BigChief: Gday all. Tigers by 22 for me and Martin for 1st goal.
Stikman35: Shut up Eddie
CozzieCan: Go the cats !!!
Yelse: looking like a good game
Tangent: Hawkins so such a big loss…
Tangent: *Hawkins such a big loss…
Stikman35: Can’t let Martin get back position in forward line. And Lynch is a master at push in back marks.
Yelse: wheres houli
TommyC: Graham 🙁
Tangent: Miers +21 from that play? lol
BigChief: Is Martin done? Doesn’t look happy.
Tangent: Martin would not be done even if he has a broken leg!
Ash777: He was taken off for nothing.
CozzieCan: Don’t think Hawkins would be a factor except we’d be 2 goals 6 lmao
CozzieCan: Fast paced game , Hawkins would run out of gas at this rate lol
TheLegend6: You’re a better team with Hawkins in it
Tangent: Miers, you gun!
phivee: miers got blown over by the wind there?
CozzieCan: @ Legend team isn’t based on one player..
TheLegend6: Yeh I know Cozzie but I’m saying you’re better when he plays imo
CozzieCan: Couldn’t agree more @ Legend but tonight shows that we are still giving the fight .. been impressive both teams
Pedsy: Nearly every one of Richmond’s marks is after a push in the back
TheLegend6: Dont think Cats been anything special but we’ve been so poor
CozzieCan: Well the scoreboards telling .. early days Richmond seem to be disoriented
phivee: cats look average, richmond just look more average lol
CozzieCan: That’s why Sydney made bottom 8 overly average ..
exatekk: Bulls-eye dusty LMAO
phivee: must be nice going for a bandwagon team
CozzieCan: Been going for Geelong for over 30 years champ .
runt: Go Cats
runt: Cats look better than Swans Phivee
phivee: okay “champ”, we’ve been in the finals the last decade im happy for a year off
CozzieCan: Lived in torque for almost 40 years so yeah born & bred ..
Tangent: Go Crows!
CozzieCan: On ya big fella
Tangent: Guthrie has wheels!
TheLegend6: Graham so important to the way we play, has been a big out so far tonight
CozzieCan: Definitely a free kick unsure on that 50 m was abit piss poor
TheLegend6: Cats getting a free ride, thats an abysmal 50
Sixty656: Dusty getting his sook on.
NewFreoFan: Wtf is going on with Touhys tattoo
CozzieCan: Think that’s a birth mark @ freo fan
runt: Free kick and 50 to Danger wasn’t there. I couldn’t be happier.
runt: Maybe Martin can start throwing it and Grimes start diving
runt: Eagles v Tigers Grand Final is off the menu
CozzieCan: Imagine an upset with Collingwood & gws get thru .. wowweee
beerent11: Can’t see that happening cozzie
TheLegend6: Yeh and GWS win next week haha
Number 8: And that, Mr Chamberlain, is why you’ll never umpire a grand final
beerent11: Still like Richmond to get up
beerent11: Here comes the press
beerent11: Brilliant jack
BigChief: That was deliberate from Jack to Dusty
beerent11: Reckon the premier comes from this game
Gandhi: Bold call there with it being a 50/50 chance
VodkaHawk: Lol
beerent11: I’m all an
Tangent: Turning into a shit show for tha cats
CozzieCan: Flowering put Dangerfield in the middle ffs
runt: Come on Cats
CozzieCan: I don’t care about miers SuperCoach score but this quarter he’s been giving Richmond the ball
Chelskiman: These goals at the end of the quarter are hurting us.
CozzieCan: Gonna be a cracker of a last quarter .. make or brake
CozzieCan: Cats done cyas later fucking hell
VodkaHawk: These are 2 teams that can go bang, bang, bang with a quick few consecutive goals
Tangent: On cue boys!
VodkaHawk: Papa Ablett woulda kicked that
Chelskiman: Not over yet, Cozzie. Geelong have goals in them for sure. We’re gonna need two or three at least.
Tangent: I would back the tigers with my life on this occasion…
Tangent: Where the fuck is danger???
Lynch_MOB: game over
Tangent: Danger is not getting his Grand Final anytime soon…
Lynch_MOB: dont see danger running his mouth this quarter
BigChief: Bye bye Geelong.
runt: Hats off to the Tigers, They fought it out and triumphed
Lynch_MOB: geez chris scott, hows it feel to lose to richmond who were worse last year muppet lol