J.Worrall: Go Crows!
PLACEBOPIE: Servicable win for port yesterday 😀
Ash777: not sure who I want to win for this game
dipstick: whats happening lately? this website was unaccessible last night after HT from tablet
th3rio: thanks m0nty!
m0nty: you were the only one having that problem it seems, dipstick
JockMcPie: Pre-game prediction: Scott Selwood BOG, Dangerfield 25 and 2, Sloane 67 SC
snake_p: you thinking sloane going to get injured in the 2nd quarter JocK?
PLACEBOPIE: moggs creek boy will always smash it at Kardinia Park
th3rio: Go big Hawkins for first goal
LMartos: fanfooty matchcentre rebranding?
The Hawker: Turn it up Scott Selwood, M Crouch, Danger, Laird and Greenwood 🙂
dipstick: man- it would load up the site and ads but NO stats or chat. LOADING DATA LOADING DATA & yibadee yibida that was all
dipstick: im on PC now but if it happens again later I’ll terry wallace it and “fucken spew up!!!”
man0005: dipstick do you have broadband?
AngryRyno: please get rid of all these zeros, byes are bad enough as is
boo!: lift parsons
zadolinnyj: Gents and wends if she’s around
pcaman2003: Hi all!Hope for a great game.
DragonLass: is there a setting that I can change the stats back to like before without all the zeros?
dipstick: it is work wi-fi. PS cant wait to offload flog parsnip next week. he’s making me sick already
Breezey: Parsons takes up his customary spot at the bottom
jarradb33: the 0s look silly
cusch1: How could no one get a finger to that
m0nty: yeah I am working on the zero issue
cusch1: I like the 0s tbh
AngryRyno: thanks m0nty, some may like zeros but it’s best as an optional thing
jaypeee: my opinion would be get rid of the 0’s
circle52: Thanks monty
circle52: I have 20 on field so Parsons may be 1 of the scores that do not count
cusch1: I like the zeros because it shows just how poor Parsons is stat wise
Elvs1: i had the same problem dipstick
Elvs1: its happening again tonight
cusch1: Im happy to go without them as it seems im the only one who likes them
The Hawker: Matt Crouch looking to go 40 disposals tonight, love it
chinkas: mine has always had 0s?
LMartos: hate S Selwood so much
cusch1: You have to hand it to them. They draw those high tackles very well
LMartos: having him in my team may help
Breezey: The other Duckwood then. When will the umps wise up about them 2
boo!: parsons, i kniow where u live
MONEY TALK: danger, both selwoods, parsons, laird and greenwood for me
AngryRyno: parsons had a hard ball get, robbed haha
th3rio: wouldn’t mind it if tuohy lifted a tad
pcaman2003: Traded Parfitt for S Selwood this week.Fingers crossed
fryzie: Selwoods high tackles will be a record t the end of their careers
Raspel31: Sselwood makes Jelwood look almost honest-almost.
Yelse: laird lift, parsons and stewart lift,
The39Steps: I wish it was all those 0s when i blew in the breathlyser the other night.
DragonLass: should start a drinking game to have a shot every time Parsons touches the ball. Won’t get very drunk
LuvIt74: Bruce “Dangerfield has such strong hips” Only Bruce would say such a thing…
JButcher: Cmon Duncan nice ton thanks
KingPetrie: disgraceful by Sselwood
cusch1: DragonLass have a drink every time someone sooks about him and we will
The Hawker: Matt Crouch 49% tog, please…
m0nty: zero issue fixed, sorry about that
DirtyDawn: Evening all
LuvIt74: @Dragon wont even exceed .05 mate.
MONEY TALK: does parsons get points for celebrating with the goal scorer
circle52: Hi Dirty
cusch1: I change my vote to no 0s
m0nty: there are no points give for Piciones
circle52: Come on Otten find that oval ball
boo!: hahaha moneytalk
zadolinnyj: Need at least 2 more O’s for balance
circle52: Have so many players from both sides tonight
AngryRyno: thanks for the 0s removal
colin wood: Apreciate the efforts Monty
LuvIt74: Bloody hell Parsons on fire tonight, write down his quarter score points and watch them stagnate by the end of the game
LuvIt74: Scooter doing gr8 on Sloane
MONEY TALK: im just happy parsons still gets a game unlike black
Yelse: tuohy lift
Beast_Mode: Laird gone, concussed
MONEY TALK: plz be good laird
Crowls: if laird concussed we all get a low score
LuvIt74: @Money True – I don’t understand how Parsons makes best 22 yet Black doesn’t – That has me stuffed.
Yelse: trust my opponent not to have laird or otten
chinkas: cockatoo used Lairds head as a lawnmower
King_Robbo: Every good team has Laird anyway. Not exactly a POD if he doesn’t come back
Crowls: cant believe a serious coach doesnt have Laird.
AngryRyno: have more than 18 so laird may be ‘subbed’ off
Zeratul: Lloyd last week, Laird this week. ffs
th3rio: Great last week it was Lloyd…this week Laird…wtf
dipstick: fucken Lloyd 1 week and Laird the next.
Raspel31: Bit like saying everyone has a high IQ Robbo-sadly I do.
th3rio: lol beat me to it Zeratul
boo!: parsons outscoring laird?! i knew he was a gun
cusch1: Laird looks alright on TV
circle52: @angryryano just so long as Parsons, Greenwood, and Otten score more
LuvIt74: im still on 17 including Parsons who is going backwards
MONEY TALK: glad i got scooter and jelwood so far
AngryRyno: they already have ringo
LuvIt74: Will look to bring in Bolton & Shaz
mickelo: Laird ready to come back on!
LMartos: Tex is great at ruining his scores with FA’s
MONEY TALK: also traded greenwood in, not bad trades so far
dipstick: plenty of teams DONT have laird. if they didnt start with him i doubt theyd trade him in before the byes. thats a waste
MONEY TALK: oh ffs i spoke to soon
Breezey: Should’ve ducked Joel
dipstick: just a reminder i still have a couple of Jelwood?Surgess headbands in stock 😉
Raspel31: Non tougher-he’ll be back.
poolboybob: Parsons is having a blinder
LuvIt74: @Dipstick only 80,000 own Laird so its not much at all. Your handle is GOLD.
LMartos: how do you not get KO’d from that?
DrSeuss: Otten on bench scores 100, Otten on field scores 30
MONEY TALK: so proud of my boi parsons
PLACEBOPIE: loving ottens score 😀
leorosman_: yeah oath parsoooo
The Hawker: why you gotta jinx us like that @MoneyTalk
dipstick: this parsnip going ape shit.
CBeezDeez: U talk him up @Money & he’ll get injured also…
DirtyDawn: Who suggested shots every time Parsons touched the ball? Im maggotted…
PLACEBOPIE: stewart on track for an 80 🙂
LuvIt74: Ottens & Tuohy scores are awesome, keep it up boys.
MONEY TALK: sorry fellas my curse continues this year first it was that last second gawn as C which didn’t end well
LuvIt74: lol Dawn
DragonLass: yay the zeros are gone thanks m0nty
SilverLion: Is Laird gunna be alright?
King_Robbo: stay down Sloane
runt: Parsons full range of skills on display except he still can’t get a kick
circle52: Both Laird and Selwood back on
LuvIt74: Jelwood will be totally fine from that, i don’t wish anyone to get injured but id like him to stay off for mild concussi
MONEY TALK: can confirm jelwood and laird both on
PLACEBOPIE: he’s been servicable 😀
Breezey: He’s back on @Silverlion
SilverLion: Great to hear guys, cheers.
AngryRyno: can drop the heart on lairdo and jelwood already
PLACEBOPIE: go big danger
CBeezDeez: Oh my poor backline… Tuohy Laird & Otten😢
MONEY TALK: approaching fire icon parsons
LuvIt74: This is why my defence is always the last position to be completed – Only have Laird & Shaw & shaw is crap
King_Robbo: Jelly and Danger about to go massive
Raspel31: Damn-traded Danger for Parsons this week.
circle52: Knew Danger would go big – Took Titchells VC score. So he will go baig
LuvIt74: Imagine doing that
Breezey: Scott Duckwood again
PLACEBOPIE: thx circle 😀
colin wood: How good is Geelong’s draw…
boo!: cmon danger 200sc
runt: Cats kicking souring the milk a little
MONEY TALK: didn’t take titch’s VC go the danger
Crowls: maybe should have kept newman and dumped otten. going to lose money tonight
StuL: I got both Selwoods. Wish I stuck to it. Stupid Byes.
LuvIt74: Had my VC on Danger and C on Pendles but at this rate i may not need Pendles
CBeezDeez: I see CD has still got the Danger LuvFest goin on…
Raspel31: Did the Selwoods own a duck farm-sheez.
King_Robbo: Will Otten make his BE of 26?
brentz: Looks like you can do math then LuvIt
cusch1: Can we put the captain on a player with the bye? or does it have to be a non playing player like strandica
Breezey: I’d like to think so Robbo
pcaman2003: The Crows are getting plucked.
zadolinnyj: Absolutely dropping the ball 10 out from crows goal then goes other end for goal
DrSeuss: The one week I put Otten on field he dished up this ship
Raspel31: Think we would have all had our V on Danger Luvit.
runt: Cats have a lot of players that don’t do much.
LuvIt74: @brentz only just mate, however I manage to have a higher IQ then Pies supporters.
BOMBRBLITZ: remember Danger will have a quiet Q3 going by the last few weeks
StuL: Someone needs to go for Hibberd. Otten will do.
Breezey: I agree with you there Zado. Free kick for mine
LuvIt74: @Raspel id say so, I was just replying to someone who stated they had the VC on Titch and took his VC score.
MONEY TALK: Ahh parons is back
NoneyaB: for some reason I still had parfitt on my bench so I got scooter in for him
StuL: You may as well but as if you need to loophole danger.
circle52: Yep took Titchells vc in RDT but have Danger as VC in SC,
Raspel31: Roger that Luvit
MONEY TALK: geez jelwood
zadolinnyj: And the oscar goes to
LuvIt74: There’s no problem loophole doing the bye’s lol
Breezey: Is it Cockatoo or Cockahead
LMartos: about as soft as it gets that 50m penalty
Yelse: otten please lift… you too parsons and stewart
CBeezDeez: All these fields & woods I feel like I’m @a freakin teddy bear picnic!
myteamsuks: Why’d he have to push him. Wasn’t in the contest , clear 50
MONEY TALK: would of preferred danger to hold that
Gotigres: Make your breakeven of 26 otten
pcaman2003: Where is Otten playing?
Raspel31: Thank god for 19 players on the pitch-and yes, that’s directed at you Ottens. You’re a very naughty boy.
runt: Dangerfield runs like a Cheetah
pcaman2003: @runt. Except with much more stamina
DrSeuss: Where has Tom Stewart gone?
circle52: Same raspell I have 20 though may as well be 19 with Otten
cusch1: Tstewart disappeared and Touhy showed up I think
poolboybob: Get the pill Sloane
runt: I would never be a good coach because I would instruct my players to have a shot every time from anywhere inside 50
myteamsuks: That face when jelwood isn’t the one getting the free. Priceless
MONEY TALK: need laird to lift
runt: Otten is playing an imperiously shit game so far
MONEY TALK: what a stiff arm
runt: Cameron didn’t even have time to argue!
cusch1: Small aboriginal boy receives a stiffy to the jaw from young speedster
LMartos: Laird doesn’t look interested, might still be feeling the effects
JButcher: Great quarter Greenwood!
Raspel31: Golly-young Greenwood-$114,000-bargain
Breezey: Loving your work Mr.Greenwood
MONEY TALK: didn’t even relaise what greenwood is doing
MONEY TALK: realise *
MONEY TALK: BT is the best commentator hands down
JockMcPie: Hawkins might have two weeks of the bye
circle52: Hawkins may go
poolboybob: 2 weeks off for the Tomahawk!
pcaman2003: Enjoy the holiday Tom
myteamsuks: Goodbye hawkins
Zeratul: How did Hawkins not give away a free?
runt: Hawkins connected with the side of the neck and the Crows player acted out
cusch1: A hickey would leave a bigger bruise than that tbh
frenzy: BIG green $Dollars for Hughie Greenwood
Texwalker: Bt is the best commentater is that sarcasm???
PLACEBOPIE: Usually AFL wait for a dud to do a jumper punch brfore making them a scapegoat.Todd Curley
painkilla: typical tomadork cheap shots a small guy weak as fkn piss u dirty mthfkn carnt
yablettt: Big Boyyy, Woweee
mickelo: They’ve been waiting for someone stupid to try it on! Just found him.
preki1: enjoying the game, painkilla?
boo!: otten to parsons via mcinnes
penguins00: classic tom hawkins he’ll get a week for that
Ash777: he’s gone
King_Robbo: yep Tommahawk will miss a week. good for parsons?
Number 8: A fine for Hawk and an Oscar for Crouch
penguins00: doesn’t help parsons at all but it’s good for Black
fonzie: no way hawkings will get a week
circle52: Just want otten to reach his B/e. Then he becomes Docherty next week.
ademase: hey painkilla – he didnt take a backward step when tex came up to him
StuL: Can’t wait to rage trade Otten out. He could have been making cash god damn it
cusch1: Pretty sure he was going up against 2 Cows players on his own as well. Wouldnt call that weak either
painkilla: does that make him any less of a prik the dirty thug
King_Robbo: danger, jelwood, scooter, stewart, parsons, laird and greenwood – awesome half!
circle52: And to start our usual go at CD Data Look at the SC scores of Zac Smith and Sauce.
circle52: Definitely not 40 points difference
cusch1: Only protecting his captain. Had this happened 2 weeks ago no one would give a toss
painkilla: fired me up hope the same goes for my team
cold pies: Nice one Neil Daniher!! Much respect and love to all mad suffering m
MONEY TALK: parsons and shaw always giving me heart attacks
CBeezDeez: He’s a good man @pies. Main reason ima dee supporter
LMartos: How do you miss that Tex you idiot
cold pies: Sorry.. much like love to all mnd sufferers… best lads hit
King_Robbo: Jelwood with two contested possies for 3 SC – yeah righto CD you fucking cheats
boo!: lift duckwood
cold pies: @CBeez.. a top bloke.. but We all need to support any human being that suffers under these life changin events..
cold pies: So respect to all and everyone..
cold pies: But back to the game.. hahaha I had vc on Ollie last for gamble.. now have danger as cap… On my way! On boi.. 400 tot?
JButcher: Get Greenfield on, 55% TOG is shower
MONEY TALK: u know what to do danger from here
cusch1: How good is the Dangerman
banta: how aren’t coaches tagging dangerfield? are they spastic? did they not watch football last year
m0nty: geez who do you give the 3 votes to in this game
runt: Glong have split the Crows wide open
Raspel31: My question exactly banta
chinkas: 3 votes for Ottens if we are voting for players who are stealing a living
faisca7: It’s a choice of 3 monty. Selwood, danger or parsons obviously
runt: Dangerfield easily gets the 3 votes, then again Parsons has been influential too
cusch1: Dangerfield for sure BOG
CBeezDeez: Careful @banta U might hav2 go 2 Heath Shaws school of corrective counselling
LuvIt74: All those people that traded in Sloane and Pendles this round due to low B/E are fools.
proudyy: 3 votes menegola
LuvIt74: Prior to them having their bye. Don’t understand why people do it when they have had 11 weeks to do so.
proudyy: hindsight is a lovely thing isn’t it luvit
MONEY TALK: i avoided Sloane when i saw my other trade scooter tagging him
boo!: ……puts the C on Strnadica
JButcher: Come on Duncan LIFT!
m0nty: Milera has been found out I’m afraid
MONEY TALK: good parsons excellent tackling pressure
cusch1: Parsons actually has been pretty good tonight
Raspel31: Had Sloaney-magnifico-but tagged out of three of the past 5.
LuvIt74: Every game Greenwood has played he has had limited TOG wonder if theres something going on with him & coach its absurd
LMartos: Scooter being robbed completely at the moment
MONEY TALK: cmon parons now finish this
pcaman2003: Go Parsons you good thing.
casey22: noughts & crosses on the benh
LMartos: that moment when James Parsons is in your best 18 scorers and Laird isn’t
MONEY TALK: i have laird and parsons is out scoring him never thought id say that
circle52: $ for Parsons
JButcher: Even Parsons is outscoring you Duncan….
The Hawker: Parsons has cracked more then 45!
boo!: parsons wants a cape
runt: Parsons locking in the 3 votes
LMartos: why would Otten take that the selfish prick
Raspel31: Otten still on 100%- great game.
boo!: hahas raspel. if only he spent more TOG
King_Robbo: is it just me or is jelwood getting robbed? mark off opposition kick + kick, 2 sc ??
StuL: Otten. Second time I’ve seen him tonight
LMartos: does M0nty change my comments to make them more friendly or is it automatic?
m0nty: I wouldn’t be deathriding every single SC stat update Robbo, there are 80+ stats and updates from previous contests
CBeezDeez: Where?
m0nty: A +3 might be a +7 from the previous play but a -4 from a previous one that is being caught up
GOD: Mummys boy mummy will be proud even though you missed!
LuvIt74: Who’s ieda was it to hvae sohts ecah tmie pransons socres a piont on SC – I’m hmmared cnat stnd up anny logner.
MONEY TALK: that knock to laird has killed him
man0005: I love how you had the dedication to misspell every word LuvIt74 10/10
Raspel31: Well said Luvit.
cusch1: That gave me a headache Luvit
MONEY TALK: ahahah @LuvIT74
King_Robbo: @ m0nty – just asking if others think he’s being robbed in SC, that’s all – maybe with weighting his score will improve
LuvIt74: Gives cusch1 a panadol…
GJayBee: Good call Monty
runt: I can smell it Bruce! says BT. Duck just smirks as he knows what he is really smelling
banta: lift laird
Ash777: lol @ scott’s face
The Hawker: Greenwood spent like 5 minutes or less on ground during the 3rd quarter
Raspel31: Crows will need strong hips from here.
Texwalker: Bt is a terrible commentator.. i mute it when i can tell hes on a rant..
boo!: cmon otten, 4th qtr 5 goals incoming
circle52: Still can not comprehend the 50 points SC difference between Smith and Jacobs
MONEY TALK: luckily my opponent also has laird, he doesn’t have parsons shm
GOD: Trade Laird next week! useless
9inch: A lot depends on stage of game. Early on sc looks inflated then as more of 3300 points get used up things even out
faisca7: Smith has been awesome
Pokerface: who do you think has been at the bottom of all the game’s hitouts circle? it aint sloane
circle52: Otten traded before Laird
9inch: First week I can remember where my opp doesn’t have Laird.
circle52: Fair comment Poker
PLACEBOPIE: 50 more danger
StuL: Go parsons. Killing me Laird
GJayBee: Otten putting on cape at three quarter time. Going to go, HUGE
Gotigres: Laird will be back to his best after Adelaide have the bye
preki1: BT: ‘Here come the crows? WOweeee
StuL: What do you smell now Brian? Muppet.
Raspel31: And he gets over that knock Gotigres
mookie: Trade Laird, I think you should, great idea
LuvIt74: Ottens has been hiding in his Den.
foolysik: Menzel you junkyard dog
Pokerface: i’d trade him if i were you.
9inch: Stewart Danger lift
The39Steps: Amazing how a rule change has screwed one player – Blicavs just a shadow of his former glory.
CBeezDeez: Woteva he’s smellin I’m glad i didnt tread in it
LMartos: Scooter 3 points for 2 marks and 2 effective disposals, sweet
PLACEBOPIE: everyone trade all your guns it will give you cash 😀
MONEY TALK: goes toilet, comes back danger gets a shit ton of points
pcaman2003: Looks like Greenwood not coming back on.
aces-high: Lairds knock has played an impact tonight plus Adelaide have been putrid
Eaglesuk: Why is the AFL invested in getting Geelong wins.. Umpiring is flowering rigged
The Hawker: Scooter 85sc is a bit off isn’t? lol
cusch1: I was waiting for the umpiring conspiracy theorists to wake up. Put your tin foil hats on everyone!
GJayBee: I wish I traded Otten for Adams and not Hugh
Thedude24: Cats are always favoured by the umps at Simonds. No surprises here.
cusch1: When you are first to the ball, you win the free kick 90% of the time
runt: BT wisely hasn’t referred to his olfactory malfunction
mookie: scooter will ton up
9inch: Greenwoods on
Eaglesuk: Why isn’t Sloane getting them Cusch1? And Ducking has been outlawed you genius
Thedude24: Last week on Thursday pretty much sums up the umpiring in Geelong for Geelong
runt: Cats 19 frees Crows 21 have a few more sucks on the exhaust pipe Eaglesuk
LMartos: Scooter falling so far behind his DT
cusch1: Love the good old “My team lost, better blame the umps”
9inch: 80 Stewart
cusch1: Got to be a loser in every game
LuvIt74: I just went through the icons on here, theres a bench icon, may as well automatically select that for greenwood M0nty
aces-high: These are the nights that the talis over rance supporters go missing 😉 1 possie I know it’s not about possies but wowee
aces-high: Talia*
preki1: one more game, and i bid thee farewell otto
Pokerface: there are talia over rance supporters?
Thedude24: Cats deserve to win this. But they are definitely protected species down at Kardina. It’s ridiculous
cusch1: Hurley > Talia Aces
aces-high: Harry Taylor has given him a bath!
LMartos: this game back on maybe???
Eaglesuk: Garbage time kicks Runt – All went one way early on
aces-high: Being a tiger fan I hear it all the time
PLACEBOPIE: like dawson over bootsma supporters
aces-high: Rance Is in a league of his own! Agree cusch Hurley in second spot! Absolute gun
mookie: 60 from a rookie is all you should expect
banta: don’t understand the lack of tagging dangerfield these days
LuvIt74: if this games back on then I am seriously hammered
StuL: Protected by, 6 goals are we? Don’t think so.
LMartos: The fact that Scott Selwood hasn’t tonned up yet makes me want to puke
MONEY TALK: laird to kick the winning goal
banta: umpiring pretty biased
PLACEBOPIE: get 80 stewart
LuvIt74: Passes Martos the puking bag. Go ahead son, let it out.
StuL: Port were probably robbed. We’ve been all over the crows tho
Raspel31: Slightly disappointing Danger-who to captain now?
LMartos: @Luvit74 I take this game too seriously
GJayBee: it’s to hard to tag danger i think. you need someone that can do it. and that’s the same guy that can win it for ya
pcaman2003: Parsons back to chasing his own tail
LuvIt74: if greenwood had 80% TOG he would ton up every game at this rate
The Hawker: 10 tackles, 26 possies 73% De, 7 marks, 2ff. easily 120+
LuvIt74: lol Raspel, I dare you to captain someone else…lol
GJayBee: SS needs to be in more CD teams
runt: Julian Assange just released a secret memo from the AFL directing the umpires to favour the Cats at Kardinia Park
banta: this stupid deliberate rule has got to go. ruining the game
Number 8: More muppets = more overumpiring
cusch1: Some players are untaggable though. Not many. But Danger is one of them. I’d tag Jelwood personally
banta: junk tactics
MONEY TALK: motlop stole parsons mark b4
LMartos: such an elite hit up from Tex there, reminds me of myself running off half back
9inch: I liked Stewart’s game pitty he is not a bit more SC
LMartos: Greenwood very impressive again, 9 clearances is massive for a third gamer
runt: Cats arched their backs better than the Crows, the difference in the end
SilverLion: Laird still got to his 20 disposals, amazing.
MONEY TALK: good C on danger and good scores from my new recruits selwood bros and greenwood
GOD: S. Selwood not to good tonight
Raspel31: Wow-you got ant trades left Money?
King_Robbo: scooters sc score is about right. a lot of uncontested ball, marks and tackles which is less in sc than in DT
MONEY TALK: still got double digit trades raspel
pcaman2003: Otten highest score last week,lowest this week.
calboye: when ur lowest dt kicked 3 goals
