frenzy: howdy
bushranger: Good Arvo
Lawls: G’day
Umpirespet: U getting a new coach frenzy
GOOD: day everyone, cmon rocky and sicily.
pcaman2003: Have Boak,Rocky,Scrimma and Worpedo in this one. GLTA
frenzy: 10 yrs long enough
Monfries96: you and me both pca
Umpirespet: 1/3 of my team is on the bench so I don’t care
Tig-Train: Someone better get on rocky or he will end up with 100 disposals at this rate lol
pcaman2003: @Monfries. Hopefully a good day coming.
jbjimmyjb: boak continuing with his poor efficiency
megawatts: broadbent looking like a snack
Pokerface: long live the 666 goalfest!
original: can we please get scrimshaw on ffs
pcaman2003: Bloody Worpel!
bushranger: Held Duursma , hope it does’t bite me.
wadaramus: Come on Worpel!
DrSeuss: Worpel, Boak, Rocky and Duursma in this one.
hinsch: I need to watch this game goals a plenty
hinsch: How many SC players got premos on the bench.
Gigantor: More clangers pls worp
Umpirespet: Carnage here hinsch
duckky: Wow – Worpol with 4 clangers already? On track for 20 by games end
pcaman2003: Come on Scrimma and get involved now.
original: last minute decision to field scrimshaw over clark and anesworth paying off fml
pcaman2003: Why did Rocky just go from 20 to 14?
original: scrimmy coming back. i take it back good boy
DrSeuss: Let’s go Duursma – get involved young fella
Tig-Train: That’s it… go backwards rocky perfect
original: probably gave away 50m
Umpirespet: Port played better v’s the bye
pcaman2003: @Original. I missed it if he did then.
Zee94: that’s a yikes by port
Carlo: Worpeeeeeedooo
wadaramus: Go the Worpedo!
thiccgucci: Worpel is a beast. shame he only shows up for half the game
Torz: Frampton going well
original: worpel would be on 50+ if his start to the game wasnt so woeful
duckky: IS there a strong breee going to one end?
Oh8ball: @duckyy I think Worpel will be just fine 🙂
duckky: breee
pcaman2003: Boak and Rocky killing me already. LIFT!
ThaPear: good game for me as a port fan here..
faisca7: Nice write up on Ceglar at the bottom Monty, he’s on fire. You got the Pittonet call right too
DrSeuss: Rocky been quiet after the first 6 minutes
Monfries96: The only way this could get less enjoyable is if Wingard kicks a bag
pcaman2003: Good score for Worps with 4 clangers too
Tig-Train: Did Frampton kill someone or something? -8 haha
Pokerface: you wouldn’t mind silk kicking a couple as well monfries?
Schillaci: Frammton 0Kicks 0HB 0T 0M 0HO 3 Frees Against hahaha -8 Mouldy doughnut.
Donzoes: good stuff worp
Monfries96: Maybe Silk Wingard and Impey combining for a few Poker
Pokerface: haha mouldy donut – i like it schillaci!
Pokerface: lol monfries, yes forgot Jarman
BRAZZERS: Framppuccino off to a great game lol
original: rocky cmon
pcaman2003: Trust Rocky to fall off the cliff.
Catatafish: On the field you get Shitkliff
Umpirespet: Evan time to get the cones out
Sloaneyyyy: this could get real ugly, really fast!
original: YES! bring on the cones
pcaman2003: Where is Rocky. Can’t even see him
Stu7: Come on Sicily
Sloaneyyyy: wow, Motlop lighting up as usual… bet Port are real happy with the money they paid for him
DrSeuss: Scrimshaw on my bench is going to our score my ‘premiums’
Monfries96: Nothing like smartass Crows fans making comments to rub salt in
Umpirespet: Even Dwayneo has jumped off port
BestCoast: Carn Rockspider
m0nty: how is Gibbs going anyway 😉
Umpirespet: Good we can’t get the Carlton out of him mInty
BestCoast: Gibbs kicking dew of the ground in the 11.15 match
Tig-Train: Gibbs is better than all the spastics Port has “lured” to be fair
Gelly: gibbs might have to go back to carlton so he can get a game
Stu7: Rollmop what a dud!!!
Tig-Train: How’s Jack Watts? Lol
Monfries96: He broke his leg, Tig-Train… Jesus christ
Yelse: brought inbox for lycett looks like a bad choice atm
BestCoast: Jack Squats
Tig-Train: Broken leg doesn’t change the fact that he is a pile of crap
Yelse: *boak
Monfries96: Classy
pcaman2003: Hawks disposal becoming messy
Umpirespet: Hawks jumper looks like meat skewers I buy at Coles
pcaman2003: @Umpirespet. Lol! Very similar
BestCoast: Umpires lol are they the ones that look like meat taste like meat but aren’t meat
Yelse: boak comnnn lift your DE
pcaman2003: Needed tons from Boak and Rocky. Looking unlikely now the way they’re playing
original: westhoff a free agent in my draft league. worth a pick up?
Umpirespet: Yep best coast 10% meat
DrSeuss: Feel free to get involved Boak – you too Rocky
wadaramus: How good are these unwanted full screen pop up ads?!
wadaramus: Not!
faisca7: My 3 Port players all on 33
Umpirespet: Haven’t had one today wada
BRAZZERS: glad I resisted trading scrimshaw during the week
Monfries96: Worpel going quiet as we all expected
pcaman2003: Opponent has Duursma. Must be laughing at my premos.
Tig-Train: Rocky and Boak only need 1/4 to get a good wcore
original: get ad blocker on chrome fellas
poolboybob: Think I’ve seen enough from Scrimshaw to use his score over Answerthless
wadaramus: Thanks original, will have to look into it.
pcaman2003: Worpel only 8 pts for the qtr. Typical!
burger01: Jaeger has been quiet in second quarter, lift your game son!
DrSeuss: Scrimshaws ton will look great on my bench
poolboybob: Henderson has randomly become a good fantasy scorer this year
jbjimmyjb: the best ad block extension is ‘ublock origin’
burger01: Try ‘Brave’ browser, faster and blocks a lot more ads by default, based on Chrome, jbjimmyjb
dipstick: i use Adblock Browser for android. m0nty have to peddle at the speed of light to slip an ad in
OhSoRozee: Not framptons 2nd game btw
burger01: what’re all those last 3 columns? the frog, donut and clock? what do they mean?
OhSoRozee: He played one last yr Rd 23
OhSoRozee: Clangers frog. The time on ground is the clock and disopal eff is the other
Donzoes: good stuff duursma
burger01: thanks OhSoRozee
Umpirespet: We all know mOnty won’t do. that dipstick
daniel87: cmon port show some fight
dipstick: @burger Brave browsers native token BAT gone up 400% in last 3 months
gdshifty: wheress JOM’s cold icon Monty?
Umpirespet: Port being hard done by umps atm
JRedden: cmon rozee get involved…
megawatts: happy with broadbent today
Monfries96: Well played to those who brought Broady in
poolboybob: 57% TOG for Duursma, wtf
Carlo: Dursma mate seriously
Raspel31: Just here- O’Meara made a lot of clunkers?
OhSoRozee: Hammy test to rocky
pcaman2003: Come on Boak and Rocky. Lift big time
AuroraBore: Please no Rocky
jbjimmyjb: duursma had a head clash with Glass, sore jaw = low TOG
Umpirespet: West Coast sups just Started to pour down here so will be a wet game
BestCoast: Hammy test Rocky ???
pcaman2003: WTF Scrimma, 1pt this qtr yet. Get moving
GobChuck: Has scrimshaw ever shown up for a 2nd half?
OhSoRozee: Yeh Dixon reported on fox looks reset to go
jbjimmyjb: duursma has lifted the last 5 minutes
Monfries96: Here comes Frampton!!!!!!!!!!
noobcoach: rozee and omeara what you men doing
Migz: felt guilty after he gave scully that goal
jbjimmyjb: gob I don’t think so, was on 32 at 1QTR time last week, finished on 55.
original: Can anyone confirm rocky ok or Hammy done?
megawatts: is rocky out for the game?
thiccgucci: duursma been inspirational this qtr
jbjimmyjb: duursma 30 SC in 7 minutes of play
pcaman2003: Duursma giving Boak lessons on how to play
Torz: He’s okay, coming back on
BRAZZERS: back on i believe
Carlo: Duursma’s lifted maybe a cheeky 100?
OhSoRozee: Rozee scored well with hawks dominating i50 time barely seeing it up ground
Pokerface: there he is Monfries.
OhSoRozee: Left knee complaint to scrimshaw in rooms
jbjimmyjb: rocky came off sore, got massaged, and now back in the middle
thiccgucci: apart from kicking a few goals here and there, dont think ive ever seen boak have an impactful touch
Pokerface: target for gunston.
jbjimmyjb: it wouldnt be a hawthorn game without scrimshaw being injured/sick
poolboybob: Good work x-man, keep going
noobcoach: where is durrsma playing? all i see is omera taking a shit in pts and duursma flying
thiccgucci: duursma is absolutely everywhere today!
LMartos: Gee Duursma has been sensational
Torz: Duursma is everywhere this quarter
jbjimmyjb: scrimshaw down in the rooms with a knee complaint
Gloryhound: Duursma makes his SC BE
poolboybob: How did Scrimshaw get hurt, running away from the ball?
pcaman2003: Hawks doing best to give Duursma his ton.I’m getting screwed over well here.
OhSoRozee: Rocky test again
thiccgucci: Rockliff back off
jbjimmyjb: poolboy he hit his knee on the side of the interchange bench from sitting there all day
gdshifty: Duursma huuuuge this quarter
jbjimmyjb: duursma making up for scrimshaw and boak’s hopelessness
jbjimmyjb: scrimshaw 0 points for the quarter
pcaman2003: Boak Scrimma and Rocky flowered me over.
poolboybob: Take Scrimshaw’s 50 or field Answerth?
Nigma97: sorry all, I brought boak in this week
thiccgucci: Why so many complaints about boak? Still can easily ton up
Monfries96: Love that this a a ‘bad’ score for Boak
Catatafish: Worpel and Rockliff you spuds
daniel87: any news on rockcliff
OhSoRozee: Rocky done so is scrim
Umpirespet: Gone daniel
Monfries96: Easy 140 down the drain for Rocky ffs
daniel87: damn another injury just when we were starting to get some players back
pcaman2003: SC carnage has struck again.
original: Lol worpel
OhSoRozee: Knight in for Mackay crows
Umpirespet: Pcaman my SC was over last week lol
cobrakai00: this is the reality of Rockliff… you took the risk
OhSoRozee: Good news tho downgrade rocky for bye get cash
Hadouken: glad hes on 91 though and not 19
Monfries96: How many times is that now that Scrim has gone off injured in the 2nd half? FFS
Umpirespet: Great insight Cobra
Gloryhound: Slowly watching CD take points off Rockliff – serious doubt of getting his SC BE of 55 soon lol
pcaman2003: @Umpirespet. This week has gone for me.Give up on Scrimma. Time to trade him up.
jbjimmyjb: scrim becomes hinge next week
Yeehaw: What happened to Duursma?
Umpirespet: Heard Bewley for freo should go ok
Raspel31: Good timing ohSo
daniel87: its now or never port fire up
pcaman2003: @Yeehaw. The Hawks fed him a lot of the ball.that’s what happened.
Migz: nah pca. He won a bunch of hard ball gets in like 10 mins. couple of chase down tackles. Good effort
Yeehaw: I mean the bandage, cop a knock or something?
Yelse: can’t get over the crap boak has served up today
jbjimmyjb: headclash with Glass
DrSeuss: Worpel and Boak taking this quarter off?
OhSoRozee: Was early clash
Lodgy: Jaeger pretty quiet this week, anyone watching able to tell why?
OhSoRozee: Flowering Howard take the ball
pcaman2003: @Seuss. I had 4 guys in this. All failed miserably
megawatts: are sc scores lagging behind again?
Raspel31: My question zigackly Lodgy.
Zee94: Looks like I got rid of Duursma too soon
jbjimmyjb: boak’s disp efficiency percentage last 4 weeks: 36, 52, 42, 62
OhSoRozee: Been slippery and lots of pressure in those weeks also doesn’t help
Snarfy: Worpel is a dawdler! Unless the ball comes within arms reach he just lets it roll on by.
Lodgy: Thought o meara might be handy after his bye but this is a concern
Carlo: Duuurssmamamaaaa
Lodgy: @ohsorozee wonder if chad taking some of his outside ball
daniel87: postives not many broadbent dursma
BRAZZERS: traded duursma out in sc this week fml
Phasir: How can they justify adding extra points in scaling to Rockliff who’s off, and giving nothing to Butters?
Struda: boak ffs just traded him in
