JockMcPie: What’s everyone looking at for Supercoach? I could get 2450 if Kelly plays really well again
boo!: capt gaj or titch…
teachrtony: OConnor in for Ratugolea
teachrtony: Am thinking Titch will be closely checked today, so hoping Danger will fire for Capt.
th3rio: im surprised more people didn’t take dustys score, or maybe forgot to VC him
th3rio: also 2450 is massive jock, nice
boo!: vc cripps, failed….cmon gaj big score please
frenzy: Well done there jock
th3rio: danger to gaj to danger wowwww
bones351: How good was that start. Selwood to Danger to Ablett to Danger
TheLegend6: Staring at about 2250 this week depending on Sicily, Kelly and Titch
runt: As good as the cats midfield is I think the Hawks will win this
bones351: But Hawthorn with the first goal. Still those first touches where awesome to watch.
StuL: Now we just need a few fwds. Hawks should hardly win it out of the centre all day.
StuL: Danger!!!
luke394: Im glad your back Paddy
TheMessiah: Come on hawkers!!
TheLegend6: Had Ablett 30+ and Danger to kick 3+, good start this haha
th3rio: god i really need to start working on getting danger
pcaman2003: We’ll get trounced in clearances today.
JockMcPie: Dangerfield…how is he that good
runt: The difference between the Ctas fab 4 and the Lions fab 4 was we had another fab 18 to back them up
th3rio: good bet legend but doubt it was paying very much haha
PureSwag: I’m not sure how all hawk fans are but some people at school think Hawks are going to win the flag again. Calm down.
TheLegend6: Was paying $3.45 so not too bad, will fund next weekends bet after this horror round
PureSwag: They think that just cause they bet the pies, calm down.
frenzy: Wake the flower up tot he’ll
frenzy: Titchell * Lol
PureSwag: Most of the players haven
runt: Mitchell clearly told to stay away from the ball to even things up against the fab 3
th3rio: i feel that, this weekend killed me
StuL: No Taylor, Hendo, Mackie, Lonergan is going to hurt.
th3rio: tim kelly is projected 118, bit ambitious?
PureSwag: @stul feel in general cats defence is going to struggle this year.
runt: No Duncan, no Cats.
TheMessiah: Started great!
JockMcPie: Duckwood, that should never ever be a free
luke394: Good Sicily you peanut
Chelskiman: lmao, #toohighselwood
TheMessiah: Duckwood
Umpirespet: Quack quack
PureSwag: Ducking master back, I hate Hawks but that free was rubbish.
pcaman2003: FO Scicilly
amigaman: Duckball strikes again!
TheBoy89: Sicily just shut up
th3rio: touche tim kelly
StuL: Settle down Sicily, you’re in my team
SilverLion: Bloody duckwood
luke394: if you tackle Selwood around the waist he can’t lift your arm up to make it look high
FordyHawks: How the hell do umps still for shit from that hack duckwood
Chelskiman: Should have taken Dusty’s VC score.
cusch1: Maybe that tackler should go for the hips like every 12 year old is taught during junior footy.
Umpirespet: Bull Luke he drops his knees
TheBoy89: The genius
SilverLion: Shoulda stuck that sicily
pcaman2003: BT will have a heart attack getting that excited.
SilverLion: Champion team versus a team of champions it appears
DrSeuss: Kelly, Sicily and Capt Mitchell – so happy that Kelly is leading so far
JockMcPie: The knee drop, shoulder shrug motion needs to go, the AFL equivalent of ball tampering, its cheating a free kick
luke394: @umpirespet if you try to tackle him at shoulder height hell lift your arm and drop every time
TheBoy89: @chelksiman how can you pass up 160??
runt: The thing about Selwood dipping his shoulder is he risks getting a broken neck. Maybe Sicily today will do it
TheBoy89: Kelly is a beast
frenzy: Cats got good rooks
PureSwag: Mitchell getting tagged, I’m worried his my captain.
runt: Breust was brilliant
pcaman2003: Mitchell was always going to be tagged today
luke394: Hawks pace hurting us atm
SilverLion: Geelong’s last line looks fragile
StuL: We’ve got no backline which is not been our problem for a long time.
Raspel31: Well, T Kelly’s a bit of all right.
billnats: People compling abor Jelwood lowering his body… he should have had a free for high before the one given. Tackle better
runt: Mackie and Lonergan werent finished so the Cats thought they were better off without them, stop whineing
luke394: Harry Taylor is a massive out for the cats
PureSwag: Can’t believe I didn’t field Kelly AGAIN. I thought with Danger back he might not do good, wrong again
runt: Taylor on the other hand is a current player and a big loss
pcaman2003: @Pureswag. It’s always a learning curve.
PureSwag: @Pcaman2003 with my luck, I will field him next week and Brayshaw will score higher.
pcaman2003: Hawks small fwds look ominous.
JockMcPie: Hawks fwds vs Geelong mids
th3rio: I need to start fielding holman over brayshaw tbh
pcaman2003: @Pureswag. Sometimes SC goes that way. Hard to predict at times
PureSwag: Thinking doing Ablett to Dusty
SilverLion: Mitchell isn’t being tagged. Blicavs is on him sometimes but so are Selwood, Ablett etc. doesn’t look like a set matchup
StuL: How is Stanley in over Smith?
luke394: @StuL not sure on the Stanley decision
PureSwag: Looks like a team tag @SliverLion
StuL: Go Kellpig
DrSeuss: Let’s go Sicily – don’t need more crap this weekend
frenzy: Big boy owning Stanley
SilverLion: Danger push on Sicily?
DrSeuss: That’s a push in the back
StuL: Stanley as a fwd, not a ruck.
SilverLion: Agreed @PS
pcaman2003: Free kick Geelong
FordyHawks: 100% in the back
frenzy: And on cue, lol
runt: Stanley answers his critic with a goal
TheMessiah: Selwood is a rat
Umpirespet: Lol Selwood begging for a 50 the flog
cusch1: Commentary mentioned no one going to Titch at centre bounce, but Blitz following around the ground
JockMcPie: Was a free kick to Sicily but no-one likes him so umps let Danger off
mjdub: feel like Danger has had a better quarter than 35 🙁
runt: Stanley has a goal and 10 hitouts in a qtr Why the hell would he be in?
Pusti: Am I the only idiot who stuffed up loophole by putting the C on O’Connor?
StuL: I blame the coach. Stanley getting killed in the ruck. Smith ruck, Stanley fwd.
TheOnyas: onya smithy
PureSwag: Yes, kind of bad luck
cusch1: Pusti, you might be the only idiot who has O’Connor lol
StuL: I traded O’Connor because I figured he was never going to play.
luke394: Lots of hate for Selwood today must be playing well again
RGriffen: Stanley a nothing. Should still playing RFL
SilverLion: I’m any other side, Kelly would be in the best 3 mids.
jvcfalcon: Yes mate you did a rookie mistake
pcaman2003: Kelly is jet! Bargain of the year for SC
Umpirespet: Lol ok silver
SilverLion: He is luke, but he’s still exploiting the rules.
SilverLion: In**** @ump. Reckon he’d go close. Looks like he’s already played 100 games.
StuL: First hand was round the neck, free kick Selwood!
Beast_Mode: lol so much hate for selwood, love it
luke394: Exploiting the rules? plenty of players use the rules to their advantage I think people just need to learn how to tackle
FordyHawks: Duckwood is pretty much the main reason they brought in the ducking rule
Umpirespet: Silver he has played 5 qtrs chill m8
cusch1: Burgoyne iced hammy
SilverLion: I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that he’s had 500 Moreno high frees than anyone else then 😛
Beast_Mode: burgers gone!!
frenzy: He’d fit nicely at my mob , silver
SilverLion: Fair call ump haha. And meant more, autocorrect is a pain
Umpirespet: True frenzy forgot about norf
PureSwag: I hate the cats but i got to give it to thier drafting team, alwyas find a way to stay at the top and now with Kelly.
JockMcPie: Ouch, Burgoyne one of hawks best players
mjdub: should have put the C on Kelly instead of Danger
TheOnyas: onya smithy
Jackwatt$: Hey m@nty who do you go for when Geelong play Essendon? By far his worst 2 teams
th3rio: burgoyne not coming back? i looked away for like 2 mins wtf
runt: That bloody Stanley is at it again. What a hack
frenzy: We’d make him capt
luke394: Danger spending a lot of time fwd
oc16: these commentators are hopeless
teachrtony: Kelly has a pretty good crew of mids to apprentice with!!
stuballs: Hawkins has to be the most immobile looking player in the AFL
DrSeuss: #freekickgeelong??
Nuffman: Menegola was an inspired pick 👌
FordyHawks: Definitely #freekickgeelong, wtf was that….
runt: Hawkins likes to do performance art during games and imitate a statue outside the MCG
mjdub: Think Sicily has been seriously overrated
Haydo: tim kelly and tom mitchell (cap) today
JockMcPie: Big 3? Tim Kelly pushing for big 4
Haydo: shoulda captained kelly lol
amigaman: As a neutral observer, must say the umps really love the cats
man0005: tim kelly (cap) and tom mitchell today
PureSwag: How did kelly go 2nd round
Rilian: @m0nty – Bandaid for Parfitt. Discolated little finger (at right angles) according to Triple M.
pcaman2003: @Mjdub. Was he rated ?
cusch1: Has a first year player ever been genuinely considered as a captain?
luke394: Get Danger back in the middle Scott you idiot
DrSeuss: Titchell coming back – your turn now Sicily
StuL: Expected rubbish from Sicily today. Will pig it against weaker teams.
Rilian: Barlow probably
JockMcPie: Best rookie since Barlow?
pcaman2003: Go Titch. Keep scoring man.
PureSwag: I swear the Hawks are the Golden State Warriors of AFL.
pcaman2003: @Jock. Would like to see a couple more games first,but looking the goods
JRedden: menegola unfit or what?
TheMessiah: Titch will tonne
SilverLion: Good hit on Paddy
FordyHawks: Smithyyyy
cusch1: Scott Selwood to break into this midfield too (if he can ever return from injury)
luke394: our young defence looks susceptible today
pcaman2003: Compare this game with Saints or Doggies game.Oh dear!
FordyHawks: Ughhh, 2 posters now
FordyHawks: 7 point play 🙂
TheMessiah: Impey looks like hes fitting in well
luke394: cmon Danger get going
pcaman2003: @Messiah. So far,so good.
Umpirespet: Wow that was htb
FordyHawks: Those don’t get called against Geelong in these games umppet
SilverLion: Convince umps just won’t pay Sicily a free
LuvIt74: kelly is killing it
SilverLion: Nvm haha
original: menegola. gooood bye
DrSeuss: How many times does Sicily get pushed out of contests with no free?
JRedden: menegola gonna be dropped, completely lost it
LuvIt74: Sorry guys havent been watching the game but has Danger been spending much time up forward?
mardyb: who cares, its sicily
MONEY TALK: i care i have him in my team
JockMcPie: Wow….that’s a massive call there Razor Ray
LuvIt74: @Original yep i’ll be trading Menegola to Grey this week…
luke394: better see that deliberate OOB paid all game now gotta be consistent
mardyb: enjoy the roller coaster
LuvIt74: Also going Hibberd to Heater and generate Some cash
pcaman2003: Good call Razor. Deliberate roll over
circle52: Agree @luke394 50/50 but as you say need to be consistent now.
TheLegend6: For his price, Hardwick is a decent option
TheMessiah: Correct call tho…. 100%
Umpirespet: Never seen anyone roll over the BL b4 Luke so good luck
luke394: good work @LuvIt74 trade out those premo’s
TheMessiah: Gaz limping?
SilverLion: Gazza limping.
pcaman2003: Hawks are surprising me. Like the old Hawks are back.
luke394: @Umpirespet plenty of people take it over deliberately doesn’t matter how as long as they pay them now
TheMessiah: Not that blatantly tho @luke394
luke394: our backline just looks so exposed Hawks tearing it up
TheMessiah: @pcaman I Agree. Beautiful to watch
JRedden: menegola benched again, utterly useless
SilverLion: Lack of Smith hurting
frenzy: Gaz update pls?
JockMcPie: McEvoy killing the Cat’s “ruckman”
luke394: Pretty sure the rule isn’t Blatantly deliberate OOB @TheMessiah
Umpirespet: Saw menegola named in the reserves on Thursday wonder if he isn’t 100% fit
BigChief: @luke. the rule is NOT deliberate out of bounds. It is now insufficient intent to keep it in play. Learn the rules
gers: Think this ones over. Too many kids in Geelong team at the moment
stuballs: Dropping Smith was almost as good as dropping Menzel in finals…
oc16: they talk about the holy trinity yet its going to be hard for them to dominate when u dont have even a half decent ruck
luke394: Big quarter of scoring from TMitchell
TheMessiah: @luke I would be saying the same if a hawks player did that mate. Not trying to argue
oc16: that being said imagine if they did have one though
StuL: Darcy agrees with me. Why pick no ruckmen Scott?
Fatbar5tad: No ruck, no defence against the best coach in the comp. should end well.
Haydo: nice from titch and kelly
StuL: Scott too kid obsessed
TheMessiah: @luke its just got the be disguised a bit better
luke394: @BigChief as long as it is consistent I’m happy. @TheMessiah is not arguing either mate but I’ve seen plenty of
luke394: insufficient intent not paid this year
Umpirespet: Scott seems to midfield obsessed
StuL: Giving Chappy the vest.
luke394: @BigCheif sorry I messed up the name of deliberate OOB whatever it is called same shit different smell
pcaman2003: Hawks tackling pressure hurting Cats.
TheMessiah: On another note…. Impey is looking amazing! Seems we have another great pickup!
Umpirespet: Stul do Geelong need to offload a mid to get a defender?
BigChief: @ luke what was his intention? To get the ball out of bounds. Correct call by Ray
SilverLion: Menegola only has 50% TOG. Can’t be fit.
FordyHawks: He rolled over the line, clear deliberate oob, but on a side note.. impey looks good 🙂
luke394: @Bigchief if you read my comment I didn’t disagree with the ruling just said it needs to be constant now
FordyHawks: Lol messiah.. jinx
oc16: parsons taking over from Zdawson as the biggest spud in the afl
Haydo: haha wow so much arguing i thought people would be happy kelly and titch playing well
BigChief: You did disagree 1st of all, then said they better be consistant.
pcaman2003: @Silverlion. Fit him where though. Midfield full.
Umpirespet: I took the C off Titch onto Oliver so hope titch doesn’t go too high
TheMessiah: Hahaha nice fordy!
mjdub: don’t think lachy fogarty has gotten near it since halfway through Q1
anthsill03: I am glad i didnt pick menegola… haha i sound like luvit
StuL: We need to get Taylor and Hendo back. This year’s draft should be all about defence though.
Haydo: projected to get exact same as last week
BigChief: @Umpire That could be close.
TheMessiah: Best hawks half of footy in a fair while! So glad its against the cats too
BigChief: How good is Big Boy playing.
the worm: the projections are good comedy
Umpirespet: BC Oliver got 146 so safe for now lol
pcaman2003: @Messiah. Let’s hope they keep it up. They seem well rehearsed.
FordyHawks: Cyril, Poppy, Impey will put some fear into opposition defences 🙂
BigChief: Ump you should be ok, but Mitchell can go huge quickly.
penguins00: Hawks zone has got us second guessing our game plan. Very good coaching by Clarko
pcaman2003: I’m not drunk. “rehearsed”
FordyHawks: Lol pca
luke394: I don’t know how to scroll back to my original comment @BigChief lol
SilverLion: Pumpkin for Parsons it would seem
luke394: Tom Mitchell is just that good
BigChief: SL isn’t this normal for Parsons?
FordyHawks: Justice…. hat was in the back by danger
RGriffen: good goal Sicily
SilverLion: Exactly BC. He actually played decent last week
FordyHawks: Damn, that goal wouldn’t have even happened :/
pcaman2003: Bloody Sicily again. Spud!
oc16: how does parsons keep getting a game?
frenzy: Glad I didn’t go early on Fog
FordyHawks: Wow, 3rd poster
SilverLion: 3 posters
FordyHawks: Jinx
TheMessiah: Hahaha Hawkins is terrible
TheMessiah: I hope the 3 posters dont cost us down the stretch
pcaman2003: Here come the Cats. Don’t stop Hawks.
FordyHawks: Cmon Hawks, you’re letting the cats get back into the game
RGriffen: Gaz getting his cheap ball now
circle52: As an observer although close game defence of both sides is not the greatest.
TheMessiah: FFS Stupid stuff
circle52: Think they miss their organisers in Hodge and Taylor
luke394: @Circle52 we are missing Taylor and Henderson, Hawks missing Frawley too
FordyHawks: Lol, do not put Taylor in the same sentence as Hodge
BigChief: Anyone seen Burton? He seems to have forgotten about today’s game.
pcaman2003: FFS Hawks! Stupid play and costly poor disposals now
luke394: McEvoy had murdered us today we need Smith back in
cusch1: New icon on Titch?
the worm: drops it, then drags it back in… no free
Nuffman: Menegola to whom next week?
Umpirespet: God BT is so annoying
TheMessiah: Come on Hawkers! Focus!!
V@lks: Scroll down to the key @cusch
original: nuffman – has to be heeney
original: what is wrong with menegola? how is he getting less game time than a first gamer and other rookies?
pcaman2003: Hawks are getting rattled.
Nuffman: @original – already have Heeney, Smith, McLean, Petracca. (Should have mentioned sorry)
FordyHawks: Wowwww, #freekickgeelong
DrSeuss: Sicily? Get near the ball perhaps?
luke394: is Danger ever gonna play midfield? feel like we sorta need him atm
TheMessiah: Needed that 1!!
Umpirespet: Dangers price gunna drop it seems if he keeps this up
BigChief: Billings, Curnow, Walters @Nuffman.
TheMessiah: God we need Silk out there!
SilverLion: Nah Luke, Gaz doesn’t wanna play forward so Danger has to.
TheMessiah: That was not a free ffs… come on
pcaman2003: Walters looking good value.
TheMessiah: The oscar goes to…….. Menzel
FordyHawks: #freekickgeelong
luke394: haha @Silverlion he is GOD I suppose
Nuffman: Thanks BigChief and pcaman!
Umpirespet: Free was there but u see at least 20 a game
Umpirespet: Which aren’t paid
BigChief: It was soft Messiah, but Stratton did have a hand touching the shoulder.
pcaman2003: How many goals from frees and 50
pcaman2003: How many goals from frees and 50’s now?
luke394: Stratton had his arm around his neck didn’t he?
casey22: mcEvoy the differnce
original: nuffman. greene?
FordyHawks: W T F breusttttt
Nuffman: @original – I’d love to, but I’ve blacklisted him. Burnt me so many times lol
TheMessiah: @nuffman… I would say Greene
oc16: commentators biased much?
BigChief: This is the worst commentary team going around. Darcy and BT are shower at best.
stuballs: Who was that absolute peanut that shanked that inside 50? Could’ve kicked it anywhere else and it would’ve been better
Umpirespet: Rack off Titch
luke394: fuck off Tom Mitchell
FordyHawks: Tichaaaaaaaa
SilverLion: Onya Titch. Made Duckwood look ordinary
TheLegend6: Disagree. BT one of the better ones.
th3rio: wooo might go 2400 thank you titch and telly
JockMcPie: Titch, Danger, Kelly, what a game!!
TheMessiah: Tommy Mitch you superstar!!!
the worm: its taken years for Bt come up with an alternative to entertainment
hinsch: hopfully Danger sits out the last Qtr, that should win me my DT
Hadouken: go away mitchell, my dusty VC was looking good. youre a freak!
scrappers: hulk for titchell
BigChief: BT you muppet. Who else are the Cats going to concede a score to?
TheLegend6: Just isolate Danger forward
luke394: Get Dangerfield up the ground Scott ffs
Nuffman: Just needed Menegola to have an average game and I would win…
Chelskiman: Feels like Titch has been quiet, yet he’s alredy tonned up and has 30 possessions, haha.
DragonLass: It’s great and all that JOM is playing uninjured but step it up please son
luke394: Tom Mitchell slaughtered us that quarter get our best play on ball and Ablett fwd
Umpirespet: Cyril needs to do something
DrSeuss: Sicily needs more kick-ins – not scoring otherwise. Need a big 4th
TheMessiah: Hoping for 70+ from Sicily, 135+ from Titch and 110+ from Kelly
TheMessiah: Titch to be up there for the charlie this year
SilverLion: Same here Messiah.
TheMessiah: Cyril will have a big impact in the last quarter I reckon @umpire
Umpirespet: Titch can’t win Charlie with the media constantly pumping up Danger and dusty
The39Steps: Need 96 from Titch, Kelly and Sicily to win.
TheMessiah: Dusty will be hard to beat. But god Titch is a gun
Umpirespet: That’s tight 39
SilverLion: @Ump I love it that way. Part of the reason I like Titch so much is that he gets under the guard of the media.
The39Steps: And Ttich is capt.
Umpirespet: Not as tight 39 lol
Haydo: hoping for a bit more than that from kelly and titch @messiah
Umpirespet: Yeah but silver sc players know his worth why we all have him
TheMessiah: @haydo, set the bar low and then be pleasantly surprised 🙂
TheMessiah: Roughy!!
FordyHawks: Big roughyyyyy
luke394: had enough of our pathetic backline today enjoy Hawks supporters!
LuvIt74: Menegola you will be dropped you dead set spud
PureSwag: Still believe Hawks won’t make finals. Rekon they will finsh 9 or 10th but its to early to tell.
Rush: Titch is going to drag them kicking and screaming into the finals by himself.
Ash777: so how mucch time has danger had in the mid?
DrSeuss: Ok Hawks time for kick to kick in the backline – this means you Sicily
JRedden: menegola the worst ‘premo’ i have ever seen, disgusting
FordyHawks: Lmao pureswag, yeah ok
Umpirespet: Cheap cheap Danger will be cheap
LuvIt74: Its a good thing not starting Danger if he’s going to spend time in the forward line as his price will plummet if he
luke394: not enough @Ash777 less that 50%
Apachecats: Rocky was worse Redden
LuvIt74: doesn’t average 120+
TheMessiah: @fordy my thought too mate haha
Apachecats: Yes umpires pet I reckon a $120k discount in a few weeks.
Bails31: Rocky and Redden getting found out in better teams
luke394: Chris Scott is a moron get Danger into the midfield we have been killed in there
TheMessiah: Howe’s that?!
FordyHawks: Howe is ittttt
JockMcPie: I agree luke, CMON geelong
StuL: We’d lost this already at the selection table. Pick a ruckmen for one.
Umpirespet: That’s a house deposit Apache
LuvIt74: SC prediction had T Kelly at 118 and I was really concerned about it thinking 70 would be more accurate, what a gun
luke394: Funny that look what happens
Apachecats: Howes on 1st.
FordyHawks: Pureswag, will bombers make the 8? You know… the team that lost to freo….
SilverLion: Danger immediate impact when he’s in the middle
LuvIt74: Menagola prediction was 97 what a spud
luke394: its amazing hey @Silverlion
FordyHawks: Lmao messiah, kinda jinx
TheMessiah: Hahaha
TheMessiah: The Rough!
FordyHawks: Big Roughyyyy
the worm: watts on 2nd
LuvIt74: I’ll be lucky to score 2300 ffs
TheOnyas: onya roughy
pcaman2003: Need some Cyril magic to up the ante.
Nuffman: Menegola is doing well being near enough to be seen on screen the last 10 mins, but far enough away to literally do noth
Ash777: menagola must be the 1 that got affected by the danger/gaz foward move the most
Apachecats: Thanks Onyas ,only an A & C buff would get that one.
FordyHawks: Some Cyril magic would be…..
FordyHawks: Delicious
LuvIt74: Oh no im currently on 2990 so will hit 2300 but Menegola really stuffed me up
PureSwag: Cats next 5 is tough, I wouldn’t be shocked if they went 0-5.
cusch1: Cyril had 0 impact today
LuvIt74: Danger will score 130+
luke394: Menegola from nowhere
cusch1: Menegola showing us why he is premo status with that goal
StuL: Problem is we can’t defend
TheMessiah: Come on hawkers stay focussed!!
LuvIt74: Cmon Menegola if you dont kick 2 more you will get dropped
RGriffen: Danger going 150 in SC no doubt
TheLegend6: kick a goal danger
RGriffen: fuck off ump
luke394: Danger lifting cos he’s in the middle where he belongs
Apachecats: meant thanks Worn
Umpirespet: #freekickdanger
BigChief: No chance Danger get 45 more from here.
Apachecats: *worm
LuvIt74: @cusch Menegola is hardly premo status, he has had little impact on the game & with Danger back he’s not gonna be top 10
pcaman2003: Missing too many chances Hawks. C’mon!
PureSwag: @BigChief his Danger, never discount him, What if kicks a goal or two?
the worm: gaz’ll drill it
Apachecats: Kelly the find of the year by a mile.
the worm: oops typo
cusch1: Luvit, was in no way being serious with that comment hahah
DrSeuss: Sicily – come on get to 80 or 90
MONEY TALK: cmon parsons winning goal
BigChief: @PureSwag 40 points, 7 mins ummm nope.
pcaman2003: If Hawks lose this,deserve to be bottom 8
FordyHawks: Lmao… did anyone see Selwood the little hack
RGriffen: another Gaz turnover
Umpirespet: That was a mark to Sicily
StuL: Parsons the potato!! Who would have thought.
Apachecats: Reminds me of theclassic Cats /Hawks games of the ’90s
TheMessiah: That was 100% a mark to sicily
Costanza: thirsty
BigChief: Danger handball my backside. HTB every day of the week.
luke394: Danger handball cmon CD
JockMcPie: @Apache or of games five years ago
pcaman2003: Umpiring atrocious
luke394: #freekickDanger
the worm: i’m calling a draw
Chelskiman: Why didn’t big boy mark it?!
pcaman2003: freekick Geelong
JockMcPie: How’s that 50 points to Danger?
Ash777: go the draw
cusch1: Draw on the cards here
th3rio: did danger just go from 114 to 131 from two hand balls?
FordyHawks: Geelong are so confident in getting every free kick that they call for everything
Chelskiman: Wow, and that’s why he should have marked it.
TheMessiah: @th3rio.. from 1 handball and I HTB
luke394: cmon Catters!!!! massive influence @th3rio possies in a close game worth heaps now
TheBoy89: Parfitt
th3rio: ffs didnt want him to get his BE
ReggieOz: The umpiring has been so bias towards Geelong
th3rio: really luke? thought it was just danger haha
BigChief: OMG HTB against Danger again not paid. He is protected.
pcaman2003: Cats will win. The umpires say so.
Raspel31: What a game-carn Cats
sammyo7: cmon mitchell and kelly get me to 2300
TheMessiah: #freekickgellong OMG
korza: Ablett’s last qtr OMG, whers O’Meara hiding
luke394: Him and Ablett been very influential @th3rio
Ash777: wow geelong getting alot of soft frees
DrSeuss: Picked Sicily as a slight POD, not a massive POS
StuL: Mark it Hawkins!!
SilverLion: It’s all set up for Geelong to win this
Chelskiman: Is Danger immune to the holding the ball rule?
BigChief: And yet another 1. That is disgusting umpires.
Umpirespet: Free to Titch
JockMcPie: 50/50 calls going both ways
SilverLion: Hawks can’t buy a free
ReggieOz: OMG that was the 5th incorrect disposal for Danger and still no free kick…
pcaman2003: Disgusting umpiring!
BigChief: They finally paid 1
cusch1: Danger was on 82 at 3 quarter time
Chelskiman: This game, wtf.
pcaman2003: WTF umpires?
th3rio: this game is giving me diabetes
Costanza: an enjoyable game of footy
Beast_Mode: sucked in catters!!! couldnt happen to more of a flog team
SilverLion: Stick it up em Hawks
pcaman2003: fkn Duckwood again. Really?
banta: ead you cheating umpires. ead arrogant geelong
FordyHawks: Justice has been served
BigChief: Well done Hawks. You beat 25 in the last 1/4.
FordyHawks: It’s so awesome beating Geelong plus the geelsong umps
runt: Mitchell magnificent
th3rio: thanks kelly thanks mitchell
wadaramus: Magnigicent game of footy 😁
JockMcPie: Farq would have preferred Geelong to win, Hawthorn are the biggest flogs in the AFL, geelong a close second though
TheMessiah: @jock you are clearly vision impared mate. Better team won anyway so no harm done
amigaman: Great game, best team won
pcaman2003: CRIKEY! No help from the umps. Peanuts!
ReggieOz: So glad Hawks won that…they deserved the win
luke394: look at all the filthy Hawks supporters you won was a ripping game of footy
BigChief: Mitchell 149 @UmpiresPet
penguins00: classic Hawk fans can’t just enjoy the victory
TheMessiah: @fordy… right on mate! No sweeter feeling
bones351: Hilarious to watch an amzing finish to a game and then come to find so many wasting time complaining about umpiring.
StuL: Should have kept Chappy on the list until he’s 50
stuballs: My heart can’t take this every weekend. Goddamn what a game… Lost this one at the selection table, Smith out bad call
FordyHawks: Classic Geelong fans enjoying the umpires calls, but it feels good to beat cheats
luke394: @penguins00 typical whinging in victory and even more whinging in defeat
LuvIt74: 2355 not bad
TheMessiah: @jock… lol hard to call any team flogs when u support the collywobbles
Haydo: haha same bones
scrappers: danger is a protected species comes under different holding the ball rules! just doesnt apply to him
