hinsch: I am the lucky one got Greene and Jelwood both late withdraws hahaha
duckky: L Plate for Sam Simpson
JRedden: well selwood was always gonna miss
Umpirespet: Danger 150 and Geelong lose by 100
Umpirespet: Another cats out in the warm up apparently
PLACEBOPIE: how can danger already be tagged 😀
zadolinnyj: who umpirespet?
Lestat: L plate for Simpson, Z/ Guthrie, Buzza and Findlayson.
Umpirespet: Dunno just said on fox never said the name..waiting for conformation I think
colin wood: Hoping Touhy has a stinker
Refused: Menzel out
colin wood: Menzel out Buzza in
circle52: Buzza in for Menzell
CamT: Heath Shaw due for a big score.
Umpirespet: Thanks Refused
Lestat: AFL website has J. Selwood as omitted. LOL
JockMcPie: Buzzaaaa
JMC23: Agree cam. With z.w out he could go back to old game
zadolinnyj: ta
Apachecats: Well ,rolled the dice and took Doc’s 122 over Danger
Hadouken: lets go kelly, lets go woop woop
boo!: wylie buzza…what a name…better than poido
JMC23: Quick blow the siren!!!
Haydo: afl website also has green as omitted
boo!: cmon heater and danger…double tons
poolboybob: Top of the table clash and at least half the seats are empty, haha
Raspel31: Am I allowed to say Lion beat The AllBlacks-yay. Back to footy.
Lestat: Missed that 1 Haydo
Hadouken: stay there wylie, ill get you for 145k hahaha
zadolinnyj: lol JMC. In NZ on holidays and not watching. Did danger sneeze cause his score went nuts
Raspel31: That tag on Danger worked.
Lestat: Basil just said Ward used Plowman. Good effort by Plowman.
Haydo: 6 touches in 6 minutes for danger, at this rate going for 120 touches lol
LuvIt74: Raspel looking ok thus far m8
Raspel31: Fingers crossed Luvit.
pcaman2003: Danger is possessed. Do an exorcism,quickly!
poido123: break a leg Danger you muppet
Preston007: How does Parsons get a game?
anthsill03: that means good luck so thanks poison
LuvIt74: Raspel Never fear when the LEGEND is here.
Haydo: u would poido
Haydo: the only muppet is u for not having danger
boo!: @preston cos he owned by 20% of us
LuvIt74: @Preston Oviously you didn’t watch his game last week? He won them the game
poido123: people bagging parsons have no idea about footy
poido123: waaaaa haydo
DrSeuss: Kelly starting a little slow this week…
9inch: Parsons 82sc last week.
anthsill03: what a goal by the lad
poido123: speaking of which. scores a goal. your a deadset retard preston
LuvIt74: Forget his SC score last week, if he didn’t kick those 2 late goals in the last quarter the cats would have lost
9inch: Haha that was good timing Parsons. Eh Preston lol
Erich1036: If YOU’RE going to call some a retard poido, make sure you don’t make simple grammatical errors lol
poido123: we are football fans, not dictionary nerds Erich
Haydo: lol, erich
Haydo: 13 touches for danger already!!!
poido123: wow you showed me
boo!: glad i kept heater and lynch
9inch: Like Tom Stewart, these rookies need time. Stewart was heading in the right direction after a slow start to season.
LuvIt74: U all should ignore poido he clearly has no life & lacks self confidence. Ignoring inept fools like poido is key.
luke394: Shaw had 2 kicks in that passage that his team mates dropped and its ineffective :/
JMC23: Ignore poido and she goes away
poolboybob: ChampionData must not have Shaw in their sides this year
Umpirespet: I think Parsons will turn out ok with more games into him
Raspel31: Poido has been a pain all day-thinks he’s on agay site and very excited. Please all ignore.
anthsill03: are guys brining in Witherden next week boys? or have u already pulled the trigger
boo!: ignore poido and his mum sends him to bed
Umpirespet: Already pulled a this’ll needed the cash
Umpirespet: Anthsill * soz auto correct
CamT: or Ablett, poolboybob.
Raspel31: Good question anth-brought in Witherden and Greene this week -aargh-now pulled the trigger.
anthsill03: sweet seems like a very popular trade this week
BeastMode: shaw outdone his score lastweek…
DrSeuss: Josh Kelly – warmin up now – keep going young fella
Umpirespet: Raspel was worth leavin the C on Danger
Raspel31: Oh I did Ump-have no fear of that. Phew.
9inch: Went early on Witherden last week SC. Should get plenty of games and a respectful start was pleasing.
LuvIt74: Shut up don’t jinx Rspel’s C and my VC – I know what it feels like. lol
anthsill03: i will jump on this week if he scores okay. dual position player is handy too i guess
feralmong: How fat is stevie J. Virtually retired. Looks like billy B.
LuvIt74: got Witherden this week couldn’t justify paying $200k for White
Raspel31: Why thankee Luvit.
Lestat: Kelly will look good in Navy Blue next year.
Haydo: Lol Lestat
boo!: buzza smoked too many cones
feralmong: Mumford the grub again.
poolboybob: Nice one Stevie J, ya fat flog
LuvIt74: I’m sick of changing channels between footy & Sir David Attenborough.
Lestat: Hey m0nty, any chance of putting a Fitzroy team icon up so I can have my team showing?
Raspel31: Sir David Attenborough is an Arsenal player Luvit?
m0nty: I will look into it during the week, Lestat.
Raspel31: That was Arsenal.
JRedden: finlayson looks a tackler
Lestat: Cool ty mate.
Umpirespet: Fitzroy this ain’t the VFL
PLACEBOPIE: wheres poido monty 😀
LuvIt74: he got booted finally
Lestat: The Roys played AFL Ump.
boo!: danger to menegola
Pokerface: could i get a University icon m0nty? I can’t select my team atm
JMC23: so do u follow Bris now lestat? Get that Fitzroy is ur team but do u follow bris now
Apachecats: Dangers calmed down a bit TG
JMC23: Hahaha poker
LuvIt74: Raspel Alpsnal?
Umpirespet: When 1980 the are irrelevant today
PLACEBOPIE: give him the bears too 😀
Lestat: Nope JMC don’t follow any team, just follow footy in general.
Raspel31: Monty won’t let me post-Gunners. See if that get’s through Luvit. Silly joke anyway.
zadolinnyj: still in it JMC23
CamT: Corporate takeovers in sport don’t work.
Lestat: Ump are the early 90’s relevant now, or even the last 90’s?
jaypeee: keep going danger!!
DrSeuss: Danger has gone a little quiet. Step up Tuohy – shake the tag.
Lestat: late*
JMC23: Fair enough. Don’t know what I’d do in a merge.
LuvIt74: has someone different gone on Danger?
JMC23: Hell yeah zado!!
sfmmp23: Really unlucky for Finlayson, looked the goods so far. Giants can’t take a trick. So many injuries.
Apachecats: Wylie Coyote goal!!
pcaman2003: Buuuuzzzaaaa!
Raspel31: Gotta hate hippy parents.
LuvIt74: Give buzza the ohmybod icon…lol
Lestat: Buzza me that’s a fair goal.
DrSeuss: How is that HTB – useless ump
circle52: Agree Dr
JMC23: Haha hippie parents Rasp. My wife has 6 middle names. Her parents used to love acid
Umpirespet: Would have taken a long time time to say I do with 6 middle names
DrSeuss: Come on Tuohy – do something; you too Kelly
Raspel31: As do I JMC23-but wouldn’t want to go through life as Wylie Buzza.
pcaman2003: Get the damn ball Tuohy.
Texwalker: Taylor in the backline… thanks alot geelong…
LuvIt74: carn Danger we need you to score 150+ ffs
JockMcPie: So turns out Williams doesn’t impact Shaw’s score, Shaw’s just crap
LuvIt74: was hoping Danger would reach 90+ by half time
Haydo: same luvit
LuvIt74: yup anyone who still has Shaw such as myself cannot say they are at full premo thats for certain.
JMC23: Champ data hate him after last year when he got 30 odd kicks by kicking it to himself on kick outs
JMC23: Then admitted on footy show it was great for his mates SC team…. funny AF though
Haydo: @luvit shoud have said that’s for shaw
LuvIt74: if Shaw can manage to score 80 thats a great score for him this season
JMC23: Haha haydo…. only if he has kids… dad joke for shaw
LuvIt74: lol Haydo
Haydo: haha jmc
LuvIt74: Has 8 kids – 8 to many, im a octo dad but i never had 60 minutes offering me $1 Million for a interview. lol
Yelse: wats wrong with touhy
Texwalker: Why do the scott brothers always look sooky wen the camera is on them in the box..
JMC23: Hahaha that bird signed a contract with a porn company…. I’ll pass
LuvIt74: Did u guys have a erth quake just then?
Zeratul: With 1 man down, surely Lloyd can get some more TOG and score a bit more 🙁
LuvIt74: Fuck that was weird.
pcaman2003: @Yelse. Not scoring points,that’s what.
JMC23: Jealous of their brothers good looks tex
TheBoy89: Buzza is better then parsons
LuvIt74: @Zeratul why do you have Lloyd anyway? Hope u didn’t bring in the wrong Lloyd
Breezey: Wylie doing OK
Texwalker: Might be the scotches after golf but wylie buzza reminds me of rory mcilroy but skinnier lol
Breezey: It’s the scotches Tex
Raspel31: Does Wylie Buzza come with batteries included?
Zeratul: Lloyd has been my 8th FWD for a while, ive never had to field him. be nice if he increases in value though
Haydo: what are the odds buzza gets a buzzer beater to win the game lol
The39Steps: Don’t laugh at our own jokes Haydo.
The39Steps: *your
TheBoy89: Menegola is so underrated! menegola for 150+
JMC23: Menegola has been beast this year!! Hawks will be kicking themselves now that they are in rebuild
The39Steps: True @theboy and less than 1% oen him in SC.
Haydo: sorry 39steps lol
DrSeuss: Blicavs tagging Kelly…uhh
JMC23: He averaged 100 odd last year but under radar as only 4 or 5 games
CBeezDeez: How come he couldn’t get a game early @Boy?
The39Steps: *own
The39Steps: Can’t speel tonite.Must have been drinking scotches with Tex.
The39Steps: *spell
JMC23: Only missed rd 1 & 2 before being selected
TheBoy89: Lift danger
pcaman2003: Touhy you Sloth,wake up FFS.
pcaman2003: OMG.Tuohy heard me and gets 9 pts.
circle52: Beats me pacman why teams do not put a forawrd tag on Docherty when they see how effective they can be. Deboer on Tuohy
zadolinnyj: now the stress begins JMC23
wadaramus: Keep going Danger you SC captain lock you!
lzaffina: ahha dangerfield straight handpass to a gws player: +2
pcaman2003: Hawkins,reminds me of Lil’ Abner.
9inch: Well Parsons done FA last 2 qtrs. Need some mire cash
poolboybob: Shaw seems really good at standing around pointing directions at other people who might actually get the ball
JMC23: Haha long way yet Zado. I have my Dons Member son screaming go Cats… not sure I like that tho
TheBoy89: Z Guthrie what a spud looks like I’ll be going l ryan
zadolinnyj: lol
9inch: Poolboy your right there. CD need to give points for directing
JMC23: Haha 6 kicks 4 handballs and 18 delegations
JMC23: Thought it was too late to drop shaw. Not enough overall points to make a difference. Thinking twice now
9inch: Well sounds legit me. Need to mic them up!!!!
Texwalker: So glad i didnt take danger as c and went laird…. hmm
9inch: Danger VC was a no brainer.
LuvIt74: Raspel Done deal
The39Steps: Go the Cats. Beat the AFl, the 240m and evetything else that stinks about the Giants. And there’s plenty of stench.
Raspel31: Dangerfield is mine-all mine-go away.
Texwalker: Had an easy win and got lazy and didnt really pay attention to my vc and c lol
wadaramus: Danger, Danger…High Voltage!
Texwalker: @raspel thats a bit lord of rings, golem like lol
Donz: Ben McNiece is now locked away as my captain. Thanks Danger, couldnt decide who I’d go out of Rockliff and Merrett tomor
Raspel31: My precious.
wadaramus: LOL Tex, he’s my precious!
feralmong: Hehe tex, Danger, my precious.
PLACEBOPIE: they bullied mcfly 😀
feralmong: Ha was well beaten to that.
sfmmp23: Danger back2back brownlows
9inch: Im just glad to have a perma Capt again. Make life easier and less stressful.
Texwalker: Yep, fanfooty just turned into lotr…
Texwalker: Danger 2.50 for Brownlow, no value now..
wadaramus: Frodo would prefer if Danger cracks 175SC.
LuvIt74: #Tex thats why you should have taken him at the start of the season. He wont be $2.50 after tonight
Texwalker: Cats r starting to choke….
Raspel31: Nasty hobbits-go away. Mine, all mine.
Lestat: Well I didn’t think Danger would do this well without Selwood x 2.
BestCoast: Would love to see GWS win flag and drop Heater on Granny eve
LuvIt74: if he is $2.50 fter tonights game ill put a ship load more on him. Please remember gamble responsibly.
JMC23: Cmon buzz a bang it
Pokerface: he’s 2.50 right now.
Pokerface: you can get on now at that
JMC23: Fk
LuvIt74: I said 150+ how good was i Raspel? Welcome m8… lol
Lestat: Kelly 3 HB all hit target and all 3 dropped.
LMartos: umpires need to take control, not paying clear frees at the moment
Lestat: Great call LuvIt.
LuvIt74: We have a cracking game now
Raspel31: Well Luvit-it was never in doubt-but thank you.
JMC23: Now I’m sweating it Zado
Donz: bit of a FIGJAM LuvIt, He does it every other week…
Texwalker: C’mon cats, i dont like u but please win…
pcaman2003: @Lestat. And,they only paid him for 1 HB. What BS
LuvIt74: lol never in doubt. I think someone had skid marks in their jocks around 3 hours ago
Gotigres: Time for Shaw to go i think
Rilian: I hope that play on call against Buzza wasn’t the new <30sec rule. As less than 30, and hadn't moved off line… bs call
JockMcPie: Shaw ffs
CBeezDeez: Flower awf giants! 21st century magpies!
LuvIt74: @Donz but without Selwood playing was a huge concern for many players. Hence why I made him my VC this week not my C
pcaman2003: They didn’t pay 2 of the 3 HB’S from Kelly before. Why?
9inch: Think
DrSeuss: Lets go Josh Kelly – finish strong young fella
Texwalker: Geelong the new richmond… cant hold a lead
Pokerface: whitfield massive this quarter
wadaramus: Well… Danger you deadset fucking ugn.
Raspel31: I’d stick with Pendles as cap Luvit-not happy with 160 plus.
JRedden: danger is a freak
9inch: Has this been the best year of footy or what? Lol
TheBoy89: 173 what the fuck?
GOD: Mummys boy struggling with the General!
Umpirespet: Cmon giants
circle52: @pacman because GWS have to play finals this year
CamT: Could She ton up ?
LuvIt74: Its all good now to say its a no brainer, If he had of scored 80 or so, you all be saying knew he wouldn’t score well.
CamT: *Shaw …. where did those 20 points come from ?
LuvIt74: @Raspel yeah seeing I have the VC on danger not sure im happy with his 170 odd – Think ill put C on Pendles. 🙂
lzaffina: danger will break 300 if he gets one more ineffective handball
Raspel31: No, no disrespect Luvit-just the old adage of under 120.
BestCoast: Cats squatting down to
StuL: Black is useless.
pcaman2003: Tuohy back into Sloth mode this qtr.
LuvIt74: Na I recon Pendles could hit around 4 or 5 more points then danger this week, just a gut feeling.
Raspel31: Yep-Danger fading late. Carn Geelong.
sfmmp23: Danger doubleton?
Texwalker: Please tomahawk
LuvIt74: bloody hell a draw
JMC23: Fuck fuck fuck fuck
Pokerface: how was hawkins alone there
sfmmp23: what a game
Haydo: wow
StuL: I put $5 on the other game to be a draw!
JMC23: What does that mean for my multi!!!!! Is it a loss or half the winnings?!
LuvIt74: imagine if dager had marked it and not Hawkins and he kicks the goal his score would have been 230+
sfmmp23: scale Danger up to a doubleton pls
TheBoy89: I’ll take a draw better than a loss
Pokerface: imagine if danger had kicked 5 he would have been 300
Donz: you are a genius LuvIt thanks for the updates. So clever for picking Danger VC and calling 150+
Zeratul: JMC its a loss, a draw has its own line
Raspel31: Parsons fluff cost that game.
StuL: Jmc it flowers your multi
9inch: The siren muffed him
StuL: Imagine if black wasn’t a tard and didnt over run the ball
Texwalker: @stul im putting money on brissy tomorrow, tonight shows anything can happen lol
LuvIt74: @JMC its a loss
Texwalker: Ur multi is live a draw is good enough on sportsbet
GOD: Dangerfield 200 SC points ?
JMC23: Rose tulip daffodil
LuvIt74: Text what odds are u getting?
Lestat: Don’t tell lies TheBoy.
