CozzieCan: Got the C on Bont this week + Pittonet , doch & Cripps .. 1,901 sc so far
pcaman2003: on 1826 with Pitto,Macca and Doch to go. Your score is insane Cozzie.
wadaramus: 1772 with Doch, Crippa & Willo to go.
CozzieCan: Nice pca , got lucky with mills ridley , Sicily , Gawn , Neale , greenwood , Dangerfield , B.Smith, Lloyd, Saad hayns
wadaramus: 2020 is a shit pit, fill it in and forget about it.
wadaramus: Especially since the Crows are destined for the wooden spoon with the asterisk!
Donzoes: at least its an asterisk spoon only
Hadouken: one in a 100 year asterisk wooden spoon. Everyone will remember lol
wadaramus: Bugger, thanks Hadouken!
feralmong: We will give you aarts for your no1 pick wada
wadaramus: How good is After Hours by The Weeknd? Excellent album.
wadaramus: That will probably happen feral, we suck at the art of trading/recruiting.
wadaramus: 2 first round picks for Gibbs, fucken genius.
CozzieCan: Bont loves the rain look out
snake_p: I thought that was the Cactus icon on Mitch McGovern not “got Wood”
The39Steps: Previous game, Swans had just five hit outs. Surely an all-time low for a team?
rupertmarn: Im hoping for 150 from Pittonet
BigChief: I am hoping to win lotto @rupert, but I don’t see either happening.
wadaramus: Gotta have hope BC 🙂
softwhitee: love the start baz, make up for last weeks bad luck
Donzoes: Pitto vs Smith and 60, im a goner
Cr1ck3t33r: @the39steps 2nd least since ’95. Giants R6 2018 got 4.
rupertmarn: Pittonet on fire
The39Steps: Great stuff @cr1ck3t33r. Tks.
pcaman2003: Okay Doc and Macca. You can get going now.
CozzieCan: Macrae very very quiet my oh my
feralmong: I had a listen to that song wada. Not
breakonthr: 2040 with crips n doc to come..ranked 1 in SC atm
feralmong: Not my kinda music. I’m more frank carter and the rattlesnakes
Migz: anybody else having trouble watching games on live pass on the phone?
CozzieCan: Breakonthr ranked 1 ? Hahaha righto
frenzy: flowering blackouts, everything against me this week
rupertmarn: What a shocking dissapointment Macrae is
breakonthr: its truemate. but believe wht you want
brodiejay: Cozzie – He quite obviously IS ranked no 1. Check the leaderboard
pedsz: Lucky to crack 2k at this rate…
Migz: im down to 1820 estimated now. poor poor year 🙁
feralmong: Who had bont capt and up for a giant score
pcaman2003: Have we got SC royalty among us?
scboy123: surely cripps not out….also macrae seriously.
BigChief: Well the top ranked person in SC is called Breakonthru
seanfc99: reckon if he was no 1 he’d know his team, top ranked team also has pitto
Baldfrog: We know you cant make up a random name on a internet site Cozzie
breakonthr: as bench
CozzieCan: Anyone can make an account on fanfooty & pretend to be number 1 lol , so gullible
breakonthr: as bench sean
feralmong: he’s got gawn and grundy so pitt on bench
pcaman2003: He’s got you there seanfc99.
feralmong: well done mick. barracking for 50k for you.
CozzieCan: Breakonthru , when was the account created on ? Month + Year
teachrtony: I reckon if I had just hit No1 in SC I’d be on FF checking too. God luck hell of an achievement.
brodiejay: I don’t think anyone would be that sad to make a fake account…. right?
nick2397: C’mon Docherty, what your looking for is yellow and oblong shaped
teachrtony: *good
seanfc99: has too! either way doesnt seem to be online, load upi the webpage and I’ll believe it hands down!
pcaman2003: Well done breakonthru. I hope you can keep your no1 spot.
Baldfrog: A nut nick?
CozzieCan: If it’s his account he should know the year & month the account was created on .. go on ..
VodkaHawk: Lol, make an account to pretend be the leader at round 6 of sc? Rightio
feralmong: apart from wanting to win myself. its awesome to see somone here killin it.
breakonthr: i dont care if you believe me or not but its the honest truth..i have never talked on here before but i have been regist
CozzieCan: What else is there to do during this covid19 ? Lol to much time on their hands
breakonthr: thankspacman its not much fun to be honest…i crap myself all week
brodiejay: Baldfrog – if your nuts are yellow, you may need to see a doctor. Liver failure is no joke.
BigChief: Best of luck @breakonthr. Haters gunna hate.
CozzieCan: Breakonthru when was your SC account created , Month +Year ?
breakonthr: been registered on here for years with this sure monty could confirm
nick2397: baldfrog/brodie – If your nuts are yellow, you’re on the sauce too much
Cr1ck3t33r: What would he gain from pretending to be no. 1?
Baldfrog: Hey Chief calm the farm
jbjimmyjb: Macrae looks like a different player this year
feralmong: its good to see the top teams have some as the same spuds as me lol
DrSeuss: Put toner do something. English is killing me
DrSeuss: Aka Pittonet
circle52: yep breajonthr has been registered sinec Jan 2011
pcaman2003: I’m close to you breakonthru and closing with 9,514 on the live ladder.
circle52: Notalot of activity though
VodkaHawk: Hopefully Cripps is fine and Doc wakes up
feralmong: if i get to no1 i’m gonna be letting u all hear it ever week till u throw up.
CozzieCan: My apologies breakonthru if you are the right one
woodduck: I rarely say anything here. Reckon if I reached No. 1 I would. Well done
Baldfrog: Well u r feral
Bezzina: 1900 with Crippa and bont left. How’s it looking for a round average?
MrWalrus: Like pricey last week temporarily number 1 in AF
feralmong: hehe only 900 behind him. might make a late run. lol.
frenzy: no doc bezzina
MrWalrus: I reckon you might be average or just above bez
spdysaint: im 1943 with doc and crippa on sc
Bezzina: i got doc too* didn’t look at commons against my opp
GobChuck: 1850 – macrae, bazlenka, doc, williamson to go
breakonthr: McCluggage now cropps shoulder is not good for my team
nick2397: Bont, Doc and VDR – your time is now
bhg26: Im 1688 with Doch, B Smith, Bont and Macrae
heppelitis: there would only be 1 nuffie that has McLean and that would be me. Going well.
Bezzina: Top score this week will probably be about 2200 with some rookie luck
feralmong: 1686 with doc, pitt and mac. duncan and taylor hurt this week.
LuvIt74: Docherty bloody woeful
chilipowdr: 1596 with Bont, Pitt and Doc. Terrible year-you fix 2 problems week just to get 3 more
Arminius: i wouldnt say woeful
woodduck: @breakonthr who did you bring into the backline or did you take a doughnut?
frenzy: softashelly
bhg26: Rankine on my bench and starting Taylor is the one of the many definitions of pain
breakonthr: haynes mate
DrSeuss: English on 100% TOG – Needs a break i think
woodduck: wow that makes a great back 6
feralmong: 2 in my tipping league on track for 0.
breakonthr: woodduck they seem to be the most reliable this year which is trange…going to leave fwds for now
woodduck: You probably need to do something about D Smith as well
Bezzina: Come on McCrae stink it up
Gotigres: Williamson down in the rooms hurts my team severely
BigChief: Wow #freekickbulldogs
feralmong: devon smith been so useless this year.
breakonthr: yeah i wnted to double down grage this week too
woodduck: It is hard for you to pick the right rookies up forward. I keep getting them wrong 🙁
BRAZZERS: who would you rather get simpson or day?
woodduck: Well good luck and more @breakthr. I for one will follow what happens 🙂
RooBoyStu: Docherty lol
pcaman2003: Doc and Macrae conspiring against me.
Grifffffff: Cripps in the rooms so Carlton disappeared
piro: @BRAZZERS why on earth would you pick day over simpson?
breakonthr: thanks mate, i think my next 2 ttrade will make or break me
Dead_Ned: I was looking at a very good score until this game. Cripps, Pits, Macrae and Docerty
original: Score Incorrect? Dogs only on 25 (4.1) on tv
softwhitee: rankine and bennell for me most likely
MrWalrus: Cripps, Williamson, Bont & Doc in this one for me, wont get to 2000 yet again
original: Tv somehow Incorrect lol afl app 4.2
GobChuck: please get back on 2nd half williamson i need you to push 2300 for the week
bhg26: If Bailey Smith keeps going, he can make up for Bont, Doc and Macrae
blonde0na: umpire was blindsided? he was standing right there to see that
BigChief: Why is that not a free against Wallis?
tdarian: williamson is back!
pcaman2003: Wake up Pitto. You’re getting smashed.
DrSeuss: Going to lose this week because I have Grundy (c) and my opponent has freaking Tim English
original: Freekickdogs bigchief hehe
Kidult: English on track for b2b2b 22 disposal games
scboy123: Docherty a solid 15
pcaman2003: Wouldn’t know where to start with the trades this week. Areal dilemma
brodiejay: Kidult- like many others, I think English will be up there with Grundy/Gawn in two or three years.
CozzieCan: D.Smith into Rankine , Pickett into Fyfe
Kidult: @pca easy one trade 2020 for 2021
Karlpov: missed a lipinski kick
NugzNiggle: Fair suck of the sauce bottle. Screw you fantasy.
scboy123: good to know i can trade out like half my injuries with my allotted 2 trade slots
CozzieCan: Sc please give 3 trades this week , I’m beggin ya
Bomber_288: Come on Bont need another 55 atleast from you
spdysaint: do you think I should downgrade two rookies this week or do one and trade out d smith
Kidult: Shiel got 2 weeks so D.Smith might get extra mid time
Pies20: I’m glad the season is still up and going but god it’s a frustrating year for fantasy footy
DrSeuss: Can’t watch any show on Fox with Dunstall anymore – just annoying
Pies20: I traded in shiel this week maybe a week at best I’m hoping for
scboy123: Sc allow me the 5 trades like week 2
Kidult: he got offered 2 games
Pies20: peeps rag on bt dermi and and riccuito far worse
frenzy: hope zerrett gets the tag next week kidult, in for a nice drop
Kidult: stop leaking goals!!
Pies20: he doesn’t have to accept that @kidult
StuL: Come on dogs. Woof.
MrWalrus: He should take the 2, based on intent was worse than long, long was unlucky Darcy slipped/fell
Kidult: there is no way he can’t accept it the evidence is there
CozzieCan: Lift Bont
bhg26: Do you have him as captain Cozzie?
CozzieCan: Yeah mate took a punt this week
pcaman2003: Cozzie. Having Bont as C must be hurting about now.
StuL: Why does everyone “strut” in lately Dwayne?
brodiejay: Pies20 I’m fine with most commentators other than Wayne Carey, who needs to be in prison, rather than paid by media.
CozzieCan: No good with Doch thou , killing me
original: Do throws get the same amount of sc points as a handball?
bhg26: I thought of it as well, but i remembered Curnow would tag him
Kidult: Is Richards or McLean running with Docherty by any chance?
CozzieCan: @pca should of taken Neale or Gawn lol .. being greedy deserves me right
Pies20: looked fair to me not much in it good bump and Taylor went back on maybe 1 week at best
bhg26: I went greedy with Grundy, Bont is looking good now though
Kidult: Taylor ended up going back off later tho
Pies20: I think most fox footy commentators are shower
thommoae: How can anyone- anywhere – be okay with BT as a commentator. Absolute amateur hour.
CozzieCan: “The biggest tree in the Forest “ , unreal
MrWalrus: Pies, I don’t think Taylor got back except to run on then straight back off, shiel was frustrated from tag & lined him u
BigChief: @thommo amateur is too kind for BT mate.
Pies20: scene worse @kid that’s all I’m saying
pcaman2003: The premos this year proving to be problematic.
DrSeuss: Taylor might have facial fractures – wonder if that will effect Shiel’s decision
MrWalrus: BT, Dermie @ Ricciuto are AIDS to the ears
frenzy: disgraceful pcaman
Kidult: I think both the head highs were given the right amount
bhg26: Its all about the mid-pricers, Simpkin, Petracca, Brayshaw, B Smith, Ridley and a bunch others
CozzieCan: Anyone rage trading Doch ?
GobChuck: shiel can’t get more weeks, even if taylors face is broken tbf, probably will appeal anyway
pcaman2003: @Walrus. So is Bruce the goose
Pies20: good bump but see what happens bt the next Dennis c dermi and co are so much shower
softwhitee: all you non B Smith owners are realllly lucky he got knocked out last week
Fatbar5tad: What’s up Doc?
StuL: Bring back Lou Richards and Peter Landy.
thommoae: Anyone who thinks calling Rowbottom “Paddlebum’ – I mean even a 6 year old would be told to can it.
pcaman2003: Pittonet you slug. Try tapping at least once to advantage. Geez!
rupertmarn: Is Rankine a must? He kicked 3 goals he wont do that every week
spdysaint: what are doc and crippa doing?
CozzieCan: @rupert money maker
StuL: Yes Rupert
Fatbar5tad: A quarter of the price of Rosey who scores twice as much plus the gleeful satisfaction of a rage trade….
frenzy: aren’t we, softwhitee
Pies20: I like bt @tjho
MrWalrus: Oh yeah, Bruce, can’t believe I forgot Bruce
Kidult: I think Docherty is scared of his knees in the wet
Migz: i feel like williamson getting judged hard. 7 touches at 100%. 3 marks. very low.
bhg26: I think docherty is scared of the actual pill Kidult
The39Steps: Dogs were $10 to win this before Bonts goal.
LuvIt74: cannot believe my last player in Docherty may as well not played
bhg26: Bont, B Smith and Macrae doing good, then theres Docherty…
Kidult: got Williamson,Macrae, Vandermeer and ofcourse Docherty…
MrWalrus: I can’t believe people have the luxury of trading player who will get a game without ending up with a doughnut or 2
CozzieCan: Thankfully majority of serious SC players have Doch..
Ash777: got english, smith, williams n doc in this game.
spdysaint: went into this game hoping for 2200 now looking at not even 2100
pcaman2003: I’m certain we’re in SC Armageddon.
nick2397: 1900 would be a par score for supercoach this week
scboy123: If only bazlenkas BE wasnt 185 lol
MrWalrus: Bont, tick, Williamson great recovery, Cripps & Doc *sigh*
StuL: 2199 predicted before this game. More like 2050 with doc and crips
CozzieCan: Premos ? No such thing this year eco
spdysaint: @nick seriously, doing better than i thought
CozzieCan: Excluding Gawn & Neale so far ..
Arminius: went into this game looking at a 2050, wont even hit 1900 at this rate
pcaman2003: I’m on 1981 with 3 players on and I have highest score in my league. Lol! So ridiculous.
Kidult: I think the longer I play Sc this year it will do damage for next years Premo selections
Raspel31: Docherty is a primo surely.
Dead_Ned: everyone has docerty tho so it’s not to bad.
nick2397: @spdy if you think about it, most people have Doch, Starc, Taylor etc, and they’ve been horrible
RoughRed: new record in sight … lowest SC score ever without a donut
pcaman2003: @Raspel. Absolutely! He’s avaerage is 121
breakonthr: 2093 atm…good bye #1 rank lol
Migz: how is the supor coach website worse every year ffs
casey22: Question: what would you scale up up a DT score to equal last year. ie: does 100 ly = 90ty?
casey22: @migz, agree, its absolutely rubbish
pcaman2003: @Migz. I agree. Not as user friendly IMO.
spdysaint: nick, true I had all of those, but the rest of my team did great
Arminius: what is everyone looking at getting this week
Kidult: Wow English 100% TOG even in the hotter climate
CozzieCan: Bont on fire keep going son
BigChief: @migz is Robbo running the SC website LOL
nick2397: Hopefully Bont gets 120 and VDM 80, and I might get to 1900
Migz: like if you check your head to head score then click on a player, you cant go back to your h2h score. gotta reclick on i
Migz: what a joke
Grimes Jr: Macrae, its a christmas miracle
pcaman2003: @Cozzie. Not so bad now. Easing your pain a!
pcaman2003: Onya Macca. At least one shining light this game.
StuL: A festivus for the rest of us
Kidult: Annoyed how can you lose to the Blues yet again Doggies…
BigChief: I love B. Smith’s attack on the ball. Will be a jet with a bigger tank.
bhg26: He should easily get his projected now Cozzie
CozzieCan: Yeah cheers pca 30 more would be lovely
Nuffman: Vandermeer gonna outscore both Cripps and Doch combined…
heppelitis: Run in and kick the goal Toby McL ffs
casey22: can you unsplit the sc h to h screen to get rid of all the other scores?
nick2397: Doch has doubled his score for three quarters in 7 minutes!
pcaman2003: Hurry! Someone call Guinness Book of Records.
BigChief: LOL @nick I read that as Douche, not Doch
pcaman2003: 2028 now and climbing,thanks to Macca.
frenzy: English hit a wall
CozzieCan: Cmon Bont lift mate please !!
BigChief: Nice week @pcaman. I might get 1750 thanks to Doc.
m0nty: nominations for star please
pcaman2003: @frenzy. And Pitto picking up a bit now.
scboy123: no one, trash game. dogs cant hit a target and carlton are carlton
pcaman2003: Definitely Macca
nick2397: Curnow for star
sMiles: I needed 60 from Cripps… Punk!
CozzieCan: @mOnty either McKay or Curnow
StuL: Team effort
pcaman2003: @Big Chief. Thanks! Have Pitto Macca and Doc. Still have a chance of a miracle to get 2100
LuvIt74: @pcaman doing much better then me mate, im on 1868 with just Docherty so i’ll only score 1900
MrWalrus: Curnow, did his best work when it mattered
The39Steps: Martin – 10 Cps, possies, tackles etc
Fatbar5tad: I had Daniel +73 v Mac and now sweating!
bhg26: Right now including tonights scores, im on about 2050 with Macrae, Bont, Smith and Doc
CozzieCan: Bont -Gun
pcaman2003: Luvit74, There’s a lot of luck in how things go this year.
casey22: I had Vander + 200 versus Cripps & Bont
Dead_Ned: great finish Macca!
BigChief: McKay been dominant.
Yelse: what happened to crips?
LuvIt74: @Fatbar5tad Think your safe mate
Migz: still 400 points to goeh?
Fatbar5tad: Scaling could rob me. Little man could pull finger out tho!
LuvIt74: @pcaman Totally agree mate, I was in top 1% until that Crap with the Essendon vs Melbourne game lost 30,000 positions
Bezzina: Just done the calculations, gonna end this week at 2012
pcaman2003: Need 37 more pts for 2100.So close
Bezzina: @pcaman2003 you’ll be top 1% easy
pcaman2003: That’s very stiff Luvit.
spdysaint: im at 2043 atm, with crippa and doc
pcaman2003: @Bezzina. Not too sure about that. Would be nice though.
Grimes Jr: thank you, mr macrae
BigChief: Carlton in the 8 LOL
Fatbar5tad: Blues in the eight
pcaman2003: With 28pts left to come,I’ll need huge upscaling to get my goal of 2100. Not enough time probably.
Bezzina: oh no, here come the #flagblues comments all week
Beaza18: A nothing game in a nothing season by two teams who won’t play finals.
softwhitee: estimated 2170 for me
bhg26: I think i got 2100
CozzieCan: Won all of my 10 league matches in sc
BigChief: Is football better with Carlton winning?
Justavrage: 2130 pre scaling
scboy123: fuck me dead 1770 this week what an abomination
pcaman2003: 2085 with scaling to come. Big win Bluebaggers. Wow!
Haydo: I have Docherty, Cripps, Williamson all trash
scboy123: isnt there no scaling to come
pcaman2003: Cozzie. You must have sailed well past 2200
CozzieCan: Not with Doch & Cripps @pca 2158
LuvIt74: 1848 + Docherty so wont even make 1900
pcaman2003: Cozzie, 1901 at start of game,plus Bont as C, Pitto, Doc and Cripps. That’s way past 2200
CozzieCan: @Pca hadn’t refreshed yet .. 2310
LuvIt74: Yeah comes to 2301 prescaling
bhg26: Holy flowering shower Cozzie
LuvIt74: Well done huge score
pcaman2003: Congrats ! That’s massive
CozzieCan: Still pending thou
bhg26: I will take 2100 considering i had starc, curt taylor and Grundy c, as well as a player down
CozzieCan: Still pending .. Bont went up to 116 possibly
