frenzy: Danger you big C
awesomeguy: Anyone reckon stewart can get above 60 today?
Breezey: Early Kermit for Webster
circle52: Wouldn’t mind if Danger only got 100
circle52: All opponents have Danger C so opted for Pendles as a POD C
SilverLion: Lower Danger gets the better for me, still don’t have him. Gunna bring him in soon, hopeful cheap.
PLACEBOPIE: man of steele fly please
CBeezDeez: See Jelwood gettin those Eagle frees again already…
pcaman2003: Need big games from Danger,Steele and Tuohy
IKnowALL: I opted for Fyfes score through loophole, saying that I still think danger will get 120 there abouts.
Tommo2909: Need big games from Selwood, Parfitt, Stewart, Tuohy
thornz23: Yesss GHS repay the faith 😀
IKnowALL: Touhy loose man in defence.
Chelskiman: Lift, Danger. Opponent doesn’t have him so I need a massive one from you today.
circle52: @thornz pity he is on my bench in DT
colin wood: Come on capt Danger, piss off touhy and roo!
DrSeuss: Let’s go Steele and Tuohy – don’t stop now
pcaman2003: Got the C on Danger…needs to power up
Chelskiman: fuck off, Roo.
IKnowALL: Let’s go roo you gun
KOSY: lift danger!!!!!!
heppelitis: put a ping pong ball in scotts mouth….luna park clown
qiu333: danger will be cheap for me soon 🙂
SC_brAh: Steele and Tuohy superb!
qiu333: got roberton this week, gun
Chelskiman: Of course Danger does this when I actually need something from him. If my opp had him he would have gone 150.
thornz23: Lol I just typed something similar in a group chat Heppell.. I can’t stand Scott.. spends the whole game in disbelief
thornz23: And luckily circle, with all the outs this week I’ve kept him on field in DT and SC
pcaman2003: Give Danger time. Will score better next 3/4’s
IKnowALL: Danger will score.. Chill..
J_Herer: Danger injured again?
KOSY: @chel spent a lot of time up forward that quarter, went back into the guts in the last 3 mins, hopefully he stays there
DrSeuss: Of course my opponent has Aaron Black – on field
pcaman2003: Gotta love the tackling from Steele.Tackling beast like Libba.
IKnowALL: Thanks Steele, half ton SC already.
the worm: another respectable 90 this week from Dangerfield will be more than acceptable
LuvIt74: Black looks good and look to trade Pickett to Black after next week if he does ok
heppelitis: jack steven looks great today
circle52: Lift Parfitt – kept you on the field after SPP 55 you have to beat that.
Chelskiman: I wish I had kept Steven, but I did trade to Murphy and made some cash in the process.
the worm: after that punctured lung, to be back playing footy must feel like a breathe of fresh air to Steven
Chelskiman: Oh, worm.
heppelitis: bad call ump…realistic attempt
Chelskiman: Why do all my players seem to get penalised for stupid things. That wasn’t too running too far.
mardyb: i hear ya chelski
cusch1: What are the odds that Touhy finishes on 80
Snarfy: Yeah Chels, but doesnt Parfitt show potential!
circle52: Must be the rule this week Chelskiman as we have seen it pulled up a few times this round.
pcaman2003: Mr Steele,Tuohy and Danger..more,more,more!
Chelskiman: Roo has to be a mid/fwd next year. He basically lives on the wing these days.
KOSY: couple of shocker ump decisions so far
Chelskiman: Geelong getting destroyed by the umps.
heppelitis: yeah that was bad chelk
Breezey: What’s doing umpires
mardyb: classic square up
IKnowALL: You were saying Chelski? I think cats have had 3 his from umpires
mattmac24: These umps are the worst I’ve seen this year.
IKnowALL: Goals*
Bulky: So saying soft free is worthy of a 50 metre penalty. Pathetic!
heppelitis: soft bump instead of soft c… lol
pcaman2003: Umpires need a head smacking!
the worm: who said soft free to who?
Pokerface: i think the comms tamed it for tv bulky..
Breezey: I agree Heppelitis. That’s what the ump thought he said
Bulky: I was gonna say. Even if he did say soft c… Pathetic!
the worm: im prtty sure you cant give away a 50m for dissent if you keep your mouth shut
Zeratul: I thought he said soft c*nt ><
JButcher: Trust my opponent to have mackie, roberton, steven and roo
mardyb: so glad i went GHS instead of swallow
Pantsman: I expect a public apology after the game from Joey, speaking to rudely about bumps.
pcaman2003: Danger on 55,gets +3 then ends on 52?.Great maths!
the worm: maybe heath shaw can help him write it
IKnowALL: Kicked it out on the full mate. Was a clanger.
Pantsman: Well Heath Shaw has proven himself a cunning linguist, that’s for sure.
PLACEBOPIE: steele should have more sc points
the worm: i dont think he has ever proven that
ballbag: First there was the Spastic Society of Australia. That was not nice they claimed. Then they were called retards.
ballbag: Then it was changed to handicapped and now disabled. Soon they will be called normal and then finally Superior.
pcaman2003: @IKnowAll……Yep! I missed it. Thanks.
Pantsman: Yes, that’s clearly offensive ballbag. What if you were not Australian?
the worm: keep digging
SilverLion: Wouldn’t mind if Steele and Danger doubled their scores in the second half.
colin wood: Wouldn’t mind another 100 from here out Danger.
Pantsman: Extrapolation would say Steele & Danger are more likely to double their score than any other outcome.
bones351: i think the +/- is for DT pcaman.
J.Worrall: png time!
bones351: Add in Tuohy for me SilverLion!
bones351: Parfit and Stewartat least tripled please
SilverLion: @bones hah could live with that too I spose
heppelitis: agree J.Worrall
heppelitis: never had my name in purple
Raspel31: Pls stay down Danger-luvs you but didn’t cap you.
heppelitis: why is colin wood perma purple?
man0005: he’s marked as a troll
ballbag: he won the last ever PNG and is trapped in a time warp is the only explanation
Rebuild: Parfitt will be a good player but doesn’t look quite up to it yet
colin wood: I’m special. Leave me alone 🙂
heppelitis: steven in a time warp too..whats up with that hair?
KOSY: why is danger not in the midfield… looks sore moving around
Snarfy: His first Name is Alvin!
heppelitis: haha colin but why?
circle52: Just to keep up with Colin
man0005: Woweeee Lukey D
heppelitis: omg another one
9inch: 90sc would be good from Danger this week.
colin wood: Myself and circle are special, that’s all we can say 🙂
JRedden: roberton is amazing atm, and a huge POD
JButcher: Christ Duncan get a touch
Schillaci: My boy Roberton…keep going son.
circle52: I have Roberton in DT – Not usually SC friendly but proving opposite today.
SilverLion: Saddest part is, I can see Steele not tonning up from here.
bones351: Yeah I thought he would have got there last week SL. Tuohy has been a bit the same.
JockMcPie: Hope Parfitt outscores SPP
circle52: me to Jock – Left him on ground
JButcher: Stewart is going to outscore Duncan…
Gotigres: Go Stewart
9inch: Go Stewy. 90 out of you will help me big time this week.
SilverLion: Give Stewart the cape already!
shaker: Selwood in piggy mode today
Chelskiman: Been watching the Hawks game, what’s going on with Danger?
cusch1: i accidentally left hampton on the bench and fielded Stewart. I ain’t feeling as bad right now
wadaramus: Dangerpants killing teh C again this week.
pcaman2003: Just came back.Danger….WTF man?
faisca7: knew i should have captained stewart instead of danger
J_Herer: Danger injured?
SilverLion: faisca7, comment of the round right there haha
Straffo: danger is just a putrid kick
9inch: Bloody Selwood everywhere.
Pantsman: Duncan has fired up since you gave him a razz JButcher.
JButcher: Thank god @Pantsman
Rilian: 13 disposals for Selwood this quarter. Keep booing him though Saints retards.
SilverLion: So if Danger gets sub 100, does that lower the SC average for the round by like 80 points?
SilverLion: @Rilian Selwood gets bood for the way he plays. If he was as courageous as he makes out to be, if he was…
Breezey: Danger just running staying away from the ball.
Gott2Win: Selwood aiming for double figures in the ff column!
SilverLion: …he wouldn’t go looking for high frees every time he is tackled.
Gott2Win: Put Cam Guthrie on the long term injury list and bring in Zach!
ballbag: crouching velly heppy with dangers sc
shaker: Calling Selwood soft is laughable
Rilian: @SilverLion Are you even watching the game? Possibly only one of the frees not there.Missed his mark against flight F50?
SilverLion: @Rilian Not saying this game specifically mate, just in general. A lot of people dislike it. Only flaw in his game IMO
poido123: stay low danger. another 90 would be good
Rilian: PS. It’s not looking for frees, it’s putting head over the ball, which does take courage. Only one eyed opp fans miss it
Pokerface: when does he ‘make out to be courageous’? he just gets on with it
Breezey: If Danger’s injured then he’ll probably
Rilian: How can it be a flaw when it’s his style of play and rewarded most courageous by peers each year for it? Doesn’t appeal.
SilverLion: Bending the knees when he feels a tackle coming… And yup he does PF, which is why its sad that he goes looking for…
SilverLion: …cheap frees.
Breezey: If Danger’s injured then he will probably be rested against one of the weaker teams like Hawthorn or Sydney
zadolinnyj: danger was like this at the crows. bash his body too much in early games
Rilian: You’re allowed to attempt to break a tackle. Don’t have to bend over and take up a** like you might.
SilverLion: GHS stopped that quarter.
Pokerface: lol breezey
Snarfy: I played against a bloke in the 90’s who whenever he got touched went straight to his knees. So many cheap frees.
SilverLion: last thing I’ll say on the matter is that it ain’t a coicidence he had 50 odd more high frees than anyone else over…
Pokerface: what, does he walk around saying ‘im couragous’. how does he do it lion??
LuvIt74: If Danger was injured surly they wouldn’t risk a player of his quality.
SilverLion: ..the last 5 years. I hate it when Matho and Bundy do it too, not a good look.
benzammit: Selwood has got some Rey cheap free kicks 3in Q1 were appualing
JockMcPie: Big quarter Roo please
luke394: Another quiet one from Danger always take the 120 VC
SilverLion: But bias opinions will be bias opinions
Snarfy: His nickname was peasant. We used to mock him. While you’re down there….
Rilian: The same coincidence is that he’s voted most courageous each year by peers, and has most contested possessions today.
Rilian: Feel free to actually watch this game, show one example of ducking &/or reason you wouldn’t want on your team. BOG atm.
SilverLion: @Rilian And good on him for it 🙂
Chelskiman: Yes! Danger!
Rilian: Yeah, he must get that from ducking. Just a wonder why Puopolo doesn’t get the same recognition for it, if all it takes.
benzammit: Yeah your right he is courageous, but gets cheap kicks, as well as hard ones
LuvIt74: @luke when I said always take your VC 120+ score 2 weeks ago, u said u always put the C on Danger and forget about it.
SilverLion: Gee ya say a bloke has one flaw in his game and youd swaer I said hes a flog
LuvIt74: @Luke change of heart now mate?
SilverLion: Steele and Stewart going backwards…
faisca7: selwood is worse than lindsay thomas
Gotigres: Stewart going backwards now.
benzammit: If you get time lookat Q1, and open both eyes, not just a one eyed view pls.
Blaknight: Why did I take the C off Selwood….
Pokerface: you said ‘he acts as if he is so courageous’.
poido123: shutup about selwood.
LuvIt74: Last week and this week is a prime example why people shouldn’t play Greedy with their loophole VC thats the whole point
pcaman2003: Another 40 pts Danger….you can do it.
pcaman2003: C’mon Steele…..get moving!
Snarfy: A bit of advice. Got Laird, Otten and Hampton. Want to remove one for the bye rd. Who do you recommend?
JockMcPie: Roo outscore Danger!! Cmon…
Gotigres: wtf Stewart
SC_brAh: obviously not laird…
the worm: lol, lindsay thomas is in a class of his own
StuL: Woeful umpiring
SilverLion: PF, he gets all the accolades and recognition for being so, when he goes looking for cheap frees which contradict that.
SilverLion: @Snarfy Hampton
man0005: Trade out laird imo
Rilian: Yeah, umpiring terrible both ways. First half was worst, but feels like going to be difference one way or other this 1/4
Pokerface: so how does he act as if he is? he doesn’t promote it. as Riley said, its his peers that do, not him.
colin wood: Stewart was 61 now is 48 sc?
ballbag: I’m patenting Jelwood Surgess headbands if you wanna buy 1
SilverLion: Brilliant -13 quarter so far from Stewart
heppelitis: haha man0005
Pokerface: every game colin. learn how sc works
HawkAussie: Dangerfield don’t get 100 please.
man0005: Bad question deserves bad answer
colin wood: Is CD taking points off players again and adding bonus ones to certain players again?? Oh so cute this…
SC_brAh: steele bro…
Yelse: why did i not stick with fyfe as VC nd went danger
heppelitis: geez steven score bit deflated (dad joke)
colin wood: Pokerface I know how it works brother. CD play favs been happening for years.
Pokerface: your tin foil hat is rather tight today colin.
SilverLion: Give Steele the petrol gauge…
Yelse: steele lift FML
Chelskiman: Danger smashing it this quarter!
Pokerface: years of play and you still dont understand junk points v clutch points scaling late in the game
fonzie: cape for danger
DrSeuss: Steele stopped…keep going young fella
Gotigres: Yes Danger
JockMcPie: Shouldda gone Danger as C….goddammit
Straffo: will get 40 sc for that one will danger
Pokerface: its one big conspiracy colin!!
Gotigres: Get to 70 Stewart
pcaman2003: C’mon Steele and Tuohy…keep moving along
mattmac24: They take points off players that have stopped and give them to players playing well
Chelskiman: Damn, Roo is back on. Really need him to not score for the rest of the game.
mattmac24: It’s so they don’t go over the 3300 total points mark
SilverLion: Black will be very popular in a couple of weeks
frenzy: bluemoon Black
runners47: Agree with you pcaman2003 – it’s a rare joy to have both of them firing on the same weekend
Pokerface: zombie blic
runners47: Danger a chance of doubling his points total in one qtr
DragonLass: not so sure about Black’s JS though
JButcher: Thank you Duncan!
fonzie: star for sellwood
heppelitis: thumping kick by stewart
Pokerface: gun danger
JockMcPie: NRoo do Something!!!!
ballbag: x factor danger
CamT: Dager doing a Sandi
CamT: *Danger
Apachecats: Danger was 62SC at 3/4 time.
circle52: Common Parfitt another 2 points in the last few minutes please
frenzy: nice jelwood, very nice indeed
colin wood: Good boy Paddy. (Hope that comment is alright for you to take in Poker)
SilverLion: Ying Yang for Danger
pcaman2003: Shame Danger didn’t do this all game
SC_brAh: steele nice drop..
Jukesy: Garbage bin for Danger
mardyb: excellent call taking parfitt over SPP
pcaman2003: Steele disappointing 2nd half.A flop!
frenzy: one fiddy
Pokerface: lol mardyb
Gotigres: I’m happy with your 2nd half Steele given i don’t have you.
Rilian: 42 touches Selwood (pb 43). Gee those umpires are good to get him there… /sarcasm
frenzy: yep jelwood started another season slow
Chelskiman: Anyone C Selwood?
Gotigres: Steele made of lead
Blaknight: I took the C off Jelwood 5 mins before game….
ballbag: WTF?? jelwood 175 DT??? holy fuck batman!!
Tommo2909: Was going to C Selwood but put it on Kennedy for WCE
SilverLion: @Rilian The complete player *rolls eyes*
Rilian: @SilverLion He’s no Mitch Robinson, Brisbane B&F Winner…
