Apachecats: After VC Cripps flop ,I find myself down to Conig or Taranto with the big C ,leaning to the consistancy of Tarantula.
shang0: I VC’d Fyfe and got very greedy, C on Cripps.. I’ll still win though
frenzy: i think Zeibs will go to Conigs, the 2 bulls together
Apachecats: shang I’m playing someone who did the same ,wonder if its you ,team name is
Apachecats: team name is diddymons
Apachecats: Mummy playing his last for me before he morphs into Grundy in 2 weeks time.
bushranger: Zac+Toby+Conigs vs Goldy+Ziebell+Tarato+16pts Who wins?
Hadouken: combo 2 wins bushranger
Apachecats: that 16 points might do it.
bushranger: Cheers Hadouken, sadly I’m option 1. Bugger
Wends: Afternoon all – agree with hadouken @bushranger
bushranger: Cheers lads, a stressful arvo I feel
Wends: Do Boer has gone to Cunnington
Wends: Went Conigs C over Fyfe VC (RDT)… sweating bullets also
Hadouken: ziebell nice
thiccgucci: if ziebs stays in midfield, definitely going to consider him
Wends: Frenzy you were spot on
Hadouken: pittard the worst kick in afl by a country mile
Gelly: i think dow is worse
BigChief: Treloar and Shiel not great either.
Torz: Garthwaite’s kicking from Richmond is awful
thiccgucci: i havent seen oliver ever kick it, so assuming he isnt great too
Apachecats: ZClarke Essendon shocking kick.
LMartos: I don’t get why Coniglio kicks on his left, he’s not good at it
StuL: b Bushranger. Probably
PlungeMe: based on technique alone I’d throw tom mcdonald in the mix
Tig-Train: Garthwaite kicks like a spaz… so awkward
StuL: Setterspuds efficiency is pretty bad
Apachecats: Cunners going to have a dog day.
pcaman2003: Cogs disposals woeful. Only 3 pts from last 4 disposals
Umpirespet: Hartigans kicking for us is $hite
Drak: Cameron masterstroke playing Stein over Hately looks like its paying off
MONEY TALK: hatley is a mid?
PlungeMe: surprised no-ones mentioned balta
StuL: Don’t care who it is. We need a rookie hero. Go Stein
dipstick: Hateleys not going to play again this season. He was the perfect replacement for Ward but was dropped
Hadouken: if youre reading this ziebell, get moving ha
Hadouken: hopefully ziebell checks his phone at qtr time
Umpirespet: Wonder if hately wants to come home must be annoyed with GWS not getting a game
GobChuck: Wow someones tagging Polec. GWS Smart here.
Wends: Greene from 5 to 22 in 60 secs?
pcaman2003: Stein almost hitting his projected
Dead_Ned: de Boer is on Cunners
Drak: DeBoer is onCunnington… dont know why the padlock is on Polec
Hadouken: keep going ziebs, making my rank go up
GobChuck: Kennedys running with Polec
Raspel31: Atta boy Hopper- after the cap disaster of Cripps I need some happiness.
thiccgucci: coniglio will score 80 from here
Yeehaw: Finlayson ok?
Umpirespet: Raspel is Hopper just a mid or fwd /mid?
Dead_Ned: gucci, too right- he always plays one qtr game
Wends: You are so dead wrong @thicc, but do you care to make it interesting? 🙂
Bennyherb: Worth get rid of Cameron I think . N Bring in ziebell and dunkley
Raspel31: Just a m Umpire- not quite a gun but a good holding player.id
thiccgucci: hey i have cogs i wish he goes 120 plus, but i know him all too well
beerent11: Thought you were gonna take fyfes score raspel
Umpirespet: He is consistent tho raspel
Raspel31: Mid
Dead_Ned: cogs 5 kicks and 0% kicking eff
iamkelly: Cogs Kicking Efficiency 0%
pcaman2003: Keep it up Cogs.No slacking allowed today.
Raspel31: I know beer- changed as I was heading out the door- more fool I. Cost me a win.
Wends: He gets to 124 from here… Willing to put a noice red on it
Raspel31: Averaging late 90s Umpire- just a tad under 100 and cheap.
thiccgucci: cogs only to go 110 plus if he kicks 2 goals
Wends: Ouch Rasp, those last minute changes burn
rabp1es: Mumford not giggling away many free kicks for once
thiccgucci: more than happyto be proven wrong though…
rabp1es: spoke too soon, just gave away one
Raspel31: Cheers Wends.
pcaman2003: Damn!Looks like Cogs back up forward. There goes the points.
Wends: Have been chicken of fessing up but grabbed Greene at low point a couple of weeks ago…
Umpirespet: Toby is back
rabp1es: de boer on Cunnington?
Dead_Ned: @rabp1es yeh
cmperrfect: Williams liking no Whitfield
jbjimmyjb: cunnington and cameron wrapping up my shocking week
Raspel31: Had him round one Wends- no going back for me but looking good.
StuL: Got rid of Greene for Boak. Looking a waste at the minute but Greene has been all over the place all year
GobChuck: looks good today, might grab him for walsh after that 141 cycles out
thiccgucci: wont regret that Stul. greene will miss atleast 2 more games this season
Oddsy5: captain cunnington ouch
Crowls: going to lost a few today as de boer gives cunnington a workover
StuL: I still think you want accumulators come finals. Greene doens’t get goals, he doesn’t score SC points
Umpirespet: Like Sicily hasn’t been suspended yet
GobChuck: stein scores decent for a rookie defender……shame he’ll get dropped next game
thiccgucci: agree
cmperrfect: Can some1 tell Williams that kicking in from inside the goal square is not allowed…
thiccgucci: glad i didnt go with jeremy cameron. very interested in ziebell
StuL: cheers gucci
Bennyherb: Wtf didn’t Scott have ziebell in the middle ?
Umpirespet: Gws don’t travel that well
Raspel31: Well, he’s an attractive man thiccgucci- to each his own.
Wends: Not that there’s anything wrong with that
rabp1es: de boer all Australian for me
Wends: Did Cunnington just lay off heater bc family connections?
BRAZZERS: greene scored 106sc weeks ago with a goal actually, although that was his only ton.
BRAZZERS: without a goal*
Wends: They seem to be missing a lotta tackles @Umpires
Apachecats: Taranto must’ve been dragged for that dumb 50 he gave away.
StuL: He got a spell on the ball that day Brazzers
amigaman: Depends whether they give Greene a run in the middle
Lawls: Giants better not cost me a perfect round in tipping
thiccgucci: ahahaha cogs takes the free
dipstick: how many kids want to grow up and be like De Boer?? only the kids that cant play football LOL
LMartos: Coniglio yoinked that ball for the free lol
Drak: sneaky conigs
Bennyherb: Cameron will end with 5
dipstick: “its OK son. youre useless at football so go and harrass and annoy the ones that are good at it”
Wends: yoinked 🙂
Lawls: If only cogs was a little more consistent
BRAZZERS: you must have cunners in your team lol
Hooks: What a player De Boer is, no one can slip his tag.
Raspel31: On the nail dipstick.
thiccgucci: kelly is good at football. cant wait to bring him in rd15
Hadouken: classy kick by kelly. very nice
Wends: Monty give your combobulator a whack on the side – Larkey’s score is stuck.
zoomba23: He’s a dirty flog is what he is Hooks. Holding Cunners at every stoppage
thommoae: de Boer’s averaging 15 disposals per game recently. Not just a good ‘annoyer’ …
Raspel31: Yep-don’t have Cunnington- it’s just pushing the rules as far as they go and frankly dirty play.
Umpirespet: If it was dirty the umps should pick it up
Wends: Pittard worst hair in footy, as well as worst kick…
MONEY TALK: got the c on kelly, also cant wait to get cunners cheao
Apachecats: Its good that Stratten has been picked up ,dirty pincher.
Raspel31: On to Pittard’s hair Umpire.
Struda: Jeremy cameron can suck a huge fucking fat penis what the fuck
V@lks: m0nty was hoping to see some new player icons I tweeted to you 🙁
Umpirespet: Lol ok raspel
Hadouken: maybe shouldve stuck with kelly C rather than brouch VC
feralmong: here’s a stat. Garthwaite 82.56% DE. 38th this season.
Hooks: Might have to bring Williams and Whitefield back in, as well as pick up hurn
Wends: Let it all out Struda, that’s what we’re here for.
lukefield9: @feralmong but tbf he’s one of the worst players in the AFL – conceeds so many goals directly
Umpirespet: I have Whitfield giving me a donut hoping he will be back soon
Tig-Train: Haha kicks like a spaz but is quite efficient hmm
Struda: @umpirespet was a 4-6 week injury straight up and you know how gws are
Raspel31: Lol Wends.
feralmong: yeah and we’d play rance if we had him but we dont.
Chelskiman: Big hit on De Boer!
Wends: De Boer just absolutely crunched
Dead_Ned: de boer is down
Wends: knocked into next week
feralmong: beggers cant be choosers and we’re begging atm. Astbury is efficient too.
Umpirespet: I miss Rances flops feral
feralmong: smiles all round, deboring is down.
MONEY TALK: de boer will be fine
Tig-Train: I need 265 from Cogs and Williams arghh
amigaman: Greene -9 since last posession, no frees, wtf
pcaman2003: Cogs score out of whack. Gone from 78 to 72 and no points for mark and HB yet,
BOMBRBLITZ: GWS interested in Zac Clarke for Hately?
Raspel31: I’m still holding on to Dane Swan Umpire- but patience wearing thin.
Tig-Train: Noticed that pcaman
BRAZZERS: lol why do you have a spud?
Wends: Looked pretty dazed @Money
mattmac24: You guys look too far into supercoach scores…
Umpirespet: He has VD won’t be back for ages Raspel
BOMBRBLITZ: I had a dig at Puopolo
feralmong: i needed someone else for whitfield. Went finlayson. give me the potato.
Struda: because its superior @mattmac, shouldnt get 3 points for a kick tha goes 10 metres to the opposition
BOMBRBLITZ: Monty, please remove mt spud now. thanks
Raspel31: Lol- thanks for heads up Ump.
Umpirespet: Whitfield will be Lloyd next week
feralmong: i’ll take the spud. I love chips.
Raspel31: Whitfield still at least 2-3 weeks away.
Umpirespet: Don’t mention chips I’ll start doing the optus dance
feralmong: Bombrblitz u must first apologise to Primates.
Wends: @Feral other than GOD, every one of us has made a spudworthy move or two
Umpirespet: Make bomberblitz have a GC icon for a month
Wends: Now conigs losing points?
feralmong: yeah wends, have trades, will spud.
BOMBRBLITZ: Soz to all the Primates
cherries08: Time for De Boer to go to Ziebell
BOMBRBLITZ: Yes, unspudded!! Promise I won’t offend any Hawks supporters anymore
BOMBRBLITZ: not even for pinchy pinch or stompy stomp
feralmong: What’s the crowd today? Remember to divide by two.
Chelskiman: Don’t you mean multiply by two?
Umpirespet: Brown was eported
Umpirespet: And reported
feralmong: depends on where we’re taking this chelski.
Apachecats: Count the heads and divide by two.
Apachecats: Counting the fingers takes too long.
feralmong: anyone seen a map?
iamkelly: I can finally bring Cunnington in
Chelskiman: Well I am from Tasmania so I thought I’d get the jokes out of the way with first.
Apachecats: Map of Tasmania? Yeah seen a few.
Wends: Conigs I am loving you sick right now…
Umpirespet: Pornhub doesn’t count Apache
original: Cogs supposedly limping ffs
Hadouken: @original yeah i saw that also
Apachecats: Maps of Tasmania not in fashion umpires.
blonde0na: cogs looks alright, think he just rolled ankle in the tackle
Hadouken: cogs just got a free, so still on playing. possibly a stinger for a min or two
feralmong: finlayson your just awesome maaaate.
Apachecats: Almost rage traded Mummy after his last few ,now he’s going to get me home in a few leagues.Funny game.
pcaman2003: Thought Goldy would flog Mummy,but very wrong.
Pokerface: bit rough for Stein to have wood in his first game.
thiccgucci: that was a massive hit onto cogs
Wends: Conigs nice goal
thiccgucci: coniglioooooo wow what a goal
Struda: fuckign jeremy cameron is so shitttt
pcaman2003: Keep going Cogs. Good stuff!
Hadouken: zibell 5 FA…. killing him
StacksOn: oath taranto
LuvIt74: I could only field 17 players this week and scored 1671 not a great score but i knew i would struggle in R13
thiccgucci: whats on par for this round fellas?
duckky: Hi HAs Cunnington outscored BAlta yet?
pcaman2003: Now Cogs has tonned up,he’ll rest up.
Wends: Stein coming off – leg injury
StuL: Dr Stein grows funny creatures. Let’s them run into the night.
Ash777: got ziebell n c goldy left
Pokerface: They become great rock musicians. And. Their. Time. Is. Right.
Raspel31: Brought Cameron and Cunnington into my team this week and then I woke up and it was a nightmare. Phew.k
StuL: haha. Poker. Wasnm]
StuL: haha. Poker. Wasn
noobcoach: raspel cunnington was a bit silly just b4 bye and against de boer thhihs wk
thiccgucci: Williams putting together another impressive game
Pokerface: You champ Stu 🙂
Umpirespet: Least no doctor involved this week raspel
StuL: expecting a bite
Raspel31: Well noob- the point was that I didn’t.
Wends: Funny, I think of Gene Wilder’s Mr Stein… FF has crazy demographics 🙂
Raspel31: Not that you know of Umpire-yet.
Drak: missed conigs handball to kelly
StuL: I couldn’t help but get that song in my head every time Dwayne calls him
Wends: Larkey could very well get to 50. I’ll take it.
Pokerface: who is Gene Wilder Wends? Any relation to Gene Simmons?
Wends: Maybe in Simmons’ dreams….
Umpirespet: Ur not serious poker Gene Wilder was in charlie and the chocolate factory
woodduck: hey@Raspel How did you wake up. I keep pinching myself like Stratton – nothing
LuvIt74: What’s going to be a par score this round you think?
StuL: Maybe one of the Genes dropped their wallet?
noobcoach: luv probs 1800
Raspel31: Sure you’re pulling our collective legs Poker but surely you’ve seen “The Producers” About founding of Carlton football
Pokerface: no UP lol
StuL: Anything over 1800 looking at my league. It’s a bit of a bath this week.
thiccgucci: come on cogs, lets see if you can go absolutely massive
Pokerface: Raspel no, i’m waiting for the sequel about the disbanding of them.
Pies20: Tt was 34 20minutes into the 2nd quarter dt what a gun
StuL: Some big scores but also a few gibbos and gardners we had to take.
Struda: im gonna struggle to get 1600
Umpirespet: Haven’t checked my matchups all weekend to scared to lol
Apachecats: De Boer -shoulder.
Umpirespet: Poker stars Soda apparently
Raspel31: Probably around 1680- this was always the doozie.
Umpirespet: Soss
Wends: @Umpires, he’s my all time low key favourite. Mr Stein his final role.
noobcoach: Apachhe done for the day?
original: Top score will be huge this week. 2400 imo
Struda: fukc me greene is a gun when hes on
thiccgucci: keep in mind people make teams just to win the bye rounds
Wends: Up from rooms back to the bench @noob
Apachecats: doesn’t sound promising noob.
Pokerface: i wonder if Rozee’s mum did that..
noobcoach: Cunnington pls while he is off then…
StacksOn: go on taranto u good thing get that tonne
thiccgucci: cunnington gone to full forward
Umpirespet: Will and grace wends?
jamesh1290: one of my opponents looking at 2300
Umpirespet: Lol poker
Wends: Everyone has a cheese 90s show they never admit to @Umpires 🙂
Umpirespet: I just goggled it lol
rabp1es: jeez everyone getting such high scores. Im gonna get 1500 and be top of or close to top of my league
hinsch: 1300 in our league is a good my opp looking at 500 so easy win foe with 1100
Raspel31: The one comfort is that anyone with a huge score this week will not be a threat in the future.
Apachecats: De Boer done for day -774
Hadouken: looking like ziebell wont crack the 100 if hes in fwd line 🙁
Torz: Taranto has been a good C option lately
noobcoach: Put cunners back in the middle if De Boer done – pls
Wends: 1932 the highest in all my RDT leagues – incl a couple of FF ones
noobcoach: Torz you talking DT?
Apachecats: I’m looking 1500 and winning 6/10 SC leagues.
pcaman2003: SWcrappy game. Lots of throw ins and ball ups.
Apachecats: Taranto racking up tackles on Cunners
pcaman2003: C’mon Cogs and make at least 130
heppelitis: im over 2000 dt this week and was 2050 last week in it…loving the bye rounds so far
noobcoach: taranto fak off – let cunners dispose efficiently pls
m0nty: nominations for star please
thiccgucci: cogs and williams 140 each would be delicious
Pies20: Huge effort where is the capes for tt monty??
Wends: V nice score Hepp
BRAZZERS: is cunners in trouble for the tackle?
Raspel31: Dream Team is another world and another universe that very few humans inhabit.
Wends: Has to be Kelly doesn’t it?
PowerBug: Josh Kelly
Umpirespet: Star for wends for admitting her 90s fetish
noobcoach: Taranto Star imo
Wends: One of us, one of us Raspel
J_Herer: Star Cogs (owning and loving score)
thiccgucci: Kelly star for me, been everywhere
cforss123: Was thinking the same thing Raspel, Taranto 133 DT and 95 SC is outrageous
Pies20: Super coach is shower @raspel how many people complain or hang on a scale up ppf
Wends: Toby Greene X factor; Umpires for heart eyes emoticon 🙂
PlungeMe: 6 clangers, gave away 50 and shit de, score seems fine but still annoyed
Pokerface: the fact people who treat it like DT complain doesn’t make it shower
Raspel31: In response Pies- only about 10 times more people playing which makes it rather more interesting.
duckky: Mummy … drop him and suddenly he goes from 20 clangers to just 3
pcaman2003: Lol!Stein outscoring Cameron last 10 mins.
Pies20: Wow see you need explanations for your scores dt you don’t
Struda: Cameron bettter kick another goal ffs
PowerBug: You do in DT too, just different explanations
pcaman2003: Throw Cogs on the ball. Too much fwd time
Pokerface: yeah dt no explanation needed when you go big for kicking it to the opposition. You know you are going big. great stuff
Wends: Mr Stein – nice tackle!
Wends: Will he get games from here though??
Raspel31: Anger is obviously a Collingwood thing. I’m a dentist by the way.
thiccgucci: get a few more touches please cogs, 135 minimum
Apachecats: Stein just escaped out of casualty and laid a tackle.
Hadouken: where is ziebell jeeeeeez
Pies20: How@powerbug?your player plays shower you cop it, but not getting into this shower fight well played tt
Pokerface: raspel are you one of the 9 out of 10 who recommend Oral B or are you the outlier?
Pokerface: er.. Pies you started this shower fight..
duckky: One of my opponents is looking st 2,200 SC… VC’d ROB
PowerBug: Correct answer is play both SC and DT games
Raspel31: Lol poker- oral b for a happy and smiley face.
Umpirespet: Ouch Duckky
Pies20: @raspel nothing to be angry at the moment this season what about you??
duckky: I am impressed tho
jbjimmyjb: i’m gonna score 1550 woo thanks cameron and cunnington :))
Pokerface: ok thanks.. you aren’t by chance the one with your back on screen because they can’t show your face on camera are you?
Wends: Killing me watching ZWilliams, out for Whitfield. That was my spud move in recent weeks.
Raspel31: For an el cheapo midfielder-go Hopper. And use Oral B be a happy and smiley face.
Struda: fuck you jeremy cameron. lost my league by 8
cherries08: Kelly an absolute jet
Umpirespet: Don’t think I’d like raspel playing with my teeth
Hadouken: hang your head ziebell. Nothing after halftime
Pies20: Wow same old jokes from the same old crew from Carlton and bombers supports haha, got anything else??
Tig-Train: Needed 265 to win… well done Cogs and Williams
