Carnster: Appelby for bog
th3rio: who was the late out?
BigChief: Tom Langdon late out.
th3rio: cheers chief
th3rio: lol mayne great start to his return
Carnster: cannot believe he is on 500k a year
BigChief: How has Maynard got -9 already?
TheLegend6: I’d assume for a 50m penalty? I missed it
Torpedo10: Did Grundy just get +5 for a kick straight to Butler?
MONEY TALK: i bloody love cox
th3rio: did cox once play basketball? or is that some one else
th3rio: god, short was paying like $61 for first goal lol
TheLegend6: Mayne is Selwood in disguise
th3rio: why is treloar being booed ?
cusch1: Probs because he said pies had a better list when he was traded. then we all know what happened last year
BigChief: Because he said Coll have a better flag chance over tigers when traded.
th3rio: thanks lads. You guys know your stuff
TheLegend6: Tbf, Collingwood probably did have a better list at the time, but yeh, we all know what happened haha
Umpirespet: Lol that’s soft
the worm: pendles used to play basketball, and we all know how much you love cox
a1trader: Ump must have Higgins in his team
BigChief: That was dumb from Dunn.
Raspel31: C’mon Missy Higgins-you’re my cover for Parfitt. Get some!
MONEY TALK: higgins getting two cheapies
Haydo: double goal to higgins haha never seen thet before
snake_p: +19 whoa
Raspel31: Timed that well.
Umpirespet: Soon we will be wearing pads and helmets 🙁
anthsill03: Th3eio u already knew that didnt u lol?
TheLegend6: Higgins money sign
snake_p: Higgins missing a couple of chromosomes, should be playing for Pies
the worm: @snake tiges ,pies – same thing
SilverLion: Flower off Grundy
lukefield9: @snake meanwhile he’s kicked 7 in his first 3 games, what have you achieved bud?
snake_p: and bombers? @worm?
SilverLion: I picked Grundy last year, and Cox flowering put me off picking him again. Now he does this. Biggest bs
Carnster: need dusty to lift ffs
TheOnyas: onya coxy
AFL Blues: “Missing a couple of chromosomes”. Hahahaha.
pcaman2003: Lift Caddy and Murray.
the worm: @snake nah, they can generally read for the most part i think
snake_p: @lukefiled, I think you should worry about your crappy team mate
the worm: Cletus Higgins
Umpirespet: Daisy is scaring me what has she got on?
luke394: Grundy you big beautiful bastard
SilverLion: I don’t like to wish injury upon anyone, but if Grundy were to go down I’d feel a lot better.
th3rio: higgins another +6 why not
Umpirespet: Martin went 24 to 34 with 1 handball
Torpedo10: I’d prefer if Richmond just catapulted past them and Grundy goes back 10 for the rest of the game. 😛 @ SL
anthsill03: Murray please get ur hands on the pill
Raspel31: After a crapulus round keep up the good work sub Miss Higgy.
BigChief: You idiot BT Can’t tell the difference between Vlastuin and Conca?
a1trader: Shame Cox is on my bench
TheLegend6: Contested Possession, Clearance and Handball @Umpirespet
pcaman2003: Pies big boys killng it today
luke394: just get him in your team @umpirespet
TheLegend6: No one is going 3rd man up with Cox, killing it atm
MONEY TALK: COX again, its funny that i accidentally auto filled with cox
Raspel31: I don’t think anyone in their right mind actually owns Cox-so well done lad.
Apachecats: Anyone put Cox in the perfect 9.
SilverLion: That’d be nice too Torp 😛
Umpirespet: I know Luke am going to this week
Fatbar5tad: Fuck off Grundy
SilverLion: Also, do something Murray
luke394: good choice @umpirespet gotta get the CD love children
anthsill03: Put rance on cox
Apachecats: In 10 SC leagues and no one has Grundy.Amazing.
Umpirespet: I don’t till after bye Apache
TheLegend6: Stiff 50m that
Raspel31: But Conca on Cox.
luke394: red hot from Razor little angry midget
Ash777: razor ray killing the game again
Umpirespet: That wasn’t a free to Rance BT u flower
a1trader: How did Rance get a free there??
circle52: Yep must be razors pet rule as a lot missed this round previously
DrSeuss: Any chance of getting a little more ball Dusty?
Umpirespet: #freekickrichmond
pcaman2003: Rance free? No way!
Raspel31: Cox needs more balls. Go Higgins!
cusch1: SUrprised BT didn’t call that Rance “rushed” a game saving effort
pcaman2003: Caddy running around a lot,not getting ball much though
cusch1: Rance just gave WHE a 10 meter gap, yet is still considered to be FB of the century or whatever theyre calling him now
DrSeuss: Murray going well – Stephenson and Dusty need to pick it up
Umpirespet: Don’t forget Jones 4 games last year was called full back of the decade Cusch1 lol
spudaroos: I’m one of 10 Howe owners lol
Apachecats: Dusty having a quiet one.
Umpirespet: Well done Spud
TheLegend6: Umpiring has been atrocious
cusch1: Rance giving WHE a paddock yet again.
oh_lol: WTF Howe triple digits already 😮
DrSeuss: Dusty and Stephenson taking this quarter off
circle52: Pies out pressuring Tigers,
TheOnyas: onya howey
Ash777: what icon is there for someone that gets 100 sc in a half
Torpedo10: Dusty was on 42 at the 7 minute mark of that quarter…WTF?
MONEY TALK: a superman cape
SilverLion: Lift ya games Martin and Murray
pcaman2003: Big lift needed from Nank and Caddy 2nd half.
Raspel31: Last year Danger de facto cap- this year interesting. Titch and Dusty-but wavered-Fyfe and Gawn-game open.
feralmong: How u feel when u have Holman on ground and Higgins bench.
circle52: Best game of footy for the round,
Fatbar5tad: Not much to beat
intergaze: Salty cat fun much? :))
pies13: Karn pies!!
feralmong: If tiges keep missing their shots def will lose this.
Umpirespet: Thought Sydney last qtr was sensational FatherStad to watch
Torpedo10: Calling it now. Dusty 150, Tiges to win the game by 17.
korza: Hope Judd gets the 3 votes here
BigChief: Bit optomistic Torpedo with Martin.
Umpirespet: Danger and Dusty dropping in price this week by the looks….. anyone good for a lend wanna get both
Fatbar5tad: Salty as 😀
Fatbar5tad: Preferred the granny myself Pet. 😉
luke394: Danger and Dusty spending too much time fwd
DrSeuss: Dusty do something FFS
Fatbar5tad: There’s the stiffy
lukefield9: rance with like 4 bounces – plus 8 <3
pcaman2003: Wasn’t Howe on 101 before?
Raspel31: For those who are excited by Cox-his score has not changed for more than a quarter.
BigChief: Grundy grabbing right knee.
Umpirespet: The one you weren’t in FatherStad?
cusch1: Rance getting outmuscled by Blair, who is half his size #JustFBoftheCenturythings
BigChief: Cox will get bigger if Grundy injured.
pcaman2003: Caddy playing statue again
Fatbar5tad: Congrats pet. We got the same prize.
Umpirespet: Cmon Nank keep goin son
feralmong: Conca does some brain fade things sometimes
pcaman2003: @Umpirespet. Him Caddy and Murray frustatrting hell out of me
Umpirespet: Na we weren’t at home like you!
Fatbar5tad: Pies an improved unit. Well drilled all of a sudden.
luke394: Grundy’s fine I reckon
luke394: Mason Cox taps it to no-one he’s a big retard
Umpirespet: Lol can’t do much about that pcaman2003
Yelse: geez the tigers play dirty
BigChief: No need for that shit luke. That word is a fucking disgrace.
luke394: he’s good as a big tall fwd no-one can get near him
SilverLion: Pendlebury tagging Martin
Yelse: cotchin illegally tackles and gets the free
Fatbar5tad: The flop is on with Jack
Umpirespet: Yeah Yelse couldn’t figure that one out either
feralmong: Gee yelse who’s got most of the frees.
Fatbar5tad: Cotchin again lol
Breezey: This umpiring fair dinkum
BigChief: Cotchin protected species.
cusch1: Cotchin gets caught htb and wins a free kick???
feralmong: They’ve mostly been soft both ways
Stu7: How’s Mstui
Fatbar5tad: Yeah why would we want that Caddy bloke 😟
Stu7: How’s Martins 150 looking?
mardyb: cotchin given a brownlow by the AFL and given a chance to play in last years granny
mardyb: must have nude photos of gill’s mrs
BigChief: Maybe it’s nude pics of Gil @mardyb
TheLegend6: Umpiring bad both ways
BigChief: Aish day over Darius
circle52: Aish done for day
mardyb: lol
Umpirespet: Eww Chief
valkorum: Keep the chat clean BigChief
Raspel31: Whilst your efforts are enormously applauded Missy Higgins a mere touch of the ball this quarter would be appreciated
Fatbar5tad: Richmond really lifting here
Fatbar5tad: Not stevos day
feralmong: Any injuries now with short turnaround is gonna hurt
pcaman2003: C’mon Nank,catch up to Caddy now
Raspel31: Cox down one point since half way through 1st quarter.
BigChief: Some great tackles from Treloar that 1/4
hinsch: need Stephensen to score 50 SC points to win??????
Umpirespet: Might hold off on Martin gunna lose some good cash
Raspel31: Okay-out with it. Who capped Martin?
SilverLion: Do something Martin
pcaman2003: Who’s tagging Martin?
Umpirespet: My opp did lol
hinsch: all the big SC names not doing much this year, Martin Danger Tichell loosing lots of $$$ every week
penguins00: thanks for the laugh @hinsch
DrSeuss: Dusty get some junk
heppelitis: Cant wait for the day Brown gives the ball To Sam…Callum Murray
feralmong: Maynard into rooms
Fatbar5tad: Big finish please Nank
circle52: I will own up Raspel
feralmong: If pies win this put hearts on them all.
Breezey: Flowerin umps
MONEY TALK: #freekickrichmond
Umpirespet: Another softy to Tiges
Ash777: wow this is the worst umpired game ever
Raspel31: Hmm- thought about it circle- brave for owning up-loser ha ha
MONEY TALK: caddy is a fluke
Fatbar5tad: Caddyshow
pcaman2003: Caddy like a bolt from the blue
BigChief: Steele quiet today.
Fatbar5tad: Loving the Nank!
pcaman2003: Rapt with Nank and Caddy. Didn’t look good earlier.
Hawks_13: X factor to j. Caddy
Breezey: Umps have put this game to bed.
circle52: @raspel had vc on Coniglio and then had the choice of Gawn, Fyfe or Martin and picked the wrong one.
circle52: Was based on Martins scores against Pies
Raspel31: Players I wouldn’t touch with a bargepole-but well done pcaman
Fatbar5tad: Gawn and Fyfe the go to.
Raspel31: Hope he tanks up for you circle-enough time.
Fatbar5tad: Fuck me a 50 against Cotchin
BigChief: OMG Cotchin penalised a 50m for going over mark. Miracles do happen
Umpirespet: lol Raspel u expert
circle52: really hurting my SC raspel now that Walters is out for game in other game.
Raspel31: Je vous en prie pardonne pour ayant derange vous umpire.
Fatbar5tad: Je connais les sentiments
BigChief: English only as per chat rules guys.
Fatbar5tad: Could have done this last year Adam! 😡
Fatbar5tad: Goal for the Dusty gang
spudaroos: Give Howe the Rock down back. Gobbling up intercepts.
MONEY TALK: time for the commentators to suck off dusty
Umpirespet: Didn’t think poms were smart enough to know a second language u learn new things everyday
pcaman2003: Dusty finally!
J.Worrall: C’mon Grundies
Jukes82: the umps trying really hard to get the pies over the line today
Raspel31: No wuckin furries BigChief.
Burnsy03: yeah ff 25 to 16
intergaze: Great game Nank!
feralmong: 25 to 16 we know who the umps love.
intergaze: It’s Ray. 25-16 is a win for Richmond
BigChief: Star for Caddy? Please not even in best 5 on ground.
Fatbar5tad: Goal reviews blow
RGriffen: Caddy been best on by a mile. Legit won them the game
Burnsy03: mrtin been shocking lately for his standards
BigChief: You are joking right Griff? Nank BOG by a mile. Beat inform Ruck in Grundy.
cusch1: Cox has scored something like 7 points since halfway through the second quarter
Burnsy03: butler garbage can
pcaman2003: 80 pt second half Nank.Well done
Fatbar5tad: Pies don’t deserve this margin.
Breezey: Seriously people rating a players performance by Fantasy standards. Martin been good all year
Raspel31: Absolutely Breezey.
Fatbar5tad: Yep. Martin needs to score goals to keep his score up. Playing forward a lot.
penguins00: Treloar bog but hard to give him 3 votes in a 5 goal loss
Pinkman: Treloar is a pain in the butt. Hurt me all last year and now?
feralmong: Treloar shown the better list again.
circle52: Richmond with their usual 4th quarter demolition of teams
Fatbar5tad: That’s just ridiculous
Raspel31: Just happy Missy Higgy matched Side Bum.
Fatbar5tad: That last goal I mean
Jackwatt$: There’s a garbage truck illegally parked in Swan St. That must be Caddy’s ride home!
pcaman2003: Caddy only given 6 pts for his last goal.
Jukes82: nank toweled up grundy