th3rio: gents lovely to see you all
bushranger: Resisted trading Dusty. Come on man at least 100 pls
ReggieOz: early carnage at the selection table this week
Chelskiman: Evening, lads. Nervous about the match, but I think we can win!
th3rio: greenwood on dusty wont help
Gotigres: Dusty busy early
Sloaneyyyy: Pies by 9pts
JButcher: Ross better not drop Schultz after i trade him in for Balta
DrSeuss: Treloar VC starting on the bench. Good old Bucks…
th3rio: come on grundy lets turn it around
Ash777: dusty playing forward again :/
Umpirespet: Treloar on the bench 🙁
Chelskiman: We clearly didn’t learn from the prelim.
Sloaneyyyy: Treloar will play 70% game for 110 again
Gotigres: He has 2sc points
DanBlack: Dusty is H2H with Sidebottom
Sixty656: worst puush free kick ever
Gotigres: I will not be surprised if Cox kiks a bag of goals
Sloaneyyyy: Screw you umps I need elliot to score big
DanBlack: @JButcher Facts! he looks like exactly what we need from a small pressure FWD
th3rio: beams is so underrated
th3rio: if i had balls i wouldve chosen him
ryan: the umpires have over umpired this year far too much let them play
LordPanda: Traded Grundy out this week for Westhoff, hoping he doesn’t score much this week
greshprinc: Cmon Grundy
th3rio: oh lordy lord.
Sloaneyyyy: ‘traded grundy’ haha idiot
th3rio: lol
LordPanda: Nah, looks like with less stoppages this year and less taller rucks doing tackles and kicking goals,
Oh8ball: As if you make trades in round 1
J.Worrall: @DanBlack at least while Ballas os out
the worm: excellent idea fixing your mistakes early panda
LordPanda: Money is better spent on rucks who kick goals
th3rio: hahaha
duckky: How many of you hurt by Ridley being dropped?
J.Worrall: @ryan, we have had 1 round so far this year.
LordPanda: Did that in fantasy tho, SuperCoach and RDT wouldn’t dare doing so
zadolinnyj: gents.
Umpirespet: Never had Ridley
zadolinnyj: convinced rucks will score less with new rules unless kicking goals
circle52: Grundy making me nervous again –
Ash777: last year there wasn’t much need to trade early. This year is alot of rule changes that affect scoring.
Sixty656: Dropped Sidey for Rockey in fantasy this week as to not lose money…. FML
circle52: Reason why I did Balta to Parker and Hore to Wilkie as trades so I can fix prems next week
th3rio: one stuff up for me was not starting moore
Gotigres: Looks like the right decision Lord. I might do likewise next week
Chelskiman: I’m pretty sure every Collingwood player is running around free.
wadaramus: whats with these giant ads that keep filling my screen and ruining my FF experience?
DrSeuss: Grundy not getting any possessions or tackles. Not good so far
ryan: across the first round it just felt like every contest they wanted to pay any soft free rather then let the play roll on
th3rio: was gonna vc danger over grundy wow im dumb
wadaramus: where is Grundy, Cox is doing all the rucking?
dipstick: goldy and westhoff is the ruck combo this year. dont tell anyone
Silz90: What’s wrong with De goey?
th3rio: was on the pine wada
StuL: Bye bye grundbust
the worm: its grundy and gawn, set and forget
DrSeuss: Damn Grundy got no lift on that jump. Guessing he is still carrying an injury.
Ash777: set and forget winning
dipstick: anyone who saw grundy in JTL know he has a toe problem
the worm: dont trade out the 2 best rucks, its madness
Yelse: rucks this year won’t score big often by the looks of it
th3rio: from memory grundy always started slow, lets go with that
Umpirespet: Took the VC off Martin this week
PowerBug: Who is there to even trade Grundy and Gawn to?
StuL: You never know. Grundy will get 80 yet.
MONEY TALK: shoulda chucked the VC on dusty
Sloaneyyyy: Superman for beams
DrSeuss: Imagine if Treloar played more than half the quarter.
Chelskiman: Grundy is my fault, guys. Didn’t have him at all last year and started with him this year.
Beammybux: Beamer. Back in prison stripes suits
Ash777: ever since westhoff became a ruck option he should be first picked.
th3rio: westhoff apparently
th3rio: grundo just warming up
frenzy: Grundy will be fine, razor ray’s got him in his team
Beammybux: Ton up in frees for
StuL: Come on grundy. Too bad if you knee jerked grundy to nank
MONEY TALK: looks like jack is sore
Sixty656: J.Roo sooking it up
Dogs5416: Grundy never in doubt!!
Oh8ball: On ya Grundy
Breezey: Grundy flying now
MONEY TALK: hehhe keep going grundy
Chelskiman: I almost did, StuL. Put him in to have a look but it didn’t look right.
duckky: Muppett time
StuL: Why kick a dribble from there!? Almost missed it!
Hoot: Chestnuts showing form
Silz90: I traded Grundy and gawn to Westhoff and mummy
Silz90: Joking never trade your premos unless injured
th3rio: hahaha
Yelse: thinking of oliver to rocky
StuL: Sometimes you have to.just look to confirm right or wrong Chelseatiger
Yelse: cmonnn moore lift
beerent11: Pies butching the ball into the f50
duckky: Nank was a 100 pointer in SC last week. Dud this week.
Monfries96: Elliot’s score very much dependent on kicking snags
th3rio: wow wtf has happened to de goey
JButcher: Loving your work Crispy
SwaggyP: Good start darcy
beerent11: Yes crispy
StuL: Haven’t seen DeGoey. Maybe he moved back to Holland?
duckky: Bit early to milk the clock isnt it?
Beammybux: Forgot the goey
Monfries96: On cue th3rio
th3rio: there we go
Sixty656: Deep forward… as he snags one.
the worm: gee who’d have thought rucking against grundy was tougher than against Phillips?
Breezey: There he is. JDG
J.Worrall: De Goey answers his critics
StuL: Just flew back
StuL: Just flew back.
Migz: to be fair, they have ignored his leading a few times
StuL: Which is why Elliot is no good for SC
Sloan4Pres: Umpiring is terrible
J.Worrall: and the ball goes back “from whence it came”
Pinkman: So people were joking that they traded Grundy yeah?
th3rio: balta is going to moore next weekend fml
Yelse: bloody richmond parking the bus
MONEY TALK: never thought id see roughead on the top
PowerBug: I think not Pinkman, some did!
StuL: Pies own the tigers
Monfries96: De Goey is definitely reading this chat
StuL: That’s why you go the big 2. Nank on 2!
MONEY TALK: game over lmao
Umpirespet: Tigers in trouble
Chelskiman: We’re gonna get flogged at this rate.
Breezey: If you were looking for Jordan De Goey. Look up
Beammybux: On the goeyyyy
pcaman2003: Great mark,great goal.
StuL: Dusty too much fwd still
LordPanda: Yes, Grundy has left my team
Umpirespet: Finally Higgins
Hoot: Tiges missing the hair do down back
pcaman2003: Nank?
Pinkman: Big call Panda. Obviously explained your thought process earlier in chat, but big call.
J.Worrall: Gogog Grundiji!
Ash777: it’s not that grundy is playing well it’s that nank is playing showzer
MONEY TALK: hows edwards kicking this its not his ball
Yelse: that spot at the msg will haunt the pies
LordPanda: Gotta say, Edwards is a genuine star
runt: 6 points the difference. Dominated but hanging in there.
pcaman2003: Free goal Tiges
Gotigres: McIntosh tackles and umpire gives the ball to Edwards
beerent11: Grundy building…
runt: Markov needs to shave off the mo at half-time. He looks like a 19th century vaudeville magician.
Jukes82: nahh Macca would’ve slotted it anyway
dipstick: @runt LOL taylor walker reminds me of a dude from the 1800’s
Dogs5416: Yesss nank gone cold
J.Worrall: Is the png on?
yablettt: Ellis
yablettt: Ellis with a cheeky 45
duckky: What is Roughead doing with that score?
J.Worrall: B Ellis is on 22 DT at 1/2 time. What will be his fantasy score at full time?
9inch: Pendles still a star
Chelskiman: Wtf, how is that ever htb?
Burnsy03: Happy with crisp, grundy and moore tonight
Ash777: wtf is with roughead killing it tonight.
StuL: Why did everyone have Dusty. I knew he played fwd too much but buckled at the last minute
DrSeuss: Collingwood kicking it around a lot down back – Roughead a large beneficiary
runt: Often there is a richmond player in the pocket but he gets ignored
StuL: Razor Ray was just as mini as a kid. A 3yo playing under 8s.
beerent11: Yeah most of pies backline is over 50 pts
th3rio: beast grundy 🙂
Macka1230: got a dilemma, gotta pick two out of duursma, setterfield and rozee
JButcher: umps having a pretty bad day
runt: Martin has turned pedestrian
blonde0na: grundy tackled, he’s back boys
Silz90: Does anyone have beams in their team. Great pod
th3rio: duursma and setterfield
StuL: Setters named on the ball
beerent11: 1576 SuperCoach players traded Grundy this week.
Raspel31: Hard to post with a broken elbow- and hate both. teams
the worm: GOD has the C on Oleg Markov
Sloaneyyyy: 1576 nuffies then
duckky: Nice one Worm!!!
runt: Pies need to keep the pressure on until the end or the Tigers will pounce
duckky: MArtin scoring better when he is on the bench
the worm: I cant remember the last time the pies blew a big first quarter lead…
Pokerface: haha worm 😀
Monfries96: Need Elliott to at least get his 41 BE
runt: A chant from the Tigers of DOm Sheed..Dom Sheed may unsettle the Pies
blonde0na: 2 weeks in a row treloar has hit the AF ton by 3qtr time with limited TOG
Chelskiman: Every time we look like coming back they get an easy goal.
J.Worrall: De Goey the new “cash or credit”?
Pokerface: dusty may well become dom sheed if he keeps up this claptrap
MrGmax: Elliott rage trade coming up.
Burnsy03: fuck i wish i didnt play sc, crisp would be so much better!!
Raspel31: So annoying with a broken arm- giving up- god bless
beerent11: Is that Elliot’s be in Afl fantasy monfries?
Pokerface: i would like to hear m0ntys view on Elliot as a pod. _very_ quiet this week…
J.Worrall: Nice tackle, Moore! That’s SC points!
duckky: More like a Dusty rage trade MrG
Monfries96: Yes beerent
J.Worrall: Sad for you Raspel – how did you break it?
Valens: flower
beerent11: I think his v
J.Worrall: Wow, very nice, 68 –> 78 just like that!
the worm: just mash keyboard with forehead
Pokerface: dusty don’t leave it for higgins! be selfish!
beerent11: * I think his be in sc is -14 . Elliot’s that is
th3rio: big grundos is back
Sloan4Pres: Weller needs to retire. Absolute spud
Donzoes: onya moore and grundy
Burnsy03: anyone brave enough to vc grundy
the worm: Just once I’d like to see dusty do nothing for three quarters and junk it up when the game is over in the last
jayshi: so glad i kept grundo and putting the VC on him
Pokerface: i did
Gotigres: stop giving free kicks away Prestia
J.Worrall: @ Burnsy03, yup.
Pokerface: that’s the Onyas turf Donzoes.
wadaramus: Sure did Burnsy, just need 130+ from here.
Monfries96: What score do we take from Grundy for captain? 120?
Oh8ball: And people actually traded Grundy LOL
J.Worrall: Gotta agree with @Pokerface there
Monfries96: I wish it was that in AF beerent
Donzoes: my bad, new here
wadaramus: Took the Cripps 126 last week, anything near there is a lock.
V@lks: Yep VC’d Grundy
VodkaHawk: 130 is my loophole mark
StuL: Dusty been Rusty ever since Dutton reported his Dad.
Gotigres: Glad i stuck with you so far vc Grundy
Burnsy03: my 3 have 263 at 3qt im happy
Oh8ball: @gotiges that last one was definitely not prestias fault, markov threw him to the wolves. He ain’t up to it
zadolinnyj: i also v on Grundy accidentally
Sixty656: Whats with Sideys SC score??
hinsch: i think 125+ take as captain
megawatts: grundy’s stats don’t look that outstanding. 16 touches 22 hitouts. why is he on 98?
Pokerface: fyfe v gold coast.. 126 wont cut it
Pokerface: his hit outs are straight to his mids, thats why
wadaramus: D.Moore to ton up would be a good start to the round 🙂
DanBlack: @Megawatts Quality of disposal
DanBlack: Glad I didn’t trade out Grundy like all those reactionary spuds
Ladbrokes_: it’d be his high hitouts to advantage and 87 disposal efficiency @megawatts
J.Worrall: D.Moore to ton up would be a good start to the round :):))
duckky: Dusty tonning up would be the miricle of the round wadaramus
Pokerface: 9 contested possies doesnt hurt either
Raspel31: Never play rugby against 20 stone Tongans Worral. Learning to type with left hand.
J.Worrall: Well done, Yank!!
Breezey: The little rover. The big Texan
Sixty656: Biiigg Phallus!!
duckky: miracle even
Pokerface: twinkle toes cox
duckky: As long as you can do everything else with the left hand Raspel 🙂
MrGmax: I can’t wait to find out what Elliott is protesting about.
J.Worrall: Thankful that my Karma has never suggested I play rugby against anyone!
Monfries96: Reckon someone should check Elliott’s pulse, I’m worried
J.Worrall: One for the Parrot Heads …
J.Worrall: I wish I had a pencil thin moustache,
Yelse: why can’t we just put the tigers away
runt: With a stupid mo like that you have to kick those goals Markov
VodkaHawk: Why is Lambert so crap today? Costing me my multi’s
wadaramus: Curl the mo J.Worrall, with finesse!
Umpirespet: You wish u could grow hair Worrall
runt: Edwards…The Flash
Sixty656: Pies will choke this up and tigers will win
the worm: vodka, because he is usually crap
J.Worrall: 1576 people will be feeling ill right now
wadaramus: Carn Grundy, give us a VC lock mate.
beerent11: That should get crisp to ton
th3rio: is it just me or does lynch move incredibly slow
Yelse: this is why u don’t waste trading prems even though considering oliver out
VodkaHawk: Lol worm, well lesson learned, he is banned from my multi’s
th3rio: dont do it yelse. I’ve already locked grundys VC score in
Umpirespet: He runs as fast as Rehn and Madden thr3io
VodkaHawk: I miss out on 5k from a $5 bet :/
beerent11: Especially after 1 game. Ridiculous.
megawatts: see this is what i dont understand. 1 touch+1 hitout = 12 pts??? (grundy)
Monfries96: Jamie Elliott 11 points since the first 15 mins of the game
brano: Balta back in next week
Costanza: nothing like a crispy pretzel
th3rio: its like he’s in slow motion pet
the worm: anybet involving kane lambert deserves 1000-1 odds
beerent11: Don’t flick Oliver yelse likely to do this on the weekend
Umpirespet: Megawatts you never will understand the scoring so just accept it
MONEY TALK: now glad i didint vc dusty
pcaman2003: Fat lady about to start warming up.
J.Worrall: The “Boston Blackie” kind A two toned Ricky Ricardo jacket And an autographed picture of Andy Devine
Monfries96: Elliott heard me
Umpirespet: I’m flicking Martin next week
megawatts: fair enough umpire
Ash777: umps are so bad this game
duckky: Strategic point that
SydneyRox: very happy i stayed away from martin!
Schillaci: Happy with Grundy. Relieved after his slow start. Got the VC on him too.
Pokerface: nice tackling tonight dusty.
th3rio: sweet 1/1 in tips. Tomorrow is possibly the hardest game to pick. Crows or Swans?
Yelse: balta back in next week
megawatts: has so many tackles it overloaded his stat
duckky: Rage trade for Dusty… Bont looking nice
Sloaneyyyy: Cmon tigers get back in the game
pcaman2003: And there she goes.Lalalalala!
Monfries96: Elliott 26 points since I roasted him 5 mins ago
DrSeuss: Damnit – is Treloar going to finish on the bench and leave me with an awkward VC score
runt: 8 Tigers 0 tackles….
J.Worrall: Crows
zadolinnyj: cmon grundy 20 more
Bulky: Relton Roberts in next week.
Raspel31: I have ay?us yoiu ever captain Do slw. Why would broken arm so my replied are s
the worm: yeah, if richmond lose 16/17 games this year like this Dusty will be horrible
Pokerface: might use dpp and upgrade dusty to rance.
Umpirespet: U talking Welsh Rappel?
mattmac24: Raspel… English..?
SydneyRox: i dont trust the swans tomorrow
J.Worrall: I know, Raspel … I know – tablets are coming ..
megawatts: anyone know why treloar is on limited minutes?
Raspel31: Well, that got mixed up. Typing with left hand. Sorry all.
wadaramus: Just a few more Grundy 🙂
pcaman2003: Slaughterhouse!
Ash777: playing back to 9th the tigers
Yelse: grimes gone too
megawatts: top 14 scores all pies lmao
Breezey: Who we Tipping tomorrow night. I’m with the Crows
th3rio: crows it is lol
J.Worrall: A few more than that would be even better, Wada
V@lks: How can you kick 5 goals in a winning side and be on 72SC?
runt: The Collingwood chant is necessary as they dont know what day is is let alone which team they barrack for
Sixty656: Put the VC on Sidebum in SC over Grundy, for farks sakessss
Umpirespet: I’m hoping Breezey
Silz90: If Treloar could kick he would be a top 10 midfielder
Pokerface: runt beats BT by about 10 minutes
All Reds: 4-5000 sc players traded out grundy this week aha
wadaramus: I am hoping Crows.
Sixty656: Very Large Phallussss
Migz: all reds. 1576 traded him out. idiots
Burnsy03: De Goey X Factor Monty?
MONEY TALK: ahhh dusty
gdshifty: Treloar binning it!
pcaman2003: Lots of tons for Pies,
Oh8ball: Who traded Grundy again? LOL
Burnsy03: 350 from 3 tonight stoked
th3rio: pendles goes under the radar most weeks..
wadaramus: Thanks G RUndy, i’ll bank the 133 if you don’t mind 🙂
duckky: Did dusty do donuts inQ4?
LordPanda: Had Treloar and crisp for 290, not fussed on grundy’s 111
megawatts: when was the last time not a single richmond player scored 80 fantasy?
J.Worrall: Scaling yet to come?
hinsch: pies had a party 100+ for ten of them lol
J.Worrall: 68 left to share ..
Pokerface: theres more to come.. total points are nearly 70 short
elroy67: Darcy Cameron is going to make a great captain this week.
circle52: Looks like Bines has the armband now. Thanks Grundy
circle52: Do we trade Dusty 2 sub par games.
Yelse: when has mayne become such an important player
beerent11: Finally playing in the right role yelse
beerent11: He’s pretty consistent
valkorum: When he was at Freo, defensive forward who didnt miss set shots
