The0Grrr: Very tempted to go Gawn to Goldie as a PoD in my Granny. Only 5 PoD’s in matchup
original: If all of goldy cunnington and Oliver can have quiet games that’d be great
feralmong: i feel for m0nty. Today is his last hore for 7 months.
thiccgucci: Goldy in form, but very hard to punt against gawn!
The0Grrr: Yeah. Held off. Either Sic to Zilliams or Rozee to Jezza left to debate
thiccgucci: Rozee to Jeremy Cameron sounds amazing
The0Grrr: A bag of 10 for the Coleman would be nice
The0Grrr: Maybe shoulda gone Fritz
m0nty: Hore has Wood, this is elite dad joke territory
Hadouken: was on the “trade gawn out” bandwagon 🙁
thiccgucci: I was so close to getting Cunnington after first 7 rounds. glad i didnt have the balls
thiccgucci: keep going gawn and clarry!
Yelse: hoping gawn has a shocker opponent has him VC i went grundy
Hadouken: keep an eye on that brayshaw, going to be a star 2020
Yelse: goldy back to earth after his score last week
BigChief: Flopper Brown back at it again.
VodkaHawk: Biggest flopper in the AFL
Ash777: Brayshaw was expected to go big this season.
BigChief: For a so called great kick Salem is pathetic.
NoneyaB: why did ppl thing gawn was going to miss this game? he wasnt actually injured all he had was a tight hammy
thiccgucci: lift clarry, pathetic qtr so far
Hadouken: NoneyaB was the fact Preuss was named and the tightness that worried a lot
NoneyaB: personally i think ppl played the whole thing up abit than they had to being gf week and all
Hadouken: yeah possibly, but cant 1% risk is too much in GF
Hadouken: why did i put cant in that sentence? anyway
jocka: Both games are level at half time.
Kaalia: Surprised at all the Gawn negativity through the week. He always delivers.
Pinkman: Opponent had Grundy vc but kept Gawn as captain. Might pay off for him. 😉
Raspel31: Have my vpn set to Denmark- the pop up ads are a lot sexier. Go Gawn and Clarry.
Ash777: Everyone was expecting the team wouldn’t risk playing Gawn
Hadouken: lol Raspel
thiccgucci: 150 plz gawn and 120 clarry 😀
thiccgucci: get moving oliver wtf. gone down 1 this qtr
Pinkman: Gawn putting on a ruck clinic
feralmong: gee gucci should be saying 200 plz. wd if ur capt.
Raspel31: Wow-stupendous work big Max.
Gotigres: Anyone with Goldy rather than Gawn will now be regretting it
Yelse: geez gawn please slow down wtf
Yelse: when u think grundy’s 157 and gawn hits it by 3QT jokes on me
Hadouken: wow oliver, way to spud it up ya chump
original: Sub 100 for you plz Oliver
Nigma97: Have Gawn VC but gonna put the C on Cripps, he’s going off for 240 today
BigChief: McMillan done for season.
BigChief: Hahaha nice joke Nigma.
zoomba23: Siren plz
original: Goldy just did a huge freaking jump FFS
Pinkman: Makes it worse @yelse when ur opponent stupidly I thought, left the C on Gawn. Lol. Jokes on me too.
feralmong: are you sure its season ending chief?
original: Siren please ffs
Raspel31: Think they’ve decided to play on into the 4th.
BigChief: Pretty sure feral LOL.
original: This late surge from Oliver (and even goldy late points) killin me
megawatts: goldy has completely nullified gawn
thiccgucci: salem loves putting his team mates under pressure with shocking kicks/handballs
original: Flower off goldy
BigChief: That was rubbish from Melb.
Nigma97: Goldy getting on top now, at the right time for North, wrong time for SC
thiccgucci: fark clarrywent down 10 from that. get up to 110 please oliver
BigChief: Lucky it was only 10 gucci.
Ash777: whoever C’d gawn with grundy vc must be laughing now
phivee: if gawn could stop that’d be highly appreciated
megawatts: wood misses 🙁
CozzieCan: Go Gawn get that double ton oh wowee
BestCoast: Spewing I didn’t VC Grundy last night not now giddy up
thiccgucci: i know bigchief, deserved to go down 20. free kick into 50 metres to give up the lead
Raspel31: thiccgucci-Max rather making up for Clarry for us- and a long way to go.
GobChuck: went Josh Kennedy vc over Gawn with Goldy lining up against him, please stop max it’s getting out of hand
Ash777: however those who traded or benched gawn would be crying lol
duckky: why did I chane my VC to danger at the last minute? Karma you #$%^&
megawatts: gawn marks 15 m out- shooting for the 200
Ash777: I’m hoping goldy atleast gets to 80 but I think gawn has covered his lack of score for me
thiccgucci: great start for danger @duckky
pcaman2003: Cunners as useless as TOAB. Hardly near the ball again.
Ash777: Gawn most goals in a game?
thiccgucci: gawn reminding us who is the SC goat!
Gotigres: Well done Gawn
BigChief: I believe it equals his best @Ash
BRAZZERS: lol goat of the round, not the goat of the season
Sloaneyyyy: C’mon Norf… pull your finger out
Apachecats: I reckon Gawn’s hammy is fine.
Ash777: who has the highest sc score this season?
Yelse: there goes my GF 🙁 gawn score ridiculous
Haydo: Dunkley but gawn now
megawatts: gawn marks on the siren
feralmong: scaling wooo.
original: Goldys points can foad. Shouldn’t be that high imo
GobChuck: turn off for a minute and bang gawns gone up another 40
original: Siren plz
BigChief: Higgins the star? Gawn BOG by a mile.
Raspel31: 530 for 2 players- can live with that.
pcaman2003: Jordan is wearing his ferret.
VodkaHawk: Lol @ Higgins star
vartic: That’ll be my SC GF lost. Thanks Cunnington