wadaramus: As a faithful Adelaide supporter, I say with little confidence, carn the Crows!
duckky: Go Captain Gardiner!
original: cmon doggies
pcaman2003: First nail in the Hawks coffin. Today I’m a Crows follower.
OhSoRozee: everything is lit up in this game colours are bright
OhSoRozee: especially richards red mop is extra red today
thiccgucci: this will be a 100 point smacking
Yelse: 253 vs bont and Laird who wins… bont going nuts
original: mcrouch plz just score 75 plz
VodkaHawk: 253 wins
Stikman35: Wasn’t Gardiner a handy pick this year
thiccgucci: please brodie smith, not this week projected 2900 dont ruin it
pcaman2003: The Crouches and Sloane need to lift from last weeks poor efforts,especially Sloane.
duckky: MCrouch… FFS … 2 clangers in the first 5 minutes? On track for a Mumford
OhSoRozee: go low smith and go high sloane and jj
pcaman2003: Crows don’t look like getting it to the forward line.Hopeless lot!
The0Grrr: Giants nervous yet?
masterhc2: Far out Adelaide are hopeless ffs.
VodkaHawk: The FreeKickBulldogs game in round 2 hurts. Lift Crows you muppets
thiccgucci: far out smith 5 touches for 7 lmao
original: Im honestly shocked Tylor Walkers leadership style couldnt get crows fired up
Stikman35: What dogs players are due to break back into this team. They look good.
pcaman2003: @original. Lol!Worst captain ever. Lucky he even gets a game.
Yelse: don’t think my 253 vs bont and laird is safe at all bont going huge
OhSoRozee: i dont think co captains work
VodkaHawk: Get Clarko in as a temporary Crows coach for the next 3 quarters, that’ll win them the game
lukefield9: Croms are pathetic – dogs just playing with it inside 50 with no pressure
amigaman: Dogs could beat anybody in this form
masterhc2: Not sure we can blame the umps for giving up a 6 goal lead in that one unfortunately VodkaHawk
OhSoRozee: trengove,williams,webb probz most likely
lukefield9: @amigaman very true, awesome to watch
masterhc2: Yeah agree dogs could do some real damage in the finals
supastarr: Where’s the witches hats?
pcaman2003: Mind you guys,the Crows make most teams look good.
amigaman: Being whacked, but Crows heart isn’t in this
thiccgucci: Dogs will beat GWS
OhSoRozee: gws are dif side tho with cameron conigs and a fit kelly
NewFreoFan: I jumped on Dogs for the flag 2 weeks ago at ridiculous odds. It’s 2016 all over again
The0Grrr: Looks ezi with zero opposition. Thought dees were playing for a minute it’s that bad.
OhSoRozee: not convinced we could keep cameron to under 5 goals to have a chance
Yelse: is there a wind to the bulldogs?
thiccgucci: 2 goal win apparantly yelse, but dogs are dominating around the ball
Stikman35: Gums aren’t swaying too much.
thommoae: Not to mention Hopper and Haynes …
OhSoRozee: finlayson,himmelberg and cameron vs our defenders isnt a pretty matchup
lukefield9: imagine your captain getting 9 touches (no goals or tackles) and then telling his teammates to “roll up their sleeves”
BRAZZERS: this game is over
Trindacut: Hahah luke beat me to it
pcaman2003: Walker isn’t fit to be a captains butt hole @lukefield
Trindacut: Don pyke coaching his last game, and tex playing his last as Captain
wadaramus: Phew, just avoided 22 donuts..
wadaramus: Was that quick ball movement from the Crows?
Stikman35: Go crows. Captains goal
NewFreoFan: Wouldn’t be surprised to see Bont win the Brownlow this year either
Jackwatt$: Go doggies! I tipped this fellas
OhSoRozee: 2 many vote grabbers in dogs side tho with dunk/macrae and hunter
Hadouken: 256 + Macrae vs Captain Macrae + brodie smith
thiccgucci: dunk and macrae will steal too many
original: hadouken so 256 vs macrae and smith..
OhSoRozee: this form + money to spend to recruit im happy
Ash777: Danger or Neale for brownlow
OhSoRozee: just hope we dont recruit shit like trengove paid to much for him
Yelse: 253 vs bont and Laird getting worried now
pcaman2003: Pyke looking mystified. Not a good look coach. Move on man and let a real coach in.
Ash777: actually pendles could win it based on his year and only grundy to take votes off
BRAZZERS: Nah Fyfe has this on lock
OhSoRozee: i think williams will come in for richards after 33
Stikman35: Only Grundy…lol.
Tig-Train: Need Bont, Laird and smith to stop touching it
BigChief: Not sure what you are smoking Ash but there might be a few more than Grundy taking votes.
thiccgucci: sidebottom could steal a few, treloar definitely
OhSoRozee: would b a few 3 vote games from couple pies fwds aswell
Yelse: you guys forgetting treloar most possession in AFL i think
Stikman35: Beams at start of year would have polled. This game is so trivial
Kaalia: Gawn and Grundy are the most dominant players in the league imo. Surely one of them wins the Brownlow.
thiccgucci: are you sure beams would have polled?
Tig-Train: Was same as last year and neither got close
GobChuck: everyone not called dogs fans barracking for crows. get a move on you wet farts
thommoae: Love Mummy , but if we had Grundy … Grundy has been a Gun all year.
OhSoRozee: i reckon fyfe will umps love him
Stikman35: First 5 games only thicccgucci.
Stikman35: Just saying not just Grundy, pendles, trealoar,
OhSoRozee: boak had a bad back end but will b on a few no1 stealing votes
OhSoRozee: jj kicking is so bad shouldnt have won the norm smith turned it over all day
Ash777: Treloar is 704 disposals before rnd 23 Macrae is 700
thiccgucci: lift brodie smith please
BigChief: Neale, Cripps, Bont, Fyfe, Macrae, T. Kelly and Danger will be top vote getters.
Ash777: treloar is actually finished up on 739
Raspel31: Might again pull the fat from the fire- go Bonts, Dunks, Macrae and Laird.
Trindacut: tex looks fat
Trindacut: needs to ease up on the parmas
masterhc2: Far out Tex pissweak. Imagine having him as a captain
masterhc2: Come on grows though lol
OhSoRozee: if thats fat im an elephant
Stikman35: Plugger liked parmas
Trindacut: at least he got a couple goals in his farewell game
OhSoRozee: he wont go anywhere crows love him 2 much
OhSoRozee: its like a stalkers love
thiccgucci: brodie smith always near it ffs never doing something good
Trindacut: farewell to the captaincy
SilverLion: Gee someone doesn’t like walker
Trindacut: if crows come out with some fire in their belly in 3Q maybe they can challenge
Tig-Train: Adelaide needed to win comfortably to gain percentage… they are done
Trindacut: would need a couple early goals
Trindacut: they still shape the 8 with a win. hawks would stay in
Trindacut: I’m not being too harsh, just saw Titus call this the Don Pyke farewell game
thiccgucci: need smith to put together a massive second half for my cash league
Danstar: I don’t think crows motivation to win would be to get hawks into finals
BRAZZERS: lolz crows ain’t winning this
OhSoRozee: only motivation is to stay ahead of port to dilute carltons pick by 1
m0nty: Crows will be happy to knock Port out of finals
OhSoRozee: backing port by 60 not enough to make spot if crows do win
Tig-Train: Crows and Port are both overrated shit… don’t deserve to be anywhere near the finals end of story
BigChief: Tidus is a moron @Trindacut.
Yelse: bont seriously time to get a tag
Grazz: We’re shower
thiccgucci: if brodie smith doesnt get to 80 i lose $1000
OhSoRozee: behinds are the only enemy
OhSoRozee: kicked 13.23 in reserves not pretty gonna need 25 shots a game to get a win
The0Grrr: Training stuff that.
OhSoRozee: crows gonna drop another spot if not careful right on norths %
pcaman2003: Hawks can go on vacation now,thanks to the Crow spuds.
Danstar: Rozee. The wind was howling at the ground
OhSoRozee: gaining pick 3 for pick 7 isnt a win
Ash777: pick 3 for 7 and 19 (last year’s pick)
OhSoRozee: they would b shit snipers i dont find wind an excuse
Yelse: whos picks u talking about blues and crows?
OhSoRozee: yeh
frenzy: blues are a mile in front
OhSoRozee: id try trade pick 3 for 2 high teen and 2nd rounder crows need to get youth quick
Danstar: Hopefully get the bad kicking out of their system
Yelse: who they get for that pick again? will he be worth it
BigChief: If Dogs win by approx 90 and Freo win by approx 60 Crows drop to 13th
BigChief: Blues drafted Stocker.
OhSoRozee: trade jenkins,greenwood, sloane, lynch, jacobs and gibbs try salvage best picks u can
OhSoRozee: doesnt matter who carlton picked tbh the deal failed
c-hawk: get going better better crouch
OhSoRozee: lost 1 year of development in a player they could have used pick 19 on
Grazz: Clueless Rozee
thiccgucci: embarrassed to own you brodie
OhSoRozee: how so @grazz cant see any of them being part of premiership team?
frenzy: have to never again list Brouch, sorry bud
OhSoRozee: just as sydney wont have buddy part of a flag should trade him
thiccgucci: keep going bont and macrae. want 280 between you two
Grazz: I’d be trading many others before Sloane or Lynch. Can’t throw the baby iut with the bathwater
frenzy: bums on seats, rozee
BigChief: He is getting closer to 80 gucci
OhSoRozee: id look at luring keath to the dogs
thiccgucci: he is chief… very slowly…
Grazz: We have to get some speed into this team and a new game plan cause this is rubbish
OhSoRozee: yeh bums on seats for 1 year worth 5 yrs of bad list turnover?
pcaman2003: No tackles for Macrae is unusual.
BigChief: You need a new coach also Grazz. Pyke is a dud.
Grazz: Burton Campo and Hart have to go
Grazz: Yeh i’m not arguing with Pyke going either but who are you going to get
thiccgucci: bont doing all the tackling today looks like
Grazz: The club needs a rebuild from the ground up.
Ash777: From what I heard it’s greenwood, Keath, Atkins, Jenkins are being moved on
Danstar: On track to get over 2800 just realised
Tig-Train: Need to get rid of that arrogant captain… hasn’t done anything since 2017 GF day when he scared us with his stance hah
Danstar: Dogs close in getting Keath next year. Also Martin from GC
Kaalia: Both Pyke and Hinkley still have two years to go on their current contracts…
BigChief: Robert Harvey, Brett Ratten or Scott Burns are good options.
VodkaHawk: Big 8 goal to 1 quarter for Crows coming up
OhSoRozee: hinkley has 1?
Grazz: The state loves Tex but he’s a liability just don’t get enough from him
Kaalia: For mine, Crows need to get rid of at least one Crouch and non-essential over 30 players. Youth injection needed.
OhSoRozee: has a trigger for 2nd yr
Grazz: Port are broke can’t see them paying out Hinkley
BRAZZERS: lol sloane a +12 zero from CD
Grazz: I’d have Ratten in a heartbeat over Pyke mate
Kaalia: If Power sack him before the trigger outcome, I imagine they would have to pay out both years.
Tig-Train: I personally think Hinkley and Pyke both get the boot…
Grazz: I live in hope Tig-Train
OhSoRozee: yeh port gettin boak/gray and co to get this season salary in 2020 to not lose money in 2019
Kaalia: Power literally cannot afford it.
OhSoRozee: excited on smith and west for dogs
Grazz: Port are asking players to defer salaries until next year. Going to post a big loss this year
BigChief: Smith will be a gun @Rozee
Jackwatt$: Kochie could afford Hinkley’s salary easily. At least then they could ditch that ridiculous INXS song too
pcaman2003: Maybe Pyke goes to Port and Hinkley to Crows. they deserve each other.
Ash777: 10 more disposals pls macrae
OhSoRozee: macrae,bont,dunkley, smith,west, lipinski,hunter and top ups libba,wallis nice mid combo
Grazz: and for Gods sake get rid of Mackay
thiccgucci: who will the dogs spend their money on? tippa?
BigChief: LMAO pcaman. I like that
Yelse: 253 vs bont and laird getting tight
Danstar: Keath and Martin
BigChief: Tippa and Keath are their main targets
OhSoRozee: just need to top up both ends and looking set for 7 yrs
OhSoRozee: @thicc hope not we need talls not a 6th small fwd
pcaman2003: Glad you got a chuckle BigChief. Cheers!
BigChief: Dogs don’t need tall fwds @Rozee. They have Naughton and Schache.
Ash777: Tippa is a top 5 player for score assists
pcaman2003: Hard to believe Sloane only 92pts with those healthy stats. 20 CP’s too
OhSoRozee: yeh id go keath and martin
c-hawk: hate brad crouch
OhSoRozee: need 3 talls nowdays
BigChief: I would have Tippa over injury prone Martin any day.
OhSoRozee: naughton can go back at times if u get another decent fwd
thiccgucci: you have 10 minutes for 7 points brodie smith
BigChief: @gucci Smith getting closer.
Ash777: Also he’s great at set shots
The0Grrr: Dogs would need def wouldn’t they. Some getting on a bit.
OhSoRozee: the player isnt injury prone the club is
BigChief: There ya go gucci
Grazz: Got it for you Gucci well done mate
pcaman2003: Thiccgucci. There’s your points done and dusted.
thiccgucci: you beauty brodie. you beautyyy
The0Grrr: Smith to outscore Laird would do me.
thiccgucci: cheers fellas, your emotional support got me over the line.
BigChief: Your shout now gucci
Grazz: Macrae saw Smiths goal and said hold my beer. He’s a gun
thiccgucci: if lycett scores 300 and i get top score of the round then yes
The0Grrr: What’s the highest weekly score ever? Would think this week would be a chance of being close.
Grazz: well done Gucci is that a $1k you said was it
pcaman2003: Hard to believe Macrae is 6″3″ in the old scale. Doesn’t appear to look that tall to me.
The0Grrr: He’s just gotta get the money now.
Yelse: about to lose 1800 f u bont and laird
OhSoRozee: yeh dunkley is 190cm aswell had to look twice at that
Grazz: Bonts up there aswell pcaman
MrGmax: gg gucci
The0Grrr: Similar to Fyfe @pca
thiccgucci: highest weekly score is 3040 odd
OhSoRozee: bont 192 mac 191 dunk 190 lipinksi 187
pcaman2003: I knew some of the guys were taller than appeared,but Macca surprised me.
The0Grrr: Should be OhSoRainman with those stats
Drak: Do you watch football? Macrae is huge….
Grazz: should be a goal that
lukefield9: fuck me saints need some class like macrae
Grazz: Thank flower the season is over
frenzy: sons of the west, lol. welldone
Ash777: congrats yelse lol
OhSoRozee: looks like bcrouch has packed it in at crows with that effort to the saints