rickyb80: why wont scores and chat load. been like it since thurs night
JockMcPie: Pre-game prediction: Suns win, Darling kicks 7 behinds and West Coast kick themselves out of it
mrpotato: Or Suns to play two brilliant quarters and then be run over the top
pharace: ton and half up thanks Gaz
AngryRyno: Hanley already has more touches than last week
mrpotato: Lets go Yeo, lots of nice cheap ones today thx
LMartos: so selfish from Yeo that, but I’ll get around it
casey22: got rid of the zeroes, great move
CamT: 4 tackles laid. Bruise free footy
BC__: Lift you dog Cripps
qiu333: come on harbrow
banta: touk is useless. what a hack
Thedude24: Yeo playing forward
AngryRyno: you got him going @banta
banta: im glad! might keep potting him so he responds haha
DrSeuss: Let’s go GAJ and Witts, not a bad start but time to crack on!!
kangawalla: Hanley heading for zombie status. Keep it up.
mardyb: CD blokes must have yeo in their SC teams.
mardyb: or they dont have shuey
Yelse: Swallow lift please for the love of the game
9inch: Crowd factor is dismal. Sounds like a Darwin game.
LMartos: what’s wrong with Yeo’s score? lol
mardyb: compare his stats to shuey and u tell me
LMartos: Yeo’s had more contested ball, his goal was contested which helps, free for as well
shaker: Don’t people get sick of complaining about scores ?
Thedude24: Yeo’s score definitely makes sense
kangawalla: Lewis Jetta. 119 last week & then puts the cue back in the rack.
werdna007: kanga just exactly did you expect
Yelse: swallo still on the ground?
SilverLion: Hit a target Yeo jeez.
AngryRyno: carn TJ get involved thanks
AngryRyno: worked a treat, nice one Tommy
kangawalla: @werdna. Thankfully I don’t have him but saw his score last week & considered him as cover for bye rounds in draft comp.
werdna007: kanga good one
zadolinnyj: Gents
shaker: Don’t call us maggots zad
werdna007: gaz needs a few tackles to get his shoulder out
pcaman2003: Gee! Swallow is a real spud these days.
DrSeuss: Witts get back in the Ruck FFS
The Hawker: Cmon Witts, get up!
pcaman2003: @shaker lol! Nice play on a word.Touche!
SilverLion: To those with Witts, he has done above and beyond what was expected of him. I wouldn’t be getting greedy.
CamT: Who’s playing ff for the Eagles ?
King_Robbo: Lift Yeo, I want a 130 out of you today
m0nty: not much scoreboard action in this game
SilverLion: Clock for Brodie? 40% bench time currently.
MONEY TALK: idk how ppl aren’t happy with witts he looks like he will get 90 plus
King_Robbo: Yeo yo has answered the call! Big 100 coming up
pcaman2003: Ablett to go huge.Not being tagged.
SilverLion: Yeo massive this quarter
DrSeuss: Let’s go Mr Witts
BOMBRBLITZ: 140+ Ablett please
King_Robbo: God the eagles are so overrated. So piss weak away from home
Straffo: later priddis, worst brownlow medallist of all time
pcaman2003: Simmo! Big mistake not tagging Ablett. He’s everywhere unopposed.
BeastMode: woewodin straffo?
faisca7: That Jetta kick went a mile
DrSeuss: Good quarter Witts and Ablett
Ladbrokes_: Priddis is depressing to watch as an owner, barely gets involved in the contests, shadow of himself with mitchell in the
Ladbrokes_: team
poolboybob: Priddis is a bit past it and they’re phasing him out of the clearances. Need to move him on.
Straffo: Much worse than Woewodin, at least he could kick non-helicopters
LMartos: Yeo ton would be greatly appreciated
SilverLion: Clock definitely for Brodie, hardly seen him.
MontyJnr: I thought clock was only for established players? It’s not strange to see rookies get less bench time
Ladbrokes_: Gee trading Priddis now wouldn’t be such a bad idea for me, hardly a premo anymore
MontyJnr: more bench time i should say
DrSeuss: Don’t stop JW
King_Robbo: Lol seriously who has Priddis?!
StuL: As of you would have Hall! Who would have him? My i
Straffo: he was alright at the start of the year, just had been shocking the last few
yablettt: Yabiiii Yablettt
LMartos: Great, now Yeo is losing points for being off the ground during crunch time
m0nty: fair dinkum I think Touk’s boots are painted on
CamT: How many points for a winning goal usually, anyone ?
pcaman2003: LOL! Swallow gets points for 2 late tackles.
Hadouken: bring on new DPP !
Breezey: Diabolical skills at the moment
MONEY TALK: witts has been a good pick up, got him in for Gawn
poolboybob: Lyons blue moon
fonzie: witts a gun
Migz: That Shuey holding call was fucking bull shit
CamT: Wright got 21 points for that last mark & goal
CBeezDeez: Much time left? Suns gonna pinch one?
wadaramus: Agree Migz.
LuvIt74: @Hadouken are you talking DT or some other FF? NEW DPP?
poolboybob: Darling potato
faisca7: Gazza you little master.
StuL: Go suns!
faisca7: First time the suns have beaten the eagles
The Hawker: Witts the Mr consistency! 90s every week
MONEY TALK: I can’t remember if SC does DPP changes
frenzy: gold toast
CBeezDeez: CD take Barlow & Kolo points & give em to Gablett?
Beast_Mode: surely hanley bluemoon or zombie
Pokerface: love how gaz claimed shuey’s HTB even though he did nothing but sit on him
kangawalla: If Petrie gets a zombie, surely Hanley gets one too?