boo!: hello minty, pedal faster
Ash777: looks like stringer will be spent after the first qtr
cusch1: Salty Ash?
Heizenberg: Hi all
BigChief: Ash sounds very salty.
RGriffen: Stringer for brownlow
Heizenberg: Where’s hepp? 🙁
Heizenberg: Hepl versus zad tonight
RGriffen: Hepp doing what he did round 1 last year
Chelskiman: Merrett quiet early.
Ash777: why be salty for someone who is lazy
cusch1: why be salty full stop. Dont be a sore loser.
Chelskiman: Harsh call. That was a mark.
LMartos: already love Doedee, how good was that courage
Ash777: 2 bad decisions in a row
cusch1: Have a sook Ash
BigChief: Adel should have let Jenkins go. He is a dud.
DrSeuss: What’s Merrett up to?
Chelskiman: Anyone start with Matt Crouch?
GOD: Yeah, back to Essendon!
GOD: Yeah, i gave Matt a bat
BigChief: My wife did and I said bad choice. LOL Looks like a great pick so far.
luke394: any danger of getting a touch Merrett
original: cmon merrett…
duckky: Merrett where are you?
Apachecats: Wonder where Ding dong Bellchambers gets his hair cut.Place to be avoided
frenzy: a sub 70 coming for sauce, by the looks
original: compare the pair. one is mark for the home side, one a mark for the away side..
Beast_Mode: lol calm down, Merrett will be fine. every year some prems are a bit down in rd 1-2, relax.
Chelskiman: Few too many pies for Zerrett over the summer I think.
Chelskiman: As I say that he moves into another gear, lol.
Beast_Mode: Merrett smashed it in JLT, nothing to see here ladies
BigChief: Well we don’t pay premium prices for sub-par scores.
Chelskiman: Chose Neale over Gibbs. I may have made an early mistake.
Ash777: Merret tombstoned
DrSeuss: Best thing about Merrett – he can score very quickly
original: merrett noooooo
RGriffen: cya whoever got Merrett. Also Merrett is gone he had a concussion just 3 weeks ago
Yelse: murphy and doedee lift
BigChief: $7 for Jenkins to goal from square. Easy money.
Chelskiman: Merrett is tough, he’ll be fine.
NoneyaB: merrett is ok though douglas is gone though
GOD: Yeh mint!
luke394: Merrett will be fine he hit his shoulder more tan anything
Fletch91: Merrett got up fine. Will be fine after qtr time break. Douglas in trouble though. Contact with head.
painkilla: got him under the shoulder, good bump douglas
Costanza: protected area is a joke
SilverLion: MCrouch, Laird, Hurley all tracking well
RGriffen: hope it counts BC I am on it too
runt: no head contact on Merrett, all left shoulder
painkilla: watch again fletch
Ash777: his head snapped into douglas
colin wood: Douglas gone?? Bahaha was a pure hip and shoulder. No head contact
anthsill03: I am waiting for luvit to say hes glad he didnt start merrett
Chelskiman: @Costanza, that’s what I was saying last night. Not because it was against us, because the rule in general is a joke.
penguins00: Douglas hit looked clean at first look but I’d like to see it again.
Roksta: Umps on the dons side so far
Zeratul: Muppet for Fletch91
mookie: Moreira’s Magic has his team up on twitter, no Titchell
runt: Ill go on record and say that the bump on Merrett was perfect
Jackwatt$: If that was AFLW Douglas would be ban for a whole season (4 games)
BigChief: All they said was goal from square. No mention of 50m penalty Griff.
SilverLion: Merrett still in rooms according to richo
jwill55aus: Good bump. Merrett did the prone motionless thing for about 5 secs to make sure of the free the did a Lazarus.
Roksta: Great bump
Fletch91: That looks like a lot of shoulder, but some head contact on the replay. Hopefully he is fine.
stuballs: Man, really should’ve gone with my gut on fog arty despite the $$. Only a quarter in but looks comfortable
Chelskiman: @Jackwatts, haha savage.
duckky: Douglas reported…
batt: Zerrett pushed off the trainers aggressively like you’d see if he was concussed. I wouldn’t be so sure about shoulder o
Roksta: Umps terrible
NoneyaB: hes out of the rooms
Chelskiman: Merrett seems fine.
TheOnyas: onya lairdy
circle52: Just seen another angle and there now appears to be some contact with the head.
monkebuket: he got a blood lip from it somewhere
Ash777: last to let go of jumper loses
duckky: Merrett will be returning
Chelskiman: Seems he won’t be returning.
painkilla: wouldnt be any chance of a free would we?
NoneyaB: hes gone…..
Yelse: merit is out for 20 mins i reckon to assess how can they say his out before 20 mins
duckky: Que Benny Hill music
SilverLion: Merrett done for the night courtesy of richo
amigaman: Douglas won’t be playing for a coup[le of weeks. Pig.
luke394: super coach season already done with a Merrett 20
circle52: Merrett apparently gone for night
jwill55aus: Just slo mod’ look like he’s actually bumped Merret’s shoulder/delt into Merret’s head. Bump was to the armpit region
colin wood: Was knocked out in the JLT that’s why he’s not coming back on by docs orders
circle52: Remember he was concussed 3 weeks ago in JLT so that coiuld have some bearing
Chelskiman: Always seems to be the premiums that get knocked out.
boo!: fog!!!
original: ffs
frenzy: douglas holiday
Yelse: merrett will be cheap to pick up later
Roksta: Should have snapped it joe
circle52: Last years bad luck continuing first Kreuzer and now Merrett.
Sloan4Pres: @frenzy why? was a fair bump
Yelse: maybe should start with cox and pick up jacobs later
RGriffen: Douglas is gone. Even if he didn’t get him in the head. He chose to bump and ended the game for a player
NoneyaB: has merrett actually been offically ruled out yet?
Sixty656: buy a potato, get a spud.
jaypeee: merrett out dangerfield in
frenzy: outcome based nowdays, choose to bump, he gets hurt, holiday
original: is there a time limit for concussion test? maybe he has to wait a while longer..plz lol
cusch1: Doc Reid tapped him on the shoulder Noneyab
amigaman: The bloke who said Bombers favoured by umpires, Go Home
BigChief: How was that not a free against Betts?
RGriffen: 20 minutes generally
Chelskiman: NoneyaB, yeah he’s officially out.
wadaramus: How can he get rubbed out if he didn’t hit him in the head?
Yelse: @original is 20 mins to run the test
RGriffen: bombers getting a free ride atm
Chelskiman: Essendon 10 frees for, Adelaide 4. He wasn’t wrong.
Sloan4Pres: @ RGriffen so did Cotchin in the prelim, he played the next week
duckky: Who said that Merrett is out? He is warming up.
CamT: Time to get involved again, Fogarty
Pokerface: did goddard seriously get a contested possession? or did cd just muck up
Sixty656: You’ve seem rulings from the MRP right?
Roksta: 10 frees to 4 definitely Umps favouring ami
jwill55aus: choose to bump and a guy misses rest of the game. Like when Cotchin knocked that Giants guy out and missed the GF?
painkilla: amiga 10 frees to 2 before you are trippin
original: how come casboult cops all the heat for his kiicking…
boo!: lift wupingtitti
frenzy: just like danger/ kreuzer, krueze not ko’d, nothing to answer
RGriffen: thats cos it was a GF. Cotchin should have went for sure
Chelskiman: Because Casboult is a spud.
Ash777: every team has their cloke
duckky: Must be a strong wind across goals
BigChief: Merrett done. On bench in tracksuit.
SilverLion: Merrett in tracksuit.
Gotigres: Merrett done for the night
anthsill03: What are you talking about @duck
RGriffen: Duckky you flog he has a jumper on and is done. Merrett isn’t warming up
NoneyaB: tracksuits top is on zac is goneski
Chelskiman: Merrett is warming up. He’s put his jacket on.
RGriffen: straight out trolling
Ash777: strong wind in docklands lol
DrSeuss: Merrett gone and Devon has forgotten what the ball looks like…
Roksta: Bye bye zac equals bye bye dons. Crows by 21
BigChief: How does Green get a game before Baguley?
duckky: Trolling? Careful there… Going by 774 boundry rider
RGriffen: go read the chat rules…
Costanza: there are rules? lol settle petal
Chelskiman: Smith going ok. Would take a 90 for sure from him.
RGriffen: nice troll Cos
Chelskiman: No bogus info. This includes posting rubbish rumours. Be aware that if you play the game of starting or perpetuating
Chelskiman: rumours, even if you heard something on the radio or saw it on TV yourself, you could be banned for it temporarily
SilverLion: That was beautiful from Doedee
DrSeuss: Yeah Smith picked it up just as I hit enter – always the way lol
duckky: But abuse is OK?
BigChief: Smith 15 disp in a half is reasonable.
Yelse: wheres Lmurphy
runt: rumours are what make the AFL go around!
Chelskiman: No abuse of other posters. Friendly banter is okay, but please do not be nasty.
boo!: didn’t know bj was 716k
duckky: Well… Flog must be a term of endearment then
RGriffen: don’t troll then there is no need for my friendly banter
Breezey: How about talking about the game
m0nty: agreed Breezey
BigChief: Chat back on the game please.
Chelskiman: Both teams missing easy shots.
runt: The game? Why is everyone so obsessed with the game?
Gotigres: @boo! prices incorrect and ownership not correct
runt: Where has Fogarty gone?
BigChief: Last night was a better game.
circle52: AFL reporting that Douldas has been repoirted for rough conduct on Merrett
SilverLion: Doedee on track for the 65+ I was hoping for
J_Herer: so he should, dirty and angry for getting beaten earlier
circle52: *Douglas* *reported*
runt: I think you will find that the chat tends to wander in response to a boring game. Last night was much better.
Heizenberg: I know big chief way better, gonna watch planet America soon
McSpud: lairdy on target
runt: Douldas may get off because they have reported the wrong guy.
GOD: M. McGovern in the oven!
BigChief: Time for test cricket viewing.
J_Herer: Douglas=dirty
LuvIt74: Happy with Smith, Laird & Doedee scores thus far.
Chelskiman: I turned on the cricket to see a 6, 4 and then Warner get clean bowled. ><
runt: You see head bumps where it is obvious but I am sure Merrett was not impacted on the head directly.
Ash777: seedsman is finally looking good
Pokerface: sounds like you are breaking away from the pack with that luvit
BigChief: Last 6 balls from Rabada to Warner 4,4,4,6,4,out.
Breezey: Then Warner has an altercation with a spectator
penguins00: The Spectator was in the wrong not Warner
BigChief: All the commentators said the spectator was in the wrong.
frenzy: Lol poker
Pokerface: warner never in the wrong. just ask him
Pokerface: kind of ironic me saying that during an essendon game
Breezey: I never said Warner was in the wrong. I said he had an altercation with a spectator.
Pokerface: neither did i. i said he’s never in the wrong
the worm: how are you never i nthe wrong getting into an altercation with a spectator?
Roksta: Was their evidence that warner wad in the altercation
luke394: does this mean Merrett misses next week too?
Pokerface: i asked him. spectator said something about his family
SilverLion: @worm don’t open a can of worms haha
Roksta: Glass jaw icon for merrett?
Pokerface: luke – its possible after his jlt knock :/
Breezey: They showed him and the spectator going up the race with the spectator letting him know he just got out
luke394: ah well Poker atleast hell be back for league matches!
Pokerface: true luke. and its only a possibility he misses next week.
SilverLion: Wowee almost report Fogs for that
BigChief: Fogerty in trouble?
the worm: I reckon fogs’ll go for that
Ash777: accidental contact so no
RGriffen: what a joke that wasn’t a dangerous tackle
original: bs umpiring
SilverLion: Take that Razor
BigChief: OMG that is soft. No way it was dangerous.
Roksta: Lol stringer
Ash777: then again umps seem to want to report every crow loll
Breezey: Dangerous tackle for that. Please
the worm: if deliberately kneeing in the head late is accidental, then sure
Ash777: talk about robbed
Chelskiman: I’m really regretting not picking Gibbs now in RDT/Fantasy. Had him in my team from the start then went to Neale..
painkilla: ffs what is going on one sided bs
Ash777: it was shoulder and he was still moving forward
Roksta: Umps trying to keep dons in it
Costanza: dangerous for the mum’s worried about lil Jimmy’s future
Roksta: Crows to run away here
RGriffen: chuck the gun on Gibbs
Chelskiman: Spud for me for not keeping Gibbs in my side.
BigChief: Gibbs was always going to dominate. Going from a rabble to a very good team. Easiest choice I made.
LuvIt74: Glad I chose no high priced rookies thus far apart from Naughton
Ash777: my only 3 high priced rooks are naughton, dow n brayshaw
BigChief: McGrath looking good. Didn’t even think of him.
zadolinnyj: at game. will douglas go for bump on merrit
Ash777: dow will be traded rnd 3
the worm: guess all the cheap rookies helped to pay for Merrett
Pokerface: glad i have the same players as everyone else
LuvIt74: Dow done nothing
Ash777: pls goal
Chelskiman: Thought that was touched, haha.
SilverLion: Another year, same ol inconsistent score review
cusch1: Surely that was touched….
luke394: lol @the worm atleast Merrets score rolls out of his average fast!
Nuffman: Logged in just to add a WTF
the worm: didnt there used to a be a kicking in danger rule?
Breezey: Kicked it out of his hand. Goal clearly. What are these commentators watching
Keeper27: Happy with Laird/Smith and got Doedee on the pine
Ash777: foggy!
cusch1: That is a pathetic rule
runt: The fog has lifted
SilverLion: 100% right worm
SilverLion: Was the 50 against Hurley?
Roksta: Crows to run away herestill a rule cusch. Undiciplined
RGriffen: 50 against Zaha I thought. Could be wrong
Chelskiman: That was money for jam for Eddie.
Keeper27: What a peanut lol
Costanza: that was Baad
Ash777: saad a real flop
BigChief: I thought it was against Stewart.
Roksta: Great goal
the worm: I still cant understand the hype around the bombers
SilverLion: Hurley having a mare of a quarter
LuvIt74: Shit i got Hurley also so thats 4 playing tonight Hurley, Smith, Laird & Doedee all on field
Ash777: they did not fix their deficiencies all hype was media bias
Chelskiman: Muppett for Jenkins.
StuL: The Herald Scum sponsor them or some bullship worm
Chelskiman: Crows running away with it now.
Roksta: Fat lady just finished dinner. Warming up
Roksta: Easy money on crows worm. Can’t believe Essendon were favorites
the worm: essendon were favorites???
Haydo: damn fogarty on field and dodee on bench
TheBoy89: Where is Devon Smith???
Roksta: Yeah on sportsbet. $30 on crows @$2
Breezey: What’s doing Sauce.
BigChief: Etihad Stadium
original: when/how did smith get to 80
frenzy: happy with avoiding Murphy
SilverLion: That Laird fella goes alright
Ash777: I feel like dons are going to be bottom 8 for scoring efficency
Umpirespet: I had $25 @ 20/1 on the fog to kick the first goal
the worm: cant wait for tomorrow, suns v roos will be a blockbuster
cusch1: We didnt take our chances in the second, they did in the third. As simple as that.
TheBoy89: Fogarty lift to at least 60
cusch1: In saying that, this is probably the worst we could play.
SilverLion: @Ump Youve had a good night
TheOnyas: onya lairdy
Umpirespet: Cusch and u have the umps to onya side…. Yeah silver my shout
J_Herer: Murphy has been unlucky, could have been at 45 by now if things went his way
Hadouken: first opp has crouch and zerrett….mixed emotions lol
tommy10: Merrett put doesn’t help. Big out!!
zadolinnyj: lol worm
valkorum: my opponent in draft has merrett as captain – happy days
tommy10: *out
frenzy: battle for the spoon @ worm rnd 1
runt: Bombers have been scratchy at best tonight
Chelskiman: That would have been deliberate in round 1 last season.
SilverLion: Hampton done. Good for Murphy JS
Ash777: stringer least time in game for dons 😉
cusch1: Umps Pet relax bud, dodgy calls on both sides as always…cant be having a sook about that
Chelskiman: Did anyone else hear that BUM BOU sound? LOL
circle52: 2frenzt and worm will be very wet and windy so a real slugfest as well.
Gotigres: Yes Chelskiman. What was that about?
Yelse: murphy very disappointing
Umpirespet: Lol cusch you guys way in front ask anyone here
Chelskiman: Gotigers, I have no idea. It came out of nowhere, lmao.
the worm: tippa really stands out from the crowb with thos bright orange boots
Gotigres: yes lol
Yelse: murphy not getting much game time since half time
original: maybe if hurley didnt play for a free then he coulda controlled the ball
Roksta: Bombers def ahead with the umps
Chelskiman: BT having a crack at the nerds, LOL.
Apachecats: Stringer pftt!!
SilverLion: Cmon Hurley, ton up
saintbart1: Wondering amongst the neutrals on here…who are you going for to win this one?
Chelskiman: Come on, Smith, push to 90.
kano: Richie flog
original: douglas shoulda given that to murphy instead
the worm: as a nuetral, i just hate essendon
luke394: Crouch has slowed down
LMartos: lots of impact points coming up here
Pokerface: surely no neutral ever picks essendon
Chelskiman: @the worm, same.
saintbart1: Yep…cant follow Essendon. Going for crows to win this one
Roksta: Muppett joe
BigChief: I tipped Ess, but can’t stand them.
the worm: in saying that, I hate them less than I hate BT
GOD: GOD has the C on R. Laird tonight!
RGriffen: Parish panics way too much
BigChief: No one cares GOD.
Bluemoons: Well played GOD
SilverLion: Smith has stopped this quarter
Chelskiman: That is so soft. What happened to 1 v 1 battles of strength?
valkorum: should have been play on – both were holding each others jumper
Roksta: Both holding another soft free
Apachecats: Don’t encourage him Bluemoons
Ash777: crows short pre-season showing now
Gotigres: Earn me some money Murphy. Well done Doedee; i won’t need to ditch A. Brayshaw. Ton up smith
RGriffen: Talia been smashed
the worm: horrendous decision against sloane
Brad_J: yeah the dons
original: Silverion he has stopped but score keeps creeping up
SilverLion: Hooker #1 flog
jwill55aus: lol holding the ball when you don’t have to ball.
poolboybob: Cool haircut Hooker
BigChief: Wow. Who would have picked this?
Costanza: hype
Ash777: enquiry into umpires by crows again
luke394: I picked em Bigchief
MattyZ: Essendon were favourites
Lewysport: Picked em by 2 points Chief!
BOMBRBLITZ: is Don is Good!
Chelskiman: Crows are done.
poolboybob: X factor for Tippa
original: is atkins normally this bad?
kano: Not like the crows to whine about the umps !
the worm: i keep forgetting how bad teams play interstate
TheOnyas: onya lairdy
cusch1: sod off sooks. We win
BOMBRBLITZ: no Zerrett no Worries
Pokerface: test their water bottles
Zeratul: I don’t care if the umps favoured us. we win. HAH
TheBoy89: Laird 140, Smith 95 Doedee 87 not bad
tommy10: Where are
Lewysport: 40% more tackles = 7 more frees
duckky: Heppell Star …. Goddard Atlas
tommy10: Where are all the Crows fans bahahahahaha
RGriffen: Bombers $2.20 at the start of the week. Free money
amigaman: Very very low Pokerface
frenzy: if bont had 41 possi he’d double ton
tommy10: On SC, happy with Doedee as started him. Laird = gun
RGriffen: how on earth did Zaha end up with 80% eff
cusch1: Crows fans disappeared faster than Tex Walker on grand final day
zadolinnyj: i’m still sitting here.
tommy10: Or faster than that “stare” of theirs cusch 😆
