Curnow tagging Kelly – Get on Gaff you tosser
Stu7: Come on *
Bezzina: crippa mate come on
Ooost: I was needing Nic Nat to stay low, looks like that won’t be happening.
kascadev8: cripps wake up. shuey get on the ground, dont be lazy
pcaman2003: Great game Crippa. So pleased I brought you in now.
Migz: napper. if they dont leave the goal square i think its only a +1 kick
pcaman2003: Cripps has halved his score this qtr. Top effort!
Gotigres: Williamson is my E. Can’t loop him in with Rivers playing.
BigChief: If they don’t leave the square it’s not counted as a kick at all
Kidult: Nicnat should beast the year out now rested and psntsed Grundy and Gawn
Stu7: Come on Cripps stop playing Crapps!
Baldfrog: I got rid of Williamson this week
Silz90: Unlucky gotigres. I can hehe
Grimes Jr: here comes shuey. looks like i was right to go him over cripps
Thomas1234: cripps at full foward ffs
Yelse: cripps and docherty lift ffs
Gotigres: Lucky you Silz90
Ash777: kick a goal cripps
Bezzina: They heard ya @yelse
Catatafish: Could have gone a loaf of bread over Cripps and come out on top.
kascadev8: assuming cripps is gonna be like dangerfield? rest at FF most of the day then gun it in the midfield in the 4th term?
Yelse: is cripps injured playing FF?
Silz90: I’ve copped all his low scores (when I started him on field) I think I’m due some luck
nbartos: JJK cold as ice
masterhc2: i reckon t kelly is a top 5 player in the comp he is an absolute jet
Napper: Get on the field Hurn, they r scoring points and u aren’t taking the kickouts
kascadev8: go shuey mate, either get some disposals or lay a couple tackles/bumps, idc which just do it for the points
Silz90: It’s early in the game still but weieters is super under rated. Cops a lot.
Ash777: I have cripps, kennedy, kelly n doch in this game
nbartos: blues on this qtr!
NavyMan: soft but we’ll take it lol
Cabri44: Anyone trading Gawn?
AlbySmedtz: Go Baggers
NewFreoFan: Blues! Keep this up Baggers, love watching the eagles lose
BumSniff: Why bother trading Gawn if hes fine for next week
Avarax: no @cabri. holding for sure. he’ll be back next week and have draper to cover
tdarian: cant help but cheer for the blues the way they are playing. spirited!
Ooost: I traded Gawn to Goldy because I need to win.
Kidult: Cripps flying now need doc to get in his draft
Cabri44: Is he fine for next week?
Apachecats: Ok guys nearest the pin is on Cripps .Apache goes 108. ,
Avarax: he will be
hokkien34: I traded Gawn to Goldy also
Avarax: 90 @apache
The Hawker: Willamson playing bit of midfield
satch7: I traded Gawn because I had 19 trades still and no ripe rookies
scboy123: @Apache 116 for me
Water: Cripps 89 for me
Cabri44: I’m considering Gawn to Goldy which will allow me King to Oliver
Baldfrog: I’ll have 126 Apache
NewFreoFan: 95 Apache
FinlaySON: Apache Cripps for 97
Raspel31: Cannot believethe number who traded Gawn- madness.
boxy36: Arvo all – I’ll take 104 for Cripps Apache
hokkien34: I had to because he was my main ruck but I might bring it back in next week if he’s fit as I have spare $
DrSeuss: I freaking hate taggers – win your own ball Curnow
NavyMan: well done baggers.. great quarter..
CozzieCan: 119 for Cripps @ Apache
BumSniff: cripps 111
Apachecats: Any more NTP on Cripps ,last call.
kascadev8: can i have a 130 for cripps? feel like he’ll turn it late @Apachecats
BOMBRBLITZ: went Gawn to NicNat – happy so far
Cabri44: Not convinced he is OK. Been down for couple of weeks.
DrSeuss: Murphy just tackled him around the head
masterhc2: i’ll go 107 apache
Gotigres: 117 for Cripps
jbjimmyjb: cripps 70
OnTheRocks: Cripps 65
BumSniff: how bad does jack martins injury look
Raspel31: 109 Crippsy.
Apachecats: NTP on Cripps closed ,15 entries
Napper: I have asked this before but someone brought it up, if an emerg scores 80 and the onfield scores 50 do we take the
Napper: emergencies score or the on field player?
Avarax: emergencies only cover non-players dude, hence the name “emergency
Apachecats: Cut it fine Raspel ,you’re in.No one has one it twice ,could be you.
kascadev8: napper u get the onfield unless there is a DNP or bye player on field
Raspel31: Cheers Apache.
Ash777: it’s weird game where no-one even the umps understand the rules anymore.
kascadev8: @Apachecats did u get my 130 for crippa? thanks
Ash777: cripps 98
Apachecats: You’re in Kasca.Good luck.
Yelse: gawn will drop in price and gold go up so kinda not a bad options
Apachecats: Rasp if you win it 3 times you get to keep the T shirt.
Apachecats: Sorry Ash its closed ,give you an honourable mention if he gets 98.
Raspel31: My nasal sensors are quivering already Apache.
Raspel31: You don’t go down in price if you don’t play.
BigChief: If Pittonet is injured Carlton are in trouble.
Poliyagon: I’m prettyr sure he’s getting rested @bigchief, but kreazer is a couple weeks away.
Napper: How many upgrades do you guys have left?
Apachecats: 12 left napper ,2 per week
NavyMan: 12 left now for me 🙂
Yelse: Raspel i was talking about obviously hating a couple of weeks before bring him back in unless he doing the double week
Yelse: when do the SC finals start?
Sugartits: Hey boys, I’m new how are we all
Ash777: I have 2 premos left to get.
Raspel31: Got ya Yelse- good point.
srj2409: Round 14
Kidult: Round 13 I think
kascadev8: shuey and cripps lets go boys, wakey wakey. tackles or disposals, idc which
Apachecats: 3 rounds after this one ,then finals yelse.
Water: welcome sugar
Kidult: Yeh round 14 I counted wrong
Apachecats: maybe its 2 rounds after this.then finals.
CozzieCan: Does doc go this week if he doesn’t pass 80 sc ?
BigChief: round 14 for sc finals
DrSeuss: How does Kelly not get +4 for that tackle??
Apachecats: He’s in the queue at least Cozzie.
AlbySmedtz: holding the ball against WCE???????
Thomas1234: Mark the flowering ball cripps
BigChief: @Suess because he didn’t tackle, NicNat did.
BumSniff: Genuinely cant afford to nick of docherty at this point
Kidult: Thought there would be an upset today just not this one
AlbySmedtz: yay!!
DrSeuss: 2 missed Kelly tackles then
pcaman2003: Bloody Cripps Dropped mark and another clanger. Shower!
BallsyBot: whats everyones rank here?
Apachecats: One bookie was giving $5 West Coast as a promotion -limit $20bet.Knew what he was doing.
kascadev8: wtf is shuey doing, just sits on the bench all day
Catatafish: over Cripps and come out on top.
pcaman2003: @Ballsybot. Mine is 2618
Catatafish: Need beast mode from Cripps
hokkien34: Do you get points if they don’t tackle to the ground?
Apachecats: Reckon I would be best here Ballsy 64,000.
Ash777: doch is 1 player that can gain a heap of points quickly in a qtr. dont rule him out yet
BallsyBot: ok
DrSeuss: It is a tackle if possession is lost or goes out of bounds
Grimes Jr: fucking lift shuey
Migz: pretty sure if you don’t stop them from having an effective disposal then the tackle isnt counted?
CozzieCan: Said this before , but boy betts looks so much better back at Carlton
BallsyBot: im ranked 112nd and thinking of bringing in Kennedy
Ash777: is curnow tagging anyone in this game?
Napper: Get off the bench Hurn
BallsyBot: 112 was my rank last week sorry actually 119 this week
Silz90: He looks so much happier at the blues now
Ash777: kennedy making the coleman his so probably a decent choice.
Apachecats: Kennedy running hot Ballsy.
BigChief: WCE so much better in the dry.
DrSeuss: Curnow tagging Kelly
kascadev8: shuey flower me, what r u doing, get on the ground and hit some bodies, get that pill and kick it
Ash777: oh you mean matthew lol
Kidult: Hawks, Giants, Bombers, North, Bulldogs and Richmond to come for him
Apachecats: Both of them.
Silz90: Any chance we snag wines or one of the crouch brothers this year. And hopefully papley
hokkien34: Gaffs score just keeps going down but I haven’t seen him do anything wrong this qtr other than 1 out on the full
navy_blues: what crap
Yelse: what time the teams come out for tommorow
NewFreoFan: 2 dropping the ball against Ryan there
navy_blues: htb against ryan
Yelse: all the guns in this game very low scoring
NewFreoFan: Usually 6:20 I think Yelse
Avarax: 6pm @ yelse
BigChief: @Yelse 6.20pm every day before game.
biggs2dujj: Pull your finger out Cripps
Kidult: 65-70 mins from now
kascadev8: shuey back on the bench…. better get me a 50 point 4th term
Ash777: I have josh kennedy because he was a good price and home ground and 3 game average is high.
Ooost: 6:30 ish I think Yelse
navy_blues: +2 goals to umps
Apachecats: Haven’t heard from BestCoast for a few weeks ,hope he’s not suspended again.
pcaman2003: My opponent has Kelly and Gaff,so not complaining. Need Crippa to do better
navy_blues: umps are finding a way for wc to win this
Gandhi: Curnow is killing me in keeper. He couldn’t avoid the ball more if he tried.
BigChief: Fuck me the HTB rule is bullshit. No free against Ryan, but free against Seton?
AlbySmedtz: make that 3 goals to umps… WC players gave that decision
Grimes Jr: carn shuey
Slicendyce: lol @ paying that free kick but not paying htb against Ryan
Oscar1968: Umpires really struggle with the holding the ball.
Apachecats: I’ve gone too high on Cripps methinks.
Migz: wasnt curnow averagine over 100 last year?
DrSeuss: Curnow has been playing the man rather than
BumSniff: Cripps with a cheeky 50 point 4th?
Beast_Mode: a carlton chokejob, how predictable
Silz90: No point picking the footy up anymore. It’s so inconsistent
Apachecats: Hope so BS
CozzieCan: Carlton still at halftime break or what hahaha
Napper: I don’t get it Hurn was on 40 around 15 minutes ago he got a tackle and a long kick and he goes down to 37
Silz90: Cripps getting tackled by nic nat and sheed without the ball lol
Apachecats: Oscar Allen was on 26 at 1/4 time.
DrSeuss: The ball. Been tagging rather than looking to win the ball
BigChief: @Silz you can if you play for WCE in Perth.
Silz90: Lol choke job No worries bud . Playing the eagles this week if u didn’t know
Apachecats: Allen just got his first touch in a half of football.Not going to put up with that.
Migz: hurn is my d6 now. I don’t know what to do with him. He can go huge. but his role has changed so much since rnd 1
blonde0na: Yeo just tried to don’t argue the tackler there and that’s not ball, but the SPS tackle was ball?
Silz90: I don’t watch many games in Perth bigchief but it’s pretty inconsistent today. Eagles are the better team right now
kascadev8: expecting a 35 points 4th quarter from shuey, thats easy for him. dont let me down
beerent11: All of mine- gaff crippa shepp doc – underwhelming
Poliyagon: Classic Carlton
Stu7: Gaffa tape 51 points please
navy_blues: if htb happens at wc end its a free kick if happens at carl end then its play on lol
amigaman: Liam Jones score an absolute farce
StuL: West coast crowd and west cost umpires. Most one sided in the AFL
Kidult: Yeh you would think Hurn would be going off tap without Mcgovern and Jetta
Silz90: Do u even support blues poli or are u trolling
Water: why do so many blues have the fire icon and like none for WC even tho Wc just went on a big run
amigaman: Had Nic Nat from the start. Will be a force in finals
88360: What should I do with docherty
cmperrfect: Gaff to Adams next week, just too ineffective
Grimes Jr: i disagree Stul, i’d say its port then them!
Sunharp: Blues have been good all day, Eagles are a very good side though!
Napper: Need Yeo to get 120 Hurn 90 Cripps 110 Doch 100 not asking much
amigaman: I’m amazed at how many posters are talking sideways trades. Must have lots of trades
Lofty9: Can anyone talk me out of pulling the trigger on Gawn to Goldy…. or should I just send it?
FinlaySON: Grimes you’re kidding after yesterdays display
Bezzina: Yeo’s SC and DT score is silly
CozzieCan: @Sunharp well said , WCE are a great side for some years now especially.. Carlton have played exceptionally well
blonde0na: reckon the little yellow bloke in the middle needs to stand up for the blues 🙂
cmperrfect: plethora of trades this year @amiga
Ooost: Lofty9 many will, but if you need to win by trading do it
BigChief: Where was the HTB against Duggan? He just laid there.
beerent11: These tight games are ripe for a crippattack
Grimes Jr: the commentary and port ferals blinds people to the fact that port actually had double the frees @finlayson
Silz90: Dam I might cash out I need eagles to win but not sure if I ride it
StuL: Even with the extra trades it still takes most of your trades to get full premo. Dont have any to waste
NavyMan: it’s quite funny the same rule is different depending on what jumper you wear.. hehe
The39Steps: Blues a better side with de Koning on the ball.
DrSeuss: Come on Telly need a big finish – stop running past the ball
Bezzina: ride it home
blonde0na: one ump calling throw and one ump calling play on sums up the umpiring this year
kascadev8: @Grimes are you still on about that? at least they dont punch opponents in the jewels
amigaman: How many is a plethora?
FinlaySON: Grimes please look at what they were paid for and where on the ground
The Hawker: Pitto could be dropped next week
kascadev8: shuey come on!! ffs, all you do is sit on the bench and watch macrae score the points for me
Haydo: Tim Kelly, Cripps, Docherty – ouch
beerent11: Cripps will ton up easy from here
NewFreoFan: Just need 9 more from Crippa for my multi haha
Apachecats: At least 2 dozen amiga.
thommoae: A ‘plethora’ = exactly one ‘proliferation’.
beerent11: 20 or more amigaman
Silz90: Sheed play the ball. I sound like a broken record but come on umps
Breezey: Th sold di k flick has been going on forever. Although concerned about the dot poke though.
Ooost: Yeo Yeo!
Breezey: The old Di k flick I mean
Grimes Jr: thanks shuey, useless spud
amigaman: Yeah Right!
NavyMan: a plethora is how many frees port got than tigers yesterday 😛
Donzoes: 4 from shep, 2 from telly, 1 setters and a WCE for me FreFan
BOMBRBLITZ: why is NicNats SC going backwards?
kascadev8: i feel like shuey’s score is wrong. only has 2 clangers as the big negative and its made him on 62
sMiles: Also Cripps backwards… Weird
Ooost: Its been doing that all game BOMBRBLITZ
Grimes Jr: shuey – 12 for the quarter
DrSeuss: Stop playing soft Telly attack the ball
kascadev8: shuey frustrating me more then devon smith
pcaman2003: Cripps going backwards from clangers.
Oscar1968: that was a mark
hokkien34: Lots of SC scores going backwards
Bezzina: Doco with another disappointing game
kascadev8: why is shueys score dropping? he hasnt done anything wrong
Napper: I swear every time Yeo gets the ball its holding the ball
TheLegend6: D. Sheed 3 votes
kascadev8: napper at least he gets the ball
Silz90: Gg sheed 2 massive goals
Ash777: someone in cd is flicking switches randomly
NewFreoFan: 5 more Crippa let’s go
BigChief: Blues miss Martin’s class.
Yelse: anyone know if close is playing for geelong?
pcaman2003: Crippa really disappointing. Hope I haven’t wasted a trade getting him in.
CozzieCan: Still another 330 or so sc points to come in 6 minutes
Napper: Come on Yeo get’s nothing for a clearance and point and goes down 6 points for holding the ball
Kidult: @yelse doubtful with Parfitt and co back from rested
Breezey: You’ll know shortly Yelse
Bezzina: pcaman – 100 would be a pass for Crippa
kascadev8: im gonna be stuck with shuey, wont wanna trade him out until my team is done
DrSeuss: Tackle Kelly – stop pushing and get the ball ffs
beerent11: Huge quarter for gaff
Catatafish: No more turnovers Cripps
Stu7: On ya Gaff – foot on the gas nicely
pcaman2003: @Bezzina. If he gets there. Hard to consider him as a premo these days
LuvIt74: if i selected a emergency in my forward line and he didn’t play if i select my other emerg who is playing do I get it?
bones351: Pretty poor SC game this one. Not much to enjoy about it.
kascadev8: shuey for the 5th time get on the flowering ground, its not hard, ur a big name mid for WC so get on there and move!
Bezzina: disappointed, can’t sideways anymore tho until i fill my last 2 spots
Stu7: Come on Pinot noir
Slicendyce: Docherty literally looking like a training cone in defence. What’s happened to him?
Silz90: Did shuey just trip Curnow? Is it reportable?
BigChief: Shuey in trouble for trip?
Lofty9: Glad I ditched Hurn…
kascadev8: shuey really just tripped curnow… i wanted effort, but dont get reported you moron
Baldfrog: Doc was out for a long time wouldn’t be surprised if he has a bit of soreness
pcaman2003: @Slicendyce. Same as Cripps. They lost their mojo.
Avarax: only a fine..
Silz90: Not sure maybe a fine. I’m not surprised it wasn’t a free kick lol
Ash777: probably lost mobility slice from the knees.
Baldfrog: In the knee
Apachecats: NTP result next game -wait for scaling.
TheLegend6: Curnow been robbed of 2 touches late here and I needed 15 for my multi
BigChief: So when do WCE leave WA again? Or do they get the Rich run of home games?
Stu7: Nic nat paddy whack is a gun!!!
runners47: Need a bit more still from you Sheppard
CozzieCan: WCE great team , terrible anthem geezz
kascadev8: well i think my 130 for cripps was a bit off :/
amigaman: Allen shoved in the back at least a dozen times. Not 1q free kick
Gandhi: Yeah I agree, the new song is pretty awful
BumSniff: when was the last time docherty got a good sc score
Ash777: WCE the new tigers.
Baldfrog: Doin the eagle rock
FinlaySON: I was close with 97 Apache
kascadev8: was shueys kick to kennedy at the end missed? think points were added before he got the ball
CozzieCan: @Gandhi great meaning , think it’s the voice that’s over whelming
Migz: the worst thing about losing to us is having to listen to that shit
NewFreoFan: I went 95 for Cripps didn’t I?
Silz90: I love doch by def out of form. Coming off 2 knees but getting more attention. He was always a risk to pick in supercoac
CozzieCan: @Migz why fix something that’s not broking hey lol
kascadev8: shuey 75… thatll do for this week, b better nxt week
