Apachecats: GWS missing a player Monty.
Pokerface: lets go dusty, prove the haters wrong
shang0: Balta is back son
frenzy: sheridan
Chelskiman: I can’t see this ending well for us today.
HowI Rioli: Just so everyone knows, I traded Dusty out this week
BigChief: How did Kelly get the Free For? It was Whitfield.
Torz: Stack missing for Richmond
Ash777: I see CD has broke again…
jbjimmyjb: I traded out Dusty too
Ash777: or just fox
PlungeMe: kelly got a free for holding the ball
BigChief: I must have missed that while I was getting a beer
PlungeMe: happened about 5 seconds into the game tbf
BigChief: Ouch for Short. His day might be done.
Pokerface: who says dusty doesnt tackle!
shang0: A lot of people traded out Dusty this week, looking forward to see him kill it to make them pay for their decision 😀
Pokerface: anyone go for the heeney/dusty double out?
PlungeMe: shorts done probably
jbjimmyjb: keep in mind martin was on 39 at QT time last week
Chelskiman: Barely an injury for the last two years, we then do a clear out and now we’re dropping like flies.
DrSeuss: Alright Cogs you aren’t getting tagged this week
frenzy: balta to gibbons next week
Ash777: where ever they’re playing needs some real work
jbjimmyjb: we won’t be able to field a team in 2 weeks Chel
pcaman2003: Be interested in Mummy today.
jbjimmyjb: frenzy why would you do that?
pcaman2003: Need 150+ from Cogs now to have any hope this week.
original: need conigs to bounce back this week
Sloan4Pres: clear holding the ball against lynch not paid
Pokerface: good call pcaman
Chelskiman: Same. Opponent has Whitfield and I have Cogs in RDT.
Pokerface: why were people trading dusty while letting conigs off the hook? both got tagged out, but only one was in the trade gun
frenzy: before baltas price falls
pcaman2003: @Poker. After Setters stitched me up,I need Cogs badly
Chelskiman: Sydney Stack!
jbjimmyjb: poker: because Martin looks like he couldn’t care less, and worry of him playing fwd
Apachecats: Got Mummy PCA ,great POD at a bargain price.
jbjimmyjb: frenzy: but gibbons’ price will go backwards in 2 weeks too
frenzy: lol
Yelse: martin slow down now pleaseeeeeeee
Yelse: zac and cogs lifttttt
Pokerface: lol frenzy
th3rio: holding the man wtf ? lol
softwhitee: made the last min decision to keep dusty
softwhitee: paying off so far…
Pokerface: so who traded out dusty
Coutzy: @Pokerface it’s the burden of expectations. Fyfe had same issues a few years ago when averaging “only” 110
Pokerface: good work softy
pcaman2003: @Apachecats. Could be a good POD if he keeps scoring like this.
Pokerface: @coutzy ts panic group think
Gotigres: Balta already reached round 1 score
Ash777: balta is going to have a inflated score for lack of second ruck by gws
Drak: Coniglio is going up and isnt even touching the football…
jbjimmyjb: every ruckman scores well against Nank
LuvIt74: Those who traded out Dusty and Heeney would be kicking themselves
Chelskiman: Typical Ellis getting caught.
TheMessiah: Wow imagine the people who traded out both Heeney and Dusty hahaha
jbjimmyjb: i have seen coniglio twice all quarter :((
pcaman2003: Should’ve had Balta on field ahead of Seterfield. Doh!
DrSeuss: Balta outscoring Coniglio on my bench. Touch the ball Cogs FFS
chemical-m: Traded Heeney to Parker for the cash to trade Gibbons to LDU, dusty looking better though
pcaman2003: Is VCogs being tagged again? He’s doing nothing!
jbjimmyjb: anyone got an update on short?
jbjimmyjb: pca cogs is at home on the couch
pcaman2003: And then picks up 7 pts when I criticize him. Typical!
original: pcaman plz keep criticizing. thnks
jbjimmyjb: see, martin at FF, it’s gonna keep happening and i cant be stuffed with it
penguins00: Short hurt his elbow not sure how bad it is
runt: score review totally penalizes the kick in team
beerent11: Bloody hell. I’d forgotten how big mummy is.
the worm: impressive first 10 minutes from dusty
pcaman2003: @Original. Yep! it seems to work.
Nuffman: simpson to whitfield gonna cost a bit this week
LuvIt74: Are these scores correct, Dusty 28 sc now? He was 38 a few mins ago
PlungeMe: happy with whitfield so far this year
beerent11: Whitfield hasn’t had an opponent all year. Teams will
pcaman2003: @Luvit. I think his current score is truer reflection.
beerent11: *have to start tagging him
LuvIt74: cheers pcaman
BigChief: Short is done.
beerent11: Mumford should make some cash early
beerent11: Taranto may struggle with Kelly back
Apachecats: Taranto always better in second half.
BigChief: Tigers have come to play. I thought this would be a belting.
Gotigres: Lynch lucky
Gotigres: Williams shoulder problem
jbjimmyjb: no williams is hurt :((
Gotigres: Dusty muppett
penguins00: wow dusty
Apachecats: Dusty done nothing since 10 min of first 1/4
Chelskiman: Dusty shouldn’t have done that, but for that to be a free directly in front when it happened in the middle of the ground
Chelskiman: is stupid.
jbjimmyjb: apache: exact same as last week vs Coll, reason why I traded him
Yelse: where is balta playing
DrSeuss: How bad is Williams?
PlungeMe: still on the field so musnt be too bad
Gotigres: fwd/ruck Yelse
Chelskiman: They’re all over us at the moment. This could get ugly very quickly.
Gotigres: Williams seems to be ok
penguins00: williams ok
runt: Williams seems to god enough. Maybe sore but not serious
jbjimmyjb: williams should be ok, but don’t expect 80+ from him
Chelskiman: Now Rioli looks done. Jesus christ.
Gotigres: Rioli possible broken ribs
jbjimmyjb: rioli’s gone
jbjimmyjb: we are legit gonna be fielding a VFL squad in a few weeks
Chelskiman: Rioli up, hopefully just winded.
runt: the injury Gods are collecting for the last couple of seasons clear run
wadaramus: Sooner or later you’ve got to appease them runt!
beerent11: Stack looks ok if he can hold his spot
Chelskiman: Stack looks impressive.
Gotigres: Graham pathetic
pcaman2003: C’mon Cogs. Fire up again!
Gotigres: Williams back on now
runt: someone tapping out morse code in the background
pcaman2003: Martin on vacation yet again.
Apachecats: 3 point 1/4 for Dusty.
Chelskiman: I’m not sure how Ellis keeps getting games for us.
jbjimmyjb: brandon ellis is shocking fml
runt: Tigers defence under siege
LuvIt74: Now that Martin has a misus he’s screwed…
jbjimmyjb: cotchin and martin need to step up if Richmond are to have any chance
TigerKid_A: ellis should never play a game of afl again.
pcaman2003: @ Luvit. Aren’t we all?
cherries08: Well done Whitfield owners, but quite unbelievable he doesn’t get more attention
Chelskiman: We needed that.
jbjimmyjb: No idea how we’re only 9 points behind, we’ve been smashed this quarter
PlungeMe: maybe im seeing things but i swear whitfield went -5 for an intercept mark and kick that went out for a throw in
TigerKid_A: @cherries richmond smalls are never accountable
Chelskiman: fucking hell. Only had to last 27 seconds and we could’t even do that.
jbjimmyjb: plunge: CD has been intoxicated today, gave Walsh -6 for a goal assist earlier
pcaman2003: Wow! Glad I don’t own Dusty. He smells worse than Stilton.
PlungeMe: last night angus brayshaw got 3 points for a mark and goal
Roksta: I’ll be waiting till 2 weeks after Whitfield gets tagged. He struggles
HowI Rioli: Where are all the cocky folks boasting about holding on to Dusty at the 10 min mark of first quarter???
PlungeMe: you cant tag all 3 of kelly, coniglio and whitfield and hes probably the least influential of the 3
Ash777: I think SC might update periodically so it account for disposal efficiency, 1 percenters and clanger etc.
cherries08: @Tiger yea, H/wick likes the team approach. Teams starving Tigers of ball now though
Roksta: Glad I waited for mumford.
jayshi: rage trade lessons so far; Grundy, Oliver, Heeney, Westhoff (in), was gonna add Dusty to the list… LOL
HowI Rioli: Looks like Dusty may get a week for that elbow behind play
frenzy: yep roksta
jbjimmyjb: Rioli yup; intentional, high contact = 1 week
TigerKid_A: if dusty is out then hopefully young jack ross gets a crack
jbjimmyjb: ya it’d be nice to see him get a run Tiger
penguins00: Stack having a great game
TigerKid_A: sydney stack showing all the other tigers how to play
mattmac24: Gibbons to stack in two weeks time? Is stack stays in the team
heppelitis: martin to stack next week haha
frenzy: Stack the fridge
feralmong: lot of recruiters balls in a vice for ignoring Stack.
pcaman2003: Muumy looking the goods,but no kicks yet.
feralmong: Tigerkid we’d have better balance with grunt of Ross over flair of Butler.
beerent11: It’s a shame stacks not a def. pretty thin on rookies back there.
TigerKid_A: @feralmong i agree
Chelskiman: Fuck off, Finlayson! He’s pissing me off now.
mattmac24: Mummy had great potential for making cash if he didn’t miss the first two games.
feralmong: kick it long to lynch and we have a sniff to steal this.
Chelskiman: We can’t get within 9 points.
J_Herer: Atkins to Stack this week I think
frenzy: Relton Roberts or Noah Balta, same same
mattmac24: Wait for stack to play two games. Gets an extra price rise from the rookie your dropping for him
Chelskiman: Giants just have the answer to everything we do. It would take something amazing to win it from here.
Apachecats: with stack you can wait a week before he goes up.
Roksta: Mattmac I got mummy. Playing for league
Chelskiman: Yep, we’re done.
Gotigres: Game over
Apachecats: getting ugly chelks
PlungeMe: my oppo is on of the 4k with jeremy cameron
Apachecats: wait and see if he stacks up.
Yelse: balta looks lost
pcaman2003: @Apachecats. Touche’
feralmong: hanging on by a thread.
heppelitis: jayden short should go back on and run through de boer and break him
beerent11: Stack should keep his spot only houli to come back into the defence
beerent11: And shorts injury
runt: Did Blakey ever get Butler?
amigaman: Serious question Tigers. What has gone wrong with Butler?
Chelskiman: Grimes to come back too.
TigerKid_A: stack > ellis
beerent11: But mattamacs right. Wait another week
JackRipper: Dusty looks gone for 1 or 2 weeks for an elbow to the back of the head of a GWS player that dropped him
pcaman2003: GWS pressure acts destroying Tiges.
mattmac24: Would love a 120 from cogs
feralmong: no preseason amiga. put him in 2’s.
beerent11: Different roles I think chelskiman
Chelskiman: Butler and Castagna have both been poor for a while now.
runt: Coniglio…or whatever his name is..is just loafing around the place
oc16: so glad I made whitfield captain!
feralmong: my eyes are bleeding help me. I just saw the free kick count.
pcaman2003: @runt. Does seem to have gone off the boil.
mattmac24: Sounds about right Runt
the worm: howe do you not know his name runt, he was in your team all of last year
DrSeuss: Come on Cogs
runt: Blakey must have got Butler with a sneaky rabbit punch
dipstick: Richie Benaud-ver or whatever his fuckenname is
runt: Can people bag Coniglio please. need him to lift
duckky: Where did shang0 go?
runt: Yeh, 1st time in my team . Back in your hole worm
jbjimmyjb: come on cogs! ik you dont care about my SC team, but you care about your contract
penguins00: ummm what is wrong with coniglios score?
zoomba23: Huge mistake not starting with Whitfield
mattmac24: You’ll summon him Duckky, shhh
Apachecats: his mums got him in the bath @ducky
Chelskiman: You wouldn’t have thought 2 seasons ago Dusty had the best individual season ever.
feralmong: Our key mid DE is up the pooper.
the worm: lol apache
pcaman2003: Go Cogs! Remember I need 150+ from you now.
pcaman2003: Balta is a spud
mattmac24: 66% DE and mostly uncontested for cogs. 80’s at 3/4 time is still good
runt: Coniglio is utter crap, trips over his own shoelaces
PlungeMe: stack just about been tiges best player, surely you cant drop him
feralmong: Balta not ready yet. Rance was a spud in first several years too.
pcaman2003: Give him heaps runt. Reverse psychology can work
feralmong: gotta do what port is doing and play these good kids.
Apachecats: Happy with Timmy amd Mummy both 80SC at 3/4 time
zoomba23: Big last quarter please Zachary
feralmong: Sumich rated Stack a top 10 draft pick.
runt: Coniglio usually puts on his shoes and socks…in that order
PlungeMe: speaking of port im prepared for a spanking tonight
pcaman2003: Dusty torching his SC coaches
Sloan4Pres: tigers will win this
TheOnyas: Onya Stacky
J_Herer: Dusty might have depression, he does suffer that I think (mental health not fun)
duckky: Stack was identified as a problem child in the U18 system.
Chelskiman: If Prestia or Lynch had of scored we may have had a sniff.
Apachecats: Date with Madame lash @plunge me?
runt: PlungeMe. Will be on for young and old
mattmac24: Dusty does suffer from mental health problems, seems like he isn’t interested anymore
BigChief: Hahahaha Dustbin Hahaha
runt: Motivation is the hardest part of being a top footballer. He climbed the mountain and is finding it hard to do it again
thommoae: Long time since anyone expected a spanking at the ‘Gabba, Plunge.
Apachecats: You seen his new missus JHerer ,nothing to be depressed about there.
JR33: Dusty’s on crack. Didn’t everyone know that?
PlungeMe: runt, my friend is a brissy supporter and ive been giving it to him for years, not keen for the retaliation
runt: Lions won’t be spanking anyone tonight. Will be only a goal in it either way
heppelitis: Rage trade for me…Dusty to anyone and Simpson to Whitfield…never trade premos they say
Chelskiman: Oh ffs, Lynch.
Stu7: Come on Kelly lift!!!
duckky: 5,814 supercoaches would be happy with stack
feralmong: I think we’ll be shaky for first half of season but come home hard with roo back.
feralmong: right now swap balta and garthwaite around and see what happens.
feralmong: ahh looks like we did. an now were cooked. damage control.
PlungeMe: need richmond to go forward so williams can get some touches
aussie59: dunno bout being on crack but he is a gaping hole in my team. was gonna dump, but now i am definitely dumping him
pcaman2003: Oh Cogs! Where for art thou?
TheLegend6: We look poor
boofjb57: Hopefully stack doesn’t do a Bailey Scott
Apachecats: another quick one and there will be a flicker.
Chelskiman: Season could already be over by then, feral. We have a tough start.
beerent11: That’s why we wait a week boof
feralmong: wouldn’t hurt us to have a reality check.
zoomba23: Scott had gastro last week Boof
pcaman2003: One more to GWS and Tiges are cooked.
mattmac24: Cogs to kick a quick couple please!
TheLegend6: @Chelski we should make finals regardless, then we’re a threat if we’re there
J_Herer: Whitfield will cop a tag soon, so much free ball
TigerKid_A: simple things like kicking a footy or hitting a target is imposible for some
TheLegend6: That sums it up though, that bounce for butler to turn an attack into an opposition shot at goal
TigerKid_A: butler is so fucking bad wow
DrSeuss: Big finish Cogs
Apachecats: that flicker just got snuffed out.
pcaman2003: Butler! Lol!
Fatbar5tad: Nice work Williams
Chelskiman: @Legend, Port away and then Sydney and Dees. Both of those haven’t started well, but can still be dangerous.
Chelskiman: If we’re not careful we could be 1-5.
runt: Coniglio, the laziest ton ever
frenzy: good boy Timmy
runt: Give me 50 possessions and I’ll shut up!
yablettt: On ya Whitfield
TheLegend6: Even at 1-5 I’d back us for top 8. Tough but we can do it.
beerent11: Nah
yablettt: Richmond are finished, back to 9th you go
Manowar: Another 50 required Coniglio
Silz90: What position does stack play? What’s his js like?
ReggieOz: gotta be happy with Williams score..nice comeback
faisca7: Calvin’s captains predicted Whitfield to have 150 and 12+ marks.. should have listened
mattmac24: Stack is midfield, is looks good after the game he has played today
feralmong: just checked i’m running over 100 avg in AF after 9 played.
J_Herer: great work by Williams
runt: Williams looked gone but luckily not
beerent11: Tigers witches hats this qtr
TheLegend6: Bit of junk from Conigs and Williams would be nice
pcaman2003: GWS very impressive today. Tiges have work to do,just like us at Hawkland.
feralmong: can’t say same for SC i’m cooked there.
Silz90: Junk time for williams
beerent11: Dusty was 38 mid 1st qtr
yeah_nah: poor performance from cotchin and dusty
DrSeuss: Stack about to be most traded in this week
Silz90: Also thanks for the info matt
TheLegend6: Don’t think Balta is a defender aha
PlungeMe: great game for me – whitfield and williams – oppo has cameron though
mattmac24: After this game I’m 1402 (sc) from 13 played. Macrae as captain to come
the worm: that first 10 minutes of the first quarter by dusty was phenomenal
J_Herer: Richmond gone for 2019
Gotigres: well done Williams
runt: Baltas baptism of fire
TigerKid_A: too many injuries in defence leads to cameron having a day out
duckky: Whitfield, Williams and Taranto for me. Happy Happy
frenzy: balta bust
beerent11: Cotch 22 touches for that score
Ash777: Stack comes off injured
feralmong: had such high hopes for Balta. Needs more time.
Beast_Mode: @thelegend, balta played all last season vfl in defence muppet
feralmong: Balta > Stack. Easy money.
DrSeuss: Balta out, Stack in
