JockMcPie: Rocky low, Zorko high, Nank to do something
Donz: Zorko low and Rocky high, agree Nank to do something
frenzy: Nank fail, Rocky star and don’t have Zorko
m0nty: Might be a rare day when the wind affects a game at Docklands
th3rio: jack for first goal and dusty and nank to go large.
Lestat: You might see Nank forward a lot today with Soldo playing.
th3rio: you lads keeping nank in your final teams? As F7 or otherwise?
frenzy: theres plenty of wind in the crowd m0nty
AngryRyno: don’t tell me roof open?
frenzy: can’tstandya
LMartos: Will take 75 from Nank considering Soldo will main ruck
LMartos: should’ve field Soldo lol
PowerBug: @AngryRyno Roof is open 😛
original: Soldo smh get him out lol
DrSeuss: Someone remind Stef that Archie isn’t playing today
Lestat: Wake up Beamer.
luke394: cmon Rocky
th3rio: wtf beams, going to be two shit weeks in a row
JockMcPie: Not a game for the midfielders so far…
luke394: only early fellas lots of footy to go yet
billnats: so I forgot to actually put the C on Cameron to get Danger Loophole. Dusty captain…
Raspel31: Nank blooming out of the ruck.
korza: Beams,rocky,zorko, martin 2 possions between them shocking
original: This game is so weird
Apachecats: Not looking good @billnuts
DrSeuss: Lions leaders need to step it up and get involved
original: Knew as soon as they said precision ball use and the next one went to mathieson what would happen next
Apachecats: *nats sorry
th3rio: i think he’ll come out of the blocks soon billnats
9inch: Need a miracle from Witho. Go big!
JockMcPie: Zorko, Martin, Beams, Rockliff, Rich, all crap XD
billnats: lets hope th3rio… because he’s now going backwards
original: Gee soldo is interesting to watch…
StuL: Rocky will be free soon
circle52: So why was that notr deliberate when called not 15.
Lestat: That should have been deliberate against Rance.
circle52: So a goal to tigers instead
th3rio: apparenty didnt hear the call lol
duckky: Zorko been benched?
Lestat: That should not matter th3rio. Rules don’t say if you don’t hear the call you can do what you like.
JockMcPie: Zorko get on the ground!!
original: Lol rance great acting
jayrox: WTF. They missed a +6 for Rocky. Anyone else notice that?
oc16: what do u mean by that StuL?
th3rio: Im not saying it matters or not champ, just repeating what went thru the umpires mic
luke394: Zorko, Rocky, Beams & Dusty all down so far
Pokerface: Rance already has an oscar after his dance with buddy
th3rio: I agree, should’ve been deliberate
StuL: Rocky will cost $0.
billnats: Well I am done
Beast_Mode: dusty, stefan lift!
Umpirespet: Feel a bit sorry for Bris umps screwing them over
oc16: lol of course!
StuL: Should have fielded witherden and benched rocky. Kid will be a future gun.
jayrox: Oi. I need that +6. Answer me!
Apachecats: He can rack up quick if he(DM) gets going @billnats
StuL: Glad i wasnt tempted by the zorko bandwagon at least.
Lestat: Settle pettle. the +6 that comes up is for DT, not SC.
Apachecats: Zorko is another hot/cold like RGray
th3rio: if thats the case StuL, SC’ers will GET money for trading in beams lol
Pokerface: he’s generally been pretty hot though
Umpirespet: Too many hot/cold this year Apache
jayrox: He took a mark and then kick but didn’t score. Not good enough. CD
korza: Worse game of the year
DrSeuss: So glad I have a full premium team while opponents have rookies like Witherden on field
Pokerface: lol drseuss
Raspel31: It’s not flash is it korza?
Apachecats: Gld S.Sellwood was out 19th man was Witherden
korza: I’m about to watch Sleepless in Seattle
luke394: Witherden on my bench out scoring Rocky :/
Pokerface: 1 cp, 0 tackles. Does rocky play bruise-free footy now he has no shoulder?
JockMcPie: Zorko lives!
Umpirespet: Is a concern Poker I have Rocky and his form is puzzling
frenzy: correct Poker
Apachecats: Martin and martin 24 sc between them
Apachecats: Common Nank ,the quarter has started.
Pokerface: my two martins
LMartos: keep it simple Dusty you sponge
Umpirespet: D Martin 10 posies and 12 sc? Error?
Apachecats: Dusty the butcher today ,unusual for him
StuL: Dusty wtf? Less contract, more football.
Ladbrokes_: 4 clangers 40 DE
korza: Rockliff will be soo cheap next year
JockMcPie: @umpirespet 40% DE, not error, 4 clangers as well
luke394: get some tackles Rocky
Pokerface: danger’s brownlow price has literally shortened during this quarter
LMartos: Dusty’s disposal has always been below average, no surprises here
frenzy: Lions kicking with the wind
Umpirespet: Keep it up Dusty!! Don’t have him
poolboybob: S Martin lift your game you dud
BestCoast: @Pokerface Danger shoul be rewarded a Brownlow for yesterday alone
duckky: Zorko lives
Pokerface: @BC true. but dusty today is pushing him in further
JockMcPie: yay Zorko good boy
korza: Z the magnificent
Pokerface: @BC although not if you ask rooboy. CD were cheating for him
Rush: Have zorko, rocky and martin on field, witherden on my bench. Not happy about it.
Apachecats: He might miss a couple @PF .My smokey is T.Mitchell.
Ladbrokes_: Witho is something else, been a superb pick from day one
Umpirespet: Danger should be drug tested reckon Hirdy helped him out to play on
poolboybob: My opponent has witherden on the field. Please tag him
BestCoast: @Poker RooBoy always bitter
duckky: Why did I field Harbrow over Witherden?
luke394: Rocky 2 points for that centre clearance lol
korza: You wanna smokey, his name is GOD . Sitting on 24 votes right now
JockMcPie: @luke394 no SC points for clearances…
frenzy: bout time you found a little icon for Rance, m0nty
BestCoast: Where is GOD the FF serial pest gee he was speking shower yesterday
Zeratul: No Archie and still Stef scoring poorly….
luke394: pretty sure CP and that kick was effective @JockMcPie
Pokerface: rance should get a Logie icon
Umpirespet: Gold Logie icon for Rance?
LMartos: Nank ruins himself with the 50m penalty against, loses 7 points
korza: *LUKE394 Rock scores when he tackles, it ain’t happening. I have him 2
Apachecats: Just worked it out ,giving away 50m is -6SC
Lestat: @BestCoast someone doing a lot of whinging today after telling others to “suck it up” yesterday.
Umpirespet: Snap Poker
JockMcPie: Guys Liam Jones just signed a contract, biggest comeback since Lazarus
Pokerface: good minds umpire
luke394: yeah his tackles are way down maybe playing soft footy since he came back from injury? @Korza
Pokerface: guys Daisy is a late out, so you may want to make sure you have coverage.
korza: *Luke Rock next season, below $450k, will be be my 1st picked
BestCoast: @Lestat it was getting testy towards the end of yesterday we were all turning on each other
StuL: Rocky has to go i think. Sideways to jelwood may be the best way out.
Apachecats: Don’t think anyone would have Daisy @PF but thanks anyway.
Pokerface: you’re welcome AC.
Umpirespet: Yup Stul was gunna do scooter to Joel but Rocky maybe it
korza: Well done Lions that Qtr. Character
Thedude24: Rocky’s shoulder might be fine come finals time. It could be a good risk to take
Beast_Mode: this is exactly why you don’t get zorko
Umpirespet: Dude he must be playing with injections he isn’t this bad
poolboybob: If I lose my league match because witherden outscores Sloane by 100 I am gonna be triggered AF
circle52: and this Lions supporter has Witherden on bench
circle52: Rocky seems loathe to Tackle with his shoulder – He averaged 8 tackles a match last season. O so far
BestCoast: Tigers will get done and slip to there customary position 9th
jayrox: Yes. I feel vindicated. Rocky just got his +6
jayrox: Answer me
luke394: i bought him in this week @StuL so dont really wanna sideays yet 😉 he does play 5 of next 7 at home to hope he comes gd
luke394: yeah bargain when hes fit @Korza
circle52: Big quarter from Beams as well,
MattyZ: I’m very happy i got witherden in both my keeper leagues
Beast_Mode: richmond haven’t finished 9th for 8 years, not really customary
luke394: yay rocky got at extra 6 🙂
original: Cmon rocky
luke394: Dusty lifting
Lestat: And yet another clanger for Dusty.
th3rio: did dusty just lose 2 points for that mark and shit kick into 50?
LMartos: Greenwood > Dayne Beams looking good
Lestat: Yes th3rio it was a clanger kick.
stew42: As a Swans fan, nothing would make me happier than a Lions win! Means we’d stay in 5th. Up the Lions!!!
original: Free not on rocky plz
Roksta: Dusty is a spud
AngryRyno: what an absolute mare of a sunday
stew42: Holy crap, Dusty has just gone beserk!
th3rio: and a spud thats a top 3 for the brownlow, you don’t know shit @Roksta
stew42: Oh, and Rance is an actor as well as a diver, quelle surprise!
Lestat: Dusty only gone up 17 SC this qtr.
korza: Some cheap monster s/c scores on offer
circle52: Nice academy award by Jack
JockMcPie: Anyone can ton from here
Roksta: Top 3 brownlow haha. One of the worst disposal efficiencys in the comp
Umpirespet: Gold Logie icon for all Tigers players
th3rio: worst this game champ, don’t take one game and compare it with his whole season lol dud
hinsch: Bought Zorko in this week, seems I sorted his SC average, maybe bring in Titch next week that should sort him out as wel
Roksta: Its every week you clearly dont know footy you rio
Lestat: I doubt the umpires take DE into calculations for voting @Roksta
th3rio: ok bro, you must know better than stats, go worry bout bont and dalh fucking up everyones sc teams @knobsta
luke394: I dont think Dusty is a spud little harsh
Pokerface: i’m certain umps don’t take DE into consideration. JJ won the norm smith after all
Umpirespet: If Dusty didn’t do don’t Argue no one would notice him
th3rio: dusty is about to die from leather poison and hes a spud? And I don’t know footy? lol retard
Pokerface: and yes i know that wasn’t umps
korza: Rocky just laid a tackle FM
luke394: Rocky had a tackle praise the lord
fonzie: 114 avg for a spud pretty good if u ask me
luke394: @korza lol
Roksta: Haha rio triggered
Haydo: I Go for Richmond and yeah we’re faking
LMartos: Dusty stop it you flog, don’t get reported
Lestat: No need for that th3rio.
Roksta: Martin is overrated might get the ball a bit but often misses targets
AngryRyno: MRP icon for dusty, uh oh
Roksta: Hows dustys brownlow chances now hahaha
th3rio: players like martin aren’t going to tear up every week, look at zorko and rockliff in the exact same game.
th3rio: lol he wont get anything for that sorry
BestCoast: @Roksta how do you rate Stringer
Breezey: Nothing in it. Remove the telly
JockMcPie: @BestCoast speaking of overrated players…Dogs are full of them
Roksta: Stringer is struggling big time as is most of the dogs
pcaman2003: Dusty 37% ownership on SC. Yeah,real dud!
Umpirespet: As a post pack satchel Best Coast ain’t no package
korza: As bad as Dusty has been, he still may poll in this game
Roksta: Average player with ability to break a game open
colmullet: zorko signle handedly killed my run at the weekly in DT
fonzie: @roksta whos ur tip for bronlow
AngryRyno: SC ownership doesn’t make someone good, take Jarrod Pickett for example!
th3rio: dustyyyyyyyy where you at @roksta?
Lestat: That is a soft free. Holding each other.
stew42: Nearly 20 more SC points than DT, and going at 35% efficiency. What and who has JRoo paid off?!
LMartos: crap call from the umpire, should’ve been a free to Robertson not Dusty
luke394: shocking free to Martin there
circle52: How the hell was that a free to Dusty #freekickrichmond
BestCoast: @Roksta lol no differance to my team of spuds
th3rio: @Lestat, when people come on here and bag players its useless, trolls deserve to be told
circle52: and no free in tha back there either
korza: That ump will give Dusty the 3 votes. Guaranteed
AngryRyno: give it a rest ringo you’re leading the free kick count
Lestat: @th3rio not with that “R” word though. That is not on.
Roksta: Stick to name calling rio shows your intellect
Umpirespet: The R word been used a bit this w/e
Roksta: Bestcoast your structure will improve today with jjk back
Beast_Mode: lol dusty won’t get reported for that haha
th3rio: if it was over the top it would be censored, sorry champ.
BestCoast: @Roksta hope your on the money hate losing to Dorkers
AngryRyno: agree with the rest, r word is over the top, bemused as to why m0nty hasn’t had it banned on here
Umpirespet: Nani and Rocky move ya ass
Roksta: Because its not censored makes it ok?
Erich1036: missed it, what’s the ‘r word’?
BestCoast: @th3rio might have the TV put on him
Roksta: Should comfortably win v freo
StuL: Rocky. Or maybe its rigger.
Roksta: Mentally challenged Erich
Lestat: @Erich the word used for mentally disabled.
chris7399: r word is Rockliff. If you say his name 3x in front of a mirror with a bandaid, he gets injuired
9inch: Rude word.
stew42: *should*
9inch: Nah Freo should smash WC 🙂 27 points
Erich1036: @Roksta @Lestat thanks guys, I’m surprised that isn’t censored too
BestCoast: @chris7399 to funny
fonzie: no need for that word to be said
Roksta: Haha chris
Umpirespet: Rockliff is a dirty word here atm
Lestat: That word should never be used at any time, anywhere.
LMartos: Rance cops so many points for nothing, no one gets 5 points for a 1% but he does
Roksta: Hows jroo 5 effective disposals and 4 of them goals lol
BestCoast: words that will never be said Dockers and Premiership
Lestat: anyway back to the footy.
Apachecats: Bet Rance gets a heap of kick to kick in junk time as usual.
JockMcPie: Yeo is Out
BestCoast: sorry @9inch
AngryRyno: Yeo out of the derby
LMartos: Witherden my emergency for Yeo thank goodness, ton up son
Lestat: Source Ryno?
pcaman2003: FFS Yeo. There goes my weekend.
JockMcPie: It’s everywhere @Lestat, West Coast said themselves
chris7399: dr supercoach has reported it
9inch: Have Parsons massive 32 for backup.
Umpirespet: Haha playin top guy in league we are neck and neck now he has donut for yeo
Raspel31: Yeo gone? Pooh!
Yelse: this is the problem with VC loophole. or bench loophole. now i get a zero 🙁
pcaman2003: @9inch. Same for me. Won’t be enough
Breezey: Yep replaced by Redden
Breezey: Yeo
Beast_Mode: dont loophole then, thats the risk you take. 🙂
The Hawker: There goes my 2600 lol… Zorko and yep please 🙁
LMartos: Dusty bit robbed ay? lots of clangers but lots of clearance and CP’s
Raspel31: In draft have Tom Lynch backup- but SC-aaargh.
9inch: Nope. I was struggling now stuffed.
chris7399: when rocky and dusty retire they should open up a butcher together. terrible efficiency
duckky: Thanks for the heads up re yeo – managed to switch him to the forward line and will get Greenwood’s score
Gott2Win: Zorko makes BE of 173 last week, now will miss his BE of around 55 this week!
luke394: ah well both opponents have Yeo too and no cover i didnt have Hannan E for some stpuid reason :/
LMartos: nice Dusty
colmullet: at least get to 50 zork so i get triple figures for my C score lol
StuL: Parsons for Yeo. Lost now.
The Hawker: Nah zorko has BE 34 something
Yelse: need 80 from rocky comnnn bud kick a goal
Yelse: why has rocky played half game as a FWD
luke394: could have had Witherden E for Scooter and got Rocky for 30k less next week and about 70 more points lol
brentz: what the f*ck is wrongw ith rocky these days
Donz: why do I still have rocky on the field and witherden on my bench?
fonzie: cherry for witherden
daniel87: dosent want tob e there trying to lower his value to leave?
Donz: on ya Zorko! glad I didnt bring you in… even rocky outscoring you
fonzie: funny how people jumped on zorko this week
daniel87: brisbane comletley reliant on zorko playing well they need people to step up
Raspel31: Golly gosh Witherden you hero-aint trading you yet.
AngryRyno: Witherden is a keeper
daniel87: didnt get witherden didnt realise he was this good
9inch: More Witho. 120sc
daniel87: im sure if he played all season would been in the rising star calculations
JockMcPie: Junk goal for Zorko? No?
luke394: Witherden great cover
LMartos: arguably a good thing for me that Yeo is out, with Witherden E
Breezey: I gather there’s no D. McStay owners cheering
original: Great rocky great smh
Donz: Zorko gave away a 50m penalty and lost no points!? :S
luke394: really when David Myers outscores rocky fukn spud
