Hadouken: happy mothers day
thiccgucci: need a big game from coniglio today
Nigma97: Same here
PlungeMe: Hey Nigma did you solve your enigma of Constable or Stack?
duckky: Timmy – where are you?
PlungeMe: williams and worpel. both common
Raspel31: Happy mother’s day Hadouken. Bummer losing Smith from my draft with no cover.
original: Coniglio seriously
Raspel31: Can’treference live games Plunge- not me- the rules.
thiccgucci: Coniglio is useless this year!
Wends: Did anyone consider Moore this rd?
Nigma97: Yeah @plunge I went with COnstable, hoping that doesn’t bite me
Nigma97: Need worpel to go big too, I got him of T Kelly a few weeks back
PlungeMe: i was just making a joke tbh Nigma-Enigma you know
JRedden: why would you trade out tim kelly?
Nigma97: yeah I know mate haha
Raspel31: Well- you made the right choice Nig methinks.
DrSeuss: What is Cogs doing? Is he on the ball?
original: Conigs will be upgraded eventually if I have the trades for it. Can’t cop this again
VodkaHawk: Lol, not often a player has a rule named after them..?
VodkaHawk: Ducking rule – selwood, slide tackle rule – goodes
PlungeMe: for whatever reason my oppo has sam reid
Wends: Slide tackle rule courtesy Rohan/Thomas @ Vodka…
runners47: Yup, original – that’s where I’m heading too
Hadouken: lol, conigs has been good. only 2 sub 100’s… he’ll get going !
Wends: Fingers crossed Hadouken
thommoae: Cheap shot, Frawley.
Hadouken: Frawley should get 3 weeks for that push into the fence.
Catatafish: Zac “band-aid” Williams not done which is good
original: Conigs only one score over 105
Hadouken: conigs will do a kelly now, end up with 110
Raspel31: Howdy Wends et al- some big scores this round methinks.
VodkaHawk: Lmao, yeah Cameron looks like he got a bad… scratch from that little nudge
BestCoast: Williams bandaid serious ???
OhSoRozee: williams always has a bandaid
OhSoRozee: he come back on after collarbone check
Wends: Howdy Raspel… no big scores for me this rd, despite Grundy VC & Oliver, courtesy Menegola, Mrouch & “upgrade” Daniel
BestCoast: Just heard GOD had cats Kelly as captain
Oddsy5: gunna be around 2300 this week i reckon! even messed up with captain had it on neale
OhSoRozee: @best did u go visit GOD’s realm
original: Keep going conigs
Hadouken: @original im talking AF for conigs
Apachecats: GWS missing Mummy on mothers day.Simpson can’t cut it against an old stager like McEvoy.
Raspel31: Well Grundy and Oliver aint exactly a kick up the bum Wends- but Kelly- wow.
Wends: Nice work! V satisfying when your team actually pulls a good score together…
Catatafish: Worpel with 91% TOG, it’s about time.
Wends: Why was conigs 1st qu score so low?
Apachecats: Tag on O’meara is going well ,not.
OhSoRozee: not a fan of hodge special comments
Monfries96: Williams lively early, that injury going to make things difficult now
Monfries96: @Rozee plus his mic is 5 times louder than the others for some reason
Raspel31: Cameron named the must have forward- thank god I didn’t – mid field stitched up but forwards tough this year.
BestCoast: OhSoRozee no I couldn’t find his hideout I felt this cold shiver come over me that he did
original: 40 by HT cmon conigs. Slow kelly
OhSoRozee: thought this would a b gws blowout
Catatafish: Didn’t realise Whitfield wasn’t playing. I’m fucked now.
OhSoRozee: was gonna grab j.kelly but didnt wanna after a week off
MONEY TALK: sorry guys i brought cameron in this week
BestCoast: Anyone looking at 2400-2500 this week
MONEY TALK: my oppo whos been averaging under 2000 is about to score 2400 on me yay
Raspel31: Whitfield better come back next week or Gawn- too much dosh to leave on the bench.
FlyinRyan2: Could have got 2400 if heeney, lloyd and bont did well
jbjimmyjb: ive had my worst week relative to the rest of my year, 2150ish probably
bushranger: Could have got 2400 if I had a better team
Raspel31: Lol bushranger.
BestCoast: 2200 max for me 25 from Parker was brilliant
Gelly: yep parker i will try my best not to field him again this year
Wends: Williams on track for heart if he keeps this up
Oddsy5: and neale captain*
Raspel31: If Danger hadn’t played was stuck with Parker- grace a dieu Best- maybe 2280?
Manowar: D. Moore do more
Breezey: Not a thing wrong with Williams
BestCoast: Heeney Libba and co don’t help the cause either
jbjimmyjb: coniglio needs to lay a tackle
Manowar: Scully trade not working out to well for #freekickhawthorn
Yelse: where is coniglio playing to be so low?
OhSoRozee: @yelse he is playing in a sty
OhSoRozee: later start for the perth game
OhSoRozee: was gettin ready to have a peak over soon
StuL: Must be the last Greene owner. He has a half to play for his life
BestCoast: Wish I had 4 trades this week clean some dead wood out
BestCoast: Come on Scumshaw flog
OhSoRozee: greene needs to become a mid again
Wends: Atkins first to be humanely euthanased for me
BestCoast: To kind Wends
zadolinnyj: 2300 for me. Matt crouch was a killer for me
Raspel31: I think he was before the game Wends but the message hadn’t reached the brain yet.
thiccgucci: if coniglio tons up ill be a very happy man
Wends: True. He did somewhat make his own bed, Bestcoast & Rasp. @Zado – same for me 🙁
BestCoast: Rookies have been ok in general some are struggling
Wends: Thank god for Constable tho or I wld have had to take his score. As a vego wld have reversed stance on brutal slaughter
zoomba23: Zado: Mate, I’m barely gonna crack 2000. If you can make 2300 with Mrouch getting injured, that’s a win
Umpirespet: Forward rookies this year worst I have seen
Raspel31: Indeed Best- 1st round every gun has fired and rookies struggled- ergo we trade.
original: Scrimshaw goes bang and he’s at 57
AuroraBore: Does anyone here use the jock reynolds website much?
Wends: Petch has been passable @umpires; nearly took Larkey this rd; will be interested to see how he goes
BestCoast: The slaughter yard beckons
OhSoRozee: williams starting to get a novel written on his bandaid
Monfries96: Williams might become a top 6 def if he keeps current form
Wends: Will have to drag out the noise cancelling headphones @Best and a peg for the nose
teachrtony: Have MCrouch and Parker, still looking at 2350, 1st decent score this year.
BestCoast: Need Captain Fyfe to save me and go large predictions say 5 points in my game
jamesh1290: great week to bring in cameron
zoomba23: Get fucked Williams. How do you get injured twice in the same game
clay007: Is M Crouch gonna be out for a few weeks?
StuL: Lose so Hately is recalled. Any other rookies on the bubble?
BestCoast: Wends I will whip up one of my famous Dahl’s for you
Bennyherb: Shocking game of football
teachrtony: Apparently just a corked hip Clay.
OhSoRozee: m.crouch should b touch and go for next week
BestCoast: SuperCoach so much joy and so much hair lose
Wends: Fab @best, make sure it’s got some ‘taters 🙂
zoomba23: Clay: Doc said he should be fine for next week. Won’t train a whole lot tho
clay007: M Crouch chop, Libba chop!
Wends: Rozee AFL site story said he shld be up for Lions but who really knows?
clay007: Thanks Zoomba and Ohso Rozee. He has not been good this year though. Hope Fyfe is still cheap next week
StuL: Taters? What’s taters precious?”
Raspel31: Libba yes- MCrouch def no clay- that’s anger trading.
thiccgucci: come on coniglio fire up. on ur last legs in my team
Umpirespet: Potatoes stul
Monfries96: Scrimshaw TOG is poor
BestCoast: Taters for sure @Wends taters are potatoes or SPUDS
clay007: You are right Raspel. I know. I am also frustrated at Cogs. Started so strongly, but struggles to the ton each week
jbjimmyjb: scrimshaw is injured according to afl app
StuL: I thought someone might get it. From LOTR
BestCoast: No one wearing the spud this week
jbjimmyjb: jeremy cameron is gonna be a good pickup for 480k in a few weeks
OhSoRozee: m.crouch can get 50 touchs and barely score a ton does bugger all to get them and use it
Wends: Lol Stu
Raspel31: What did Cameron cost this week- soooo glad I resisted.?
BestCoast: Heater a trip down memory lane you ol dog
jbjimmyjb: williams 10+ minutes on the bench now, could be done
Umpirespet: Stul this game has drained all my brain cells
clay007: Worpel holds his own against the forward premiums
StuL: I’ve been loyal to you Greene and you do this to me,?
Raspel31: Has O’Meara touched the ball this qtr?
Patty19: Williams is back
jbjimmyjb: i reckon the time to offload conigs is round 14 if and when he has shown no improvement
clay007: It is getting harder to hold these guys jimmyjb
BestCoast: Haven’t got a view of the match is scrimshaw on the bench
jbjimmyjb: clay i know i have him, crisp, heeney, oliver etc but rookies are worse
OhSoRozee: some1s gonna score 2650 this round
jbjimmyjb: scrimshaw should have a bandaid, he’s injured
Umpirespet: Jimmy we have similar teams
clay007: Is Oliver back do you guys reckon?
BestCoast: Flower flower
Monfries96: I think it’s a cross not a bandaid for Scrim unfortunately
BestCoast: Clay yes for me
OhSoRozee: yeh oliver’s shoulders look set now
jbjimmyjb: Oliver has a 3 game avg of about 160 vs GC, wouldnt look into him much
jbjimmyjb: Ump you can go look at my team, im 60th overall 😉
Raspel31: You don’t let go of Oliver- slow in a few but rounds of 145 and 175?
BestCoast: Scrimshaw has joined Atkins on the slaughter house bus
Umpirespet: Wow I’m 13k lol Jimmy
Monfries96: Scrim done for the day 🙁
jbjimmyjb: rozee last night werent you the one on track for 2800?
DrSeuss: Cogs better have a cape for this last quarter
BestCoast: 60th overall nice work mate raising the glass to you
Umpirespet: Rozee is megawatts alt account
OhSoRozee: didnt say a score but was high from 1st 3
BestCoast: 2800 dreaming
megawatts: @umpire rlly not
Raspel31: jbjimmy- you would be about the 100th person to boast about that- so I rather doubt. Beware hubris.
BestCoast: Is mega banned
BestCoast: On cue mega has arrived
Umpirespet: Lol Best Coast was jk
BestCoast: 2900 this week mega
jbjimmyjb: raspel boast about what? rank? means nothing at this time of the year
OhSoRozee: said if i fielded cuningham id go close to top round score which will move me from 2nd to 1st in my league
BestCoast: Scrimshaw made me drink oh ah
Monfries96: Worpel been consistent but struggles to go over 80-90
Raspel31: I just lookked at supercoach rankings and you don’t even exist- let alone 60 jbjimmy
dipstick: @raspel is hubris you’re new go to word?
OhSoRozee: top 2 score atm but top score had whitfield fielded
OhSoRozee: jimmy the chosen won
thiccgucci: conligio 80 please or i lose my league
BestCoast: Raspel JB is ranked just under mega
megawatts: greene playing in the guts again
Raspel31: Yep, very fond of it dipstick.
megawatts: @bestcoast no barely making 2200
jbjimmyjb: maybe raspel doesnt know that jimmy stands for james
Wends: I’m joining you @Best – need a quiet dark corner with a jukebox in the background 🙁
BestCoast: Mega same as Cob that’s why I have beer lol
original: Time to start kicking goals conigs..
Raspel31: Well of course I didn’t waste my time checking but a bluff gets rid of bluffers.
DrSeuss: Just tuned in – how are Hawthorn dominating GWS so well?
Wends: Guys, guys! Look at us! Squabbling… bickering. Like children! What’s happening to us? We never used to be like this!
VodkaHawk: One of the 2 flag faves got a scare from Carlton and the other is in trouble against the Hawks 🙂
Apachecats: Anyone know what Scrimshaws injury is?
OhSoRozee: gws cant really play the mcg
BestCoast: Sweet as @Wends I’ll poor the first one
Raspel31: I miss Mega Best- the boasting kept us so enretained.
BestCoast: Vodka flag favourites we have done both of them
clay007: Did Cogs just get a kick, holy moly!
VodkaHawk: Lol, True dat BC
BestCoast: My name is mini bus half a coach
clay007: Just saw scrimshaw on the bench. Didn’t look injured, just new role. Looking after the water bottles
BestCoast: I am super determined not to get banned by m0nty this year first time in 6 years
DrSeuss: Worpel – get involved in the kick to kick mate
Wends: I see your mini bus @Best and raise you a clown car
Monfries96: @clay might not score well in that new role, trade time
mattmac24: Is Williams still on?
clay007: Problem is @monfries, he gets points when he picks them up, but loses points when he sprays them
BestCoast: @Wends only if it’s got the magic horn made of brass with pink GT strips
Raspel31: i don’t like to boast but I’ve scored the highest points in every position this week- thank you Mega GOD!
Wends: LolBC. Also Gahhh! just saw Kelly’s score 😮
OhSoRozee: i think williams might get rested the rest of game cant win this
Monfries96: brilliant @clay
BestCoast: West Coast back to back this year
clay007: Ive just googles you Raspel, you don’t exist. lol
Catatafish: Ffs Worpel
BestCoast: Raspel are you sure GOD was running three Captains this week Oliver Kelly and grundy
clay007: googled not googles
jbjimmyjb: i think worpel runs out of legs every week which explains the typical slow down
blonde0na: worpel working hard for the +6 but not getting noticed 🙁
Juzzo: Trading in Cameron over Kelly seems a mistake!
Raspel31: Lol clay.
OhSoRozee: worpel loves a 60 pt half then barely 20 in 2nd halves
Juzzo: Last week that trade, got his big one i suppose.
Wends: Scrim done for the day, trackies on.
BestCoast: Clay check his alias Dirk Diggler
clay007: Someone predicted that Worpel struggles to get beyond 80. Bloody hell, he was right
Monfries96: This is a brand new sentence, but Ceglar might get the cape
clay007: I heard that Dirk goes big
thiccgucci: lift cogs. dont make me cry
Catatafish: Good tackle, Worpel
OhSoRozee: looks like shaw wanted to bring himself into his sc this week with low be
clay007: Do you like Worpel’s tackle @catafish?
Breezey: Heater doing me well in Draft
Oddsy5: cameron lol what a score…
Wends: Would you go there this year in RDT, with Sic?
Catatafish: Would help if he actually tackled Greene there
OhSoRozee: fremantle should b top 4 2day
Raspel31: If Whitfield not back next week- yep Wends.
Breezey: Junk it up Sic
clay007: @bestcoast Do you know if Dirk Diggler was also called the package?
Stu7: What happened to SCrimshaw
BestCoast: @clay no only the parcel
Breezey: The envelope
megawatts: why rent sc scores moving up?
Apachecats: SC scores not updated for 8 minutes.
BestCoast: Babies arm with an apple
circle52: @Stu7 possible concussion being talked about.
Wends: Even Moore scored more (!) than my pick up Daniels. I just can’t let it go…
Wends: Good call with the heart for Williams Darius.
thiccgucci: coniglio didnt get another touch anyway sigh
Donzoes: Conigs, you’re giving me something to think about
Stu7: Thanks circle52
