Yelse: do i get rid of Z jones?
Apachecats: Reckon he’ll come good @Yelse but last chance tonight.He’s going to drop a bit in value BE pretty high.
JockMcPie: Do we do the number swap? #67 for Burgoyne/Franklin
westy501: flick him he made his $$
PLACEBOPIE: Bevo ruined Cloke in 5 games 😀
Yelse: just so up and down damn. just never know what to get with him. not great def variety
PLACEBOPIE: he will score poorly now they keep newman in team
valkorum: I think Cloke was ruined before Bevo got to him
Apachecats: Don’t kno why theytook hm in in the first place @placebopie.
PLACEBOPIE: Yes but convince that to bulldog supporters 😛
Apachecats: *talking about Cloke.
frenzy: doggies searching for form, danger of missing the 8
PLACEBOPIE: I actually picked dogs this week but looking at team and I see an 18yo playing CHF I think there gone.
man0005: Can a Hawthorn supporter please explain to me how Gibson and Vickery keep getting picked?
LMartos: very excited to see Willsmore and Cousins tonight
JockMcPie: Tyrone Vickery somehow gets a game, Sydney win
m0nty: We’re going to get pumped. 15 goals plus I think.
PLACEBOPIE: Gibson cause he has credits & premierships.Vickery can never be explained ever
PLACEBOPIE: Don’t miss anyone tonight monty name names
LMartos: Vickery probably playing on experience over Mitch Lewis
LMartos: I’d take Schoey up forward over Vickery everyday
JockMcPie: Hodge is still a flog
runt: Buddy is going to go apeshit tonight
frenzy: Lloyd dead already
poolboybob: Great, start the week off with a 4 point game from Lloud
King_Robbo: Lloyd going to be cheap in a few weeks 🙂
boo!: buddy for 65sc
PLACEBOPIE: why rampe wearing 50? When white man ruled the earth 😛
imageof007: What happened to lloyd
JockMcPie: @Placebo 50 years since 1967
man0005: Jake Lloyd: Head got slung in a Mitchell tackle into the leg of Shiels in Q1 leaving him dazed
AngryRyno: Rampe wearing 50 as 50 years since 1967
circle52: @place players are weraing 67 and 50 for indigineous rds.
PLACEBOPIE: ok cheers is rampe indiginous?
imageof007: Not stretchered off? Did he stay on?
dipstick: is llyoyd done for the night?
Pokerface: @image he’s in the rooms
Pokerface: he did look pretty dazed
TheBoy89: wow fml i traded in Lloyd this week
frenzy: carried off by trainors
poolboybob: Grundy muppet
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Grundy gives away a downfield free at the Hawks hotspot with the ball in midfield, Gunston takes a charity goal.
runt: Buddy ready to go
imageof007: Supercoach season in tatters.
TyCarlisle: You don’t have to be indigenous to support the indigenous… Well done Rampe
PLACEBOPIE: who’s wearing 50 for hawks ? 😀
Hoot: Gee id be wild if i had sold Newman
TheBoy89: i swear if lloyd is injured… i bloody have traded every player in and they do shit like macrae and now lloyd just wow
poolboybob: Been waiting all year for a premo to get injured early, when it finally happens it’s a guy I already have 🙁
imageof007: Please update on Lloyd when anyone has news…
PLACEBOPIE: people would have jumped on ablett after his 200 and plays through byes now he injured
TheBoy89: cousins is looking good
PLACEBOPIE: @Monty they need 18 goals now to win by 15 😛
TheBoy89: good buddy now kick them
AngryRyno: get cracking hanners, hit targets
Yelse: wtf jones
TheBoy89: fuck the haters buddy
King_Robbo: Not looking likely for Lloyd, you don’t go down the races and recover after a knock like that
runt: Buddy paid his respects for the first 10 minutes to his old mate Roughy and now he is going to get down to business
Ladbrokes_: Anyone know why buddy is wearing no. 67?
frenzy: Gary Ruin
westy501: im not watching is lloyde out for the game?
pcaman2003: Newman off to a flyer.
King_Robbo: Lloyd gone for the night.
Torz: Apparently Lloyd with the jacket on. Ffs.
TheBoy89: the thing that annoys is that i traded in lloyd this week if i had traded him like 5 weeks ago i wouldn’t be annoyed as
PLACEBOPIE: @lanbrokes indiginous rd
TyCarlisle: In remembrance of the 1967 referendum
Pinkman: Lloyd sitting at the back of the box, jacket on. oh noooooo
brentz: nic newman is a beast!
imageof007: Need Mitchell Kennedy Newman to score 120+ to make up for Lloyd
Ringo4567: hes done
Raspel31: Disaster-Lloyd looks gooooorn.
cold pies: Anyone know titch be and current sc price? His a bloody pig
NiKsTa92: Woo woo get Lloyd on the cheap in a few weeks
poolboybob: Vickery should start every match with a potato
PLACEBOPIE: 566k dont know be
myteamsuks: Compounding lloyds out is that I have jones as well. Fmsc
The Hawker: Give me 55 disposals Titchell! Price:605k BE: 63.
PLACEBOPIE: Pies win last week is looking more respectable 🙂
dipstick: was lloyds handball any good? any chance his sc score could hit 10?
Heizenberg: Hi guys
Heizenberg: Match day anyone?
TheBoy89: he’s current sc is 605k and be 63
Gotigres: I prefer the crab poolboy
DrSeuss: FFS – Lloyd has been a jet and now everyone gets him cheap in 2-3 weeks…
Pokerface: no cold pies. don’t know where you’d find mitchell’s current price.
Torz: Need Titch to get 400 as captain to make up for Lloyd. No pressure mate.
Apachecats: I haven’t tipped Sydney right once this year.
runt: Mitchell cant be said to be not hurting the opposition tonight
The Hawker: As a hawks fan, yeah we playing real good but i dont know what will happen in 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter lol
poolboybob: Do something Heeney
LMartos: we’ve been so composed early on (besides Howe just then), hopefully we can keep it up, unlike last week
poolboybob: Burgoyne’s one effective disposal must have. Den amazing
Gotigres: Newman turning into a possible keeper.
Apachecats: Who was asking should they get rid of Jones earlier in this thread?YES.
PLACEBOPIE: smaller ground hawks lack of run later may not be exposed as much.
dipstick: donuts… gets ya donuts….peanuts… fresh donuts…
StuL: Need Newman to pick up some points Lloyd would have got. A 200 will do Newmy.
TheBoy89: why did i listen to shorty to getting lloyd should of got tuohy ffs
myteamsuks: Hodge will get reported tonight.
LMartos: Burgoyne 6 CP and only 4 disposals, very unusual, hardly ever see that
TyCarlisle: Should have got Harbrow @TheBoy
LMartos: Also Heeney an effective disposal would be nice
dipstick: glad i paid the extra 10K for roberton
Texwalker: Is reid playing back??
9inch: Cant even see Roughy out there.
TheBoy89: buddy!
pcaman2003: Pick up your DE Heeney.
Hoot: Weak free
Apachecats: Very happy with my Sandi fill in -Sinclair
mickelo: Need Titch to break SC record now Lloyds gone down.
Yelse: disgraceful Z jones. opponent has hardwick FFL
Gotigres: Nice observation LMartos
frenzy: strawberry donut for Sicily
PLACEBOPIE: @boy 89 who you considering next week just so i can avoid 😀
TheBoy89: pendlebury and yeo
9inch: Buddy 2 touches 2 goals for 32 sc… ok
PLACEBOPIE: ok pendles but stay away from yeo please 😛
TheBoy89: if yeo does good this week i won’t get him ill get tuohy but iff he does shit ill get him
Texwalker: Already asked this but i missed it, is sam reid back or forward?
King_Robbo: Buddy’s SC is a fucking joke. 17 points for a contested mark and goal then 15 points for a free for and goal. laughable
PLACEBOPIE: im still waiting for danger to get 30+ for the winner ripped
BaxterR: newman stalling
myteamsuks: 9inch you must be deluded buddy sc seems
myteamsuks: 9inch you must be deluded buddy sc seems spot on
man0005: 9inch you must be deluded buddy sc seems spot on
boo!: buddy you’re deluded, 9inch is spot on
tankin: so glad i ditched roughy this wk
Pokerface: if 9inch was spot on, buddy’s score would be lower.
myteamsuks: How, every player usually gets 12 to 15 points per goal.. one was contested mark which is more.
lukefield9: 9inch Buddy’s also had 2 CMs and 3CPs. fair score
DrSeuss: Newman, Heeney and Burton needed to make up for Lloyd – not looking good so far
myteamsuks: Lets just say boo! And 9inch don’t have buddy
9inch: Nah just inflated coz its early game and its Buddy. Watch his sc go down if he doesn’t touch it for rest of qtr.
Pokerface: no myteam, im sure they know better than CD what the scores should be.
JockMcPie: Franklin, Titch, Hanners, JPK, Newman – not bad
pcaman2003: C’mon Heeney.Touch the ball FFS.
lukefield9: haha pcaman2003 i think you mean get an effective touch – 20% eff
man0005: Hanners, Franklin, Breust, Shield, Mitchell – not bad
brentz: buddy looking lively
Roksta: Hey lads… wow go buddy
The Hawker: like i said haha, typical hawthorn 😀
StuL: Come on Newman. He was on 30 after about 10 seconds!
9inch: See I have JPK and his score is perfect.
Yelse: Good come back jonesss
Roksta: Jj horrible disposal
myteamsuks: Jones big qtr
LuvIt74: Evening all, whats the go with Burgoyne 9 contested?
pcaman2003: Have Franklin,Mitchell,Newman and Heeny. 2 good and 2 need to get going.
PLACEBOPIE: he’s sticking it to the white man 😛
LuvIt74: @pcaman exact same players here mate
TheBoy89: jones muppet
LMartos: Gibson is so slow
Apachecats: Newman great start and complete fizzer this 1/4
pcaman2003: @Luvit74. Great minds think alike 🙂
Pokerface: shocking quarter from lloyd
LMartos: Burgoyne should not be on 70
King_Robbo: JPK missed tackle…
pcaman2003: Better week from Titch.100% DE so far
TheBoy89: how much will lloyd lose
LuvIt74: @Apache kep bagging him mate, he might get more of it
Apachecats: I as thinking that too @PCA and Luvit
LuvIt74: Titch would have to be one of the best pick up’s this season.
Apachecats: My pep talks sometimes have that effect @Luvit
painkilla: to think the crows picked tom doedee instead of local boy Burton
Apachecats: Gave Jones a spray earlier and hes knocked up 40 points now
myteamsuks: How can vickers be stealing so much from hawthorn. Can’t even kick 50m
McSpud: Will trade Vickery in next week
LuvIt74: @Apache keep it up, im liking it
boo!: vickery having the game of his life
LMartos: Now I remember why Shiels is my favourite player
m0nty: 40 DT from Zones that quarter, onya lad
9inch: I’ll take that 40 Roughy.
pcaman2003: Got Heeney in 3 weeks ago. Very disappointed so far. Really thought he’d go much better.
PLACEBOPIE: don’t jinx the hawks monty
LuvIt74: @LMartos practically all of burgoyne’s possessions have been contested including 4 tackles & a goal.
StuL: Got one good week out of Heeney and then meh. But really, how many fwds are reliable this year?
Pokerface: what’s this DT you speak of m0nty?
LMartos: @Luvit74 I know but still seems a bit extreme, hasn’t played a half worthy of 82 imo, maybe 60
9inch: Id wack 50 on Swans to win from here.
frenzy: Burton is a gun, but SC rippin him
9inch: There’s that missing tackle just added on whoever was saying.
pcaman2003: @frenzy. Burton reminds me of a young Rance.
King_Robbo: yep, good work CD, well, they haven’t updated SC score yet
Gebs: @9inch. you’d lose your money i fear without Lloyd there is a massive lack of run
jxxxxk: Can someone explain Burgoynes score?
jxxxxk: Only 10 disposals and a goal with 7 of them being handballs?
9inch: Gebs just need more from your midfield to feed Buddy. Unfortunately I feel another 5 from him.
banners87: Well, my DT is already stuffed with Lloyd going down 🙁
Pokerface: check out his one percenters.
jxxxxk: Yet Bruest doing the same shit with 3 goals and only on 52
Hoot: good kick buddy
circle52: Burgoyne has 9 contested possessions to Breustrs 1
H A MM E R: Gez this is a crap game to watch. Kick it Ling for goodness sakes!
circle52: 5 tackles to 2 as well
The Hawker: there goes the 100% DE
TheBoy89: jones from zero to hero
Yelse: jonnneeessssss
Pokerface: bruest has a contested possession? must be an error.
DrSeuss: Of course I have Lloyd and all opponents have Zak Jones
Yelse: why didn’t jones get 15 for that goal
pcaman2003: Heeney may as well go home.SPUD!
TheBoy89: i swaer if he misses
tankin: no contested mark
Snarfy: Jones has taken Lloyd’s role – and getting the rewards 🙂
King_Robbo: get in the game Heeney you blonde spud
The Hawker: Yelse, because he didnt take a mark.
bongidongi: i really love having zak jones, buddy and jpk 🙂
StuL: Come on Heeney. Don’t make me punch your throat!
myteamsuks: Wow +16 sc for franklin goal some might say that is wrong
J_Herer: Lloyd will be a nice cheap D8 in a few weeks, lovely
PLACEBOPIE: hawks in it till final siren now
King_Robbo: mitchell – clanger kick = 3 sc pts
LuvIt74: Heeney hasn’t done squat since quarter time what a waste of a trade he was 4 weeks ago
TheBoy89: cousins looks like a decnet rookie
LMartos: Heeney playing a yucky position tonight, too far off the contest
Snarfy: Anyone here got both Lloyd and Reid???
pcaman2003: @LMartos.You mean he’s actually on the ground? Amazing!
StuL: J_Herer. You unbelievers don’t deserve him.
duckky: Heeney is making me regret not taking Parsons’ score for him last night..
DrSeuss: Heeney and Burton have scored as much as Lloyd this quarter – FFS
TheBoy89: buddy again?
LuvIt74: Buddy licious
Raspel31: Many of us Lloyd-groan-not Reid thankfully.
StuL: Snarfy. Nah, just Lloyd, Heeney AND Newman.
H A MM E R: Hodge is a weed. Get into him Buddy!
m0nty: what a handball by Burgoyne then to Isaac!
PLACEBOPIE: Reid to pies next year for pick 88 😛
StuL: duckky. That’s a bit too harsh. I could out score Parsons from my place.
LMartos: Burton makes me moist
King_Robbo: Hanners gone too. Wowee
myteamsuks: Parker took out Hanneber
H A MM E R: Eww
leorosman_: Hannebery gonna come back on or not?
TheBoy89: buddy playing on ball?
H A MM E R: Swans left with 1 on the bench. What a mess!
myteamsuks: Split head. Seemed to come off ground ok and on his own
LMartos: How was Heeney’s kick i50 before counted as ineffective, those are usually seen as effective
LuvIt74: Will have to wait for Lloyd’s lovely score to factor in and will bring him in around Round 13
Snarfy: Hey StuL, Lloyd might get some points from the back of the ambulance!
Snarfy: Shove over Lloyd and make some room for Hanners.
H A MM E R: Out on the full that was! Swans are being robbed
myteamsuks: Roughead needs the crab
MONEY TALK: very happy with buddy so far, titch the usual just need a bit more from newman
circle52: Hanners back on
LMartos: Hannebery will definitely be affected by memory loss after his career finishes
struggler: geez hanners
LuvIt74: @money sounds like most of us have the same players, except I have Oldman Newman also
Pokerface: alcohol does that LMartos
Manowar: Heeney shit pick!
man0005: Captained Burgoyne for Indigenous round, what a treat
H A MM E R: Swans to kick two quick ones
Pokerface: other bands play. Manowar kills.
pcaman2003: @Manowar. I hear ya!
The39Steps: Has Buddy ever taken an overhead mark?
TheBoy89: buddy’s got five!
tankin: buddy!!
raffa: Budddy
PLACEBOPIE: buddy looks like he’s wearing number 6 jumper and ironed on the 7 on the side 😛
myteamsuks: Hawks bad 3rd qtrs
9inch: Hanners was definitely not right after the clash. Staggering around like a drunk.
H A MM E R: Right on the money I was😁
LuvIt74: great game by Burgoyne, he’s playing like he did a decade ago
The Hawker: am not surprised.
myteamsuks: Jones!!
Pokerface: lol 9inch
PLACEBOPIE: sydney have 2 players down it’s anyones
TheBoy89: my mate who traded outdanger for gray also traded out buddy for henney
tankin: ur mate is a spud
myteamsuks: Seriously crab for roughead
H A MM E R: Was gonna say the same thing🤣
Pokerface: @placebo good point. sydney 2 players down, hawks have vickery and gibson
preki1: am i going out on a limb when i say that buddy’s been quite a bit better than burgoyne
LuvIt74: Heeney & Newman doing crap, predominantly Heeney, get over your kissing disease before coming back ya toad.
PLACEBOPIE: so even 😀
TheBoy89: my projected is 2470 but lloyd has fucked it big time
banta: mitchell is a freak. every week. why aren’t teams tagging him??
TheBoy89: im on 254 with stewart and danger vc
TyCarlisle: what’s your team name @TheBoy?
LuvIt74: Theboy yeah and my projection is 6000 lol
H A MM E R: I agree Preki1, I’d give more points to the 4 goals over 4 possessions at 78% to 75%
TheBoy89: my team name is TheTransGender
H A MM E R: Sorry 6
LuvIt74: 5 goals not 4 by buddy
The Hawker: what are we ranking on sc?
man0005: my team name is Tyrannosaurus Tex
H A MM E R: Dude, Burgoyne has 1 so it’s 4 extra
BaxterR: 69000 fuck yeah!
TheBoy89: btw my projection says 2435 cause i have captain on sandi
tankin: smith is dominating this qtr
TyCarlisle: You are ranked 145,659. lol
StuL: My projections 3600 but with Lloyd out it’s now only 2000
circle52: @ Preki – Burgoyne has 5 tackles to Buddys 0
tankin: smith just scored 40pts in 4 minutes
pcaman2003: You’re in the bottom 50% of SC players too
TheBoy89: yeh ik i only started this year and started in rd 3
H A MM E R: Valid point c52
pcaman2003: How did Buddy drop from 100 to 94 suddenly?
H A MM E R: Swans will win this
TheBoy89: but don’t worry next year ill be a very strong contender. since rd 3 i havent went under 2200
tankin: starting in rd3 is cheating
Pokerface: @pcaman scores rescaling due to clutch game
TyCarlisle: Doesn’t count then lol. Start again next year 🙂
myteamsuks: Missed that. What was the projection?
TyCarlisle: Starting rd3 and looking at the best team to copy lol. Doesn’t count.
H A MM E R: Haha dude anyone could do that starting at round three 🤣 Start from the beginning and your team will suck
J_Herer: lol
J_Herer: Heeney on fire with cheapness
PLACEBOPIE: heeney 100+
myteamsuks: Heeney will be 100 in a sec
The39Steps: Pretty pathetic by Hawks.
LMartos: such mixed emotions watching Heeney kicking snags
Yelse: heeneyyyyyy to win this game and to bonus points
TheBoy89: heeney lifted incredibly
Manowar: Heeney good pick!
TheBoy89: im coming 63 on dt
LuvIt74: carn heeney let those kissing cooties kick in son
pcaman2003: Agreed@ LMartos.
PLACEBOPIE: in his rookie year 😀
J_Herer: vulture?
StuL: Heeney’s a gun. Never doubted him.
MONEY TALK: lol where r a couple of those heeney haters
LuvIt74: @Theboy is your overall rank 145,000?
The39Steps: Hawks cant hold tackles. Not exploiting the Swans lack of run/bench changes. Poor choice on Franklin.
TheBoy89: yeh but im new to sc but im pro at afl fantsay
J_Herer: lol just joshing, but give him that bird lol
TheBoy89: josh gibson is just trash
kangawalla: BS decision against Towers there
LMartos: that would’ve been such a mint goal there wow wee
DrSeuss: Burton, Newman – doing something would be fantastic
LuvIt74: lmao@TheBoy
LMartos: Heeney trying to lose all the points he gained
CamT: Thinking the same thing DrSeuss
H A MM E R: But Gibson disnt have the luxury of starting at the 3rd quarter
TheBoy89: sorry im coming 61 and my name is Catch22
JockMcPie: Spud for Vickery because he’s Vickery
TyCarlisle: Catch22 and TheTransGender, weird how its two very different names
DragonLass: Newman is a rookie he’s not going to get you 150 every week…
TheBoy89: i thought i would never do sc
feralmong: The boy is FOS. I average under 2100 and rank 34k ish. Over 2200 my arse u are.
tankin: cape smith
J_Herer: Newman has been awesome, straight swap for Lloyd in a few weeks
MONEY TALK: a 70 from newman would be perfect good money and score
Yelse: you watch newman will get dropped next week
H A MM E R: I smell something…
frenzy: get a kick Burton
PLACEBOPIE: apex will take his spot
LMartos: we need a goal ASAP the Burgoyne will go Burgoyne mode
PLACEBOPIE: anyones 😀
LMartos: or he’ll do it before that
MONEY TALK: surely heemey doesn’t end up outscoring buddy
m0nty: someone get Horse a lozenge
MONEY TALK: im liking cousins score
runt: Get him a chaise longue, even better
dipstick: @m0nty is he a little hoarse?
Ash777: come on draw
dipstick: * lol ho alps? I said hoar se
LuvIt74: @TheBoy did u trade out Sandilands? or do u have coer for him?
LuvIt74: carn roughy
MONEY TALK: in b4 winning goal and plus 30
dipstick: roughy gives m0nts full bone
myteamsuks: Mills muppet
LuvIt74: well done roughy great game
StuL: Worst kick ever mills.
LMartos: clutch
cold pies: Roughead!!! Good shizle!
Brian: Oh boy wowee, Jarryd Roughead with the captain’s goal!
9inch: Roughy!
J_Herer: lol was that Mills clanger again to hand them the win?
Bruce: Special goal from Jarryd Roughead there, wasn’t it.
J.Worrall: a liyyle horse is a pony
H A MM E R: Hawks have stolen it!
MrGmax: Mills stuffed it hard.
dipstick: next goal wins bruthe
frenzy: good win hawkers
PLACEBOPIE: all the gay hawks fans appear 😀
JockMcPie: Roughy was on 70 SC before the mark and goal
9inch: Wheres the Rogh love CD
Beast_Mode: swannies ran out of juice.
willywalks: shiels star, titch gun, jpk cherries
preki1: mills muppet of the year
frenzy: Burto 5 possies for -! SC that qtr
MONEY TALK: i guess those 2 off ended up killing swans
jimmyboy: Hawks play boring footy – swannies 2 down, all credit to them
Beast_Mode: mitchell did fuck all that 1/4
J_Herer: Mills gives them the win, Swans did well 2 men down
LuvIt74: Happy with Franklin, Titch, Heeney & Newmans scores after all that. Looked like Newman & Heeney were gonna have shockers
jaxx: shauny b, what a superstar
Pokerface: did mitchell score in the second half?
