KOSY: chances of bont coping a heavy tag from robinson and spudding up? would love a price drop
J.Worrall: Woof woof!
tbrowne: come on rocky back to back pls
tbrowne: come on rocky back to back pls
zadolinnyj: Good on ya bob
Chelskiman: Bob = Legend. Give him the heart from the start!
circle52: here we go deliberate early
zadolinnyj: Correct chelski
Blaknight: Brisbane will loose because of the deliberate rule. Cost us against St.Kilda
zadolinnyj: Sc can’t be correct. Step mark. Two good handballs and a pressured kick
JButcher: Another 150 would be nice Rocky
Pokerface: yeah, cos thats the reason you lose Blaknight…
zadolinnyj: *stef
Pokerface: he has two muppets already zad.
circle52: Why was not that play on from Wood
Chelskiman: Need a monster score from Dahlhaus today.
zadolinnyj: Makes sense to me poker
shaker: 2 clangers and a free kick against looks ok to me
IKnowALL: Yes Martin being robbed
duckky: Hi all – new here
Blaknight: Its is Poker. lol
Pokerface: lol blak
Pokerface: Hi duckky
shaker: Hey duckky
zadolinnyj: @shaker the two handballs hit targets. The other was a kick which did not. That’s why I’m questioning. 2 changers have n
IKnowALL: The bont got a clanger against so he should get a neg 4 if CD are playing this correctly
StuL: Doesnt mean much yet but stinkers from martin and rocky would be nice.
zadolinnyj: Not occured
circle52: Welcome duckky
zadolinnyj: Welcome duckkky
luke394: Bont has lost 8 points so far for a clanger and FA
poido123: You are such a flog Iknowall. have a cry
shaker: Can only comment on what I see zad
duckky: Thanks
IKnowALL: Yes but then gains 8 points for a handball receive an kick that didn’t even go inside 50
zadolinnyj: Sc stats guys are terrible this year
m0nty: Linconceivable.
zadolinnyj: Easy poido123.
luke394: just get him in your team Iknowall then u can stop whinging
gloryboy: Bont biase, he’d never clanger
Ben_Gogos: Muppet alert for Jong after that horrible miss from 20!
zadolinnyj: Usually good Monty but that one was terrible
StuL: If you dont like losing to bont you better get him in.
shaker: In fine form early m0nty
Kernahan: Wassup peeps! Reckon Rocky won’t ton up today!
Pokerface: iknowall you come on every game and complain cos you don’t understand sc. you should be called i knowsweetfall
IKnowALL: Agree
luke394: finally macrae looking like a good one
StuL: Nice macrae. Go son
poido123: lol pokerface
gloryboy: Such a shame that hit the post
poido123: go bont. make the tears flow
zadolinnyj: Anyone know who’s following rocky?
luke394: dogs chopping it in front of goal
luke394: no-one Zado he’s just been quiet I think
Pokerface: anyone else riding vc dahl?
StuL: Yeo will spud it up this week too.
duckky: yikes – my opponent has Hipwood
SC_brAh: Sc martin 3 pts? Ok the mobile can take see FAs etc
JRedden: this is why we never have big wins
zadolinnyj: Yep poker.
Pokerface: good start zad
StuL: Still happy with c on danger, set and forget. Plus no.
KOSY: yeah poker
gloryboy: Libba started on rocky
zadolinnyj: He tends to build as well. I had him vc first round but he struggled so first time since
zadolinnyj: Ta glory
JockMcPie: Go Brisbane!
zadolinnyj: *round 1
zadolinnyj: Feels like I’m watching vfl with the dogs jumpers
PLACEBOPIE: boyd dud 😀
circle52: Dogd kicking keeping us in the game
Pokerface: dogs have not looked like a finals team at all this season yet
Chelskiman: Did not expect this 1/4 time score.
shaker: Dogs will be fine come the pointy end
tbrowne: Rooocky what a lift son
ballbag: dogs doing great. still winning with their arse hangin out their pants and playing like dogs
zadolinnyj: Can’t believe the disposal with the roof closed at Etihad
luke394: dogs should be 4 goals up they missed so many easy shots
sfmmp23: Vc bont, Macrae, Dahl and Beams. So far so good
MQuimby: hunter -7 lol
circle52: Compare the Stats for Stef and Bont not a lot of difference but 13 SC points difference,
Blaknight: Ive gone Martinb VC, Have Rocky, Beams, Dahl and Bont
circle52: I have gone Martin VC as well
KOSY: yeah its frustrating circle, give treloar the same numbers and his sitting next to hunter. just glad i have him
gloryboy: Where did rocky come from?
man0005: pretty sure he was born in NSW?
circle52: Hope the Boys can keep this up for 4 quarters
IKnowALL: Lions have some real positive signs ahead of them.
Pokerface: kosy thats cos treloar is a butcher
PLACEBOPIE: bullseye brisbane
zadolinnyj: Butchers apprentice is treloar.
Pokerface: this is amazing
Pokerface: anyone who piled into the 1.05 about bulldogs is feeling pretty ill about now
luke394: a few dogs players weren’t real desperate in the goal square then
KOSY: yeah no doubt poker
zadolinnyj: Brisbane have been finishing games strong as well
man0005: Why exactly did Hawthorn trade Suckling?
poido123: I would never bet on a football game at 1.05. terrible
feralmong: dont fall asleep beams and macrae.
PLACEBOPIE: robbo will only appear at 4th qtr if they come back….softy
Pokerface: i feel some sense of normality seeing a dawson on -4 sc though
Pokerface: lol man
zadolinnyj: Freeing cash for vickery man0005
Ben_Gogos: Cox is really struggling today
NiKsTa92: If anything man0005, their list managers are all on drugs if you’ve seen their recent trades
DrSeuss: Let’s go Macrae
Chelskiman: Wow, the kicking by the Dogs is getting worse.
shaker: Liam might even be better than the great Zac
PLACEBOPIE: barrett scored 160sc in neafl last week should be back next week 🙂
man0005: Will the Lions change a winning combination though?
StuL: Anyone would think they want to flog white king
Pokerface: placebopie be hard to change a winning side if brissie get up here
circle52: Dawson scored 122 in same game
PLACEBOPIE: he was emergency today and last week they got smashed
Pokerface: shaker – that was his third kick for his third clanger. i think you are on to something
PLACEBOPIE: dawson out 😀
shaker: Must be windy down the Dogs end
heppelitis: Target for their whole team Ben?
zadolinnyj: Nothing in that
heppelitis: oops..i jinxed them
PLACEBOPIE: boo point
man0005: target for everyone except Hipwood
Chelskiman: “Cox popping up” lmao
JockMcPie: Matty Boyd having a shocking year
Pokerface: hipwood looks like rafa nadal
PLACEBOPIE: but the goals keep coming
Chelskiman: Wowee
gloryboy: Go u lions
zadolinnyj: Brisbane playing darts
feralmong: I got biggs, cox and suckling in this one.
IKnowALL: Hahahaha damn the lions on fire
Chelskiman: This is madness!
Pokerface: good to see the dogs lift for Bobby’s 300th
Pokerface: where is king robbo. he only pops up when they are winning
J.Worrall: Suckling Bigs Cox?
StuL: Bris making to look easy.
gloryboy: VC beams
Chelskiman: Lol, fera.
StuL: Bris making it look easy.
MQuimby: this game….
luke394: I don’t even go for the dogs and this is annoying me haha
Ben_Gogos: Are we witnessing a Lions wet dream? Surely this isn’t reality…
feralmong: meanwhile back at the ranch. cmon dogs.
Kernahan: Lol @ Worrell
Pokerface: nice glory
feralmong: bev is waxing his surfboard. may as well.
GJayBee: Dogs doing it for murph!
feralmong: jmac time on ground sucks big balls.
Pokerface: premiership hangover is a doozy
GJayBee: Eddy, get a Fagan!
JockMcPie: Called it last week, Dog supporters hide when losing
GJayBee: heroan was meant to be Fagan
PLACEBOPIE: they go away and cry 😀
berniebern: How Biggs gets a game after being in the cans is beyond me
Pokerface: indeed jock
zadolinnyj: Umpires gotta pay those marks
StuL: Settle down rocky. Ok needed rocky
GJayBee: Not sure why auto correct is changing the surname of the Brisbane Bears coach?
feralmong: hehe GJ can’t name the coach. lol.
GJayBee: Bernie, what do you mean ‘in the cans’
PLACEBOPIE: we in fergy time now
StuL: Soft boyd. Terrible effort
Costanza: Zorkman
Jukes82: wouldn’t surprise me if the doggies kicked 8 goals in the 3rd.
feralmong: first 3 letters GJ. There it is.
tbrowne: tommy rockliff definitely has the VC on himself today! keep getting that pill son
shaker: Coach won’t have his players dissin Bob on his milestone big come back second half
PLACEBOPIE: suprised easton is spare man and only 2 marks
MQuimby: i honestly reckon zorko is lions best player
Blaknight: So far happy with the Rocky trade in this week.
luke394: has Bont kicked 2 behinds?
circle52: Agree Blakknight wonder whether teams will start to put some work into him.
KOSY: his second one didnt make the distance and was punched through? maybe counts as a rushed B
circle52: sorry meant @MQuimby
berniebern: On the cans @GJayBee. His instahram is full of it
frenzy: earth to m0nty, come in m0nty
Chelskiman: Is just me, or is chat/scores not loading?
shaker: Everyone is gone even the players 🙁
BestCoast: Scores ??
feralmong: hmm is it all busted
shaker: hello
september: Cha Ching a ding a ling
JockMcPie: we’re back!
GJayBee: good to hear berniebern!
KOSY: mines back up and running just now
boo!: did you stop pedalling minty?
SC_brAh: wow bont’s score killing me (efficiency fail)
Chelskiman: We back, boys!
circle52: umps brought dogs back into it 2/1 fk ration BS
heppelitis: Gogosmobil up and running again
boo!: libba scoring higher sc than bont
HarleyL: is bont really only on 55? dammit !
JockMcPie: Bont’s low, good. Price drop, look to get him in later
HarleyL: boyd might ton up!
SC_brAh: need bont to get 122 at least 🙁
HarleyL: not sure if L.Dawson or Z.Dawson
luke394: of course the week I bring Bont in
poido123: that bont score doesnt look right.
LuvIt74: Dogs accuracy today is deplorable
luke394: na I think its right poido
Fizzy343: more like bont finally getting the score he deserves
desmondo: LOL Maybe it`s the weather?
KOSY: poido, hes running at 58 DE with 5 clangers and 2 FA looks about right unfortunately
9inch: The only week my opp don’t have Bont
shaker: People complain when he scores good now when he scores bad?
poido123: look at all these sour non bont owners. if you were sh.itty with his scores, why not own him?
StuL: 15 possies in the last pls bont. Doh
the worm: people just complain
Ash777: premos generally score big in last qtrs
LuvIt74: With a 58% Disposal efficiency that score is correct, it shows the BONT is human.
IKnowALL: Exactly what I was thinking, @Fizzy343
Chelskiman: Keep going, Dahl! Another quarter like that would be fantastic.
luke394: Stoked with Dahl and Macrae though they have been great picks so far
Pokerface: bulldogs look like winning now. expect dog fans to start logging in
LuvIt74: I brought the bont when Gawn was Gawn.
JockMcPie: VC on dahl, keep it up son
Death: 38% kicking efficiency for Bont according to fantasy freako
BestCoast: Bont allowed one lazy week the guy is a ball magnet
CBeezDeez: Hi good FF folk! Sny1 tell me if DT is full? Or Partial lockout please? Looks like i missed the boat…
SC_brAh: bont junk it up please get 110
poido123: bonts SC floating higher doing nothing
Wends: Nice one capt. Rocky. Afternoon all.
Pokerface: hardly junk braAh
Tommo2909: Was going to trade Roughy to Dahl this week but decided to hold for one more week. Of course Dahl goes nuts
JockMcPie: Oh Rocky I nearly started you, but you’re made of glass…
feralmong: hmm dogs might lose this
luke394: I think he had a tackle poido
Wends: Cbeez RDT is full lockout.
Heater: Roughy to Mcrae for me this week. So far paying off..
BestCoast: Pigkliff having another day out.
CBeezDeez: Thnx Wendz. Bit harsh with Mon/Tue games b
luke394: that was effective for Bont retard Jong dropped it
jaypeee: i did roughy to dahlhouse Heater.
chris7399: Bont to kick match-winner and get 50sc points ala Bartel
BestCoast: &CBeezDeez totally agree
Fizzy343: these sour bont owners though
Heater: Glad I had Dahl from the start, jaypee
zadolinnyj: Zorko very good
SC_brAh: @chris7399 hope you’re right lol
mattmac24: Vc Murph didn’t go well so why not Captain Dahl!
jaypeee: yea my team is a shambles this year. so many correctional trades still to make.
BestCoast: I am a Bont owner far from sour Fizzy343
the worm: what makes you say that zado?
Wends: Agreed CBeez. RDT inexplicably going old school this week, after rolling lockout over Easter.
Wends: lol fizzy 🙂
luke394: im sour because I was tossing up between Bont and Rocky to bring in so always gonna happen whoever u bring in
Ben_Gogos: Bont lining up now 😉
JButcher: Cmon Macrae
poido123: kick it bont. straight through thew middle!
SC_brAh: BONT going for goal?
JockMcPie: Cmon Dahl and Beams, don’t stop
poido123: yeeeeaahhh baby
zadolinnyj: His ability to accumulate possessions and hit the scoreboard
LuvIt74: Dogs need Roughy back coz there getting killed in the ruck
Death: the fact its a close game means anyone can boost their score massively with clutch goal or 2
Pokerface: how was bont left completely alone there
CBeezDeez: I’m hearin ya’z. At least i have all on field but was gonna grab Sloaney this week. 150 from him jowvI guess…
the worm: ah, i hadnt noticed, i only saw the 133 next to his name and the gun
CBeezDeez: Now*
LuvIt74: WTF Nedal is playing AFL now? lol
zadolinnyj: Was talking in general worm but thanks for the captain obvious
mattmac24: Dahl.. You’re going backwards mate.. Please stop doing that 🙁
BestCoast: Go lions
HawkTalker: How many people have Libba? lol
Death: Bont will get another late goal you watch
SC_brAh: go to bont ffs
SC_brAh: need 3 more goals from bont
JockMcPie: Beams and Dahl have gone backwards…?
Death: Doen’t everyone have Dahl? Makes his performance is largely irrelevant.
HarleyL: Dalh dead!
BestCoast: Zorko the magnificent strikes again
luke394: Rich what a flog
Wends: muppet rich
HarleyL: dalh alive !
CBeezDeez: Rich showing his footy intelligence onde afain!
BestCoast: @luke394 Rich is flog of flogs
JockMcPie: Yes Dahl!!
HarleyL: what a game !
JockMcPie: Jarrod Berry been really disappointing…
the worm: forgive me zad, please pay me no mind
mattmac24: Death, I’ve got him as captain. His score is relevant to me
CBeezDeez: Once again*
cobrakai00: Umpires clearly favouring dogs
BestCoast: Have you been drinking CBeez
zadolinnyj: All good
luke394: lol Bestcoach
Wends: Macrae has been a sigh of relief in SC fwd line so far this year. Set n forget.
Wends: *sign. Cheers CBeez.
luke394: so happy with Macrae
BestCoast: @Wends definitely
Pokerface: not when he is vc Death
HarleyL: @Wends 100 % agree. love him !
circle52: Agree cobraka –
whafc: from free kick hawthorn to free kick bulldogs
luke394: cmon Bont kick the winner
the worm: sigh made sense
CBeezDeez: Useless tablet keyboard Bestie! Or the muppett drivin it! LoL
Ash777: lol umps favoring dogs yet lions with most frees so far this qtr
Heater: Next goal wins…???
circle52: Just evening up the other 3 quarters
circle52: Still 7 behind in the count and 4 50’s to 1. wew should have had another
Wends: *actually sigh. cheers bestcoast 🙂 Yes Harley, so good to have atleast 1 player to not obsess over…
LuvIt74: Dogs defence is phenomenal, very tired players out there
StuL: Poor old bears. Close but never quite good enough
KOSY: gutted for the lions at the moment.. they deserve this game
BestCoast: @CBeez I am the worst offender when I comes to typos
cobrakai00: Who cares dogs won’t get close this year
JockMcPie: Dog supporters coming out of the shadows now?
zadolinnyj: Whoever is on Johan man up will ya
faisca7: Brissys top 4 players would beat all other clubs top 4 players
luke394: If the lions deserved it KOSY they would win they had the half of their lives
Seb78: Why is johannisen score going backwards lol
PieBoy: onya macraey
Ash777: circle the free count must be even guy
Pokerface: lol Ash you are the one who first used the free kick count as a defence
luke394: Rocky stopped thankgod
BestCoast: I need a beer for the thirst of a thousand camels
LuvIt74: Wheres Robbo
zadolinnyj: Look how many dogs have scored. All but 6
Wends: Rocky stone dead. Can’t complain abt his score though.
the worm: rocky never stops
BestCoast: Where does it say free kick count has to be even
LuvIt74: Those who were crazy enough to start without Dahlhaus & macrae in their forwards will be hurting
Freobby: why does berry have the $ symbol, he’s lost money at 214k..
the worm: not in western australia thats for sure
BestCoast: Well paid those umps the worm lol
CBeezDeez: Here’s cheers Bestie! Gotta watch out for those camel fleas tho mate.
Pokerface: @the worm – excellent 🙂
luke394: what a kick from Bont lol
JockMcPie: How much does Dahl need for the VC loop?
Costanza: the Bont bunt
jaypeee: I’m the crazy one LUvit74…..very very crazy
SC_brAh: not happy bont…
PieBoy: onya jongy
Heater: Beams, Dahl, Mcrae, Martin = happy with those scores!
Chelskiman: Zorko is such a beast. Would be a great POD.
IKnowALL: Thanks Martin, oh an you too bont 🙂
HawkTalker: would’ve loved a tonne from the Bont
KOSY: beams went nuts with 6 or 7 touches in the last 5 minutes but score didnt move???
Wends: @Luvit have Mac in SC and Dahl in RDT – cldn’t bring myself to double up, biggest 2017 regret so far.
feralmong: nice beams and jmac. happy with 100+
LuvIt74: 120+ as VC ALWAYS take it, don’t play greedy, last week was a prime example
luke394: if thats Bont’s quiet game your pretty happy I reckon not gonna score 120 every week
