J.Worrall: SandiFyfe in up down or sideways?
heppelitis: dam you sandi…cost me an unlikely win
th3rio: Curse of sando…might still scrap in if pendles and grundy play average…
fozzy2013: Good on You Sandi you have gifted me unlikely win.
fozzy2013: Sorry Heppelitis couldn’ resist.t
heppelitis: haha Foz good luck to you!
heppelitis: now i am forced to hope Treloar gets an little injury,,,just bad enough to slow him down today lol
pcaman2003: Sandy out will now boost my percentage. Opponent had him.
J.Worrall: It’s GrundyTime!
Apachecats: Hand up if you thought sadi’s hammy was really going to be just the one week ,dreamin’
Apachecats: *Sandi’s
ausgooner: was heading for an upset win at 15vs16 but sandi late out is a bridge too far 🙁
Hawks_13: I’m wondering if Fyfe is going to play a great game in SuperCoach like lee once did
missmagic: crozier greenwood and treloar vs scharenberg and kersten with a 9 tackles lead in a category league,i lost sandi but ok
LMartos: Adams can’t kick a goal to save himself
heppelitis: go phillips..must beat treloar
pcaman2003: Pendles,Adams and WHE for percentage boost only
luke394: now than Sandi is out i have Pendles +72 vs Grundy and Treloar gonna be close
Apachecats: Yawn game ,all my 10 SC leagues already decided.
LMartos: Treloar on and off before Scharenberg comes on for first time
CaptainWho: My opp has a bye player and Ablett emerge with only 1spot available, is it a donut?
dipstick: @apache gees you must have a fun life going through your leagues counting opponenets players and finding the top18 of ea
m0nty: this theory of playing one key forward is not working for Collingwood.
jgilf: @CaptainWho sounds like a donut 😉
Yelse: why can’t we kick straight. if we kicked straight this year we be 4 games in the better
CaptainWho: That’d be good news for me then 🙂
blashtroko: Hoskin-Elliott has to be one of the most naturally gifted players in the league in terms of skill level
heppelitis: keep going tp
Apachecats: Tone it down @dipstick ,nne of them have 18 on the field so even you could figure it out pretty quick.
SilverLion: Get involved Grundy need you to go massive to make up for Sandi…
m0nty: good to see you back dipstick
Lestat: You are kidding aren’t you blashtroko?
DirtyDawn: Afternoon all
Apachecats: Like to see LRyan and scharenberg fire up -desperate for some good rookies.
Lestat: Why would it be a donut? A zero would bring the emerg onto the field.
Snarfy: C’mon Scharenberg you Sauerkraut!
Apachecats: Gedday Dirty Dawn.
casey22: m0nty, the pop ups are driving me crazy
m0nty: Elliott on Johnson… bleurgh.
Pokerface: m0nty whatever you did to the site this week stopped live games loading on an iphone 4
desafinado: Time to trade Fyfe i think
AngryRyno: shag has only just come on, be patient
heppelitis: cue fyfe goal
luke394: if you still have an iphone 4 you need to update
m0nty: the mobile pages at fanfooty.com.au/m are fre this week, Pokerface, if you can read this!
Apachecats: I think you just got Fyfe going@desafinado ,but I agree he’s running out of chances for me.
Pokerface: it does everything i need it to. apart from load fanfooty pages
desafinado: LOL..i need 182 from Fyfe, ScherenB and Ryan to win
Pokerface: im on the desktop 🙂
Pokerface: cos.. um.. i have an iphone 4 therefore the battery is currently being charged..
Apachecats: I reckon you’ll get up @desafinado
SilverLion: Quite glad I held onto Treloar and Beams during their weeks off.
King_Robbo: do something grund y you fucking spud
desafinado: If i lose this week, it will be against someone 15 spots below me, i hate byes
Yelse: need WHE grundy to beat peddles adams and scharanberg any chance
luke394: treloar so inflated
AngryRyno: 36DT to 35SC is hardly inflated
CBeezDeez: What? His ego @luke?
Lestat: Doubt it Yelse
luke394: his score 8 hballs 2 CP 2 tackles
PLACEBOPIE: Yreloar should be more he’s been everywhere
luke394: its always the way the 1st 1/4 scores are infltated then it evens out
Erich1036: haha terrible call luke…
Yelse: @lestat forgot also i am 38 in front
m0nty: Adams 6 clearances and Treloar nil? That can’t be right.
Lestat: Why do people keep complaining about scores? Do you think CD don’t know their own system?
Lestat: @ Yelse then it might be close
King_Robbo: I honestly don’t think they do Lestat – some of the scores this year have been curious to say the least
Pokerface: @lestat they think they know more than CD
King_Robbo: I’ve been on this all year – CD should release the scoring prior to the season commencing
mardyb: i feel if gawn had the stats that grundy has right now he’d be on 40+
Pokerface: Yes we’ve heard you all year robbo. That’s what lestat is talking about
King_Robbo: Hit outs to advantage, for example, are non existent this year
Lestat: If you do a google search you can see the SC scoring.
heppelitis: Phillips and Scharenberg vs Treloar and 18 points from here…good start by mine
MONEY TALK: my 68 vs treloar rip me b4 it was treloar and sandi
Brenno_173: Kelly is rubbish
Brenno_173: Lift Fyfe!
AngryRyno: you cannot see all CD scoring from a google search
Pokerface: you might want to change Walters symbol to the shovel. he’s pretty much mid
CBeezDeez: Don’t CD put a humann interpretation on2 how game is etc
Brenno_173: Adams is a gun!
CBeezDeez: And then also scaling etc to 3300 per game?
Pokerface: CBD its not human its automated calculation. Scores from the whole game scale constantly
Ladbrokes_: Pendles lift buddy
AngryRyno: CD is not automated you idiot, this conversation should be banned for the number of absolute clueless donkeys
Lestat: Right ok queue Ladbrokes.
pcaman2003: @Ladbrokes. He heard you.
ajconodie: I think he heard you Ladbrokes
Lestat: on*
CBeezDeez: Uh ok @poker. Must be some program heh
Pokerface: lol AR the value of scores is automated. And the current state of the game changes what every previous score was worth
Yelse: serously grundy lift and CD give him points
Pokerface: CBD eh? thats why players scores change when they are out injured.
Ladbrokes_: Ooooh im wet scotty thats the stuff
Erich1036: Poker is spot on, champion data said exactly that on twitter about a week ago
Pokerface: the masses here don’t want to know Erich. They rather believe its a CD conspiracy
King_Robbo: No, incorrect, the scores are not automated, my mate is a statistician at CD – even he says it’s a joke how it’s done
NoneyaB: I dont get the 3300 thing?
AngryRyno: how can scoring be automated if we end up with 3300 every game? that’s not automated. AFL fantasy is automated
LuvIt74: Carn the pies you useless prickles.
Pokerface: my mate works with King Robbo even he says he is a joke
shaker: I don’t think anyone on here knows how scores are done 🙂
Pokerface: Rhyno thats exactly what the automation does – scale each score constantly during the game to keep pace with 3300
Erich1036: CD: “Live scores are only provisional.”
Erich1036: “Every time something happens in a game the value of every previous event is changed.”
Erich1036: “When it’s live, the algorithm “guesses” the total points that will be scored pre-3300.”
Erich1036: “As game goes on, that guess is closer to final points”
Erich1036: “At the full time siren there is no need to extrapolate because it’s known.”
AngryRyno: that may be, but it’s not the definition of automated. back on the game. shag needs a lift.
m0nty: Pokerface is right, CD have changed it a bit this year to keep the 3300 pace so there is very little post-game scaling.
JockMcPie: We always talk about the Archie Smith effect on Martin, what about Darcy Moore’s effect on Grundy’s scoring
ajconodie: Why does Gerard Healey sound so sad when Collingwood kick a goal?
Xephyrise: AF & DT will always be superior for all the reasons discussed here
Pokerface: i’m sorry if automated is not the correct term then, it is the most accurate word i could think of
Pokerface: xephyrise scoring points for turning a ball over is superior!
Brenno_173: Lift James Dainton
Pokerface: what was that Adams
JRedden: pokerface arbitrarily rewarding points is superior !
shaker: Forget about the bloody scoring
Yelse: two frees against for adams and his SC goes down by 1
Lestat: Nice kick Arty Cou.
mardyb: grundy you are a dog
Pokerface: @yelse he only has 1 FA
Ladbrokes_: Because he’s a god @Yelse. And it was only 1 free
Pokerface: but you lot know CD scoring system best
Yelse: @poker face then they missed one. he gave 2 away in 2 mins
Apachecats: Fyfe will be under $500k SC at this rate.Who would have thought?
Erich1036: @yelse FAs in contested situations are only -1
gunners23: cmon dockers, need you to win to get all 6 tips this week!
ajconodie: Griffin is funny to watch.
desafinado: Ryan and ScherenB ,,wake up !!
CBeezDeez: We like 2 argue & whinge about it tho LoL
Pokerface: well if they missed one they review it at half time. they have multiple stat gatherers and review discrepancies at break
LuvIt74: At this point glad I changed my tip to the Pies after I seen Sandiballs was out. wonder if they can keep goin
LuvIt74: @gunners23 sorry m8 thats going to be me with all 6 tips
LuvIt74: Good luck however, the pies might hit a brick wall soon.
Pokerface: sensational hill
Strskes: WHE 0 Points this quarter?
shaker: This game is far from over
Raspel31: Hmm-just home. Grundy not exactly firing with no Sandiballs.
Brenno_173: he got 10 this quarter
LuvIt74: no ship shaker?
AngryRyno: WHE 0 touches
DrSeuss: Capt Treloar – you need a big 2nd half – please
cusch1: 165, Tucker, Broomhead and WHE vs Pendles and Treloar. Who wins?
Apachecats: your 3 are on 89 at the half way mark @desa ,you might still sneak in.
mardyb: grundy SC getting stiched up
jgilf: Neale already past his score from last week. Happy it was just a one week slump!
Apachecats: The one with no WHE will win.@cusch
cusch1: Heres hoping Apache
desafinado: @Apachecats..ha, gonna be a nerve wreaking time until 715pm…
Raspel31: Wasn’t just Neale last week jg-was all Freeo
LuvIt74: @cusch1 whoevers 165 up with Tucker, Broomhead & WHE has it won well and truly
AngryRyno: why does somebody own Tucker
LuvIt74: Gr8 question Angry
TheSC: Treloar butchers it and still gets a decent score…
TheSC: Probably the most overrated midfielder in the comp!
TheSC: m0nty you should bring in a meat clever icon for players like Treloar who butcher the ball
MONEY TALK: hey what ever it takes to keep his scoe down anything over 67 i lose
colin wood: TheSC. Suppose his 21 brownlow votes in 2016 were overatted too?
TheSC: @ Money Talk… you talking Treloar?
gunners23: lets go doctors
TheSC: you can forget that mate
MONEY TALK: fyfe to finish on 99
TheSC: you can forget that mate. he could not have another touch and CD will find another 20 – 30 points for him
MONEY TALK: yea treloar
TheSC: @ colin wood 100% pal. not a big surprise that you have a biased view of things. the ol’ one eyed supporter
TheSC: the guy is a complete butcher
TheSC: kicks it to a guy in the goal square.. he keeps proving my point
Crowls: scharenberg 100% DE whoopee. oh only 1k,1h. get your arse into gear boy
Raspel31: Pendles just said the f word-simply outrageous.
Pokerface: what did walters do wrong there
Crowls: hard to pick the best in my team, probably sandi. at least his price wont go down
colin wood: TheSC – you’re a star. Well done.
TheSC: @Pokerface nothing.
JButcher: At least try to score WHE
ajconodie: pokerface – not much. Not much at all.
Crowls: about to get my lowest ever score in SC. Started with 21 players now facing 1400 if lucky. Thought I would get 1800+
TheSC: colin wood you flog what has he done today that proves me wrong?
King_Robbo: haha that kick from treloar that Elliott marked was deemed ineffective by CD – laughable
TheSC: he just slapped it on the boot and was lucky elliot can take a decent contested mark.
Raspel31: The opposite TheSC but dreading bye 3
King_Robbo: but surely it’s not ineffective if it’s actually a goal assist
cold pies: Scharenberg! Touch the pill!! Bloody turd on a stick
TheSC: King_robbo.. I’d marked it has a butcher’s hack. should not score points for being a hack
Raspel31: Whoops-meant Crowls
pcaman2003: WHE more hot and cold than my Mrs
LuvIt74: Griffen killing Grundy
Lestat: @TheSC exactly how many AFL games have you played?
DrSeuss: Has Neale touched it this quarter?
luke394: Fyfe finally go big?
heppelitis: im sure scharenberg hit his target hb then
Heizenberg: Hi guys
Heizenberg: Hi help xD
luke394: Happy with the WHE trade a couple of weeks ago for Selwood only cost me like 150k lol
Heizenberg: Match day anyone?
Yelse: so much bull.. so many frees for pies not paid today
Heizenberg: Hepp*
JockMcPie: Wish we could kick straight rip
heppelitis: evening hiezenberg
Fatbar5tad: Don’t tell me Nat is going to ton up?
jgilf: Neal gone incredibly quiet
Heizenberg: OMG I changed capt from lenders to grundy
Heizenberg: Pendles*
Heizenberg: Sup hepp?
mookie: Game on moles
King_Robbo: pies just waste too many chances going forward don’
heppelitis: tight battle for sc win…nose just in front
LuvIt74: @Berg go speak to your cousin Shaz and show him what the ball looks like
luke394: Treloar back to his old tricks 21 touches for 60 lol
Lestat: I play match day Heiz. Terrible week though.
Yelse: can’t believe they brought in crocker over c brown
Fatbar5tad: Nice turnover
ausgooner: is treloar injured?
Heizenberg: Cool lestat
Pokerface: will ryan get game 2 or does lyon drop him for not getting 25 disposals on debut?
frenzy: hoping for 1900SC this week
MONEY TALK: did someone say treloar injured, i mean i don’t want to wish any player a injury but stay down
Ladbrokes_: Gotta nail them adams
Heizenberg: Grundy please
King_Robbo: well played Treloar –
th3rio: wells earning his keep lol
Lestat: He has 25 SC points though Poker.
proudyy: kirby in for crocker
ajconodie: Josh Smith is very underrated.
Crowls: 10 of 13 players in my team scored below their projections
Fatbar5tad: Tabs useless
LuvIt74: If Sandi is out next week I’ll be getting rid of him, sandi may very well have a more serious injury
LuvIt74: @Crowls I hear ya
MONEY TALK: well now i can rest easy knowing ive lost its a draw with 68 on treloar
Pokerface: @lestat unless they ton up on debut ross tends to drop them :/
JockMcPie: They gotta play Kirby now, Crocker is pretty useless
pcaman2003: Compare Pendles and Walters stats for little score diff.
Wends: Sposed to be studying but just signed on to say evening all, & Heiz, pls do your thing. Rev up grUNDY!
King_Robbo: Treloar with a massive few minutes!
Raspel31: Neale and Grundy pleez Heiz?
Heater: Need 5 from Moore tonight.
King_Robbo: Scharenberg – the next Wayne Carey… lololol
ajconodie: WankingRobbo – He may just have been if not for 2 knee recos
Crowls: @luvit. probably do sandi>selwood which i reversed this week
wadaramus: Carn Freo, go Fyfe and Adams!
Heizenberg: Hi raspel
LuvIt74: carn Elliott i wanna see Lyons shudder in his press conference
proudyy: mark williams said he’s the best school boy talent he’s seen since wayne carey but yeah make it something ridiculous
SilverLion: Raise the bat Tay
proudyy: deadset wank stain king robbo
Raspel31: Evening Heiz.
King_Robbo: He’s just getting games for the sake of it. Has no impact on the game
LuvIt74: @Crowls – Sandi to Selwood?
Ladbrokes_: Fyfe, Adams, Pendles. Lovely
colin wood: Pies look more better with Jamie back.
TheSC: Treloar is a spud!!!
proudyy: its his second game back after a whole year off what were you expecting? King_gimp
wadaramus: Scharenberg didn’t suit my byes…lucky for me!
colin wood: Who’s this TheSC bloke? Who let it in?
TheSC: Pies will manage to lose this one…
colin wood: Pies should be 8 goals up. We better not blow this.
LuvIt74: @colin “more better”? Just better would suffice. lol
King_Robbo: He shouldn’t be getting a game if he’s not up to it. I hope he becomes a good player but looks a spud atm
Grumpman: Weres Elliotts third goal Monty??
wadaramus: Blame m0nty colin wood!
TheSC: Thanks @LuvIt… English not the colin wood supporters strong suit
LuvIt74: @colin you better not blow this, i tipped the skunks
colin wood: @luvit, bloody auto text, haha
mardyb: scores frozen
DrSeuss: Great quarter from Neale and Ryan – lift muppets
Breezey: Fair dinkum basing Scharembergs ability on his DT and SC score. No idea
m0nty: back on the game please
Wends: @Raspel, Heiz clearly missed our desperate cry for help 😐
Raspel31: Hmm Wends-you’re right. On the job Heiz.
TheSC: here the dockers come!!! butt hurt the collingwood supporters will be!
9inch: Carn Dorkers bit of composure.
Heizenberg: Haha sorry wends 🙁
LMartos: shame Scharenberg can’t play his VFL role in the AFL team
Pokerface: taberner is like a rabbit in the headlights
shaker: Think the Pies would be worried about blowing all that cash on Wells not Shaz
Heizenberg: @raspel, I’ll give you on the job haha xD
JRedden: grundy no tackles today, disappointing
Heizenberg: Cmon free please
Heizenberg: Freo*
Lestat: Pies wasted all those $$$ on Mayne and Wells. They will never learn.
King_Robbo: Grundy coming back into it now, push a 100 bud
colin wood: The SC how’d ya like that one champ?
TheSC: Treloar the bloody cherry picker… only runs one way
Heizenberg: Exactly, their recent recruiting been very average
Lestat: Great goal spud Treloar hey The SC.
Zeratul: Need that 3qtr time spray from Bucks!
ajconodie: That was a decent goal from that spud Treloar hey?
TheSC: been waiting all game to say that havnt you Colin?? how bout when he threw it out the middle and lucky
Wends: Look we don’t mean to troll u Heiz… but… Grundy and Neale both need yr raz pls :p
TheSC: to not give away the free kick
TheSC: Collingwood supporters are so far up there own buttocks they dont realise how crap they are
LMartos: good one Adams you spud
wadaramus: U fucking useless hack.
Breezey: Get the Kermit out immediately for Hill
LMartos: Adams how can you do this to me
Heizenberg: Lift grundy and Neale!!!!
ajconodie: Righto neutral observer……………
Pokerface: agree breezy
Raspel31: Calm down The SC
colin wood: Kermit for the TheSc, biggest flog here by a mile
King_Robbo: Adams is a hard nut but his disposal is disgraceful
shaker: Howe must be off rubbing Well’s leg
Ladbrokes_: Before people were complaining about treloar being robbed, now hes being gifted points. Shouldn’t be above Pendles
Heizenberg: There you go wends, just for you 😘
wadaramus: Adams SC going backwards way too fat.
Wends: Thank gawd, I can relax now. Thx Heiz 🙂
pcaman2003: @wadaramus. And fsat too!
Brenno_173: come on Adams, this is terrible
DrSeuss: Neale….Ryan… lift perhaps?
Heizenberg: Haha no probs xD
JockMcPie: The hyphenator, I love him
pcaman2003: WHE Booooomm!
Breezey: Luv ya work WHE
wadaramus: Lol pcaman2003!
Raspel31: Okay, job done on Grundy now back to Neale Heiz
Lestat: @ wada and Pcaman Fast too?
Hoot: lots of bouncing going on
wadaramus: Definitely fast Lestat!
BestCoast: Carn Pies
ajconodie: Bit slippery out there.
Heizenberg: Lift Neale, lift lift lift lift lift lift
Brenno_173: Lift Fyfe!
Lestat: Pies home
Heizenberg: Keep going grundy, I’m on 768
colin wood: Did you like the centre clearance there TheSC? God Treloar’s crap hey. No idea.
luke394: I hate that I lose just cos Sandi was a late out shit luck
wadaramus: Freo fail.
casey22: Bid wraps on Ryan, glad held off
Gotigres: You’ve saved your spot in my team for another week WHE
Crowls: fyfe 99 again hee hee hee had to fade to make it
9inch: Wtf Freo this is embarrassing. Should be a few in front by now
pcaman2003: Pendles from 110 to 102 after 3 possies. Damn!
JockMcPie: Treloar butchers it, but he gets so much that it cancels out. Impact can’t be underestimated
JButcher: Please lift fyfe and WHE I’m 60 points in front against an opponent with 8 in this game
vartic: Rip freo gonna cost me 6/6
pcaman2003: C’mon Fyfe,Adams.Ton up!
Ladbrokes_: Adams and Pendles’ points being transferred to Treloar. They’ve lost 20+ in the last 10 mins and Treloar gained 30. Wat
Wends: @Monty Heiz needs his own 4 leaf clover icon. @Colinwood, SC likely in corner recovering from a paddling with banhammer.
Raspel31: Neale tonned up-excellent work Heiz
Schillaci: Big second half by my new recruit Grundy.
JockMcPie: Neale goes Quack Quack
Heizenberg: Hahha I seriously do lol
King_Robbo: Fyfe a shadow of his former self. It’s sad really
Breezey: Get what ya deserve Neale ya ducking flower
Lestat: 730 for me Heiz.
ajconodie: There goes your chance Freo.
Heizenberg: Thanks wends xD
LuvIt74: Carn the skunks tipped 6 thanks to sandiballs
Heizenberg: Your cool I like you
Wends: WHE X factor if they get away with it…
ajconodie: Hoskin-Elliott X Factor @Montgomery!!
Lestat: Might be better at a Vic club next year Robbo.
LuvIt74: Love seeing Ross press conference when the jerk loses
Heizenberg: Okay lestat xlol
Hoot: yup
Wends: Aww, feeling’s mutual Heiz 🙂
Heizenberg: Cool Lestat*
King_Robbo: where are all the Treloar haters?
LuvIt74: If they get away with it? Im the fat lady and im singing and i hate the skunks usually
Wends: Me too luvit, changed my tip 5 mins before the bounce.
ajconodie: Massive quarter from Treloar the spud!!
casey22: Lyon has sucessfully dragged this side down to a rabble
LuvIt74: is Adams SC score correct? I thought he would be much higher. I gotta get him post bye
Hoot: Fyfe owned 60%… 100avg isnt enough
Crabcake: X factor for WHE’s last quarter!
Heizenberg: Awwww wends
Wends: Did Grundy cape it up this quarter? Can’t remember…
JRedden: josh smith is the biggest seagull
circle52: May have to reconsider my plans now with WHE. May have to keep him for another week.
Heizenberg: What a last quarter grundy
Heater: Treloar worth every single $
SilverLion: Bloody Adams did nothing in the last haha
frenzy: Grundy came from nowhere
colin wood: Where’s TheSC gone? What a legend that thing is.
LuvIt74: Elliot ankle oh shite, the skunks are screwed from now on till he’s back
Raspel31: Don’t make me jealous Wends and Heiz-good work Heiz.
Lestat: I think Adams went backwards in the last.
Wends: See Heiz? U have actual magical powers!
cobrakai00: Fyfe 7 kicks.. stick a fork in him
LuvIt74: @Circle your kidding right? Don’t get rid of WHE until R13
JButcher: WHE may become my permanent F8
LuvIt74: WHE made his /E mate
Wends: Goes without saying we love u too Raspel 🙂
Heizenberg: 819 in the end I think
Lestat: And the Pies still can’t kick more goals than points 😛
Ladbrokes_: Hellooo Fyfe 98, it’s been too long
Ladbrokes_: Hellooo Fyfe 98… it’s been too long
LuvIt74: @Butcher if u can afford having $400k on your bench then u must be in the lead
desafinado: I might have won by a point. Hopefully after scaling scores don’t screw me up.
LuvIt74: @Butcher then who’s your F7 Nank? lol
AndyB17: Adams my captain this week, 101 at 3qtr time & ends up with 103 ffs
AndyB17: Adams 101 at 3tr time & 103 at the end as my captain wtf
