Pokerface: white jumper for Sheed
rebird: Late replacement for giles
pcaman2003: Eagles will flog us by 60+
SilverLion: Need a big game from my man Titch
CBeezDeez: Same here Silver. Put the C on him in DT as a POD
ballbag: ohh roughy.. i knew i shoulda got rid of you in SC aswell!!!!
M0rgs: Glad I traded in Yeo this week
JockMcPie: Nice to see Titch without a clanger…yet
circle52: @ballbag was going to this week but with lack of downgrade options held. Ooch!
DrSeuss: Burton? Hello?
JButcher: Im in the same boat @circle52
man0005: Im in the same boat @circle52
SilverLion: I chose Steele over Rough from the get go 😀
fonzie: someone give vardy a boot up the ass
arbel: wow go umps, think hawks need a wI
Bruce: Special play by Cyril Rioli!
man0005: Delicious!
circle52: Hope Roughy can lift and get close to his B/e 76 so he does not lose to much cash.
man0005: You feel like that’s important, don’t you?
heppelitis: gee can you drop your capt to the reserves?
Gotigres: Oh Roughie. I think you’ll be joining DSwallow this week:out of my team
9inch: Was going to do Roughy to Yeo. But oh no save trades I said fml
pcaman2003: @9inch…
Pokerface: #50mWestCoast
DragonLass: same here I thought I’d give roughy 1 more week as he should hit his BE of 76 but that seems unlikely from here
SilverLion: Give titch the magnet already wowee
ballbag: is roughy their captain? ouch. lol not good
Pokerface: did i just hear cyril go twang?
man0005: No that was Smith
poolboybob: Ump should have gone to specsavers
Gotigres: Yes Roughy
Pokerface: was an easy mistake to make. they look so similar.
DrSeuss: Let’s go Burton
Apachecats: Yo Yo going up and down on the one spot.
the worm: please dont say wowee…i come here to avoid BT
runners47: Should’ve traded out Roughy this week before his price plummets further
Tommo2909: Gotta lift Kennedy. Put the C on you. Need a big second half. It would help if you could kick straight
runners47: Get a move on, Gaff
Yelse: where was yeo playing that half?
Ladbrokes_: please roughy, big second half
Yelse: roughy for Yeo not a massive victory for me just yet
sfmmp23: Come on west coast don’t ruin it for us. Hawks have got to stay on the bottom.
Chelskiman: Need Mitchell to smash it and Kennedy and Burton to stay low.
BeastMode: wowee
heppelitis: boy oh boy
LuvIt74: What r u guys scoring on SC & how many played? I’m on around 1660 after 16 played just got Tmitch in this.
CBeezDeez: Cmon Titch! Hit the freakin scoreboard will ya!
mickelo: Come on Titch get a kick will you
LuvIt74: Sorry 15 played
heppelitis: 1400, 9 to go, capt played
LuvIt74: Only got Titch in this game so hoping to score 1750+ after 16 played
the worm: 1700 w/6 to go….one of them is roughy :/
LuvIt74: So im doing better then i first expected
circle52: 1548/15 – Only Roughy this game and C on Pendles
pcaman2003: Hawks vastly better without Vickery
carlton_99: Where is Yeo.
LuvIt74: Those with Roughy time to upgrade as he may struggle to reach his B/E
Yelse: is yeo playing forward again
CBeezDeez: Roughie getting some poor delivery into the fwd50 in his defence…
Apachecats: Yeo 33 SC at 1/4 time.hardly sighted since then.
circle52: Was planned for this week Luvit – But with no downgrade options to selections did no trades.
poido123: what the hell is that circle thingy next to yeo?
circle52: If he gets to 50 will be happy as only a small drop in price,
heppelitis: get up sicily…throw up..go kick 6 or so you wanna be brereton
LuvIt74: Same here Circle no trades this week, was going to bring in Ballick but once he was dropped that went out the window
cusch1: roughy should definitely hit his BE from here…is only 5 points away
DrSeuss: Not watching the game – is Burton anywhere near it?
LuvIt74: I dont play DT
sfmmp23: West coast are flat track Bullies, they are shit at the G
Lawls: can’t believe i got sucked into tipping the eagles
Apachecats: Poido its water vapour about to become icicle.
pcaman2003: Go Titch…..stay clanger free please.
Jukes82: who was the muppet that said in the first quarter “glad i traded yeo in this week” lol
LuvIt74: @cusch1 Roughy’s breakeven is 74 on SC
The39Steps: O’Brien will keep Vickery out a bit longer….probably the season.
HawkAussie: Yeo where are you. You seem to be missing.
Jukes82: the breakevens anre wrong, he’s they’re from last week
pcaman2003: @The39Steps…hope so!
heppelitis: as someone correctly said b4…yo yos go up and down by definition
sfmmp23: Yo yo sucked everyone in, just like Matera
coldog: I’m going roughy to Greene this week
StuL: I knew yeo would suck today but not this bad.
LuvIt74: Current score on 1742 Titch my 16th player
Jukes82: *the breakevens are wrong, they’re from last week
Sloan4Pres: is sicilt back on?
poido123: no one cares luvit. score
poolboybob: Umpires seem incapable of calling HTB on Hawthorn
mickelo: Hoping for 200+from Titch and Rough. Need Titch to go HUGE!!
Gotigres: Hawks looking a lot better without Vickery. Hahaha.
LuvIt74: @poido123 jealous are we mate…lol
arbel: about 5 holding the ball on hawks last 5 mins
poido123: Luvit theres a very good chance i sit higher than you SC
heppelitis: Gotigers up and about haha
circle52: you forget #freekickhawthorn
Jukesy: West Coast supporter complaining about umpiring, oh the irony
Gotigres: @heppelitis. Come to think about it, Richmond is a better team without Vickery as well!
LuvIt74: @poido123 highly doubt it. If your predicted to score over 2481 then you’ll beat me otherwise no
ballbag: @luvit who cares? I’m on 1566 with 13 played.
feralmong: umpires ramming the point home to WCE.
zadolinnyj: great score coming luvit
JButcher: I want West Coast to win but I really want Roughead to start scoring
Apachecats: Monty new symbol needed -the yo yo
LuvIt74: Titch nice to see a lovely score
MarksMen: cmon roughy get into it…shit
Ladbrokes_: love ya big boy pridds
sfmmp23: West coast can’t win anywhere, unless they are at home with bias umpiring
poido123: cant believe there are still so many with roughy
heppelitis: yeah…lol
Sloan4Pres: wake up sicily
Gotigres: Pumpkin for Yeo
feralmong: doesn’t matter how high your scores are. It won’t make mine any better. lol.
heppelitis: sabotage those hawks…i like it
LuvIt74: lol feral
poido123: stay down yeo, kennedy gaff shuey SC
The39Steps: West Coast $13. Whose brave?
poido123: feral stop talking yourself up. big head
LuvIt74: @poido if ya started with Roughy then why would u get rid of him prior to round 4 or 5 makes no sense
feralmong: i held my trades nicely. then did 2 stupid ones this week. murph and matera.
feralmong: over 10 years of this game i should know better by now.
Apachecats: If they get a quick first goal it could be on 39s
poido123: feral. i can understand murphy, but matera? yuck
heppelitis: feral…murph not stupid…betting he will be super consistant,,this week a minor blip on the radar
LuvIt74: ouch murphy now was a ballsy move m8
feralmong: pfff talking up. i’m going backwards. shrivelling into nothingness.
poido123: luvit, by actually watching him play. he looks terrible
JockMcPie: hahaha yes, stay low Yeo
All Reds: yeo would be better at brisbane i reckon
Tommo2909: Come on Kennedy. Get a touch
man0005: Pumpkin for feralmong
IKnowALL: Agree Luvit considering his price an he still have an okay AVG, you won’t get much better at the moment.
Tommo2909: A goal would be better
The39Steps: Thats the game. Glad i saved my money.
Apachecats: Hawks got the quick first goal ,fat lady doing breathing exercises.
LuvIt74: @poido so what he still was generating cash up until last week & maybe this week
wadaramus: Keep going T.Mitch, 125 please.
ballbag: damn roughy is like a slo mo train wreck. ain’t pretty
circle52: We got rid of him do not want him back.
feralmong: dusty could cost me tomorrow. he’s either not right or doesn’t play.
JButcher: Please kick this now roughy
wadaramus: Here comes the ruffnut.
DragonLass: can roughy get 500 SC points for his 500th goal?
poido123: Feral, I have horlin smith on the bench, i want martin a late out
wadaramus: Carn Burton, get to 85 man.
heppelitis: congrats roughhead
Gotigres: Yes Roughy
poido123: Luvit, stop trying to justify a poor pick. Try a different game
feralmong: noice titch. keep going.
SilverLion: On ya Titch
IKnowALL: Go to show that the tigers win over the Eagles at the G ment nothing at all..
feralmong: that’s a nice backup. bit pricey. u go more mid price?
heppelitis: when god gave out surnames he got rougheads correct
LuvIt74: @poido I don’t have roughy you inept fool follow the convo and quite trying to whinge ffs
SilverLion: Just give LeCras the downhill skiier icon already!
poolboybob: Yeo pumpkin
feralmong: hmm actually he’s not that much.
SilverLion: Also, legitimitely need a yo-yo icon for yeo.
valkorum: back to the game please
poido123: Luvit relax brother 🙂 feral, i went some midpricers. the rookies were very underwhelming
IKnowALL: Thank you Rough.
Gotigres: Go Roughy!
Gambino: 6 clangers yeo, should have just kept higgins
feralmong: Mark Le Escargot.
Jukes82: give roughy the vulture, he
CBeezDeez: Cmon Titch! Get in on the junk time!!!
Jukes82: give roughy the vulture, he’s feasting on the carcuss!
ballbag: roughy a massive 10 sc for his last 2 goals.
SilverLion: Cleaver for Shuey?
PieBoy: onya roughy
feralmong: understandable this year.
LuvIt74: poido im relaxed boy, its you who cannot help yourself by attacking others comments, roughy just proved the point. lol
feralmong: I had Kayne Turner and wanted something else. Some strange reason picked Matera.
northernstar: I’ve missed you all, just dropped by to say YO!
SilverLion: Big Boy BOG? Really? Surelly tith gets the 3 votes…
SilverLion: Big Boy BOG? Really? Surelly titch gets the 3 votes…
MarksMen: thats it roughy… keep going
LuvIt74: bloody hell at this rate roughy may still generate cash next week.
SilverLion: sorry for double post haha
feralmong: Matera did outscore turner by 5 pts. lol
heppelitis: dont worry ferak youre not the only one with matera cough cough
heppelitis: ferak lol…sorry feral
feralmong: So if I win my league by a couple pts its be the trade of the year. lol.
poido123: Genrating cash lol
feralmong: I think i just saw the numbers and got excited. Prematurely.
Bruce: Delicious play by Cyril Rioli!
northernstar: Would anyone like to hear am example of my sick sense of humour?
heppelitis: haha
SilverLion: Yo-yo for yeo, make it a thing
frenzy: lol hepp
Apachecats: Go for it ns
poido123: roughy is nowhere near some of those mark attempts
scrappers: why is roughys sc so low! less than jjk?
the worm: is scrappers carlton 99 under an alias?
feralmong: wtf is a freet monty. Google does not compute.
arbel: @scrappers… all his goals in junk time when it was game over
feralmong: doh ferret. soz.
Jukesy: Josh Hill 100% DE, what a superstar
carlton_99: @ The worm. HAHA aren’t u funny… not!
PLACEBOPIE: Bruce is pink….appropriate 😀
the worm: log out and bring scrappers back
fonzie: who would be a good upgrade option for vardy
wadaramus: Where’s the humour northernstar?
SilverLion: Only one player currently on an SC ton. Gunna be a heck of a lot of scaling in this one I’dve thought.
feralmong: suspense is killing me northerstar. out with it.
SilverLion: Atlas for Shuey
luke394: Roughy low cos of junk time goals scrappers
LuvIt74: @fonzie Anyone mate…lol
Ladbrokes_: cmon priddis ton up please baby
Breezey: Shuey will be coming to my team very soon.
feralmong: ok Monty ban northernstar for not talking. Oh wait its the same thing.
scrappers: everyone else is scoring quite well in junk time ! why are goals any different!
the worm: lol feral
ballbag: @feral why? there’s only 150 sc points left to distribute and games still on
feralmong: like a box of tissues Breezy?
LuvIt74: Titch u da man
mickelo: Hawks found the comeback trail
Breezey: Tissues??
SilverLion: Noooo titch’s first muppet.
scrappers: titch for star! big boy not!
luke394: because the game is already over and the players like Mitchell played well when the game was in the balance
feralmong: just my sick sense of humour breezy. pls ignore if not understood.
Migz: Shuey a great POD. 1% ownership. Shame about the 4 FA or would have cracked the ton again
LuvIt74: premature & tissues go together like apple pie and Cream…lol
JButcher: Should I trade out JPK to Shuey?
the spud: m0nty you spud, josh hill has played more than 100 games
shaker: I reckon the Blues could beat the Eagles at the G
feralmong: titch SC score is apple pie and cream.
Hadouken: classic west coast lol
LuvIt74: @butcher NO
the spud: getting your Hills mixed up
LuvIt74: @feral I was hoping Titch would score 134 to see me hit 1800 from 16 played
CamT: Hill’s 100th game for WCE
m0nty: hmm could have sworn it was him on the banner
JButcher: Stick with him LuvIt?
Ladbrokes_: Oh do I love you Priddis you scruffy old pupper. Should ton up with scaling, much appreciated 🙂
LuvIt74: well there goes my chance of tipping 9
LuvIt74: @butcher yes m8 stick with JPK for sure
LuvIt74: look at those who traded Hanners out.
PLACEBOPIE: Burton 87 while newman for swans not getting game 😀 rookie mistake
LuvIt74: JPK’s scores thus far are 134,89,107,113 & 91 thats quite good, he usually starts off worse
