PlungeMe: wouldnt mind a big score from whitfield
noobcoach: shhh fyfe needs to shake the tag
leorosman_: Fyfe not getting tagged would be ideallllll
Hadouken: conigs 180 please lol
BestCoast: @PlungeMe congratulations last night gave us a good flogging
feralmong: plunge I was gonna last minute switch to C on him. but locked out. Cripps it is.
th3rio: He’ll yeah Williams
feralmong: the way tipping’s gone, dockers to win. uggh.
pcaman2003: Afternoon all!. Go Mummy! Have a big game today.
StuL: Go VC whitfueld
Apachecats: Dang! Almost put the C on Whitfield and chickened out.With you on Mummy pcaman ,inspired selection.
smashedavo: i’m amazed teams keep letting Whitfield run free every game. Surely teams should be tagging him?
StuL: GWS got so many pigs this year
th3rio: Keep going Williams.
pcaman2003: @Apachehecats. Traded Goldy down to free up cash. Figure they will score similarly.
th3rio: Thought the same smashedavo but freo don’t really have a tagger apart from banfield
Apachecats: Cash is king PCA.
th3rio: Anyone know what’s up with Williams tog
aces-high: Sick of coniglio’s crap ratio of sc and dt should’nt of started him. Always an upgrade target
feralmong: it’ll be getting matchups right th3rio at this time of the game.
biggs2dujj: Williams, like all my spuds Menegola/Smith etc spend 50% of the time on the bloody bench ffs
original: Keep going conigs
feralmong: only way de boof can tag hill is to hold him. see if the FA count rises.
Yelse: need to get whitfield in asap
th3rio: I feel ya biggs
jbjimmyjb: CD is very harsh on conigs kicks, gets a centre clearance chaos ball, called ineffective
th3rio: Most frustrating thing about Williams is he scored quick then either goes to the pine or goes quiet
th3rio: Wait a fortnight yelse I think hewett might tag next week
biggs2dujj: th3rio, then he does that! smh
jbjimmyjb: yay coniglio :))
pcaman2003: Got Mummy,Cogs and Willy,,,so happy so far.
th3rio: Sure does bro
th3rio: Good conigs:):):)
feralmong: Playing The Phantom in SC this week. Quite like his team. But beating him atm.
blonde0na: took Treloar VC instead of C Conigs, can’t complain but feeling a big score here from him today
Apachecats: Its always good to knock off a journo feral.
th3rio: Can’t sneeze at a 150
Tree Fiddy: Come on Cogs! 130+ would be juicy!!
feralmong: i lost to effen ralph by 1 pt.
pcaman2003: @feralmong. Go feral and kick his toosh
aces-high: Fyfe on track for his be god damn hurry up and tag him de boer I want him at 520k
pcaman2003: Mummy killing Lobb yet only 2 pts diff.
Manowar: S. Coniglio need more from you..
smashedavo: surprised by Fyfes sc score, hasn’t done too much to be influential
StuL: Come on whitfield. Vc on you.
feralmong: cape time monty. cogs sized.
th3rio: Conigs is a freak
Apachecats: What? Not happy with the 60+ for the 1/4 manowar?
Hawks_13: cape for cogs
jbjimmyjb: apache i think we expect 80 minimum per quarter from him
noobcoach: williams so hurt by disposal inefficiency and his SC so low in comparison
DrSeuss: Obviously should have put the C on Cogs
feralmong: thumbs up monty
teddyt: de Boer tagging Hill? Righto.
feralmong: hmm hately an early downgrade in a week.
jbjimmyjb: what are the odds that “god has the C on coniglio”?
MercAm: Why isnt de Boer tagging Fyfe???
Manowar: no not good enough Coniglio, now expect 240 by end of Q4 already going backwards!
smashedavo: stay down whitfield, i beg you
jbjimmyjb: Merc maybe they think Fyfe is too big for him
pcaman2003: BS scores for Mummy/Lobb. Mum been heaps better
MercAm: Smashedavo, I’m with you!!!
Manowar: confirmed my mate GOD has informed me he does have the C on S. Coniglio today!
StuL: The same joke shouldn’t be funny every time but it is jbjimmy
StuL: And God is Carlton supporter? Lolol
smashedavo: if De Boer can tag Danger out, he should be able to at least slow Fyfe a bit
Apachecats: Just noticed Hopper WTF-zero
StuL: Fyfe would be obvious for c or vc but has broken down 2 of the last 3 times I put either on him
PlungeMe: if i was a coach id tag coniglio or kelly over whitfield
jbjimmyjb: did hopper eat his donut?
Apachecats: There are two Gods this year ,the new one makes some intelligent comments.The other one is a troll.
frenzy: Signed a new contract, Apache
PlungeMe: away teams on track to win every game
pcaman2003: Picking winners getting harder
Apachecats: that’ll do it every time frenzy.
Hadouken: as long as captain conigs goes large im good
jbjimmyjb: go away whitfield
Apachecats: Hopper doesn’t even get a donut because he’s had one astray kick.
feralmong: if cogs DE was better he’d be delicious.
StuL: Go whitpig
jbjimmyjb: surely if de boer doesnt want to follow hill to HB, he’ll go to fyfe
GOD: Yeh, the new GOD is a fake..and yes GOD does have the C on S. Coniglio today!
Migz: new recruit whitfield not letting me down so far. EXCEPT THAT KICK FOR GOAL. fucker
ozziekev: rory lobb going well..2 hbs and 3 cps ?
feralmong: jb and its hardly a good strategy they are losing.
Pokerface: fyfe is untaggable.
Apachecats: Muppet Taberner.
Pokerface: is it still 200 points we have lost to date picking fyfe?
biggs2dujj: Williams hitting every target….getting no SC points. Ridiculous
th3rio: Williams +3 but goes down a point. Wtf
MONEY TALK: hately will be a good cash cow
th3rio: Ah there we go
cobrakai00: serious question.. does anyone play DT anymore? surely irs dead
original: Don’t let Whitfield catch u cmon conigs. (Whitfield is way too fit, deserves all the possies he gets – hate it tho)
MONEY TALK: brought in whitfield for B.smith, looks good
Manowar: no need for concern Fyfe will be injured soon.
Hadouken: knew this would happen, trade out williams for laird, now this….
Apachecats: yeah money talks ,goes on the watchlist.
Apachecats: Gave up on DT 4 years ago.
StuL: No. Nobody does. The two trades a week and stupid pricing killed it
aces-high: Conigs hit every possession this quarter and gone up nothing! Ridiculous
feralmong: i still do AF cobra. its a bit different so i like to play it.
clay007: Taranto is becoming a decent player. Brought him in for Angus Brayshaw. Brayshaw was leaking dollars.
pcaman2003: Get near the ball Mummy and start scoring again.
OhSoRozee: Poor guy who went butters to hopper thought hately would push him out
megawatts: hopper is a must-in next week when his price drops… will average 100
Manowar: stupid sideways trade!
noobcoach: u traded out A.Brayshaw?
Apachecats: Taranto -consistant and reliable.clay007
StuL: Thanks manowar
Apachecats: Conigs having this 1/4 off.
Manowar: np StuL
clay007: Fyfe only three supercoach points this qtr
PlungeMe: himmelberg you dog mark it
clay007: He was cheap Apache for his average
aces-high: Cogs 6 touches this quarter for 9 points including clearances. Hasn’t gone to sleep just getting nothing from cd flogs
DrSeuss: Why you slowing down Mummy??
StuL: God may have the C on Cripps later today at this rate
PowerBug: oh no aces is complaining that Cogs is not getting points for butchering the ball
MONEY TALK: @megawatts. wouldn’t u wait till hopper price drops even more after his high BE
OhSoRozee: Taranto is similar to cogs lacks polish but still scores ok
duckky: Hw many clones of Fyfe are on the ground? He is everywhere!
Apachecats: lol power bug
aces-high: Fair case bug
PlungeMe: whitfield, williams, fyfe – not bad so far
th3rio: Very happy with Williams:)
MONEY TALK: josh kelly is better than cogs just because he is more clean with his touches
aces-high: Jelly absolutely elite Simon black like the way he plays. So clean
clay007: @Ohsorozee, you are spot on, they both turn it over a bit.
pcaman2003: Wow! Mummy last 4 taps,no additional pts. BS!
jbjimmyjb: surely this must be a record; 50% eff from 20 disposals but no clangers
OhSoRozee: Hop and Taranto will b must haves next yr without cogs or Kelly next yr
clay007: Do you think the Supercoach scorers just make it up?
jbjimmyjb: as I say that… clanger lol
megawatts: who are you referring to jimmy?
pcaman2003: @jbjimmy. Good observation.
duckky: Lovely Nichols goal
VodkaHawk: I wonder how cogs will affect TMitchell’s scoring next year
Oddsy5: afternoon all! only got williams in this game, hopefully he keeps going
OhSoRozee: I’d go Kelly over cogs @ hawks
frenzy: Is titchell going to GWS
Nuffman: Obviously negatively when playing against him during Hawks v Ess games
spudaroos: I don’t think Cogs will tag Titch. He isn’t damaging enough.
VodkaHawk: I’d prefer Kelly too, lol
Umpirespet: Cogs doesn’t want to play for the pi$$ and poos
VodkaHawk: He wants to join his best bud Jaeger
OhSoRozee: Conigs to freo Kelly to hawks cats Kelly freo then freo will rise
megawatts: yes titch and matt crouch are both going to gws
VodkaHawk: Lol, nice one Nuffman
Nuffman: One can hope hehe
megawatts: is josh kelly the only premium mid who can go at over 80 percent?
Monfries96: Williams would be untradeable if he was more consistent
jbjimmyjb: mega cunnington is usually around the 80% mark off the top of my head
mattmac24: Almost traded Williams to Whitfield, looks like a good move in not doing so
original: 7 touches that qtr for like 10sc? Conigs robbed surely
Hadouken: reckon hately will string some games together ?
jbjimmyjb: original if his disposal doesnt directly end up in GWS hands CD call it ineffective
m0nty: Cunningham, B. Ellis, Johannisen 80%+ DE last year… Kelly averaged 71
Manowar: Yeh, you also made a stupid sideways trade
OhSoRozee: hately will with ward out
OhSoRozee: i bet 60% of people who didnt have whitfield upgraded williams 2
noobcoach: titch is who?
OhSoRozee: tom mitchell @hawks
feralmong: Marge the Trolls are here!
OhSoRozee: @monty kelly was low i reckon from his injury hit season
mattmac24: Williams to Whitfield barely a sideways trade when the reason for getting Williams was to make money and upgrade
Pokerface: look at his disposal efficiency original. and stop complaining about it every game
noobcoach: why did williams lose 10 sc points?
Migz: yup like the way he plays but if he even gets up to 65% de he will shootup to 120+ every game
frenzy: Cmon Timmy, clean it up bud
Pokerface: hogan up forward? isnt he meant to be a +1 down back now..?
aces-high: They took the points off for the 50 he gave away noobcoach
noobcoach: cheers
clay007: Coniglio needs to look when he kicks. Just kicks blindly under heat
Manowar: wrong Williams to Whitfield is a sideways trade
noobcoach: big comparison between williams DT and SC 🙁
OhSoRozee: just some scaling corrections happen when CD has break in play
LMartos: great Williams losing points for kicking it despite being a metre OOB
Pokerface: hmm my tongue in my cheek doesn’t come across here
m0nty: Williams and Whitfield is a tacogirl situation
StuL: Wtf, Williams just lost 11!?
th3rio: You lose 10 for giving away a 50 ?
megawatts: how did williams lost 10 points?
Pokerface: dont give away 50s. they are brutal
Migz: normally -8 for a 50 against. Maybe because it lead to a direct goal they punished him cause freo took the lead
StuL: Cogs score has barely moved since qt
Pokerface: no act is a standard point amount. depends where it is, tightness of the game, etc
LMartos: Williams’ kicking today has been pathetic, even when hitting a target
frenzy: Yin yang conigs
Hadouken: watching himmelberg he always sooks to the umps.. every time. play the game mate !
clay007: Whitfield has slowed down
OhSoRozee: funny game when WCE spank Giants, Freo should have beat WCE and now this score
original: Williams intercept possession, long kick marked by opponent = 0 points smh willi
Migz: well poker id say each act has a standard amount as a base rate then then the other things effect that standard.
duckky: Counts as a clanger Original. -5
Pokerface: @migz yes
Apachecats: Conigs will easily get the Tasman Meats Award.
Migz: if this link works
OhSoRozee: ya it worked helps alot
pcaman2003: Where r u Mummy? 2 pts for qtr so far.
OhSoRozee: surprised a shepherd is 1.5 pts
th3rio: Conigs on track for 50 touches
StuL: Will take 80 now Williams. That 100 vanished quickly
megawatts: mumford +16 fantasy only +4 sc wtf???
Migz: yeh the 1% can add quickly. Thats why some backmen can score 80+ with like 8 touches a game
OhSoRozee: sharked HO’s
original: Taranto might do ok on sc but gee he is frustrating to watch
Pokerface: sc is not fantasy megawatts. if they were they wouldnt be different games.
th3rio: Was excited for Williams tonning up stul . Depressed
Migz: but remember rozee that page is only the basic stats. Then they have long kicks/short kicks. same with handballs.
Migz: knock ons, pressure acts. Inside 50s. Rebound 50s
OhSoRozee: ya i knew most of it anyway @migz
OhSoRozee: just didnt know the shepherd 1.5 pts hawks shepherd of the mark woulda pushed those defenders up
Migz: kk
megawatts: pokerface well theyre not just games. They are a measure of a player’s impact on a game.Shouldnt they be somewhat simila
circle52: I give up trying to work it out as there are some 100 bits of info they use at CD.
StuL: So many possessions for not big points with gws. CD marking hard today or what?
Pokerface: fantasy is not a measure of impact at all. you turn the ball over repeatedly and get lots of points.
original: Conigs +6 (mark + effective kick) but goes up 3
noobcoach: willaims just hurt after coming on
OhSoRozee: ya SC scores a funny 1 especially if u look at Luke Ryan every week
Pokerface: fantasy is just a measure of how much you touch it.
Natopotato: Williams you better come back on
th3rio: Oh Williams raises my cholesterol every week ffs
TigerKid_A: haha mundy went from 5 tackles to 4 tackles
OhSoRozee: happy with williams if he stays 10 pts with whitfield
Natopotato: Thank god he has
th3rio: He didn’t even get the points for that tackle lol
LetItBe: Back on!
wadaramus: Williams back on 🙂
Umpirespet: Fantasy concentrates on marks kicks and handballs and tackles and not much else
PlungeMe: williams back on
pcaman2003: Mumford busy qtr and still on 62. Doesn’t seem to add up,but CD must be right
LuvIt74: Glad i held on to Fyfe coz i didn’t expect him to play this week and secondly didn’t think he’ll ton up
LetItBe: Anyone else think this game is a perfect example of what happens when there isn’t constant free kicks being paid?
Pokerface: busy in what way? he’s had 2 kicks for the game
pcaman2003: Score finally went up a bit. Points are really lagging today.
OhSoRozee: ya remember mumford jumped 86 to 111 scaling at geelong last week
TigerKid_A: agreed let it be 100%
duckky: @pcman Taps to oppostion advantage get a negative score
duckky: And Fyfe has sharked a few of Mummy’s taps
Migz: im pretty sure champ data have 2 squads scoring every game. there is the live scoring at the ground and a secondary
Migz: squad back at their headquarters on a delay system
Pokerface: wasnt scaling rozee, scores had stood still for a while. was the end game points once a hamster jumped back on the wheel
Apachecats: that wasn’t scaling Rozee ,SC stopped updating 10 minutes before the game ended.
Wizz: Imagine not tagging fyfe knowiing deboers ability to shut out elite mids
pcaman2003: @Duccky. I understand. But hits to advantage seem to get added very late
Yelse: fyfe slow down opponent has the C
OhSoRozee: ya it was scaling coz they did it at the same time
jbjimmyjb: coniglio can’t hit a target today
wadaramus: Nice debut from Hately, bought him in AF.
Migz: does AF have a 3 game “delay” before price changes come in like SC? never played it
aces-high: Williams yet to get his sc points for that last mark and kick will be around 68 i reckon
OhSoRozee: @jimmy he can’t ever hit them
OhSoRozee: no migz
jbjimmyjb: migz I don’t think so
Struda: Williams 55 at half time now 62 woweeee
jbjimmyjb: @Rozee true but it’s been even more prominent today
noobcoach: where is williams point for that last kickand mark
wadaramus: AF prices change after 1 game.
noobcoach: nvm
OhSoRozee: think he was in 30% for 3 qtrs last week pushed
OhSoRozee: to 64% at end of game
Wizz: Close game gents large sc scores will be given
Natopotato: Great start from Williams
Wizz: Volatilty increases more risk more reward on scaling
th3rio: Wow Williams lad
clay007: FFS Taranto
Wizz: Williams making up for last quarter two huge kicks
OhSoRozee: half way through qtr 2 u woulda thought five players would push 130+
jbjimmyjb: come on williams and cogs 110 please
LMartos: Gonna need a please explain for Whitfield’s SC score I reckon, efficiency average, only 1 clanger
OhSoRozee: did whitters get tag or just nowhere near it?
Natopotato: Whenever i see a gws player with yellow boots down it gets nerveracking. It either Whitfield Williams or Reid
clay007: @LMartos. I agree. Has hardly missed a target
Wizz: @rozee no hes just running with low cont and lowish de
Struda: Got a whack in the face in the third but doesnt look like itd effect him much
LuvIt74: are these SC points correct?
OhSoRozee: nah just meant he stopped gettin the pill hes only 22 possies after 15 in 5th minute of 2nd qtr
PlungeMe: if taberner could kick this game would be over i reckon
Hadouken: come on conigs, shit
noobcoach: fyfe getting tagged now
frenzy: Cmon Timmy, lift
OhSoRozee: nice work from freo at giants fortress of canberra
PlungeMe: GOD might end up being unhappy with his C on Conigs
Wizz: Hately looks good in a stacked mid, with ward out hes a lock on the bubble
Natopotato: Another upset brewing :O
Gotigres: GWS stopped
italz: tipping is impossible this year
TigerKid_A: i tipped port and freo hahah
Hawks_13: Never again will I put the (c) on whifield
OhSoRozee: walters actually best score and its not at OS might b worth a consideration
Natopotato: 25 point lead 10 minutes left, game looks almost done
VodkaHawk: 1st to 100, Freo wins
Migz: hately in 2 weeks is locked so hard. 80 with no goals, low goals and tackles is awesome. Ill hold scott till hes ready
Apachecats: I am giving up tipping this year ,will just take the away teams.
Struda: absolutely @wizz
pcaman2003: Get going Mummy and ton up.
TigerKid_A: hately or ross?
Hawks_13: the kiss of death is actually leading the tipping
DarkHorseR: Of course Williams comes good this week.
Natopotato: Game over surely
StuL: Still plenty of time Lynch?
OhSoRozee: ill go sheed to ross if he puts in a decent 1 2night even with cotch back probz next week then scott to hately if not
italz: okay so who broke whitfield? :/
damoc85: Hately
Pokerface: didnt people say that about stack 2 weeks ago?
th3rio: Lol all the poor blokes that went Williams to Whitfield
Manowar: M. Walters
StuL: That’s the third of the “big 5” not to ton up.
th3rio: Hately will prob have better JS
clay007: No ton yet for Giants. Bad day by all.
OhSoRozee: coming out of contract 2nd time kelly isnt producing wat he did 2 yrs ago
Yelse: is it worth a trade burgess for Hore and lose moore exchange
frenzy: If Ross goes shower, early on Hately
Stu7: White field 24 poss and only 80 points crap
th3rio: Davis gone
Manowar: Williams to Whitfield traders = LOSERS
the worm: no
StuL: God doesnt have the C on Cogs now
Raspel31: Well cut me off at the knees and call me tripod but this is a surprise.
OhSoRozee: burgess wont ever go much above be so will b low downgrade later to keep the moore swap later probz bye rounds
cobrakai00: Whitfield had little influence on the outcome.. simple as that
feralmong: uh oh i said at the start with tipping as it is freo will win. lmao.
BigChief: What a surprise. People still whinging about SC scores. Nothing changed in 3 years.
th3rio: I’m going Scott to j ross and ribbons to hately week after yolo
megawatts: 36 touches 1 goal only 96 points. Kinda glad I traded connigs out
Pokerface: whitfield not involved when it mattered
Wizz: The absolute disrespect of a freo chant on the otherside of australia
clay007: Have a look at Luke Ryans DT vs SC differential and compare that to Whitfields, Coniglio, Taranto
OhSoRozee: freo 2nd on the ladder……
Anarchists: One more goal Tabs
pcaman2003: These SC scores are rubbish. Mummy last tackle gained 1pt though it said +4
Struda: josh kelly a lock in 2 weeks
Pokerface: i prefer the 2005 version. he doesnt complain as much.
Pokerface: the + refer to Dt
Tig-Train: Williams gives away free kick -3 and goes up a point… bullshit
StuL: Dont worry Walter’s will get a 6 week injury next week
megawatts: when it says +4 it means fantasy, not sc
jbjimmyjb: 121 points for scaling
frenzy: Too good Freo
Jackwatt$: Heart for Fyfe m0nty. Tonned up after that sickening head clash
Pokerface: 120 points to come
BOMBRBLITZ: Welcome to my side next week Hately
Struda: fyfe ton helps, williams pass whitfield ehh
Manowar: Happy with M. Walters & E. Langdontoday,
DrSeuss: Mumford super consistent for an 80 something so far
teddyt: Lucky Cameron made de Boer tag Hill and not Fyfe or Walters. Strategic mastermind
Wizz: Fyfe should be 560k with a 110 next week delicious
Struda: cogs and whitfield hopefully get a few scaling to even out sc/dt differential
lukefield9: Can we make a nuffy page for everyone who feels the need to complain about the SC scoring system?
OhSoRozee: fyfe score worries me tho look at his 18 Cp 13 cl 31 possies at 77% for just a ton that worries me
OhSoRozee: 7 clangers tho
pcaman2003: Thanks Megawatts. Didn’t know that. Very confusing.
