dipstick: hardwicks done. now Buckleys turn to stare out the window like a simple idiot with his mouth open and not blinking
JockMcPie: Surely, surely we win this. Surely!!
Apachecats: Jock ,sorry but I’ve gone for Collingwood.
westy501: lol too true dipstick
zadolinnyj: Lol Dip
colin wood: Come on boys do it for Lou!
cusch1: Sometimes I wonder why I am having a bad year in SC. Then I realised I have three Collingwood players
9inch: Great. SC site down couldn’t make my trades. Im stuffed
tankin: cmon captain titch
CamT: Put Adams in this week. In theory that’s a safe move.
cusch1: That was a shocking decision
StuL: Pies will lose. Hawks and Swans can’t be done yet.
Breezey: Shower house decision that was
JRedden: did ryan burton just have 3 marks in 30 seconds?
CBeezDeez: Greenwood not tagging Titch?
tankin: no tag on titch so far
brentz: @CBeezDeez Titch isnt really a damaging ball user, not enough value in a tag imo
stoo: Titch and WHE, oh yeah
TyCarlisle: Maynard just say sorry really politely to puopolo’s ear
feralmong: I put the c on titch. Hope it continues .
faisca7: Just give titch the magnet already
Chelskiman: I’ve had Titch from the start and haven’t captained him once. Probably should.
Apachecats: I got the VC on him feral ,soon to be promoted.
pcaman2003: Getting lots of pop up adds on here.Anyone else?
CBeezDeez: Thnx folks. Just know I’d prefer it in my hands 30+ times rather than my opponents…
Breezey: Is it possibly we are tanking. Seriously can’t be this ordinary
Breezey: Possible
Kenny27: pathetic
Apachecats: Good to see you’re still with us @Chelks
runt: Hawks always beat Collingwood so no surprises here so far
zadolinnyj: Lol breezy
feralmong: I can understand the frustration breezy.
Apachecats: Anyone see what Buckleys doing in the box?
Ash777: even joffa has had enough
tankin: pies have great midfield, but rubbish fwd n back
poolboybob: Vickery blue moon 😛
JockMcPie: Go for draft picks boys so our new coach has something to work with
Kenny27: how could we be tanking? we dont even have our 1st round pick next year
StuL: Don’t worry Chelskiman. Tomorrow night. Chelsea 8 Sunderland 0.
Apachecats: Foetal position?
Chelskiman: Barely, Apachecats, barely.
zadolinnyj: Calling mick for advice apachecats
Breezey: Bucks might be in a different box by seasons end. Jeez
pcaman2003: C’mon Hawks.Keep scoring!
DrSeuss: Chose Neale over Danger, Hanners and Mitchell – why oh why….
Apachecats: Its getting worse.
zadolinnyj: He is in the hawks box being interviewed for water boy job next year
poolboybob: Bucks may be sacked before this match ends hahaha
Chelskiman: Haha, that would be good, Stu.
m0nty: ah it’s good to play Collingwood
Apachecats: Lots worse
Breezey: The only good thing about this is I have Shiels
feralmong: Uh oh the look in the box is not positive.
JockMcPie: I turned off the tv, can’t watch this shit
casey22: Just tuned in, heads have to roll.
CamT: If Neale has a day out you’re on target for a pretty decent score, Dr Seuss
duckky: Dang – I knew I should have C’d Mitchell instead of Danger …
faisca7: Cape him up
JockMcPie: I don’t understand how we think we can win without a key forward on our list
CamT: Who’s tagging Mitchell ?
tankin: titch having a field day!
Ben_Gogos: Truer words have never been spoken m0nty
heppelitis: its all Tom Phillips fault
Kenny27: the amount of goalless qtrs we have had under Bucks is fkn embrassing
Breezey: My wife’s looking at me wondering why I’m booing in the lounge room. Fair dinkum woeful
stoo: Bye bye Bucks
Fletch91: Please keep this up Mitchell. I VC’d Bont instead of Danger, so I have C on you!
Snarfy: My daughter just asked me who I was going for and I couldn’t think who I wanted to lose more!
CBeezDeez: Silly question. What is the record number of possies in a qtr?
StuL: And we lost to Collingwood and beat Hawthorn? What the actual flower?
poolboybob: Joffa looks like he’s enjoying the game
Apachecats: @Jock ,I reckon Doggies would let you have Cloke back.
JButcher: Week of the Cape?
Chelskiman: Treloar getting tagged, or just a little rusty?
Roksta: Wow treloar 3 possession q
JockMcPie: This game I have Pendlebury, Adams and Titch – looks like I’m barracking for players instead
SilverLion: Was gunna make Titch captain too…ffs…
DrSeuss: @CamT – I don’t have them all- that was my choice for trading in this week – I wish I had them all 😢
JockMcPie: @Apache Cloke doesn’t count as a key forward considering he can’t use it in the 50
Roksta: Tipping this year is impossible
casey22: Bucks is responsible for the game plan, which is clearly cr&p
Apachecats: He’s good at giving 50’s though @Jock
Breezey: Hello what’s that going through the middle of the posts.
StuL: If you haven’t ditched Treloar apparently you probably should have.
JockMcPie: Ayy we finally got one…
shaker: 17 possies and the penny finally dropped for Bucks
poolboybob: Aish is a spud
Breezey: Trade Aish back to Brisbane. Terrible
runt: Aish would be welcome at Brisbane. The kitchens need someone to peel the spuds for the chips
CBeezDeez: If Gwood isn’t tagging Y else would U play him?
JockMcPie: Any danger of deGoey, Elliot, Fasolo, Goldy, Blair getting involved?
Breezey: @Runt. So your going to trade us a potato peeler
DrSeuss: Treloar – Burton – Maybe do something??
CamT: Burton put the cue in the rack 5 minutes into the first quarter.
Kenny27: yeah the spud peeler’s name is Daniel Merrett
Breezey: Lingy to coach Collingwood. Got some idea
poolboybob: Treloar run and get in space you bum
JockMcPie: Dunno how Sicily doesn’t get a regular game, he’s a great asset
runt: Buckley has a job for life in the kitchens if he wants. But knowing he will only stay a year and miss out on great chips
Kenny27: Roos will be our coach next year 1.5mil a yr
AT_123: Lift Titch!
Breezey: There ya go Poolboy
dipstick: treloar is cut coz bucks loves tails more this year.
Apachecats: Just did my loophole.
hinsch: Don’t right Collingwood of just yet Buckley will get them going in the second half
cusch1: Grundy hit a target jfc
Beast_Mode: hopefully they change the rules, so loopholes cant be done.
CBeezDeez: Titch dont want Danger into the pig club by the looks of it
hinsch: Mitchell 200+ here
poolboybob: Jarryd Blair potato
boo!: danger was same as titch at 1/2 time…titch for 150sc
DrSeuss: Burton you useless POS
SilverLion: WHy oh why did I not make T.Mitch captain ;-;
dipstick: dangers not a pig. only rocky zerret and Fitch are pigs 🐷
The39Steps: @ beast… weve banned loopholes in our league. Unfair on shiftworkers, people with limied connection etc.
runt: no comment
Kahunas: that sultana bran ad at the bottom of the page i think i might get some to help me with the tigers giving me the sh1ts
runt: light wind forecast at the MCG. Shouldn’t that be light swirls?
The39Steps: Question. Why do both games start at the same time? Why not 30mins apart so you skip h.time crap?
9inch: If Grundy can pick up his DE he would be going great guns. CD don’t like him regardless.
zadolinnyj: Great ? The39Steps
chris7399: 7:25pm is a bit late for a Sat night game. In WA twilight games are at 530 so not too late for the East and its ideal
9inch: I reckon total lockout for SC after first game.
The39Steps: So lets do one at 6.55 and another at 7.25. Wall to wall action.
The39Steps: Agreed. @9inch.
JockMcPie: I think that SC should add DPP mid-year like dream team
frenzy: need to lift Burt
CBeezDeez: I think if loopholing the scoring emergency becomes captain
willywalks: can titch get a gun to go with that cape Ben?
dipstick: Mitchell 26 touches for total 112 metres gained in first half. not bad sc score
TheBoy89: I have Mitch as c
JRedden: mitchell on track for the record
Pokerface: loopholing is fun, and now considered a standard part of the game. HS encourage it.
Pokerface: it takes all of 2 minutes, you have a big window to do it and it attracts page hits.
dipstick: 80% of sc teams don’t log in after the byes. plenty of phantom teams
THESKUNK: titch will end up with similiar score to dangers
thornz23: The page hits are a great point poker. They won’t be changing it anytime soon
pcaman2003: Hawks trying to do a Richmond. Lose the unlosable!
pcaman2003: Pies getting way too much space for my liking.
boo!: like the way pies are getting space
banta: ead brisbane, that’s what you get for tagging
StuL: Go Pendles/Adams. Don’t care otherwise.
dipstick: titchnwont get to 150 without goals
thornz23: Ripper game now
TheBoy89: go titch 40 by the end f 3qtr
TheBoy89: go treloar good quarter mate
TheBoy89: come on mitchell
TheBoy89: so far this week has been fantastic for sc
JockMcPie: Collingwood why do you do this to me
JockMcPie: Even????? And then we’ll Richmond it
Chelskiman: Seems you need to be 10 goals up this year just to feel slightly safe.
runt: Hawks currently playing Buckley into a bit of form. Nasty playing with the Pies like this
Fletch91: Titch 11 Disposals 17SC Points, just wow
heppelitis: no jock….hawks cooked
pcaman2003: Weak as water Hawks.
SilverLion: CD get yo act together…
boo!: game on, may the best team win……collimgwood
SilverLion: Titch had anoth 122 disposal, why doesn’t his SC score reflect that?
J_Herer: Adam T and T Adam going off
TheBoy89: all my mids this week have went 125+
TheOnyas: onya howey
SilverLion: another 12 disposals***
colin wood: Treloar should be more come on CD. He killed it that Q
Pokerface: nice work J_Herer
dipstick: @fletch titch 38 touches and only 113 metres gained
Manowar: Buckley just got a contract extension!
dipstick: titch 12 touches for 1 metre gain in the 3rd
TheBoy89: 10 more mitch
DrSeuss: Don’t stop now Burton
runt: 1 meter gained? Not alot.
boo!: 25sc more titch
cusch1: Surely Grundy is getting robbed here SC wise?
TheBoy89: 8 more titch
runt: The battle of the big name coaches. Jesus..who will win!!??
runt: Clarkson or puckles…Puckley…Bucknor?
DrSeuss: Burton only plays 1st & 3rd quarters?
man0005: Better make fun of other coaches while my team is getting hammered, ey Runt?
JockMcPie: Geez Josh Gibson needs to be dropped surely, so out of it
cusch1: I want Pies to win because lolHawthorn. I want Hawks to win because #Buckleyout
runt: Are you serious? I don’t need any encouragement to rankle the Pies supporters
cusch1: And his team gets smashed every week…when else can he talk smack
runt: Answer me this. Can Buckley coach or not?
pcaman2003: Gibbo needs to go.
heppelitis: dont matter either way cusch, tigers done the unthinkable 2 weeks in a row lol
cusch1: No
JockMcPie: Pendles = class
pcaman2003: Gibbo can take that useless Vickery with him.
thornz23: Fuck I wish pendles played for the blues
cusch1: Wait
BeastMode: pendles you STAR
cusch1: Hawthorn has a former Richmond player on their list don’t they?
thornz23: No jock, pendles>class he is fucking awesome
the worm: i wish anyone played for the blues
cusch1: Vickery bringing the #Richmondy over
TheBoy89: 6 more mitch and go pendles and treloar
CBeezDeez: & a Hardwick too Cusch
JockMcPie: good call @thornz
Pokerface: bit generous giving gibbo the cog. i haven’t seen him defend anything
cusch1: Coincidence? I think not CBDs
runt: Ok, I’ve seen enough. Buckley can coach. I will never disrespect him again. to be 6 goals goals down and win takes alot
JockMcPie: Gibbo for roadcone?
tankin: looks like ump is a pie fan. that was the clearest 50 i have ever seen
AngryRyno: ying yang ads treloar
TheBoy89: 3 more mitch
THESKUNK: pendles the ultimate professional
tankin: and wtf was that play on call on gunston??
dipstick: for a coach that makes no changes and has zero game plan bucks is a genius
JockMcPie: Umps owe Collingwood one after last week’s howlers
cusch1: Imagine having Titch Pendles, Dangerwood, Beams and Sloane
heppelitis: good last 3 qtrs phillips
cusch1: Hodgey should have jumped ship with Smitch and Lewis
LuvIt74: Vickery the best thing the Hawks done…lol
Kenny27: Hodhey you sniper, go to the sidelines with your mate Campbell Brown
penguins00: Hodge won’t even get a fine for that
Pokerface: Hodgey this is embarrassing. from a hawks fan.
LuvIt74: I got Titch, danger (C), Pendles, Sloane just no beams
the worm: hodgey knows thugs walk straight into commentary jobs when theyre done with footy
feralmong: Gee Adams what a coward.
NoneyaB: My mids are gonna win it for me this wek I have titch Zorko danger sloaNE pendles Barrett Z merret as Capt and well powe
cusch1: Adams sniped him first Kenny
TheBoy89: 1 nire?
cusch1: I hate you luvit
m0nty: good on ya Hawks, taking one for the team by ensuring Bux doesn’t get sacked, top work
cusch1: Thats 50 up for Titch
dipstick: 50 touches
carlton_99: Mitchel hits 50 with 5secs left
sfmmp23: Good onya hodgey
BeastMode: adams was facing him front on, not a snipe
TheBoy89: Mitchell got 50, treloar is back, pendles just delicious, adams as usual and grundy better
Fletch91: Thankyou Captain Titch!
brentz: Captains game from pendles, inspirational.
Costanza: 50 at 90% -fair night
carlton_99: Still says 49??
zadolinnyj: Amazing how a player gets 50 yet team loses. Would not happen much. Possessions need to mean something
SilverLion: And there officially goes my PoD in Mitchell hah
SilverLion: No Atlas for Titch?
Fletch91: They better give Titch his 50th Disposal on the stats!
CBeezDeez: No pressure on Zerrett. He’s C with Titch VC for me!! In AF…
Breezey: Maybe we were just too good Monty
Pokerface: he was no pod SL
carlton_99: Felt so crap for not putting Danger VC but C Tmitch ty
THESKUNK: great season 2017
Chelskiman: Mitchell was a PoD? If you don’t have Mitchell by now then hit the delete button.
SilverLion: 13% ownership going into this round, has been slowly climbing in ownership all year. He certainly was a pod 😛
JockMcPie: Had Titch as C, looped Danger VC. Meh, not like I wasn’t gonna take 150
Fletch91: Did the same @carlton_99 feelsgoodman
TyCarlisle: LOL what. I don’t have mitchell and i’m doing pretty well.
