Grimes Jr: take mcinerney score or risk budarick or green?
amigaman: Same problem, went Budarick
BigChief: VC Grundy into C Fyfe.
benzammit: Did anyone else get stitched up on sc last week?
benzammit: I went from 700 to 6000 due to fielding 15 players.
frenzy: trying to put it behind me
JockMcPie: last week i went up 45k spots, it worked well for me but i feel in the minority
dipstick: @jock ouch. sounds like your team was really on its knees
Yelse: yeah i dropped from 500sh to 4500ish
zadolinnyj: Gents
Yelse: i took mcinerney
zadolinnyj: Anyone thinking mummy is in to hurt Grundy
dipstick: yes. Mummy has a mental issue and wont be satisfied with his career until he breaks someones back
Ash777: have sidebottom vc because grundy hasn’t been smashing it lately.
StuL: VC Gawn in to Neale. Last minute switch to VC Grundy. Come on man!
Yelse: sidey copping it tonight, hope de boer can’t keep up
DrSeuss: Why do they put Cogs forward – such a waste of talent
Ash777: should of really put it on Howe.
Yelse: nooo cogs you my point of diff with opponents
Raspel31: Just home- who kicked the first goal?
circle52: Still no goals Raspel
BigChief: @raspel George Best I think.
Yelse: is grundy gonna get stooged again
beerent11: Long bruising night for grundy
Baldfrog: Cameron Raspel
Grimes Jr: looks like i should’ve fielded green
Kidult: Stephenson 8/10 times is pies 1st goal scorer but missed his 2 shots.
DrSeuss: Need Cogs and Adams to pick it up a bit
blonde0na: whitfield looks like a man on a mission tonight
BigChief: @kidult he is again 1st goal scorer for Pies.
Baldfrog: I’m glad blonde as I traded him out earlier in the week then reversed it
beerent11: Flowering Leon Cameron Haynes and cogs forward. Not ideal.
TheLegend6: Bad night to chuck a 20+ touches on sidey, thought de boer would go to pendles or adams
cmperrfect: Might be time to look at other ruck options hmm
BigChief: @beerent I don’t think Haynes is fwd
jbjimmyjb: CD not liking whitfield tonight
Apachecats: any one know how to deal with the pop ups.
Kidult: 4 shots on goal already
Kidult: 4 shots on goal already all set shots
cmperrfect: Is Whitfield SC score legit?
Grimes Jr: jeez the pies get a lot of love from the umps
beerent11: Yep my mistake chief.
Baldfrog: Crystal adblock works here Apache
circle52: sorry about tghe capitals
pcaman2003: Cogs 91%TOG for 8 pts. What a waste
Raspel31: Yep- newpop ups dmned annoying Apache.
DrSeuss: All the guys at SC traded out Whitfield and Grundy this week??
TheLegend6: Anyone bold enough to captain Rowell?
lisapizza7: that flowering ad over the data is annoying
Arminius: stinky sidebottom
DrSeuss: Yep @pca – Genius coach still thinks Cogs is a small forward
Gandhi: Whitfield has 2 FA and 3 clangers
Gotigres: Great start Howe. I kept Whitfield DrSeuss and Grundy still vc
Kidult: be funny if Whitfield finally got 30 possies and didn’t ton up
BigChief: @gandhi those 2 FA are part of the clangers.
tolerant16: deBoer doing a number on sidebottom
Apachecats: thanks ,how do you do adbloc
Arminius: i wouldn’t be laughing
Baldfrog: No it wouldn’t Kidult
DrSeuss: I have Whitfield too GoTigres – was more commenting on his SC score
Kidult: watch t.brown go above 74 with me taking the safe score
dipstick: I havent had ads on the net for 6 years. however occassionally m0nty pedals hard and gets 1 through and i dont know how
cmperrfect: Cape for Howe m0nty
mattmac24: Hoping they’re the only clangers and FA Whitfield gets tonight. Would love that
Apachecats: go to type something and a popup covers up the dialogue box grrrr!
Baldfrog: I downloaded it Apache from google play
Arminius: don’t FA count as clangers?
MercAm: Rip my multi with Sidebottom
Baldfrog: M0nty has enough millions by now
Apachecats: thanks bf .does it cost?
tolerant16: They’re scored separate to clangers I think
Kidult: 1 fa = 1 clanger
BigChief: @apache. Nope it’s free
Ash777: I forgot about de boer when I vc’d sidey
Apachecats: don’t mind the little ad at the side though ,especially the blonde lady in the bikini
beerent11: Looks like one of those shower cogs games. About every fifth one I reckon.
Baldfrog: Not for me it didn’t
blonde0na: with all these new pop ups he won’t need to pedal much at all 🙂
dipstick: @blondeOna seems apache likes your ad in the bikini
sMiles: I think the adss relate to your browser history – @apachechats
DrSeuss: Cogs back at Full Forward – Leon Cameron = Genius
Migz: Does it have to be unmuted to monty to get paid?
sMiles: I get 5G infrastructure and Education ads… @incognito tab
Migz: Does it have to be unmuted to monty to get paid? cause ive got this up on my pc and watching on my phone so i can just
Migz: keep watching ads
tolerant16: Monty should set up a patreon
dezlav: Glad I didn’t trade out Whitfield like 10% of all others who had him.
pcaman2003: Cogs finding that picking his haemorrhoids is more fun
Kidult: just pick FF Mobile and avoid live game chat
beerent11: Need Howe to go 150 to make up for a likely sub 50 cogs score
Kidult: didn’t think Howe could keep producing so i missed that boat =(
Baldfrog: What’s a patreon Tolerant?
Yelse: getting over the amount of frees in this game
tolerant16: Mumford jumped 4 inches and still marked it
zadolinnyj: Anyone else getting colonel sanders ad. Head of kkk wasn’t he?
m0nty: you can still buy memberships you know
pcaman2003: @beerent. I hear you. Same problem
tolerant16: @baldfrog crowd funding type thing
dezlav: I aint gettin any adds. YAY.
Kidult: Pedal prix membership?
Baldfrog: Cheers
Raspel31: I’m just getting ads inviting me to join Mensa. And nude Swedish girls,
beerent11: If we get 200 out of the pair it’ll do pca
dezlav: And after typing i got one, but I dont care
Apachecats: the ads have eased up dezlav
Stikman35: Geez these adds
Apachecats: Correction ,no they haven’t
pcaman2003: Did Cogs nearly touch the ball then?
cmperrfect: Cogs trade target no.1
Apachecats: Lets do this democratically -Who wants no more ads?
Ash777: GWS really has become the villians of the game.
DrSeuss: Hard to blame Cogs for his knob of a coach putting him at Full Forward
casey22: Ads are a real pain, Food photography for …. sake
Apachecats: me
Yelse: why put your best mid fwd all game ffs
Migz: glorius leader monty cares not for democracy
Baldfrog: I hear Toilet paper ads make alot of money in Vic atm
beerent11: Howe might have to go 180 pcaman
dipstick: i was fine with ads when they were non intrusive on the sides and the like. but pop ups a re difficult on a mobile
tolerant16: Cogs has managed to lose points this quarter
Raspel31: I’m loving the ads- really needed a new food processor.
pcaman2003: @Seuss. There’s 5 other fwds,but Cogs playing bruise free again
Apachecats: Don’t think they have a problem selling that BF
zadolinnyj: Whatever keeps the site running I’m good with it
Apachecats: lol rasp
pcaman2003: @beerent. You may be right unfortunately
m0nty: we are testing a new set up today, the ads are supposed to be frequency capped
Kidult: 38873 own Coniglio
Apachecats: Reckon m0nty’s just going harder because we’re complaining.
tolerant16: This message brought to you by hot singles in your area!
casey22: I esat food, I dont photograph it!!!!!
pcaman2003: @Kidult. Ande watch those figures tumble next week
dipstick: i traded whitfield out for simpkins SC avge
blonde0na: big cox with a little love tap there
Apachecats: Mummy lagging on his FA effort tonight.only 2 ,very disappointing.
Bezzina: The week i spit the dummy with whitfield
kangablues: Hate these pop-up ads
dezlav: @Zadolinnyj. I’m with you. Don’t care about the ads. Monty provides a great and free service so if he can scrape some co
Stikman35: Coniglio,coniglio,coniglio. Northa Melbourne anda foodascrsy.
Kidult: seriously have to consider Maynard now even after his free points last week
Apachecats: yeah blonde tried a little toby green manouver with the leg in the ruck contest.
Kidult: CD gave stats from Mayne to Maynard for an unknown period last week
Bezzina: as a Cogs owner i want to punch leon
Seb78: Grundy off tonight. Cant hold a mark
dezlav: Lachlan Ash on field, Tom on the bench. DOH.
beerent11: Bruce asks for validation after all his statements…. doesn’t he?
Dream Big: Does anyone else have the scores completely disappear? I refresh and sometimes they come back, sometimes not.
Donzoes: Sorry guys, I had Cogs 20+ in my multi
DrSeuss: Agreed Bezzina.
BigChief: @beerent he always has and it’s annoying LOL
Migz: seems like that doesnt it beerent.
Baldfrog: Hate to see the free kick count
kangablues: Grundy. Protected species.
Mandolor: thinking i should have captained Neale
BigChief: @donzoes it’s not your fault Leon is a muppet.
frenzy: 12-9 baldfrog
Yelse: cogs seriously even as a deep fwd u can do better
Baldfrog: Cox should have goobled that up good one BT
pcaman2003: Cogs! Wowee! Just can’t adapt his game. Fast trade coming up for me this week
Dream Big: It’s been happening on this site for years, I was just wondering if that’s normal.
Nuffman: Yes @dream big
Gotigres: Coniglio has reached double figures. What a champ.
Ash777: leon has talked about cogs forward for ages so picking him would of been foolish.
Baldfrog: Closer than it looks frenzy
hinsch: Collingwood D Cameron omitted and M Cox in mmmm thats working
aces-high: Expecting a +4 for jelly. Missed a tackle in the middle on pendles. Surely gets paid? Should of been htb
dipstick: true but Bruce is still a gun. I like him anyway
MercAm: Cox is soooo usless
heppelitis: might have to visit pornhub next week so my adds will be less distracting
Apachecats: They wont post humously give him a free now aceshigh.
Kidult: likely 4 tons in a row for Maynard wonder if he will still be under 500k
cmperrfect: Brave mobile browser, no ads
dipstick: I personally think T Boyd paid his contract off in the GF. Cox paid for a couple years worth with that finals game
Ash777: Bruce is probably the most likable of the commentary team
dipstick: @cmperrfect you got any BAT crypto coins? gonna go up 10X in the next 18 months as Brave catche on
aces-high: Not talking about the free a tackle is +4 and it hasn’t been awarded yet?
Apachecats: Bruce hasn’t got much to beat there Ash.
cmperrfect: Missed that boat @dip
a1trader: it is Cox’s first game back after weeks. he will be fine. Bucks loves him. Always brings the ball to ground
Apachecats: Sorry focused on the HTB and miss read aces.
frenzy: think it needs to result in a stoppage or free kick to be a tackle @ Ace
dipstick: @cmperfect nonsense. the boats still at the docks brother. A very well respected project and the future of browsing
MercAm: @a1trader cause he can’t do anything with it
CozzieCan: Cogs carrying an injury or just playing average ?
Bezzina: Cogs please just get over 40
Raveneyes: Cogs playing deep forward. Hasn’t got anywhere near it.
pcaman2003: @Cozzie. Below average due to lack of ticker
dipstick: what happened to the hover stats m0nty?
frenzy: taking up space on his browser, so he sold’em for sum pop-ups
Kidult: whitfield will be about 450k if he ends up with b2b 80s
pcaman2003: C’mon Whitty,no more clangers please.
Stu7: What’s going on with Sidebottom?
LuvIt74: How good has Howe been
pcaman2003: @Stu7. I think it’s de Boer poisoning
dipstick: Sidey is having a Boer War. Does Adelaides have a tagger for Neale?
Yelse: grundy ceebs with mummy lol
Stu7: Cheers pcaman2003
cmperrfect: wake up Whitfield
pcaman2003: No probs Stu.
Apachecats: How Crisp has Crisp been?
DrSeuss: So Cogs gets a couple of touches in the middle – then pushed back to full forward FFS
Stu7: Green going for it
pcaman2003: Geez,Whitty gone from 49 to 42 this qtr. Hell no!
Stu7: Tom that is
cmperrfect: Been drinking de Boer water
Nuffman: Noway of getting Green on the park.. unless I take out a premmies… Wish I could sub out cogs..
Yelse: why is grundy SC going backwards
Baldfrog: Good for us who held Green
DrSeuss: Cogs and T Brown on Field as Tom Green sits on my bench 🙁
BigChief: Wish I could sub Cogs out.
mattmac24: I have Rivers and T Brown on field and McInerney and T Green on the bench 🙁
Baldfrog: Least cogs will be cheap soon
dipstick: @nuffyman may be worth it if he tons
Kidult: Davis hammy iced
pcaman2003: 93%TOG, 3 touches 1 contested. Bloody disgrace from the captain.
beerent11: Very ordinary for me Howe, cogs, Haynes, t brown, Grundy , noble.
pcaman2003: Stand corrected. 6 useless touches,not 3.
mattmac24: Howe is Howe Ordinary?
beerent11: Only one pulling his weight mattamac
BigChief: 3 or 6 shill shit @pcaman. LOL
Kidult: VC on Grundy and E on Noble for me
Nuffman: Neale, Fyfe, Cripps, Rowell… Rowell would be the obvious… But the way he ahs been playing…??
lofty: What a scrapfest this game is. Terrible football
CozzieCan: Gws a few injury issues .. concerning
dipstick: E on brown and NOT on green for me
pcaman2003: @Chief. Needed a lecture from Kennedy Snr
Raspel31: Have all mentioned nuffman- Neale for me.
dipstick: @nuffyman yeahh nahhh. keep your premmies. Could all go 150. Rowell is my VC pod
Fatbar5tad: Conigs up forward. Fuck a duck.
dipstick: glad i traded whitfield now. Just need Sympkin to go 1 fitty
Ash777: BT needs to shut his mouth. jynxed mihocek.
Stikman35: The crowd is going off
pcaman2003: Tom Green at least a shining light out of this debacle.
BigChief: Not looking good for Williams.
Yelse: Why is everyone forgetting Gawn?
beerent11: Neale up against the least defensive midfield in the comp.
Kidult: ash is gonna lose money at this rate
Baldfrog: Neale will destroy us
circle52: I am actualy going Neale into Gawn
hinsch: Whitfield BE will be 300+ next week
Fatbar5tad: Neale into Gawn for me. Gawn will smash Geelong.
Yelse: BT needs to give cogs a rev up
pcaman2003: Petracca or Sympkin better option?
Kidult: @beerent and not even M.Crouch so he has 1 less potential opp wonder if Keays will run with him as ex brissy player
Kidult: might know his achilles heal
DrSeuss: T Brown just chilling on the bench – hasn’t scored since the first quarter
dipstick: anyone see S Koreas soccer corona crowd full of blow up dolls holding signs?
jbjimmyjb: The SC point difference between Whitfield and Crisp is a bit ridiculous
hinsch: If M Cox out scores T Brown I am going to be very disappointed
pcaman2003: Whitty 28pts last 2 qtrs very concerning.
frenzy: best part of 850 SC to come, these scores will change heaps yet.
BigChief: Can Sidey get to 75?
dipstick: i held Bonts coz he had quiet games and still avge good. Hope he starts rolling.
Kidult: yeh there should b still 200 points for that qtr alone to allocate
Fatbar5tad: Can Conigs crack 30 ffs
Kidult: SC actually slowed for the last part of that qtr
The39Steps: You look at the GWS talent (on paper) and wonder why Giants havent won three flags and every game by 50pts.
mattmac24: jbjimmyjb, not really, difference in DE% clangers and tackles/goals makes a big difference
Yelse: grundy stooooogeedd
BigChief: @fatbar I doubt it.
penguins00: The only time Giants looked capable the Tigers were better
kangablues: These ad blocks are every 30 sec
Arminius: get in there whitta
Kidult: Grundy should beast now Mumford surely has to be tired
TheLegend6: Whitta will ton
Gotigres: That’s the way Grundy. Go up 15 points at a time
Grimes Jr: giants to win
Apachecats: Grudy good for 130 at this rate.
pcaman2003: @TheLegend6. Not if he keeps doing stupid clangers
BigChief: Pendles steals the kick off Phillips there LOL
jbjimmyjb: Neale will probably get 200 vs crows so I kept him as VC, gawn C
BOMBRBLITZ: Here comes Kelly
AuroraBore: Need Haynes to get 15 or more to win $850, pray for me fellas
pcaman2003: LOL! Grundy score last 2 mins outscore Cogs whole game time.
Arminius: whitta got in there
Raspel31: For $100 I’ll pray Aurora.
Apachecats: Our father who art in heaven
Ash777: suck shit greene lol
lofty: Greene machine
Bezzina: we praying for cogs to get near the ball?
jbjimmyjb: Aurora he’ll get 15 no problem
Kidult: u got it aurora
TheLegend6: You’re safe Aurora
BigChief: Haynes is a wall once again.
AuroraBore: thank god
pcaman2003: @Bezzina. Nah! Cogs is too far gone.
Kidult: Howe bad knee
jbjimmyjb: howe is gone
Ash777: oh nooo
pcaman2003: Oh!That’s nasty.
TheLegend6: Howe broken leg?
BigChief: Fuck. Now Howe injured.
Arminius: howe’s done
BOMBRBLITZ: there goes Howe’s season
Gotigres: Howe gone for the season I reckon
Fatbar5tad: Great. Howe has done a knee.
casey22: Howe finished for the year, surely! Ouch!
Jukes82: lmaoo howe
AuroraBore: oh fuck me
Apachecats: Bring the screen out for Howe.OMG
Jukes82: tombstone
Smac34: Nooooooooo
DrSeuss: FFS – No I need to trade out Naismith and Howe this week
Arminius: he’ll walk it off for sure
Kidult: Wills is so untidy
circle52: where is delete SC team – Howe gone now.
Raspel31: Think we might all regret the passing of Howe.
CozzieCan: Damn Howe just got you in last week
dipstick: @aurora i punched it into the finger calculator and you should be safe.
pcaman2003: Only Friday night and my round looks totally stuffed.
beerent11: Such a shame. Was having a career best season.
Nuffman: Cogs for sealer, and I’m happy
circle52: Can we have 5 trades next week?
Kidult: time to loop Noble
TheLegend6: Nervy times Aurora
jbjimmyjb: I dont understand how GWS has no one to kick to with cameron/himmel/finlay
AuroraBore: im starting to sweat it
AuroraBore: oh ffs he was so close then
BigChief: I can’t trade Cogs now. Have to replace Howe and Williams.
Kidult: Rivers, Starc or Brander to the bench. Leaning towards Starc against crows ball probably stay up the other end
TheLegend6: He’s dropped 2 marks
DrSeuss: Thats bad luck Big Chief – lucky you didnt have Naismith as well
Apachecats: 3.29 to go aurora
jbjimmyjb: Howe > Stewart will be the #1 trade of the week
BigChief: Surely GWS can’t lose this.
casey22: Big Cox again
BigChief: That’s for sure @Seuss.
Fatbar5tad: Mask
AuroraBore: between Haynes and the pies being this close im gonna have a heart attack
Raspel31: If he falls short Aurora I’ll take him out for $200.
DrSeuss: Surely Howe to Maynard would be the trade of the week
Kidult: I actually think Haynes got 15 pretty sure they missed 1 earlier
BigChief: Who was hoping Cox wouldn’t outscore TBrown?
teachrtony: @Kidult. If I were fagan I’d be giving him a run through the middle against us. rivers benched for me.
dipstick: the big Yankee Cox. Same as a quickie but you do it by yourselfie
jbjimmyjb: there is haynes
teachrtony: But then I’ve got t Brown on field and T Green benched and no E.
beerent11: The obvious one seuss
Apachecats: Hope you don’t miss by a point Aurora
Nuffman: Little green making a case to be looped in… At the expense of Rowell 😳
pcaman2003: Cogs still doing a lot of onlooking.
Arminius: gg pies
frenzy: cogs the decoy
travo: What happened to Howe how long is he out
Apachecats: Aurora ?
AuroraBore: ok well the money is nice, shame about the pies
DrSeuss: Cogs celebrating like he did something….hmm
BigChief: Tom Green inpressive at the end.
beerent11: Tough call vc Grundy or Neale would normally take that 128
Apachecats: well done!
BOMBRBLITZ: Howe to Seagull for me
AuroraBore: 850 in the bank, barring a recount that puts him lower than 15
spdysaint: who should i get in for howe?
AuroraBore: Howe to Haynes for me next week if the knee is bad
dipstick: @nuffy dont do it. rowell 120+
spdysaint: yeh i’m thinking between haynes or daniel in for howe
MrGmax: I somehow doubt Howe will be playing next week. His leg almost went flying off.
CozzieCan: Howe to Lloyd for me next week
beerent11: Daniel here safe as houses
BigChief: I am looking at Haynes and Stewart to replace Williams and Howe.
