Yelse: stack or atkins to put on for constable?
Wends: Toss of the coin Yelse…. I went atkins over Gibbons FWIW. Also, same as you re Hore – except Scrim or B Smith out
Gotigres: Muppet award to me for forgetting to put the E on Petrol in forward loophole. End result: I have Balta on field 🙁
BigChief: Ooops Gotigres.
Wends: Damn Gotigres… hope Balta comes good for you…
OhSoRozee: atkins will get few more mid minutes
Gotigres: I’m hoping he will go big Wends and score at least 30
feralmong: Look away cakesniffers. Series of unfortunate events this weekend so far.
OhSoRozee: few 1 of my league top scorers had e on pet but had setters bench parker field
Breezey: I’ve tipped the Swans 🦢 but I have a feeling that Dusty might go big
italz: come on stack have a big one mate
the worm: stack for sure yelse
Gotigres: Heeney starting forward
Yelse: damn thought the game started at 7.40 now gotta go with atkins lol meant to be
Fatbar5tad: Watching Ross and Baker. Any JS Tigers?
th3rio: Go stack
Wends: Got a keen eye on the Ross guy…
the worm: theyll both get hundreds yelse so you couldnt go wrong anyway 😀
Breezey: Looking for a big game from Baker.
SilverLion: Dunno why they feed Lloyd, he’s really not that great a kick
feralmong: ross for me. manchild ready to play.
OhSoRozee: hardwick done right by stack if hes playing hb will get 10 interceptions
Wends: Tipped tigers… too depressing if Swans lose AND i lose a tip.
megawatts: am i the only one with houli on C?
BigChief: I only have Papley in this game.
Fatbar5tad: Confident stuff there Wendsy
Apachecats: I would say definitely yes mega
th3rio: Dusty looks fresh
Fatbar5tad: Regulation for the Buddster
Raspel31: Wow- no Swans or Tigers- what am I doing here?
Gotigres: i think so Mega
JockMcPie: Go Stack, Go Heeney, Go Lloyd, 400 between youse please
OhSoRozee: @raspel watching rooks for next week
Vogesy69: just stack for me here but i’ve had to field him cause no constable
the worm: you actually typed youse
Wends: I find it’s the best approach @Fat… better that than one too many vinos.
megawatts: alright then lets go houli for 150
Fatbar5tad: Go out ffs
OhSoRozee: 9 goal buddy vs 7 goal lynch the dif
Raspel31: I got a few in the draft Rozee- killing time till Spurs/City.
megawatts: i am projected for 2428 even with houli as c so i just went with the risk
Apachecats: you’ll be in the newspaper with that mega.
th3rio: Out of all players u went houli? You got balls my friend
Raspel31: I don’t believe that megawatts.
the worm: yeah, in the paper for talking out of his alps
italz: big boy balta is gonna hit a ton, i can feel it 🙂
OhSoRozee: @mega thats mega
Apachecats: leg pull mega?
Wends: Doesn’t help either – been out all day.
Stu7: Ballarat will be lucky to get over 40
Migz: yeh hes gonna hit 100 for sure
Migz: 100 minutes on the bench the useless twat
clay007: Houli off to a good start. Mega, you have 10 points already
Breezey: To ton up you must first score 1
italz: hahahaha
OhSoRozee: houli 88 proj x2 for proj 2428 is ballsy if true
Fatbar5tad: Alice
SilverLion: Love how balta actually lost money fromHis 123k
teddyt: wait how d id Heeney get an effective handball from a turnover goal? We scored because of him?
clay007: Anyone got stack as captain? On same points as Houli
Dondeal: Missed tackle for Ross on center wing
SilverLion: *from his 123k starting price
teddyt: and it wasnt even a handball
megawatts: guys in his only game this year Houli scored 112. 2 seasons ago he was a consistent 90+ player.
megawatts: Besides, if I did go with Whitfield/neale/rockliff I would have been let down anyway
Raspel31: I’m predicted 2783 with Stack as captain.
th3rio: Ross is a gun
megawatts: I had neale as vc. and scored like trash, so Houli it is! Let’s go Bachar!
the worm: well who doesnt shoot for low 90s with their captains?
Umpirespet: Now I know how u broke ur elbow Raspel
megawatts: Stop hating on the bachelor
th3rio: Neale got 60 under proj, what other players do you have?
Raspel31: Lol umpire- just calling Mega out.
pcaman2003: LLoyd,the king of bruise free footy and cheap possies.
PlungeMe: im tracking 1750 with treloar as C
frenzy: Lol umpypet
Vogesy69: anyone here start the season with dusty?
th3rio: Whitfield also 40 under proj. How are u proj 2400
Stu7: Who in their right mind would have stack as their team let alone captain
megawatts: @umpire rate that, but i reckon 2783 raspel can handle 21 guys jumping on his back
Umpirespet: Lol I know
th3rio: Something shonky here
the worm: and its not as if the projections ever get with 20% of reality anyway
Apachecats: I’m in 10 SC leagues ,thats 180 teams ,the highest proj score is 2305.
Dondeal: Good sign with Ross in midfield even with Dusty back in
clay007: I need Lloyd to stink it up tonight. Can one of you blokes man him up, cos the tigers refuse to
th3rio: Haven’t you got any rookies in your team stu
Raspel31: Um, because cheap rookies earn money Stu- um, er.
BigChief: 2193 is my projected.
Wends: StuL onto something there Raspel. Sage advice… 🙂
OhSoRozee: @dondeal cotch will b back soon tho but ross should still get 60 avg with him
Apachecats: Fair ammount of BS flying around the room tonight ,a few been on the turps.
Lawls: Lmao don’t you love when people talk up their team but when questioned go in hiding
Umpirespet: I have Stack
OhSoRozee: ross/cotch/meatball ideal with martin up fwd
Breezey: My opponent has Lloyd with the C. Some one get to him please
BigChief: Stack is good value. Captain though??
PlungeMe: is their someone more overrated than shane edwards?
Wends: My cunning plan to wait for Lloyd price drop not quite working out… so far.
VodkaHawk: Lloyd can get 150, but heeney is free to stink it up (as long as he kicks a goal and gets 20 disposals)
Gelly: ross defs a bit of a ball magnet, good to see
Dondeal: True @ohsorozee.
Apachecats: Balta holding his form well.
clay007: Stack actually scoring well tonight
mattmac24: Stu picked the perfect team to start with without rookies and doesn’t need to upgrade..
Breezey: I just seen Balta
Umpirespet: Lol Chief Rappel was joking
Dondeal: Might be Dom Sheed down to Ross next week.
beerent11: When’s Cotchin due back?
lwillo: I love how so many people wrote off richmond after round 3 lol
Stu7: Raspel31 der, but captain.
Umpirespet: Raspel *
italz: everyone has been crap for me so far this week
Stu7: Apachecats ha ha nice 😂
OhSoRozee: ya im gonna go scott to ross and upgrade sheed probz
Gelly: nank mumford-esk
Raspel31: No- I did not put Stack captain- it was a JOKE against Mega’s boasting.
wadaramus: Stack crunched.
teddyt: lmao grimes has 1 shoe on doesnt give a fuck
Dondeal: Stack, stacked
hinsch: Iwillo they are playing Swans
Stu7: BigChief my point exactly
clay007: Thanks Raspel, at least you got my tongue and cheek with Stack
BigChief: I thought someone else said they had Stack as C as well. My bad.
nbartos: Iwillo just about everyone has been written off
VodkaHawk: Impressive win last week by the Tigers though
Yelse: balta must be the worst SC player of all time
lwillo: Yeh same goes with the bombers…
the worm: not boasting rasp, lying
Wends: Heeney, for the love of GOD.
Sixty656: Damn… stack was looking good too
Stu7: BigChief you did see that
Breezey: Shut up Brayshaw. Go play with ya Buddy love doll somewhere else
OhSoRozee: ya raspel doesnt have any1 in sc other than in draft
wadaramus: Fix up your DE Lloyd, fast!
DrSeuss: Stack will be ok – just a little winded
pornhub: Relton Roberts is the worst SC’r of all time
Raspel31: Good call worm- and you can’t afford to offload him Yelse.
italz: oh guys so many people have had average games this week, only looking at an estimate of 2800, shattered
SilverLion: Balta is a potato
smashedavo: Whats up with lloyds sc score?
Sixty656: I think you have all forgot about Simon Presigiacomo!
OhSoRozee: ellis seems to always score well when less than 2 or less profiled mid plays
Belegur: Clear free kick against Franklin, can’t do that
BestCoast: Zack Dawson
Umpirespet: Nathan brown scores crap to
the worm: ah brayshaw, such a wonderful commentator, a joy to listen to
Salambo: And then I’d suggest you’ve all forgotten Zac Dawson.
OhSoRozee: @smashed 1 kermie + 0 cp
Raspel31: Ah, the wonderful Zac Dawson.
the worm: no no, you’ve forgotten Balta
nbartos: cmon Dusty!
nbartos: pornhub your showing your age with Reloton 😉
Pokerface: josh bootsma says hi
Breezey: Does anyone think Horse is on his last Hoof
Salambo: Balta is in what, Game 4? How many games did Dawson have to prove his non-worth?
Wends: @Sixty confession time: my first year playing I started w Presti
Sixty656: Clarko will go to hawks and take them to a 3-peat
Pokerface: but is he actually in this game salambo?
Ash777: over 200 I think
hinsch: left Balta on the bench this week
Raspel31: To say I am glad Balta is on the bench is rather an understatement- but was going to cap him BigChief
Breezey: Agree there Salambo. Balta will get better. Rookie
OhSoRozee: sydney as a whole is on its last hoof should trade buddy to rebuild
italz: just wanna see balts get a point, will be thrilled
Salambo: Is Josh Bootsma in this game?
megawatts: guys lts take a vote: balta or Michael Gardiner
megawatts: @italz he has a sc pt
Yelse: why isn’t balta getting any gasmen time
Belegur: What can they get for him though, who would pay out his contact?
hinsch: I would like to see Heeney get a few points
Gelly: because he is a potato
th3rio: Balta was on like 20 in his first minute of afl when he kicked that goal. Nothing since. Literally.
BestCoast: Special spud mention to Jack Anthony
Raspel31: Do you take Petrucelle 100 or hope Balta will come good?
Wends: At some stage when we’re 8 down again do you mind repeating that @OhSo?
clay007: That Martin is a good player
StuL: Balta is still better than Relton Roberts
megawatts: footywire says he has a 29 percent chance to hit his BE of 25……. I think it’s more like 2.9%
Pokerface: he doesnt megawatts.. the points here are sc+1
Gelly: batla is the sub
wadaramus: Why is it so hard to recover from poor DE in SC? Lloyd playing well but SC still stinks.
BigChief: You should have put the C on him Raspel.
Wends: Benny Hill music in the Swans 50 then…
BigChief: Waiting for m0nty to give Balta his donuts.
Pokerface: check his contested rate wada. it shouldn’t surprise you
megawatts: Lloyd literally gets fed the ball tho… 0 CP
megawatts: lets go houli
wadaramus: But just the one clanger, and I know contested is a good multiplier.
the worm: why do people pay attention to projections?…its baffling
Pokerface: why wait this week. seagull lloyd
Apachecats: Captain Houli a bit quiet mega.
Salambo: Balta is on the bench reading a “How to” guide to AFL. Nah, that’s harsh, I couldn’t hit a barn door from 10 out myself!
Stu7: Ballarat is killing it
wadaramus: Just saying thatwhen you start with poor DE, it tends to kill your score regardless of how you recover.
DrSeuss: Stack was moving along nicely then he took the hit. Nothing since.
original: Salambo based on sc ability I’d say having the ability to read is also a stretch lol
megawatts: @apachecats i think ive blown my 2400. Dunno if I’ll even make 2300 now…
original: Here he is
Raspel31: Mega- maybe only 2400?
Migz: baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllttttttttttttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Breezey: Baltas 35% TOG is not helping much
LMartos: The way Richmond treat second rucks is so dumb, they play 50% game time, what’s the point
Gandhi: Balta touched it!
megawatts: richmond is basically playing with 21 men
Raspel31: Baaaaaaaaalta!!
Salambo: He just read the chapter on “Contested possessions” 🙂
Apachecats: Balta!!
italz: my dreams have come true
clay007: Balta better than three sydney players
italz: double digits! What an animal!
Stu7: Balta has a pulse!
Gelly: something very satisfying watching lloyd getting caught
Salambo: @clay007: Sad, but true!
megawatts: if Balta catches Houli I’ll delete sc
megawatts: Amazing. Balta has more contested possessions than lloyd. I wonder who’s a lil overrated
clay007: lloyd lost no points for that dropping the ball
Breezey: One Balta is better than Two Allirs
Migz: look at that, they even gave him a 2nd contested possesion for that ground tap to his team mate. he is amazing
Gelly: he must of skipped the chapter about tackling
italz: should have had balta as c mate, would have easily hit 2500 @mega
clay007: I reckon Houli is overratted Mega. What do you think?
Jackwatt$: Does anyone know what the line was for Baltas SC score? Whatever it is I want take Unders
Raspel31: Lol clay.
beerent11: Good to see dusty having a better game
original: Ronke lol have fun in the reserves next week
Migz: i wonder what the lowest SC point per KM run is and i wonder how much balta has smashed that record
clay007: Just for the record, I like Houli as a player.
Apachecats: Balta BE 25 and proj SC 21.Jackwatt
original: Wow ugly football
Breezey: Good boy Baker
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Baker intercepts a slow Parker handball near CHF, he has time to straighten and goal from 40m with ease.
Tig-Train: Fuck you Lloyd
th3rio: He’ll yeah stack
pcaman2003: Without easy touches,Lloyd struggles. Too soft!
OhSoRozee: 9th vs 15th come end of the yr
th3rio: He’ll yeah stack don’t feel as bad for trading out butter anymore
Raspel31: Balta!!
Fatbar5tad: Luke Muppet
Migz: baaaaaaltttttta again you fkn legend
Breezey: Balta bang
Gotigres: Yes Balta
Gelly: balta to ton up
clay007: Balta proving a few of you wrong. He is young and plenty of upside.
Tig-Train: Chuga chuga choo choo… the balta train is coming
pornhub: original.. fancy a carlton supporter saying ugly footy. lol
OhSoRozee: balta has reached his proj now lose 1 pt every 10 mins
th3rio: Yeeee boilta
BestCoast: Time to delete SC mega
Gelly: i was thinking the same thing pornhub
pornhub: Balta is back up ruckman.. leaving tom lynch in the fwd 50 all game. doing his job fine
Fatbar5tad: Father Time has tackled Buddy
Haydo: Does eveeyone have balta or r we just going for richmond?
OhSoRozee: boy does richmond concede alot of mid minutes might have to vc a mid opp each week against richmond
clay007: Balta better forward than Lynch tonight.
Breezey: Balta is ahead of a million dollar footballer
Dondeal: Alir looks like Rufio from 90’s movie Hook…
Breezey: Aah. Not now but he was
Fatbar5tad: Don’t think I’ve tipped a Saturday winner all season. Good news For Tiger fans.
Apachecats: Any one rate Dusty as a buy at under $500k ,thinking of Brayshaw to Dusty.
original: Mills lol
mace485: Wtf mills
pornhub: Not last week.. pies supporters upset they missed out on Lynch
pcaman2003: Buddy having a real mare.
Raspel31: But, does anyone have Lynch- I don’t think so.
OhSoRozee: @dondeal disturbing how u remember that movie from that long ago
Umpirespet: More like tiger fans upset they missed out on treloar
Dondeal: @ohsorozee, watched it with my kids a couple of weeks ago
Breezey: Hardly
clay007: You clever Raspel. Lynch too inconsistent. Balta, very consistent, low every week
Tig-Train: Who tips Sydney against Richmond anyway?
Tig-Train: More like Treloar upset he missed out on a premiership
megawatts: i tipped gold coast against wb in rd 3 and got 9/9 in that rd. Don’t write off the underdogs
teddyt: adelaide fans upset they’ve been shit since richmond beat them in the grand final
StuL: Might upgrade Buddy to Balta
Umpirespet: Teddy we beat u here last year knob
teddyt: LOL StuL nicee
OhSoRozee: @dondeal all good then =)
BestCoast: Buddy still has 5 years to run on contact I don’t think son
Tig-Train: You can win every year during the season for all I care
teddyt: yeah nice you won the round 2 cup then didnt win a game for how many rounds?
beerent11: might be a goer if he keeps 100plus for three or so games apache
teddyt: you and the adelaide players celebrated like we celebrated our flag win
Sixty656: Baker gonna bank some nice $$ this week i he keeps going
Umpirespet: And Teddy going by Richmond’s record we still have 15 years yet to win a premiership to match yours
pornhub: Adelaide supporters love watching richmond games so they can hear the song before and after the game
beerent11: stack downgraders have to be happy so far
Umpirespet: Did u know me then Teddy?
Apachecats: yeah beerent just going to keep an eye on how his BE travels.for this round it’s
OhSoRozee: next week he plays sixty he only played 1
beerent11: who keeps their spot when cotchin returns ross or baker or both?
Gotigres: lol Stul
pornhub: Umpirespet stop mate
Tig-Train: Waaa waaaa
JockMcPie: I think Ross is safe now
OhSoRozee: both casta will go out
beerent11: bakers pretty tempting i think hes a fwd.
megawatts: stack and cotchin do not share a position…
pornhub: Castagna needs to find form in the 2s
beerent11: stack should be safe but missed him on the bubble
OhSoRozee: cotch for casta, bolton has polish over casta
OhSoRozee: stack will b right he has shorts hb spot
teddyt: at this rate ross is best 22 with a full team taking grahams spot
teddyt: stack atleast in till shorts back unless he has 2 shockers in a row
beerent11: maybe parker to baker.
the worm: McCartin hasnt been the same since he left the beatles
Gotigres: George should be the one to go for Cotch
beerent11: or gibbons to ross
clay007: Balta scoring better than Buddy
Gotigres: What do you mean worm?
OhSoRozee: ya george only right for tackles which bolton and baker can do but alot more polish aswell
Tig-Train: Buddy has 2 great games a year…
the worm: i give up
Raspel31: Yep worm.
lwillo: worm have you considered stand up, full of jokes and i love em 🙂
clay007: I liked it work.
wadaramus: He was great in Wings 🙂
Breezey: I got it @Worm.
the worm: they have their own youtube channel now, every album song finally available…so great
Umpirespet: Same worm
megawatts: @tig you’re talking about the first to uave kicked 100 goals in a season since plugger in 1998
frenzy: McCartney
the worm: oops back on the game
Gotigres: ok, you mean Paul
Tig-Train: Has he done that recently? Since he got his big contract?
lwillo: stay down lloyd, need to bring you in soon
the worm: ooh Buddy and Balta Coleman race!
Raspel31: Money Can’t Buy You Love- est audio book in the world- recorded by me. Back to footy.
OhSoRozee: franklin to sydney deal is a dud he got them to a grand final but sydney failed him now its time to offload him
Apachecats: Just got it worm.
Umpirespet: Welcome to the club Apache
supastarr: Mills trade bait
the worm: rolled the dice on balta over parker…i am so on edge right now
Breezey: McCarton is a Starr. Not the one in the Beatles @ Worm
clay007: Lloyd plays much better when BT is the commentator. Lloooooooyd!
teddyt: lmao castagna literally cant kick or handball and hes a premiership player
BigChief: BT is a flog. Wish he would quit.
pcaman2003: Disposal deteriorating badly this qtr
Tig-Train: Same with Ellis…
Jackwatt$: Clearly there was a memo sent to CD & m0nty. Stop rewarding Lloyd for sideways kicks. True m0nty?
mrpotato: Please don’t take the Lord’s name in vain BigChief
megawatts: houli lets push for 80
Sloan4Pres: Lynch needs to grow a beard or something, his face is ridiculous
pcaman2003: Does anyone ever play on Lloyd? Too easy.
Sixty656: Need HUGE from Lloyd in Fantasy, opp doesn’t have him
Oddsy5: Stack looks like hes fitting in i reckon. doesnt look out of place
OhSoRozee: my opp has C on lloyd so hes double mine non C
Breezey: I am very happy with my man Baker
Apachecats: Stacks on the Mills.
wadaramus: Haha Apache!
Raspel31: I don’t think I’ve ever put the C on a defender-maybe in a bye?
Jackwatt$: I will take m0ntys silence as agreeance to my statement. I’m just not sure who calls the shots, maybe m0ntys the one th
Breezey: @Raspel. I did with Whitfield today
Pokerface: @raspel i reckon docherty may have had it from me once maybe twice
Pokerface: and goddard in the old days
Apachecats: I had Laird a couple of times last year.
clay007: You must be pumped Mega, Houli almost on 50
pcaman2003: LLoyd well over 30 this qtr already.Put him in my to buy list
OhSoRozee: whitfield never scored high against freo unlucky @breezey
pornhub: Joel Bowden the ultimate SC defender
Breezey: Can someone tell me Bakers BE please
Raspel31: Obviously Neale as VC Breezy?
OhSoRozee: -87 and will go higher probs
Raspel31: Yep Poker- forgot Docherty- so long gone.
Breezey: No Grundy and yeah unlucky
Wizz: brendon goddard back in the day 2010 had him skip when he got like 190
Pokerface: heh yeah, out of sight out of mind
Gotigres: I think Dusty is back. The break was good for him
Breezey: Cheers Rozee.
clay007: Is Dusty back? Is he on anyone’s radar?
BestCoast: Had the C on Heater several times
teddyt: dustys back!
Raspel31: Double whammy Breezy.
frenzy: Lol wiz
OhSoRozee: no he still covered in cobwebs
Breezey: I can see a beep on mine @ Clay
DarkHorseR: Lloyd is about the best junk time seagull I think I’ve ever seen.
beerent11: Give a few more weeks on dusty but good signs
BestCoast: Heeney wake up flog
the worm: next to dusty that is
OhSoRozee: ya lloyd goes even seagulling at back end of home and away season with every1 else knackered with rookies
Wizz: 24 uncontested touches what is the record? i remember b ellis getting 33 touches all uncontested
pcaman2003: @Darkhorse. You’d think opp coaches would wake up to him and cover him,but oh no.
Wizz: whitfield and lloyd with a hard tag would have 15 touches
DarkHorseR: @pacman yeah, you’d think…
clay007: Does Lloyd play on a player?
Umpirespet: 10 mins till man city pummel spurs
DarkHorseR: My DT isn’t complaining though!
pornhub: pcaman2003. why would dimma tag lloyd. playing right in to the tigers hands letting sydney chip the ball around back 50
OhSoRozee: i think shaw matched 33 with 38 kicks in 2017
pcaman2003: @Clay007. Rarely
OhSoRozee: @umpires im backing upset spurs 2-1
Umpirespet: Spurs won the champ league city won’t be happy
pcaman2003: @pornhub. Tigers would score more probably if pressure put on defenders
OhSoRozee: sydney cant win at home and being away from home sydney/north/carlton 3 way battle for the spoon
nbartos: yes Dusty
Raspel31: Die hard Spurs man so off lads- no offence. Back to footy.
Sixty656: PLS hit me with a 90 Stack/Baker
clay007: This might sound cruel, but isn’t it great that Sydney are struggling. I’m sick of them.
pornhub: pcaman richmond are one of the best sides in the comp at forward pressure. thats how theyve kicked most of the goals..
nbartos: so true Wizz
pornhub: lloyd getting cheap one twos and not helping his side at all.. hence his SC score
DarkHorseR: @Rozee Adelaide made North look pretty good last week…
DarkHorseR: @clay007 that’s also good for Lloyd’s numebrs – lots of ball in the back half when your letting through twice the scorin
damoc85: exactly what Lloyd does everyweek
DarkHorseR: ..g shots
OhSoRozee: yeh but adelaide wont make the 8 this year either north 1/5 game wins from bottom opponents so shouldnt win in the
OhSoRozee: underdog games either
clay007: Dusty first to raise the bat
StuL: 15 of 16 years in the finals. Def sick of the Swans.
Pokerface: bit early for the star isnt it? this game isnt over
Struda: baltas playing on level 4, not getting enough oxygen
Breezey: That’s a sneaky ton from Prestia
Pokerface: target Buddy
Sixty656: please llyod…. 130 plus
beerent11: Not watching the game. Has dusty been fwd much?
OhSoRozee: franklin to dogs to help naughton/schache develop jong,webb + picks to sydney
nbartos: Dusty BOG then clean air to the next runner
Pokerface: not over at all. if all stars awarded after 3 quarters dusty would have a room full
Pokerface: dusty always is for the first half bartos
Pokerface: now it matters how he goes
frenzy: Balata back to his starting price
the worm: Bog then clean air sounds wise
Wizz: franklin is basically done for fantasy at this stage. 4 goals for 60 points is good for afl rubbish for sc
StuL: Star for Balta. He’s the heart and soul of this team.
Pokerface: you are too good for this establishment worm.
Breezey: Balta displaying the highlight reel
BigChief: Bog and Dusty in the same sentence sounds about right.
pornhub: Rampe is a great defender
BigChief: And I don’t mean best on ground.
the worm: guess im off for a quick dusty then
Stu7: Ross gone to sleep
DrSeuss: Big Finish Stack – 80-90 would be ideal
OhSoRozee: @balta gonna make a fortune 2k
Pokerface: the fend off doesnt work when you are standing still aliir
nbartos: Bigchief nice one LOL
OhSoRozee: 73k rise for 74 proj on stack
nbartos: Dusty didnt have a first qtr so this Hundy is in 2qtrs really
Raspel31: Oh yeah, Stack my one trade looking good. Money to spend next week.
Breezey: Game Over sports fans
VodkaHawk: Stay low Heeney and go Lloyd go
OhSoRozee: ya dusty vs no real opponent tho
teddyt: baltaaaaaaaaaa
OhSoRozee: might pay the xtra 73k to bring him in for the next few price rises given job security
Gelly: sydney have defended well tonight, have not allowed the flood gates to open
Ash777: Balta making a statement
Gotigres: nice Balta
italz: cmon heeney get to 100
nbartos: Lynch ice block
pornhub: Balta has had a massive last qtr. a lot to work with!
Breezey: Big bad Balta
Gandhi: Feck off balta
wadaramus: Balta just warming up, can sit at F8 until ready to farm off.
Wizz: record is 41 uncontested by joel bowden
Struda: baltaaaaaa
Breezey: Balta only a fraction above half the time on the ground. Doing OK considering
Rage_Trade: Stack, Hore and Petrol on my bench, lovely!
OhSoRozee: rounds 3-4 not the rookie round but round 5 rookie central
pcaman2003: C’mon Heeney,Lloyd flogging you this half
OhSoRozee: almost 7 30+ disposals by sydney and still lose
the worm: I declare the winner of the 2019 brownlow medal Noah Balta of the richmond football club
Fatbar5tad: Fuck off Heeney with your junktime bullshit
megawatts: Houli 71 not perfect but not disastrous
StuL: Come on You Spurs
megawatts: guys balta doubled his projected score. If every player could be like him id score 4000 easg
italz: don’t worry mega, you
DrSeuss: Arrgh Stack going backwards
OhSoRozee: disaster vs neale vc lol
pornhub: tiger time isnt over just yet
Tig-Train: Take Balta 51 or roll dice with burgess?
the worm: always roll the dice
BigChief: I think mega is drinking the toilet water.
beerent11: It’s a shame bakers so expensive as a rook none of my fed rooks except drew will be worth trading and he’s staying for n
beerent11: ‘Now
beerent11: Fwd
beerent11: Burgess 30 3rnd ave
